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How to use Zenoss Heartbeats for your own monitored devices

Created on: Sep 14, 2009 11:21 AM by Noel Brockett - Last Modified:  Sep 14, 2009 11:21 AM by Noel Brockett
All you need to do is map an event that you get however works for your device.
1. Create the mapping for /Heartbeat
2. Set evt.component to something that makes sense
3. Set evt.timeout to the frequency you want the heartbeat.

An example per Chet Luther:
Let's say you send in a trap with an OID of . You 
would create an event mapping in the /Heartbeat event class called 
"Automate6Heartbeat" and set its event class key to that OID. Then 
within the transform of the event you'd enter the following.

evt.component = "Automate 6"
evt.timeout = 600

That's all there is to it. If 600 seconds go by without receiving this 
trap Zenoss will automatically create one of those "heartbeat failure" 
events with the device set to the device sending the traps, and the 
component set to "Automate 6". This heartbeat checking is performed 
within the zenactions daemon which cycles once per minute. You can 
look at the heartbeat table within the MySQL events database to see 
what heartbeat Zenoss is currently monitoring.
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