Submitted by: Benny Chitambira
This Monitoring ZenPack provides SSH and SNMP-based monitoring of FDS-based 389 LDAP Servers. The ZenPack provides the FDS-LDAPServer Template, defined at /Devices/Server. It provides
- Monitoring for ldap and ldaps ports
- Monitors the ssl certificate validityfor your server
- LDAP operations, binds and failure stats/graphs for your FDS server
The FDS-LDAPServer Template provides:
Data Sources
- check_ldap (Command)
- check_ldap_cert (Command)
- check_ldaps (Command)
- dsAddEntryOps (SNMP)
- dsAnonymousBinds (SNMP)
- dsBindSecurityErrors (SNMP)
- dsCacheHits (SNMP)
- dsErrors (SNMP)
- dsFailures (SNMP)
- dsModifyEntryOps (SNMP)
- dsReferals (SNMP)
- dsRemoveEntryOps (SNMP)
- dsSearchOps (SNMP)
- dsSecurityErrors (SNMP)
- dsSimpleAuthBinds (SNMP)
- dsUnAuthBinds (SNMP)
- BrokenLDAP (Min/Max)
- SlowLDAP (Min/Max)
Graph Definitions
- LDAP Server Response Time
- Response time
- LDAP Operations
- dsAddEntryOps
- dsModifyEntryOps
- dsRemoveEntryOps
- dsSearchOps
- LDAP Binds
- dsAnonymousBinds
- dsSimpleAuthBinds
- dsUnAuthBinds
- Directory Server Errors
- Total Errors
- Security Errors
- Bind Security Errors
- LDAP Failures
- Failures
- Referals
The ZenPack also provides the RHDS-MIB MIBs and the /Status/LDAP event class transform to modify the event summary for threshold triggerd events.
Installation Requirements:
- Zenoss Versions Supported: 2.4+ (py2.4 file), 3.0 (py2.6 file)
- External Dependencies: none
- ZenPack Dependencies: none
- Installation Notes: zopectl restart after installing this ZenPack.
- Configuration: bind the template to the Device or Device Class to be monitored
Change History:
- 1.0 initial release
- 1.1 3.0 compatibility, added event transform in event class /Events/Status/LDAP
Tested: This ZenPack was tested with Zenoss versions 2.4 and 2.5.
Tagged Releases:
Known issues: