Note that this log is currently incomplete. We are attempting to get access to the rmainder of the log.
[01-Feb-2011 00:00:40] [connected at Tue Feb 1 00:00:40 2011]
[01-Feb-2011 00:00:56] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[01-Feb-2011 00:02:41] <dom_> \
[01-Feb-2011 02:47:00] fOrsberg is now known as forsberg
[01-Feb-2011 04:59:58] <wobblyonions_> Hi all
[01-Feb-2011 05:10:15] <wobblyonions_> anyone awake this evening
[01-Feb-2011 05:28:33] <zykes-> wobblyonions: .
[01-Feb-2011 05:55:15] <Wu> hi guys
[01-Feb-2011 05:55:36] <Wu> could anybody point me to some examples on the regexp needed to monitor processes in 3.0.x?
[01-Feb-2011 05:55:38] <Wu> docs/DOC-9494
[01-Feb-2011 05:55:42] <Wu> I was reading that
[01-Feb-2011 05:55:59] <Wu> but seems that using only the process name in the regexp field does not work
[01-Feb-2011 05:57:36] <kokey> i wonder how much work it will be for me to make the event views portlet work in 3.0.3
[01-Feb-2011 07:48:40] bzed_ is now known as bzed
[01-Feb-2011 08:48:15] <eekz> hello a;;
[01-Feb-2011 08:48:47] <eekz> i'm looking for a solution for this error: zipimport.ZipImportError: can't decompress data; zlib not available
[01-Feb-2011 08:49:09] <eekz> it occurs when i want to run tasks like zenpass (admin pass reset)
[01-Feb-2011 08:49:21] <Sam-I-Am> do you have 'unzip' installed?
[01-Feb-2011 08:50:21] <eekz> Sam-I-Am: r u talking to me?
[01-Feb-2011 08:50:43] <Sam-I-Am> yep
[01-Feb-2011 08:50:48] <eekz> Sam: Yes, its installed
[01-Feb-2011 08:51:11] <Sam-I-Am> and zlib?
[01-Feb-2011 08:51:21] <eekz> Sam: zlib is installed too
[01-Feb-2011 08:51:23] <Sam-I-Am> wouldnt think that error would come up with zenpass... more like zenpack
[01-Feb-2011 08:51:39] <kokey> this must be one of the worst days to tackle writing a portlet
[01-Feb-2011 08:51:48] <kokey> i seem to be a bit tired
[01-Feb-2011 08:51:49] <eekz> Sam: It seems Python doesn't find zlib
[01-Feb-2011 08:51:56] <Sam-I-Am> also, make sure you're doing zenoss things as the zenoss user
[01-Feb-2011 08:51:57] <kokey> and it's the most chatty everyone has been at the office for a long time
[01-Feb-2011 08:52:09] <eekz> Sam: I am doing it as the Zenoss user
[01-Feb-2011 08:52:20] <kokey> not the best day to try absorb so much stuff
[01-Feb-2011 08:52:37] <eekz> Sam: here is my forum post thread/15436?tstart=0
[01-Feb-2011 08:53:18] <Sam-I-Am> theres definitely a problem with your install
[01-Feb-2011 08:54:03] <Sam-I-Am> the rpm method generally works too...
[01-Feb-2011 08:54:20] <Sam-I-Am> thats what i used, on centos, and didnt have any python issues
[01-Feb-2011 08:54:21] <eekz> Sam: the only thing I have done is install Zenpacks since the Zenoss install
[01-Feb-2011 08:54:39] <Sam-I-Am> did it work before those zenpacks?
[01-Feb-2011 08:55:35] <eekz> Sam: I didn't check, never did anything on cli before after install
[01-Feb-2011 08:55:54] <eekz> -before
[01-Feb-2011 08:56:32] <eekz> this comes as a surprise to me, I just wanted to reset the admin pass
[01-Feb-2011 08:56:48] <Sam-I-Am> sometimes installing an incompatible zenpack can create strange problems
[01-Feb-2011 08:56:58] <Sam-I-Am> did you make sure yours were compatible with 3.x?
[01-Feb-2011 08:57:22] <eekz> I might have failed to check once and tried to install an old one
[01-Feb-2011 08:58:33] <eekz> but of course that zenpack didn't work and I found out faily quickly it was for an older version
[01-Feb-2011 08:58:52] <eekz> so now I'm running various 3.x compatible ones
[01-Feb-2011 08:59:45] <Sam-I-Am> did you uninstall it?
[01-Feb-2011 09:00:52] <eekz> it didn't install in the first place
[01-Feb-2011 09:01:10] <Sam-I-Am> well, sorta.. sometimes they kinda do and just make a mess
[01-Feb-2011 09:02:26] <eekz> can I have faith in backing up my data and restoring it into a clean Zenoss?
[01-Feb-2011 09:03:10] <eekz> ok thats a bit of a silly question, I will check the documentation
[01-Feb-2011 09:03:11] <Sam-I-Am> possibly. i'm not too familiar with the backup/restore system
[01-Feb-2011 09:03:29] <csabo> MONEY.. get away
[01-Feb-2011 09:03:35] <csabo> Get a good job with more pay
[01-Feb-2011 09:05:58] <eekz> its such a shame since the monitoring is going so well
[01-Feb-2011 09:07:05] <eekz> isn't compiling python yourself -not done- if you use the RPM method?
[01-Feb-2011 09:11:58] <Sam-I-Am> zenoss uses its own python stuff that installs with the rpms
[01-Feb-2011 09:13:21] * Sam-I-Am heads into work
[01-Feb-2011 09:13:34] <Sam-I-Am> (through the blizzard)
[01-Feb-2011 09:13:34] <eekz> thanks mate
[01-Feb-2011 09:18:24] <csabo> eekz: when you use the zenoss installers, its a self contained environment
[01-Feb-2011 09:18:35] <csabo> eekz: thats why you have the /usr/local/zenoss/zenoss folder
[01-Feb-2011 09:18:54] <csabo> everything it needs is self contained, so updating the system should have zero effect on your zenoss
[01-Feb-2011 09:21:06] <eekz> csabo: thats what i guessed, so my chances of fixing my install are limited
[01-Feb-2011 09:21:48] <eekz> csabo: i will create a fresh install, restore a backup to it and hopefully it will be ok. i hope i don't have to reinstall all my zenpacks
[01-Feb-2011 09:22:49] <axelilly> morning zenners
[01-Feb-2011 09:26:44] <zykes-> has anyone here done event correalation of auth events ?
[01-Feb-2011 09:27:26] <axelilly> zykes-: auth from what kind of source?
[01-Feb-2011 09:27:45] <zykes-> axelilly: any kind of
[01-Feb-2011 09:27:53] <zykes-> zen events
[01-Feb-2011 09:28:08] <axelilly> zykes-: I haven't yet.
[01-Feb-2011 09:28:20] <axelilly> zykes-: I some point I will with my RADIUS servers
[01-Feb-2011 09:29:18] <zykes-> ok
[01-Feb-2011 09:29:53] <zykes-> anyways, python library for interacting with the zenoss json stuff is done if someone needs a thing like it
[01-Feb-2011 09:37:32] * axelilly is pleased, figured out my SNMP problem.
[01-Feb-2011 09:37:55] <axelilly> Make note: Always include the index number even if there is only one object. Index = 0
[01-Feb-2011 09:48:49] <csabo> alright i need some help
[01-Feb-2011 09:49:06] <rmatte> zykes-: I'd be interested in taking a look at that at some point
[01-Feb-2011 09:49:06] <csabo> finding MIB packs for IBM x series and "System P" hardware
[01-Feb-2011 09:49:15] <csabo> i'm lost on IBMs site
[01-Feb-2011 09:49:27] <rmatte> csabo: IBM's site is a disaster
[01-Feb-2011 09:49:29] <csabo> i tried manually browsing the FTP didnt work
[01-Feb-2011 09:49:35] <csabo> yes it is
[01-Feb-2011 09:49:59] <csabo> any ideas
[01-Feb-2011 09:50:01] <rmatte> also, does IBM even have software that provides hardware details via SNMP?
[01-Feb-2011 09:50:05] <rmatte> I've never seen any myself
[01-Feb-2011 09:51:23] <csabo> yes
[01-Feb-2011 09:51:31] <csabo> systems director i'm sure does but im not paying for it they can eff off
[01-Feb-2011 09:51:38] <csabo> i'm building an agent for tivoli monitoring to do it
[01-Feb-2011 09:51:39] <kokey> what's a good way to make something run a check only once per day but make sure that once is during office hours?
[01-Feb-2011 09:51:42] <csabo> however i need the OIDs
[01-Feb-2011 09:51:53] <csabo> kokey: ? what
[01-Feb-2011 09:51:58] <csabo> i'm going to say cron
[01-Feb-2011 09:52:04] <csabo> but i dont know what the hell youre actually asking
[01-Feb-2011 09:52:17] <kokey> i'm asking about check timing on zenoss
[01-Feb-2011 09:52:49] <kokey> e.g. instead of checking every 5 minutes, for a particular check, do it once per day
[01-Feb-2011 09:53:08] <kokey> but make sure it's not going to do it at 3am and if there's an alert wake someone up at 3am
[01-Feb-2011 09:53:17] <csabo> oh
[01-Feb-2011 09:53:26] <csabo> no idea mate
[01-Feb-2011 09:53:31] <axelilly> how do you make graphs that plot several points on the same graph?
[01-Feb-2011 09:53:36] <kokey> setting the check interval/period i get
[01-Feb-2011 09:53:44] <kokey> but making sure it's not at crazy o clock i'm not sure
[01-Feb-2011 09:56:16] <zykes-> rmatte: xuru fixed a and i fixed some stuff after that
[01-Feb-2011 09:56:20] <zykes-> so i'ts installable atm
[01-Feb-2011 09:56:32] <zykes-> still some errorhandling and stuff left to do
[01-Feb-2011 10:13:19] <kokey> anyone develop zenpacks?
[01-Feb-2011 10:13:38] <kokey> it looks like the portlet example documentation still makes it want to deal with zips
[01-Feb-2011 10:15:48] <kokey> at least that's what i think is causing the error i'm getting
[01-Feb-2011 10:15:49] <kokey> File "/opt/zenoss/lib/python/Products/CMFCore/", line 851, in getContainingPackage
[01-Feb-2011 10:15:52] <kokey> if '__init__' in mod.__file__:
[01-Feb-2011 10:15:55] <kokey> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__file__'
[01-Feb-2011 10:33:00] <axelilly> is anyone useing a Liebert GXT UPS with Zenoss?
[01-Feb-2011 10:33:42] <axelilly> I'm trying to find the ambient temperature OID.
[01-Feb-2011 10:35:25] <zykes-> CMF kokey ?
[01-Feb-2011 10:42:57] <axelilly> so, I have a temp in C that I want to convert to F and chart. Is there a way to do this via a template?
[01-Feb-2011 10:47:37] zach__ is now known as zachwily
[01-Feb-2011 10:53:53] <rmatte> axelilly: just use an RPN expression on the graphpoint
[01-Feb-2011 10:54:33] <axelilly> rmatte: yea, looks like I'll have to do some research on how to write that formula
[01-Feb-2011 10:54:36] <rmatte> you'll still need to set any thresholds against the farenheit value though, RPN is just for graphing, not thresholding
[01-Feb-2011 10:54:49] <axelilly> rmatte: ok, good tip
[01-Feb-2011 10:55:04] <rmatte> the other option would be to use my formula datasource ZenPack to create a new datasource that provides the data in celsius
[01-Feb-2011 10:55:13] <rmatte> then you could threshold and graph against that new datasource
[01-Feb-2011 10:55:19] <axelilly> rmatte: do you know of any good docs that show how to graph many datapoints on one graph?
[01-Feb-2011 10:55:43] <rmatte> axelilly: ummm, adding multiple graphpoints is braindead simple
[01-Feb-2011 10:56:09] <axelilly> rmatte: oh duh...I just figured that out
[01-Feb-2011 10:56:09] <rmatte> unless you're talking about different datapoints on different devices on a single graph?
[01-Feb-2011 10:56:16] <rmatte> k
[01-Feb-2011 10:56:25] <axelilly> rmatte: yea, is that possible in zenoss?
[01-Feb-2011 10:56:35] <axelilly> rmatte: cacti was really nice for that sort of thing.
[01-Feb-2011 11:00:16] <Sam-I-Am> ugh @ terrible day
[01-Feb-2011 11:00:28] <Sam-I-Am> hate cisco gear
[01-Feb-2011 11:01:50] <kokey> hehe
[01-Feb-2011 11:02:08] <kokey> i'm not that big a cisco fan
[01-Feb-2011 11:02:12] <kokey> what's it doing to you today?
[01-Feb-2011 11:09:34] <rmatte> I love cisco
[01-Feb-2011 11:09:50] <rmatte> yes, they occasionally have their problems, but overall they are great
[01-Feb-2011 11:21:29] <wdw> Is there any chance better support for virtual hosting setups is coming soon? Situations where things like domain expiration want to be monitored, but zenoss complains about multiple entrys sharing the same IP
[01-Feb-2011 11:36:36] <Sam-I-Am> kokey: ipv6 ospf is unstable
[01-Feb-2011 11:36:45] <Sam-I-Am> it decided to stop advertising a default route
[01-Feb-2011 11:41:02] <xuru> ok, mray if you're around, I may need your 2 cents on this one. This seems to be exactly what I'm seeing right now: which says it was fixed with this ticket: 2 years ago
[01-Feb-2011 11:42:12] <xuru> however, I'm getting apc-ups||/HW/Power/UPS||4|snmp trap apc.17 events with no component
[01-Feb-2011 11:42:21] <xuru> like it doesn't reference the mib
[01-Feb-2011 11:42:49] <xuru> eventClassKey apc.17
[01-Feb-2011 11:44:19] <xuru> and eventClassKey apc.77
[01-Feb-2011 11:47:35] <xuru> I was able to add this as a transform, but i'm curious what could be the cause...
[01-Feb-2011 11:47:37] <xuru> evt.summary = evt.mtrapargsString
[01-Feb-2011 11:47:37] <xuru> evt.severity = 5
[01-Feb-2011 11:54:36] <rmatte> xuru: traps don't automatically come in with component values in the event
[01-Feb-2011 11:55:08] <rmatte> also, you're probably getting that .17 and .77 because you only have 1 of many Mibs installed
[01-Feb-2011 11:55:53] <xuru> I'm pretty sure that I have the correct mibs installed for that one, although I could be wrong
[01-Feb-2011 11:56:37] <rmatte> either way, correct Mibs or not, I don't get what you're asking
[01-Feb-2011 11:56:55] <xuru> one sec
[01-Feb-2011 11:57:31] * xuru is on the phone with RedHat support :/
[01-Feb-2011 11:57:55] <rmatte> k
[01-Feb-2011 11:58:20] <rmatte> enterprise linux support is for wussies
[01-Feb-2011 11:58:25] <rmatte> (I kid, I kid)
[01-Feb-2011 11:58:36] <xuru> hehe
[01-Feb-2011 11:59:02] <xuru> still on hold
[01-Feb-2011 11:59:21] <xuru> I guess I would like it to get the correct message without having to add a transform
[01-Feb-2011 11:59:41] <rmatte> xuru: it doesn't work that way with traps
[01-Feb-2011 11:59:45] <rmatte> you have to use transforms
[01-Feb-2011 11:59:54] <xuru> oh, didn't know that
[01-Feb-2011 12:00:05] <rmatte> since how is Zenoss supposed to know what data is what when it's coming in in a trap?
[01-Feb-2011 12:00:22] <xuru> by oid?
[01-Feb-2011 12:00:24] <rmatte> There are an infinite number of possible data combinations and data labels
[01-Feb-2011 12:00:34] <rmatte> ok, let me put it this way...
