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8.4 Upgrading the Virtual Appliance Image

VERSION 2  Click to view document history
Created on: Feb 19, 2010 10:27 AM by Zenoss API - Last Modified:  Jun 2, 2010 6:32 PM by shasting

4. Upgrading the Virtual Appliance Image

This section provides instructions for upgrading the Zenoss Virtual Appliance.


If you have customized your appliance by installing other conary packages not included with Zenoss, you may want to preserve them by "pinning" them. Run the following command to list other installed conary packages:

root# conary updateall --items | grep -v group-zenoss

For each software package you want to keep, run this command:

root# conary pin packagename

where packagename is the name of the installed software package.

Do not pin any Zenoss packages (for example, group-zenoss). Doing this results in an unsuccessful upgrade.

To upgrade the Zenoss Virtual Appliance, navigate to the console of your virtual appliance, and then follow these steps:

  1. Back up your Zenoss data files, as outlined in the previous section titled "Back Up Data."

  2. Shut down the server:

    root# service zenoss stop
  3. Run the following command to make sure all of the Zenoss processes have stopped. Verify that no results return from the command.

    root# ps ax|grep zenoss


    If you see processes owned by MySQL, do not stop them.

  4. Clean up cache files with the following commands:

    root# rm /home/zenoss/var/*.zec
    root# find /home/zenoss/perf -name \*.pickle -delete
  5. Start the ZEO database so that a migrate can be run:

    root# su - zenoss -c "/home/zenoss/bin/zeoctl start"
  6. If upgrading from Version 2.3 to Version 2.4, run this command to upgrade your Zenoss instance:

    conary migrate --interactive --resolve \
  7. If upgrading from Version 2.4.x to Version 2.5, run this command to upgrade your Zenoss instance:

    conary migrate --interactive --resolve \
  8. Reboot your system.

  9. Zenoss should start automatically after reboot, and will display URLs on the console for accessing the interface. You can verify that the service has started by entering the following command:

    root# service zenoss status

    If the service does not start automatically, then use the following command to start it:

    root# service zenoss start
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