In 4.1.70-1554 I noticed error on /Server/Windows/WMI. No filesystems appeared, actually "Components" did not appear at for device hostname1. Since I see a Modeler plugin "zenoss.wmi.FileSystemMap" exists I assume filesystem monitoring should be working without adding snmp monitor, is that wrong?
Running a remodel from gui:
2012-06-29 17:34:55,547 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Connecting to localhost:8789
2012-06-29 17:34:55,555 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Connected to ZenHub
2012-06-29 17:34:55,660 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Collecting for device hostname1
2012-06-29 17:34:55,703 INFO zen.ZenModeler: WMI collector method for device hostname1
2012-06-29 17:34:55,704 INFO zen.ZenModeler: plugins: zenoss.wmi.WindowsDeviceMap, zenoss.wmi.WinServiceMap, zenoss.wmi.CpuMap, zenoss.wmi.FileSystemMap, zenoss.wmi.IpInterfaceMap, zenoss.wmi.IpRouteMap, zenoss.wmi.MemoryMap, zenoss.wmi.ProcessMap, zenoss.wmi.SoftwareMap
2012-06-29 17:34:55,707 INFO zen.ZenModeler: No Python plugins found for hostname1
2012-06-29 17:34:55,707 INFO zen.ZenModeler: No command plugins found for hostname1
2012-06-29 17:34:55,707 INFO zen.ZenModeler: SNMP monitoring off for hostname1
2012-06-29 17:34:55,707 INFO zen.ZenModeler: No portscan plugins found for hostname1
2012-06-29 17:34:55,716 WARNING zen.WMIClient: Unable to collect WMI data from hostname1: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
2012-06-29 17:34:55,718 INFO zen.ZenModeler: No change in configuration detected
2012-06-29 17:34:55,718 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Scan time: 0.06 seconds
2012-06-29 17:34:55,742 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Daemon ZenModeler shutting down
I see WMI data is being collected successfully in Graphs of the device. I also see successful logins of WMI service account "zenoss-test" on hostname1 server security log. Additionally when I run zenwinperf no errors or warnings are apparent to me. I have done full zenoss stack restart and here are examples of debug outputs:
[zenoss@valvcszns001vm ~]$ zenwinperf run -v10 -d hostname1
2012-06-29 17:29:09,780 DEBUG zen.pysamba: client ntlmv2 auth is now no
2012-06-29 17:29:09,781 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Starting PBDaemon initialization
2012-06-29 17:29:09,782 INFO zen.zenwinperf: Connecting to localhost:8789
2012-06-29 17:29:09,783 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Starting connection...
2012-06-29 17:29:09,784 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Logging in as admin
2012-06-29 17:29:09,786 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Connected
2012-06-29 17:29:09,786 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Cancelling connect timeout
2012-06-29 17:29:09,786 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Sending credentials
2012-06-29 17:29:09,789 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Cancelling connect timeout
2012-06-29 17:29:09,790 INFO zen.zenwinperf: Connected to ZenHub
2012-06-29 17:29:09,790 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Setting up initial services: EventService,
2012-06-29 17:29:09,792 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Chaining getInitialServices with d2
2012-06-29 17:29:09,793 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: pinging perspective
2012-06-29 17:29:09,794 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Loaded service EventService from zenhub
2012-06-29 17:29:09,794 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Loaded service from zenhub
2012-06-29 17:29:09,795 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Queued event (total of 1) {'device': 'localhost', 'eventClass': '/App/Start', 'component': 'zenwinperf', 'severity': 0, 'summary': 'started'}
2012-06-29 17:29:09,795 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Sending 1 events, 0 perfevents, 0 heartbeats.
2012-06-29 17:29:09,796 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Calling connected.
