[01-Dec-2006 00:10:17] *** adytum-bot has joined #zenoss
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[01-Dec-2006 11:52:23] <cdillard> does anyone know the default range of the portscan collector?
[01-Dec-2006 14:43:00] *** Spec has joined #zenoss
[01-Dec-2006 14:43:08] <Spec> so...anyone here'll be in DC next week? (LISA '06)
[01-Dec-2006 14:43:57] <Spec> thursday - BOF - Zenoss Vendor BoF
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[01-Dec-2006 16:38:43] <zaplutus> The manual for Zenoss says you can setup escalations, where does this take place?
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[02-Dec-2006 00:10:45] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - How could I not go? - 02 Dec, 04:21AM
[02-Dec-2006 00:10:46] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/63348.html
[02-Dec-2006 00:10:47] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Houdini 9 Sneak Peek
[02-Dec-2006 00:10:48] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116488766327846245
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[02-Dec-2006 21:47:38] <ghsry5w56uwy6> a
[02-Dec-2006 21:50:00] <ghsry5w56uwy6> can someone help me with installing zenoss on FC5 with RPM?
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[03-Dec-2006 18:41:01] <ac|dtrip> hello
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[03-Dec-2006 22:27:58] *** djcronos has joined #zenoss
[03-Dec-2006 22:28:05] <djcronos> 'lo
[03-Dec-2006 22:30:41] <djcronos> I'm running Ubuntu Edgy (clean install), and I've tried both the source tarball as well as the cvs version, and it seems the cvs version adds more of the db tables than the source tarball, but when I go to add an alert, I add the alert name, but when I click on the link to define the alert, I get a 'Type: Index Error Value: list index out of range" - what am I doing wrong?
[03-Dec-2006 22:31:24] <djcronos> I noticed the source tarball on the web site didn't add the heartbeat tables to the db when I installed it, and the cvs version does. But other than that, I'm still stuck
[03-Dec-2006 22:32:37] *** spec has joined #zenoss
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[03-Dec-2006 22:34:00] <spec> any chance someone here is attending lisa?
[03-Dec-2006 22:34:30] <djcronos> *shrug* it appears I'm the only one alive right now
[03-Dec-2006 22:34:58] <spec> ah, they're having a bof i wanted to attend but i have school at that time so i can't attend
[03-Dec-2006 22:35:06] <spec> i wanted to talk with them during lunch perhaps
[03-Dec-2006 22:35:21] <djcronos> ah
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[04-Dec-2006 04:14:24] <firefoxuser> hello all
[04-Dec-2006 04:14:42] <firefoxuser> can someone tell me please where the zenbuild.log file is saved?
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[04-Dec-2006 13:33:01] <_91_dcpc007> bonjour
[04-Dec-2006 13:39:38] <_91_dcpc007> is there someone (french here)
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[04-Dec-2006 16:53:27] <djcronos> hello
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[05-Dec-2006 00:12:29] -__adytum-bot__- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - 4 Dec 2006 - 05 Dec, 04:52AM
[05-Dec-2006 00:12:30] -__adytum-bot__- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=96
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[05-Dec-2006 11:41:34] <rexsum> is there a feature like for network interfaces planned for harddisks? trying to monitor a fair few amount of disks, but atm i have to specify them individually in a local rrdtelplate instance
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[05-Dec-2006 11:49:33] <rexsum> i've been browsing through the trac and it would seem it's possible but i cant seem to find the option in zenoss
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[05-Dec-2006 19:28:26] *** trototoototootot has joined #Zenoss
[05-Dec-2006 19:28:31] <trototoototootot> hi
[05-Dec-2006 19:28:43] <trototoototootot> somebody there ?
[05-Dec-2006 19:29:10] <trototoototootot> hello
[05-Dec-2006 19:29:59] <trototoototootot> Zenos is it free ?
[05-Dec-2006 19:30:16] <trototoototootot> and what it is not free in zeenos ?
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[06-Dec-2006 00:13:03] -__adytum-bot__- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - New Twisted Site - 05 Dec, 05:10PM
[06-Dec-2006 00:13:04] -__adytum-bot__- http://glyf.livejournal.com/63910.html
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[06-Dec-2006 13:06:16] <giesen> anyone alive here?
[06-Dec-2006 13:06:47] <giesen> I need to know if nagios plugins can be configured to create a warn even when the plugin returns a warn value
[06-Dec-2006 13:06:59] <giesen> and a critical event when it returns a critical value
[06-Dec-2006 13:39:48] *** RippPPppE has joined #zenoss
[06-Dec-2006 13:39:55] <RippPPppE> hi all
[06-Dec-2006 13:40:19] <RippPPppE> just started the vmware image of zenoss
[06-Dec-2006 13:40:29] <RippPPppE> and logged in to the admin console
[06-Dec-2006 13:40:35] <RippPPppE> trying to add a device
[06-Dec-2006 13:40:52] <RippPPppE> nothing shows up of the device after adding
[06-Dec-2006 13:41:03] <RippPPppE> any ideas where to start the debug process
[06-Dec-2006 13:59:42] <creiht> RippPPppE: Zenoss reloads configs every 20 minutes, so it might take just a bit before it actually starts monitoring
[06-Dec-2006 14:00:19] <creiht> If you restart zenoss it will reload the the configs
[06-Dec-2006 14:44:15] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
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[06-Dec-2006 17:29:57] <pokwer> morning all
[06-Dec-2006 17:49:59] * pokwer is gone . . autoaway after 15 min . . [ c yp ( l / on . p / on )]
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[07-Dec-2006 00:13:34] -__adytum-bot__- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Looking for new Python-Dev Summarizers
[07-Dec-2006 00:13:35] -__adytum-bot__- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116538626128715004
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[07-Dec-2006 11:18:39] <monrad> hi
[07-Dec-2006 11:19:05] <monrad> when i try to look at a device it says Type: IndexError
[07-Dec-2006 11:19:05] <monrad> Value: list index out of range
[07-Dec-2006 11:19:21] <monrad> and a bunch of other stuff, anyone knows about that error?
[07-Dec-2006 12:04:55] *** quux has joined #zenoss
[07-Dec-2006 13:26:52] <monrad> changeset #3409 worked for me
[07-Dec-2006 14:32:49] *** falaffel has joined #zenoss
[07-Dec-2006 14:33:01] <falaffel> hi everyone
[07-Dec-2006 14:33:09] <falaffel> anyone here?
[07-Dec-2006 14:34:00] <monrad> i am here
[07-Dec-2006 14:40:15] <falaffel> hi monrad
[07-Dec-2006 14:40:32] <falaffel> have u been using zenoss long?
[07-Dec-2006 14:41:06] <monrad> played around with it since monday
[07-Dec-2006 14:41:24] <falaffel> cool. are u evaluating?
[07-Dec-2006 14:41:32] <monrad> yes
[07-Dec-2006 14:42:52] <monrad> and you?
[07-Dec-2006 14:44:35] *** Y0da has joined #zenoss
[07-Dec-2006 14:44:47] <Y0da> hows it going?
[07-Dec-2006 14:46:30] <falaffel> same here. evaluating.
[07-Dec-2006 14:46:31] <Y0da> I keep getting an IndexError when I try to add one of my servers to be monitored with Zenoss.
[07-Dec-2006 14:46:50] <Y0da> any ideas?
[07-Dec-2006 15:47:43] <Y0da> i just installed snmpd, so now i'm restarting all of the services and we'll see what happens
[07-Dec-2006 16:03:11] <Y0da> now i cant get zenoss to load in my browser
[07-Dec-2006 16:03:31] <Y0da> any ideas o nthat one?
[07-Dec-2006 16:33:20] <Y0da> thanks guys
[07-Dec-2006 16:33:31] <Y0da> you've all been ons of help
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[07-Dec-2006 20:31:29] <gene> hi
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[07-Dec-2006 21:26:56] <monrad> i cant get perf templates to do what i want
[07-Dec-2006 21:27:33] <monrad> i want to monitor temperture on only some devices
[07-Dec-2006 21:55:27] <monrad> got it working
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[08-Dec-2006 04:01:51] <ruxpin> why does zenoss come with all the dependencies intact? why can't it use each distros package manager?
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[08-Dec-2006 04:45:19] <firefoxuser> hi all
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[08-Dec-2006 11:06:21] <monrad> hi
[08-Dec-2006 11:06:41] <monrad> ruxpin: i guess its because they use some custom patches
[08-Dec-2006 14:18:42] *** jolson has joined #zenoss
[08-Dec-2006 14:19:43] <jolson> zenoss installation from the rpm is complaining that it depends on mysql-server-standard 5.0.22 or greater, I have it installed, is there something I can try?
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[09-Dec-2006 13:42:44] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[09-Dec-2006 13:44:09] <chet> Does anyone know where I can find instructions for setting up a performance monitor on another host?
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[09-Dec-2006 19:36:32] *** StevenR has joined #zenoss
[09-Dec-2006 19:37:46] <StevenR> does zenoss have a commandline view, so I can run and view it on a box without X11 ?
[09-Dec-2006 19:53:37] <chet> It has no X11 view.. it's web accessed.
[09-Dec-2006 19:54:12] <chet> http://localhost:8080/ if you're on the same system you installed it on.
[09-Dec-2006 19:54:13] <adytum-bot> Title: Zope (at localhost:8080)
[09-Dec-2006 19:58:07] <StevenR> chet: but will it automatically update if a service fails, and work correctly in lynx/links ?
[09-Dec-2006 19:59:57] <chet> StevenR: It will update automatically, but it only works in IE or Firefox.
[09-Dec-2006 20:01:54] <StevenR> ok. thanks
[09-Dec-2006 20:05:16] <chet> It would be easy enough to get a textual list of events if that's all you're interested in..
[09-Dec-2006 20:05:49] <chet> A query like "select device, component, summary, lastTime from status" from the events database would do it.
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[10-Dec-2006 05:20:27] <monrad> when i try to monitor the machine running zenoss i says " sendto error Host mon002a and mon002a.cxnet.dk are both using ip"
[10-Dec-2006 08:01:13] <monrad> seems to work nu
[10-Dec-2006 08:01:15] <monrad> now
[10-Dec-2006 10:25:45] <monrad> anyone using zenoss in largescale deployments
[10-Dec-2006 10:46:52] <phobosd> define largescale
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:08] <StevenR> <-----------> this big
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:17] <monrad>
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:23] <phobosd> i monitor about 500 boxes with it
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:26] <phobosd> zendisc sucks my balls
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:28] <monrad> we have 1200 switches
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:32] <monrad> and it grows
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:34] <phobosd> i wish i could offload that onto another box
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:38] <phobosd> but noooo, fucking ZOPE
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[10-Dec-2006 10:48:54] <monrad> maybe upto 50.000 items if we want to monitor aspects of the Residental Gateways
[10-Dec-2006 10:50:23] <monrad> we are a small ISP
[10-Dec-2006 10:51:40] <monrad> zenoss is a big step up from nagios
[10-Dec-2006 10:51:57] <monrad> its not fun when hotline knows when stuff is down before us
[10-Dec-2006 10:52:44] <StevenR> i've been looking at monitoring systems for work, so i know to take the phone of the hook and put a sign on my door
[10-Dec-2006 10:52:51] <StevenR> *off
[10-Dec-2006 10:55:36] <monrad> i had to turn off the route model stuff for our HP routers
[10-Dec-2006 10:55:53] <monrad> i think its because the export so much routeinfo
[10-Dec-2006 10:56:07] <monrad> our newer foundry router did not have that problem
[10-Dec-2006 11:02:08] <monrad> phobosd: what kind of hardware do you use?
[10-Dec-2006 11:02:23] <phobosd> for the zenoss box?
[10-Dec-2006 11:02:24] <phobosd> or what we monitor
[10-Dec-2006 11:02:33] <monrad> zenoss box
[10-Dec-2006 11:02:52] <phobosd> model name : Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz
[10-Dec-2006 11:02:58] <phobosd> total used free shared buffers cached
[10-Dec-2006 11:02:58] <phobosd> Mem: 2026 1486 539 0 42 886
[10-Dec-2006 11:03:40] <monrad> and it runs fine?
[10-Dec-2006 11:03:52] <phobosd> 10:03:43 up 102 days, 11:51, 1 user, load average: 2.33, 2.30, 2.35
[10-Dec-2006 11:03:53] *** chet has quit IRC
[10-Dec-2006 11:03:56] <phobosd> for the most part...
[10-Dec-2006 11:04:01] <phobosd> graphs are telling me avg load of 2.5
[10-Dec-2006 11:04:12] <phobosd> zendisc, however, does not run fine
[10-Dec-2006 11:04:18] <phobosd> shit takes 34 hours to scan all my subnets
[10-Dec-2006 11:04:19] <phobosd> heh
[10-Dec-2006 11:04:30] <monrad> he
[10-Dec-2006 11:05:34] <phobosd> wonder if i could tweak the parallel?
[10-Dec-2006 11:05:35] <phobosd> nah...
[10-Dec-2006 11:06:31] <monrad> right now i run it on a dell 3 ghz desktop box
[10-Dec-2006 11:06:33] <monrad> for testing
[10-Dec-2006 11:17:35] <phobosd> that's pretty much what this is
[10-Dec-2006 11:17:43] <phobosd> except it's a 1u, heh
[10-Dec-2006 11:17:54] <monrad>
[10-Dec-2006 11:18:02] <phobosd> PERC RAID WUT
[10-Dec-2006 11:18:13] <monrad> faster disks?
[10-Dec-2006 11:20:30] <phobosd> most likely
[10-Dec-2006 11:21:13] <phobosd> procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- ----cpu---- r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa 2 0 1214836 550932 44100 908676 3 2 5 17 1 2 42 6 46 6 2 0 1214836 550932 44100 908676 0 0 0 0 1009 125 87 13 0 0 2 0 1214836 550932 44100 908676 0 0 0 0 1023 142 87 13 0 0
[10-Dec-2006 11:21:19] <phobosd> 2 0 12148136 550948 44100 908676 0 0 0 0 1008 124 89 11 0 0
[10-Dec-2006 11:21:26] <phobosd> ew, that came out all wacked
[10-Dec-2006 11:21:26] <phobosd> soryr
[10-Dec-2006 11:21:39] <monrad> np
[10-Dec-2006 12:32:38] *** Zakir has joined #zenoss
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[11-Dec-2006 04:51:46] *** Yagi^ has joined #zenoss
[11-Dec-2006 04:51:54] <Yagi^> anyone still up?
[11-Dec-2006 04:53:18] <Yagi^> I'm trying to add a new device, but the device class path only lets mem select /, /Server and /Server/Linux
[11-Dec-2006 04:54:02] <Yagi^> Shouldn't I be able to select more options like routers and windows servers and so fourth?
[11-Dec-2006 05:31:13] *** ruxpin_ has joined #zenoss
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[11-Dec-2006 13:35:05] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[11-Dec-2006 13:35:50] <chet> Does anyone here use distributed performance monitors?
[11-Dec-2006 13:45:37] *** Spec[x] has joined #zenoss
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[11-Dec-2006 14:13:10] <giesen> anyone alive?
[11-Dec-2006 14:14:46] <monrad> yes
[11-Dec-2006 14:15:20] <chet> yup
[11-Dec-2006 14:15:53] <chet> Sitting around waiting to talk to anyone who has a distributed performance monitor setup.
[11-Dec-2006 16:48:53] *** chet has quit IRC
[11-Dec-2006 21:29:44] *** StevenR_ has joined #zenoss
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[12-Dec-2006 00:16:21] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Grig Gheorghiu] PyCon news
[12-Dec-2006 00:16:23] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116585143597925396
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[12-Dec-2006 06:23:55] <sven_> hi.
[12-Dec-2006 08:16:06] *** StevenR has joined #zenoss
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[12-Dec-2006 09:45:47] <giesen> any of the devs have any thoughts on my pm3 problem
[12-Dec-2006 09:45:55] <giesen> whether it's an issue with zenoss or the pm3
[12-Dec-2006 10:17:07] *** zenbb has joined #zenoss
[12-Dec-2006 11:32:28] *** Filio has joined #Zenoss
[12-Dec-2006 11:35:12] <Filio> anyone alive?
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[12-Dec-2006 12:33:26] <Filio> this place is always dead.
[12-Dec-2006 12:33:37] <Filio> can't get any questions answered.
[12-Dec-2006 12:33:45] <Filio> Guess I'll have to rely on the BLANK wiki.
[12-Dec-2006 12:35:02] <chet> I'm alive.
[12-Dec-2006 12:36:11] <chet> I agree with you though. It surprises me that there isn't more interest in Zenoss. It has so much potential.
[12-Dec-2006 12:36:19] <Filio> do you know why it says operation not permitted when I try to copy any of the files in the ZMI to make a custom dashboard?
[12-Dec-2006 12:47:07] <chet> Filio: This is when you select the files and click the copy button, or when you're pasting?
[12-Dec-2006 12:55:08] <Filio> I can copy just fine
[12-Dec-2006 12:55:12] <Filio> I go to custom and click paste
[12-Dec-2006 12:55:25] <Filio> and it says can't perform the operation on whatever file I've selected.
[12-Dec-2006 12:58:56] <chet> I'm no Zope master, but I think that instead of doing the copy/paste you should click on each file under portal_skins that you need and click its "Customize" button.
[12-Dec-2006 12:59:32] <chet> That got it into the custom folder for me.
[12-Dec-2006 13:08:04] <chet> I never tried those simple dashboard instructions on the wiki, but that are definitely unclear about how to copy those files.
[12-Dec-2006 13:08:59] <chet> Did using that customize button work for you?
[12-Dec-2006 13:19:24] <Filio> yes it did
[12-Dec-2006 13:19:26] <Filio> thanks
[12-Dec-2006 15:49:03] *** _dosle_ has joined #zenoss
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[13-Dec-2006 00:16:54] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [comp.lang.python.announce] IPython 0.7.3 beta 2 is out!
[13-Dec-2006 00:16:55] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116594415560764770
[13-Dec-2006 06:57:22] *** chet has quit IRC
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[13-Dec-2006 10:07:22] <giesen> how do I find out my current db password for zenoss
[13-Dec-2006 10:15:37] <giesen> nm I figured it out
[13-Dec-2006 10:15:40] <giesen> thank god for URL history
[13-Dec-2006 12:40:52] <zaf> you're welcome
[13-Dec-2006 12:57:16] *** chet_ has joined #zenoss
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[13-Dec-2006 13:35:03] <monrad> evening
[13-Dec-2006 13:45:49] <chet> and afternoon.
[13-Dec-2006 13:49:12] <monrad> anyone played around with really big route tables
[13-Dec-2006 13:49:30] <chet> gah, I wouldn't describe it as playing.
[13-Dec-2006 13:49:48] <monrad> when i do a manual snmpwalk on .
[13-Dec-2006 13:50:03] <monrad> aka RFC1213-MIB::ipRouteEntry
[13-Dec-2006 13:50:11] <monrad> i takes several minuts
[13-Dec-2006 13:50:23] <monrad> maybe 20-30
[13-Dec-2006 13:51:16] <monrad> and zenoss times out on the routers then
[13-Dec-2006 13:51:40] <chet> I don't have nearly that many routes, but I know the problem.
[13-Dec-2006 13:51:59] <monrad> found any workaround or something?
[13-Dec-2006 13:52:18] <chet> Have you tried increasing the snmp timeout for that host?
[13-Dec-2006 13:52:25] <monrad> i thought about making a bug when i get around to it
[13-Dec-2006 13:53:11] <chet> Are you discovering it via the web interface or zenmodeler on the command line?
[13-Dec-2006 13:57:08] <monrad> webinterface for the moment
[13-Dec-2006 14:00:29] <chet> Try it from the command line: zenmodeler run -d <device_name>
[13-Dec-2006 15:26:35] <monrad> sorry its was pizza time
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[14-Dec-2006 00:17:28] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Planet Zope] Localizer 1.1.3 released
[14-Dec-2006 00:17:29] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116603116577627159
[14-Dec-2006 02:26:36] *** phobosd has quit IRC
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[14-Dec-2006 13:53:00] <cdillard> helo all
[14-Dec-2006 14:05:25] <cdillard> is anyone here?
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[14-Dec-2006 14:26:42] *** mnsain has joined #zenoss
[14-Dec-2006 14:26:55] <mnsain> Greetings.
[14-Dec-2006 14:28:10] <mnsain> clear
[14-Dec-2006 14:28:40] <mnsain> hehehe... it's been entirely too long since I've used an IRC client...
[14-Dec-2006 14:31:29] <mnsain> I have a question and was hoping someone here could answer it for me.
[14-Dec-2006 14:31:52] <mnsain> I suspect you're all afk, so I guess I'll have to wait. :-)
[14-Dec-2006 14:42:13] <monrad> well i am here on and off
[14-Dec-2006 17:43:55] <mnsain> Hey monrad, you still around?
[14-Dec-2006 18:03:52] *** edylie has quit IRC
[14-Dec-2006 18:09:18] <monrad> well kinda
[14-Dec-2006 18:14:02] <mnsain> Well, I have a bit of a problem with a device that I'm trying to add into Zenoss. It's a linux box running net-snmp, but it never finishes adding. Always times out. All of my other linux boxes play nice... just not this one. :-(
[14-Dec-2006 18:21:12] <mnsain> I'm using the very same snmpd.conf file for all servers, so I don't believe the problem is there.
[14-Dec-2006 18:21:48] <mnsain> The server does have an abnormally large disk, 650GB+. Could that be causing the problem?
[14-Dec-2006 18:21:53] <monrad> i have not tried that
[14-Dec-2006 18:24:57] <mnsain> Yeah, not many people have a disk that big.
[14-Dec-2006 18:25:27] <mnsain> The strange thing is that it leaves me with no errors. None at all.
[14-Dec-2006 18:26:01] <mnsain> Well, it leaves me with one, in the system's snmp.log file:
[14-Dec-2006 18:26:50] <mnsain> send response: Error building ASN.1 representation (build int size 4: s/b 8)
[14-Dec-2006 18:27:19] <mnsain> I googled it, and got nothing. Same with a search of the mailing list.
[14-Dec-2006 18:28:53] <monrad> hmm
[14-Dec-2006 18:28:56] <monrad> sounds strange
[14-Dec-2006 18:35:28] <mnsain> Very.
[14-Dec-2006 18:35:38] <mnsain> I wish I could find an answer. :-(
[14-Dec-2006 18:35:55] <monrad> i just found out that our tv receivers responds to snmp
[14-Dec-2006 18:36:06] <mnsain> Nice! :-)
[14-Dec-2006 18:36:59] <mnsain> Do you know anybody who might be able to shed some light on my problem?
[14-Dec-2006 18:43:05] <monrad> i am pretty new to zenoss myself
[14-Dec-2006 18:43:12] <monrad> but maybe try the mailinglist
[14-Dec-2006 18:44:47] <mnsain> *nod* Am thinking that might be my best option.
[14-Dec-2006 19:18:48] *** edylie has joined #zenoss
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[15-Dec-2006 00:18:02] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - New Twisted Site - 05 Dec, 05:10PM
[15-Dec-2006 00:18:03] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/63910.html
[15-Dec-2006 00:18:04] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Free Software Magazine] Book review: Core Python Programming by Wesley J. Chun
[15-Dec-2006 00:18:05] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116609317139984068
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[15-Dec-2006 14:07:58] <mnsain> Is anyone awake?
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[15-Dec-2006 14:15:46] *** DaRza187 has joined #zenoss
[15-Dec-2006 14:28:53] <DaRza187> Anyone around, I could bug re: zenoss ?
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[15-Dec-2006 17:23:16] <mrobbert> I'm having an install problem with Zenoss on Debian Sarge(3.1)
[15-Dec-2006 17:23:46] <mrobbert> I got the install script to tell me it was successfull after a couple of failed attempts
[15-Dec-2006 17:24:28] <mrobbert> , but now when I pull up the portal page in my browser I get a site error:
[15-Dec-2006 17:24:38] <mrobbert> "The requested resource does not exist."
[15-Dec-2006 17:55:58] <mrobbert> OK, not that anybody is reading this, but I found a problem with my sudoers file and have decided to start over from scratch
[15-Dec-2006 17:56:29] <mrobbert> I removed all the files and re-installed mysql to clear the databases, I'm pretty sure that worked.
[15-Dec-2006 17:56:59] <mrobbert> This time the install failed with the error: unable to create the initial Zenoss object database
[15-Dec-2006 17:57:58] <mrobbert> The zenbuild.log has these warnings near the bottom before finishing with a Traceback:
[15-Dec-2006 17:58:07] <mrobbert> WARNING:OFS.Application:Duplicate Product name
[15-Dec-2006 17:58:07] <mrobbert> After loading Product 'Five' from '/usr/local/zenoss/Products',
[15-Dec-2006 17:58:07] <mrobbert> I skipped the one in '/usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/Products'.
[15-Dec-2006 17:58:07] <mrobbert> 2006-12-15 15:54:11 WARNING OFS.Application Duplicate Product name
[15-Dec-2006 17:58:07] <mrobbert> After loading Product 'Five' from '/usr/local/zenoss/Products',
[15-Dec-2006 17:58:08] <mrobbert> I skipped the one in '/usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/Products'.
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[15-Dec-2006 18:27:40] <mrobbert> In case anybody is reading my problem reports in the archives I was able to do a full install finally.
[15-Dec-2006 18:28:13] <mrobbert> my problems were when using the current SVN version, as suggested by the Debian install instructions
[15-Dec-2006 18:29:05] <mrobbert> When I used the tarball of version 1.0.2 I got the same warnings in the zenbuild.log, but not the Traceback and everything continued to install and appears to be working now.
[15-Dec-2006 19:05:01] *** curado has joined #zenoss
[15-Dec-2006 19:05:05] <curado> hi
[15-Dec-2006 19:05:51] <curado> could you tell me if the zenoss software have a CMDB solution integrated to it?
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[15-Dec-2006 19:27:05] *** bkeating has joined #zenoss
[15-Dec-2006 19:27:17] <bkeating> Howdy all!
[15-Dec-2006 19:28:23] <bkeating> Im having trouble finding docs on how to app devices/monitors via ssh
[15-Dec-2006 19:28:28] <bkeating> i don't care for SNMP.
[15-Dec-2006 19:30:10] <bkeating> ahh http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/wiki/ZenossPlugins
[15-Dec-2006 19:30:17] <adytum-bot> Title: ZenossPlugins - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
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[15-Dec-2006 20:05:00] <bkeating> FreeBSD is not supported?
[15-Dec-2006 20:05:01] <bkeating> guuhhhh
[15-Dec-2006 20:23:23] <bkeating> alrighty, im uninstalling. hope to see FreeBSD support soon! will check back.
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[16-Dec-2006 14:47:51] <ravelo> hi #zenoss
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[16-Dec-2006 17:48:36] *** Kvisle has joined #zenoss
[16-Dec-2006 17:49:26] <Kvisle> any developers around?
[16-Dec-2006 17:49:45] <Kvisle> or someone who's been fideling a lot with the rrd-stuff ...
[16-Dec-2006 18:01:23] <Kvisle> what I'd like to do ... is to add perf-support for sensors (through snmp), implementing it the same way as disk volumes and network interfaces has been implemented ... because some equipment is quite annoying in placing the device-list different from other very simular equipment ... that would result in A LOT of rrd-templates...
[16-Dec-2006 18:02:03] <Kvisle> I've snooped a little around on how I can do it, but my python knowledge is limited, so I hope there's a developer who can point me in the right direction ... I haven't found any whitepapers on what to look out when I want to write such a plugin
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[16-Dec-2006 23:03:14] <golfing22> anybody here?
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[17-Dec-2006 08:36:21] <cdillard> anyone here?
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[18-Dec-2006 00:19:36] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - 17 Dec 2006 - 17 Dec, 08:33PM
[18-Dec-2006 00:19:37] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=97
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[18-Dec-2006 09:11:44] <DaRza187> anyone answer a few questions for me ?
[18-Dec-2006 09:11:48] <DaRza187> re: zenoss
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[18-Dec-2006 18:13:06] <porkpie> hi guy's is it possible to change this part of the install process to a different user /etc/init.d/mysql stop (stop mysql)
[18-Dec-2006 18:13:06] <porkpie> nano mysql-init (create a new file and enter this line:)
[18-Dec-2006 18:13:06] <porkpie> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('MyNewPassword');
[18-Dec-2006 18:13:06] <porkpie> mysqld_safe --init-file=~/mysql-init &
[18-Dec-2006 18:13:07] <porkpie> /etc/init.d/mysql start (start mysql)
[18-Dec-2006 18:13:24] <porkpie> can I change it to admin ?
[18-Dec-2006 18:37:04] <porkpie> OK ....I have managed to install zenoss but I get this error
[18-Dec-2006 18:37:10] <porkpie> Can anyone help please
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[20-Dec-2006 00:20:42] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - 19 Dec 2006 - 19 Dec, 07:40PM
[20-Dec-2006 00:20:43] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=98
[20-Dec-2006 00:20:44] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Python obfuscator online
[20-Dec-2006 00:20:45] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry116654526859243201
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[21-Dec-2006 04:50:33] <crash_override> Hi all
[21-Dec-2006 04:51:21] <crash_override> I've a big problem befer installing zeonss under Fedora Core 3
[21-Dec-2006 04:51:43] <crash_override> I've read zenoss requirements
[21-Dec-2006 04:52:22] <crash_override> the first is MySql-standard packages release 5
[21-Dec-2006 04:52:46] <crash_override> I've on my server mysql packages version 4
[21-Dec-2006 04:53:06] <crash_override> and is a problem upgrading
[21-Dec-2006 04:53:26] <crash_override> there's a way to use mysql 4?
[21-Dec-2006 04:55:01] <crash_override> thanks for help
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[21-Dec-2006 05:11:12] <crash_override> sorry but I was disconnected
[21-Dec-2006 05:11:24] <crash_override> anyone has reply? me?
[21-Dec-2006 05:14:55] <b_52Free> crash_override, i had read soemthing in the mailling list , about that , and from what i read version 5 is a requirement
[21-Dec-2006 05:15:06] <b_52Free> no way to escape
[21-Dec-2006 05:15:57] <crash_override> b_52Free: shigh......
[21-Dec-2006 05:16:04] <crash_override> tks
[21-Dec-2006 05:16:09] <b_52Free> sorry ...
[21-Dec-2006 05:16:12] <b_52Free> your welcome
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[21-Dec-2006 09:30:47] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> hi any body active?
[21-Dec-2006 09:30:51] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> have some errors
[21-Dec-2006 09:31:20] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -Isrc/ -I/usr/include/python2.4 -c src/MD2.c -o build/temp.linux-i686-2.4/src/MD2.o
[21-Dec-2006 09:31:23] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> src/MD2.c:15:20: error: Python.h: No such file or directory
[21-Dec-2006 09:31:26] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> src/MD2.c:102: error: expected ⤘=⤙, ⤘,⤙, ⤘;⤙, ⤘asm⤙ or ⤘__attribute__⤙ before ⤘*⤙ token
[21-Dec-2006 09:31:29] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> In file included from src/MD2.c:118:
[21-Dec-2006 09:31:32] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> src/hash_template.c:29: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before ⤘PyObject_HEAD⤙
[21-Dec-2006 09:31:35] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> src/hash_template.c:33: error: expected ⤘=⤙, ⤘,⤙, ⤘;⤙, ⤘asm⤙ or ⤘__attribute__⤙ before ⤘PyTypeObject⤙
[21-Dec-2006 09:31:39] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> that said zenossbuild.log
[21-Dec-2006 09:32:11] <chet> What Linux are you running?
[21-Dec-2006 09:32:19] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> debian ethc
[21-Dec-2006 09:32:32] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> install.sh stop here
[21-Dec-2006 09:32:33] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> make: *** [pycrypto-install] Error 1
[21-Dec-2006 09:32:33] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> unable to build zenoss and prerequisites, see zenbuild.log
[21-Dec-2006 09:32:38] <chet> Try installing python-dev
[21-Dec-2006 09:33:23] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> thanxs
[21-Dec-2006 09:33:28] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> that not installed.. now yes
[21-Dec-2006 09:33:37] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i read that anywhere but i forgot it !
[21-Dec-2006 09:33:39] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> let see again
[21-Dec-2006 09:35:31] * sh3mh4mf0r4sh crossing fingers
[21-Dec-2006 09:38:20] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> 1 question. zenoss send any alert if 1 server is down. or any service from any server?
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[21-Dec-2006 09:40:14] <chet> Zenoss doesn't make a distinction between hosts and services for alerting purposes. Alerts are generated from events. A host being down is an event just like HTTP not running.
[21-Dec-2006 09:40:53] <chet> You can choose which events you want to be alerted on under your user preferences. You can filter on almost any aspect of the event.
[21-Dec-2006 09:41:27] <chet> For example, I am only alerted on events from the /Systems/Network organizer with a severity of error or greater.
[21-Dec-2006 09:41:40] <chet> It's very flexible.
[21-Dec-2006 09:42:47] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> nice
[21-Dec-2006 09:43:03] <chet> Have you been using Nagios?
[21-Dec-2006 09:44:02] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> really i try to test nagios and zenoss to see all feature from both
[21-Dec-2006 09:44:23] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i'm using cacti
[21-Dec-2006 09:44:40] <chet> Let me tell you, I deployed Nagios onto my company's network several years ago. It is a great tool.
[21-Dec-2006 09:44:42] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> but cacti not send me any alert if someone is down
[21-Dec-2006 09:45:16] <chet> Zenoss is better than Nagios in every single way except for one. Performance.
[21-Dec-2006 09:45:33] <chet> Zenoss can scale better than Nagios, but it does require more horsepower to do it.
[21-Dec-2006 09:46:22] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> well.. zenoss said finish .. let me test it!
[21-Dec-2006 09:48:33] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> cool. works fine..
[21-Dec-2006 09:48:46] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> so now need to read the document to configure!
[21-Dec-2006 10:01:10] <chet> Yup. I recommend you download the ZenossAdminGuide PDF file and read all the way through it. It can help you avoid some common problems that crop up.
[21-Dec-2006 10:04:57] <chet> And idle in here to answer others' questions.
[21-Dec-2006 10:05:12] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> it's downloading now
[21-Dec-2006 10:05:18] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> its hugh
[21-Dec-2006 10:05:19] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh>
[21-Dec-2006 10:05:33] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> don't worry if dont understend any i shoot you
[21-Dec-2006 10:10:22] <chet> 70 pages? That's a tenth of a Harry Potter book and those are meant for children.
[21-Dec-2006 10:27:28] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> some time have a logout session and when i relogin zenoss out this
[21-Dec-2006 10:27:30] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Zenoss Error
[21-Dec-2006 10:27:30] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Please use the form below to submit details of this error to Zenoss, Inc.
[21-Dec-2006 10:27:34] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Type: BadRequest
[21-Dec-2006 10:27:36] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Value: <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr valign="top"> <td width="10%" align="center"> </td> <td width="90%"> <h2>Site Error</h2> <p>An error was encountered while publishing this resource. </p> <p><strong>Invalid request</strong></p> The parameter, <em>userid</em>, was omitted from the request.<p>Make sure to specify all required parameters, and try the request again.</p> <hr noshade="noshade"/> <p>Troubleshooting Suggestions</p> <ul> <li>
[21-Dec-2006 10:38:42] *** Spec-[x] has joined #zenoss
