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7172 Views 13 Replies Latest reply: Jun 28, 2013 5:02 PM by mwcotton RSS
Mahi Nix Rank: White Belt 17 posts since
Oct 10, 2011
Currently Being Moderated

Oct 31, 2011 6:35 AM

Not able to monitor drive space correctly

Hello friends,



I am new in Zenoss monitoring system and i installed it in my one of the server. now i added some of the my machines to monitor. i have one linux server (debian), which has 30TB and 20TB hard drives attached in it. now zenoss is able to monitor my slash (/) partition and shows all information correctly but while its try to monitor other hardisk partition which has size in TB it is not show the detial correctly. i tried everything to correct the issue but still not able to solve the issue. while the partition is in GB is monitors fine but in TB it shows wrong information.



Please help me to correct this issue as soon as possible.



Any help whould be appriciated.



Thanks in Advance,



Mahi Nix


  • Ryan Matte ZenossMaster 653 posts since
    Mar 26, 2009
    Currently Being Moderated
    1. Nov 2, 2011 3:38 PM (in response to Mahi Nix)
    Re: Not able to monitor drive space correctly

    Need further details... what is the filesystem being used on the terabyte partition?  Is it an NFS share?

  • Ryan Matte ZenossMaster 653 posts since
    Mar 26, 2009
    Currently Being Moderated
    2. Nov 2, 2011 3:40 PM (in response to Mahi Nix)
    Re: Not able to monitor drive space correctly

    The reason I ask the above question is due to the following:


    "net-snmp does not deal with terabyte file systems well if they are NFS mounted - they will have small hrStorageAllocationUnits, and hrStorageSize and hrStorageUsed will wrap, so you may see that the Used space is greater than the total Size.

    There is currently no fix for this in the Net-snmp snmp agent, so the workaround is to monitor the NFS server, not the system that mounts them."

  • Ryan Matte ZenossMaster 653 posts since
    Mar 26, 2009
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    3. Nov 2, 2011 3:53 PM (in response to Mahi Nix)
    Re: Not able to monitor drive space correctly

    I've done more reading and found that Net-SNMP can roll over to a negative value instead of a positive for large terabyte filesystems.  One thing to check is whether you're monitoring with snmp v1 or v2.  Zenoss defaults to v1, but v2 supports larger counters.  This may not be a factor with filesystem counters but worth a shot.  If worst comes to worst you can use the Linux SSH monitoring ZenPacks to monitor the filesystems via SSH which is sure to work.

  • mwcotton Rank: Brown Belt 563 posts since
    Apr 23, 2008
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    4. Nov 2, 2011 5:10 PM (in response to Ryan Matte)
    Re: Not able to monitor drive space correctly

    Ryan, I have never heard that about snmp v2 and big filesystems, have you seen this yourself? I cant wait to try it tomorrow at work.


    Some version of net-snmp roll and show negative and some don't roll and say something stupid Surprisingly the showing a negative can be addresses programmatically but the stupid response cant.


    I do know I have read the most recent version of net-snmp ( claims ) to have fixed the issue of monitoring filesystems greater than 2TB, I say claimed because I have not seen it myself. I so far have had to address it via other ways.

  • Ryan Matte ZenossMaster 653 posts since
    Mar 26, 2009
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    5. Nov 2, 2011 5:23 PM (in response to mwcotton)
    Re: Not able to monitor drive space correctly

    The v2 is a theory, but it's potentially plausible.  I've never monitored filesystems that size myself via SNMP.

  • omeganon Rank: White Belt 69 posts since
    Jun 23, 2011
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    6. Nov 2, 2011 6:06 PM (in response to Ryan Matte)
    Re: Not able to monitor drive space correctly

    I encountered the same problem. SNMP just doesn't report them correctly. You need to use zenoss.cmd.df as your filesystem modeler plugin. It's been some time since I set this up but from memory -


    - install in /opt/zenoss/libexec on the target host

    - I created a new device class for these devices, edited the modeler plugins to remove the snmp.filesystemmap and added zenoss.cmd.df

    - edited Configuration Properties for the class and set zCommandUsername and zCommandPassword for a login account on that box; set zCommandPath to be '/opt/zenoss/libexec'

    - added and modeled the device.


    I _think_ that was it. Googling for zenoss.cmd.df might help more if you get stuck.

  • Ryan Matte ZenossMaster 653 posts since
    Mar 26, 2009
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    7. Nov 2, 2011 7:05 PM (in response to omeganon)
    Re: Not able to monitor drive space correctly hasn't been required since version 2.3 or 2.4.  Definitely not required in 2.5 or any versions after that.

  • omeganon Rank: White Belt 69 posts since
    Jun 23, 2011
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    8. Nov 2, 2011 8:20 PM (in response to Ryan Matte)
    Re: Not able to monitor drive space correctly

    Then I would be most interested in knowing the proper way to monitor large file systems too. The standard SNMP based collector does not work out of the box in 3.2 (patched).



  • Ryan Matte ZenossMaster 653 posts since
    Mar 26, 2009
    Currently Being Moderated
    10. Nov 3, 2011 10:10 AM (in response to Mahi Nix)
    Re: Not able to monitor drive space correctly

    Do you have the following ZenPacks installed?





    From your description it sounds like you don't have the proper FileSystem template in the class where the device is.  There's a specific template for collecting the data via SSH (which should be included with the above ZenPacks).


    Devices where the filesystem is being monitored via SSH need to be in a class with that template (as opposed to the standard SNMP one).

  • jcurry ZenossMaster 1,021 posts since
    Apr 15, 2008
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    12. Nov 4, 2011 8:35 AM (in response to Mahi Nix)
    Re: Not able to monitor drive space correctly

    This works for me.  You need to have both the command-based modeler plugin and the command-based Filesystem template active.  After that, it takes a couple of poll intervals before you see the used / free stats filled in but you should certainly get there.


    Try running zenmodeler (as the zenoss user) just for a relevant device for the df plugin.  For a device called fred, that would be:

    zenmodeler run -v 10 -d fred --collect zenoss.cmd.df


    You should see exactly what output is reported that way.




  • mwcotton Rank: Brown Belt 563 posts since
    Apr 23, 2008
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    13. Jun 28, 2013 5:02 PM (in response to Mahi Nix)
    Re: Not able to monitor drive space correctly

    I know this question is old, but in these modern days of huge filesystems I want to attempt to answer with some information I discovered today. It seems redhat has addressed the issue of net-snmp not handling filesysystems greatter than 16TB in a new version of net-snmp please see this redhat doc and I believe the centos rpm is available also. Information: and this link is referenced in that document:

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