[01-Feb-2011 12:01:35] <rmatte> well... are you saying you're expecting the summary to be apcSomethingSomething rather than apc.17?
[01-Feb-2011 12:01:51] <xuru> yes
[01-Feb-2011 12:01:54] <rmatte> or are you saying you're expecting the summary to automagically become "This is the message coming in in the trap properties"
[01-Feb-2011 12:02:19] <rmatte> like I said, if it's coming in as apc.17 it's only translating part of the trap, you seem to be missing a Mib somewhere
[01-Feb-2011 12:02:22] <xuru> no, it knows it's oid
[01-Feb-2011 12:02:36] <rmatte> It's only translating the part
[01-Feb-2011 12:02:45] <rmatte> it doesn't know what .17 represents
[01-Feb-2011 12:02:53] <xuru> hmm
[01-Feb-2011 12:03:14] <rmatte> You should double check to make sure you have every Mib
[01-Feb-2011 12:03:15] <xuru> but then it has this attribute:
[01-Feb-2011 12:03:20] <xuru> mtrapargsString UPS: At least one faulty battery exists.
[01-Feb-2011 12:03:47] <rmatte> right, that's a trap property... so it's aware of what the property itself is, it just doesn't know what the .17 represents
[01-Feb-2011 12:03:53] <rmatte> that could possibly be a flaw in their Mibs
[01-Feb-2011 12:04:14] <rmatte> either way... Zenoss is not going to be smart enough to know that it should set mtrapargsString as the summary
[01-Feb-2011 12:04:20] <rmatte> since you could have more than just that 1 property
[01-Feb-2011 12:04:35] <rmatte> so a transform is absolutely required to set the summary to "UPS: At least one faulty battery exists."
[01-Feb-2011 12:04:41] <rmatte> or whatever it happens to be
[01-Feb-2011 12:04:58] <xuru> hmm... ok
[01-Feb-2011 12:05:10] <rmatte> some traps come in with 10+ properties
[01-Feb-2011 12:05:17] <rmatte> so you need to tell Zenoss what you want it to do with those
[01-Feb-2011 12:06:03] <rmatte> if a trap comes in with "interfacePropValue, messagePropValue, speedPropValue, trafficPropValue
[01-Feb-2011 12:06:04] <xuru> I wish there was a better way to see that I do and don't have for mibs (i.e. put in a oid to search for, or walk a tree)
[01-Feb-2011 12:06:10] <rmatte> for instance, as properties
[01-Feb-2011 12:06:19] <rmatte> you can't expect Zenoss to know what those are
[01-Feb-2011 12:06:23] <rmatte>
[01-Feb-2011 12:06:32] <xuru> true enough
[01-Feb-2011 12:06:53] <xuru> I guess the real issue is that it doesn't know what the .17 is
[01-Feb-2011 12:07:00] <xuru> and it should if it has the correct mibs
[01-Feb-2011 12:07:19] <xuru> I've had a hell of a time trying to get the damn mibs in the first place
[01-Feb-2011 12:07:37] <kokey> ok so if i've modified scripts in the zenpack how do i get the server to load the mods?
[01-Feb-2011 12:08:13] <kokey> the portlet example docs says zenpack --install ReportListPortletPack in the portlet example
[01-Feb-2011 12:08:21] <kokey> but in their example that's an empty dir
[01-Feb-2011 12:08:21] <rmatte> kokey: you mean you edited scripts in the ZenPack directory itself?
[01-Feb-2011 12:08:32] <kokey> yeah i created a zenpack
[01-Feb-2011 12:08:35] <kokey> edited the scripts
[01-Feb-2011 12:08:44] <kokey> i'm working off docs/DOC-10144
[01-Feb-2011 12:08:55] <rmatte> you created the pack from the UI?
[01-Feb-2011 12:09:00] <rmatte> or are you trying to do it by hand?
[01-Feb-2011 12:09:02] <kokey> yeah i created it from the UI
[01-Feb-2011 12:09:13] <rmatte> ok... I'll explain a couple of tricks...
[01-Feb-2011 12:09:22] <rmatte> first off, to load those scripts in, you need to reinstall the pack...
[01-Feb-2011 12:09:31] <rmatte> you don't actually need to export it to do this...
[01-Feb-2011 12:09:38] <rmatte> what you can do is navigate to $ZENHOME/ZenPacks
[01-Feb-2011 12:09:51] <kokey> you'll explain the little things not well documented ;-)
[01-Feb-2011 12:09:53] <rmatte> then, let's say the directory in there representing your ZenPacks is ZenPacks.example
[01-Feb-2011 12:10:01] <rmatte> you would do: zenpack --install ZenPacks.example
[01-Feb-2011 12:10:05] <rmatte> and it'll reinstall that pack
[01-Feb-2011 12:10:14] <rmatte> then you restart Zenoss and the changes you made will be available
[01-Feb-2011 12:10:23] <kokey> all of zenoss or just zope?
[01-Feb-2011 12:10:24] <xuru> rmatte: thanks for the help
[01-Feb-2011 12:10:51] <rmatte> now, by reinstalling it, you'll be putting the pack in to development mode, which is fine if you are just editing scripts, but when it comes time to actually export it as a .egg you'll have to return it to development mode
[01-Feb-2011 12:10:52] <kokey> will it install it ok even if it's already installed?
[01-Feb-2011 12:11:01] <rmatte> returning it to development mode can be done like so:
[01-Feb-2011 12:11:07] * xuru has been redirected to a different support associate *again*
[01-Feb-2011 12:11:21] <rmatte> cp $ZENHOME/Products/ZenModel/ZenPackTemplate/* $ZENHOME/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.example
[01-Feb-2011 12:11:29] <rmatte> where ZenPacks.example is your ZenPack directory
[01-Feb-2011 12:11:37] <rmatte> doing that will allow you to make changes to it via the UI again
[01-Feb-2011 12:11:54] <rmatte> kokey: yes, it will install it okay even if it's already installed
[01-Feb-2011 12:11:56] <rmatte> I do it all the time
[01-Feb-2011 12:12:14] <rmatte> you just run the install operation on the actual zenpack directory in $ZENHOME/ZenPacks
[01-Feb-2011 12:12:37] <kokey> ah ok
[01-Feb-2011 12:12:55] <rmatte> and sorry, that should have read now, by reinstalling it, you'll be taking the pack out of development mode
[01-Feb-2011 12:14:38] <kokey> it's looking promising
[01-Feb-2011 12:14:39] <kokey> thanks
[01-Feb-2011 12:14:49] <rmatte> np
[01-Feb-2011 12:15:01] <kokey> i was wondering why i make changes and keep getting the same error
[01-Feb-2011 12:15:07] <rmatte>
[01-Feb-2011 12:15:26] <rmatte> yeh, when you install the pack it actually copies stuff like plugins, skins, etc... and installs them in to Zenoss
[01-Feb-2011 12:15:35] <rmatte> so reinstalling the pack is necessary for testing most things
[01-Feb-2011 12:15:58] <rmatte> If it's just a script that you're referencing via a command datasource or something that's not required
[01-Feb-2011 12:18:32] <kokey> hehe, the error i kept getting was about trying to load the skins
[01-Feb-2011 12:28:14] <rmatte> ah
[01-Feb-2011 12:28:27] <kokey> now it's gone
[01-Feb-2011 12:28:49] <kokey> i'll tackle this with a fresh mind tomorrow
[01-Feb-2011 12:29:06] <rmatte> woot, a perfect circle are coming to Toronto
[01-Feb-2011 12:31:41] <danryan> Hi all,
[01-Feb-2011 12:32:40] <rmatte> hey
[01-Feb-2011 12:36:48] <danryan> I added some new devices to my zenoss install (EC2 ubuntu 10.04 instances) and I find I am unable to pull data from any processes. Zenoss exclaims "Device <blah> does not publish HOST-RESOURCES-MIB" My apologies, but I'm not even sure where to begin. snmp is running on the device and zenoss can poll it
[01-Feb-2011 12:37:33] <danryan> my zenoss version is 2.4.5
[01-Feb-2011 12:38:57] <kokey> danryan: you sure your view systemview included is going deep enough in snmpd.conf?
[01-Feb-2011 12:39:06] <rmatte> danryan: the default config file for snmpd in Linux has paranoid settings
[01-Feb-2011 12:39:10] <rmatte> which blocks a lot of Mibs
[01-Feb-2011 12:39:48] <rmatte> danryan: here's a working config:
[01-Feb-2011 12:39:51] <rmatte>
[01-Feb-2011 12:43:45] <gwb2351> Hmmmm... saw the blog post for 3.1 beta being released. Anybody else going to upgrade from 2.5.2 -> 3.1 (skipping 3.0)? Is that even possible?
[01-Feb-2011 13:16:38] <mray> gwb2351: based on previous releases, I'd assume 2.5.2->3.0.3->3.1 will be the upgrade path
[01-Feb-2011 13:16:59] <sytem> is there way to assign some monitoring template to multiple hosts, when moving host to some device class is no option?
[01-Feb-2011 13:18:23] <sytem> i want to monitor our all dns-servers, and they are diffrent os and hardware, so they are in different classes
[01-Feb-2011 13:26:25] <ericedge> sytem: Could you move them all into the same parent class, and then assign the template to that parent class?
[01-Feb-2011 13:29:33] <sytem> hmmm, there is class /devices/server , but what happes if assign template there, i have +400 host where i dont want to monitor dns
[01-Feb-2011 13:32:10] <sytem> and this is not the first time with this problem I got list of servers to monitor some thing, but i have no easy way to tell that list to zenoss because device class are allready used
[01-Feb-2011 13:32:40] <sytem> matrix of properties is someting I'll need
[01-Feb-2011 13:36:34] <ericedge> I haven't done it myself, but I would think you could make a sub-class of /devices/server called "dns" and then move the appropriate classes in there.
[01-Feb-2011 13:36:43] <ericedge> then assign the template only to that sub-class
[01-Feb-2011 13:37:26] <danryan> rmatte: thanks for the push in the right direction. I was missing a "rocommunity" directive /facepalm
[01-Feb-2011 13:45:16] <OiPolloi> hello.. i'm having the following problem: the Monitoring Templates page is very, very slow, it takes a while to list the existing templates. The real problem is that when I try to create a new one, after putting the name, when I switch to the "Template Path" input field, it says "Loading..." for a while then I get a popup "Server Exception: Unable to connect to server". The zope process just stays with 70% CPU for a while, making ZenOSS user interface very s
[01-Feb-2011 13:45:17] <OiPolloi> then gets back to normal... Any clue to avoid this behaviour?
[01-Feb-2011 13:47:59] <axelilly> rmatte: do you have any experience with using RPN?
[01-Feb-2011 13:50:08] <zirikili> hi guys
[01-Feb-2011 13:50:50] <axelilly> anyone have a second to help me out with a RPN expression?
[01-Feb-2011 13:51:15] <sytem> ericedge: would it work when i some day get asked to monitor ftp-servers, some of them are same as dns and some are different machines?
[01-Feb-2011 13:55:28] <ericedge> sytem: I'm pretty sure that Zenoss doesn't support multiple inheritance, so I'm not sure there's a simple solution from there aside from special-casing each server.
[01-Feb-2011 13:55:40] <ericedge> if there aren't that many dns servers currently, maybe special-casing them currently is the way to go.
[01-Feb-2011 13:58:08] <zirikili> when I add a linux box as a SSH server, is necessary a root acount for Zenoss?
[01-Feb-2011 14:04:49] <axelilly> it's tough doing custom graph commands
[01-Feb-2011 14:06:49] <OiPolloi> I wish I could do it... I can't create monitoring templates...
[01-Feb-2011 14:09:01] <axelilly> OiPolloi: those are easy really
[01-Feb-2011 14:09:09] <OiPolloi> yeah
[01-Feb-2011 14:09:12] <axelilly> it's tough getting RRDTool to do exactly as you want.
[01-Feb-2011 14:09:33] <OiPolloi> but I can't do it because the Monitoring Templates page is so slow that I literally can't create new ones
[01-Feb-2011 14:09:36] <axelilly> OiPolloi: in my case, I'm trying to transform C to F
[01-Feb-2011 14:10:03] <axelilly> OiPolloi: sounds like you need more computing power
[01-Feb-2011 14:10:15] <OiPolloi> oh my
[01-Feb-2011 14:10:36] <OiPolloi> i think it's a UI problem
[01-Feb-2011 14:11:18] <OiPolloi> if I could add a monitoring template through Zope Administration interface or through command line, XML, whatever
[01-Feb-2011 14:12:27] <OiPolloi> i'm getting really frustrated
[01-Feb-2011 14:14:03] <sytem> ericedge: yes, doing it to all dns servers locally is the way here, there are only 11 of them in this case
[01-Feb-2011 14:14:46] <OiPolloi> I didn't know that there were plans to replace ZEO with RelStorage in Zenoss 3.1
[01-Feb-2011 14:14:52] <OiPolloi> these are very good news
[01-Feb-2011 14:16:12] <OiPolloi> does anyone know if the 3.1 beta already has that?
[01-Feb-2011 14:28:42] <mistich> good day all
[01-Feb-2011 14:29:09] <mistich> does anyone know of a zenpack that will capture layer2 vlan info on a cisco switch?
[01-Feb-2011 14:38:33] <axelilly> I can't grasp how to do RPN.
[01-Feb-2011 14:46:13] <axelilly> if datapoint is > 9 then datapoint / 10
[01-Feb-2011 14:46:20] <axelilly> not sure how to write that function.
[01-Feb-2011 14:46:34] <axelilly> I need to move the decimal point over.
[01-Feb-2011 14:50:07] <ericedge> axelilly: Maybe it'd be: (datapoint > 9) and (datapoint = datapoint/10)
[01-Feb-2011 14:50:26] <ericedge> though I'm not sure why you'd want to leave alone any data points below 10
[01-Feb-2011 14:53:49] <axelilly> ericedge: because the OID is not returning any decimal points
[01-Feb-2011 14:54:12] <axelilly> ericedge: hence... 2.1 is sent as 21
[01-Feb-2011 14:58:25] <ericedge> axelilly: But then isn't 9 actually 0.9?
[01-Feb-2011 15:01:40] <axelilly> erice
[01-Feb-2011 15:01:44] <axelilly> ericedge: no
[01-Feb-2011 16:11:45] ShaneB1 is now known as ShaneX
[01-Feb-2011 16:34:54] <wobblyonions> hi all
[01-Feb-2011 16:54:49] <wobblyonions> rmatte by any chance here at all?
[01-Feb-2011 17:05:31] <LiamMac> hi all. I have a serious problem. ZenPing won't start it crashes with the following "ERROR zen.ZenPing: Remote exception: zExceptions.NotFound: SNAK-T00Traceback (most recent call last):" and if I try to do a reindex() through zendmd I get "ConflictError: database conflict error (oid 0x0fa04f, class BTrees.OIBTree.OIBucket, serial this txn started with 0x038bfef2d55a3fee 2011-02-01 21:38:50.004501, serial currently committed 0x038bfef78c696c66 2011-02-0
[01-Feb-2011 17:05:31] <LiamMac> 21:43:32.909018)" any suggestions?
[01-Feb-2011 17:13:41] <wobblyonions> what OS you installed on
[01-Feb-2011 17:13:51] <LiamMac> Linux (CentOS)
[01-Feb-2011 17:13:56] <wobblyonions> ok
[01-Feb-2011 17:14:07] <wobblyonions> has this broken or just never worked?