[21-Dec-2006 10:47:32] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: i'm recoveryng INFO from my router cisco and he still yet getting info but webzen out this
[21-Dec-2006 10:47:36] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Traceback (most recent call last): File "usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/SimpleItem.py", line 209, in raise_standardErrorMessage File "usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/DTMLMethod.py", line 144, in __call__ File "usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_String.py", line 476, in __call__ File "usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_Util.py", line 196, in eval File "", line 1, in Unauthorized: You are not allowed to access 'zenoss_error_
[21-Dec-2006 10:49:23] <chet> I don't really understand when this is happening.
[21-Dec-2006 10:49:42] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok
[21-Dec-2006 10:51:35] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: what do you think about zabbix tool ?
[21-Dec-2006 10:54:38] <chet> Never tried it, but it looks nice. I think it requires more manually configuration than Zenoss.
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[21-Dec-2006 11:22:50] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: can't see where can i delete a device
[21-Dec-2006 11:23:49] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> okokok
[21-Dec-2006 11:23:53] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> sorry i see now
[21-Dec-2006 11:42:38] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
[21-Dec-2006 13:02:17] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> hey have trouble with the alers when i make the scheudle enable FALSE? select -> true and 'save' have error
[21-Dec-2006 13:02:24] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> *alerts
[21-Dec-2006 13:03:08] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Zenoss Error
[21-Dec-2006 13:03:08] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Please use the form below to submit details of this error to Zenoss, Inc.
[21-Dec-2006 13:03:12] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Type: AttributeError
[21-Dec-2006 13:03:14] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Value: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
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[21-Dec-2006 13:19:07] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> hey have trouble with the alerts when i make the scheudle enable FALSE? select -> true and 'save' have error
[21-Dec-2006 13:19:11] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Zenoss Error
[21-Dec-2006 13:19:23] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Type: AttributeError
[21-Dec-2006 13:19:26] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Value: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
[21-Dec-2006 13:19:28] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> what i do?
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[21-Dec-2006 23:40:20] <root_> hello
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[21-Dec-2006 23:40:53] <root_> hello
[21-Dec-2006 23:40:58] <root_> hello
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[22-Dec-2006 00:21:58] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - The Turcanator
[22-Dec-2006 00:21:59] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry116674006510989359
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[22-Dec-2006 07:39:20] <oddjobz> Hi... anyone help me with a "howto" question ?
[22-Dec-2006 07:40:16] <oddjobz> I'm trying to monitor a switch via SNMP .. and it all looks ok initially, all the ports show on the OS tab ...
[22-Dec-2006 07:40:31] <oddjobz> But I can't seem to get any stats / graphs per port .. (all blank)
[22-Dec-2006 07:41:00] <oddjobz> It appears to be picking up MIB entries for itels like ifInOctets, but not adding the port index
[22-Dec-2006 07:41:26] <oddjobz> So I've customised the PerfConf and added indexes ..
[22-Dec-2006 07:41:30] <oddjobz> Still no graphs ..
[22-Dec-2006 07:41:39] <oddjobz> Anyone have switch monitoring working ?
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[22-Dec-2006 08:23:05] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> hey need add a new instance of snmp to graph my traffic network... where i add that at perfconf?
[22-Dec-2006 08:24:49] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> oh i see.. 'show all'
[22-Dec-2006 08:25:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> but in the list don't see the network traffic option..
[22-Dec-2006 08:26:18] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> uhm... it's just curios time
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[22-Dec-2006 08:46:09] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> hey need help and this time it's very serius. i add the new snmp instance at DataSources and when i try to make the new Graph in the list of DataSource not appears my new custom DataSource .. where can i refresh that list to have my new custo graph?
[22-Dec-2006 10:03:46] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> hey need add a new rrd template to my server ?
[22-Dec-2006 10:03:51] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> just have CPU info
[22-Dec-2006 10:04:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> need someone like network if
[22-Dec-2006 10:04:11] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ifaces
[22-Dec-2006 10:20:54] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[22-Dec-2006 10:56:03] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: hi .. need help from you
[22-Dec-2006 11:00:31] <chet> What's up?
[22-Dec-2006 11:01:58] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i'm monitoring a simple server linux but the template of device/server only showme the CPU info and other things about it. i need add the new template like ethernet traffic
[22-Dec-2006 11:02:13] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> and Disk space
[22-Dec-2006 11:03:58] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> at PerfConf not show me any to choose what rrd template i need more to add ..
[22-Dec-2006 11:07:37] <chet> If it's a typical Linux server and you're getting CPU/memory usage data from it, I bet you're getting interfaces and disk stuff to.
[22-Dec-2006 11:07:45] <chet> Click on the OS tab, then choose a disk or interface.
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[22-Dec-2006 11:13:24] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i see. i think to this i can see like cpu info .. and the res all below one by one
[22-Dec-2006 11:13:27] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> together
[22-Dec-2006 11:14:49] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> erm the disk space it's cool
[22-Dec-2006 11:14:57] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> the traffic by iface can't see
[22-Dec-2006 11:16:11] <chet> That's strange. When you click on the interface's name on the OS screen does it take you to the Status tab of the interface?
[22-Dec-2006 11:17:18] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> let me explain better. when i click al this i just can hit to OS
[22-Dec-2006 11:17:26] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> the status tab can't see or not out
[22-Dec-2006 11:17:29] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> but
[22-Dec-2006 11:17:33] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i just disck space
[22-Dec-2006 11:17:43] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> if i clck in any /partition/i/wan/to/see
[22-Dec-2006 11:17:47] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> but no of status tab
[22-Dec-2006 11:19:17] <chet> I'm not sure I understand. There are normally several sections on the OS tab: Interfaces, OS Processes, IP Services, File Systems and Routes
[22-Dec-2006 11:19:21] <chet> Do you have all of those sections?
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i tell you what i have exactly
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:23] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i'm here /Devices /Server /Linux / my.server
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:26] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> and below out
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:36] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Interfaces
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:42] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> IP Services
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:48] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> File Systems
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:53] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Routes
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:57] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> that's all
[22-Dec-2006 11:25:01] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ohh
[22-Dec-2006 11:25:03] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i see how
[22-Dec-2006 11:25:13] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> have to click the 'eth0'
[22-Dec-2006 11:25:20] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> to see the traffic :/
[22-Dec-2006 11:26:26] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> thanxs. for all .. if i have any question i shoot you
[22-Dec-2006 11:30:30] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet well. the only trouble have since start using this it's the alert to email when happing something
[22-Dec-2006 11:39:14] <chet> I saw an error you posted about alert scheduling yesterday.
[22-Dec-2006 11:39:21] <chet> Have you tried not defining a schedule at all?
[22-Dec-2006 11:39:29] <chet> This will cause the alerts to go out 24x7
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:10] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> when i make the report
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:25] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> and in the scheudle
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:30] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i select 'True'
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:34] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> that explot
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:35] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh>
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:49] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Zenoss Error
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:50] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Please use the form below to submit details of this error to Zenoss, Inc.
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:52] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Type: AttributeError
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:55] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Value: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:57] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Traceback (innermost last):
[22-Dec-2006 11:41:00] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 114, in publish * Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 40, in call_object * Module Products.ZenEvents.ActionRuleWindow, line 89, in manage_editActionRuleWindow * Module Products.ZenModel.MaintenanceWindow, line 209, in manage_editMaintenanceWindow * Module Products.ZenModel.ZenModelBase, line 95, in callZenScreen
[22-Dec-2006 11:41:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
[22-Dec-2006 11:41:08] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> what Type of Object i need exactly?
[22-Dec-2006 11:43:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> let see in my ftp. it's logicall to have a hdd full of many thing
[22-Dec-2006 11:43:40] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> zenoss it's alert me of that hdd it's almost full because it's over 90%
[22-Dec-2006 11:43:47] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok but i see by the interface
[22-Dec-2006 11:44:02] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> how can i make the report to this alert can i get by email
[22-Dec-2006 11:44:16] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> could you guide me? step-by-step?
[22-Dec-2006 11:46:15] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> the pdf it's watered
[22-Dec-2006 11:52:14] <chet> Sure.
[22-Dec-2006 11:52:34] <chet> Go to the "Alerting Rules" tab of your user.
[22-Dec-2006 11:52:51] <chet> Delete any existing rules.
[22-Dec-2006 11:53:26] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok..
[22-Dec-2006 11:53:29] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i delete all
[22-Dec-2006 11:53:47] <chet> Add one called "email-warnings"
[22-Dec-2006 11:53:51] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> wait
[22-Dec-2006 11:53:59] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> where is alerting rules..
[22-Dec-2006 11:54:10] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> it's very complex the tour for the new tool
[22-Dec-2006 11:54:14] <chet> heh.. true.
[22-Dec-2006 11:54:27] <chet> You need to click "Preferences" in the top-right corner of any Zenoss screen.
[22-Dec-2006 11:54:46] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok
[22-Dec-2006 11:54:47] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> now
[22-Dec-2006 11:54:51] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> add the new alert
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:03] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> done
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:09] <chet> Then click on it to edit.
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:12] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> done
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:20] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Zenoss Error
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:20] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Please use the form below to submit details of this error to Zenoss, Inc.
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:22] <chet> Select True for "Enabled"
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:23] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> :s
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:26] <chet> hmm..
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:26] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Type: IndexError
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:28] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Value: list index out of range
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:47] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> wait
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:48] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ype: BadRequest
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:49] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Value: The id "email-warning" is invalid - it is already in use.
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:54] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> let me choose other
[22-Dec-2006 11:57:30] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> uhmm have now error with any y typed :S
[22-Dec-2006 11:58:00] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> need reinstall?
[22-Dec-2006 11:58:28] <chet> I doubt it.. click on the Alerting Rules tab again and make sure there aren't any listed.
[22-Dec-2006 11:59:18] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> it's empty!
[22-Dec-2006 12:00:00] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i make foo
[22-Dec-2006 12:00:03] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> done
[22-Dec-2006 12:00:07] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> and when i edit foo
[22-Dec-2006 12:00:10] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> out the error
[22-Dec-2006 12:00:19] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Type: IndexError
[22-Dec-2006 12:00:19] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Value: list index out of range
[22-Dec-2006 12:00:22] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> bla bla bla
[22-Dec-2006 12:01:55] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:00] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> at last!!!
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:05] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> a make a new user
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:06] <chet> Is this for the default admin user?
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:10] <chet> Yeah.. good idea.
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:12] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> yes
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:15] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:18] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> email-warning
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:23] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> it's editing
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:37] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> what more
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:38] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ?
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:41] <chet> Change Enabled to True and Severity >= Warning
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:49] <chet> Then save.. that's it.
[22-Dec-2006 12:03:08] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok
[22-Dec-2006 12:03:10] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> what more?
[22-Dec-2006 12:03:13] <chet> Filesystem threshold violations are of warning severity by default.
[22-Dec-2006 12:03:43] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok
[22-Dec-2006 12:03:52] <chet> So move your current threshold violation events into history and you should receive an alert next time it is polled.
[22-Dec-2006 12:03:59] <chet> Make sure you added an email address for that new user.
[22-Dec-2006 12:04:42] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> erm how can i move that?
[22-Dec-2006 12:06:24] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i'm here
[22-Dec-2006 12:06:29] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> -> /Reports /User Reports /Action Rules /Notification Schedules
[22-Dec-2006 12:10:16] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: ?
[22-Dec-2006 12:12:37] <chet> I don't understand the question.
[22-Dec-2006 12:13:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> move your current threshold violation events into history
[22-Dec-2006 12:13:09] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> erm how can i move that?
[22-Dec-2006 12:13:58] <chet> Click Events under Main Views on the left side navigation. Then click the Events tab. You should see you threshold violation event(s) in there.
[22-Dec-2006 12:14:13] <chet> Put check marks next to them then click the History button.
[22-Dec-2006 12:16:07] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i see the violations events
[22-Dec-2006 12:16:20] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> but put chenmarck next to them i dont understend that
[22-Dec-2006 12:18:55] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> not see anything
[22-Dec-2006 12:19:00] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: ?
[22-Dec-2006 12:19:37] <chet> Is there not a check box beside each event?
[22-Dec-2006 12:19:50] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> yes
[22-Dec-2006 12:22:04] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i receive the email zenoss test
[22-Dec-2006 12:22:13] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> but not receive nothing from the history or alert
[22-Dec-2006 12:23:46] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
[22-Dec-2006 12:25:21] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i click into check mark and below clic the history but not receive nothing :|
[22-Dec-2006 12:26:46] <chet> That's fine. It just moves the event into History.
[22-Dec-2006 12:27:01] <chet> That way the next event like it that comes in will be new and generate an alert.
[22-Dec-2006 12:28:19] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> oh. now in the history tab i see the event to i clickd
[22-Dec-2006 12:28:27] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> but the email not came yet
[22-Dec-2006 12:30:37] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i see the new count in '1' but the alert not came either
[22-Dec-2006 12:39:45] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: don't receive nothing and have news alerts.. the email-warning not stay in the schedule?
[22-Dec-2006 12:40:22] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> or active period?
[22-Dec-2006 12:40:24] <chet> You can check your zenactions.log file to see if it tried to send an email. It's possible that Zenoss sent an email but your SMTP configuration is wrong.
[22-Dec-2006 12:41:34] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> it's rare because i tell you the zenoss test mail i have here
[22-Dec-2006 12:44:57] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: he
[22-Dec-2006 12:44:58] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> SMTPRecipientsRefused: {'emperor@infomed.sld.cu': (550, 'Verification failed for <zenoss@opensource.sld.cu>\nUnrouteable address\nDominio no encontrado')}
[22-Dec-2006 12:50:13] <chet> I think the recipient SMTP server is rejecting the mail because it knows that zenoss@opensource.sld.cu isn't a valid email address.
[22-Dec-2006 12:50:51] <chet> You should edit your etc/zenactions.conf file. Add a line like:
[22-Dec-2006 12:50:52] <chet> fromaddr valid@email.address
[22-Dec-2006 13:39:05] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok added.. i'm waiting.
[22-Dec-2006 13:41:52] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: well.. zenaction.log not said nothing now
[22-Dec-2006 13:42:04] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> refresh the events and the email can't came either
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:22] <chet> Move the existing events into history again.
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:28] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> wait
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:33] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> log said something now
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:48] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> out many thing the last line its
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:56] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> File "httplib.py", line 646, in send
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:56] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> self.connect()
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:56] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> File "httplib.py", line 630, in connect
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:56] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> raise socket.error, msg
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:56] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> IOError: [Errno socket error] (113, 'No route to host')
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[22-Dec-2006 15:48:36] <monrad> anyone seen OperationalError: (2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query')
[22-Dec-2006 15:48:41] <monrad> its a fresh install
[22-Dec-2006 16:02:36] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> IOError: [Errno socket error] (110, 'Connection timed out')
[22-Dec-2006 16:02:40] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> any idea?
[22-Dec-2006 17:21:59] <monrad> ahh was not in host.allowed
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[23-Dec-2006 00:22:31] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - BIG holiday present !
[23-Dec-2006 00:22:32] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry116682928949642973
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[24-Dec-2006 15:24:25] <nassy> anyone know what the root password is for the zenoss appliance
[24-Dec-2006 15:27:53] <nassy> nevermind just typing root let me in.
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[24-Dec-2006 15:39:31] <nassy> i am running the zenoss appliance on vmware fusion beta for the mac on my (wireless) laptop. i cannot seem to connect to the ip address of the appliance whether it runs in bridged or nat mode. any ideas what i can do to get it to work?
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[25-Dec-2006 00:23:52] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Happy holidays!
[25-Dec-2006 00:23:53] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entrymessage
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[26-Dec-2006 09:49:12] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> erm has need restart
.. now how can i init the zenoss again?
[26-Dec-2006 09:49:56] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> okoko
[26-Dec-2006 09:50:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> zeoctl O:)
[26-Dec-2006 09:50:10] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> thanxs
[26-Dec-2006 10:08:24] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: email works cool!
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[26-Dec-2006 16:05:54] <aboyousif> hello . could i use zenoss to know who is downloading on lan ?
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[26-Dec-2006 21:00:52] <jonathanlambert> anyone around? I'm wondering what this solution costs - I can't find any info on the site...
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[27-Dec-2006 07:19:42] <switchfox1977> its open source
[27-Dec-2006 07:19:46] <switchfox1977> which means free
[27-Dec-2006 07:20:18] <switchfox1977> they sell support with it, but to download and implement it, it is free.
[27-Dec-2006 07:28:28] <switchfox1977> .
[27-Dec-2006 07:33:08] <switchfox1977> .
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[27-Dec-2006 09:14:19] <deepsa> hows the progress guys
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[27-Dec-2006 15:44:19] <Mac2> Anyone have a very quick moment for a Linux-memory-alerting-on-Zenoss question?
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[27-Dec-2006 18:20:37] <djcronos> hey all
[27-Dec-2006 18:21:44] <djcronos> When I log into the web control panel, I click on About and notice that zenstatus is Down. When I Start it, it goes green, but when I click on About immediately aftwards, it shows it as Down again...what could be wrong?
[27-Dec-2006 18:21:49] <djcronos> Or is that how it works?
[27-Dec-2006 18:22:35] <djcronos> The reason I ask is because I'm having issues with SNMP graphs - I can add the device I want to monitor via SNMP, but when I click on the Perf tab in the device, I dont see any graphs - just a gray box
[27-Dec-2006 18:22:43] <djcronos> So I'm wondering if any of this might be related
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[28-Dec-2006 00:25:35] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - 27 Dec 2006 - 27 Dec, 04:09PM
[28-Dec-2006 00:25:36] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=123
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[29-Dec-2006 00:26:04] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - 28 Dec 2006 - 28 Dec, 08:09AM
[29-Dec-2006 00:26:05] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=124
[29-Dec-2006 00:26:06] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Python Cookbook] Winamp Tiny Implementation - using ctypes
[29-Dec-2006 00:26:07] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry116734167991396433
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[29-Dec-2006 08:16:21] *** moza has joined #zenoss
[29-Dec-2006 08:16:29] <moza> Anyone around?
[29-Dec-2006 09:00:18] <monrad> kinda
[29-Dec-2006 09:00:48] <moza> Do you know how to ass devices to the Dashboard?
[29-Dec-2006 09:00:52] <moza> add
[29-Dec-2006 09:01:19] <monrad> no not to the dashboard
[29-Dec-2006 09:01:26] <moza> ok....
[29-Dec-2006 09:21:28] *** sh3mh4mf0r4sh has joined #zenoss
[29-Dec-2006 09:22:04] <chet> moza: Put them into a System.
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[30-Dec-2006 00:26:37] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [comp.lang.python.announce] eric3 3.9.3 released
[30-Dec-2006 00:26:38] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry116741161128711956
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[30-Dec-2006 19:29:29] <nassy> i am trying to build zenoss on macos x. i installed mysql5 with macports (darwinports) and t is located in /opt/local/bin /opt/local/lib /opt/local/libexec etc. i set my profile to inslude a path to /opt/local/bin but when i try to run ./install/sh it says it needs the developmental version. does this mean i need to have the source files available?
[30-Dec-2006 20:34:03] <nassy> ok figured ou how to get the script to install. had to manually bypass the folder it was looking in and point it to the mysql5 folder. just setting the env variables are not sufficient if you use macports. another problem now is that the mysql python make fails with an error 1 on an intel mac. is zenoss only compatible with ppc mac?
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[01-Dec-2006 11:52:23] <cdillard> does anyone know the default range of the portscan collector?
[01-Dec-2006 14:43:00] *** Spec has joined #zenoss
[01-Dec-2006 14:43:08] <Spec> so...anyone here'll be in DC next week? (LISA '06)
[01-Dec-2006 14:43:57] <Spec> thursday - BOF - Zenoss Vendor BoF
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[01-Dec-2006 16:38:43] <zaplutus> The manual for Zenoss says you can setup escalations, where does this take place?
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[02-Dec-2006 00:10:45] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - How could I not go? - 02 Dec, 04:21AM
[02-Dec-2006 00:10:46] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/63348.html
[02-Dec-2006 00:10:47] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Houdini 9 Sneak Peek
[02-Dec-2006 00:10:48] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116488766327846245
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[02-Dec-2006 21:47:38] <ghsry5w56uwy6> a
[02-Dec-2006 21:50:00] <ghsry5w56uwy6> can someone help me with installing zenoss on FC5 with RPM?
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[03-Dec-2006 18:41:01] <ac|dtrip> hello
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[03-Dec-2006 22:28:05] <djcronos> 'lo
[03-Dec-2006 22:30:41] <djcronos> I'm running Ubuntu Edgy (clean install), and I've tried both the source tarball as well as the cvs version, and it seems the cvs version adds more of the db tables than the source tarball, but when I go to add an alert, I add the alert name, but when I click on the link to define the alert, I get a 'Type: Index Error Value: list index out of range" - what am I doing wrong?
[03-Dec-2006 22:31:24] <djcronos> I noticed the source tarball on the web site didn't add the heartbeat tables to the db when I installed it, and the cvs version does. But other than that, I'm still stuck
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[03-Dec-2006 22:34:00] <spec> any chance someone here is attending lisa?
[03-Dec-2006 22:34:30] <djcronos> *shrug* it appears I'm the only one alive right now
[03-Dec-2006 22:34:58] <spec> ah, they're having a bof i wanted to attend but i have school at that time so i can't attend
[03-Dec-2006 22:35:06] <spec> i wanted to talk with them during lunch perhaps
[03-Dec-2006 22:35:21] <djcronos> ah
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[04-Dec-2006 04:14:24] <firefoxuser> hello all
[04-Dec-2006 04:14:42] <firefoxuser> can someone tell me please where the zenbuild.log file is saved?
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[04-Dec-2006 13:33:01] <_91_dcpc007> bonjour
[04-Dec-2006 13:39:38] <_91_dcpc007> is there someone (french here)
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[04-Dec-2006 16:53:27] <djcronos> hello
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[05-Dec-2006 00:12:29] -__adytum-bot__- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - 4 Dec 2006 - 05 Dec, 04:52AM
[05-Dec-2006 00:12:30] -__adytum-bot__- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=96
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[05-Dec-2006 11:41:34] <rexsum> is there a feature like for network interfaces planned for harddisks? trying to monitor a fair few amount of disks, but atm i have to specify them individually in a local rrdtelplate instance
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[05-Dec-2006 11:49:33] <rexsum> i've been browsing through the trac and it would seem it's possible but i cant seem to find the option in zenoss
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[05-Dec-2006 19:28:31] <trototoototootot> hi
[05-Dec-2006 19:28:43] <trototoototootot> somebody there ?
[05-Dec-2006 19:29:10] <trototoototootot> hello
[05-Dec-2006 19:29:59] <trototoototootot> Zenos is it free ?
[05-Dec-2006 19:30:16] <trototoototootot> and what it is not free in zeenos ?
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[06-Dec-2006 00:13:03] -__adytum-bot__- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - New Twisted Site - 05 Dec, 05:10PM
[06-Dec-2006 00:13:04] -__adytum-bot__- http://glyf.livejournal.com/63910.html
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[06-Dec-2006 13:06:16] <giesen> anyone alive here?
[06-Dec-2006 13:06:47] <giesen> I need to know if nagios plugins can be configured to create a warn even when the plugin returns a warn value
[06-Dec-2006 13:06:59] <giesen> and a critical event when it returns a critical value
[06-Dec-2006 13:39:48] *** RippPPppE has joined #zenoss
[06-Dec-2006 13:39:55] <RippPPppE> hi all
[06-Dec-2006 13:40:19] <RippPPppE> just started the vmware image of zenoss
[06-Dec-2006 13:40:29] <RippPPppE> and logged in to the admin console
[06-Dec-2006 13:40:35] <RippPPppE> trying to add a device
[06-Dec-2006 13:40:52] <RippPPppE> nothing shows up of the device after adding
[06-Dec-2006 13:41:03] <RippPPppE> any ideas where to start the debug process
[06-Dec-2006 13:59:42] <creiht> RippPPppE: Zenoss reloads configs every 20 minutes, so it might take just a bit before it actually starts monitoring
[06-Dec-2006 14:00:19] <creiht> If you restart zenoss it will reload the the configs
[06-Dec-2006 14:44:15] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
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[06-Dec-2006 17:28:06] *** pok has joined #zenoss
[06-Dec-2006 17:29:57] <pokwer> morning all
[06-Dec-2006 17:49:59] * pokwer is gone . . autoaway after 15 min . . [ c yp ( l / on . p / on )]
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[07-Dec-2006 00:13:34] -__adytum-bot__- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Looking for new Python-Dev Summarizers
[07-Dec-2006 00:13:35] -__adytum-bot__- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116538626128715004
[07-Dec-2006 03:14:58] *** b_52Free has joined #zenoss
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[07-Dec-2006 11:18:39] <monrad> hi
[07-Dec-2006 11:19:05] <monrad> when i try to look at a device it says Type: IndexError
[07-Dec-2006 11:19:05] <monrad> Value: list index out of range
[07-Dec-2006 11:19:21] <monrad> and a bunch of other stuff, anyone knows about that error?
[07-Dec-2006 12:04:55] *** quux has joined #zenoss
[07-Dec-2006 13:26:52] <monrad> changeset #3409 worked for me
[07-Dec-2006 14:32:49] *** falaffel has joined #zenoss
[07-Dec-2006 14:33:01] <falaffel> hi everyone
[07-Dec-2006 14:33:09] <falaffel> anyone here?
[07-Dec-2006 14:34:00] <monrad> i am here

