Oct 29, 2009 12:18 PM
Zenprocess, zenwin, zeneventlog down after 2.5 upgrade
Like (0)
After upgrading to 2.5 the zenprocess, zenwin and zeneventlog didnt start
2009-10-29 11:55:02,512 INFO zen.zzenprocess: Connecting to localhost:8789
2009-10-29 11:55:32,582 ERROR zen.zenprocess: Timeout connecting to zenhub: is it running?
2009-10-29 11:55:32,583 ERROR zen.zenprocess: Configure failed: ZenHub is down
2009-10-29 11:55:32,583 ERROR zen.zenprocess: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.HubDown: ZenHub is down
2009-10-29 11:55:33,584 INFO zen.zenprocess: Deleting PID file /usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/var/zenprocess-localhost.pid ...
2009-10-29 11:55:33,584 INFO zen.zenprocess: Daemon CollectorDaemon shutting down
After upgrade zenprocess, zenwin, and zeneventlog won't start (or stay running). Below is the details.
Server Information (CentOS 5.4):
Zenoss Zenoss 2.5.0
OS Linux (i686) 2.6.18 (Linux server_name 2.6.18-164.el5PAE #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 04:10:44 EDT 2009 i686)
Zope Zope 2.11.2
Python Python 2.4.4
Database MySQL 5.0.77 (Ver 5.0.77)
RRD RRDtool 1.3.8
Twisted Twisted 8.1.0
NetSnmp NetSnmp 5.3.2
PyNetSnmp PyNetSnmp 0.28.13
WMI Wmi 1.3.5
what I see in the zenprocess log:
2009-10-29 12:29:59,799 INFO zen.zenprocess: Connecting to localhost:8789
2009-10-29 12:30:29,802 ERROR zen.zenprocess: Timeout connecting to zenhub: is it running?
2009-10-29 12:30:29,803 ERROR zen.zenprocess: Configure failed: ZenHub is down
2009-10-29 12:30:29,803 ERROR zen.zenprocess: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.HubDown: ZenHub is down
2009-10-29 12:30:30,805 INFO zen.zenprocess: Deleting PID file /opt/zenoss/var/zenprocess-localhost.pid ...
2009-10-29 12:30:30,805 INFO zen.zenprocess: Daemon CollectorDaemon shutting down
However ZenHub is running and I can telnet to it i.e.
# netstat -antp | grep LIST | grep 8789
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 21714/python
# telnet localhost 8789
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^]'.
telnet> quit
Connection closed.
What I see in the zenwin log:
2009-10-29 12:30:07,336 INFO zen.zenwin: Connecting to localhost:8789
2009-10-29 12:30:37,338 ERROR zen.zenwin: Timeout connecting to zenhub: is it running?
2009-10-29 12:30:37,339 ERROR zen.zenwin: Configure failed: ZenHub is down
2009-10-29 12:30:37,340 ERROR zen.zenwin: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.HubDown: ZenHub is down
2009-10-29 12:30:38,341 INFO zen.zenwin: Deleting PID file /opt/zenoss/var/zenwin-localhost.pid ...
2009-10-29 12:30:38,341 INFO zen.zenwin: Daemon CollectorDaemon shutting down
What I see in the zeneventlog log:
2009-10-29 12:30:13,998 INFO zen.zeneventlog: Connecting to localhost:8789
2009-10-29 12:30:44,001 ERROR zen.zeneventlog: Timeout connecting to zenhub: is it running?
2009-10-29 12:30:44,002 ERROR zen.zeneventlog: Configure failed: ZenHub is down
2009-10-29 12:30:44,003 ERROR zen.zeneventlog: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.HubDown: ZenHub is down
2009-10-29 12:30:45,005 INFO zen.zeneventlog: Deleting PID file /opt/zenoss/var/zeneventlog-localhost.pid ...
2009-10-29 12:30:45,005 INFO zen.zeneventlog: Daemon CollectorDaemon shutting down
So for some reason they think that ZenHub isn't running when it is. Could the ZenHub be too busy? What other things can I try? Any and all help very much appreciated.
You are not alone. Seems to be problem with 2.5.
For me the following ZenPacks were installed before the upgrade:
After removing these ZenPacks, all services are starting correctly again. Hope this helps everyone who has the same problem after upgrading from 2.4.5 to 2.5.
Best Regards,
Message was edited by: HerbertS docs/DOC-3392 WMI Data SourceVERSION 12 Created on: Sep 14, 2009 1:30 PM by bigegor - Last Modified: Oct 29, 2009 4:35 PM by Ryan Matte WARNING *** THIS ZENPACK WILL BREAK YOUR KING CRAB (2.5) INSTALL *** *** DO NOT INSTALL THIS ON 2.5 UNTIL AN UPDATED VERSION IS AVAILABLE *** *** IF YOU HAVE INSTALLED THIS ON 2.4 DO NOT UPGRADE TO 2.5 ***
same here, after upgrading to 2.5 the zenprocess daemon dies
2009-11-17 15:17:58,482 INFO zen.zenprocess: Deleting PID file /usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/var/zenprocess-localhost.pid ...
2009-11-17 15:17:58,483 INFO zen.zenprocess: Daemon CollectorDaemon shutting down
2009-11-17 15:38:53,216 INFO zen.zenprocess: Connecting to localhost:8789
2009-11-17 15:38:53,222 INFO zen.zenprocess: Connected to ZenHub
2009-11-17 15:40:52,352 ERROR zen.zenprocess: Configure failed: Remote exception: Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.RemoteException: Remote exception: zExceptions.NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 75, in inner
return callable(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenCollector/services/config.py", line 148, in remote_getDeviceConfigs
deviceConfig = self._createDeviceProxy(device)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/services/ProcessConfig.py", line 62, in _createDeviceProxy
procs = device.getMonitoredComponents(collector='zenprocess')
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 593, in getMonitoredComponents
collector=collector, type=type)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 623, in getDeviceComponents
return [c.getObject() for c in brains]
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/Products/ZCatalog/CatalogBrains.py", line 92, in getObject
target = parent.restrictedTraverse(path[-1])
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 301, in restrictedTraverse
return self.unrestrictedTraverse(path, default, restricted=True)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 284, in unrestrictedTraverse
raise e
NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 75, in inner
return callable(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/zenhubworker.py", line 116, in remote_execute
return runOnce()
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/zenhubworker.py", line 111, in runOnce
res = m(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 83, in inner
RemoteException: Remote exception: zExceptions.NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 75, in inner
return callable(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenCollector/services/config.py", line 148, in remote_getDeviceConfigs
deviceConfig = self._createDeviceProxy(device)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/services/ProcessConfig.py", line 62, in _createDeviceProxy
procs = device.getMonitoredComponents(collector='zenprocess')
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 593, in getMonitoredComponents
collector=collector, type=type)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 623, in getDeviceComponents
return [c.getObject() for c in brains]
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/Products/ZCatalog/CatalogBrains.py", line 92, in getObject
target = parent.restrictedTraverse(path[-1])
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 301, in restrictedTraverse
return self.unrestrictedTraverse(path, default, restricted=True)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 284, in unrestrictedTraverse
raise e
NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96
2009-11-17 15:40:52,353 ERROR zen.zenprocess: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.RemoteException: Remote exception: Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.RemoteException: Remote exception: zExceptions.NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 75, in inner
return callable(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenCollector/services/config.py", line 148, in remote_getDeviceConfigs
deviceConfig = self._createDeviceProxy(device)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/services/ProcessConfig.py", line 62, in _createDeviceProxy
procs = device.getMonitoredComponents(collector='zenprocess')
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 593, in getMonitoredComponents
collector=collector, type=type)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 623, in getDeviceComponents
return [c.getObject() for c in brains]
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/Products/ZCatalog/CatalogBrains.py", line 92, in getObject
target = parent.restrictedTraverse(path[-1])
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 301, in restrictedTraverse
return self.unrestrictedTraverse(path, default, restricted=True)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 284, in unrestrictedTraverse
raise e
NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 75, in inner
return callable(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/zenhubworker.py", line 116, in remote_execute
return runOnce()
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/zenhubworker.py", line 111, in runOnce
res = m(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 83, in inner
RemoteException: Remote exception: zExceptions.NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 75, in inner
return callable(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenCollector/services/config.py", line 148, in remote_getDeviceConfigs
deviceConfig = self._createDeviceProxy(device)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/services/ProcessConfig.py", line 62, in _createDeviceProxy
procs = device.getMonitoredComponents(collector='zenprocess')
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 593, in getMonitoredComponents
collector=collector, type=type)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 623, in getDeviceComponents
return [c.getObject() for c in brains]
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/Products/ZCatalog/CatalogBrains.py", line 92, in getObject
target = parent.restrictedTraverse(path[-1])
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 301, in restrictedTraverse
return self.unrestrictedTraverse(path, default, restricted=True)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 284, in unrestrictedTraverse
raise e
NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96
2009-11-17 15:40:52,353 INFO zen.zenprocess: Deleting PID file /usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/var/zenprocess-localhost.pid ...