[01-Feb-2011 17:14:16] <LiamMac> newly broken
[01-Feb-2011 17:14:29] <wobblyonions> ok
[01-Feb-2011 17:14:51] <wobblyonions> did you upgrade or anything at all
[01-Feb-2011 17:15:00] <LiamMac> teh device it mentions (SNAK-T00) I can't find at all it was deleted months ago
[01-Feb-2011 17:15:15] <LiamMac> nope no changes. Just went to restart zenping and it wouldn't start up
[01-Feb-2011 17:15:28] <wobblyonions> what version you using 2.5.x or 3?
[01-Feb-2011 17:15:33] <LiamMac> 2.5.x
[01-Feb-2011 17:15:41] <wobblyonions> ok
[01-Feb-2011 17:16:25] <wobblyonions> whats in the event.log
[01-Feb-2011 17:17:35] <wobblyonions> have you rebooted the server since it started at all
[01-Feb-2011 17:19:02] <LiamMac> not the server itself
[01-Feb-2011 17:19:12] <LiamMac> nothing of note in event.log
[01-Feb-2011 17:19:24] <LiamMac> I think I may have found a workaround 1 moment
[01-Feb-2011 17:21:10] <LiamMac> ugh. This could be an ugly workaround if it dosen't work. Just created a device with the same name. It now appears to start without crashing but we'll see what happens when I remove this device
[01-Feb-2011 17:26:01] <LiamMac> ugh... ZenPing started ok but now ZenStatus senperfSNMP and zencommand all quit with the same error
[01-Feb-2011 17:40:03] <wobblyonions> so looks like it was one device that caused the issue then in the end yeah
[01-Feb-2011 17:56:54] <wobblyonions> anyone know where I can find any information relating to Zenoss Dictionary etc
[01-Feb-2011 17:57:26] <wobblyonions> about reading a message into a dictionary etc
[01-Feb-2011 18:10:08] <rhettardo> any one try out 3.1 beta?
[01-Feb-2011 18:40:14] <glyff> how can i restore all of the event classes and mappings to default?
[01-Feb-2011 18:58:26] <glyff> nevermind... i think i got it cleaned up
[01-Feb-2011 18:58:34] <glyff> now, how do i reclassify existing events?
[02-Feb-2011 00:00:40] [disconnected at Wed Feb 2 00:00:40 2011]
[02-Feb-2011 00:00:40] [connected at Wed Feb 2 00:00:40 2011]
[02-Feb-2011 00:00:55] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[02-Feb-2011 00:00:55] <> [freenode-info] help freenode weed out clonebots -- please register your IRC nick and auto-identify:
[02-Feb-2011 05:13:28] <kokey> is there a way to dump all zencommands configured?
[02-Feb-2011 05:17:39] <zykes-> for your user or for all kokey ?
[02-Feb-2011 05:20:59] <zykes-> or for all ?
[02-Feb-2011 05:24:14] <forsberg> anyone using synthetic transactions? I hit a steep wall :/
[02-Feb-2011 05:29:34] <zykes-> forsberg: ..
[02-Feb-2011 05:30:17] <forsberg> synthetic transactions, zenoss will not allow me to add a website, that resolves (or has the same name) to same a server im already monitoring
[02-Feb-2011 05:31:00] <forsberg> its silly in effect, cause i will both monitor the linux server regularly, but i want to use synthetic transactions on the website its running also....
[02-Feb-2011 05:32:40] <zykes-> try disabling snmp monitor
[02-Feb-2011 05:32:43] <zykes-> for /websites
[02-Feb-2011 05:32:48] <tehhobbit> forsberg: why not make a local template for that server ?
[02-Feb-2011 05:32:56] <forsberg> its disabled default
[02-Feb-2011 05:33:08] <forsberg> copy they synth trans to that server?
[02-Feb-2011 05:36:32] <forsberg> hmm copied to device root and bind to server, checking if it works, that might just be it, thanks
[02-Feb-2011 06:49:36] <kokey> zenoss is getting slow
[02-Feb-2011 06:49:41] <kokey> maybe they should rewrite it in perl
[02-Feb-2011 06:50:40] <fragfutter> kokey: just go ahead. Here is the source start porting
[02-Feb-2011 06:58:52] <kokey> what's the url to that web 2.0 online python to perl convertor that does it directly off svn again?
[02-Feb-2011 07:08:40] <kokey> hmmmm
[02-Feb-2011 07:08:50] <csabo> good morning
[02-Feb-2011 07:08:51] <kokey> i wonder if i should rather work off a simple dashboard portlet shell
[02-Feb-2011 07:09:05] <kokey> since the documentation one doesn't seem to work so well
[02-Feb-2011 07:09:57] <csabo> whats the default webgui port for zenoss?
[02-Feb-2011 07:09:59] <csabo> isnt it 8081
[02-Feb-2011 07:10:11] <kokey> 8080 i thought
[02-Feb-2011 07:10:25] <csabo> ah yes
[02-Feb-2011 07:10:31] <kokey> hehe
[02-Feb-2011 07:10:31] <csabo> havnet logged into it in 3 months :*(
[02-Feb-2011 07:10:39] <csabo> kokey: you mind trying to help me solve somthing?
[02-Feb-2011 07:10:40] <kokey> mine's behind an apache reverse proxy
[02-Feb-2011 07:10:47] <kokey> so i had to double check
[02-Feb-2011 07:11:16] <kokey> running http on a port other than the http port is so java developer guy like
[02-Feb-2011 07:11:27] <csabo> primary issue is zenoss is incapable of dealing with dynamic IPs
[02-Feb-2011 07:11:44] <kokey> ah you want to monitor servers that change ip often?
[02-Feb-2011 07:11:44] <csabo> eg: i setup a zenoss w/ remote collectors at my last job, consulting place
[02-Feb-2011 07:11:51] <csabo> trying to monitor remote dynamic hosts is impossible
[02-Feb-2011 07:11:58] <csabo> well, i thought i had a working fix, which im getting now
[02-Feb-2011 07:12:04] <kokey> ah yeah it kind of ties it to ip address
[02-Feb-2011 07:12:27] <kokey> instead of dns name
[02-Feb-2011 07:12:44] <csabo> yeah and zenoss is not able to deal with that
[02-Feb-2011 07:12:54] <csabo> zabbix does just fine
[02-Feb-2011 07:13:01] <kokey> gosh yeah i'm trying to think of ways and means to do it
[02-Feb-2011 07:13:06] <csabo> basically there are dyndns entries for each
[02-Feb-2011 07:13:21] <csabo> what i have right now is a bit of python that when a device in the ping class goes offline
[02-Feb-2011 07:13:29] <csabo> it wipes out the IPs for all devices in ping and re-resolves
[02-Feb-2011 07:13:34] <csabo> that was working, apparently its not now
[02-Feb-2011 07:13:44] <kokey> ah ok
[02-Feb-2011 07:13:51] <csabo> I dont have ssh into the box
[02-Feb-2011 07:13:53] <kokey> yeah it sounds roughly what i thought would be a way
[02-Feb-2011 07:13:55] <csabo> last zenoss install broke it
[02-Feb-2011 07:13:59] <kokey> haha
[02-Feb-2011 07:14:00] <csabo> so i cant see my script
[02-Feb-2011 07:14:10] <csabo> seriously a zenoss upgrade failed midway, and broke SSH
[02-Feb-2011 07:14:16] <kokey> perhaps set up a zencommand to cat that script
[02-Feb-2011 07:14:24] <csabo> (deviceClass = '/Ping/Dynamic') and (eventClass = '/Status/Ping')
[02-Feb-2011 07:14:30] <csabo> thats the filter on the event
[02-Feb-2011 07:14:34] <csabo> but i still cannot see my script
[02-Feb-2011 07:14:43] <csabo> hmm zencommand to call it?
[02-Feb-2011 07:14:46] <csabo> like cat it ?
[02-Feb-2011 07:14:59] <csabo> forgive my noobness but how would i go about doing that
[02-Feb-2011 07:15:00] <kokey> yeah, and then 'test' it
[02-Feb-2011 07:16:16] <csabo> i dont know how to create a command
[02-Feb-2011 07:16:19] <csabo> if i did, i forgot how
[02-Feb-2011 07:16:26] <kokey> in a random monitoring template
[02-Feb-2011 07:16:27] <csabo> i live fulltime in tivoli monitoring now
[02-Feb-2011 07:16:31] <kokey> add a 'command' data source
[02-Feb-2011 07:16:58] <csabo> o
[02-Feb-2011 07:17:12] <kokey> and then when you edit the details you can test it
[02-Feb-2011 07:17:25] <kokey> like /bin/cat blah blah blah
[02-Feb-2011 07:17:42] <csabo> yeah im not gonna lie
[02-Feb-2011 07:17:46] <csabo> i know what you're saying to me
[02-Feb-2011 07:17:49] <kokey> and then test it
[02-Feb-2011 07:17:50] <kokey> hehe
[02-Feb-2011 07:17:51] <csabo> but i have no idea where anything is in this GUI
[02-Feb-2011 07:17:57] <kokey> i've got 3.0.3
[02-Feb-2011 07:18:00] <csabo> me too
[02-Feb-2011 07:18:04] <kokey> cool
[02-Feb-2011 07:18:09] <csabo> oh wait
[02-Feb-2011 07:18:18] <kokey> go to advanced->monitoring templates
[02-Feb-2011 07:18:22] <csabo> yeah i have 303
[02-Feb-2011 07:18:35] <kokey> then pick one... i just picked the java one since i'm not monitoring java stuff yet
[02-Feb-2011 07:18:48] <kokey> then there's a plus sign under data sources
[02-Feb-2011 07:18:50] <csabo> ah yes
[02-Feb-2011 07:18:52] <kokey> add one... type 'COMMAND'
[02-Feb-2011 07:19:06] <kokey> and once added, double click on the one you added to edit it
[02-Feb-2011 07:19:22] <kokey> and type the command with parms you want in the 'command template' part
[02-Feb-2011 07:19:28] <kokey> and run test against device
[02-Feb-2011 07:19:52] <kokey> nice thing is you can retry it lots
[02-Feb-2011 07:19:57] <kokey> only catch is that you have to use full paths
[02-Feb-2011 07:20:00] <kokey> like /bin/ls
[02-Feb-2011 07:20:42] <csabo> gotcha
[02-Feb-2011 07:22:09] <csabo> hm
[02-Feb-2011 07:22:30] <kokey> haha
[02-Feb-2011 07:22:36] <csabo> workin on it, shh
[02-Feb-2011 07:22:50] <kokey> oops i have to remember to remove the one i just added it to test
[02-Feb-2011 07:23:06] <csabo> shit
[02-Feb-2011 07:23:13] <csabo> i forget the device name for the zenoss server
[02-Feb-2011 07:23:17] <csabo> think localhost will work?
[02-Feb-2011 07:24:01] <csabo> nope
[02-Feb-2011 07:24:34] <csabo> wait i dont see the zenoss server
[02-Feb-2011 07:24:41] <csabo> does zenoss not monitor its self?
[02-Feb-2011 07:24:54] <kokey> not by default
[02-Feb-2011 07:25:10] <kokey> well it monitors the app heartbeat and stuff
[02-Feb-2011 07:25:16] <kokey> but not necessary the host by itself etc.
[02-Feb-2011 07:28:09] <csabo> so
[02-Feb-2011 07:28:14] <csabo> can i monitor its self?
[02-Feb-2011 07:28:18] <csabo> or will it blow up lol
[02-Feb-2011 07:34:28] <kokey> yeah you can
[02-Feb-2011 07:34:31] <kokey> i am doing that
[02-Feb-2011 07:34:35] <kokey> i'm sure most do
[02-Feb-2011 07:34:53] <kokey> i think then you install it the default snmpd conf allows it to monitor itself
[02-Feb-2011 07:36:17] forsberg is now known as fOrsberg
[02-Feb-2011 07:36:17] <csabo>
[02-Feb-2011 07:36:24] <csabo> lemme try adding it
[02-Feb-2011 07:53:09] <csabo> kokey: i got it!
[02-Feb-2011 07:53:24] <kokey> cool
[02-Feb-2011 07:53:28] <csabo> its not formatted very well but her eit is
[02-Feb-2011 07:53:29] <kokey> wish i was as lucky today
[02-Feb-2011 07:53:31] <csabo> #!/usr/bin/env python import Globals from Products.ZenUtils.ZenScriptBase import ZenScriptBase from transaction import commit dmd = ZenScriptBase(connect=True).dmd for d in dmd.Devices.Ping.Dynamic.getSubDevices(): d.setManageIp() commit() #EOF
[02-Feb-2011 07:53:35] <kokey> i stupidly deleted the contents of a zenpack
[02-Feb-2011 07:53:42] <kokey> and can't uninstall it now
[02-Feb-2011 07:53:55] <csabo> ah yes
[02-Feb-2011 07:53:57] <csabo> ive done tehat
[02-Feb-2011 07:54:01] <csabo> replace the files, then uninstall
[02-Feb-2011 07:54:02] <kokey> so apart from this i'm setting up a regular zenbackup job
[02-Feb-2011 07:54:26] <kokey> yeah it seems like i'll have to create a pseudo zenpack with similar stuff in it
[02-Feb-2011 07:54:55] <kokey> seems like messing with custom graphs and zenpacks is risky
[02-Feb-2011 07:55:08] <kokey> well then again deleting stuff off the drive is never good with most apps
[02-Feb-2011 07:56:02] <csabo> i cleaned it up a bit
[02-Feb-2011 07:56:04] <csabo>
[02-Feb-2011 07:56:10] <csabo> kokey: any ideas on a better way to do this?
[02-Feb-2011 07:57:10] <kokey> csabo: i'm not good with that really, but it looks ok to me
[02-Feb-2011 07:57:18] <kokey> i'm still quite a newbie
[02-Feb-2011 08:00:02] <csabo> darn
[02-Feb-2011 08:01:06] <csabo> kokey: in event manager > event commands
[02-Feb-2011 08:01:17] <csabo> when you add a new "rule" to one, is it AND, or is it OR
[02-Feb-2011 09:30:42] <axelilly> zen time!
[02-Feb-2011 10:38:23] mray1 is now known as mray
[02-Feb-2011 10:57:47] <csabo> sup mray
[02-Feb-2011 10:57:54] <mray> good morning
[02-Feb-2011 11:01:02] <Sam-I-Am> morning
[02-Feb-2011 11:48:14] fOrsberg is now known as forsberg
[02-Feb-2011 12:09:23] <kokey> ok
[02-Feb-2011 12:09:33] <kokey> now to tackle the task of recreating the zenpack i deleted by accident
[02-Feb-2011 12:09:39] <kokey> simply to be able to uninstall it
[02-Feb-2011 12:09:53] <kokey> wait
[02-Feb-2011 12:09:58] <kokey> first i'll set up regular backups ;-)
[02-Feb-2011 12:11:33] <rmatte> you mean you actually deleted the ZenPack's directory from $ZENHOME/ZenPacks?
[02-Feb-2011 12:16:35] <kokey> yeah
[02-Feb-2011 12:17:55] <kokey> darn even though the VM it's on is using netapp i don't think i have access to the snapshots
[02-Feb-2011 12:21:20] <rmatte> this is probably obvious now... but never ever delete directories from that location
[02-Feb-2011 12:21:31] <rmatte> especially when you don't have backups of the ZenPack
[02-Feb-2011 12:23:48] <kokey> well i don't tend to delete things like that under the bonnet, it was really one of those 'after all these years....' moments
[02-Feb-2011 12:41:57] <kokey> looks like i can do this with some search and replace inside of files and renaming some directories
[02-Feb-2011 12:42:01] <kokey> in theory, hehe
[02-Feb-2011 12:56:37] <froztbyte> my first attempt would eb to set up a second zenoss instance somewhere, install the zenpack there and then copy stuff across to see if it is happy with it
[02-Feb-2011 12:56:42] <froztbyte> be*
[02-Feb-2011 12:56:51] <froztbyte> unless zenoss hates humanity
[02-Feb-2011 12:57:04] <kokey> ok seems like i managed to get it out
[02-Feb-2011 12:57:23] <kokey> so if after a restart if it's not in the zenpack list
[02-Feb-2011 12:57:33] <kokey> and there are no broken ones in the zenpack list either
[02-Feb-2011 12:57:39] <kokey> is it safe to delete the files?
[02-Feb-2011 12:58:42] <glyff> in event class mapping regex, can i use any name for the extraction variables, like (?P<myVariableName>\S+), or do they have to be from a predefined list?
[02-Feb-2011 13:03:51] <kokey> ok
[02-Feb-2011 13:04:00] <kokey> i think zenbackup uses /tmp for something?
[02-Feb-2011 13:05:02] <kokey> --temp-dir=TEMPDIR Directory to use for temporary storage.
[02-Feb-2011 13:05:10] <kokey> ah, i suspect /tmp is the default
[02-Feb-2011 13:20:26] <kokey> so much for specifying tmp files that ends up on the same partition that is too small
[02-Feb-2011 13:24:20] <kokey> ok i just noticed i'll have to move zenoss to a different partition anyway
[02-Feb-2011 13:27:57] <kokey> wish this wasn't on stupid cisco nexus switches
[02-Feb-2011 13:28:05] <kokey> would have been nice if it was on real non blocking switches
[02-Feb-2011 13:28:21] <kokey> then storage would have been faster
[02-Feb-2011 13:44:13] <kokey> yeah i can see it's going to take a bit of fiddling to set up some kind of routine for zenpack dev work
[02-Feb-2011 13:44:35] <kokey> e.g. when to back up, what to refresh all the time
[02-Feb-2011 14:21:46] <kokey> i will love long time the person who can figure out what is causing this error
[02-Feb-2011 14:21:51] <kokey> Module Products.ZenUtils.ZenPackCmd, line 957, in ZPEvent
[02-Feb-2011 14:21:51] <kokey> Module Products.ZenEvents.MySqlSendEvent, line 117, in sendEvent
[02-Feb-2011 14:21:51] <kokey> Module Products.ZenEvents.MySqlSendEvent, line 305, in applyEventContext
[02-Feb-2011 14:21:51] <kokey> Module Products.ZenEvents.EventClassInst, line 154, in applyTransform
[02-Feb-2011 14:21:51] <kokey> Module Products.ZenEvents.EventClassInst, line 111, in sendTransformException
[02-Feb-2011 14:21:54] <kokey> IndexError: list index out of range
[02-Feb-2011 14:22:09] <kokey> well ok not always zenpackcmd
[02-Feb-2011 14:22:19] <kokey> i get similar errors everywhere
[02-Feb-2011 14:22:24] <kokey> like each time an event transform is run
[02-Feb-2011 14:22:29] <kokey> IndexError: list index out of range
[02-Feb-2011 14:22:38] <Sam-I-Am> is there a bug in one of your transforms?
[02-Feb-2011 14:23:16] <kokey> no idea
[02-Feb-2011 14:23:28] <kokey> i've been having these ever since a failed zenpack install from long ago
[02-Feb-2011 14:33:39] <Sam-I-Am> might be a turd left over from something
[02-Feb-2011 14:33:46] <Sam-I-Am> have you tried reinstalling the zenpack which failed?
[02-Feb-2011 14:38:16] <axelilly> I'm trying to send a SNMP trap into Zenoss, but I don't see it showing up. Is there a log I should see it showing up in?
[02-Feb-2011 14:41:52] <Sam-I-Am> i wish it logged traps
[02-Feb-2011 14:41:56] <Sam-I-Am> but best i can tell, 2.5.2 does not
[02-Feb-2011 14:41:58] <Sam-I-Am> not sure about 3
[02-Feb-2011 14:42:22] <Sam-I-Am> however, it should appear in the event console
[02-Feb-2011 15:02:10] <axelilly> Sam-I-Am: yea, nothing is showing up.
[02-Feb-2011 15:02:24] <axelilly> Sam-I-Am: so, I'm not sure if it's actually sending them or not.
[02-Feb-2011 15:02:54] <Sam-I-Am> i'll either run tcpdump or snmptrapd
[02-Feb-2011 15:42:23] <mloven> anyone out there transforming events based on whether or not an interface is a trunk? I'm trying to determine if it's feasible to dynamically determine whether an interface is a trunk or not, and transform the event accordingly...
[02-Feb-2011 15:47:21] <Sam-I-Am> i do something similar
[02-Feb-2011 15:47:30] <Sam-I-Am> but based on interface name and group to which the device belongs
[02-Feb-2011 15:48:11] <mloven> Yeah, unfortunately, these are customer devices, so we don't have any say over the interface description...
[02-Feb-2011 16:52:36] <wobblyonions> hi all
[02-Feb-2011 16:53:15] <wobblyonions> anyone seen bigegor at all
[02-Feb-2011 17:06:16] <wobblyonions> lol
[02-Feb-2011 17:15:38] <rmatte> bad timing on your part
[02-Feb-2011 17:15:54] <wobblyonions> yeah just about
[02-Feb-2011 17:15:57] <wobblyonions> ah your here man
[02-Feb-2011 17:16:10] <rmatte> sort of, I'm coding
[02-Feb-2011 17:16:28] <wobblyonions> I been wondering where you where, been going through some of the stuff you told me and cant find the thing about the dictionary thing we did you remember
[02-Feb-2011 17:16:55] <rmatte> I do remember but I forget the exact code
[02-Feb-2011 17:17:00] <wobblyonions> you got me to run a command from the CLI etc etc and cant find any docs on it at all and need to do something with that again, otherwise my Zneoss is running like a dream
[02-Feb-2011 17:17:04] <rmatte> I deleted it because I assumed you had saved it
[02-Feb-2011 17:17:14] <wobblyonions> yeah I did and now I cant find it :-(
[02-Feb-2011 17:17:34] <wobblyonions> can you remember what the cli command was to get into the main dictionary type section etc
[02-Feb-2011 17:17:41] <wobblyonions> and also how to reference the things we did
[02-Feb-2011 17:17:47] <Sam-I-Am> probably something __dict__
[02-Feb-2011 17:17:51] <wobblyonions> kicking myself for losing it
[02-Feb-2011 17:18:01] <Sam-I-Am> or __dict__.items()
[02-Feb-2011 17:18:44] <rmatte> ah, I actually found where I had stashed it
[02-Feb-2011 17:18:59] <wobblyonions> ah wow really
[02-Feb-2011 17:19:08] <Sam-I-Am> its all in his head
[02-Feb-2011 17:19:12] <rmatte> wobblyonions:
[02-Feb-2011 17:19:25] <rmatte> thought I had deleted it but it was sitting in a different directory than I thought I had put it in
[02-Feb-2011 17:19:32] <wobblyonions> that was it
[02-Feb-2011 17:19:43] <wobblyonions> can you recall the command to run before that
[02-Feb-2011 17:19:50] <rmatte> what command?
[02-Feb-2011 17:19:52] <wobblyonions> to get into a deamon type thing I recall
[02-Feb-2011 17:20:02] <rmatte> zendmd?
[02-Feb-2011 17:20:06] <wobblyonions> that was it :-)
[02-Feb-2011 17:20:44] <wobblyonions> so once you have run those command do you have any idea how you can reference to them in a evt.summary transform at all?
[02-Feb-2011 17:21:32] <wobblyonions> have saived that in two places now :-)
[02-Feb-2011 17:21:50] <rmatte> you use the same code, you just modify it to use evt functions
[02-Feb-2011 17:21:56] <rmatte> errr evt variables
[02-Feb-2011 17:21:58] <rmatte> it's not hard
[02-Feb-2011 17:22:24] <rmatte> instead of msg it would be evt.message
[02-Feb-2011 17:22:41] <wobblyonions> ok will try and work it out then
[02-Feb-2011 17:22:45] <rmatte> or evt.summary, whichever contains data like the example
[02-Feb-2011 17:23:28] <wobblyonions> yeah but to then get the value for each one after
[02-Feb-2011 17:23:38] <wobblyonions> dont think I am explaining it very well
[02-Feb-2011 17:23:47] <rmatte> It would be something like...
[02-Feb-2011 17:23:48] <rmatte>
[02-Feb-2011 17:23:57] <rmatte> it's right in the example
[02-Feb-2011 17:24:01] <rmatte> date = index.get('date')
[02-Feb-2011 17:24:01] <rmatte> device_id = index.get('device_id')
[02-Feb-2011 17:24:01] <rmatte> src_int = index.get('src_int')
[02-Feb-2011 17:24:06] <rmatte> that's it pulling the values
[02-Feb-2011 17:24:12] <rmatte> you just do index.get('whatever')
[02-Feb-2011 17:24:25] <rmatte> and whatever corresponds to the property name before the = sign in the actual data
[02-Feb-2011 17:24:28] <wobblyonions> ah wow ok that freaking awesome thanks
[02-Feb-2011 17:24:33] <rmatte> np
[02-Feb-2011 17:24:54] <wobblyonions> what new and interesting things are you coding now then?
[02-Feb-2011 17:25:40] <rmatte> a bash script that I'm going to cron which executed a bunch of external report scripts that I wrote and dumps data like cpu, memory, interface, etc... at intervals
[02-Feb-2011 17:25:45] <rmatte> probably 15 minute intervals
[02-Feb-2011 17:25:54] <rmatte> we're then going to use that data in a customer portal
[02-Feb-2011 17:26:04] <rmatte> it'll be good because the data will come up right away for the clients
[02-Feb-2011 17:27:00] <wobblyonions> sounds awesome
[02-Feb-2011 17:27:15] <wobblyonions> I am being asked to create a customer portal as well not even started looking at it yet :-P
[02-Feb-2011 17:28:25] <rmatte> well, sort of awesome, the current portal is pretty spaghetti-script-like right now, I'm trying to clean it up
[02-Feb-2011 17:28:39] <rmatte> I'm working with our coding team since the guys who originally coded a lot of it left
[02-Feb-2011 17:28:48] <wobblyonions> you written the whole portal yourself or used something else and adapted it?
[02-Feb-2011 17:29:29] <rmatte> the main portal setup is done in .net, but it also calls on php scripts for performing single-sign-on for the tools
[02-Feb-2011 17:29:48] <rmatte> so our clients login to one spot and then just click and it logs them in to solarwinds, zenoss, our ticketing system, etc...
[02-Feb-2011 17:29:55] <rmatte> it's a little rough but it's functional
[02-Feb-2011 17:54:18] <mloven> solar-what? I'm not familiar with this tool?
[02-Feb-2011 17:55:46] <rmatte> mloven: I wish I wasn't either
[02-Feb-2011 17:59:20] <mloven> lol
[02-Feb-2011 18:16:18] <rmatte> I'm out, goodnight
[02-Feb-2011 18:16:31] <mloven> later rmatte
[02-Feb-2011 18:38:13] <wobblyonions> guys
[02-Feb-2011 18:38:52] <wobblyonions> anyone seen an issue when Zenoss cuts off the message at all getting loads of things but appears to be possibly cutting off the last part of the mesage etc
[02-Feb-2011 18:41:02] <mloven> cuts off the message, or the summary?
[02-Feb-2011 18:41:17] <mloven> the summary is limited to, like 180 characters or something...
[02-Feb-2011 18:42:20] <wobblyonions> actually its the component for some reason in fact
[02-Feb-2011 18:43:06] <wobblyonions> is there anyway to increase the limit at all?
[02-Feb-2011 18:43:33] <mloven> what's getting cut off on the component?
[02-Feb-2011 18:43:47] <wobblyonions> the last approx 25 charecters
[02-Feb-2011 18:44:12] <mloven> so, what are you seeing and what are you expecting to see?
[02-Feb-2011 18:44:13] <wobblyonions> for some stupid reason the main part of the event that I need coming from the device in in the evt.component section
[02-Feb-2011 18:44:27] <wobblyonions> see this
[02-Feb-2011 18:44:28] <wobblyonions> date=2011-02-03,time=10:35:43,devname=HyroMelF1,device_id=FG500A3907500500,log_id=0420073001,type=ips,subtype=anomaly,pri=alert,vd=root,serial=1443665909,attack_id=100663402,severity=critical,src=,dst=,src_port=46746,dst_port=443,sr
[02-Feb-2011 18:44:38] <wobblyonions> and should see more past the dst_port=443,sr etc
[02-Feb-2011 18:45:04] <wobblyonions> as for why the hell its brining that info info in as a evt.component is beyond me
[02-Feb-2011 18:45:13] <mloven> wow...
[02-Feb-2011 18:45:24] <wobblyonions> maybe the Syslog facility or something Im not sure
[02-Feb-2011 18:45:58] <mloven> it looks like the component field is limited to 128 characters... which should be plenty
[02-Feb-2011 18:46:43] <mloven> I think increasing the character limit on the field would be the wrong way to go... I'd look at the source of the event.
[02-Feb-2011 18:46:58] <wobblyonions> yeah looking at that now and trying to find out why its going in like that
[02-Feb-2011 18:54:22] <wobblyonions> devices are set to send as facility local7 you guys got any idea if the other options change the format of the message at all?
[02-Feb-2011 18:57:08] <mloven> shouldn't. What kind of device is it?
[02-Feb-2011 18:59:26] <wobblyonions> Fortigate Firewall
[02-Feb-2011 18:59:39] <mloven> is it hitting a transform?
[02-Feb-2011 18:59:53] <wobblyonions> nope
[02-Feb-2011 19:03:51] <mloven> dunno then... I'm monitoring some fortigates and they don't do anything like that...
[02-Feb-2011 19:05:10] <wobblyonions> really have you got IPS running as well?
[02-Feb-2011 19:05:23] <wobblyonions> and getting event message for IPS etc?
[02-Feb-2011 19:06:31] <mloven> checking....
[02-Feb-2011 19:11:28] <mloven> meh... can't tell... That customer may not have IPS enabled. I wasn't involved in the setup...
[02-Feb-2011 19:11:56] <mloven> anyway... hope you get it sorted out. I gotta run for a bit.
[02-Feb-2011 19:12:27] <mloven> gotta go punch people (krav maga class)
[02-Feb-2011 19:17:13] <wobblyonions> cya mate
[02-Feb-2011 20:14:52] forsberg is now known as fOrsberg
[02-Feb-2011 23:52:07] faffi_ is now known as faffi
[03-Feb-2011 00:00:40] [disconnected at Thu Feb 3 00:00:40 2011]
[03-Feb-2011 00:00:41] [connected at Thu Feb 3 00:00:41 2011]
[03-Feb-2011 00:00:56] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[03-Feb-2011 05:55:34] <kokey> ok i think zenpacks might be broken for good now
[03-Feb-2011 06:15:29] <kokey> ah
[03-Feb-2011 06:15:30] <kokey> ok
[03-Feb-2011 06:15:38] <kokey> so if i have a transform that has:
[03-Feb-2011 06:15:41] <kokey> if hasattr(evt, 'DeviceClass'):
[03-Feb-2011 06:15:49] <kokey> then sometimes i get a IndexError: list index out of range
[03-Feb-2011 06:15:54] <kokey> or rather, often
[03-Feb-2011 06:16:00] <kokey> so i guess there is a nicer way of doing things
[03-Feb-2011 06:32:33] <frozty_sa> that should just return None if it doesn't get something
[03-Feb-2011 06:32:57] <kokey> ok strange
[03-Feb-2011 06:33:15] <kokey> i get the indexerror if i try a hasttr or has key on 'evt'
[03-Feb-2011 06:33:21] <kokey> or even if evt:
[03-Feb-2011 06:34:31] <frozty_sa> sounds like something funny is going on by the time the transform code gets your event object
[03-Feb-2011 06:34:34] <kokey> is that normal or might there be something else broken with the evt object on my ssystem?