2012-06-29 17:29:09,797 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Heartbeat timeout set to 900s
2012-06-29 17:29:09,797 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: add task configLoader, <Products.ZenCollector.config.ConfigurationLoaderTask object at 0x1e99cb90> using 1200 second interval
2012-06-29 17:29:09,797 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Performing periodic maintenance
2012-06-29 17:29:09,797 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: perspective ponged
2012-06-29 17:29:09,798 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Cancelling ping timeout
2012-06-29 17:29:09,798 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task configLoader starting on 1200 second intervals
2012-06-29 17:29:09,798 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task configLoader changing state from IDLE to QUEUED
2012-06-29 17:29:09,798 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task configLoader changing state from QUEUED to RUNNING
2012-06-29 17:29:09,799 DEBUG zen.collector.config: configLoader gathering configuration
2012-06-29 17:29:09,799 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Fetching daemon configuration properties
2012-06-29 17:29:09,811 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Events sent
2012-06-29 17:29:09,829 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task configLoader changing state from RUNNING to FETCHING_MISC_CONFIG
2012-06-29 17:29:09,829 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Updated configCycleInterval preference to 360
2012-06-29 17:29:09,829 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Changing config task interval from 20 to 360 minutes
2012-06-29 17:29:09,830 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Stopping task configLoader, <Products.ZenCollector.config.ConfigurationLoaderTask object at 0x1e99cb90>
2012-06-29 17:29:09,830 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: call finished LoopingCall<1200>(CallableTask: configLoader, *(), **{}) : LoopingCall<1200>(CallableTask: configLoader, *(), **{})
2012-06-29 17:29:09,830 INFO zen.collector.scheduler: Detailed Task Statistics:
configLoader Current State: FETCHING_MISC_CONFIG Successful_Runs: 1 Failed_Runs: 0 Missed_Runs: 0
Detailed Task States:
configLoader State: RUNNING Total: 1 Total Elapsed: 0.0307 Min: 0.0307 Max: 0.0307 Mean: 0.0307 StdDev: 0.0000
configLoader State: QUEUED Total: 1 Total Elapsed: 0.0004 Min: 0.0004 Max: 0.0004 Mean: 0.0004 StdDev: 0.0000
2012-06-29 17:29:09,831 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Heartbeat timeout set to 900s
2012-06-29 17:29:09,831 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: add task configLoader, <Products.ZenCollector.config.ConfigurationLoaderTask object at 0x1e9a6990> using 21600 second interval
2012-06-29 17:29:09,831 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Updated defaultRRDCreateCommand preference to ('RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:600', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:600', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:600', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:600', 'RRA:MAX:0.5:6:600', 'RRA:MAX:0.5:24:600', 'RRA:MAX:0.5:288:600')
2012-06-29 17:29:09,832 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Fetching threshold classes
2012-06-29 17:29:09,837 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Loading classes ['Products.ZenModel.MinMaxThreshold', 'Products.ZenModel.ValueChangeThreshold']
2012-06-29 17:29:09,840 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Fetching collector thresholds
2012-06-29 17:29:09,850 DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('high event queue', ('localhost collector', ''))
2012-06-29 17:29:09,850 DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('zenmodeler cycle time', ('localhost collector', ''))
2012-06-29 17:29:09,850 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Fetching configurations
2012-06-29 17:29:09,868 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: updateDeviceConfigs: updatedConfigs=['hostname1']
2012-06-29 17:29:09,868 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Processing configuration for hostname1
2012-06-29 17:29:09,868 DEBUG zen.daemon: DummyListener: configuration hostname1 added
2012-06-29 17:29:09,868 DEBUG zen.collector.tasks: splitting config DeviceProxy:hostname1
2012-06-29 17:29:09,869 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Tasks for config hostname1: {'hostname1': <Products.ZenCollector.tasks.SingleWorkerTask object at 0x1fb88510>}
2012-06-29 17:29:09,869 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: add task hostname1, <Products.ZenCollector.tasks.SingleWorkerTask object at 0x1fb88510> using 300 second interval
2012-06-29 17:29:09,870 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task hostname1 starting on 300 second intervals
2012-06-29 17:29:09,870 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task hostname1 changing state from IDLE to QUEUED
2012-06-29 17:29:09,870 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: purgeOmittedDevices: deletedConfigs=
2012-06-29 17:29:09,871 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task configLoader finished, result: 'Configuration loaded'
2012-06-29 17:29:09,871 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task hostname1 changing state from QUEUED to RUNNING
2012-06-29 17:29:09,871 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task hostname1 changing state from RUNNING to RUNNING
2012-06-29 17:29:09,872 DEBUG zen.CollectorCmdBase: Scanning device hostname1 []
2012-06-29 17:29:09,872 DEBUG zen.CollectorCmdBase: Connecting to hostname1 []
2012-06-29 17:29:09,901 DEBUG zen.winperf.PerfRpc: Learning counter object ids
2012-06-29 17:29:09,903 DEBUG zen.winperf.PerfRpc: size is 123008
2012-06-29 17:29:09,959 DEBUG zen.winperf.PerfRpc: Found Perfmon Object: 2='system'
2012-06-29 17:29:09,959 DEBUG zen.winperf.PerfRpc: Found Perfmon Object: 238='processor'
2012-06-29 17:29:09,959 DEBUG zen.winperf.PerfRpc: Found Perfmon Object: 700='paging file'
2012-06-29 17:29:09,959 DEBUG zen.winperf.PerfRpc: Found Perfmon Object: 4='memory'
2012-06-29 17:29:09,959 DEBUG zen.winperf.PerfRpc: Perfmon Object query: 2 4 238 700
2012-06-29 17:29:09,960 DEBUG zen.CollectorCmdBase: Connected to hostname1 []
2012-06-29 17:29:09,960 DEBUG zen.CollectorCmdBase: Waiting 2 s before collecting for device hostname1 []
2012-06-29 17:29:09,960 DEBUG zen.winperf.PerfRpc: Fetching counters
2012-06-29 17:29:09,963 DEBUG zen.winperf.PerfRpc: Counter data fetched, length=3992
2012-06-29 17:29:11,969 DEBUG zen.CollectorCmdBase: Waiting 2 s before collecting for device hostname1 []
2012-06-29 17:29:11,969 DEBUG zen.winperf.PerfRpc: Fetching counters
2012-06-29 17:29:11,972 DEBUG zen.winperf.PerfRpc: Counter data fetched, length=3992
2012-06-29 17:29:13,976 DEBUG zen.CollectorCmdBase: Collecting data for hostname1 []
2012-06-29 17:29:13,976 DEBUG zen.winperf.PerfRpc: Fetching counters
2012-06-29 17:29:13,980 DEBUG zen.winperf.PerfRpc: Counter data fetched, length=3992
2012-06-29 17:29:13,982 DEBUG zen.CollectorCmdBase: Successful collection from hostname1 [], result={'\\Memory\\Pages Input/sec': 0.0, '\\System\\System Up Time': 886447.8964144, '\\Processor(_Total)\\% Privileged Time': 0.0, '\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time': 0.0025599344656734857, '\\Processor(_Total)\\% User Time': 0.0, '\\Memory\\Pages Output/sec': 0.0, '\\Memory\\Committed Bytes': 1507336192.0, '\\Memory\\Available bytes': 413454336.0, '\\Paging File(_Total)\\% Usage': 2.1737637362637363}
2012-06-29 17:29:13,982 DEBUG zen.CollectorCmdBase: Successful scan of hostname1 [] (1) (9 datapoints)
2012-06-29 17:29:13,983 DEBUG zen.CollectorCmdBase: Successful scan of hostname1 [] completed
2012-06-29 17:29:13,984 DEBUG zen.RRDUtil: /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/hostname1/MemoryAvailableBytes_MemoryAvailableBytes.rrd: 413454336.0
2012-06-29 17:29:13,984 DEBUG zen.RRDUtil: /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/hostname1/MemoryCommittedBytes_MemoryCommittedBytes.rrd: 1507336192.0
2012-06-29 17:29:13,985 DEBUG zen.RRDUtil: /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/hostname1/MemoryPagesInputSec_MemoryPagesInputSec.rrd: 0.0
2012-06-29 17:29:13,985 DEBUG zen.RRDUtil: /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/hostname1/MemoryPagesOutputSec_MemoryPagesOutputSec.rrd: 0.0
2012-06-29 17:29:13,985 DEBUG zen.RRDUtil: /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/hostname1/PagingFileTotalUsage_PagingFileTotalUsage.rrd: 2.1737637362637363
