Submitted by: Jay Munzner
This Monitoring ZenPack provides a number of SNMP-based templates for monitoring for BlueArc storage devices.
- BlueArcServer- BlueArc Cluster template
- ClusterNode- BlueArc cluster node template to monitor node specific ops (nfs, cifs, fc, etc)
- FileSystem
- ethernetCsmacd- Ethernet interface template for BlueArc with 75% utilization threshold
Installation Requirements:
- Zenoss Versions Supported: 2.5
- External Dependencies: none
- ZenPack Dependencies: none
- Installation Notes: create the /Devices/Storage device class before installation. zopectl restart after installing this ZenPack.
- Configuration:
Change History:
- 1.0 initial release
Tested: This ZenPack was tested with versions 2.5.2 and 3.0. It is not currently compatible with 3.0.
Tagged Releases:
Known issues:
It is not currently compatible with 3.0.