[03-Feb-2011 06:35:02] <kokey> i think this has been an issue since some failed zenpack install from loong ago
[03-Feb-2011 06:38:06] <kokey> i wonder what would happen if i totally clear out the events db
[03-Feb-2011 06:38:10] <kokey> not sure how to do that
[03-Feb-2011 06:38:16] <kokey> but i don't need any of it
[03-Feb-2011 06:38:50] <frozty_sa> you could set the event expiry threshold age to like a day
[03-Feb-2011 06:38:59] <frozty_sa> then they could all be reaped automatically
[03-Feb-2011 06:40:27] <kokey> how quickly after setting expiry will it purge them?
[03-Feb-2011 06:40:56] <frozty_sa> not sure
[03-Feb-2011 06:41:05] <frozty_sa> set the expiry, restart the stack and see?
[03-Feb-2011 06:41:09] <St3v3o> morning
[03-Feb-2011 06:41:32] <kokey> cool yeah a restart should hopefully chase it a bit
[03-Feb-2011 06:41:46] <St3v3o> does anyone use the check_dig script to verify PTR records….I'm having some issue getting the correct syntax
[03-Feb-2011 07:23:20] <kokey> hmmm
[03-Feb-2011 07:23:28] <kokey> i don't remember setting my mysql root password
[03-Feb-2011 07:24:19] <frozty_sa> debian-default?
[03-Feb-2011 07:24:28] <frozty_sa> or whatever else maint script
[03-Feb-2011 07:33:03] <kokey> it's ok i've managed to do what i wanted without it
[03-Feb-2011 07:33:04] <kokey> ok, recreating the events database still hasn't solved my issue
[03-Feb-2011 07:33:04] <kokey> somehow File "/opt/zenoss/Products/ZenEvents/", line 154, in applyTransform
[03-Feb-2011 07:33:16] <kokey> breaks when i try to do anything with an 'evt'
[03-Feb-2011 07:33:38] <kokey> i wonder if there's anyway i can redo all the stuff that zenpacks modify
[03-Feb-2011 07:33:44] <kokey> like a refresh
[03-Feb-2011 07:50:14] <frozty_sa> kokey: yank up the log level and check the output in zenevent.log and friends?
[03-Feb-2011 07:50:42] <frozty_sa> might be able to get a trace of where the evt instance comes through clobbered
[03-Feb-2011 08:08:13] <kokey> frozty_sa: it only seems to come up in the zenhub.log
[03-Feb-2011 08:08:25] <kokey> frozty_sa: and mostly when dealing with transforms that touch or check evt
[03-Feb-2011 08:08:56] <kokey> but yeah there are other things wrong too
[03-Feb-2011 08:09:04] <kokey> like i can't uninstall and reinstall zenpacks because of it
[03-Feb-2011 08:09:05] <kokey> etc.
[03-Feb-2011 08:09:16] <kokey> it's looking like i might have to reinstall something
[03-Feb-2011 08:09:42] <frozty_sa> sounds very odd
[03-Feb-2011 08:09:50] <frozty_sa> lemme know when you find out what's causing it
[03-Feb-2011 08:10:21] <kokey> i think it's tryng out some v2 zenpack on v3 which started it all
[03-Feb-2011 08:17:28] <kokey> intersting
[03-Feb-2011 08:17:50] <kokey> so i can do things like evt._action etc.
[03-Feb-2011 08:18:15] <kokey> but doing stuff like hasattr(evt,... and if evt.has_key borks
[03-Feb-2011 08:18:29] <kokey> i don't know what could have broken it
[03-Feb-2011 08:19:40] <kokey> ok so it borks on this... exec(eventclass.transform, variables_and_funcs)
[03-Feb-2011 08:21:41] <frozty_sa> hrm, sounds like the evt doesn't end up with attributes in the same way or something
[03-Feb-2011 08:21:54] <frozty_sa> can you see anything useful through zendmd?
[03-Feb-2011 08:23:04] <kokey> don't really know how to work zendmd
[03-Feb-2011 08:23:09] <kokey> lemme give it a try
[03-Feb-2011 08:23:20] <frozty_sa> uhm
[03-Feb-2011 08:23:27] <frozty_sa> gimme a moment
[03-Feb-2011 08:23:50] <frozty_sa> elist = []
[03-Feb-2011 08:23:50] <frozty_sa> for e in dmd.ZenEventManager.getEventList([], "", "lastTime ASC, firstTime ASC"):
[03-Feb-2011 08:23:54] <frozty_sa> elist.append(e)
[03-Feb-2011 08:24:00] <frozty_sa> that'll build you up an array of events
[03-Feb-2011 08:32:53] <kokey> thanks
[03-Feb-2011 09:21:03] <St3v3o> moring all
[03-Feb-2011 09:26:14] frozty_sa is now known as froztbyt
[03-Feb-2011 09:26:15] froztbyt is now known as froztbyte
[03-Feb-2011 09:41:27] <kokey> ok so if you do a zenrestore, does it include zenpacks or does it skip it mostly?
[03-Feb-2011 09:41:49] <froztbyte> there's an option to include/exclude them
[03-Feb-2011 09:41:58] <kokey> i only see the option to include it
[03-Feb-2011 09:41:58] <froztbyte> I think the default is skip, but icbw
[03-Feb-2011 09:42:06] <kokey> so i assume the default is skip then
[03-Feb-2011 09:48:37] <axelilly> duh...figured out why zenoss wasn't receiving traps. IPtables was filtering them out.
[03-Feb-2011 09:51:17] <axelilly> so, if an event is created via a snmptrap, how do I configure zenoss to clear that even when another snmptrap is received?
[03-Feb-2011 10:10:04] <rm-rf> is there a way to get more granular results for which disk/mount is getting io wait?
[03-Feb-2011 10:29:18] <nyeates> hello
[03-Feb-2011 10:38:16] <nyeates> hi dave
[03-Feb-2011 10:39:05] <davetoo> hi; just got the IRC reminder
[03-Feb-2011 10:39:22] <davetoo> Sitting here in zendmd trying to understand zProperties
[03-Feb-2011 10:39:45] <nyeates> heh now renamed Configuration Properties :-p
[03-Feb-2011 10:39:54] <davetoo> it's confusing, because ZenPropertyManager does not override everything from PropertyManager so somethings seem broken
[03-Feb-2011 10:40:26] <davetoo> They might be named that in English, but... the python method names haven't changed as far as I have seen?
[03-Feb-2011 10:40:57] <rm-rf> do either of you guys do disk io monitoring with your zenoss implementations?
[03-Feb-2011 10:41:43] <davetoo> for example, dmd.zenPropertyItems() throws: AttributeError: dmdRootName
[03-Feb-2011 10:42:07] <davetoo> but, of course, dmd.Devices.zenPropertyItems() works fine.
[03-Feb-2011 10:42:15] <davetoo> I think that deserves a trac ticket
[03-Feb-2011 10:42:46] <davetoo> heh... like I'm going to tell someone named "rm -rf" anything about my storage
[03-Feb-2011 10:43:09] <davetoo> j/k
[03-Feb-2011 10:43:18] <nyeates> wow i didnt see that
[03-Feb-2011 10:43:26] <nyeates> good handle :-)
[03-Feb-2011 10:44:19] <davetoo> nyeates: what is your understanding of the python side of zenproperties?
[03-Feb-2011 10:45:29] <nyeates> rm-rf: ive not touched IO monitoring for a bit.... im pretty sure io graphs come via snmp and ssh by default... as component templates... so modeling has to discover your hdd's and then you can click in through to the filesystems on the ui and see the io stuff
[03-Feb-2011 10:45:46] <nyeates> davetoo: nothing really, which is why i didnt respond
[03-Feb-2011 10:45:56] <davetoo>
[03-Feb-2011 10:46:24] <rm-rf> nyeates: i do see the filesystem graphs, but that just appears to show usage
[03-Feb-2011 10:46:44] <rm-rf> in the graphs section, there is a graph labelled 'io', but it doesn't indicate what it is graphing
[03-Feb-2011 10:47:23] <rm-rf> do i need to push something in my snmp config on the servers i'm monitoring to pass that information along?
[03-Feb-2011 10:48:30] <nyeates> rm-rf: check out that graphs template, see which template is being bound, and then delve into that template and its graphs to see which datapoints that graph is using, and how those datapoints are defined (by OIDs, or by ssh commands)
[03-Feb-2011 10:54:18] <Sam-I-Am> brrrrr its cold out
[03-Feb-2011 10:54:59] <Sam-I-Am> nyeates: howdy
[03-Feb-2011 10:55:45] <rm-rf> nyeates: thanks. i just added 'zenoss.snmp.UCDHardDiskMap' to the modeler plugins that this particular system is using
[03-Feb-2011 10:55:50] <nyeates> hola sam
[03-Feb-2011 10:56:16] <rm-rf> that is getting me closer, but it appears to only be picking up /dev/sda, and nothing else
[03-Feb-2011 10:57:00] <nyeates> rm-rf: look at some of the Configuration Properties (zProperties). There are a few that block certain mounts (such as usb or cd mounts)
[03-Feb-2011 10:57:04] <nyeates> maybe its blocking other mounts too
[03-Feb-2011 10:57:36] pmcguire is now known as ptmcg
[03-Feb-2011 10:59:55] <nyeates> Paul, do you know anything about the python side of zenproperties?
[03-Feb-2011 11:00:15] <nyeates> ...someone was asking some questions i couldnt answer.
[03-Feb-2011 11:00:41] <ptmcg> I could make up something that sounds convincing, but you probably want actual information
[03-Feb-2011 11:01:40] <ptmcg> I know that the zenprops are evaluated down the class inheritance chain, so that a property defined at /Server/Windows will override one defined at /Server
[03-Feb-2011 11:02:04] <nyeates> [10:39] <davetoo> ZenPropertyManager does not override everything from PropertyManager so somethings seem broken
[03-Feb-2011 11:02:12] <ptmcg> and I believe Zope acquisition is the mechanism used for this, but now I've moved into the speculation area
[03-Feb-2011 11:02:34] <kells> Lemme check that for you
[03-Feb-2011 11:02:34] <nyeates> <davetoo> for example, dmd.zenPropertyItems() throws: AttributeError: dmdRootName
[03-Feb-2011 11:03:12] <nyeates> davetoo> but, of course, dmd.Devices.zenPropertyItems() works fine.
[03-Feb-2011 11:03:14] <kells> Why would you do that from there? Almost everything IIRC is done from dmd.Devices
[03-Feb-2011 11:03:21] <kells> Yeah.
[03-Feb-2011 11:03:35] <kells> That's roughly what I would expect
[03-Feb-2011 11:03:39] <davetoo> I'm writing a unit test suite to figure it out
[03-Feb-2011 11:03:52] <ptmcg> ah, this actually sounds similar to a bug that was I just fixed last week
[03-Feb-2011 11:03:55] * ptmcg checking...
[03-Feb-2011 11:03:59] <kells> There are different properties for different areas, so dmd.Networks has its own
[03-Feb-2011 11:04:45] <davetoo> kells: it causes MigrateUtils.migratePropertyType() to fail
[03-Feb-2011 11:05:04] <ptmcg> Check out this ticket - is this related to your question?
[03-Feb-2011 11:05:15] <davetoo> if you try to run _getInstanceValues on dmd
[03-Feb-2011 11:05:31] <davetoo> ptmcg: no. That's my ticket, anywayAnd it's different.
[03-Feb-2011 11:05:41] <davetoo> davetoo = dcarmean
[03-Feb-2011 11:05:56] <davetoo> kells: Principle of Least Surprise.
[03-Feb-2011 11:06:16] <ptmcg> Your secret identity?! It never dawned on me that you two are never in the room at the same time...
[03-Feb-2011 11:07:25] <kells> Wasn't that changeset the one that broke the build for a day?
[03-Feb-2011 11:07:33] <ptmcg> FYI #5464 has been patched and verified thru QA, so it will be in the 3.1 release
[03-Feb-2011 11:07:37] <nyeates> trouble is, everyone considers different things as 'surprising'
[03-Feb-2011 11:07:44] <ptmcg> Kells, you are such a kidder!!!
[03-Feb-2011 11:07:56] <ptmcg> I don't think so
[03-Feb-2011 11:08:34] <kells>
[03-Feb-2011 11:08:59] <davetoo> dmd is the top object that is an instance of (the mix-in) ZenPropertyManager.
[03-Feb-2011 11:09:12] <jrh0090> Yeah, having the default as [('','')] was causing all sorts of headaches
[03-Feb-2011 11:09:20] <davetoo> Thus, the Principle of Least Surprise makes me expect that any method in ZenPropertyManager should work.
[03-Feb-2011 11:09:23] <jrh0090> so the easiest thing was to make it an empty array
[03-Feb-2011 11:09:31] <davetoo> jrh0090: oh? What headaches?
[03-Feb-2011 11:10:02] <ptmcg> When you say "array" you mean "list", of course
[03-Feb-2011 11:10:05] <davetoo> because if so, I'm breaking my system
[03-Feb-2011 11:10:18] <jrh0090> if you look at DeviceClass.register_devtype it was appending to the new tuple to the blank one
[03-Feb-2011 11:10:34] <jrh0090> so you have [('',''), ('foo', 'bar')] when you registered a devtype
[03-Feb-2011 11:10:39] <jrh0090> which is probably not what you would want
[03-Feb-2011 11:10:41] <rm-rf> any idea why zenoss would be reporting on /dev/sda3 after adding the UCDHardDiskMap plugin to the modeler, when the server doesn't actually have /dev/sda3?
[03-Feb-2011 11:10:42] <davetoo> oh
[03-Feb-2011 11:11:05] <rm-rf> oh, durr. /dev/sda3 == swap
[03-Feb-2011 11:11:05] <jrh0090> so making it an empty list allowed the property to always be there and actually be meaningful if something was presetn
[03-Feb-2011 11:12:27] <nyeates> rm-rf: check out 'zFileSystemMapIgnoreTypes'
[03-Feb-2011 11:12:41] <davetoo> I'm glad I was there, then, because I was patching zenoss_init_post to shove that into zendmd on first run
[03-Feb-2011 11:12:48] <nyeates> but yeah, yer swap and other various file systems may show up
[03-Feb-2011 11:13:14] <davetoo> but..
[03-Feb-2011 11:13:29] <davetoo> is it dmd.Devices.registerDevType(,) or ((,))?
[03-Feb-2011 11:13:56] <jrh0090> dmd.Devices.registerDevType('Name', 'Description') I believe
[03-Feb-2011 11:14:15] <davetoo> ok, hang no,
[03-Feb-2011 11:14:17] <jrh0090> def register_devtype(self, description, protocol):
[03-Feb-2011 11:14:19] <jrh0090> i mean
[03-Feb-2011 11:14:46] <davetoo> Is it only correct in somebody's sandbox right now, then?
[03-Feb-2011 11:15:05] <jrh0090> nope, that has been patched to the 3.1 release
[03-Feb-2011 11:15:16] <jrh0090> Kells just linked to my sandbox to call me out :)_
[03-Feb-2011 11:15:28] <davetoo> dmd.Devices.register_devtype(,) throws a SyntaxError
[03-Feb-2011 11:15:43] <davetoo> so does dmd.Devices.register_devtype((,))
[03-Feb-2011 11:15:43] <ptmcg> Well, he was calling *me* out, actually, since I had botched the first fix
[03-Feb-2011 11:15:53] <jrh0090> dmd.Devices.register_devtype('', '') will do what you want i believe
[03-Feb-2011 11:16:10] <davetoo> but I thought you said that this is what created the problem?