[07-Dec-2006 14:40:15] <falaffel> hi monrad
[07-Dec-2006 14:40:32] <falaffel> have u been using zenoss long?
[07-Dec-2006 14:41:06] <monrad> played around with it since monday
[07-Dec-2006 14:41:24] <falaffel> cool. are u evaluating?
[07-Dec-2006 14:41:32] <monrad> yes
[07-Dec-2006 14:42:52] <monrad> and you?
[07-Dec-2006 14:44:35] *** Y0da has joined #zenoss
[07-Dec-2006 14:44:47] <Y0da> hows it going?
[07-Dec-2006 14:46:30] <falaffel> same here. evaluating.
[07-Dec-2006 14:46:31] <Y0da> I keep getting an IndexError when I try to add one of my servers to be monitored with Zenoss.
[07-Dec-2006 14:46:50] <Y0da> any ideas?
[07-Dec-2006 15:47:43] <Y0da> i just installed snmpd, so now i'm restarting all of the services and we'll see what happens
[07-Dec-2006 16:03:11] <Y0da> now i cant get zenoss to load in my browser
[07-Dec-2006 16:03:31] <Y0da> any ideas o nthat one?
[07-Dec-2006 16:33:20] <Y0da> thanks guys
[07-Dec-2006 16:33:31] <Y0da> you've all been ons of help
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[07-Dec-2006 20:31:29] <gene> hi
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[07-Dec-2006 21:26:56] <monrad> i cant get perf templates to do what i want

