mrayzenoss has changed the topic to: Zenoss Developers are here (9:59:56 AM)
10:00:09 AM mrayzenoss: Today's developer on call is mtzenoss
10:01:19 AM mtzenoss: Hello
10:01:42 AM smbambling: was a user/pass listed for
10:02:06 AM mrayzenoss: admin/zenoss
10:04:19 AM smbambling: what version is this ?
10:04:51 AM mrayzenoss: 3.0 alpha
10:05:09 AM smbambling: cool.
10:05:32 AM LarsN: is there an easy(ish) method to monitor the status of an nfs mount?
10:06:22 AM LarsN: ie, it is, or is not mounted.
10:08:22 AM smbambling: mray in the current version of zenoss I'm having some issue with adding additional OS Manufacturers.
10:09:07 AM smbambling: When added to a device it does not show anything in the OS Procut drop down
10:09:30 AM smbambling: Also is there any way to have zenoss automatically pull the centos release in this place ?
10:09:38 AM Simon4: mtzenoss: I have a bunch of performance templates provided by a ZenPack (the zenpack was created on another install of zenoss for migration purposes). Is there a way to now remove the ZenPack from our current install without removing the performance templates? Basically want our current install to "forget" the zenpack was ever installed
10:11:50 AM mrayzenoss: Simon4: I'm not sure you can do that
10:11:56 AM mrayzenoss: I'll ask
10:13:07 AM themactech: hi, since I have a crashed Zenoss, most of my questions today will be on fsrecover and zeopack
10:13:50 AM mrayzenoss: smbambling: via SSH or SNMP?
10:13:57 AM smbambling: SNMP
10:14:29 AM themactech: i try fsrecover with the pack option and it still seems to try and copy over the full 88GB Data.fs file, is that because it is failing at the packing part or is it because its a two step process, where it must first do the recovery then pack it?
10:15:57 AM themactech: also, I am now copying this huge file over, what will I need to load it in a test zenoss for recovery testing, what specific settings must match so this Data.fs file will load in a new box built just for recovering it?
10:16:35 AM mrayzenoss: themactech: I believe zeopack makes a backup for recovery purposes, so that explains the copying
10:16:58 AM mrayzenoss: themactech: I think you need to be on the same 32/64 bit and same version of Zenoss for the Data.fs to work
10:16:58 AM themactech: I have not been able to use zeopack yet
10:17:30 AM themactech: fsrecover asks for a target file and a destination, zeopack seems to require using the active Data.fs
10:18:00 AM themactech: since my zenoss won't start up because it filled the disk, and is causing my linux to go fubar, I can't use zeopack
10:18:30 AM themactech: That's why I'm now looking at transplanting this 88GB Data.fs into a test machine to try and fix it
10:20:06 AM LarsN: themactech: if you have the same version of zope on another machine. you should be able to use zeopack there on the data.fs.
10:20:08 AM themactech: I made another linux/zenoss install on a smaller partition on that machine, once I got everything configured, I replace the /usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/var folder with a simlink to the same folder on the original parition. Zenoss did not start up with the 88GB Data.fs file, I did not write down the error though.
10:20:42 AM themactech: but zope is not enough right, I have to get zenoss up and running and USING this Data.fs file correct?
10:21:04 AM themactech: zeopack asks for a port, I take it that means the Data.fs must be in use by the service
10:21:21 AM LarsN: themactech: the Data.fs is just a zope thing. There's no reason I can think of that it would require the entire zenoss installation.
10:22:08 AM LarsN: themactech: doing a quick search on offline packing.
10:22:10 AM mrayzenoss: themactech: you'll need to make sure all your ZenPacks are installed too
10:22:35 AM mrayzenoss: before bringing over your Data.fs
10:22:38 AM themactech: I will try tonight to copy this 88GB file over the internet (the zenoss server is in another state), VPN timeout issues have hampered this but I just figured out a workaround, might take 16 hours to copy this but then I will be able to kick it around much easier
10:22:49 AM mrayzenoss: ouch
10:22:59 AM mrayzenoss: bittorrent?
10:23:00 AM themactech: ok, maybe the zenpacks caused the Data.fs to not load up
10:24:05 AM LarsN: themactech: I'd recommend making sure you have a backup of the Data.fs before trying this.... but:
10:24:27 AM LarsN: scratch that, that's for zope3
10:24:45 AM LarsN: there's a similar zope2 package, I'm just not finding it.
