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10.1 Overview and Prerequisites

Created on: Nov 1, 2010 6:11 PM by Zenoss API - Last Modified:  Nov 1, 2010 6:11 PM by Zenoss API

 1. Overview and Prerequisites

Use the instructions in this chapter to upgrade your  Zenoss instance. Depending on how you installed  Zenoss, follow the instructions in one of these sections to upgrade:

 1.1. Upgrade Paths

Refer to the following table to determine the upgrade path you must follow when upgrading to a newer version.


Table 10.1. Upgrade Paths

If your current version is: You can upgrade directly to this version: 

 1.2. Before Upgrading

To prepare your system for upgrade, you must:

  • Verify prerequisites

  • Disable the Zope persistent file system cache

  • Install the PreUpgrade ZenPack (if upgrading from Version 2.5.x)

  • Back up Zenoss data

 1.2.1. Verify Prerequisites

Verify that Sun JRE 1.5 or later version is installed on your system.


Zenoss is not compatible with the GNU Compiler for Java (GCJ).

 1.2.2. Disable Zope Persistent File System Cache

Older versions of Zenoss used a persistent disk cache in the zope.conf file. If you originally installed an older Zenoss version, it is possible that your upgraded system still has this cache enabled. This configuration is not compatible with the current version of Zenoss, and must be disabled before starting the upgrade process.

Follow these steps to disable and remove the cache:

  1. In the zope.conf file, verify that the client zeo1 line is commented out, as follows:

    <zodb_db main>
      mount-point /
      # ZODB cache, in number of objects
      cache-size 5000
        server localhost:8100
        storage 1
        name zeostorage
        var $INSTANCE/var
        # ZEO client cache, in bytes
        cache-size 20MB
        # Uncomment to have a persistent disk cache
        #client zeo1
  2. As the zenoss user, enter these commands to remove old caches, if they exist:

    zenoss stop
    rm $ZENHOME/var/*.zec
    zenoss start

 1.2.3. Install the PreUpgrade ZenPack (for Upgrade from Version 2.5.x)

When upgrading from Version 2.5.x, you must install the PreUpgrade ZenPack to prepare your environment for the transition. This version depends on a new global catalog that indexes most objects in your database for quick retrieval.

Run this ZenPack only against the  Zenoss master; do not run it against  Zenoss collectors.

To prepare your environment:

  1. Download and save the PreUpgrade30 ZenPack .egg file from the Zenoss Community ZenPacks page:


  2. Run the following command as the zenoss user:

    zenpack --install ZenPacks.zenoss.PreUpgrade30
  3. Enter the following commands:

    zopectl stop
    zenhub stop
    zopectl start
    zenhub start
  4. Run the following command to build the catalog:

    zencatalog start

    When the zencatalog daemon starts, it will traverse your database and build the catalog.

    You can check the progress of the daemon from the event console, or from the zencatalog.log file. Run the following command:

    tail -f $ZENHOME/log/zencatalog.log


    You must wait until zencatalog finishes before continuing upgrade. The amount of time required to create the global catalog depends on the number of devices and components in your database.

 1.2.4. Back up Zenoss Data

Before upgrade, you must back up your  Zenoss data

  1. As the zenoss user, use the following commands to back up the  Zenoss files. Use both backup methods for maximum recovery options.

    zenoss$ zenbackup --save-mysql-access --file /tmp/zenoss-backup.tgz
    zenoss$ tar czf complete-backup.tar.gz $ZENHOME
  2. Save the backup files to a location other than $ZENHOME.

 1.3. After Upgrading

After upgrading, you must:

  • Delete your browser cache. For example, if using Firefox, press Ctrl-Shift-R to clear your cache.

  • Update Zenoss-provided ZenPacks (unless using an RPM installation) and community ZenPacks.

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