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How to use distributed collectors

Created on: Sep 14, 2009 11:21 AM by Noel Brockett - Last Modified:  Sep 14, 2009 11:21 AM by Noel Brockett

It is possible quite easily to install distributed collectors with zenoss core. This document is mostly based on the following forum thread:


This example will use the main server as and a distributed collector as

  1. On the main server, activate zenrender


1.1 Edit file /usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/bin/zenoss

if [ ! -f $ZENHOME/etc/DAEMONS_TXT_ONLY ]? ; then
C="$C zeoctl" C="$C zopectl" C="$C zenhub" C="$C zenping" C="$C zensyslog" C="$C zenstatus" C="$C zenactions" C="$C zentrap" C="$C zenmodeler" C="$C zenrender" C="$C zenperfsnmp" C="$C zencommand" C="$C zenprocess" #C="$C zenmail"

1.2 Launche "zenrender start"


  1. Install zenoss core on the remote server, but do not launch it.


2.1 Get ride of mysql, because we're going to use the central server mysql


If you are using the stack edition, modify /usr/local/zenoss/ elif [ "x$1" = "xstart" ]?; then

if [ "x$2" = "xmysql" ]?; then
if test -x $MYSQL_SCRIPT; then
###            $MYSQL_SCRIPT start


elif [ "x$1" = "xstop" ]?; then

if [ "x$2" = "xmysql" ]?; then
if test -x $MYSQL_SCRIPT; then
###            $MYSQL_SCRIPT stop
MYSQL_ERROR=$? sleep 2

2.2 Change zenoss start to remove zenhub and add zenrender : /usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/bin/zenoss

if [ ! -f $ZENHOME/etc/DAEMONS_TXT_ONLY ]? ; then
C="$C zeoctl" C="$C zopectl"
###       C="$C zenhub"
C="$C zenping" C="$C zensyslog" C="$C zenstatus" C="$C zenactions" C="$C zentrap" C="$C zenmodeler" C="$C zenrender" C="$C zenperfsnmp" C="$C zencommand" C="$C zenprocess" #C="$C zenmail"

2.3 allow the main server to snmp in file /etc/snmpd.conf


rocommunity public


2.4 Edit the conf files to use the main server zenhub but the local monitors


/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/etc/zenactions.conf, zencommand.conf, zendisc.conf, zeneventlog.conf, zenmodeler.conf, zenperfsnmp.conf, zenping.conf, zenprocess.conf, zenrender.conf, zenstatus.conf, zensyslog.conf zentrap.conf, zenwin.conf, zenwinmodeler.conf monitor hubhost


2.5 Use the remote zope engine to usethe main server engne


/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/etc/zope.conf <zodb_db main>

mount-point / # ZODB cache, in number of objects cache-size 5000 <zeoclient>

server ...




2.7 Install all needed zenpacks and plugins


This is most important if you are using nagios plugins or winexe template. Don't forget to copy all this binaries to the remote server, as it is this server that will run them against the devices.


2.8 fire up zenoss


  1. On the main server, Add the remote zenoss as a new device


3.1 Management / Add Device :, use the main server as collector


  1. Configure the remote collector on the main server


4.1 Management / Collector / Add Collector : use the DNS name as ID


4.2 Edit the newly created collector and change the "render URL" to use the zenders XML-RPC


Render URL :


  1. Transfert existing devices to the remote distributor


5.1 RRD performance data are to be copied to the remote server scp -Cr /usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/perf/Devices/mydevice


5.2 don't forget to add the remote collector in devices /etc/snmpd.conf


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5.3 Move the devices to the remote collector


Management / Collectors / Select the devices and use "Set collector"


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