10:25:04 AM themactech: I will look into it, might be a good utility to keep installed on my zenoss boxes
10:25:19 AM themactech: somewhat miffed that my zenoss DB blew up to 88GB and fubared my ubuntu
10:25:48 AM themactech: worst thing is i was schedule to clone the entire this last week, but that got put off by a week due to an urgent project
10:26:07 AM LarsN: if it makes you feel any better, I had a customer try to insert ~ 65,000 records into a plone site (zope backed) then, when he realized that wasn't going to work, he programatically went to remove the 36k or so that he previously installed.
10:26:25 AM mtzenoss: @Simon4 You can remove the packable relationship from the zeodb for the templates, .pack.remove()
10:26:38 AM LarsN: the Data.fs grew to 127gb in under a day, filled /var and broke things good.
10:27:25 AM LarsN: usually to pack a Data.fs you need 2x the mount of disk space. ie, a 100gb Data.fs will require 200gb of space since it packs it, and creates a Data.fs.old that's otherwise untouched.
10:27:34 AM LarsN: s/mount/amount
10:27:55 AM themactech: I will initiate this large copy tonight, then I will try to add the missing zenpacks to my secondary install and try again simlinking the original Data.fs into the new install to see if it loads up.
10:28:25 AM themactech: space will not be an issue when I get the file off this server
10:28:35 AM LarsN: themactech: my sr. sysadmin is telling me the z3c.offlinepack should work on Zope2 databases.
10:28:45 AM zykes-: anyone tried using fortigate on zenoss ?
10:28:49 AM themactech: cool, i will give it a shot
10:28:56 AM zykes-: i tried the zenpack but it fucks it up
10:29:43 AM themactech: BTW I build all my Zenoss servers on Dell poweredge servers with DRAC interfaces, the DRAC interface saved me a trip to new york on this failure, was able to do a bare metal restore remotely with it
10:29:45 AM mrayzenoss: zykes-: 1.0 or 1.1?
10:30:33 AM zykes-: 1.1 i think
10:30:38 AM LarsN: themactech: we use console redirection and some of 1995's greatest technology.... the 48port Xyplex terminal server
10:30:45 AM LarsN: times three
10:31:10 AM LarsN: how well do those DRAC cards work?
10:32:01 AM themactech: The DRAC has that, plus you can mount virtual media, I put a systemrescueCD in my MacBook Pro (booted into windows, the DRAC is not very mac friendly), told the DRAC to make the server believe this CD was in the drive and booted my Dell in New York off the rescueCD in my laptop
10:32:53 AM themactech: The console redirection gives you complete KVM access, you can even get into bios settings at boot
10:33:28 AM LarsN: we regularly PXE boot to install OSs remotely.
10:33:39 AM themactech: we do the same on XServes
10:33:43 AM LarsN: PXE + Console redirection works pretty well in our 98% FreeBSD shop.
10:34:03 AM themactech: we setup a netboot server and tell the down server via IPMI to boot off of it
10:34:55 AM LarsN: nod.
10:35:14 AM themactech: We argue with vendors all the time to include IPMI in their server builds
10:35:56 AM themactech: Digital rapids doesn't have it, Harris doesn't have it, so we build their services on Dell boxes so we can do remote service
10:37:25 AM themactech: I am trying the new 3.0 alpha and I can't figure out how to add a network, the new interface has things more condensed but I find it less intuitive.
10:37:53 AM themactech: I'm in the network pane, and there is no 'add' button, just a lot of fields and a save button
10:38:02 AM mtzenoss: button at the bottom left
10:38:30 AM themactech: Oh I assume I only had to fill in the fields and save, but that gives me a pop up error
10:38:42 AM mtzenoss: It's a "+" below the network listing tree
10:38:53 AM mtzenoss: yeah, that page is still in progress
10:39:49 AM themactech: added my network and doing discovery now, the new interface will need getting used to, no big deal
10:43:18 AM Simon4: mtzenoss: sorry for delayed response - thanks heaps I'll give that a go
10:43:38 AM mtzenoss: np
10:44:10 AM mrayzenoss: if anyone is checking out the Alpha #4, our QA team is in #zenoss-testing if you have questions/comments
10:46:00 AM themactech: I am still looking for a way to add new fields to the database, I want to add fields with the same class/behavior than the 'comments' field.
10:46:11 AM themactech: does mtzenoss know how I can do this?
10:49:21 AM mtzenoss: What item are you trying to add new fields to?
10:50:15 AM LarsN: mrayzenoss: I will hopefully be building an alpha 4 test server tonight at home.
10:50:24 AM mrayzenoss: LarsN: cool
10:50:38 AM mrayzenoss: we may be entering beta in about 2 weeks
10:50:42 AM themactech: I am running alpha 4 on ubuntu 10.04 on a VirtualBox image
10:50:57 AM LarsN: I'll be deploying to FreeBSD 8.0-release-p2
10:51:11 AM themactech: I want to have a few more fields that can hold customized data in the Status tab
10:51:32 AM themactech: I have gear where we need to track firmware info, some other gear needs us to track the licensing of the box
10:52:11 AM themactech: I have figured how to customize the field headers on the status page per device class, I just need a few fields that can hold the custom info I want to display
10:52:42 AM mtzenoss: Are you talking about the Event console?
10:52:48 AM themactech: I need those to be accessible from a modeler plugin, that is why I use the 'comments' field as a template since that field does everything I need, just need to clone that field a few times
10:53:12 AM themactech: no, the device status page
10:53:15 AM mrayzenoss: themactech: I believe you'll have to extend the model to get that
10:53:22 AM themactech: I agree
10:54:08 AM themactech: I was given examples that do this in Zenpacks and will extend model for only a device class, I will need this further down the road, but now I want to extend the DB with these few fields so that it applies to all devices
10:54:25 AM themactech: I want a Custom1 and Custom2 field that all device classes can push data into
10:54:37 AM mtzenoss: oh, the device page, let me check
10:54:42 AM themactech: I will then customize the header for these fields per device class
10:54:56 AM themactech: I have already posted on how to do the field header customization in the forums
10:55:08 AM themactech: all i need now is to add the fields that will hold the data
10:55:42 AM themactech: this process would make it very easy for anyone to customize the device status page for any device class they create
10:57:30 AM mtzenoss: @themactech add to the _properties of the Device model
10:58:10 AM themactech: I know how to add zproperties and custom schemas, but I was told these cannot be pushed data to from a modeler
10:58:23 AM themactech: And my testing seems to confirm that info
10:58:27 AM mtzenoss: From a ZenPack you can just do Device._properties += {}
10:58:36 AM mtzenoss: hm
10:58:47 AM themactech: again its why i mention the 'comments' field, it has all the behavior I am looking for
10:59:22 AM mtzenoss: comments is just a regular property
10:59:23 AM themactech: The only things I can do with ZenPacks right now are from the GUI
10:59:44 AM themactech: alright can you give me a walkthrough on how to make a 'comments' clone?
11:00:07 AM mtzenoss: Let me see if there's a way to do it from the UI
11:00:36 AM themactech: that would be preferable but if not, give me the hard liquor, I have to figure this out
11:08:22 AM mtzenoss: @themactech have you tried using the ZMI?
11:08:59 AM themactech: ZMI? have no clue what you are talking about
11:09:17 AM mtzenoss: http://zenosshost:8080/manage
11:10:17 AM themactech: I had my alpha virtualbox fired up, let me switch to my 2.5.2 version
11:11:20 AM mtzenoss: it can be done from the alpha also
11:11:32 AM mtzenoss: are you trying to do this with the alpha or 2.5?
11:12:02 AM themactech: tried it in the alpha, asked me to authenticate and my zenoss username and password was rejected
11:12:15 AM mtzenoss: hm
11:12:43 AM mrayzenoss: the /manage trick only works off of dmd in the alpha I believe
11:13:21 AM mtzenoss: really? working fine at the root for me from trunk
11:14:28 AM mrayzenoss: root meaning zport/dmd/manage
11:16:44 AM mrayzenoss: themactech: Egor was asking about similar stuff yesterday and was pointed towards hacking on
11:18:59 AM themactech: alright I'm in /zport/dmd/manage, what am I looking for?
11:19:43 AM mtzenoss: Consulting with the rest of the team...
11:19:50 AM themactech: Just go to property tab and adding a property?