2012-06-29 17:29:13,986 DEBUG zen.RRDUtil: /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/hostname1/ProcessorTotalPrivilegedTime_ProcessorTotalPrivilegedTime.rrd: 0.0
2012-06-29 17:29:13,986 DEBUG zen.RRDUtil: /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/hostname1/ProcessorTotalProcessorTime_ProcessorTotalProcessorTime.rrd: 0.0025599344656734857
2012-06-29 17:29:13,987 DEBUG zen.RRDUtil: /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/hostname1/ProcessorTotalUserTime_ProcessorTotalUserTime.rrd: 0.0
2012-06-29 17:29:13,987 DEBUG zen.RRDUtil: /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/hostname1/sysUpTime_sysUpTime.rrd: 886447.8964144
2012-06-29 17:29:13,988 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Queued event (total of 1) {'device': 'hostname1', 'eventClass': '/Status/Wmi', 'component': 'zenwinperf', 'severity': 0, 'summary': 'Device collected successfully'}
2012-06-29 17:29:13,988 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task hostname1 changing state from RUNNING to IDLE
2012-06-29 17:29:13,988 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task hostname1 finished, result: None
2012-06-29 17:29:13,988 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task hostname1 changing state from IDLE to IDLE
2012-06-29 17:29:13,988 INFO zen.zenwinperf: 1 devices processed (9 datapoints)
2012-06-29 17:29:13,989 INFO zen.collector.scheduler: Tasks: 2 Successful_Runs: 1 Failed_Runs: 0 Missed_Runs: 0 Queued_Tasks: 0 Running_Tasks: 1
2012-06-29 17:29:13,989 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Sending 1 events, 0 perfevents, 0 heartbeats.
2012-06-29 17:29:13,990 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Sent a 'stop' event
2012-06-29 17:29:14,001 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Events sent
2012-06-29 17:29:14,003 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: In shutdown stage before
2012-06-29 17:29:14,003 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Stopping running task hostname1
2012-06-29 17:29:14,003 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: call finished LoopingCall<300>(CallableTask: hostname1, *(), **{}) : LoopingCall<300>(CallableTask: hostname1, *(), **{})
2012-06-29 17:29:14,003 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Removing task hostname1
2012-06-29 17:29:14,003 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Removing task configLoader
2012-06-29 17:29:14,003 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: tasks to clean set([<Products.ZenCollector.config.ConfigurationLoaderTask object at 0x1e9a6990>, <Products.ZenCollector.config.ConfigurationLoaderTask object at 0x1e99cb90>, <Products.ZenCollector.tasks.SingleWorkerTask object at 0x1fb88510>])
2012-06-29 17:29:14,003 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Cleanup on task configLoader <Products.ZenCollector.config.ConfigurationLoaderTask object at 0x1e9a6990>
2012-06-29 17:29:14,003 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Scheduler._cleanupTaskComplete: result=None
2012-06-29 17:29:14,003 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Cleanup on task configLoader <Products.ZenCollector.config.ConfigurationLoaderTask object at 0x1e99cb90>
2012-06-29 17:29:14,004 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Scheduler._cleanupTaskComplete: result=None
2012-06-29 17:29:14,004 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Cleanup on task hostname1 <Products.ZenCollector.tasks.SingleWorkerTask object at 0x1fb88510>
2012-06-29 17:29:14,004 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: stop() called when not running
2012-06-29 17:29:14,005 INFO zen.zenwinperf: Daemon CollectorDaemon shutting down
2012-06-29 17:29:14,008 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Scheduler._cleanupTaskComplete: result=None
2012-06-29 17:29:14,008 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Removing service EventService
2012-06-29 17:29:14,009 DEBUG zen.zenwinperf: Removing service
2012-06-29 17:29:14,010 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Lost connection to - [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionLost'>: Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.
