Developed by: Jane Curry 
Provides support for APC Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) devices with component and performance information for power inputs.
This ZenPack is Zenoss 3 compliant.
APC ATS device showing device-level performance information for input and output frequencies.
APC ATS device showing the Input component with performance graphs for voltage and current.
The ZenPack has the following new Device Class
- /Devices/Power/ApcAtsDevice :
- Components are:
- ApcAtsInput which has details for:
- Input name, type, frequency, voltage and currently selected source
- ApcAtsInput which has details for:
- Modeler plugins are:
- ApcAtsDeviceMap
- Gathers Hardware and Software manufacturer and product
- Serial number
- Status of both sources
- ApcAtsInputMap
- Gathers the selected status source
- For each input, gathers:
- Input name, type, frequency and voltage
- ApcAtsDeviceMap
- Device template AtsPowerOutput provides device-level performance information:
- Data Sources
- Input frequency for both sources
- Output frequency
- Thresholds
- No thresholds are provided
- Graph Definitions
- Input frequency for both sources
- Output frequency
- Data Sources
- Component template ApcAtsInput provides specific input performance information:
- Data Sources
- Input voltage
- Output voltage and current
- Thresholds
- No thresholds are provided
- Graph Definitions
- Input voltage
- Output voltage and current
- Data Sources
- A separate APC ATS Information menu delivers tabular and graphical information for the overall device
zenhub and zopectl must be recycled after installing the ZenPack.
- Zenoss Versions Supported: 3.0
- External Dependencies: The APC ATS MIB needs to be available on target devices
- ZenPack Dependencies:
- Installation Notes: zopectl restart after installing this ZenPack.
- Configuration:
Change History:
- 1.0 initial release
- 1.1 extra dbugging
- 1.2 updated for new github procedures
Tested: This ZenPack was tested with Zenoss 3.1 against APC AP7723 01devices
Latest egg file from github:
Known issues: