Submitted by: phonegi (David Buler)
This is a ZenPack that can be used by developers to programatically make graphs in a template invisible. It adds a visible property to a GraphDef and then modifies the RRDView.getDefaultGraphDefs() method so that only graphDefs with the visible property set to True are returned.
For example, after installing this ZenPack, this graphDef (viewed in Zope) has a visible property:
With visible set to True for this Temperature - Celsius graph, the graph is displayed:
By changing the visible property to False, the graph is no longer displayed:
Installation Requirements:
- Zenoss Versions Supported: 3.0+
- External Dependencies: None
- ZenPack Dependencies: None
- Installation Notes: zopectl restart after installing this ZenPack.
- Configuration:
Change History:
- 1.0 initial release
Tested: This ZenPack was tested with version 3.03.
Known issues: This ZenPack does not modify MultiGraph Reports. This is intentional and by design. It is assumed that if a graph has been included in a report, there is no need to make it invisible.