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816 Views 0 Replies Latest reply: Jul 29, 2013 7:17 AM by Jose Salvatierra RSS
Jose Salvatierra Newbie 3 posts since
Jun 27, 2013
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Jul 29, 2013 7:17 AM

Help creating a custom daemon / collector




I think I understand a part of the custom daemon creation process, reading through other ZenPacks and documentation on libraries used has proven useful. However, I do have a few questions, and it would be great if someone could help me find answers for them.


Lets say I'm creating a custom Daemon, so I have 4 python files, each with the classes in brackets:


- (DaemonDataSourceConfig, DaemonConfig)

- (DaemonDataSource, IDaemonDataSourceInfo, DaemonDataSourceInfo, DaemonDataSourcePlugin)


- (DaemonPreferences, DaemonTask)


I believe these are all the classes I need to create a custom daemon. If I'm mistaken please let me know as that would be the first mistake!


In the DaemonDataSourcePlugin, what does the `collect(self, config)` method is meant to do?

I understand the rest of the `on...` methods are callbacks for the Deferred, but the actual `collect` is meant to return a Deferred. Where must I create this Deferred, and what must the Deferred be?


I don't really understand what the Deferred that is returned must do.


In the DaemonTask class, what does the `doTask(self)` method do?


It would seem like `collect()` has to return a Deferred (which I do not know where it comes from), and then `doTask()` runs the `collect()` and adds the callbacks to handle errors and successes.


Essentially the question is, where does the actual collection code go?

My collection code will query a STOMP server, and for each query get a result. Should each query be a Task, or should all of the collection be one Task?


If you need any more information please do not hesitate in asking.


Thank you for your time.


Best regards,


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