Locations are logical groupings for physical systems. They can be as general as city and state, or as specific as rack or closet. Locations do not appear on the Dashboard.
To add a location:
Select Infrastructure from the navigation bar.
The device list appears.
Select the place in the Locations hierarchy where you want to create a location.
The Add Location dialog appears.
Enter a name and description for the location, and then click Submit.
The location appears in the hierarchy. You can now move devices to this location. Select one or more devices in the device list, and then drag them to the new location.
The system can map locations by using a Google Maps mashup feature that sets the location's "Address" property to an address that Google Maps considers valid. The selected location will appear on the map as a dot. The color of the dot represents the highest severity of any event on any device in that location. Network connections that span locations are represented on the map by lines that also are color-coordinated appropriately to the status of that connection.
To view the Google Map for a network location:
Select Infrastructure from the navigation bar.
The device list appears.
Select a location in the hierarchy.
Click Details.
Select Map.
The network map appears.
You also can view the network map from a dashboard portlet.
Before you can use the Google Maps feature, you must obtain or register for a Google Maps API key.
For Enterprise Implementations
To obtain a Google Maps API key, open a support case through the customer support portal, at:
Be sure to provide your Zenoss server key; this is required to generate the Google Maps API key. To find your server key, select Settings, and then select the Versions tab.
For Core Implementations
You must register for a Google Maps API key. Free Google Maps API keys are linked to a base URL by which an application must be accessed for Google Maps to function.
To obtain a free Google Maps API key:
Point your browser to: http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html
Fill in the URL by which you access your Zenoss Web interface. Include the port. For example, "http://localhost:8080".
Users accessing the Web interface via a different URL than the one you specify here (for example, by IP instead of hostname) will not be able to use the Google Maps feature.
Agree to the terms and click OK to receive your API key. Copy it to the clipboard.
Follow these steps to set a location address:
Select Infrastructure from the navigation bar.
The device list appears.
Select a location in the hierarchy.
Select Edit from
(Action menu).
The Edit Organizer dialog appears.
In the Description field, enter a description for the location.
In the Address field, enter a complete address that can be resolved by Google Maps. (To test your address in advance, enter it at http://maps.google.com.)
Click Submit.
The selected address for the location is created. You must add at least one device to the location for the location "dot" to appear on the map.
Sometimes there are issues with drawing the maps and seeing the network status of locations or connections. Clearing the Geocode cache will solve these problems. To clear the Geocode cache:
If two devices in the same network are in different map-able locations, a line will be drawn on the map representing a network connection between the two. If there are multiple separate network connections between the same two locations, only one line will be drawn. The color of the line will represent the highest severity of any events affecting the connection. These are determined by:
A ping down event on the device at either end of the connection; or
Any event on the interface at either end of the connection.
Calculating network links on the fly is an expensive procedure. If you have a large number of devices that have been assigned locations, drawing those links on the map may take a long time. To save time, you can tell the system not to attempt to draw links for specific networks (for example, a local network comprising many devices that you know does not span multiple locations).
To edit the value for this property:
Select Infrastructure > Networks from the navigation bar.
The Networks page appears.
Select one or more networks or sub-networks for which you want to disable map links.
Select Set Local Value in the Draw Map Links area.
Select No from the list of options.
Click Save.
This setting will be inherited by networks or sub-networks below this selection in the hierarchy. If you have few networks for which links would be drawn, you might want to disable map links on /Networks, enabling it only on a network where you know a location-spanning WAN connection exists.
This example will show you how to:
Create and display Google map links of devices
Send a test event to see how the links are affected by system changes
Disable map links. (Refer to the procedure in Drawing Map Links for instructions.)
Create two locations: "New York" and "Los Angeles." (Refer to the procedure in Adding Locations for instructions.)
Enter the following values in the Address field of the Add Location dialog: "New York, NY" and "Los Angeles, CA" respectively.
Set the location of a device to New York. Locate another device on the same network and set its location to Los Angeles.
Select Locations in the hierarchy, click Details, and then select Map.
New York and Los Angeles are represented by dots on the map; however, no link is drawn between these locations.
Select Networks and re-enable map linking.
Select Infrastructure, then select Locations in the hierarchy.
Click Details, and then select Map.
A green line is now drawn between New York and Los Angeles.
Send an event with a severity of Critical to the device in New York. (For information about creating events, refer to the chapter titled Event Management.) Do not specify a component.
Return to the Locations map.
The dot representing New York is now red, but the link between New York and Los Angeles remains green.
Navigate to the New York device and determine the ID of the component that is connected to the network shared with the Los Angeles device.
Send another test event, this time specifying that component.
Return to the Locations map.
The link between New York and Los Angeles is now red.