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Created on: Sep 14, 2009 11:21 AM by Noel Brockett - Last Modified:  Sep 14, 2009 11:21 AM by Noel Brockett

Some time back, there was a discussion of a tray icon to show the status of Zenoss. One community member stated that he was working on something Windows only and Erik mentioned that the Zenoss guys had discussed doing something too.


I have just about finished up a program to do just that. It is written in Python with pygtk. It runs and has been tested on both Windows XP and Fedora Core 7.


The program shows a colored Zenoss logo that corresponds to the highest unacknowledged event level in the system. The tooltip will show the summary as: R: 0/0 O: 0/0 Y: 1/2 ... Clicking the icon will open the Event Console in the default browser.


If there's interest by the community (or Zenoss), I'm willing to release the application to the community -- open sourced of course.


-- Todd Davis


Windows Installer (13MB)


Zipped Source File (41K)



New Version 0.2 --ewall, Fri, 12 Dec 2008 11:12:11 -0600


I have tweaked the code so that it works with the new cookie-based authentication in the Zenoss (Zope) web server. Other than that, it's the same as Todd's code. Tested on XP.




Source code available at


Windows EXE Installer (puts ZenTray? into your Startup folder) at


Windows EXE Zipped Folder (extract & run zentray.exe) at

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