[03-Feb-2011 11:16:24] <kells> More like "Oh hey! Now I think I know what you guys are talking about."
[03-Feb-2011 11:16:42] <kells> Didn't mean to put anybody on the spot, I just have a poor memory.
[03-Feb-2011 11:16:43] <davetoo> jrh0090: ?
[03-Feb-2011 11:16:59] <davetoo> what exactly was the "fix" that broke things?
[03-Feb-2011 11:17:37] <jrh0090> adding the default to the top level device class didn't really break things, we just had to make sure that our implementation was aware of the difference
[03-Feb-2011 11:17:40] <jrh0090> if that makes sense
[03-Feb-2011 11:17:42] <davetoo> that the first attempt was actually an (untested?) syntax error, the empty tuple? And that
[03-Feb-2011 11:18:06] <davetoo> a 2-tuple of null strings is the correct answer?
[03-Feb-2011 11:18:30] <jrh0090> the only place we use the devtypes (that I could find) was the drop down list of "Protocols" for new devices
[03-Feb-2011 11:18:46] <davetoo> That's all I found, as well.
[03-Feb-2011 11:18:47] <kells> "Much Ado About Nothing"
[03-Feb-2011 11:18:57] <kells> Shakespeare is everywhere.
[03-Feb-2011 11:19:17] <jrh0090> and the tuple of empty strings was just causing data to be missing from that list
[03-Feb-2011 11:19:36] <jrh0090> it really wasn't a big deal to change, fortunately we have a pretty good QA department that noticed something was missing from it
[03-Feb-2011 11:19:52] <davetoo> well, this came about because I have a tool that walks down the tree and writes properties to a json structure,
[03-Feb-2011 11:19:56] <ptmcg> davetoo: this is the original changeset:
[03-Feb-2011 11:20:10] <rm-rf> how long does it typically take for zenoss to start graphing results?
[03-Feb-2011 11:20:41] <ptmcg> but jrh0090's fix cleans things up
[03-Feb-2011 11:20:57] <nyeates> rm-rf: a couple monitoring cycles... 3 technically, but sometimes u cant see it clearly until you get more
[03-Feb-2011 11:20:58] <davetoo> which is the "good" changeset?
[03-Feb-2011 11:21:32] <davetoo> I would prefer to use zenpatch than my own hack
[03-Feb-2011 11:21:39] <Jane_Curry> Hiya
[03-Feb-2011 11:21:47] <davetoo> oh, I can't,
[03-Feb-2011 11:22:24] <jrh0090> I think ptmcg is using his trac-fu to find it
[03-Feb-2011 11:22:28] <davetoo> since I'm still on 3.0.x, that step won't run. and, n/mind, it's in 25340. I'm still half asleep.
[03-Feb-2011 11:22:43] <nyeates> rm-rf: look in advanced > collectors > <collectorname> > overview > SNMP Performance Cycle Interval
[03-Feb-2011 11:22:48] <davetoo> oh, wait a second...
[03-Feb-2011 11:22:55] <nyeates> rm-rf default is 300 sec
[03-Feb-2011 11:23:15] <nyeates> Hi jane
[03-Feb-2011 11:23:18] <davetoo> 25340 is still wrong, yeah?
[03-Feb-2011 11:24:02] <davetoo> 25432
[03-Feb-2011 11:24:45] <davetoo> seems to be the fix
[03-Feb-2011 11:25:34] <rmatte> oooh, just noticed the beta is out
[03-Feb-2011 11:25:42] <rmatte> is the link on the download page?
[03-Feb-2011 11:25:49] <ptmcg>
[03-Feb-2011 11:26:02] <ptmcg> oh, you found it already
[03-Feb-2011 11:26:38] <davetoo> yes, thanks
[03-Feb-2011 11:27:10] <ptmcg> That fixes this change:
[03-Feb-2011 11:27:36] <davetoo> I'm glad I was in here; my hack to shove a HEREDOC into zendmd in zenoss_init_post was doing it the "wrong" way.
[03-Feb-2011 11:27:59] <rmatte> eugh, looks like I'll be re-logging the nmap plugin issue as a new ticket
[03-Feb-2011 11:28:02] <rmatte> since they decided to close it
[03-Feb-2011 11:28:12] <davetoo> rmatte: what's the bug?
[03-Feb-2011 11:28:37] <kells> davetoo: zendmd --script=filename wasn't working for you? Maybe I'm not understanding the HEREDOC comment properly
[03-Feb-2011 11:28:45] <rmatte> davetoo: the nmap plugin for detecting ip services to monitor hasn't worked for as long as I remember
[03-Feb-2011 11:29:03] <rmatte> and there were steps in the ticket to fix it, which I put there, but no one accurately attempted them
[03-Feb-2011 11:29:13] <rmatte> I'm going to put a formal patch together, test it, and re-submit
[03-Feb-2011 11:30:17] <davetoo> kells: ${ZENHOME}/bin/zendmd <<EOT
[03-Feb-2011 11:30:17] <davetoo> if not dmd.Devices.hasProperty('devtypes'): dmd.Devices.register_devtype('','')
[03-Feb-2011 11:30:18] <davetoo> if not dmd.Devices.Server.hasProperty('devtypes'): dmd.Devices.Server.register_devtype('','')
[03-Feb-2011 11:30:18] <davetoo> dmd.Devices.cDateTest = ''
[03-Feb-2011 11:30:18] <davetoo> dmd.Systems.setZenProperty('systemClass', '')
[03-Feb-2011 11:30:18] <davetoo> commit()
[03-Feb-2011 11:30:18] <davetoo> EOT
[03-Feb-2011 11:30:20] <davetoo> (sorry)
[03-Feb-2011 11:30:57] <davetoo> I put that at the end of ${ZENHOME}/bin/zenoss_init_post
[03-Feb-2011 11:32:23] <davetoo> but now I should be able to use zenpatch
[03-Feb-2011 11:33:18] <davetoo> which I will test right now. Hurray for VM snapshots
[03-Feb-2011 11:33:51] <davetoo> now, about that beta
[03-Feb-2011 11:39:42] <nyeates> 3.1.0 beta found at
[03-Feb-2011 11:39:54] <nyeates> blogs/zenossblog/2011/02/01/zenoss-310-beta-is-now-available
[03-Feb-2011 11:39:56] <nyeates> for details
[03-Feb-2011 11:40:05] <Jane_Curry> Anyone got any good answers to a blank component display in 3.0.3
[03-Feb-2011 11:41:07] <nyeates> which display jane?
[03-Feb-2011 11:41:38] <Jane_Curry> The Firefox Console gives "this.config[a] is undefined"
[03-Feb-2011 11:42:03] <Jane_Curry> This is a new ZenPack that started from my BridgeMIB ZenPack code
[03-Feb-2011 11:43:34] <Jane_Curry> So - new device type, with a new component. Component shows in left menu but clicking component gives resulting blank ComponentGridPanel
[03-Feb-2011 11:46:18] <nyeates> Jane: i dont think i will be able to help here besidse to clarify - are there sub-components defined in this new device type?
[03-Feb-2011 11:47:43] <Sam-I-Am> Jane_Curry: btw your event management paper is awesome, thanks
[03-Feb-2011 11:48:35] <nyeates> like on a normal device, there might be Components > and below that "Interfaces", "Network Routes", "Stack Modules" .... does your device type have various types of Components listed? Or just one? or none?
[03-Feb-2011 11:50:20] <Jane_Curry> I guess I have a subcomponent in your terminology - so under Components on the LH menu, I see my new subcomponent type
[03-Feb-2011 11:51:09] <Jane_Curry> I van also use the ZMI and see the new device, its new relationship and the detils of its new component
[03-Feb-2011 11:51:56] <Jane_Curry> It's just the detail in the GUI that is blank - I should se 1 line for each of the instances of my new component
[03-Feb-2011 11:52:33] <Jane_Curry> and the Display drop down should give Details, Graphs etc but they are all blank
[03-Feb-2011 11:53:25] <Jane_Curry> <Sam-I-Am> - thanks. We are wondering about offering the associated 3-day workshop as a remote class offering..
[03-Feb-2011 11:54:09] <Jane_Curry> .. probably too late for you if you have digested the paper - but I'd be interested to see whether there is interest in such a project??
[03-Feb-2011 11:57:31] <Sam-I-Am> Jane_Curry: i'd surely be interested... its just whether or not management here would go for it.
[03-Feb-2011 11:58:13] <Sam-I-Am> Jane_Curry: other topics would be interesting too
[03-Feb-2011 12:02:54] <nyeates> Jane: I cant give any feedback on the missing component instances and graphs besides that: you may want to browse newish trac tickets for issues devs had with this changed a lot for 3.0 and there might be hints at issues
[03-Feb-2011 12:05:25] <Jane_Curry> <Sam-I-Am> We have just advertised the 1-day FastStart Workshop but this is definitely an intro workshop
[03-Feb-2011 12:05:51] <Jane_Curry> We thought we'd start with the short one. I've run it several times as a face-to-face workshop
[03-Feb-2011 12:06:02] <Jane_Curry> but we haven't tried the remote format before
[03-Feb-2011 12:06:50] <nyeates> i think u might see more willingness to attend
[03-Feb-2011 12:07:01] <nyeates> cause now it will be open to those in other continents
[03-Feb-2011 12:07:46] <Sam-I-Am> remote would really help
[03-Feb-2011 12:07:48] <Jane_Curry> That's the thinking - that's partly why we deliberately haven't advertised a time on the workshop announcement
[03-Feb-2011 12:07:53] <Sam-I-Am> i attend lots of remote stuff
[03-Feb-2011 12:08:03] <nyeates> This concludes the developer session for this week. I encourage all of you to take 3.1.0 beta for a spin and to let us know how it goes. Our engineering is looking for feedback.
[03-Feb-2011 12:08:37] <Jane_Curry> But I've hardlu started on my questions....
[03-Feb-2011 12:08:57] <nyeates> Also, as a personal message from me - please keep in your minds the people of Egypt and the Arab world. I have some friends and family over there and we all hope that it works out for the best there.
[03-Feb-2011 12:09:25] <Sam-I-Am> nyeates: been keeping a close eye on it.
[03-Feb-2011 12:09:37] <Sam-I-Am> pbs newshour has awesome coverage
[03-Feb-2011 12:10:44] <nyeates> been watching aljazeera english
[03-Feb-2011 12:10:50] <Jane_Curry> Anyone done any deep digging into setting Hardware and OS Manufacturer and Model??
[03-Feb-2011 12:10:57] <Jane_Curry> I get quirky results
[03-Feb-2011 12:14:52] <rmatte> nyeates: where's the link to the beta?
[03-Feb-2011 12:14:59] <rmatte> oh nevermind
[03-Feb-2011 12:15:04] <rmatte> I see the link in the topic now
[03-Feb-2011 12:17:35] <kokey> whee, hopefully we'll get approval tomorrow to buy enterprise
[03-Feb-2011 12:17:45] <rmatte> cool
[03-Feb-2011 12:17:54] <kokey> i'm getting to a point of needing regular support
[03-Feb-2011 12:18:21] <rmatte> Jane_Curry: that whole system needs to have someone take a deep look at it, it hasn't worked right as long as I can remember
[03-Feb-2011 12:18:30] <kokey> or rather the list of questions have built up
[03-Feb-2011 12:18:43] <Sam-I-Am> kokey: i like the enterprise support crew
[03-Feb-2011 12:19:37] <kokey> i kind of broke something with trying out a v2 zenpack on v3 like a month ago
[03-Feb-2011 12:19:46] <kokey> so i've got to rebuild something or everything
[03-Feb-2011 12:19:48] <Sam-I-Am> yeah, i saw you mentioning that
[03-Feb-2011 12:19:58] <rmatte> kokey: not sure how you managed that lol
[03-Feb-2011 12:20:09] <kokey> i thought i managed to have some nice transforms that made things tidy
[03-Feb-2011 12:20:20] <kokey> turns out touching 'evt' makes a whole transform break
[03-Feb-2011 12:20:22] <Sam-I-Am> enterprise support is helping me with a transform now... its awesome
[03-Feb-2011 12:20:27] <Sam-I-Am> didnt know they did that
[03-Feb-2011 12:20:31] <kokey> and also prevents importing and exporting of zenpacks to work properly
[03-Feb-2011 12:20:37] <rmatte> kokey: I've never seen that, that's really weird
[03-Feb-2011 12:21:00] <kokey> rmatte: yeah i've been trying to dig into it a bit today
[03-Feb-2011 12:21:06] <rmatte> Sam-I-Am: you're paying, they support anything really
[03-Feb-2011 12:21:21] <rmatte> kokey: what error do you get when trying to add/remove packs?
[03-Feb-2011 12:21:27] <rmatte> also, what's the error it throws when touching evt?
[03-Feb-2011 12:21:42] <rmatte> them preferable (the whole tracebacks)
[03-Feb-2011 12:21:47] <rmatte> preferably*
[03-Feb-2011 12:21:56] <kokey> here's an example...
[03-Feb-2011 12:21:58] <kokey>
[03-Feb-2011 12:22:04] <Sam-I-Am> rmatte: for a while i just thought it was "basics" like install/config and not crazy stuff
[03-Feb-2011 12:22:09] <Sam-I-Am> not sure where i got that idea from
[03-Feb-2011 12:22:30] <rmatte> can I see the actual transform please?
[03-Feb-2011 12:22:32] <kokey> basically i have played around with it a lot and it seems to do it when i try to check evt
[03-Feb-2011 12:22:36] <rmatte> that just looks like bad syntax or something
[03-Feb-2011 12:22:54] <kokey> e.g. hasattr('evt',.... or if evt.has_key, etc.
[03-Feb-2011 12:23:04] <rmatte> can I see the transform?
[03-Feb-2011 12:23:13] <kokey> if i assign something to evt... like do evt._action then it's ok
[03-Feb-2011 12:24:16] * rmatte yawns
[03-Feb-2011 12:24:27] * Sam-I-Am gives rmatte coffee
[03-Feb-2011 12:24:40] <rmatte> coffee wouldn't be a bad idea
[03-Feb-2011 12:24:41] <kokey> rmatte: there are a few that breaks it.... e.g. a transform that just says:
[03-Feb-2011 12:24:42] <Sam-I-Am> i've been up till 2 twice this week with software upgrades on network gear
[03-Feb-2011 12:24:44] <kokey> if hasattr(evt, 'eventClassKey'):
[03-Feb-2011 12:24:47] <Sam-I-Am> kinda starting to feel it
[03-Feb-2011 12:24:48] <kokey> and do somethign like log
[03-Feb-2011 12:25:03] <kokey> also transforms that worked nicely before stopped working after this started to happen
[03-Feb-2011 12:25:06] <rmatte> kokey: did you actually write them or are they standard?
[03-Feb-2011 12:25:27] <kokey> rmatte: no i wrote them, and some of them worked as expected, until this thing happened
[03-Feb-2011 12:25:46] <rmatte> ok, so what's the error when trying to install/remove Zenpacks then?
[03-Feb-2011 12:27:33] <kokey> lemme double check
[03-Feb-2011 12:28:21] <kokey> yeah same error....
[03-Feb-2011 12:29:11] <kokey> some evil zenpack ruined something deep it seems
[03-Feb-2011 12:29:30] <rmatte> I just found an old forum thread about this, and you definitely do have a bad transform somewhere
[03-Feb-2011 12:29:31] <kokey> though i'm a bit surprised that applytransform and sendevent is used with installing and uninstalling zenpacks
[03-Feb-2011 12:29:40] <rmatte> fpaste all of the ones you've written so that I can check them for syntax errors
[03-Feb-2011 12:29:49] <kokey> well i've only got three i think
[03-Feb-2011 12:29:55] <rmatte> k, so fpaste the 3
[03-Feb-2011 12:30:22] <rmatte> It's complaining about one in /Unknown
[03-Feb-2011 12:30:26] <rmatte> so that should narrow it down
[03-Feb-2011 12:31:06] <rmatte> did any of your transform text turn red when you saved it?