2012-06-29 17:29:14,010 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: In shutdown stage during
2012-06-29 17:29:14,010 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: In shutdown stage after
[zenoss@valvcszns001vm ~]$ zenmodeler run -v10 -d hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,258 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Run in foreground, starting immediately.
2012-06-29 17:24:55,259 DEBUG zen.pysamba: client ntlmv2 auth is now no
2012-06-29 17:24:55,259 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Starting PBDaemon initialization
2012-06-29 17:24:55,259 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Connecting to localhost:8789
2012-06-29 17:24:55,262 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Starting connection...
2012-06-29 17:24:55,262 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Logging in as admin
2012-06-29 17:24:55,265 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Connected
2012-06-29 17:24:55,265 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Cancelling connect timeout
2012-06-29 17:24:55,265 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Sending credentials
2012-06-29 17:24:55,268 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Cancelling connect timeout
2012-06-29 17:24:55,269 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Connected to ZenHub
2012-06-29 17:24:55,269 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Setting up initial services: EventService, ModelerService
2012-06-29 17:24:55,270 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Chaining getInitialServices with d2
2012-06-29 17:24:55,272 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: pinging perspective
2012-06-29 17:24:55,273 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded service EventService from zenhub
2012-06-29 17:24:55,273 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded service ModelerService from zenhub
2012-06-29 17:24:55,274 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Queued event (total of 1) {'device': 'localhost', 'eventClass': '/App/Start', 'component': 'zenmodeler', 'severity': 0, 'summary': 'started'}
2012-06-29 17:24:55,274 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Sending 1 events, 0 perfevents, 0 heartbeats.
2012-06-29 17:24:55,275 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Calling connected.
2012-06-29 17:24:55,275 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: fetching monitor properties
2012-06-29 17:24:55,276 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: perspective ponged
2012-06-29 17:24:55,276 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Cancelling ping timeout
2012-06-29 17:24:55,285 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Getting threshold classes...
2012-06-29 17:24:55,298 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Events sent
2012-06-29 17:24:55,338 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loading classes ['Products.ZenModel.MinMaxThreshold', 'Products.ZenModel.ValueChangeThreshold']
2012-06-29 17:24:55,340 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Fetching default RRDCreateCommand...
2012-06-29 17:24:55,344 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Getting collector thresholds...
2012-06-29 17:24:55,355 DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('high event queue', ('localhost collector', ''))
2012-06-29 17:24:55,355 DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('zenmodeler cycle time', ('localhost collector', ''))
2012-06-29 17:24:55,356 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Getting collector plugins for each DeviceClass
2012-06-29 17:24:55,382 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Starting collector loop...
