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9.3 Tuning Zope

VERSION 3  Click to view document history
Created on: Nov 1, 2010 6:11 PM by Zenoss API - Last Modified:  Nov 1, 2010 6:13 PM by Zenoss API

 3. Tuning Zope

The Zope application server runs the Zenoss user interface. Zope performance is tied closely to the performance settings in the $ZENHOME/etc/zope.conf file.

Zenoss recommends that you set several values in your zope.conf file to match your deployment. The value of cache-size (as specified in zodb_db main) should exceed the number of objects in the global catalog. The following steps will help you determine this value. You should check this value periodically and adjust it as necessary.

  1. Edit the zope.conf file.

  2. Add these lines to the file:


    Figure 9.1. zope.cnf File

    zope.cnf File

  3. Calculate and set <zodb_db main> cache-size value:

    1. In zendmd, execute the following command:

    2. Round up the returned value to the next highest multiple over the catalog size. For example, round up a catalog value of 149,000 to 200,000. If this number exceeds 1 million, contact Zenoss Professional Services.

    3. Enter the rounded-up value for cache-size (in <zodb_db main>).

  4. Calculate and set the python-check-interval setting:

    1. As the zenoss user, run the following script:

       import math; from test import pystone; int(math.ceil(sum(s[1] for s \
        in (pystone.pystones() for i in range(3)))/150.0))
    2. Enter the returned value for python-check-interval.

  5. Calculate and set the <zeoclient> cache-size setting:

    1. Pack the database. (See the section titled "Packing the ZEO Database.")

    2. Set the value of cache-size to roughly two times the size of the $ZENHOME/var/Data.fs file.

  6. Set the value of zserver-threads according to the following guidelines:


    Table 9.2. zserver-threads Values

    Number of Concurrent UsersValue of zserver-threads

    1 to 50 users


    50+ users


  7. Set the value of pool-size according to the following guidelines:


    Table 9.3. pool-size Values

    Number of Concurrent UsersValue of pool-size

    1 to 50 users

    Remove the pool-size line.

    50+ users


  8. Restart Zenoss to acknowledge the new settings.

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