[03-Feb-2011 12:31:14] <rmatte> when it turns red it means it's bad
[03-Feb-2011 12:31:27] <rm-rf> there must be something wrong with that modeler plugin
[03-Feb-2011 12:31:33] <rm-rf> because i still don't have any graphs showing up
[03-Feb-2011 12:31:42] <rmatte> rm-rf: which one?
[03-Feb-2011 12:31:50] <kokey> rmatte:
[03-Feb-2011 12:31:52] <rm-rf> UCDHardDiskMap
[03-Feb-2011 12:32:01] <rm-rf> rmatte: ^^
[03-Feb-2011 12:32:34] <kokey> the 'class transform:' stuff is from the script that dumps all the transforms
[03-Feb-2011 12:32:38] <kokey> it's not in the actual transform
[03-Feb-2011 12:33:12] <rmatte> rm-rf: I wrote that
[03-Feb-2011 12:33:29] <rmatte> I didn't even know it was publicly available now
[03-Feb-2011 12:33:29] <kokey> rmatte: oh red means bad, haha
[03-Feb-2011 12:33:44] <rmatte> kokey: yes, red means bad, it should never be red
[03-Feb-2011 12:33:53] <kokey> i was wondering why it didn't have a feature to test on the fly
[03-Feb-2011 12:33:58] <rmatte> kokey: show me the one showing as red and I'll fix it for you
[03-Feb-2011 12:34:28] <rmatte> rm-rf: where did you get that plugin from?
[03-Feb-2011 12:34:42] <rmatte> rm-rf: I don't even see it on the ZenPacks page yet
[03-Feb-2011 12:35:01] <rm-rf> rmatte: it came with 3.0.3
[03-Feb-2011 12:35:21] <rmatte> rm-rf: oh, interesting, I wrote a pack for 2.5.2 with that, I wonder if they used mine or made one
[03-Feb-2011 12:35:28] * rmatte checks
[03-Feb-2011 12:36:01] <rmatte> actually the pack was for 2.5.2 and 3.0
[03-Feb-2011 12:36:07] <rmatte> didn't know they were planning on including one
[03-Feb-2011 12:36:08] <rm-rf> rmatte: if you click on a server, and go to modeler plugins, then add plugins, it is there as 'zenoss.snmp.UCDHardDiskMap'
[03-Feb-2011 12:36:43] <rmatte> oh nevermind
[03-Feb-2011 12:36:49] <rmatte> that's UCD hard disk map
[03-Feb-2011 12:36:54] <rmatte> that's not going to do anything for filesystems
[03-Feb-2011 12:36:58] <rmatte> if that's what you're expecting?
[03-Feb-2011 12:37:04] <rm-rf> i want IO stats
[03-Feb-2011 12:37:08] <rm-rf> on my disks
[03-Feb-2011 12:37:22] <rmatte> yeh, I don't think it does that
[03-Feb-2011 12:37:32] <rm-rf> dang
[03-Feb-2011 12:37:36] <rmatte> I've never seen IO stats provided by the UCD mib
[03-Feb-2011 12:37:40] <rmatte> so I don't even think it's possible
[03-Feb-2011 12:37:45] <rm-rf> any suggestions on how to get better stats on disk IO?
[03-Feb-2011 12:37:47] <rmatte> what kinds of servers are you wanting IO stats on?
[03-Feb-2011 12:38:04] <rm-rf> linux servers running oracle
[03-Feb-2011 12:38:28] <rmatte> well, there's a general disk IO value supplied by the OS that shows up on the perf tab, but I think that's about the best you're going to get
[03-Feb-2011 12:39:13] <rmatte> maybe you could use some linux utility to gather the stats, then write a script and use it as a command based ssh datapoint
[03-Feb-2011 12:40:37] <rmatte> hmmm, ucd does appear to provide disk IO
[03-Feb-2011 12:40:39] <rm-rf> i followed this as well: message/35510#35513
[03-Feb-2011 12:40:42] <rmatte> just not sure if that plugin actually does it
[03-Feb-2011 12:40:44] <rmatte> checking...
[03-Feb-2011 12:41:47] <rmatte> that guide is BS because the way he's doing it isn't dynamic in any ways
[03-Feb-2011 12:41:49] <rmatte> way*
[03-Feb-2011 12:41:55] <rmatte> so you'd have to repeat that for every device
[03-Feb-2011 12:42:04] <rmatte> since they'll all have differen disks and different OIDs
[03-Feb-2011 12:42:26] <rmatte> the only way to do it effectively is with a collector plugin and a template specifically for that type of object (disk object)
[03-Feb-2011 12:42:27] <rm-rf> darn
[03-Feb-2011 12:42:43] m_I-Am-Sa is now known as pinball_
[03-Feb-2011 12:43:43] <rmatte> ah interesting
[03-Feb-2011 12:44:04] <rmatte> it looks like this UCDHardDiskMap plugin would work... but you would need a template of type Products.ZenModel.HardDisk
[03-Feb-2011 12:44:09] <rm-rf> so there is no good way to get io stats on devices, other than writing something that executes locally, and parsing that input with zenoss?
[03-Feb-2011 12:44:11] <rmatte> and the template would have to be configured correctly
[03-Feb-2011 12:44:55] <rmatte> basically you'd create a template of that type, then add the OIDs in for all the values, but ommit the part of the OID containing the object index
[03-Feb-2011 12:45:12] <rmatte> when you model with that plugin do you actually see disks listed for the device afterwards?
[03-Feb-2011 12:45:50] <rm-rf> i see disks, but i don't see any graphs, which is why i need the Products.ZenModel.HardDisk template?
[03-Feb-2011 12:46:09] <rmatte> yeh, you need to create a new template and make that the "Target Class" of the template
[03-Feb-2011 12:46:18] <rmatte> then create datapoints and graphs
[03-Feb-2011 12:46:24] <kokey> rmatte: seems like by removing the '# end' at the end of some transforms made them go black again
[03-Feb-2011 12:46:33] <kokey> rmatte: not only that, but it's looking like it fixed everything
[03-Feb-2011 12:46:45] <rmatte> kokey: why did you even have # end there?
[03-Feb-2011 12:46:57] <rm-rf> rmatte: and i'll have to do this for all my servers, or can i create a template that can be applied to multiple devices?
[03-Feb-2011 12:47:05] <kokey> well, habit really...
[03-Feb-2011 12:47:16] <rmatte> kokey: leave out commenting unless absolutely necessary lol
[03-Feb-2011 12:47:32] <rmatte> that whole # EOF habbit coders have is useless
[03-Feb-2011 12:47:36] <rmatte>
[03-Feb-2011 12:47:43] <kokey> yeah i understand # end is redundant
[03-Feb-2011 12:47:43] <rmatte> but it is weird that that's what was causing it
[03-Feb-2011 12:47:59] <kokey> however, if let's say i have 12 transforms in one event class, i would have liked to put some comments in there
[03-Feb-2011 12:48:07] <rmatte> rm-rf: you would create the template at the /Devices/Server/Linux level
[03-Feb-2011 12:48:25] <rmatte> rm-rf: and it'll automatically apply to any objects of type HardDisk
[03-Feb-2011 12:48:29] <kokey> well strange i didn't just realise that red is bad
[03-Feb-2011 12:48:35] <rmatte>
[03-Feb-2011 12:49:01] <rmatte> They really could use some ajax popup saying "Look dumbass, your code is crap, fix it!"
[03-Feb-2011 12:49:08] <rmatte> the red isn't super obvious
[03-Feb-2011 12:49:19] <rmatte>
[03-Feb-2011 12:49:42] <rmatte> ok, time to take this beta for a test drive
[03-Feb-2011 12:50:28] <rm-rf> man, i am out of my element here. i may need to get some food in my belly before attempting this further
[03-Feb-2011 12:50:39] <kokey> rmatte: i'm starting to owe you beer already
[03-Feb-2011 12:50:57] <rmatte> rm-rf: I'll be busy today but I'll be around from time to time, feel free to message me on the community site with questions if need be
[03-Feb-2011 12:51:19] <rmatte> kokey: I could go on a tour and fill up a u-haul truck at this point
[03-Feb-2011 12:51:39] <rmatte> kokey: been in here helping people for a year and a half, before then I was the one in here asking questions all the time
[03-Feb-2011 12:51:59] <rm-rf> rmatte: i appreciate it
[03-Feb-2011 12:52:25] <rmatte> wow, look at that, I can click to edit a graphpoint and not have to type the name in again
[03-Feb-2011 12:52:26] <kokey> rmatte: if i stick with this product i can probably earn some good beer in the future myself
[03-Feb-2011 12:52:28] <rmatte> that's one nice fix
[03-Feb-2011 12:52:32] <kokey> rmatte: will have to give you a cut then
[03-Feb-2011 12:52:40] <rmatte> haha
[03-Feb-2011 12:53:08] <rmatte> template overriding/copying works as I suggested, woot
[03-Feb-2011 12:55:01] <rmatte> trying to think of what else to check...
[03-Feb-2011 12:55:04] <rmatte> oh yeh
[03-Feb-2011 12:56:10] <rmatte> sweet, updating a threshold doesn't make the datapoint display as missing anymore
[03-Feb-2011 12:56:32] <rmatte> looks like all the problems that I had with template editing in 3.0 got fixed in 3.1
[03-Feb-2011 12:56:33] <kokey> rmatte: yay fixing that almost made my portlet work too
[03-Feb-2011 12:56:44] <rmatte> kokey: cool
[03-Feb-2011 12:56:59] <kokey> except my portlet caused the whole dashboard to be empty
[03-Feb-2011 12:57:02] <kokey> but i'll work on that
[03-Feb-2011 12:57:07] <rmatte> it actually looks like I'll finally be able to upgrade my production systems to 3.1
[03-Feb-2011 12:57:08] <kokey> i can uninstall it fine and things are cool
[03-Feb-2011 12:57:41] <rmatte> well, time for me to get back to work lol
[03-Feb-2011 12:57:42] <kokey> and i can do your undeveloper mode reinstall thing too later
[03-Feb-2011 12:57:42] <rmatte> ttyl
[03-Feb-2011 12:57:49] <rmatte> yup
[03-Feb-2011 12:58:03] <kokey> thanks, you've saved me days i thought i was going to rebuild stuff
[03-Feb-2011 12:58:34] <kokey> anyone here an enterprise customer?
[03-Feb-2011 12:59:21] <rmatte>
[03-Feb-2011 12:59:24] <rmatte> not I
[03-Feb-2011 12:59:29] <rmatte> though we may be eventually
[03-Feb-2011 13:00:34] <Sam-I-Am> kokey: i am, but you knew that
[03-Feb-2011 13:01:03] <kokey> we're just trying to work out if we need to do pay as you grow or not
[03-Feb-2011 13:02:33] <Sam-I-Am> hmm, i have no idea what i'm signed up for
[03-Feb-2011 13:02:41] <Sam-I-Am> i dont actually manage the contract
[03-Feb-2011 13:02:48] <kokey> yeah it's all new to me
[03-Feb-2011 13:03:10] <kokey> i'm used to having someone buy hardware and that same vendor doing our red hat licenses
[03-Feb-2011 13:03:17] <kokey> and the rest of the software is free
[03-Feb-2011 13:04:21] <Sam-I-Am> rmatte: can i add a "second message" ... like evt.pagermessage... which contains a shortened version of the message, but not quite as short as the summary?
[03-Feb-2011 13:04:38] <Sam-I-Am> kokey: i work for a nonprofit, so i think my licensing is different
[03-Feb-2011 13:05:22] <Sam-I-Am> i suspect those variables are fixed.
[03-Feb-2011 13:26:11] * Sam-I-Am sees how much he can stuff into an sms
[03-Feb-2011 13:32:11] <zirikili> hello guys
[03-Feb-2011 13:32:51] <zirikili> how may I know the prices for Zenoss Enterprise?
[03-Feb-2011 13:35:02] <Sam-I-Am> zirikili: contact zenoss
[03-Feb-2011 13:37:43] <rmatte> zirikili:
[03-Feb-2011 13:37:55] <rmatte> but you can negotiate lower rates depending on how many devices you have to monitor
[03-Feb-2011 13:38:01] <rmatte> contact Zenoss sales and see what they can do for you
[03-Feb-2011 13:38:51] <zirikili> the price is that $15k ?
[03-Feb-2011 13:41:09] <rmatte> zirikili: yes, but that's for a service provider pricing package
[03-Feb-2011 13:41:39] <rmatte> oh actually, it looks like that would be the price to have Zenoss fully customize the system for you
[03-Feb-2011 13:41:43] <rmatte> that's not even for the software
[03-Feb-2011 13:42:22] <zirikili> I understand... thanks for help
[03-Feb-2011 13:48:03] <rmatte> np
[03-Feb-2011 13:50:48] <zirikili> is there a "default community" I should setup my snmp device as?
[03-Feb-2011 13:51:03] <rmatte> zirikili: no, pick one yourself
[03-Feb-2011 13:51:16] <rmatte> public is the default, but it's good to change it
[03-Feb-2011 13:51:26] <zirikili> ok
[03-Feb-2011 14:17:28] * Sam-I-Am wonders exactly what clearOrEventSummary is
[03-Feb-2011 14:19:07] <rmatte> function to set the clear summary or the event summary I would assume
[03-Feb-2011 14:19:10] <rmatte> as in clear events
[03-Feb-2011 14:19:44] <Sam-I-Am> yeah, i knew what the eventsummary part was.
[03-Feb-2011 14:20:08] <Sam-I-Am> right now when a clear message comes, it says clear + the original alert message (such and such is down)
[03-Feb-2011 14:21:34] <Sam-I-Am> i am kinda leaning toward having more than summary in an acknowledgement alert so someone knows exactly what was ack'd
[03-Feb-2011 14:21:53] <Sam-I-Am> errr, clear messages
[03-Feb-2011 14:22:09] <Sam-I-Am> "clear: such and such down" might be confusing at 2am (although you'd think not)
[03-Feb-2011 14:33:20] <ericedge> agreed, many a time I've thought a clear message was another alert coming through
[03-Feb-2011 14:35:25] <Sam-I-Am> trying to fix that
[03-Feb-2011 14:36:15] <Sam-I-Am> kinda wish there was another set of variables for pages... like evt.pagemsg and evt.pagesum
[03-Feb-2011 14:36:30] <Sam-I-Am> can tweak those in my event transforms to have condensed info
[03-Feb-2011 14:39:59] <ericedge> maybe take a look at the notifications associated with swap--I notice that emails for swap have subjects of "swap exceeded", with recovery as "swap restored"
[03-Feb-2011 14:40:38] <ericedge> (I'm pretty sure we don't have any transforms on those events on our setup)
[03-Feb-2011 14:41:55] <gstronac> zenoss 2.5.2 to zenoss 2.5.2 clone physical server to virtual(ESX)? Anyone done this and any gotchas?
[03-Feb-2011 14:48:59] <zirikili> is SNMP more complete than SSH access method?
[03-Feb-2011 14:49:42] <Sam-I-Am> depends what you're looking for
[03-Feb-2011 14:50:03] <zirikili> to add some linux boxes
[03-Feb-2011 14:50:34] <Sam-I-Am> i'd say you can use ssh for some things and snmp for others
[03-Feb-2011 14:50:45] <Sam-I-Am> many of the zenpacks i use for linux seem to like snmp
[03-Feb-2011 14:50:54] <Sam-I-Am> but i suspect some things can only be monitored via ssh
[03-Feb-2011 14:53:09] <ericedge> not sure whether it's relevant, but there are also security concerns with both ssh and snmp
[03-Feb-2011 14:54:18] <ericedge> personally, I'm more comfortable with the solution I understand better (ssh), but I really like how simple snmp can be in e.g. ZenPacks, like Sam-I-Am says.
