Jun 15, 2010 6:41 AM
Performance metrics: Multiple values for the same data point?
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I'm new to Zenoss, and evaluating the core edition currently for the purpose of gathering performance data.
(I've gone through a fair few threads/articles about adjusting rrds, cycle times, graph layouts, command data sources etc and it's progressing nicely)
However, I'm having trouble gathering performance data where I'd like to return multiple data points _for the same metric_ at a time.
(The documentation mentions in a few areas about this typically handled in a 'one data point per metric' fashion - which I have working)
The data I'm after will be down to second granularity, I think too much for a standard snmp data source to cope with.
The Nagios docs seem to say that _different_ data points can all be returned, using a 'space separated list of label/value pairs'.
I have a check_ping type example in place already that works with ssh and graphs a data point for 'rta'.
I did check http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/developer-guidelines.html but may have missed something .. ?
Just to take this one as an example, if I want to run 'check_ping' via ssh every minute. (This is just for the sake of discussion!)
Can I have it return (the last?) 60 data points, (one for each second)? - How is something like this handled?
(I can make adjustments to what is being fed to stdout on the remote end, return codes etc no issue there)
Can RRD handle graphing these data points in 'batches' like this over time?
How much data can be fairly reliably passed back each time in this way ?
At the moment I have something like this returned:
OK ... |rta=<value>
Maybe can the same label just be repeated? (Link above seems to say the labels must be unique)
OK ... |rta=<value>;rta=<value>;rta=<value>;rta=<value> ... (60 times) ?
I'm thinking the only way to handle this is to create a custom performance daemon/collector.
Does anyone have a similar situation or suggestions/recommendations about how to handle a situation like this ?
Something that ties in with the above example would be great
Any and all feedback appeciated !
You are in luck... I helped someone with this in IRC the other day and posted the transcript on the wiki: Ping Template and Command Data Source Walkthrough
The command I used was
/usr/local/zenoss/common/libexec/check_ping -H ${here/manageIp} -w 180,100% -c 300,100% | sed -e 's# - Packet loss#|loss#;s#%,##;s#ms##;s# = #=#g'
and the datapoints were 'loss' and 'RTA'.
Good luck,
Matt Ray
Zenoss Community Manager
As far as your questions about getting much more granular on the collection interval, you'll need to update your RRD settings to store finer grained data and the collection interval to be faster for the command data source on that device or device class.
Thanks for the feedback !
Yes I did find that article actually - thanks ! I do have check_ping working and graphing 'rta' correctly - but perhaps I have missed something ?
I have also made adjustments to the graphs by changing the rrd step succesfully (and other adjustments, graph size etc)
However I don't want to try and ssh every second to get each data point that I need?! Is it possible to ssh every minute and return data points (all belonging to 'rta', down to the second) for some time period (say 60 seconds in between ssh's) or how does this sort of thing work?
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