2012-06-29 17:24:55,383 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Collecting for device hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,417 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.WindowsDeviceMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,417 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.WinServiceMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,418 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.CpuMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,419 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.FileSystemMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,420 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.IpInterfaceMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,420 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.IpRouteMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,421 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.MemoryMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,421 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.ProcessMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,422 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.SoftwareMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,422 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Using zenoss.wmi.WindowsDeviceMap on hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,422 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Using zenoss.wmi.WinServiceMap on hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,422 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Using zenoss.wmi.CpuMap on hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,422 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Using zenoss.wmi.FileSystemMap on hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,423 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Using zenoss.wmi.IpInterfaceMap on hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,423 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Using zenoss.wmi.IpRouteMap on hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,423 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Using zenoss.wmi.MemoryMap on hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,423 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Using zenoss.wmi.ProcessMap on hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,423 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Using zenoss.wmi.SoftwareMap on hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,427 INFO zen.ZenModeler: WMI collector method for device hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,427 INFO zen.ZenModeler: plugins: zenoss.wmi.WindowsDeviceMap, zenoss.wmi.WinServiceMap, zenoss.wmi.CpuMap, zenoss.wmi.FileSystemMap, zenoss.wmi.IpInterfaceMap, zenoss.wmi.IpRouteMap, zenoss.wmi.MemoryMap, zenoss.wmi.ProcessMap, zenoss.wmi.SoftwareMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,428 DEBUG zen.WMIClient: connect to, user './zenoss-test'
2012-06-29 17:24:55,429 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.WindowsDeviceMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,429 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.WinServiceMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,430 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.CpuMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,430 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.FileSystemMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,430 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.IpInterfaceMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,430 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.IpRouteMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,430 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.MemoryMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,430 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.ProcessMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,430 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.SoftwareMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,431 INFO zen.ZenModeler: No Python plugins found for hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,431 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.WindowsDeviceMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,431 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.WinServiceMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,431 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.CpuMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,431 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.FileSystemMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,431 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.IpInterfaceMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,431 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.IpRouteMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,431 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.MemoryMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,432 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.ProcessMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,432 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.SoftwareMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,432 INFO zen.ZenModeler: No command plugins found for hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,432 INFO zen.ZenModeler: SNMP monitoring off for hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,432 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.WindowsDeviceMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,432 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.WinServiceMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,432 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.CpuMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,432 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.FileSystemMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,433 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.IpInterfaceMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,433 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.IpRouteMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,433 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.MemoryMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,433 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.ProcessMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,433 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Loaded plugin zenoss.wmi.SoftwareMap
2012-06-29 17:24:55,433 INFO zen.ZenModeler: No portscan plugins found for hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,433 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Running 1 clients
2012-06-29 17:24:55,434 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Collection slots filled
2012-06-29 17:24:55,434 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Running 1 clients
2012-06-29 17:24:55,439 WARNING zen.WMIClient: Unable to collect WMI data from hostname1: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
2012-06-29 17:24:55,440 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Client for hostname1 finished collecting
2012-06-29 17:24:55,440 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Processing data for device hostname1
2012-06-29 17:24:55,440 INFO zen.ZenModeler: No change in configuration detected
2012-06-29 17:24:55,440 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Client hostname1 finished
2012-06-29 17:24:55,440 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Running 0 clients
2012-06-29 17:24:55,440 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Scan time: 0.06 seconds
2012-06-29 17:24:55,441 DEBUG zen.thresholds: Checking value 0.0579521656036 on Daemons/localhost/zenmodeler_cycleTime
2012-06-29 17:24:55,442 DEBUG zen.MinMaxCheck: Checking zenmodeler_cycleTime 0.0579521656036 against min None and max 34560.0
2012-06-29 17:24:55,443 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Queued event (total of 1) {'zenoss.device.url': 'zport/dmd/Monitors/Performance/localhost/viewDaemonPerformance', 'zenoss.device.path': 'Monitors/Performance/localhost', 'severity': 0, 'min': None, 'max': 34560.0, 'component': '', 'summary': 'threshold of zenmodeler cycle time restored: current value 0.057952', 'current': 0.057952165603637695, 'eventKey': 'zenmodeler cycle time', 'device': 'localhost collector', 'eventClass': '/Perf'}
2012-06-29 17:24:55,443 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Sending 1 events, 0 perfevents, 0 heartbeats.
2012-06-29 17:24:55,444 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Sent a 'stop' event
2012-06-29 17:24:55,457 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Events sent
2012-06-29 17:24:55,458 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: In shutdown stage before
2012-06-29 17:24:55,458 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: stop() called when not running
2012-06-29 17:24:55,458 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Daemon ZenModeler shutting down
2012-06-29 17:24:55,460 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Removing service EventService
2012-06-29 17:24:55,460 DEBUG zen.ZenModeler: Removing service ModelerService
2012-06-29 17:24:55,460 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Lost connection to - [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionLost'>: Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.
2012-06-29 17:24:55,461 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: In shutdown stage during
2012-06-29 17:24:55,461 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: In shutdown stage after
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