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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Installation Considerations
1. Which Zenoss Installation Should You Choose?
2. Hardware Requirements
2.1. Deployments Up to 2000 Devices
2.2. Deployments Over 2000 Devices
2.3. Other Considerations
3. Server Hardware Configuration
3.1. File System Configuration
3.2. Deploying in a Virtualized Environment
4. Post-Installation Performance Tuning Tasks
2. Installing for RHEL 5 or CentOS 5
1. Prerequisite Tasks and Requirements
2. Requirements
3. Tasks
4. Install the Software
5. Disable or Configure the Firewall
6. What's Next?
3. Installing the Virtual Appliance
1. System Requirements
2. Prerequisite Tasks
3. Installing the Appliance
4. What's Next?
5. Converting the Virtual Appliance to ESX
4. Installing from the Stack Installers
1. Install for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
1.1. Prerequisites
1.2. Download the Installer
1.3. Launch the Installer
1.3.1. Command Line
1.3.2. KDE
1.3.3. Gnome
1.4. Install
1.5. What's Next?
5. Installing from the Debian Stack Installer
1. Prerequisites
2. Install from the DEB
2.1. Using apt (Command Line)
2.2. Using dpkg
6. Installing for Mac OS X
1. Installation Notes
2. Prerequisites
3. Installation Procedure
4. What's Next?
7. Installing from Source
1. Source Installation
2. Major Dependencies
3. Prerequisites
4. System Setup
5. Build and Install
6. Platform-Specific Notes
6.1. Setting Socket buffers on Unix platforms
6.2. Running with a Remote MySQL Instance
8. Other Installations
1. RHEL4 Installation Instructions
1.1. Prerequisite Tasks and Requirements
1.2. Install the Software
1.3. Disable or Configure the Firewall
1.4. What's Next?
2. Installing on Other Platforms
9. Performance Tuning
1. Packing the ZEO Database
2. Tuning MySQL
3. Tuning Zope
10. Upgrading
1. Overview and Prerequisites
1.1. Upgrade Paths
1.2. Before Upgrading
1.2.1. Verify Prerequisites
1.2.2. Disable Zope Persistent File System Cache
1.2.3. Install the PreUpgrade ZenPack (for Upgrade from Version 2.5.x)
1.2.4. Back up Zenoss Data
1.3. After Upgrading
2. Upgrading the bin Stack Installer
3. Upgrading the Debian Stack Installer
4. Upgrading the Zenoss Virtual Appliance
5. Upgrading RHEL 4 / CentOS 4 or RHEL 5 / CentOS 5 RPMs
6. Upgrading a Source Tarball Installation
7. Upgrading a Subversion Source Checkout
11. Upgrading from a Source Install to a Stack Install
1. Upgrading From a Source Install to a Stack Install
12. Removing an Instance
1. Before You Begin
2. Remove an RPM Installation
3. Remove a bin Stack Installation
4. Remove a Debian Stack Installation
5. Remove a Stack Installation (Mac OS/X)