[07-Dec-2006 21:27:33] <monrad> i want to monitor temperture on only some devices
[07-Dec-2006 21:55:27] <monrad> got it working

[07-Dec-2006 23:07:16] *** falaffel has quit IRC
[08-Dec-2006 04:01:51] <ruxpin> why does zenoss come with all the dependencies intact? why can't it use each distros package manager?
[08-Dec-2006 04:45:16] *** firefoxuser has joined #zenoss
[08-Dec-2006 04:45:19] <firefoxuser> hi all
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[08-Dec-2006 11:06:21] <monrad> hi
[08-Dec-2006 11:06:41] <monrad> ruxpin: i guess its because they use some custom patches
[08-Dec-2006 14:18:42] *** jolson has joined #zenoss
[08-Dec-2006 14:19:43] <jolson> zenoss installation from the rpm is complaining that it depends on mysql-server-standard 5.0.22 or greater, I have it installed, is there something I can try?
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[09-Dec-2006 13:42:44] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[09-Dec-2006 13:44:09] <chet> Does anyone know where I can find instructions for setting up a performance monitor on another host?
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[09-Dec-2006 19:36:32] *** StevenR has joined #zenoss
[09-Dec-2006 19:37:46] <StevenR> does zenoss have a commandline view, so I can run and view it on a box without X11 ?
[09-Dec-2006 19:53:37] <chet> It has no X11 view.. it's web accessed.
[09-Dec-2006 19:54:12] <chet> http://localhost:8080/ if you're on the same system you installed it on.
[09-Dec-2006 19:54:13] <adytum-bot> Title: Zope (at localhost:8080)
[09-Dec-2006 19:58:07] <StevenR> chet: but will it automatically update if a service fails, and work correctly in lynx/links ?
[09-Dec-2006 19:59:57] <chet> StevenR: It will update automatically, but it only works in IE or Firefox.
[09-Dec-2006 20:01:54] <StevenR> ok. thanks
[09-Dec-2006 20:05:16] <chet> It would be easy enough to get a textual list of events if that's all you're interested in..
[09-Dec-2006 20:05:49] <chet> A query like "select device, component, summary, lastTime from status" from the events database would do it.
[10-Dec-2006 00:59:24] *** chet has quit IRC
[10-Dec-2006 05:20:27] <monrad> when i try to monitor the machine running zenoss i says " sendto error Host mon002a and mon002a.cxnet.dk are both using ip"
[10-Dec-2006 08:01:13] <monrad> seems to work nu
[10-Dec-2006 08:01:15] <monrad> now
[10-Dec-2006 10:25:45] <monrad> anyone using zenoss in largescale deployments
[10-Dec-2006 10:46:52] <phobosd> define largescale
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:08] <StevenR> <-----------> this big
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:17] <monrad>

[10-Dec-2006 10:47:23] <phobosd> i monitor about 500 boxes with it
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:26] <phobosd> zendisc sucks my balls
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:28] <monrad> we have 1200 switches
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:32] <monrad> and it grows
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:34] <phobosd> i wish i could offload that onto another box
[10-Dec-2006 10:47:38] <phobosd> but noooo, fucking ZOPE
[10-Dec-2006 10:48:27] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[10-Dec-2006 10:48:54] <monrad> maybe upto 50.000 items if we want to monitor aspects of the Residental Gateways
[10-Dec-2006 10:50:23] <monrad> we are a small ISP
[10-Dec-2006 10:51:40] <monrad> zenoss is a big step up from nagios
[10-Dec-2006 10:51:57] <monrad> its not fun when hotline knows when stuff is down before us

[10-Dec-2006 10:52:44] <StevenR> i've been looking at monitoring systems for work, so i know to take the phone of the hook and put a sign on my door
[10-Dec-2006 10:52:51] <StevenR> *off
[10-Dec-2006 10:55:36] <monrad> i had to turn off the route model stuff for our HP routers
[10-Dec-2006 10:55:53] <monrad> i think its because the export so much routeinfo
[10-Dec-2006 10:56:07] <monrad> our newer foundry router did not have that problem
[10-Dec-2006 11:02:08] <monrad> phobosd: what kind of hardware do you use?
[10-Dec-2006 11:02:23] <phobosd> for the zenoss box?
[10-Dec-2006 11:02:24] <phobosd> or what we monitor
[10-Dec-2006 11:02:33] <monrad> zenoss box
[10-Dec-2006 11:02:52] <phobosd> model name : Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz
[10-Dec-2006 11:02:58] <phobosd> total used free shared buffers cached
[10-Dec-2006 11:02:58] <phobosd> Mem: 2026 1486 539 0 42 886
[10-Dec-2006 11:03:40] <monrad> and it runs fine?
[10-Dec-2006 11:03:52] <phobosd> 10:03:43 up 102 days, 11:51, 1 user, load average: 2.33, 2.30, 2.35
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[10-Dec-2006 11:03:56] <phobosd> for the most part...
[10-Dec-2006 11:04:01] <phobosd> graphs are telling me avg load of 2.5
[10-Dec-2006 11:04:12] <phobosd> zendisc, however, does not run fine
[10-Dec-2006 11:04:18] <phobosd> shit takes 34 hours to scan all my subnets
[10-Dec-2006 11:04:19] <phobosd> heh
[10-Dec-2006 11:04:30] <monrad> he
[10-Dec-2006 11:05:34] <phobosd> wonder if i could tweak the parallel?
[10-Dec-2006 11:05:35] <phobosd> nah...
[10-Dec-2006 11:06:31] <monrad> right now i run it on a dell 3 ghz desktop box
[10-Dec-2006 11:06:33] <monrad> for testing
[10-Dec-2006 11:17:35] <phobosd> that's pretty much what this is
[10-Dec-2006 11:17:43] <phobosd> except it's a 1u, heh
[10-Dec-2006 11:17:54] <monrad>

