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3.5 Converting the Virtual Appliance to ESX

VERSION 13  Click to view document history
Created on: Nov 1, 2010 6:11 PM by Zenoss API - Last Modified:  Nov 1, 2010 6:13 PM by Zenoss API

 5. Converting the Virtual Appliance to ESX

Follow these steps to convert the virtual appliance to ESX:

  1. Download the zipped appliance into the datastore volume on your ESX server (for example, /vmfs/volumes/YourDatastore).

  2. Unzip the appliance and go to the uncompressed folder.

  3. Run vmkfstools on the uncompressed vmdk file:

    vmkfstools -i zenoss-[Version]-[Architecture].vmware.vmdk zenoss-[Version]-[Architecture].esx.vmdk


    You can delete all other files in the uncompressed folder, leaving only the new vmdk file.

  4. Start your vSphere standalone client; or, in the case of ESX 4.0, open ESX Web Access.

  5. Go to Inventory and find the ESX server where the .vmdk file is located.

  6. Create a virtual machine, following these steps:

    1. Right-click the ESX server, and then select New virtual machine.

      The Configuration panel appears.


      Figure 3.1. Configuration


    2. On the Configuration panel, select the Custom option, and then click Next.

      The Name and Location panel appears.


      Figure 3.2. Name and Location

      Name and Location

    3. Enter a name for the new virtual machine, choose the location of the virtual machine in your inventory, and then click Next.

      The Datastore panel appears.


      Figure 3.3. Datastore


    4. Select the datastore where the appliance .vmdk file was converted with vmkfstools, and then click Next.

      The Virtual Machine Version panel appears.


      Figure 3.4. Virtual Machine Version

      Virtual Machine Version

    5. Select Virtual Machine Version 7, and then click Next.

      The Guest Operating System panel appears.


      Figure 3.5. Guest Operating System

      Guest Operating System

    6. Select the guest operating system version appropriate for the architecture of the downloaded appliance (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit) or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)), and then click Next.

      The CPUs panel appears.


      Figure 3.6. CPUs


    7. Select the number of virtual processors (by default, 1), and then click Next.

      The Memory panel appears.


      Figure 3.7. Memory


    8. Select the amount of RAM for the virtual machine (by default, 2GB), and then click Next.

      The Network panel appears.


      Figure 3.8. Network


    9. Adjust the Virtual NIC according to our ESX configuration. Be sure to select the right adapter (E1000 for 64-bit appliances; Flexible for 32-bit appliances). Click Next.

      The SCSI Controller panel appears.


      Figure 3.9. SCSI Controller

      SCSI Controller

    10. Select a SCSI controller (by default, LSI Logic Parallel), and then click Next.

      The Select a Disk panel appears.


      Figure 3.10. Select a Disk

      Select a Disk

    11. Select the Use an existing virtual disk option, and then click Next.

      The Select Existing Disk panel appears.


      Figure 3.11. Select Existing Disk

      Select Existing Disk

    12. Click Browse to browse to your datastore. Select .vmdk, and then click OK.

    13. Click Next, and then click Finish.

    14. Start the virtual machine.

VMware also ships a conversion tool, VMware vCenter Converter, that can convert the appliance to a proper ESX VM. For more information about this tool, go to:

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