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Bridge MIB

VERSION 18  Click to view document history
Created on: Oct 6, 2009 9:08 PM by jcurry - Last Modified:  Sep 7, 2012 6:11 AM by jcurry

Submitted by: Jane Curry                                                                      ZCA_Logo__Three_O_80x64.png4_compliant_80x64.png



This ZenPack queries the BRIDGE MIB in a switch to provide some Layer 2 topology information.  A separate tab is created for switches showing  port numbers and the remote MAC, IP address and hostname of the device connected to the port.  The standard Status tab of a switch device is augmented to show the base bridge MAC address against the Serial # field and the number of ports is displayed as the Tag #.


Switch devices need to support the BRIDGE MIB as defined by  RFCs 1493 and 4188.



The ZenPack includes the new device class of BridgeMIB as a subclass of /Devices/Network/Switch.  It includes standard MIB-2 MIBs and the BRIDGE MIB and also includes two performance templates for port performance data.


So far, this has only been tested on Cisco Catalyst 1900 and 2900 switches.


The ZenPack has now been updated to work reasonably well with Zenoss 3 (tested with 3.0.3) but feedback and comments are still welcome.  I attach the 1.0.4 version of the ZenPack here, pending it being included in the standard Zenoss sources.  The only difference between the py2.4 version for Zenoss 2 and the py2.6 version for Zenoss 3, is the Bridge Interfaces tab commented out of in the Zenoss 3 version.


The real purpose of this ZenPack is as an example to help illustrate the paper on developing ZenPacks.  The original, Zenoss 2 paper is at Creating Zenoss ZenPacks , whilst the updated version is at docs/DOC-10268 .

Screenshots for Zenoss 2:







Screenshots for Zenoss 3:





In Zenoss 3 there should be a Bridge Interface submenu under Components and the Display dropdown offers Graphs, Details and a link to the template.



To get performance info for the whole switch (the equivalent of the graph under the old Perf tab), follow the left-hand Graphs link:



I have seen 2 quirks with the 1.0.4 version and I don't know whether it is this ZenPack, Zenoss, or my testing environments.  One was installing the 2.4 version on Zenoss 2.5.2.  I installed with a zenpack--install command, bounced zenhub and zopectl and everything was fine.  Went to view it through the Zenoss GUI and it didn't show - in fact it had been completely de-installed!  Did it again and everything was fine.


Second quirk was with a Zenoss 3 where devices installed into the BridgeMIB class didn't pick up the BridgeInterface relationship (no Bridge Interface menu under Components).  I moved the device to /Network/Switch and back to /Network/Switch/BridgeMIB and everything was fine ere after.


Input on these two quirks would also be appreciated.


Now updated for Zenoss Core 4.2.


  • Zenoss Version: 2.2 (py2.4 file) / 3.0 (py2.6 file) 4.2 (py2.7 file)
  • ZenPack Dependencies: n/a
  • External Dependencies: n/a
  • Installation: 'zopectl restart' after installation


Tagged Releases:

Repository on  github: 

                                                  See README at this site for source code and egg files

Change History:

  • 1.0 initial release
  • 1.0.1 minor fix for loading warning
  • 1.0.2 Changes to display the information a little differently.
  • 1.0.3 Zenoss 3.0 support
  • 1.0.4 Zenoss 3.0 version has single Bridge Interface submenu under Components with graphs and details
  • 1.0.5 updated for new github procedures
  • 1.0.6 updated with method to delete BridgeInterface components
  • 2.0 Updated for Zenoss 4.2

Trac tickets:

Known issues:No

Comments (17)