Jan 13, 2013 1:35 PM
Testing WMI Data Sources gives "Timed Out"
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This is a test setup.
Using Zenoss 4.2.3 on CentOS 6.3 which is running on top of Hyper-V on Windows 8. I have an IIS server running Server 2008 R2 SP1 also running on the same host. All three machines are joined to the same Active Directory domain.
Zenoss can ping the IIS server and also monitor the server (file/cpu/mem/etc graphs). However, when I go to test a Data Source like "iisBytesReceived", I get the following when attempting to connect to the IIS server:
Preparing Command...
Executing zenwinperf on
zenwinperf run -v 20 -d '' --testCounter '\Web Service(_Total)\Bytes Sent/sec'
Timed out
DONE in 10 seconds
Any thoughts? Firewalls not involved, the user specified to run WMI in Zenoss is a Local Admin on the IIS server.
The default setting is 10 seconds, will be timeout in most WAN/LAN environment. So you need modify the setting to at lease 30 seconds.
How to: go to your server device/class, in Configuration Properties, modify the zWinPerfTimeoutSeconds property.
Wait, zenwinperf doesn't use WMI, but perfmon . . . Are you looking at the right "stuff"?
James Pulver
ZCA Member
LEPP Computer Group
Cornell University
I get the same timeout when setting the value to 30 seconds.
Any other counter works on this server? I means you could try other counter which could check from Windows Performance, such as \Processor(_Total)\% UserTime. To indentify if the IIS counter issue. As my experience, not all counters could retrieve by Zenoss Core(don't know why, maybe as it is Core?)
I get the same results when testing but it appears that zenoss is still picking up the perf data via WMI because the graphs are still good.
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