[03-Feb-2011 14:54:27] <zirikili> may I use both methods for a same device?
[03-Feb-2011 14:55:23] <Sam-I-Am> sure
[03-Feb-2011 14:55:37] <Sam-I-Am> being a network guy, i tend to lean towards snmp
[03-Feb-2011 14:56:04] <zirikili> In fact, when I tried to use ssh, the graph for ethernet NICs was always empty
[03-Feb-2011 14:58:03] <ericedge> yeah, snmp works better out of the box with zenoss in my experience.
[03-Feb-2011 14:58:15] <ericedge> (assuming you configure things correctly on the device side
[03-Feb-2011 15:07:06] <rmatte> I monitor all my Linux stuff with snmp
[03-Feb-2011 15:07:11] <rmatte> more lightweight
[03-Feb-2011 15:08:50] <mloven1> Is anyone here dynamically monitoring interfaces to determine whether or not they are trunk ports? And then using that data transform events? i.e. not a trunk - drop it; trunk - Critical....
[03-Feb-2011 15:10:28] <mloven1> not using the ifDescr, by the way... we can't change the Description in most of our cases...
[03-Feb-2011 15:11:48] <Sam-I-Am> mloven1: you can probably correlate the interface from the event with its zenoss type in the device database
[03-Feb-2011 15:12:04] <Sam-I-Am> i'm doing that to pull descriptions for braindead devices that only send me ifindex in traps
[03-Feb-2011 15:12:15] <Sam-I-Am> not all things send the standard ifname and ifdescr
[03-Feb-2011 15:12:20] <Sam-I-Am> and if they do, some swap which is which
[03-Feb-2011 15:13:35] <Sam-I-Am> if you want to use ifname/ifdescr when available, i'd write some stuff to sanitize input to make a variable like "name" consistent regardless of equipment vendor ... then go poke the device database to check interface type
[03-Feb-2011 15:14:30] <mloven1> ifname and ifdescr won't work in this case. These are customer devices that we can't (in most cases) go in and edit ifDesc...
[03-Feb-2011 15:14:48] <Sam-I-Am> then use ifindex
[03-Feb-2011 15:15:04] <Sam-I-Am> it should be consistent
[03-Feb-2011 15:15:08] <mloven1> and the interface type doesn't tell whether a port is a trunk port or not.
[03-Feb-2011 15:15:47] <Sam-I-Am> snmp iftype or zenoss detected interface type?
[03-Feb-2011 15:17:09] <mloven1> As far as I know, Zenoss doesn't, by default, know whether an interface is a trunk port or not.... Am I mistaken on that?
[03-Feb-2011 15:17:43] <Sam-I-Am> it knows... or at least the best it can tell from snmp iftype
[03-Feb-2011 15:17:53] <Sam-I-Am> depending on device, my trunks show up as a few different types
[03-Feb-2011 15:18:28] <mloven1> what types would those be?
[03-Feb-2011 15:20:20] <Sam-I-Am> on my brocade/foundry gear its Virtual Trunk Group_64, on juniper its propVirtual_64, on HP its propMultiplexor_64 or IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregate_64
[03-Feb-2011 15:21:23] <Sam-I-Am> go to your device, click on the interface under "os" ... check "type" under "ipinterface"
[03-Feb-2011 15:22:10] <Sam-I-Am> if zenoss cant figure it out, it'll assume ethernetCsmacd or ethernetCsmacd_64 ... and if you want specific info out of the interface, you should create a template for what zenoss thinks the type is and put your own data sources into it
[03-Feb-2011 15:22:45] <Sam-I-Am> if you click on the 'template' tab for the interface you'll see what template zenoss is using for it
[03-Feb-2011 15:23:22] <mloven1> We're a 99% Cisco shop, so I can only answer for Cisco gear, but the interface type doesn't change depending on whether an interface is set to "trunk" or "access"
[03-Feb-2011 15:25:33] <ptmcg> kokey, rmatte: didn't realize I left IRC open - 3.1 will have some better logging when there is a syntax error in a transform; it turns out that there was some code to try to log a nice-looking traceback in the event of an exception, but the traceback formatter raised its own exception if the problem was a compile error
[03-Feb-2011 15:26:12] <ptmcg> (this happens at runtime) but you still have to look at the log to get it
[03-Feb-2011 15:26:39] <ptmcg> when I was debugging this, I saw the red output too, and thought it was sort of subliminal
[03-Feb-2011 15:27:26] <Sam-I-Am> mloven1: that sucks. i dont use any cisco access-layer devices
[03-Feb-2011 15:27:44] <Sam-I-Am> if the device doesnt provide any hints, i dont think theres a way to do it
[03-Feb-2011 15:27:58] <Sam-I-Am> unless you do it manually... like... interfaces X Y and Z are always trunks, etc
[03-Feb-2011 15:28:49] <mloven1> yeah, but the manual process requires a: a huge amount of time to go back and hit every device we're monitoring, and b: constant upkeep.
[03-Feb-2011 15:28:58] <Sam-I-Am> yep
[03-Feb-2011 15:29:15] <Sam-I-Am> my HP access switches tell me when something is a trunk
[03-Feb-2011 15:29:18] <Sam-I-Am> as do the foundry ones
[03-Feb-2011 15:29:35] <mloven1> There's an oid to poll that will tell you if a port is trunking or not, but I'm trying to figure out how to work that into the event transform
[03-Feb-2011 15:29:50] <Sam-I-Am> i'd put it in the data sources for the interface type
[03-Feb-2011 15:29:59] <Sam-I-Am> then you can poke it in the event transform
[03-Feb-2011 15:30:19] <Sam-I-Am> similar to what you might do for ifOperStatus and ifAdminStatus
[03-Feb-2011 15:30:19] <mloven1> the downside to the oid is... if an interface is trunking, and then goes down (either manually shut, or disconnected), it will switch to "not trunking"
[03-Feb-2011 15:31:14] <Sam-I-Am> awesome.
[03-Feb-2011 15:31:29] <mloven1> so my original thought of polling on the fly in the transform won't work...
[03-Feb-2011 15:31:40] <Sam-I-Am> chances are it wont have time to get polled by zenperfsnmp at time of the disconnection
[03-Feb-2011 15:31:47] <mloven1> right.
[03-Feb-2011 15:32:07] <Sam-I-Am> the other option is writing a command script to check the config file
[03-Feb-2011 15:32:16] <Sam-I-Am> i've never done that, but it seems possible
[03-Feb-2011 15:32:36] <mloven1> it is possible, but... man we've got a lot of devices across 40+ customers.....
[03-Feb-2011 15:32:51] <mloven1> it would get so ugly...
[03-Feb-2011 15:32:54] <mloven1>
[03-Feb-2011 15:33:34] <Sam-I-Am> kinda sucks the crisco gear doesnt differentiate
[03-Feb-2011 15:33:44] <Sam-I-Am> my juniper access switches do too
[03-Feb-2011 15:33:47] <Sam-I-Am> so i think its only crisco
[03-Feb-2011 15:34:03] <Sam-I-Am> just fired up a crisco access switch and it sure doesnt say
[03-Feb-2011 15:34:58] <mloven1> . will tell you if the interfaces are trunks or not. 1 = trunk, 2 = not trunk
[03-Feb-2011 15:35:18] <Sam-I-Am> i'd just poll that one
[03-Feb-2011 16:20:43] <Sam-I-Am> hmmmm
[03-Feb-2011 16:21:01] <Sam-I-Am> looking to use the "pager" field for email-to-sms gateways rather than snmpp
[03-Feb-2011 16:21:06] <Sam-I-Am> er, snpp
[03-Feb-2011 16:21:18] <Sam-I-Am> anyone here modify zenoss to do that?
[03-Feb-2011 16:28:26] <Sam-I-Am> or rather, does anyone speak to carrier snpp servers directly
[03-Feb-2011 16:28:37] <rmatte> Sam-I-Am: you just need to change the command to use sendmail or something instead
[03-Feb-2011 16:28:45] <rmatte> I've never done it myself, but I've heard of it being done
[03-Feb-2011 16:28:49] <Sam-I-Am> hmm
[03-Feb-2011 16:30:03] * Sam-I-Am looks for the zensnpp config file
[03-Feb-2011 16:31:45] <rm-rf> rmatte: is it possible to run scripts manually out of /usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/plugins/zenoss/snmp?
[03-Feb-2011 16:32:03] <rm-rf> and what information would i pass to those scripts to make them work?
[03-Feb-2011 16:32:27] <ericedge> in 2.5 it just seems to be running a "Page Command" under Settings; can't you just update that to use e.g. mailx and test on a single user?
[03-Feb-2011 16:32:42] <ericedge> Sam-I-Am: ^that was meant toward you
[03-Feb-2011 16:32:46] <Sam-I-Am> yeah probably
[03-Feb-2011 16:32:58] <Sam-I-Am> i'm thinking more like changing the snpp target based on the phone's provider
[03-Feb-2011 16:33:11] <Sam-I-Am> if sprint, use sprints snpp, etc
[03-Feb-2011 16:33:26] <Sam-I-Am> but for testing a single snpp provider that'll work fine
[03-Feb-2011 16:34:05] <Sam-I-Am> the current system routes snpp to qpage which has the config for dialing providers via TAP.
[03-Feb-2011 16:34:15] <Sam-I-Am> however, management doesnt want to pay for a phone line anymore
[03-Feb-2011 16:34:37] <Sam-I-Am> so my choices are email-to-sms gateways, which tend to be unreliable, or trying out provider snpp servers
[03-Feb-2011 16:34:41] <ericedge> you could also cobble together a script that does what you want, though I'm not sure what the inputs are, exactly
[03-Feb-2011 16:36:38] <Sam-I-Am> yep
[03-Feb-2011 16:38:34] <ericedge> just confirmed that /bin/mail works fine for it.
[03-Feb-2011 16:39:58] <Sam-I-Am> just toss recipient in it?
[03-Feb-2011 16:40:02] <Sam-I-Am> or does it also need some sort of message
[03-Feb-2011 16:40:51] <ericedge> it looks like it writes the message to STDIN for whatever command is run
[03-Feb-2011 16:40:57] <ericedge> I used: /bin/mail -s zenoss_alert $RECIPIENT
[03-Feb-2011 16:41:20] <ericedge> there might be some variable you can use for -s argument that would make something fancier
[03-Feb-2011 16:44:37] <ericedge> you can test under the Users tab for an individual user's settings
[03-Feb-2011 16:46:43] <Sam-I-Am> ahhh
[03-Feb-2011 16:46:48] <Sam-I-Am> hmm..
[03-Feb-2011 16:52:29] <Sam-I-Am> what makes this a little less cut and dry is that not all of the cell providers used here support snpp
[03-Feb-2011 16:52:45] <Sam-I-Am> so i might need to write something that uses snpp if available, otherwise use email-to-sms
[03-Feb-2011 17:07:27] <ericedge> shouldn't be too difficult; since the field for pager is completely wide-open syntax-wise, you could check for an at-sign and go one path in that case, otherwise default to snpp
[03-Feb-2011 17:10:17] <Sam-I-Am> yeah
[03-Feb-2011 17:36:35] <Sam-I-Am> hmm, if you dont mind separate windows software, pagegate looks like it'll do the job of determining what goes where and how
[03-Feb-2011 17:45:25] <ericedge> neat
[03-Feb-2011 17:46:01] <Sam-I-Am> might download and give it a shot
[03-Feb-2011 17:46:14] <Sam-I-Am> maybe it'll mean one shot snpp from zenoss, then the software can determine where to send stuff
[03-Feb-2011 19:04:05] <glyff> how do i map all events from a specific component to an event class? so, if component = "x" then eventClass = "y"
[04-Feb-2011 00:00:40] [disconnected at Fri Feb 4 00:00:40 2011]
[04-Feb-2011 00:00:40] [connected at Fri Feb 4 00:00:40 2011]
[04-Feb-2011 00:00:58] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[04-Feb-2011 01:34:46] <mae_tae> hello everybody
[04-Feb-2011 01:36:22] <mae_tae> i am installing now zenoss, but it seems that there are lots of programs to be installed like java-sdk, rabbit-mq, is this necessary? am i doing the right steps? im installing in ubuntu server 10.04
[04-Feb-2011 01:51:31] <mae_tae> what have been taught in the article in internet is different from the actual
[04-Feb-2011 02:02:06] <mae_tae> i wonder in some of tutorial, it doesnt mentioned about rabbitmq, i wonder why? is there something wrong with my installation?
[04-Feb-2011 03:39:52] <froztbyte> uhm
[04-Feb-2011 03:39:55] <froztbyte> Simon4: around?
[04-Feb-2011 03:39:58] <froztbyte> or rmatte
[04-Feb-2011 04:29:31] <zykes-> froztbyte: anything i can help with ?
[04-Feb-2011 04:35:17] <froztbyte> perhaps
[04-Feb-2011 04:35:36] <froztbyte> what's the nice way you guys use to autoload a bunch of devices using the console and zendisc?
[04-Feb-2011 04:35:51] <froztbyte> just zendisc --hidden-parameters? or is it through zendmd?
[04-Feb-2011 04:48:28] <mae_tae> people, i got error in rabbitmq, is it ok if just ignore it? it is important?
[04-Feb-2011 04:49:16] <froztbyte> that depends entirely on the error
[04-Feb-2011 04:49:31] <froztbyte> maybe you should put it by the fire, warm it up, see if it feels better then
[04-Feb-2011 04:51:11] <mae_tae> although when i run the zenoss and access on the web, it seems its ok, but i dont know if how important is that rabbitmq
[04-Feb-2011 04:58:07] <zykes-> froztbyte: you mean to load from a list f ex of hostnames ?
[04-Feb-2011 04:58:58] <froztbyte> with varying SNMP communities and classes, yes
[04-Feb-2011 04:59:14] <zykes-> froztbyte: you could f ex use the DMd
[04-Feb-2011 04:59:17] <zykes-> or the JSON API
[04-Feb-2011 05:00:01] <froztbyte> where do I find the json api on 2.5.x?
[04-Feb-2011 05:00:08] <zykes-> ah
[04-Feb-2011 05:00:14] <zykes-> then you need to use the dmd
[04-Feb-2011 05:00:15] <zykes->
[04-Feb-2011 05:00:32] <zykes-> 2.5.x doesn't have the json api
[04-Feb-2011 05:01:05] <froztbyte> sadpanda
[04-Feb-2011 05:01:18] <zykes-> upgrade to 3.x : p
[04-Feb-2011 05:03:24] <froztbyte> yeeeah...tried that in dev
[04-Feb-2011 05:03:45] <froztbyte> the instance broke at the restore of the existing one :/
[04-Feb-2011 05:03:59] <froztbyte> thinking I should actually just clone the entire existing box and then work with that
[04-Feb-2011 06:50:26] <kokey> ok yay
[04-Feb-2011 06:50:33] <kokey> got signoff for buying enterprise
[04-Feb-2011 07:37:48] <Jane_Curry> Anyone there with 3.0.3 experience and javascript????
[04-Feb-2011 07:42:53] <zykes-> Jane_Curry: ?
[04-Feb-2011 07:56:53] <kokey> Jane_Curry: not yet, give me a few months
[04-Feb-2011 07:56:59] <kokey> hmmm
[04-Feb-2011 07:57:44] <kokey> i guess thinking the ethernetCsmacd will apply to ppp style interfaces is not a good assumption
[04-Feb-2011 07:59:55] [disconnected at Fri Feb 4 07:59:55 2011]
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