Developed by: Jane Curry 
Provides support for various Juniper devices (firewalls, routers and switches). Many components are modeled and displayed and performance graphs are available for devices and components.
This ZenPack is Zenoss 3 compliant.
Jupiter device information menu for a firewall.
Juniper switch device with detailed information for the Vlan component.
Juniper router device with configuration and performance information for an FPC component.
The ZenPack has the following new Device Classes of object class JuniperDevice
- /Devices/Network/Router/Juniper
- /Devices/Network/Router/Firewall/Juniper
- /Devices/Network/Switch/Juniper
- A large number of components are defined as object classes and modeled. Not all components are relevant to all devices (this is controlled by the modeler plugins selected):
- JuniperComponents and JuniperBaseComp which have container relationship information
- JuniperContents which has details for:
- Parent container, description, serial number, chassis information, CPU, memory, up time
- JuniperFan
- JuniperPowerSupply
- JuniperFPC (Flexible PIC Concentrator) which has details for:
- Parent container, description, serial number, chassis information, CPU, memory, up time
- JuniperPIC (Physical Interface Card) and JuniperMIC (Modular Interface Card) which have details for:
- Parent container, description, serial number, chassis information, CPU, memory, up time
- The relationship between FPC and their contained MICs and PICs can be seen
- JuniperRoutingEngine
- JuniperVlan which has details for:
- VLAN name, type, tag, port group and interface information
- JuniperBGP which has details for:
- BGP local address, remote address, remote ASN and BGP state information
- JuniperIpSecVPN and JuniperIpSecPolicy which have details for:
- VPN phase 1 and phase 2 IDs, gateways and state
- Note that not all components or details of components are displayed. Check Juniper.js in the resources subdirectory for elements that are commented out:
- A large number of modeler plugins populate the fields of the devices and their components. These correspond directly with the different components detailed above
- Device template JuniperMemoryUsedPercent provides device-level performance information
- Device templates ipSecPolicyCount, ipSecVPNPhase1Count and ipSecVPNPhase1Count are available to provide performance information relating to VPNs
- Device template ipSecNATCount provides device-level performance information on NAT translation tables
- There are component templates providing performance information for each of the components listed above.
- A separate Juniper Information menu delivers tabular and graphical information for the overall device
zenhub and zopectl must be recycled after installing the ZenPack.
- Zenoss Versions Supported: 3.0
- External Dependencies: The relevant Juniper MIBs need to be available on target devices
- ZenPack Dependencies:
- Installation Notes: zopectl restart after installing this ZenPack.
- Configuration:
Change History:
- 1.0 initial release
- 1.1 updated for extra debugging
- 1.2 updated for new github procedures
Tested: This ZenPack was tested with Zenoss 3.1 against:
- MX80, MX240 Juniper routers
- SRX100, SRX210 Juniper firewalls
- EX220, EX4200 Juniper switches
Latest egg file from github:
Known issues:
I have added some extra debugging to this ZenPack so have uplaoded a tarball of the 1.1 version below. Please provide feedback - especially anyone who has had issues.
I have also tested this updated version against a Juniper m7i router.