[10-Dec-2006 11:18:02] <phobosd> PERC RAID WUT
[10-Dec-2006 11:18:13] <monrad> faster disks?
[10-Dec-2006 11:20:30] <phobosd> most likely
[10-Dec-2006 11:21:13] <phobosd> procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- ----cpu---- r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa 2 0 1214836 550932 44100 908676 3 2 5 17 1 2 42 6 46 6 2 0 1214836 550932 44100 908676 0 0 0 0 1009 125 87 13 0 0 2 0 1214836 550932 44100 908676 0 0 0 0 1023 142 87 13 0 0
[10-Dec-2006 11:21:19] <phobosd> 2 0 12148136 550948 44100 908676 0 0 0 0 1008 124 89 11 0 0
[10-Dec-2006 11:21:26] <phobosd> ew, that came out all wacked
[10-Dec-2006 11:21:26] <phobosd> soryr
[10-Dec-2006 11:21:39] <monrad> np
[10-Dec-2006 12:32:38] *** Zakir has joined #zenoss
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[11-Dec-2006 04:51:46] *** Yagi^ has joined #zenoss
[11-Dec-2006 04:51:54] <Yagi^> anyone still up?
[11-Dec-2006 04:53:18] <Yagi^> I'm trying to add a new device, but the device class path only lets mem select /, /Server and /Server/Linux
[11-Dec-2006 04:54:02] <Yagi^> Shouldn't I be able to select more options like routers and windows servers and so fourth?
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[11-Dec-2006 13:35:05] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[11-Dec-2006 13:35:50] <chet> Does anyone here use distributed performance monitors?
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[11-Dec-2006 14:13:10] <giesen> anyone alive?
[11-Dec-2006 14:14:46] <monrad> yes
[11-Dec-2006 14:15:20] <chet> yup
[11-Dec-2006 14:15:53] <chet> Sitting around waiting to talk to anyone who has a distributed performance monitor setup.
[11-Dec-2006 16:48:53] *** chet has quit IRC
[11-Dec-2006 21:29:44] *** StevenR_ has joined #zenoss
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[12-Dec-2006 00:16:21] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Grig Gheorghiu] PyCon news
[12-Dec-2006 00:16:23] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116585143597925396
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[12-Dec-2006 06:23:55] <sven_> hi.
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[12-Dec-2006 09:45:47] <giesen> any of the devs have any thoughts on my pm3 problem
[12-Dec-2006 09:45:55] <giesen> whether it's an issue with zenoss or the pm3
[12-Dec-2006 10:17:07] *** zenbb has joined #zenoss
[12-Dec-2006 11:32:28] *** Filio has joined #Zenoss
[12-Dec-2006 11:35:12] <Filio> anyone alive?
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[12-Dec-2006 12:33:26] <Filio> this place is always dead.
[12-Dec-2006 12:33:37] <Filio> can't get any questions answered.
[12-Dec-2006 12:33:45] <Filio> Guess I'll have to rely on the BLANK wiki.
[12-Dec-2006 12:35:02] <chet> I'm alive.
[12-Dec-2006 12:36:11] <chet> I agree with you though. It surprises me that there isn't more interest in Zenoss. It has so much potential.
[12-Dec-2006 12:36:19] <Filio> do you know why it says operation not permitted when I try to copy any of the files in the ZMI to make a custom dashboard?
[12-Dec-2006 12:47:07] <chet> Filio: This is when you select the files and click the copy button, or when you're pasting?
[12-Dec-2006 12:55:08] <Filio> I can copy just fine
[12-Dec-2006 12:55:12] <Filio> I go to custom and click paste
[12-Dec-2006 12:55:25] <Filio> and it says can't perform the operation on whatever file I've selected.
[12-Dec-2006 12:58:56] <chet> I'm no Zope master, but I think that instead of doing the copy/paste you should click on each file under portal_skins that you need and click its "Customize" button.
[12-Dec-2006 12:59:32] <chet> That got it into the custom folder for me.
[12-Dec-2006 13:08:04] <chet> I never tried those simple dashboard instructions on the wiki, but that are definitely unclear about how to copy those files.
[12-Dec-2006 13:08:59] <chet> Did using that customize button work for you?
[12-Dec-2006 13:19:24] <Filio> yes it did
[12-Dec-2006 13:19:26] <Filio> thanks
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[13-Dec-2006 00:16:54] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [comp.lang.python.announce] IPython 0.7.3 beta 2 is out!
[13-Dec-2006 00:16:55] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116594415560764770
[13-Dec-2006 06:57:22] *** chet has quit IRC
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[13-Dec-2006 10:07:22] <giesen> how do I find out my current db password for zenoss
[13-Dec-2006 10:15:37] <giesen> nm I figured it out
[13-Dec-2006 10:15:40] <giesen> thank god for URL history
[13-Dec-2006 12:40:52] <zaf> you're welcome
[13-Dec-2006 12:57:16] *** chet_ has joined #zenoss
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[13-Dec-2006 13:35:03] <monrad> evening
[13-Dec-2006 13:45:49] <chet> and afternoon.
[13-Dec-2006 13:49:12] <monrad> anyone played around with really big route tables
[13-Dec-2006 13:49:30] <chet> gah, I wouldn't describe it as playing.
[13-Dec-2006 13:49:48] <monrad> when i do a manual snmpwalk on .
[13-Dec-2006 13:50:03] <monrad> aka RFC1213-MIB::ipRouteEntry
[13-Dec-2006 13:50:11] <monrad> i takes several minuts
[13-Dec-2006 13:50:23] <monrad> maybe 20-30

[13-Dec-2006 13:51:16] <monrad> and zenoss times out on the routers then

[13-Dec-2006 13:51:40] <chet> I don't have nearly that many routes, but I know the problem.
[13-Dec-2006 13:51:59] <monrad> found any workaround or something?
[13-Dec-2006 13:52:18] <chet> Have you tried increasing the snmp timeout for that host?
[13-Dec-2006 13:52:25] <monrad> i thought about making a bug when i get around to it
[13-Dec-2006 13:53:11] <chet> Are you discovering it via the web interface or zenmodeler on the command line?
[13-Dec-2006 13:57:08] <monrad> webinterface for the moment
[13-Dec-2006 14:00:29] <chet> Try it from the command line: zenmodeler run -d <device_name>
[13-Dec-2006 15:26:35] <monrad> sorry its was pizza time

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[14-Dec-2006 00:17:28] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Planet Zope] Localizer 1.1.3 released
[14-Dec-2006 00:17:29] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116603116577627159
[14-Dec-2006 02:26:36] *** phobosd has quit IRC
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[14-Dec-2006 13:52:49] *** cdillard has joined #zenoss
[14-Dec-2006 13:53:00] <cdillard> helo all
[14-Dec-2006 14:05:25] <cdillard> is anyone here?
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[14-Dec-2006 14:26:42] *** mnsain has joined #zenoss
[14-Dec-2006 14:26:55] <mnsain> Greetings.
[14-Dec-2006 14:28:10] <mnsain> clear
[14-Dec-2006 14:28:40] <mnsain> hehehe... it's been entirely too long since I've used an IRC client...
[14-Dec-2006 14:31:29] <mnsain> I have a question and was hoping someone here could answer it for me.
[14-Dec-2006 14:31:52] <mnsain> I suspect you're all afk, so I guess I'll have to wait. :-)
[14-Dec-2006 14:42:13] <monrad> well i am here on and off
[14-Dec-2006 17:43:55] <mnsain> Hey monrad, you still around?
[14-Dec-2006 18:03:52] *** edylie has quit IRC
[14-Dec-2006 18:09:18] <monrad> well kinda
[14-Dec-2006 18:14:02] <mnsain> Well, I have a bit of a problem with a device that I'm trying to add into Zenoss. It's a linux box running net-snmp, but it never finishes adding. Always times out. All of my other linux boxes play nice... just not this one. :-(
[14-Dec-2006 18:21:12] <mnsain> I'm using the very same snmpd.conf file for all servers, so I don't believe the problem is there.
[14-Dec-2006 18:21:48] <mnsain> The server does have an abnormally large disk, 650GB+. Could that be causing the problem?
[14-Dec-2006 18:21:53] <monrad> i have not tried that
[14-Dec-2006 18:24:57] <mnsain> Yeah, not many people have a disk that big.
[14-Dec-2006 18:25:27] <mnsain> The strange thing is that it leaves me with no errors. None at all.
[14-Dec-2006 18:26:01] <mnsain> Well, it leaves me with one, in the system's snmp.log file:
[14-Dec-2006 18:26:50] <mnsain> send response: Error building ASN.1 representation (build int size 4: s/b 8)
[14-Dec-2006 18:27:19] <mnsain> I googled it, and got nothing. Same with a search of the mailing list.
[14-Dec-2006 18:28:53] <monrad> hmm
[14-Dec-2006 18:28:56] <monrad> sounds strange
[14-Dec-2006 18:35:28] <mnsain> Very.
[14-Dec-2006 18:35:38] <mnsain> I wish I could find an answer. :-(
[14-Dec-2006 18:35:55] <monrad> i just found out that our tv receivers responds to snmp

[14-Dec-2006 18:36:06] <mnsain> Nice! :-)
[14-Dec-2006 18:36:59] <mnsain> Do you know anybody who might be able to shed some light on my problem?
[14-Dec-2006 18:43:05] <monrad> i am pretty new to zenoss myself
[14-Dec-2006 18:43:12] <monrad> but maybe try the mailinglist
[14-Dec-2006 18:44:47] <mnsain> *nod* Am thinking that might be my best option.
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[15-Dec-2006 00:18:02] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - New Twisted Site - 05 Dec, 05:10PM
[15-Dec-2006 00:18:03] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/63910.html
[15-Dec-2006 00:18:04] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Free Software Magazine] Book review: Core Python Programming by Wesley J. Chun
[15-Dec-2006 00:18:05] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116609317139984068
[15-Dec-2006 01:13:02] *** quux has quit IRC
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[15-Dec-2006 14:07:58] <mnsain> Is anyone awake?
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[15-Dec-2006 14:15:46] *** DaRza187 has joined #zenoss
[15-Dec-2006 14:28:53] <DaRza187> Anyone around, I could bug re: zenoss ?
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[15-Dec-2006 17:23:16] <mrobbert> I'm having an install problem with Zenoss on Debian Sarge(3.1)
[15-Dec-2006 17:23:46] <mrobbert> I got the install script to tell me it was successfull after a couple of failed attempts
[15-Dec-2006 17:24:28] <mrobbert> , but now when I pull up the portal page in my browser I get a site error:
[15-Dec-2006 17:24:38] <mrobbert> "The requested resource does not exist."
[15-Dec-2006 17:55:58] <mrobbert> OK, not that anybody is reading this, but I found a problem with my sudoers file and have decided to start over from scratch
[15-Dec-2006 17:56:29] <mrobbert> I removed all the files and re-installed mysql to clear the databases, I'm pretty sure that worked.
[15-Dec-2006 17:56:59] <mrobbert> This time the install failed with the error: unable to create the initial Zenoss object database
[15-Dec-2006 17:57:58] <mrobbert> The zenbuild.log has these warnings near the bottom before finishing with a Traceback:
[15-Dec-2006 17:58:07] <mrobbert> WARNING:OFS.Application:Duplicate Product name
[15-Dec-2006 17:58:07] <mrobbert> After loading Product 'Five' from '/usr/local/zenoss/Products',
[15-Dec-2006 17:58:07] <mrobbert> I skipped the one in '/usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/Products'.
[15-Dec-2006 17:58:07] <mrobbert> 2006-12-15 15:54:11 WARNING OFS.Application Duplicate Product name
[15-Dec-2006 17:58:07] <mrobbert> After loading Product 'Five' from '/usr/local/zenoss/Products',
[15-Dec-2006 17:58:08] <mrobbert> I skipped the one in '/usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/Products'.
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[15-Dec-2006 18:27:40] <mrobbert> In case anybody is reading my problem reports in the archives I was able to do a full install finally.
[15-Dec-2006 18:28:13] <mrobbert> my problems were when using the current SVN version, as suggested by the Debian install instructions
[15-Dec-2006 18:29:05] <mrobbert> When I used the tarball of version 1.0.2 I got the same warnings in the zenbuild.log, but not the Traceback and everything continued to install and appears to be working now.
[15-Dec-2006 19:05:01] *** curado has joined #zenoss
[15-Dec-2006 19:05:05] <curado> hi
[15-Dec-2006 19:05:51] <curado> could you tell me if the zenoss software have a CMDB solution integrated to it?
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[15-Dec-2006 19:27:05] *** bkeating has joined #zenoss
[15-Dec-2006 19:27:17] <bkeating> Howdy all!
[15-Dec-2006 19:28:23] <bkeating> Im having trouble finding docs on how to app devices/monitors via ssh
[15-Dec-2006 19:28:28] <bkeating> i don't care for SNMP.
[15-Dec-2006 19:30:10] <bkeating> ahh http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/wiki/ZenossPlugins
[15-Dec-2006 19:30:17] <adytum-bot> Title: ZenossPlugins - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
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[15-Dec-2006 20:05:00] <bkeating> FreeBSD is not supported?
[15-Dec-2006 20:05:01] <bkeating> guuhhhh
[15-Dec-2006 20:23:23] <bkeating> alrighty, im uninstalling. hope to see FreeBSD support soon! will check back.
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[16-Dec-2006 14:47:51] <ravelo> hi #zenoss
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[16-Dec-2006 17:48:36] *** Kvisle has joined #zenoss
[16-Dec-2006 17:49:26] <Kvisle> any developers around?
[16-Dec-2006 17:49:45] <Kvisle> or someone who's been fideling a lot with the rrd-stuff ...
[16-Dec-2006 18:01:23] <Kvisle> what I'd like to do ... is to add perf-support for sensors (through snmp), implementing it the same way as disk volumes and network interfaces has been implemented ... because some equipment is quite annoying in placing the device-list different from other very simular equipment ... that would result in A LOT of rrd-templates...
[16-Dec-2006 18:02:03] <Kvisle> I've snooped a little around on how I can do it, but my python knowledge is limited, so I hope there's a developer who can point me in the right direction ... I haven't found any whitepapers on what to look out when I want to write such a plugin
[16-Dec-2006 23:02:55] *** golfing22 has joined #zenoss
[16-Dec-2006 23:03:14] <golfing22> anybody here?
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[17-Dec-2006 08:36:21] <cdillard> anyone here?
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[18-Dec-2006 00:19:36] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - 17 Dec 2006 - 17 Dec, 08:33PM
[18-Dec-2006 00:19:37] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=97
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[18-Dec-2006 09:11:19] *** DaRza187 has joined #zenoss
[18-Dec-2006 09:11:44] <DaRza187> anyone answer a few questions for me ?
[18-Dec-2006 09:11:48] <DaRza187> re: zenoss
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[18-Dec-2006 18:13:06] <porkpie> hi guy's is it possible to change this part of the install process to a different user /etc/init.d/mysql stop (stop mysql)
[18-Dec-2006 18:13:06] <porkpie> nano mysql-init (create a new file and enter this line:)
[18-Dec-2006 18:13:06] <porkpie> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('MyNewPassword');
[18-Dec-2006 18:13:06] <porkpie> mysqld_safe --init-file=~/mysql-init &
[18-Dec-2006 18:13:07] <porkpie> /etc/init.d/mysql start (start mysql)
[18-Dec-2006 18:13:24] <porkpie> can I change it to admin ?
[18-Dec-2006 18:37:04] <porkpie> OK ....I have managed to install zenoss but I get this error
[18-Dec-2006 18:37:10] <porkpie> Can anyone help please
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[20-Dec-2006 00:20:42] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - 19 Dec 2006 - 19 Dec, 07:40PM
[20-Dec-2006 00:20:43] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=98
[20-Dec-2006 00:20:44] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Python obfuscator online
[20-Dec-2006 00:20:45] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry116654526859243201
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[21-Dec-2006 04:50:25] *** crash_override has joined #zenoss
[21-Dec-2006 04:50:33] <crash_override> Hi all
[21-Dec-2006 04:51:21] <crash_override> I've a big problem befer installing zeonss under Fedora Core 3
[21-Dec-2006 04:51:43] <crash_override> I've read zenoss requirements
[21-Dec-2006 04:52:22] <crash_override> the first is MySql-standard packages release 5
[21-Dec-2006 04:52:46] <crash_override> I've on my server mysql packages version 4
[21-Dec-2006 04:53:06] <crash_override> and is a problem upgrading
[21-Dec-2006 04:53:26] <crash_override> there's a way to use mysql 4?
[21-Dec-2006 04:55:01] <crash_override> thanks for help
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[21-Dec-2006 05:11:12] <crash_override> sorry but I was disconnected
[21-Dec-2006 05:11:24] <crash_override> anyone has reply? me?
[21-Dec-2006 05:14:55] <b_52Free> crash_override, i had read soemthing in the mailling list , about that , and from what i read version 5 is a requirement

[21-Dec-2006 05:15:06] <b_52Free> no way to escape

[21-Dec-2006 05:15:57] <crash_override> b_52Free: shigh......
[21-Dec-2006 05:16:04] <crash_override> tks
[21-Dec-2006 05:16:09] <b_52Free> sorry ...

[21-Dec-2006 05:16:12] <b_52Free> your welcome
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[21-Dec-2006 09:26:30] *** sh3mh4mf0r4sh has joined #zenoss
[21-Dec-2006 09:30:47] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> hi any body active?
[21-Dec-2006 09:30:51] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> have some errors
[21-Dec-2006 09:31:20] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -Isrc/ -I/usr/include/python2.4 -c src/MD2.c -o build/temp.linux-i686-2.4/src/MD2.o
[21-Dec-2006 09:31:23] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> src/MD2.c:15:20: error: Python.h: No such file or directory
[21-Dec-2006 09:31:26] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> src/MD2.c:102: error: expected ⤘=⤙, ⤘,⤙, ⤘;⤙, ⤘asm⤙ or ⤘__attribute__⤙ before ⤘*⤙ token
[21-Dec-2006 09:31:29] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> In file included from src/MD2.c:118:
[21-Dec-2006 09:31:32] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> src/hash_template.c:29: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before ⤘PyObject_HEAD⤙
[21-Dec-2006 09:31:35] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> src/hash_template.c:33: error: expected ⤘=⤙, ⤘,⤙, ⤘;⤙, ⤘asm⤙ or ⤘__attribute__⤙ before ⤘PyTypeObject⤙
[21-Dec-2006 09:31:39] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> that said zenossbuild.log
[21-Dec-2006 09:32:11] <chet> What Linux are you running?
[21-Dec-2006 09:32:19] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> debian ethc
[21-Dec-2006 09:32:32] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> install.sh stop here
[21-Dec-2006 09:32:33] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> make: *** [pycrypto-install] Error 1
[21-Dec-2006 09:32:33] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> unable to build zenoss and prerequisites, see zenbuild.log
[21-Dec-2006 09:32:38] <chet> Try installing python-dev
[21-Dec-2006 09:33:23] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> thanxs
[21-Dec-2006 09:33:28] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> that not installed.. now yes
[21-Dec-2006 09:33:37] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i read that anywhere but i forgot it !

[21-Dec-2006 09:33:39] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> let see again
[21-Dec-2006 09:35:31] * sh3mh4mf0r4sh crossing fingers
[21-Dec-2006 09:38:20] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> 1 question. zenoss send any alert if 1 server is down. or any service from any server?
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[21-Dec-2006 09:40:14] <chet> Zenoss doesn't make a distinction between hosts and services for alerting purposes. Alerts are generated from events. A host being down is an event just like HTTP not running.
[21-Dec-2006 09:40:53] <chet> You can choose which events you want to be alerted on under your user preferences. You can filter on almost any aspect of the event.
[21-Dec-2006 09:41:27] <chet> For example, I am only alerted on events from the /Systems/Network organizer with a severity of error or greater.
[21-Dec-2006 09:41:40] <chet> It's very flexible.
[21-Dec-2006 09:42:47] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> nice
[21-Dec-2006 09:43:03] <chet> Have you been using Nagios?
[21-Dec-2006 09:44:02] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> really i try to test nagios and zenoss to see all feature from both
[21-Dec-2006 09:44:23] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i'm using cacti
[21-Dec-2006 09:44:40] <chet> Let me tell you, I deployed Nagios onto my company's network several years ago. It is a great tool.
[21-Dec-2006 09:44:42] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> but cacti not send me any alert if someone is down
[21-Dec-2006 09:45:16] <chet> Zenoss is better than Nagios in every single way except for one. Performance.
[21-Dec-2006 09:45:33] <chet> Zenoss can scale better than Nagios, but it does require more horsepower to do it.
[21-Dec-2006 09:46:22] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> well.. zenoss said finish .. let me test it!

[21-Dec-2006 09:48:33] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> cool. works fine..
[21-Dec-2006 09:48:46] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> so now need to read the document to configure!

[21-Dec-2006 10:01:10] <chet> Yup. I recommend you download the ZenossAdminGuide PDF file and read all the way through it. It can help you avoid some common problems that crop up.
[21-Dec-2006 10:04:57] <chet> And idle in here to answer others' questions.

[21-Dec-2006 10:05:12] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> it's downloading now
[21-Dec-2006 10:05:18] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> its hugh
[21-Dec-2006 10:05:19] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh>

[21-Dec-2006 10:05:33] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> don't worry if dont understend any i shoot you

[21-Dec-2006 10:10:22] <chet> 70 pages? That's a tenth of a Harry Potter book and those are meant for children.

[21-Dec-2006 10:27:28] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> some time have a logout session and when i relogin zenoss out this
[21-Dec-2006 10:27:30] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Zenoss Error
[21-Dec-2006 10:27:30] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Please use the form below to submit details of this error to Zenoss, Inc.
[21-Dec-2006 10:27:34] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Type: BadRequest
[21-Dec-2006 10:27:36] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Value: <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr valign="top"> <td width="10%" align="center"> </td> <td width="90%"> <h2>Site Error</h2> <p>An error was encountered while publishing this resource. </p> <p><strong>Invalid request</strong></p> The parameter, <em>userid</em>, was omitted from the request.<p>Make sure to specify all required parameters, and try the request again.</p> <hr noshade="noshade"/> <p>Troubleshooting Suggestions</p> <ul> <li>
[21-Dec-2006 10:38:42] *** Spec-[x] has joined #zenoss
[21-Dec-2006 10:47:32] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: i'm recoveryng INFO from my router cisco and he still yet getting info but webzen out this
[21-Dec-2006 10:47:36] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Traceback (most recent call last): File "usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/SimpleItem.py", line 209, in raise_standardErrorMessage File "usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/DTMLMethod.py", line 144, in __call__ File "usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_String.py", line 476, in __call__ File "usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_Util.py", line 196, in eval File "", line 1, in Unauthorized: You are not allowed to access 'zenoss_error_
[21-Dec-2006 10:49:23] <chet> I don't really understand when this is happening.
[21-Dec-2006 10:49:42] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok
[21-Dec-2006 10:51:35] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: what do you think about zabbix tool ?
[21-Dec-2006 10:54:38] <chet> Never tried it, but it looks nice. I think it requires more manually configuration than Zenoss.
[21-Dec-2006 10:55:24] *** Spec[x] has quit IRC
[21-Dec-2006 11:22:50] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: can't see where can i delete a device
[21-Dec-2006 11:23:49] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> okokok
[21-Dec-2006 11:23:53] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> sorry i see now

[21-Dec-2006 11:42:38] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
[21-Dec-2006 13:02:17] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> hey have trouble with the alers when i make the scheudle enable FALSE? select -> true and 'save' have error
[21-Dec-2006 13:02:24] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> *alerts
[21-Dec-2006 13:03:08] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Zenoss Error
[21-Dec-2006 13:03:08] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Please use the form below to submit details of this error to Zenoss, Inc.
[21-Dec-2006 13:03:12] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Type: AttributeError
[21-Dec-2006 13:03:14] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Value: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
[21-Dec-2006 13:11:00] *** sh3mh4mf0r4sh has quit IRC
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[21-Dec-2006 13:19:07] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> hey have trouble with the alerts when i make the scheudle enable FALSE? select -> true and 'save' have error
[21-Dec-2006 13:19:11] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Zenoss Error
[21-Dec-2006 13:19:23] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Type: AttributeError
[21-Dec-2006 13:19:26] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Value: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
[21-Dec-2006 13:19:28] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> what i do?
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[22-Dec-2006 00:21:58] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - The Turcanator
[22-Dec-2006 00:21:59] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry116674006510989359
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[22-Dec-2006 07:39:20] <oddjobz> Hi... anyone help me with a "howto" question ?
[22-Dec-2006 07:40:16] <oddjobz> I'm trying to monitor a switch via SNMP .. and it all looks ok initially, all the ports show on the OS tab ...
[22-Dec-2006 07:40:31] <oddjobz> But I can't seem to get any stats / graphs per port .. (all blank)
[22-Dec-2006 07:41:00] <oddjobz> It appears to be picking up MIB entries for itels like ifInOctets, but not adding the port index
[22-Dec-2006 07:41:26] <oddjobz> So I've customised the PerfConf and added indexes ..
[22-Dec-2006 07:41:30] <oddjobz> Still no graphs ..
[22-Dec-2006 07:41:39] <oddjobz> Anyone have switch monitoring working ?
[22-Dec-2006 07:45:10] *** b_52Centos has quit IRC
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[22-Dec-2006 08:23:05] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> hey need add a new instance of snmp to graph my traffic network... where i add that at perfconf?
[22-Dec-2006 08:24:49] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> oh i see.. 'show all'

[22-Dec-2006 08:25:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> but in the list don't see the network traffic option..
[22-Dec-2006 08:26:18] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> uhm... it's just curios time

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[22-Dec-2006 08:46:09] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> hey need help and this time it's very serius. i add the new snmp instance at DataSources and when i try to make the new Graph in the list of DataSource not appears my new custom DataSource .. where can i refresh that list to have my new custo graph?
[22-Dec-2006 10:03:46] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> hey need add a new rrd template to my server ?
[22-Dec-2006 10:03:51] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> just have CPU info
[22-Dec-2006 10:04:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> need someone like network if
[22-Dec-2006 10:04:11] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ifaces
[22-Dec-2006 10:20:54] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[22-Dec-2006 10:56:03] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: hi .. need help from you
[22-Dec-2006 11:00:31] <chet> What's up?
[22-Dec-2006 11:01:58] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i'm monitoring a simple server linux but the template of device/server only showme the CPU info and other things about it. i need add the new template like ethernet traffic
[22-Dec-2006 11:02:13] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> and Disk space
[22-Dec-2006 11:03:58] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> at PerfConf not show me any to choose what rrd template i need more to add ..

