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Using This Site

VERSION 3  Click to view document history
Created on: Sep 14, 2009 11:24 AM by Mark Hinkle - Last Modified:  Jan 15, 2010 11:16 AM by Matt Ray
This FAQ should address questions on how to create content and participate in the Zenoss Community site.

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Using This Site


How do I ask a question?


How do I share a file (such as Word or Excel)?


How do I create content?

What kind of content can I create?


How can I find people?


How do I connect with people?


How do I find content?


How can I get email notification (or stop notification) when something happens/changes?

What can I do with blogs?

What are bookmarks?


What is the difference between a document, a blog post, and a discussion?


What are connections?


How do I create a group?



Advanced Topics

How can I personalize my view of content?

Advanced Search


How can I see what my connections are up to?


What is a Project?


How do I create a poll?


What can I do with discussions?

If someone answers my question, how do I say so?


How can I convert a discussion into a document?


How do I lock a thread so others cannot comment on it?


How do I keep track of content I like?


How do you collaborate on content?

How do I see how a document was changed between versions?


How can I display an image in my content?


How can I use HTML in my content?


How do I display video from the web inside content?


How can I limited who can edit a document?


How do I make it so someone must approve a document before it's published?


How can I customize my group's overview page?

How can I add/change group administrators?


How do I manage my blog?


How can I import content from another blog into my blog?


How do you announce something so that people are more likely to see it?


What are feeds (RSS feeds)?


How do I set the default for things like notification, time zone, locale?

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