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Fun with the Site Window Portlet

Created on: Feb 25, 2010 11:56 AM by Matt Ray - Last Modified:  Feb 25, 2010 12:03 PM by Matt Ray

This is a collection of tips for fun things you can add via the Site Window Portlet, which is included in Zenoss 2.5.


Performance Graphs

  1. If you want to add performance graphs to your Dashboard:
  2. Go to the graph you want on your dashboard.
  3. Right click  on it and select "copy image url"
  4. Go to the dashboard and add a  "Site Window" portlet
  5. Open the settings for the new Site  Window portlet
  6. Paste in the URL, trim the end off after  "&drange=129600&width=500&start=end-129600s&end=now-0s"  so the labels aren't static
  7. Change the Title to whatever you  want it to be (ie. the name of the graph)
  8. Save settings and you  should have the graph on your dashboard

perf graphs.png

Weather Maps

  1. Go to (or wherever) and find the map that you want on your dashboard.
  2. Copy the URL (ie.
  3. Paste it into the Site Window
  4. Change the Title
  5. Save



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