[22-Dec-2006 11:07:37] <chet> If it's a typical Linux server and you're getting CPU/memory usage data from it, I bet you're getting interfaces and disk stuff to.
[22-Dec-2006 11:07:45] <chet> Click on the OS tab, then choose a disk or interface.
[22-Dec-2006 11:11:11] *** creiht has joined #zenoss
[22-Dec-2006 11:13:24] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i see. i think to this i can see like cpu info .. and the res all below one by one
[22-Dec-2006 11:13:27] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> together
[22-Dec-2006 11:14:49] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> erm the disk space it's cool
[22-Dec-2006 11:14:57] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> the traffic by iface can't see
[22-Dec-2006 11:16:11] <chet> That's strange. When you click on the interface's name on the OS screen does it take you to the Status tab of the interface?
[22-Dec-2006 11:17:18] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> let me explain better. when i click al this i just can hit to OS
[22-Dec-2006 11:17:26] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> the status tab can't see or not out
[22-Dec-2006 11:17:29] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> but
[22-Dec-2006 11:17:33] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i just disck space
[22-Dec-2006 11:17:43] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> if i clck in any /partition/i/wan/to/see
[22-Dec-2006 11:17:47] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> but no of status tab
[22-Dec-2006 11:19:17] <chet> I'm not sure I understand. There are normally several sections on the OS tab: Interfaces, OS Processes, IP Services, File Systems and Routes
[22-Dec-2006 11:19:21] <chet> Do you have all of those sections?
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i tell you what i have exactly
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:23] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i'm here /Devices /Server /Linux / my.server
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:26] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> and below out
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:36] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Interfaces
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:42] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> IP Services
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:48] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> File Systems
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:53] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Routes
[22-Dec-2006 11:21:57] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> that's all
[22-Dec-2006 11:25:01] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ohh
[22-Dec-2006 11:25:03] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i see how
[22-Dec-2006 11:25:13] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> have to click the 'eth0'
[22-Dec-2006 11:25:20] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> to see the traffic :/
[22-Dec-2006 11:26:26] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> thanxs. for all .. if i have any question i shoot you

[22-Dec-2006 11:30:30] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet well. the only trouble have since start using this it's the alert to email when happing something
[22-Dec-2006 11:39:14] <chet> I saw an error you posted about alert scheduling yesterday.
[22-Dec-2006 11:39:21] <chet> Have you tried not defining a schedule at all?
[22-Dec-2006 11:39:29] <chet> This will cause the alerts to go out 24x7
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:10] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> when i make the report
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:25] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> and in the scheudle
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:30] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i select 'True'
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:34] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> that explot
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:35] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh>

[22-Dec-2006 11:40:49] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Zenoss Error
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:50] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Please use the form below to submit details of this error to Zenoss, Inc.
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:52] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Type: AttributeError
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:55] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Value: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
[22-Dec-2006 11:40:57] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Traceback (innermost last):
[22-Dec-2006 11:41:00] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 114, in publish * Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 40, in call_object * Module Products.ZenEvents.ActionRuleWindow, line 89, in manage_editActionRuleWindow * Module Products.ZenModel.MaintenanceWindow, line 209, in manage_editMaintenanceWindow * Module Products.ZenModel.ZenModelBase, line 95, in callZenScreen
[22-Dec-2006 11:41:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
[22-Dec-2006 11:41:08] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> what Type of Object i need exactly?
[22-Dec-2006 11:43:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> let see in my ftp. it's logicall to have a hdd full of many thing
[22-Dec-2006 11:43:40] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> zenoss it's alert me of that hdd it's almost full because it's over 90%
[22-Dec-2006 11:43:47] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok but i see by the interface
[22-Dec-2006 11:44:02] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> how can i make the report to this alert can i get by email
[22-Dec-2006 11:44:16] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> could you guide me? step-by-step?
[22-Dec-2006 11:46:15] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> the pdf it's watered
[22-Dec-2006 11:52:14] <chet> Sure.
[22-Dec-2006 11:52:34] <chet> Go to the "Alerting Rules" tab of your user.
[22-Dec-2006 11:52:51] <chet> Delete any existing rules.
[22-Dec-2006 11:53:26] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok..
[22-Dec-2006 11:53:29] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i delete all
[22-Dec-2006 11:53:47] <chet> Add one called "email-warnings"
[22-Dec-2006 11:53:51] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> wait
[22-Dec-2006 11:53:59] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> where is alerting rules..
[22-Dec-2006 11:54:10] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> it's very complex the tour for the new tool

[22-Dec-2006 11:54:14] <chet> heh.. true.
[22-Dec-2006 11:54:27] <chet> You need to click "Preferences" in the top-right corner of any Zenoss screen.
[22-Dec-2006 11:54:46] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok
[22-Dec-2006 11:54:47] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> now
[22-Dec-2006 11:54:51] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> add the new alert
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:03] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> done
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:09] <chet> Then click on it to edit.
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:12] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> done
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:20] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Zenoss Error
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:20] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Please use the form below to submit details of this error to Zenoss, Inc.
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:22] <chet> Select True for "Enabled"
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:23] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> :s
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:26] <chet> hmm..
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:26] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Type: IndexError
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:28] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Value: list index out of range
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:47] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> wait
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:48] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ype: BadRequest
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:49] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Value: The id "email-warning" is invalid - it is already in use.
[22-Dec-2006 11:55:54] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> let me choose other
[22-Dec-2006 11:57:30] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> uhmm have now error with any y typed :S
[22-Dec-2006 11:58:00] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> need reinstall?

[22-Dec-2006 11:58:28] <chet> I doubt it.. click on the Alerting Rules tab again and make sure there aren't any listed.
[22-Dec-2006 11:59:18] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> it's empty!
[22-Dec-2006 12:00:00] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i make foo
[22-Dec-2006 12:00:03] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> done
[22-Dec-2006 12:00:07] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> and when i edit foo
[22-Dec-2006 12:00:10] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> out the error
[22-Dec-2006 12:00:19] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Type: IndexError
[22-Dec-2006 12:00:19] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> Value: list index out of range
[22-Dec-2006 12:00:22] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> bla bla bla
[22-Dec-2006 12:01:55] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:00] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> at last!!!
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:05] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> a make a new user
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:06] <chet> Is this for the default admin user?
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:10] <chet> Yeah.. good idea.
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:12] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> yes
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:15] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:18] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> email-warning
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:23] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> it's editing
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:37] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> what more
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:38] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ?
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:41] <chet> Change Enabled to True and Severity >= Warning
[22-Dec-2006 12:02:49] <chet> Then save.. that's it.
[22-Dec-2006 12:03:08] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok
[22-Dec-2006 12:03:10] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> what more?
[22-Dec-2006 12:03:13] <chet> Filesystem threshold violations are of warning severity by default.
[22-Dec-2006 12:03:43] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok
[22-Dec-2006 12:03:52] <chet> So move your current threshold violation events into history and you should receive an alert next time it is polled.
[22-Dec-2006 12:03:59] <chet> Make sure you added an email address for that new user.
[22-Dec-2006 12:04:42] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> erm how can i move that?
[22-Dec-2006 12:06:24] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i'm here
[22-Dec-2006 12:06:29] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> -> /Reports /User Reports /Action Rules /Notification Schedules
[22-Dec-2006 12:10:16] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: ?
[22-Dec-2006 12:12:37] <chet> I don't understand the question.
[22-Dec-2006 12:13:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> move your current threshold violation events into history
[22-Dec-2006 12:13:09] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> erm how can i move that?
[22-Dec-2006 12:13:58] <chet> Click Events under Main Views on the left side navigation. Then click the Events tab. You should see you threshold violation event(s) in there.
[22-Dec-2006 12:14:13] <chet> Put check marks next to them then click the History button.
[22-Dec-2006 12:16:07] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i see the violations events
[22-Dec-2006 12:16:20] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> but put chenmarck next to them i dont understend that
[22-Dec-2006 12:18:55] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> not see anything
[22-Dec-2006 12:19:00] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: ?
[22-Dec-2006 12:19:37] <chet> Is there not a check box beside each event?
[22-Dec-2006 12:19:50] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> yes
[22-Dec-2006 12:22:04] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i receive the email zenoss test
[22-Dec-2006 12:22:13] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> but not receive nothing from the history or alert
[22-Dec-2006 12:23:46] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
[22-Dec-2006 12:25:21] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i click into check mark and below clic the history but not receive nothing :|
[22-Dec-2006 12:26:46] <chet> That's fine. It just moves the event into History.
[22-Dec-2006 12:27:01] <chet> That way the next event like it that comes in will be new and generate an alert.
[22-Dec-2006 12:28:19] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> oh. now in the history tab i see the event to i clickd
[22-Dec-2006 12:28:27] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> but the email not came yet
[22-Dec-2006 12:30:37] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i see the new count in '1' but the alert not came either
[22-Dec-2006 12:39:45] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: don't receive nothing and have news alerts.. the email-warning not stay in the schedule?
[22-Dec-2006 12:40:22] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> or active period?
[22-Dec-2006 12:40:24] <chet> You can check your zenactions.log file to see if it tried to send an email. It's possible that Zenoss sent an email but your SMTP configuration is wrong.
[22-Dec-2006 12:41:34] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> it's rare because i tell you the zenoss test mail i have here
[22-Dec-2006 12:44:57] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: he
[22-Dec-2006 12:44:58] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> SMTPRecipientsRefused: {'emperor@infomed.sld.cu': (550, 'Verification failed for <zenoss@opensource.sld.cu>\nUnrouteable address\nDominio no encontrado')}
[22-Dec-2006 12:50:13] <chet> I think the recipient SMTP server is rejecting the mail because it knows that zenoss@opensource.sld.cu isn't a valid email address.
[22-Dec-2006 12:50:51] <chet> You should edit your etc/zenactions.conf file. Add a line like:
[22-Dec-2006 12:50:52] <chet> fromaddr valid@email.address
[22-Dec-2006 13:39:05] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> ok added.. i'm waiting.
[22-Dec-2006 13:41:52] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: well.. zenaction.log not said nothing now
[22-Dec-2006 13:42:04] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> refresh the events and the email can't came either
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:22] <chet> Move the existing events into history again.
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:28] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> wait
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:33] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> log said something now
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:48] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> out many thing the last line its
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:56] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> File "httplib.py", line 646, in send
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:56] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> self.connect()
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:56] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> File "httplib.py", line 630, in connect
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:56] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> raise socket.error, msg
[22-Dec-2006 13:43:56] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> IOError: [Errno socket error] (113, 'No route to host')
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[22-Dec-2006 15:48:36] <monrad> anyone seen OperationalError: (2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query')
[22-Dec-2006 15:48:41] <monrad> its a fresh install
[22-Dec-2006 16:02:36] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> IOError: [Errno socket error] (110, 'Connection timed out')
[22-Dec-2006 16:02:40] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> any idea?
[22-Dec-2006 17:21:59] <monrad> ahh was not in host.allowed
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[22-Dec-2006 23:59:04] *** Kvisle has joined #zenoss
[23-Dec-2006 00:22:31] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - BIG holiday present !
[23-Dec-2006 00:22:32] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry116682928949642973
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[24-Dec-2006 15:24:25] <nassy> anyone know what the root password is for the zenoss appliance
[24-Dec-2006 15:27:53] <nassy> nevermind just typing root let me in.
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[24-Dec-2006 15:39:31] <nassy> i am running the zenoss appliance on vmware fusion beta for the mac on my (wireless) laptop. i cannot seem to connect to the ip address of the appliance whether it runs in bridged or nat mode. any ideas what i can do to get it to work?
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[25-Dec-2006 00:23:52] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Happy holidays!
[25-Dec-2006 00:23:53] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entrymessage
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[26-Dec-2006 09:49:12] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> erm has need restart

[26-Dec-2006 09:49:56] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> okoko
[26-Dec-2006 09:50:06] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> zeoctl O:)
[26-Dec-2006 09:50:10] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> thanxs
[26-Dec-2006 10:08:24] <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> chet: email works cool!

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[26-Dec-2006 16:05:54] <aboyousif> hello . could i use zenoss to know who is downloading on lan ?
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[26-Dec-2006 21:00:52] <jonathanlambert> anyone around? I'm wondering what this solution costs - I can't find any info on the site...
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[27-Dec-2006 07:19:42] <switchfox1977> its open source
[27-Dec-2006 07:19:46] <switchfox1977> which means free

[27-Dec-2006 07:20:18] <switchfox1977> they sell support with it, but to download and implement it, it is free.
[27-Dec-2006 07:28:28] <switchfox1977> .
[27-Dec-2006 07:33:08] <switchfox1977> .
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[27-Dec-2006 09:14:19] <deepsa> hows the progress guys
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[27-Dec-2006 15:44:19] <Mac2> Anyone have a very quick moment for a Linux-memory-alerting-on-Zenoss question?
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[27-Dec-2006 18:20:37] <djcronos> hey all
[27-Dec-2006 18:21:44] <djcronos> When I log into the web control panel, I click on About and notice that zenstatus is Down. When I Start it, it goes green, but when I click on About immediately aftwards, it shows it as Down again...what could be wrong?
[27-Dec-2006 18:21:49] <djcronos> Or is that how it works?
[27-Dec-2006 18:22:35] <djcronos> The reason I ask is because I'm having issues with SNMP graphs - I can add the device I want to monitor via SNMP, but when I click on the Perf tab in the device, I dont see any graphs - just a gray box
[27-Dec-2006 18:22:43] <djcronos> So I'm wondering if any of this might be related
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[28-Dec-2006 00:25:35] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - 27 Dec 2006 - 27 Dec, 04:09PM
[28-Dec-2006 00:25:36] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=123
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[29-Dec-2006 00:26:04] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - 28 Dec 2006 - 28 Dec, 08:09AM
[29-Dec-2006 00:26:05] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=124
[29-Dec-2006 00:26:06] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Python Cookbook] Winamp Tiny Implementation - using ctypes
[29-Dec-2006 00:26:07] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry116734167991396433
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[29-Dec-2006 08:16:29] <moza> Anyone around?
[29-Dec-2006 09:00:18] <monrad> kinda
[29-Dec-2006 09:00:48] <moza> Do you know how to ass devices to the Dashboard?
[29-Dec-2006 09:00:52] <moza> add
[29-Dec-2006 09:01:19] <monrad> no not to the dashboard
[29-Dec-2006 09:01:26] <moza> ok....
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[29-Dec-2006 09:22:04] <chet> moza: Put them into a System.
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[30-Dec-2006 00:26:37] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [comp.lang.python.announce] eric3 3.9.3 released
[30-Dec-2006 00:26:38] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry116741161128711956
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[30-Dec-2006 19:29:29] <nassy> i am trying to build zenoss on macos x. i installed mysql5 with macports (darwinports) and t is located in /opt/local/bin /opt/local/lib /opt/local/libexec etc. i set my profile to inslude a path to /opt/local/bin but when i try to run ./install/sh it says it needs the developmental version. does this mean i need to have the source files available?
[30-Dec-2006 20:34:03] <nassy> ok figured ou how to get the script to install. had to manually bypass the folder it was looking in and point it to the mysql5 folder. just setting the env variables are not sufficient if you use macports. another problem now is that the mysql python make fails with an error 1 on an intel mac. is zenoss only compatible with ppc mac?
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