We have prepared a ZenPack to monitor Oracle Siebel server(s) status and performance monitoring. This ZenPack uses a remote agent (packed inside the ZenPack) which is a HTTP daemon service that would use Oracle Siebel (srvrmgr) Client tools to collect metrics.
Below diagram provides the high-level details of how monitoring is done; and what programs, and configurations are involved. The remote agent would be configured to use specific port; made to expose the monitoring page through basic-auth security.
The whole ZenPack is built on Python (2.4); and start up service is included for Windows platform (since Oracle Siebel Client is mostly installed on Windows platform).
Please see in-depth notes in attached PDF
Note: Attachment ZenPacks.mcgov.SiebelCRMMonitor-1.2-py2.6.egg is re-Packaged with python 2.6 and tested with Zenoss 3.x
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