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Dev chat 10/29/2009

Created on: Oct 29, 2009 2:56 PM by Matt Ray - Last Modified:  Oct 29, 2009 2:56 PM by Matt Ray
mrayzenoss has changed the topic to: Zenoss Developers are here (10:00:18 AM)
cgibbons: yay!
twm1010: yay?!
cgibbons: mrchippie is on the hot spot again,he loves it
cgibbons: he's also late
twm1010: oh, is it developers day again?
mrayzenoss: I went and bugged him, he was reviewing code with one of the new devs
mrayzenoss: and there he is
eidolon: hey mrayzenoss do you know 'nyeates' ?  he's got one of my tickets i'm waiting for an answer on
mrayzenoss: he's in the Annapolis office
eidolon: well drive over there and beat him about hte head and shoulders. *nod*
twm1010: that'd be along drive wouldn' it?
eidolon: (ticket is 9589 if yer curious)
cgibbons: 9589? our ticket #s aren't that high yet
eidolon: that's in sugarcrm.
cgibbons: ah, case #
eidolon: sorry, yeah
eidolon: *is an enterprise weenie.*
mrayzenoss: *is building a chair since there are no questions*
twm1010: Heh, I'm always around, never know what to ask...
twm1010: I'm not a developer, I'm a user
mrayzenoss: all questions are welcome
mrchippy1: there are no dumb questions, just dumb community managers
cgibbons: so chip, how does acquisition work?
twm1010: Are there any planned improvements to reporting to make it easier for us non-programmer types?
cgibbons: yes, we're discussing the how/when right now, so no details
mrchippy1: cgibbons: the same way unicorns are born
Troubadix09: mrayzenoss: back to my problem with upgrading, what function have the directory /home/buildslave/conary ... wich is logged in the install.log but not in my directory-structure
ckrough: more dynamic reporting is a very common request from our network engineers and PHBs
kobalt: is there a way to tell zenoss to foward any traps it gets to another ip (either during or after it gets processed) I am wanting to test my freebsd install of 2.5.0
mrayzenoss: I believe you could probably just do that with an event command and snmptrap
mrayzenoss: Troubadix09: mrchippy1 is looking at your post
kobalt: mrayzenoss: and here is the dumb question lol how
kobalt: im in the event manager > command
Troubadix09: mrayzenoss: many thanks, i compare the directory-structure in my complete-backup file and the new one in 2.5. there are many changes about the python-paths, is that important?
mrayzenoss: Troubadix09: probably
suprsonic: kobalt, up and running on FreeBSD
kobalt: suprsonic: sweet! did you have to do the edit on
mrayzenoss: kobalt: docs/DOC-3923#d4e4437
mrchippy1: Troubadix09: glenn (our config manager) just responded to your forum post
suprsonic: yes, I did
suprsonic: only issue I have is 0's are being trunked when mibs are being resolved
suprsonic: so should be
kobalt: for all mibs? or just certain ones?
kobalt: I had a simlar issue with Cisco 15454 mibs
suprsonic: did you resolve it anyhow?
Troubadix09: mrchippy1: many thanks, i will have a look at it
kobalt: I found my issue was the date of the mibs I reloaded the mibs and it went away tbh I dont know that fixed it
suprsonic: checking
suprsonic: same issue
suprsonic: crap
suprsonic: 2.4.5 worked
suprsonic: its just broken in 2.5
mrchippy1: suprsonic: what's the issue you're seeing?
suprsonic: my dell traps aren't resolving from number to named
suprsonic: looks like zenoss is dropping a 0
suprsonic: should be
suprsonic: which resolves as      alertArrayDiskInformation
nickanderson: hello
suprsonic: as it stands now the trap is displayed as "snmp trap"
suprsonic: rather than "snmp trap alertArrayDiskInformation"
cgibbons: hurm
nickanderson: how would I go about getting traps from one ip to report under another one? I know it sounds a bit odd at first, but I have lights out management cards in my servers and I am already monitoring the servers with snmp for os data, I dont want to have a seperate zenoss device for this lights out cards traps
mrayzenoss: nickanderson: you could do this with an event transform
mrayzenoss: nickanderson: take a look at some of the examples community/documentation/wiki/event_transforms?view=documents
rmatte: good morning folks
rmatte: or afternoon for some
mrayzenoss: morning
davetoo: morning it is
davetoo: rmatte: where are you geographically?  Did you say Ontario CA?
rmatte: nickanderson:
davetoo: .ca
rmatte: this transform will do what you want
rmatte: if evt.ipAddress = '':
rmatte:     evt.ipAddress = ''
rmatte: map the trap to an event class and use that transform
davetoo: *is very glad for the event processing flowcharts in recent versions of the admin guide*
rmatte: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
davetoo: aye
rmatte: yup
Troubadix09: good afternoon rmatte
rmatte: good afternoon
davetoo: *sigh*
nickanderson: thanks rmatte, i was just trying if == 'ip address'
nickanderson: heh
rmatte: hehe
davetoo: next week I have to do some webex training at 21:00 my time for three days in a row, for our guys in India
rmatte: it'll generally be evt.whatever when doing event transforms
rmatte: you can pull almost anything from an event
mrayzenoss: feel free to add more examples to the wiki
nickanderson: if I have a transform under /Events will it apply to events that end up in /Events/Unknown as well?
rmatte: mrayzenoss: I shall as soon as I have time for that sort of stuff
rmatte: today, my focus is yet again my ticket create script, but I ran another test last night and everything finally ran through cleany (the regex in the script that my script calls was screwed so my manager had to go in and fix it, since it's his script)
rmatte: I need to make the script use a config file
rmatte: nickanderson: no
rmatte: nickanderson: the proper way to apply transforms to events that end up in /Unknown is as follows...
rmatte: manually create an event mapping, it can be under any event class, doesn't matter...  set the Event Class Key of the mapping to defaultmapping
rmatte: then if you want it to apply to a specific event you need to set a regex value that matches that event
rmatte: for instance, if you had an event that came in with a summary of "The drive utilization is low: 20%" you would just set the regex to: The drive utilization is low:
rmatte: or The drive
rmatte: whatever tickles your fancy
rmatte: then you would add the transform that you want to the mapping
rmatte: when the Event Class Key is set to defaultmapping on a mapping Zenoss will attempt to apply the mapping against any event that ends up in /Unknown (as they generally have a blank event class key)
rmatte: any questions?
nickanderson: mmm im sure
suprsonic: any ideas on my issue?
mrayzenoss: mrchippy1 and jp are looking through the mib processing code
suprsonic: sweet
rmatte: yeh, it's most likely some bug, I've seen that behaviour before
nickanderson: so either I must be misunderstanding something or I shouldnt do what I wanted to do
nickanderson: I dont know all the possible traps this LOM might send and where they might get mapped in event classes
nickanderson: I dont want to go to all these classes and do specific ip transforms
nickanderson: that seems like highly duplicated effort
rmatte: nickanderson: oh, I see what you mean, hmmm
rmatte: actually, try the transform in /Events and see if it works
nickanderson: nada
rmatte: ah
nickanderson: yeh
rmatte: that's what I thought, but always worth a try
nickanderson: I also tried just adding the ip of the LOM in the OS interfaces of the "parent" device
nickanderson: nada
rmatte: nah, it won't set the IP based on interfaces
rmatte: only device IPs
nickanderson: so there is no great way to "merge" two devices?
rmatte: what if you add a hosts file entry with that IP and the hostname of the device?
nickanderson: that seems unmaintainable
nickanderson: mmm
rmatte: maybe Zenoss will pick up on the fact that the IP resolves to that device name
nickanderson: oh maybe im an idiot
nickanderson: I shouldnt trap directly to zenoss
rmatte: oh?
nickanderson: I should trap to the host
nickanderson: and have it fwd
rmatte: yeh, that would be ideal
nickanderson: eh?
nickanderson: *slaps himself*
nickanderson: thanks rmatte
rmatte: lol
rmatte: np
Aziraphale: doesn't that miss the point of an ILO card?
Aziraphale: if the host has to work for the traps to arrive?
rmatte: man, I went to see Law Abiding Citizen 2 days ago, frigging amazing movie
rmatte: go see it people
Aziraphale: sounds boring
nickanderson: Aziraphale, slightly but I have monitors on the host anyway
rmatte: Aziraphale: nah, it's action packed lol
kisielk: what CMS is being used for the new Zenoss community/
mrayzenoss: kisielk: Jive SBS
rmatte: Aziraphale: you'll know when the host goes completely down by ping, so that doesn't really make a difference
nickanderson: Aziraphale: I will get notified by zenoss when the host is down, from the LOM im interested in Hardware status like pwrsply failure
mrchippy1: suprsonic: can you go into zendmd and type the following: dmd.Mibs.oid2name( '', True, False )
rmatte: Aziraphale: you certainly don't need an ILO card to tell you when a host is down
Aziraphale: rmatte: well, you might want to know *why*
rmatte: Aziraphale: that's what ILO logs are for
NauTiluS1: hi
suprsonic: k
Aziraphale: fair enough
rmatte: Aziraphale: <--- Check that out
suprsonic: returns ''
twm1010: Aziraphale: I don't monitor my ILO cards as devices, but I do add their IP's as an interface on the host, and then lock the interfaces
davetoo: anybody aware of a nice lightweight (hopefully cli python/perl) to find the switchport for a given IP/MAC address on a known set of Cisco switches?
twm1010: so any trap received gets associated with that device
suprsonic: mrchippy1 returns '', would you like me to sent the trap again?
mrchippy1: suprsonic: sure
rmatte: davetoo: you mean something standalone?
nickanderson: rmatte: it looks liek events are inherited
nickanderson: i went to /events/unknown and it showed the other transform i wrote as inherited
nickanderson: thats good to know
mrchippy1: suprsonic: i have to leave for a bit.  i'll be back in an hour or two.
nickanderson: woot
nickanderson: using trapsink worked
mrayzenoss: suprsonic: I'll follow up with mrchippy about it
mrayzenoss has changed the topic to: Zenoss 2.5 is Now Available: (11:39:35 AM)
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