11:20:53 AM mtzenoss: yes, you can at least add properties that way, looking for a way for you to get data in there from the modeler
11:22:28 AM themactech: I now use this syntax: snmpGetMap = GetMap({
11:22:29 AM themactech: '.' : 'setHWTag',
11:22:29 AM themactech: '.' : 'comments'
11:22:29 AM themactech: })
11:27:29 AM mtzenoss: It's something Zenoss doesn't support natively. Have you asked about it on the forums? I've asked the rest of the team for input.
11:28:24 AM themactech: I was given the lead of checking some zenpacks that add this for specific device classes within the zenpack, but I am looking for something simpler right now
11:29:06 AM themactech: to me this would be a simple database issue, there is a field in a database called 'comments' I want to duplicate that field, this does not seem to me like a complex database command
11:29:51 AM themactech: all the leads that I get to investigate this seem to point to rather complex solutions to a simple problem
11:30:57 AM mtzenoss: What all do you want to duplicate about comments? Adding a property is not a problem, duplicating the functionality around it is a bigger task
11:31:47 AM themactech: I need a field I can push data to from a modeler plugin, and that I can display the data in the device status tab
11:32:02 AM themactech: I was told zproperties cannot be addressed in modelers
11:32:09 AM themactech: and in fact I tried to and could not
11:32:39 AM themactech: what is the difference between a zproperty and the comments field, I do not see or understand the distinction between those two kinds of fields
11:33:04 AM themactech: I need the behavior of the comments field, but the only thing I can add easily is a zproperty
11:33:58 AM mtzenoss: In zenmodeler you don't have a direct connection to the ZODB, so you don't have access to a real-live Zope object -- just a shadow
11:34:31 AM mrayzenoss: looks like the comments is defined in
11:34:43 AM mtzenoss: The data that fills out the 'device' object is whatever gets pumped out from a zenhub service.
11:34:47 AM mtzenoss: So since you don't have the real device object, only a sanitized and small represenation, you are necessarily limitied in what you can do.
11:35:02 AM themactech: how do you determine which fields you can address within the modeler then, is there and intermediate process that acts as a directory of some sorts
11:36:18 AM mtzenoss: DeviceProxy, which can be monkey-patched, but not an easy task
11:38:11 AM themactech: has the following call:
11:38:20 AM themactech: device.manage_editDevice(
11:38:38 AM mtzenoss: Check out the DataCollector/plugins/ file for an example of what will be available for the modeler to *read*
11:38:59 AM themactech: tag, serialnumber, zsnmpcommunity, zsnmpport, comment, hwmanufacturer, etc
11:39:09 AM themactech: is this the dictionary that modelers can access
11:39:22 AM themactech: can it be expanded in
11:40:11 AM mtzenoss: DeviceProxy is
11:43:53 AM mtzenoss: A developer suggests "If they are super, super interested in getting a modeler plugin to drop junk onto a device, then they would probably have to craft an event and then create an event transform that mangles the device based on the event data."
11:47:03 AM themactech: I already have modelers pushing 'junk' to the device status page, just that right now I hijack the comments field and the service tag # field, You guys should make a few custom fields available to users, especially since it is really easy to make a custom header for that field that will adapt its value per device class. So the same Custom1 field will show "firmware version" for a device class that needs that info,
11:47:03 AM themactech: "licensing" for another device class that will need that info, all the while showing the value in field Custom1
11:47:57 AM themactech: SNMP monitoring applies to such a broad spectrum of devices that I don't see how you expect no1 to try and deviate from the data type you include by default in the device status page.
11:48:24 AM themactech: I have seen very frequent requests in the forums from folks who want to display other info in the device status page
mrayzenoss has changed the topic to: QA Test Day Today: over in #zenoss-testing (11:48:45 AM)
11:49:14 AM themactech: if you put a few more 'junk' fields in there, it would make it REALLY easy for people to do so
11:49:50 AM themactech: But from what I get from the forums, all the folks who want to do this are faced with the complexity of doing brain surgery while wearing boxing gloves
11:50:12 AM themactech: If the process of adding a few field for custom user use is very complex then please add a couple from the get go
11:50:50 AM themactech: you don't even need to show them by default, if some1 wants to use them he can mod the device status page skin, and that is very easy