I had a request recently to provide a count of devices assigned to a particular System organizer, per Group organizer. An example:
Group1 has 2 Routers that are each in the System organizer of "Routers", and 4 Switches each in the System organizer of "Switches"
Group2 has 1 Router in the System organizer of "Routers", and one Server in the System organizer of "Servers"
I needed a zendmd script that would output a list like this:
Routers: 2
Switches: 4
Routers: 1
Servers: 1
and so on.
I posed this question to the irc chat room and rmatte came up with this
for g in dmd.Groups.getSubOrganizers():
groupcount = {}
for d in g.getSubDevices():
if d.getSystemNames():
groupcount[d.getSystemNames()[0].split('/')[1]] = groupcount[d.getSystemNames()[0].split('/')[1]] + 1
except KeyError:
groupcount[d.getSystemNames()[0].split('/')[1]] = 1
print "%s:" % (g.id)
for a, b in groupcount.iteritems():
print " %s: %s" % (a, b)
print ""
This works perfectly for my needs. With rmatte's blessing, I'm dropping it here so it can help out some other folks as well.