Submitted by: Egor Puzanov
This ZenPack creates a new Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) Data Source.
* Query syntax unification with WMIDataSource
- Example1: SELECT * FROM CIM_Processor - will enumerate all Instances of CIM_Processor class
- Example2: CIM_Processor - will also enumerate all Instances of CIM_Processor class
- Example3: SELECT * FROM CIM_Processor WHERE DeviceID="CPU0" - get single Instance for CPU0
- Example4: CIM_Processor.DeviceID="CPU0" - get single Instance for CPU0
- Example5: root/cimv2:CIM_Processor.DeviceID="CPU0" - get single Instance from specific namespace
* Properties names to Data Points names mapping
- Description: set Data Points names the same as CIM Properties names
- Example:
- Query: SELECT LoadPercentage FROM CIM_Processor
- Data Point: LoadPercentage
- Example: Device has 4 CPUs (components)
- DataSource Query for CPU1: CIM_Processor.DeviceID="CPU0"
- DataSource Query for CPU2: CIM_Processor.DeviceID="CPU1"
- DataSource Query for CPU3: CIM_Processor.DeviceID="CPU2"
- DataSource Query for CPU4: CIM_Processor.DeviceID="CPU3"
- Result query: CIM_Processor
- Instance.DeviceID="CPU0" -> DataPoints from DataSource CPU1
- Instance.DeviceID="CPU1" -> DataPoints from DataSource CPU2
- Instance.DeviceID="CPU2" -> DataPoints from DataSource CPU3
- Instance.DeviceID="CPU3" -> DataPoints from DataSource CPU4
- 4 queries will be replaced by 1 query
* CIMDataSource support zenperfwbem daemon collected performance data specified in CIMDataSource
* support for DataPoint Aliases (evaluate befor write RRD)
- before be saved in RRD, values will be evaluated by REVERSED alias.formula
- supported operations +, -, *, /
- tales variables: now, here
- Example:
- alias.formula = "100,/,1,-" replaced by "1,+,100,*"
- Why reversed?
- raw data: 100 -> "100,100,/,1,-" -> RRD: 0 -> "0,100,/,1,-" ->Report: -1 - False!
- raw data: 100 -> "100,1,+,100,*" -> RRD: 10100 -> "10100,100,/,1,-" ->Report: 100 -True!
* support for dictionary as DataPoint Aliases (evaluate befor write RRD)
- Example:
- "Unknown":0,"Other":1,"OK":2,"Warning":3,"Error":4
* added __path attribute for Wbem Insatnce
- __path attribute added to instance
- __path == instanceName
- Example:CIM_Processor.DeviceID="CPU3"
* WBEMPlugin CollectorPlugin added (any namespaces, tables format like in WMIPlugin)
- support for namespaces other than root/cimv2
* support for avg, count, sum, min, max function for datapoints with multiline result
- if query return multiple instance to zenperfwmi datemon, avg, count, sum, min, max value can be evaluated
- Example: Query: CIM_Processor, DataPoint:LoadPercentage_avg, Alias:LoadPercentage
- CIM_Processor.DeviceID="CPU0" LoadPercentage=20
- CIM_Processor.DeviceID="CPU1" LoadPercentage=40
- CIM_Processor.DeviceID="CPU2" LoadPercentage=50
- CIM_Processor.DeviceID="CPU3" LoadPercentage=30
- Result in RRD: 35
* WbemProxy support
- Example: SAN Storage IP:, Server with SMI-S:
- for device SAN Storage zProperty zWbemProxy:
Zenoss Version: 2.5, 3.0
ZenPack Dependencies: SQL Data Source
External Dependencies:
Installation: zenoss restart after ZenPack installation
Tagged Releases:
Change History:
- 2.2 stable release: changelog (
- 2.3 support for dictionary as DataPoint Aliases
- 2.4 solved problem with ValueMap in list type properties
- 2.5 ValueMap processing, multiple aliases associated with a single property, CIMDateTime conversion, PropertyList usage
- 2.6 Zenoss 3.0 support
- 2.7 import messaging class. Thanks joeadmin for pointing this out.
- 2.8 send clear event after successful data collection
- 2.9 fix WbemPerfConfig errors, WQL queries optimization.
- 2.10 fix data source attributes names
- 3.0 removed zenperfwbem daemon, switch to zenperfsql daemon
Trac tickets:
Known issues: