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digitlman Rank: White Belt 70 posts since
Oct 19, 2009
Currently Being Moderated

Jan 29, 2010 9:42 AM

Monitoring SNMP on Toshiba UPS



I want to be able to more closely monitor my Toshiba UPS.  I modeled the device using the /power/ups class, but it doesn't really give me any info.


I have the manual for the Remoteye II software, and it lists the definitions for a Toshiba-specific MIB.  Here's an example:


upsControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sp1 8 }

upsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sp1 9 }

upsPassword OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sp1 10 }

upsTime OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sp1 11 }



I added a few lines manually into a custom-created MIB, but I'm not sure how to apply this to my device, or if there is a better way to do this?

  • jmp242 ZenossMaster 4,060 posts since
    Mar 7, 2007
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    2. Feb 1, 2010 11:25 AM (in response to digitlman)
    Re: Monitoring SNMP on Toshiba UPS

    Please see:



    James Pulver

    Information Technology Area Supervisor

    LEPP Computer Group

    Cornell University




    digitlman wrote, On 2/1/2010 11:22 AM:

    Anybody have any thoughts?   I downloaded the MIB file and tried to import, but it isn't working.


  • jmp242 ZenossMaster 4,060 posts since
    Mar 7, 2007
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    4. Feb 1, 2010 1:11 PM (in response to digitlman)
    Re: Monitoring SNMP on Toshiba UPS

    You can make your own performance template - see the Admin Guide...


    James Pulver

    Information Technology Area Supervisor

    LEPP Computer Group

    Cornell University




    digitlman wrote, On 2/1/2010 11:34 AM: the MIB is useless for Zenoss?  I can't find any custom Zenpacks that relate to specific UPS brands save for I SOL? 


  • phonegi Rank: Brown Belt 446 posts since
    Apr 15, 2009
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    5. Feb 2, 2010 10:16 AM (in response to digitlman)
    Re: Monitoring SNMP on Toshiba UPS

    I have found myself in the same situation - trying to monitor a device for which there is no ZenPack. Here are the basic steps I follow:


    1. First, log into the device you want to monitor (Telnet, web interface, SSH...) and set the SNMP security settings. This typically requires that you set a read only community name (which acts as SNMP's poor mans password). Most devices also require that you specify the IP addresses that will be allowed to request SNMP data - so add the IP address of your Zenoss system.
    2. Verify that your Zenoss system can access data from the device.

      If you have already added the device to Zenoss, navigate to the device page. From the main drop down menu, select Run Commands > snmpwalk. If you see data like:

      SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: [DeviceName]
      SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.[list of numbers]

      Then Zenoss is able to retrieve SNMP data from the device. Move on to Step 3.

      If you have not yet added the device to Zenoss, SSH into your Zenoss box as the zenoss user. Enter the following command:

      $ snmpwalk -v1 -c [community name] [ip address]

      If you don't receive any output, review Step 1 and make sure the community name matches.

    3. The next step is to determine what data the device exposes via SNMP. This can be a tedious process, but I don't know of a better way. If you haven't already, SSH into your Zenoss box as the zenoss user. Navigate to the directory where you have stored the custom mib for the device. I keep mine in the directory structure: $ZENHOME/share/mibs/site/[manufacturer name]. So if I were working on one of my Avtech devices, I'd navigate as follows:

      $ cd $ZENHOME/share/mibs/site/avtech

      Now I request that the device list every available SNMP OID by name and store it in a file called 'names' in the zenoss user home directory :

      $ snmpwalk -v1 -m all -c [community name] [ip address] -M +./ 1.3.6 > ~/names

      I create the same list, but request the OIDs by number and store it in a file called 'oids':

      $ snmpwalk -v1 -m all -c [community name] [ip address] -M +./ 1.3.6 -On > ~/oids

      Now, use an editor to examine the ~/names file. If you are using a GUI, open the ~/oids file too. There can be tens of thousands of data points, but they tend to form in groups, so you can usually scan them fairly quickly. Make note of any data points that you want to monitor. What I do is make note of the line number in the ~/names file, then switch to the ~/oids file, move to the same line number and write down the OID.

      Once you have a list of the OIDs that you want to monitor and what they represent, create your own custom performance template. Check out docs/DOC-3908 to learn how.
  • jmp242 ZenossMaster 4,060 posts since
    Mar 7, 2007
    Currently Being Moderated
    6. Feb 2, 2010 10:32 AM (in response to phonegi)
    Re: Monitoring SNMP on Toshiba UPS

    I think the MIB Viewer zenpack, or one of the inexpensive MIB tools for

    Windows should be easier than what you're doing to parse the MIBs.


    James Pulver

    Information Technology Area Supervisor

    LEPP Computer Group

    Cornell University




    phonegi wrote, On 2/2/2010 10:13 AM:

    I have found myself in the same situation - trying to monitor a device for which there is no ZenPack. Here are the basic steps I follow:


    1. First, log into the device you want to monitor (Telnet, web interface, SSH...) and set the SNMP security settings. This typically requires that you set a read only community name (which acts as SNMP's poor mans password). Most devices also require that you specify the IP addresses that will be allowed to request SNMP data - so add the IP address of your Zenoss system.

    2. Verify that your Zenoss system can access data from the device.


    If you have already added the device to Zenoss, navigate to the device page. From the main drop down menu, select Run Commands > snmpwalk. If you see data like:


    *SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: Re: Monitoring SNMP on Toshiba UPS

    SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.[list of numbers]


    Then Zenoss is able to retrieve SNMP data from the device. Move on to Step 3.


    If you have not yet added the device to Zenoss, SSH into your Zenoss box as the zenoss user. Enter the following command:


    $ snmpwalk -v1 -c Re: Monitoring SNMP on Toshiba UPS Re: Monitoring SNMP on Toshiba UPS


    If you don't receive any output, review Step 1 and make sure the community name matches.


    3. The next step is to determine what data the device exposes via SNMP. This can be a tedious process, but I don't know of a better way. If you haven't already, SSH into your Zenoss box as the zenoss user. Navigate to the directory where you have stored the custom mib for the device. I keep mine in the directory structure: $ZENHOME/share/mibs/site/[manufacturer name]. So if I were working on one of my Avtech devices, I'd navigate as follows:


    $ cd $ZENHOME/share/mibs/site/avtech


    Now I list every available SNMP OID by name and store it in a file in the zenoss user home directory called 'names':


    $ snmpwalk -v1 -m all -c Re: Monitoring SNMP on Toshiba UPS Re: Monitoring SNMP on Toshiba UPS -M +./ 1.3.6 > ~/names


    I create the same list, but request the OIDs by number and store it in a file called 'oids':


    $ snmpwalk -v1 -m all -c Re: Monitoring SNMP on Toshiba UPS Re: Monitoring SNMP on Toshiba UPS -M +./ 1.3.6 -On > ~/oids


    Now, use an editor to examine the ~/names file. If you are using a GUI, open the ~/oids file too. There can be tens of thousands of data points, but they tend to form in groups, so you can usually scan them fairly quickly. Make note of any data points that you want to monitor. What I do is make note of the line number in the ~/names file, then switch to the ~/oids file, move to the same line number and write down the OID.


    Once you have a list of the OIDs that you want to monitor and what they represent, create your own custom performance template. Check out docs/DOC-3908 to learn how.



  • jmp242 ZenossMaster 4,060 posts since
    Mar 7, 2007
    Currently Being Moderated
    8. Feb 2, 2010 1:58 PM (in response to digitlman)
    Re: Monitoring SNMP on Toshiba UPS



    James Pulver

    Information Technology Area Supervisor

    LEPP Computer Group

    Cornell University




    digitlman wrote, On 2/2/2010 1:46 PM:

  • jmp242 ZenossMaster 4,060 posts since
    Mar 7, 2007
    Currently Being Moderated
    10. Feb 3, 2010 3:06 PM (in response to digitlman)
    Re: Monitoring SNMP on Toshiba UPS

    Note that Zenoss doesn't use MIBs for performance monitoring, only to

    decode SNMP traps. You'll need to create a template with SNMP data

    sources for the OIDs you care about, and then create the graphs or

    whatever that gives you what you want.


    James Pulver

    Information Technology Area Supervisor

    LEPP Computer Group

    Cornell University




    digitlman wrote, On 2/3/2010 9:49 AM:

    Ok, I have successfully added the MIB file, but I'm still not sure how to put it all together.  And yes, I have read the manual, but I'm still confused. 


    I now have a /Mibs/TOSHIBAUPS-MIB-ADD, and in that are all the OID mappings and SNMP traps.  Now I want to put it all together.  I think I want to create a /Power/UPS/TOSHIBA class like APC has its own class, and put the device in that so that it will use the Toshiba-defined OIDs and gather the correct info.


    I have already configured the UPS to send SNMP traps to the zenoss server, and to allow SNMP access to public.


    What next?


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