Submitted by: Colin Hudler (chudler)
With this ZenPack you can monitor the status of your redis server and the databases it provides. It connects to the redis server and collects various statistics. This ZenPack provides:
- Bare /DB/Redis EventClass
- Redis Database template
- Monitoring script
- Graphs and associated datapoints
- Each database provides datapoints for its keys and expires
Zenoss Version: tested with 2.5.1
ZenPack Dependencies: None
External Dependencies: None
- Install the ZenPack using the standard methods. (webui, or zenpack --install) You should restart Zenoss afterwards.
- Apply the template found at /Devices/Templates/Redis Database Server to your redis server, or a Device Class in your tree. For information on Performance Templates and how to bind them, read the Official Administration Doc section 5.2.1
- Redis version
- Uptime in seconds
- Connected Clients
- Connected Slaves
- Used Memory
- Changes Since Last Save
- BG Save In Progress (boolean)
- Last Save Time
- Total Connections (since start)
- Total Commands (since start)
- Role (master/slave)
- Per-database Keys Count
- Per-database Expires Count
- Several others...
If you upgrade your redis databases, newly added metrics will be provided automatically to the collection statistics, although you will have to add the datapoint to the template.
A few of these metrics are used to create 4 basic graphs (seen at the top of this document), but you should customize graphs and thresholds for your application's needs.
Tagged Releases:
Change History:
- 1.0.1 initial release
Known issues:
- This zenpack provides "keys" and "expires" for all database on the redis server. The command template provided will output each database metric in a datapoint named by the pattern db#_keys or db#_expires. So if you are interested in monitoring db10, for example, create a new datapoint named db10_keys and db10_expires.