2009-11-17 15:40:52,353 INFO zen.zenprocess: Daemon CollectorDaemon shutting down
Any idea on what the root cause of these problems could be?
That would be
Pack | Package | Author | Version | Egg | |
SiteWindowPortletPack | n/a | Klinstifen | 0.1 | No | |
ZenPacks.Nagios.CheckPing | Nagios | Michael C. Hoffman | 1.0 | Yes | |
ZenPacks.Nova.Cisco.Mibs | Nova | Ryan Matte | 1.0 | Yes | |
ZenPacks.community.PointThreshold | community | Eric Edgar | 1.0 | Yes | |
ZenPacks.community.mib_utils | community | Kells Kearney | 1.04 | Yes | |
ZenPacks.sodonnell.TransformReport | sodonnell | Steven O'Donnell | 1.0 | Yes | |
ZenPacks.zenoss.ApacheMonitor | zenoss | Zenoss | 2.0.2 | Yes | |
ZenPacks.zenoss.DnsMonitor | zenoss | Zenoss | 2.0.0 | Yes | |
ZenPacks.zenoss.HttpMonitor | zenoss | Zenoss | 2.0.1 | Yes | |
ZenPacks.zenoss.LinuxMonitor | zenoss | Zenoss | 1.0.0 | Yes |
Upgrading to 2.5.1 hasn't resolved the issue.
I've turned on debug level logging. Perhaps it reveals something more about what's causing the zenprocess daemon to crash.
All feedback is welcome.
2009-11-23 12:08:41,943 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Starting PBDaemon initialization
2009-11-23 12:08:41,943 INFO zen.zenprocess: Connecting to localhost:8789
2009-11-23 12:08:41,944 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Logging in as admin
2009-11-23 12:08:45,217 INFO zen.zenprocess: Connected to ZenHub
2009-11-23 12:08:45,636 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Setting up initial services: EventService, Products.ZenHub.services.ProcessConfig
2009-11-23 12:08:45,636 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Chaining getInitialServices with d2
2009-11-23 12:08:45,638 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Loaded service EventService from zenhub
2009-11-23 12:08:45,638 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Loaded service Products.ZenHub.services.ProcessConfig from zenhub
2009-11-23 12:08:45,638 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Queueing event {'severity': 0, 'component': 'zenprocess', 'agent': 'zenprocess', 'summary': 'started', 'manager': 'zenoss1.ugent.be', 'device': 'localhost', 'eventClass': '/App/Start', 'monitor': 'localhost'}
2009-11-23 12:08:45,638 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Total of 1 queued events
2009-11-23 12:08:45,639 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Calling connected.
2009-11-23 12:08:45,639 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: _configCycle fetching configuration
2009-11-23 12:08:45,639 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Fetching daemon configuration properties
2009-11-23 12:08:49,907 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Updated configCycleInterval preference to 360
2009-11-23 12:08:49,907 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute zenProcessParallelJobs
2009-11-23 12:08:49,907 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute renderurl
2009-11-23 12:08:49,908 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute discoveryNetworks
2009-11-23 12:08:49,908 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute winmodelerCycleInterval
2009-11-23 12:08:49,908 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute modelerCycleInterval
2009-11-23 12:08:49,908 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute wmiqueryTimeout
2009-11-23 12:08:49,908 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute statusCycleInterval
2009-11-23 12:08:49,908 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute pingTimeOut
2009-11-23 12:08:49,908 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute pingCycleInterval
2009-11-23 12:08:49,908 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Updated defaultRRDCreateCommand preference to ['RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:600', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:600', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:600', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:600', 'RRA:MAX:0.5:6:600', 'RRA:MAX:0.5:24:600', 'RRA:MAX:0.5:288:600']
2009-11-23 12:08:49,908 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute maxPingFailures
2009-11-23 12:08:49,909 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute wmibatchSize
2009-11-23 12:08:49,909 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute eventlogCycleInterval
2009-11-23 12:08:49,909 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute winCycleInterval
2009-11-23 12:08:49,909 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute pingTries
2009-11-23 12:08:49,909 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute renderpass
2009-11-23 12:08:49,909 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute renderuser
2009-11-23 12:08:49,909 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute pingChunk
2009-11-23 12:08:49,909 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Preferences object does not have attribute perfsnmpCycleInterval
2009-11-23 12:08:49,910 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Fetching threshold classes
2009-11-23 12:08:54,573 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Loading classes ['Products.ZenModel.MinMaxThreshold']
2009-11-23 12:08:54,575 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Fetching collector thresholds
2009-11-23 12:08:54,953 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Device sw-vsc.private.ugent.be deleted
2009-11-23 12:08:54,953 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: ConfigListener: configuration sw-vsc.private.ugent.be deleted
2009-11-23 12:08:55,028 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Device sw-vsc.private.ugent.be deleted
2009-11-23 12:08:55,028 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: ConfigListener: configuration sw-vsc.private.ugent.be deleted
2009-11-23 12:08:55,031 DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('high event queue', ('localhost', ''))
2009-11-23 12:08:55,031 DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('zenmodeler cycle time', ('localhost', ''))
2009-11-23 12:08:55,031 DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('zenperfsnmp cycle time', ('localhost', ''))
2009-11-23 12:08:55,031 DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('zenping cycle time', ('localhost', ''))
2009-11-23 12:08:55,031 DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('zenprocess cycle time', ('localhost', ''))
2009-11-23 12:08:55,031 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Fetching configurations
2009-11-23 12:08:55,643 DEBUG zen.thresholds: Checking value 0 on Daemons/localhost/zenprocess_eventQueueLength
2009-11-23 12:08:55,644 DEBUG zen.MinMaxCheck: Checking zenprocess_eventQueueLength 0 against min None and max 1000
2009-11-23 12:08:55,644 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Queueing event {'manager': 'zenoss1.ugent.be', 'eventKey': 'high event queue', 'device': 'localhost', 'eventClass': '/Perf', 'summary': 'threshold of high event queue restored: current value 0.00', 'component': '', 'monitor': 'localhost', 'agent': 'zenprocess', 'severity': 0}
2009-11-23 12:08:55,644 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Total of 1 queued events
2009-11-23 12:08:57,664 ERROR zen.zenprocess: Configure failed: Remote exception: Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.RemoteException: Remote exception: zExceptions.NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 75, in inner
return callable(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenCollector/services/config.py", line 148, in remote_getDeviceConfigs
deviceConfig = self._createDeviceProxy(device)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/services/ProcessConfig.py", line 62, in _createDeviceProxy
procs = device.getMonitoredComponents(collector='zenprocess')
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 593, in getMonitoredComponents
collector=collector, type=type)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 623, in getDeviceComponents
return [c.getObject() for c in brains]
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/Products/ZCatalog/CatalogBrains.py", line 92, in getObject
target = parent.restrictedTraverse(path[-1])
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 301, in restrictedTraverse
return self.unrestrictedTraverse(path, default, restricted=True)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 284, in unrestrictedTraverse
raise e
NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 75, in inner
return callable(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/zenhubworker.py", line 116, in remote_execute
return runOnce()
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/zenhubworker.py", line 111, in runOnce
res = m(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 83, in inner
RemoteException: Remote exception: zExceptions.NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 75, in inner
return callable(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenCollector/services/config.py", line 148, in remote_getDeviceConfigs
deviceConfig = self._createDeviceProxy(device)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/services/ProcessConfig.py", line 62, in _createDeviceProxy
procs = device.getMonitoredComponents(collector='zenprocess')
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 593, in getMonitoredComponents
collector=collector, type=type)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 623, in getDeviceComponents
return [c.getObject() for c in brains]
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/Products/ZCatalog/CatalogBrains.py", line 92, in getObject
target = parent.restrictedTraverse(path[-1])
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 301, in restrictedTraverse
return self.unrestrictedTraverse(path, default, restricted=True)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 284, in unrestrictedTraverse
raise e
NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96
2009-11-23 12:08:57,665 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Rescheduling configuration check in 21600 seconds
2009-11-23 12:08:57,665 ERROR zen.zenprocess: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.RemoteException: Remote exception: Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.RemoteException: Remote exception: zExceptions.NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 75, in inner
return callable(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenCollector/services/config.py", line 148, in remote_getDeviceConfigs
deviceConfig = self._createDeviceProxy(device)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/services/ProcessConfig.py", line 62, in _createDeviceProxy
procs = device.getMonitoredComponents(collector='zenprocess')
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 593, in getMonitoredComponents
collector=collector, type=type)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 623, in getDeviceComponents
return [c.getObject() for c in brains]
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/Products/ZCatalog/CatalogBrains.py", line 92, in getObject
target = parent.restrictedTraverse(path[-1])
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 301, in restrictedTraverse
return self.unrestrictedTraverse(path, default, restricted=True)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 284, in unrestrictedTraverse
raise e
NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 75, in inner
return callable(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/zenhubworker.py", line 116, in remote_execute
return runOnce()
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/zenhubworker.py", line 111, in runOnce
res = m(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 83, in inner
RemoteException: Remote exception: zExceptions.NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/PBDaemon.py", line 75, in inner
return callable(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenCollector/services/config.py", line 148, in remote_getDeviceConfigs
deviceConfig = self._createDeviceProxy(device)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/services/ProcessConfig.py", line 62, in _createDeviceProxy
procs = device.getMonitoredComponents(collector='zenprocess')
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 593, in getMonitoredComponents
collector=collector, type=type)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/Device.py", line 623, in getDeviceComponents
return [c.getObject() for c in brains]
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/Products/ZCatalog/CatalogBrains.py", line 92, in getObject
target = parent.restrictedTraverse(path[-1])
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 301, in restrictedTraverse
return self.unrestrictedTraverse(path, default, restricted=True)
File "/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 284, in unrestrictedTraverse
raise e
NotFound: view 5d96139b0b8d1c7112f16cd374788e96
2009-11-23 12:08:57,665 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Queueing event {'severity': 3, 'component': 'zenprocess', 'agent': 'zenprocess', 'summary': 'stopped', 'manager': 'zenoss1.ugent.be', 'device': 'localhost', 'eventClass': '/App/Stop', 'monitor': 'localhost'}
2009-11-23 12:08:57,665 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Total of 2 queued events
2009-11-23 12:08:57,666 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Sent a 'stop' event
2009-11-23 12:08:58,667 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: stop() called when not running
2009-11-23 12:08:58,667 INFO zen.zenprocess: Deleting PID file /usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/var/zenprocess-localhost.pid ...
2009-11-23 12:08:58,667 INFO zen.zenprocess: Daemon CollectorDaemon shutting down
2009-11-23 12:08:58,668 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Removing service EventService
2009-11-23 12:08:58,668 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Removing service Products.ZenHub.services.ProcessConfig
Got same issiue, anyone got a solution for this?
Got the following zenpacks installed:
Pack | Package | Author | Version | Egg | |
ZenPacks.Firestar.CiscoASA | Firestar | Chris Morrison - chris.morrison@sita.aero | 1.0 | Yes | |
ZenPacks.TijmenvandenBrink.Riverbed | TijmenvandenBrink | Tijmen van den Brink | 1.0 | Yes | |
ZenPacks.ipSLA.SLADevice | ipSLA | Shane William Scott, NY | 2.0 | Yes |
After removing all zenpacks and add them again zenwin and zeneventlog starts fine, however Zenprocess is still down and wont connect to zenhub.
Trying 120 seconds for initialhubconnect for zenprocess if it might resolve the issiue
Give it a cpl of tries, maybe even increase it even more?
the zenprocess dies immediatley after starting it.
as for the cryptic error message, it might help if someone could elaborate on what view not found actually implies.
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