Submitted by:
Blake Drager
This ZenPack contains a template that should be valuable for anyone running a network where latency is crucial.
It includes 4 graphs:- An "overall" graph representing latency and loss
- A basic packet loss graph
- A graph showing min and max deviation from the average response time
- A graph showing number of pings sent, received, and lost
- fping has to be installed in /usr/sbin (or you need to change the Cmd field accordingly)
- sed has to be installed in /bin (or you need to change the Cmd field accordingly)
- the ping count "totals" aren't accurate, they need to be divided by 60 (the time step) but I haven't figured out how
- I should probably consolidate the graphs because some of the data is redundant
- I didn't include any thresholds because that seems very environment-specific
Zenoss Version: 2.2 (py2.4 file), 3.0 (py2.6 file)
ZenPack Dependencies:
External Dependencies:
Installation: zopectl restart after installing
Tagged Releases:
Change History:
- 1.0 initial release (verified with 3.0)
Trac tickets:
Known issues: