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[01-Nov-2006 11:08:47] <tristanbob> hmmm - I am using the vmware image - trying to discover my cisco devices on a network
[01-Nov-2006 11:08:57] <tristanbob> I have added the SNMP string in devices -> zproperties -> zSnmpCommunities
[01-Nov-2006 11:09:03] <tristanbob> then I run "zendisc run"
[01-Nov-2006 11:09:20] <tristanbob> I get and "error: (-2, 'Name or services not known')" and it stops
[01-Nov-2006 11:09:30] <tristanbob> it also complains about the domain name oz.mydomain.com is not valid (it's not, not sure where oz came from)
[01-Nov-2006 11:09:41] <tristanbob> anyone know what I am doing wrong?
[01-Nov-2006 11:42:35] *** Alucard` has joined #Zenoss
[01-Nov-2006 11:42:51] <Alucard`> anyone around?
[01-Nov-2006 13:11:56] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[01-Nov-2006 13:13:55] <chet> Any committers on?
[01-Nov-2006 13:14:48] <Alucard`> no one has said a word all day.
[01-Nov-2006 14:17:33] <tristanbob> Alucard`: seems like the IRC channel is not very active
[01-Nov-2006 14:17:53] <tristanbob> which is too bad - I wanted to get a good eval of zenoss
[01-Nov-2006 14:29:23] <Alucard`> I'm using it.
[01-Nov-2006 14:29:42] <Alucard`> it's a heck of a lot easier to setup and use than nagios.
[01-Nov-2006 14:33:18] <creiht> I think a lot of the users lurk here, and try to help out when they can
[01-Nov-2006 14:33:41] <creiht> But the devs havn't been on as much lately... I know they have been real busy
[01-Nov-2006 14:36:18] *** ashcrow_ has joined #zenoss
[01-Nov-2006 14:37:10] <ashcrow_> I just installed 0.23 and am a bit confused ... where did the nagconf stuff move to?
[01-Nov-2006 14:37:34] <Alucard`> a lot of open sores projects require at least one or two developers to idle on their freenode chans.
[01-Nov-2006 14:37:45] <Alucard`> I suspect zenoss has only a handful of employees.
[01-Nov-2006 14:38:03] <creiht> pokes oubiwann
[01-Nov-2006 14:39:07] <ashcrow_> it's been driving me nuts :-P
[01-Nov-2006 14:39:39] <creiht> They do monitor the mailing list pretty actively, so if you are running into issues that can't be answered here right now, I would suggest posting it to the mailing list
[01-Nov-2006 14:39:47] <ashcrow_> ok
[01-Nov-2006 14:39:59] <creiht> ashcrow_: What problem are you running in to?
[01-Nov-2006 14:40:15] <ashcrow_> creiht: I moved to 0.23 from 0.21 (clean install) ....
[01-Nov-2006 14:40:29] <ashcrow_> creiht: I can't figure out how to setup my nagios stuff ... before I used the NagConf tab
[01-Nov-2006 14:40:41] <Alucard`> I'm on the mailing list, seems like 99% of the stuff is for people who can't install it (user error).
[01-Nov-2006 14:41:22] <ashcrow_> creiht: I installed from the source tar ball and everything works great, just can't find the nagios stuff
[01-Nov-2006 14:41:37] <creiht> ashcrow_: I think they moved the nagios configuration stuff with the normal performance configuration stuff
[01-Nov-2006 14:41:47] <creiht> But I haven't upgraded yet, so I can't tell you for sure
[01-Nov-2006 14:42:39] <creiht> brb
[01-Nov-2006 14:42:45] <ashcrow_> ok
[01-Nov-2006 14:42:51] <ashcrow_> ah ha
[01-Nov-2006 14:43:00] <ashcrow_> looks like your right
[01-Nov-2006 14:43:11] <ashcrow_> Source Type: Command == Nagios
[01-Nov-2006 14:46:22] <ashcrow_> thanks! :-)
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[02-Nov-2006 00:10:43] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - 1 Nov 2006 - 02 Nov, 04:16AM
[02-Nov-2006 00:10:44] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=95
[02-Nov-2006 00:10:45] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Marxy's Musing on Technology] Python and Xcode
[02-Nov-2006 00:10:46] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116237672770327156
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[02-Nov-2006 12:52:03] <Mus> Anyone around for a little help with Centos zenoss install?
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[03-Nov-2006 00:11:13] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Isotoma] Ruby's partition
[03-Nov-2006 00:11:14] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116246471051251073
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[03-Nov-2006 14:44:26] <_chris__> mus: i can help you
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[03-Nov-2006 14:44:31] <_chris__> mus: are you still around?
[03-Nov-2006 14:44:37] <_chris__> guess not
[03-Nov-2006 14:59:26] <kiddle> anyone around for a little support?
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[03-Nov-2006 15:21:43] <sheraz> hello
[03-Nov-2006 15:45:52] <kiddle> hey sheraz
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[03-Nov-2006 15:47:16] <sheraz> ie have some querries about RRD
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[03-Nov-2006 15:59:17] <kiddle> just ask, someone will answer when they're not afk
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[03-Nov-2006 17:03:22] <kiddle> alo alo marcin
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[04-Nov-2006 00:11:46] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Have you reviewed a FAQ entry today?
[04-Nov-2006 00:11:47] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116259007216564731
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[05-Nov-2006 20:50:53] <cgazaffi> is there anybody here ?
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[06-Nov-2006 00:13:39] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - Don't Use Python 2.5 Just Yet - 05 Nov, 01:46AM
[06-Nov-2006 00:13:40] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/62308.html
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[06-Nov-2006 09:55:01] <Psycho> hello
[06-Nov-2006 09:55:53] <Psycho> someone here?
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[06-Nov-2006 09:58:56] <KnEtTeR> hello again
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[06-Nov-2006 12:37:59] <joeboo> is there a place where threshold severity is documented? I need to know what a "3" is? Is that info or critical?
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[06-Nov-2006 15:05:38] <^majik^> any idea why I always get this error when adding a device or collect information on a device:
[06-Nov-2006 15:05:42] <^majik^> http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/wLKJlN76.html
[06-Nov-2006 15:06:05] <^majik^> or how to fix it rather
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[07-Nov-2006 00:14:11] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Cheese Shop] hachoir 0.6.1
[07-Nov-2006 00:14:12] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116283943602206193
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[07-Nov-2006 01:04:59] *** DaveToo has joined #zenoss
[07-Nov-2006 01:05:30] <DaveToo> arg
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[07-Nov-2006 02:00:25] *** chipheo_work has joined #zenoss
[07-Nov-2006 02:00:30] <chipheo_work> hi *
[07-Nov-2006 02:00:45] <chipheo_work> I have a question :-)
[07-Nov-2006 02:01:03] <chipheo_work> I am installing zenoss
[07-Nov-2006 02:01:16] <chipheo_work> it fail when installing simplejson
[07-Nov-2006 02:01:31] <chipheo_work> I tail the log and it says
[07-Nov-2006 02:02:10] <chipheo_work> can not download setuptools-0.6c1-py2.4.egg
[07-Nov-2006 02:02:32] <chipheo_work> I download it to /home/zenoss/zenoss*
[07-Nov-2006 02:03:02] <chipheo_work> after $make clean and ./install.sh again it still fail at the same point
[07-Nov-2006 02:03:14] <chipheo_work> where should I put the file setuptools-0.6c1-py2.4.egg?
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[07-Nov-2006 12:41:19] <phobosd> oi oi
[07-Nov-2006 12:41:36] <phobosd> does anyone know if zendisc can discover just ONE host as aposed to an entire netblock?
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[07-Nov-2006 15:16:33] <asanabria> hello everyone
[07-Nov-2006 15:17:02] <asanabria> I was wondering if someone could help me in getting 2 things on zenoss
[07-Nov-2006 15:17:36] <asanabria> 1 is disk utilization and disk available working on redhat and cpu statistics
[07-Nov-2006 15:17:54] <asanabria> second was cpu statistics
[07-Nov-2006 15:18:02] <asanabria> and im not talking about the graphs
[07-Nov-2006 15:18:26] <asanabria> any help would be appreciated
[07-Nov-2006 16:09:46] <asanabria> does anyone have a minute in helping me with disk utilization not showing up on any of my servers just the total is showing up
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[08-Nov-2006 08:03:51] <[o5]code7of9> q
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[08-Nov-2006 10:56:26] *** asanabria has joined #zenoss
[08-Nov-2006 10:56:57] <asanabria> good morning
[08-Nov-2006 10:57:21] <asanabria> can someone help me with zenagios as I went through the uselist and I do not have a NagPerf tab
[08-Nov-2006 11:04:37] <creiht> asanabria: I think in the latest release, they moved the zenagios config stuff to the normal performance config tab
[08-Nov-2006 11:09:36] <asanabria> ty
[08-Nov-2006 11:10:07] <asanabria> hey have you guys had issue inventoring linux boxes... I mean wont show valuse for disk utilization
[08-Nov-2006 11:10:10] <asanabria> \in the OS tab
[08-Nov-2006 11:10:13] <asanabria> just shows total
[08-Nov-2006 11:10:18] <asanabria> and rest unknown
[08-Nov-2006 11:10:57] <creiht> asanabria: How long ago did you add the device?
[08-Nov-2006 11:11:12] <creiht> It most likely hasn't started collecting yet
[08-Nov-2006 11:18:44] <asanabria> been like this for 4 days
[08-Nov-2006 11:18:53] <asanabria> I can graph it if I input the OIDS
[08-Nov-2006 11:19:09] <asanabria> all I have been doing is working on zenoss since saturday
[08-Nov-2006 11:19:12] <asanabria>
[08-Nov-2006 11:19:33] <asanabria> it see's all the mounts
[08-Nov-2006 11:19:45] <asanabria> but it only gets the total amount of disk space
[08-Nov-2006 11:19:55] <asanabria> I already inputted them in device groups
[08-Nov-2006 11:20:03] <asanabria> click collect configuration manually
[08-Nov-2006 11:20:39] <asanabria> I see aot of docs for dell boxes and what not
[08-Nov-2006 11:20:45] <asanabria> but not for generic boxes
[08-Nov-2006 11:20:56] <asanabria> my environment is about 300 Linux servers
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:00] <asanabria> running redhat 4.4
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:18] <asanabria> all servers are silicon mechanics boxes
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:23] <asanabria> which I do not think it matters
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:38] <asanabria> also I do not get cpu stats for any of my boxes when I click on hardware
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:44] <asanabria> besides those things
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:47] <asanabria> I loev zenoss
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:49] <asanabria> love
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:50] <asanabria>
[08-Nov-2006 11:22:15] <asanabria> one last thing thanks for answering my questions in advance
[08-Nov-2006 11:29:39] <creiht> asanabria: hehe... I monitor several Redhat linux boxes that vary from Dell boxes to generic white boxes, and haven't run into any problems
[08-Nov-2006 11:31:27] <creiht> asanabria: I would post a question on the mailinglist. The devs monitor it regularly and are usually fairly prompt at replying to it
[08-Nov-2006 11:33:37] <asanabria> they havent replied yet
[08-Nov-2006 11:33:42] <asanabria> been 2 dys
[08-Nov-2006 11:34:06] <asanabria> not trying to be a pain but i have to sunday to get this up if not my boss will make us continue to use nagios and cacti
[08-Nov-2006 11:34:11] <asanabria> and Im trying to replace both
[08-Nov-2006 11:34:59] <asanabria> are you running 0.23
[08-Nov-2006 11:35:00] <asanabria> ?
[08-Nov-2006 11:35:15] <asanabria> cause I even installed it at home on centoss and its still the same issue
[08-Nov-2006 11:35:56] <creiht> asanabria: I'm running .22... I haven't had a chance to upgrade yet
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:05] <creiht> hmmm
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:18] <asanabria> question do you know if it matters if I put the hardware manufacturer and hardware model in
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:24] <asanabria> cause they are unknown
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:30] <asanabria> maybe thats why
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:33] <asanabria> 0.22
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:35] <asanabria> damnit
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:36] <asanabria> lol
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:49] <creiht> I doubt that is the problem
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:56] <creiht> (the version that is)
[08-Nov-2006 11:37:07] <asanabria> ohh
[08-Nov-2006 11:37:12] <creiht> Where do you have the devices right now in the tree?
[08-Nov-2006 11:37:29] <asanabria> I created a bunch of trees to fit my env
[08-Nov-2006 11:37:33] <creiht> ahhh
[08-Nov-2006 11:37:41] <asanabria> I created a DB Server tree and a WEB server tree
[08-Nov-2006 11:37:54] <asanabria> and a NASSAN tree
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:04] <creiht> What part of the tree did you hang those off of?
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:12] <asanabria> the main tree /
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:17] <creiht> Ahhh
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:20] <creiht> That is the problem
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:30] <asanabria> hmm?
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:33] <asanabria> what do you mean
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:33] <creiht> But can easily be fixed
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:33] <asanabria> ?
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:38] <asanabria> ok
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:47] <creiht> Zenoss uses the tree to define the monitoring templates
[08-Nov-2006 11:39:06] <creiht> So where you put the device in the tree determines what mibs get monitored
[08-Nov-2006 11:39:26] <creiht> And the templates are inherited down the tree
[08-Nov-2006 11:39:37] <creiht> So if you hang it off of the main tree
[08-Nov-2006 11:39:49] <creiht> Then it will only inherit the very basic monitoring template
[08-Nov-2006 11:40:00] <creiht> Are they all linux based servers?
[08-Nov-2006 11:40:31] <asanabria> yes
[08-Nov-2006 11:40:33] <asanabria> linux based
[08-Nov-2006 11:40:50] <creiht> Then I would hang your new device tree items under
[08-Nov-2006 11:41:09] <creiht> /Devices/Server/Linux
[08-Nov-2006 11:41:28] <creiht> So you might have
[08-Nov-2006 11:41:37] <creiht> /Device/Server/Linux/Web Server
[08-Nov-2006 11:41:51] <creiht> That way you inherit the Linux monitoring tempate
[08-Nov-2006 11:41:54] <creiht> err template
[08-Nov-2006 11:42:12] <asanabria> damn I deleted that tree
[08-Nov-2006 11:42:20] <creiht> doh!
[08-Nov-2006 11:42:38] <creiht> Do at least still have Devices/Server ?
[08-Nov-2006 11:42:48] <asanabria> so If i create templates based on the oids on the files system it should show up in the os tab right
[08-Nov-2006 11:42:54] <asanabria> nope
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:12] <creiht> Well I think in theory yes... but not entirely sure
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:21] <creiht> I hate to say this
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:36] <creiht> But you might want to re-install zenoss to get the default trees back
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:48] <creiht> It will give you a lot less headache
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:49] <asanabria> NOOOO
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:52] <creiht> in the long term
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:52] <asanabria> so much work
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:55] <creiht> hehe
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:56] <creiht> hmmm
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:03] <asanabria> well if I have to
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:09] <asanabria> hey really thank you for your help
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:16] <creiht> The other possibility is if there is a way to re-create the tree
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:20] <creiht> np
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:21] <asanabria> I will reinstall at home and this time not delete the trees
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:25] <asanabria> and see what happnes
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:30] <creiht> ok
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:37] <creiht> The default templates are very robust
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:38] <asanabria> doing it right now
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:42] <asanabria> using nomachine to login
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:46] <asanabria> I love that app
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:52] <asanabria> man I wish I knew that
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:53] <asanabria> lol
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:59] <creiht> hehe
[08-Nov-2006 11:45:15] <creiht> It's very unlike cacti where you have to define everything you want to do
[08-Nov-2006 11:45:37] <creiht> By default it will monitor filesystems, interface, cpu load, memory, etc.
[08-Nov-2006 11:46:28] <creiht> I've had to do very little customization for what I need to monitor
[08-Nov-2006 12:07:27] <asanabria> hey
[08-Nov-2006 12:07:29] <asanabria> guess what
[08-Nov-2006 12:07:33] <asanabria> i reinstalled it at home
[08-Nov-2006 12:07:45] <asanabria> and coping the templates manually but it might work
[08-Nov-2006 12:16:17] <asanabria> still did not fix the issue I just have alot more graphs nows which I'm notcomplaining
[08-Nov-2006 12:16:42] <asanabria> but when I collected configuration the mounts still show total disk space for each mount but not the rest of the info
[08-Nov-2006 12:17:06] <asanabria> i also ran zenperfsnmp run -v 10
[08-Nov-2006 12:17:55] <asanabria> eait i spoke to soon
[08-Nov-2006 12:17:58] <asanabria> it did work
[08-Nov-2006 12:18:03] <asanabria> hey thanks again
[08-Nov-2006 12:18:10] <asanabria> really thank you
[08-Nov-2006 12:20:12] <creiht> np
[08-Nov-2006 12:20:17] <creiht> I'm glad it worked out
[08-Nov-2006 13:06:26] <asanabria> here another question
[08-Nov-2006 13:06:34] <asanabria> im assuming im going to havbe to play with the valuse
[08-Nov-2006 13:06:46] <asanabria> cause the disk utilization
[08-Nov-2006 13:06:48] <asanabria> is way off
[08-Nov-2006 13:06:56] <asanabria> it would say that some of my mounts are 10T
[08-Nov-2006 13:07:02] <asanabria> i dont have a mount that big
[08-Nov-2006 13:07:08] <asanabria> the biggest I have is 2 terabytes
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[08-Nov-2006 15:04:11] <asanabria> something not cool just happened.. I rebooted the box zenoss was on and now i login and the dashboard is fine
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:18] <asanabria> but if I click devices
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:22] <asanabria> i get a bunch of errors
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:32] <asanabria> or systems or groups
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:44] <asanabria> Zenoss Error
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:44] <asanabria> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Please use the form below to submit details of this error to Zenoss, Inc.
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:45] <asanabria> Type: KeyError
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:45] <asanabria> Value: 1163016260
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:45] <asanabria> Traceback (innermost last):
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:46] <asanabria> * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 114, in publish
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:48] <asanabria> * Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:57] <asanabria> # Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 40, in call_object
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:57] <asanabria> # Module Products.ZenModel.ZenModelBase, line 49, in __call__
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:57] <asanabria> # Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 311, in __call__
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:57] <asanabria> # Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 348, in _bindAndExec
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:58] <asanabria> # Module Products.CMFCore.FSPageTemplate, line 195, in _exec
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:08] <asanabria> # Module Products.CMFCore.FSPageTemplate, line 134, in pt_render
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:08] <asanabria> # Module Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplate, line 104, in pt_render
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:08] <asanabria> <FSPageTemplate at /zport/deviceOrganizerStatus used for /zport/dmd/Devices>
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:12] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 206, in __call__
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:17] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 250, in interpret
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:17] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 711, in do_useMacro
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:17] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 250, in interpret
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:17] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 426, in do_optTag_tal
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:20] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 411, in do_optTag
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:21] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 406, in no_tag
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:22] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 250, in interpret
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:24] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 711, in do_useMacro
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:29] <asanabria> URL: file:ZenModel/skins/zenmodel/deviceOrganizerStatus.pt
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:29] <asanabria> Line 33, Column 4
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:31] <asanabria> Expression: <PythonExpr here.ZenTableManager.getBatch(tableName,objects)>
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:33] <asanabria> Names:
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:35] <asanabria> not sure if anyone has seen this before
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:44] <asanabria> and a bunch of servers went red briefly but now are coming back
[08-Nov-2006 15:11:00] <asanabria> do you have to wait a bit while everything loads up?
[08-Nov-2006 15:34:17] <creiht> asanabria: I haven't seen that before... Can you load the devices now, or did it only happen for that short period of time?
[08-Nov-2006 15:34:33] <asanabria> it worked after like 15 min of loading
[08-Nov-2006 15:34:42] <asanabria> that was scary
[08-Nov-2006 15:34:57] <asanabria> and all the red checks went away
[08-Nov-2006 15:35:11] <creiht> hmm
[08-Nov-2006 15:35:23] <creiht> I have seen it where it acts like things are down when you first start up
[08-Nov-2006 15:35:38] <creiht> But that usually goes away pretty quickly
[08-Nov-2006 15:35:50] <creiht> I haven't seen the problem of opening the devices like that
[08-Nov-2006 15:35:51] <asanabria> ok so thats normal
[08-Nov-2006 15:35:57] <asanabria> cool hey did you ever have issues
[08-Nov-2006 15:36:01] <asanabria> with the mount point
[08-Nov-2006 15:36:05] <asanabria> giving wrong numbers
[08-Nov-2006 15:36:16] <creiht> oh sorry... No I have never had that problem
[08-Nov-2006 15:36:24] <asanabria> like im getting like 10Terabytes for one of my mounts that is less then a terabyte
[08-Nov-2006 15:36:48] <asanabria> well i like the fact that nagios checks work seemlessly
[08-Nov-2006 15:36:58] <asanabria> real esy to configure
[08-Nov-2006 15:37:07] <asanabria> we have been using nagios for over 4 years
[08-Nov-2006 15:37:12] <asanabria> when it was netsaint
[08-Nov-2006 15:37:15] <asanabria> time for a change
[08-Nov-2006 15:37:20] <creiht> Are you getting that as the space used or the total space?
[08-Nov-2006 15:37:33] <asanabria> and we might convert from redhat to suse 10 in the next few months
[08-Nov-2006 15:37:38] <asanabria> spaced used
[08-Nov-2006 15:38:34] <asanabria> oh and its only crazy on the nfs mounts
[08-Nov-2006 15:38:37] <creiht> hmm
[08-Nov-2006 15:38:43] <asanabria> the non nfs mounts are reporting numbers that are correct
[08-Nov-2006 15:38:53] <asanabria> and multipath mounts also reporting numbers that are correct
[08-Nov-2006 15:38:57] <creiht> In your devices tree, navigate to where you have the templates set up
[08-Nov-2006 15:39:20] <asanabria> k im there
[08-Nov-2006 15:39:30] <creiht> Click the PerfConf tab
[08-Nov-2006 15:39:38] <asanabria> yep im there also
[08-Nov-2006 15:39:53] <creiht> And then click on the Filesystem template
[08-Nov-2006 15:39:57] <asanabria> ok
[08-Nov-2006 15:40:18] <creiht> Then Under RRDDataSources, click the usedBlocks Data source
[08-Nov-2006 15:40:29] <asanabria> yep
[08-Nov-2006 15:40:41] <creiht> What are the values for OID, Type, and Format?
[08-Nov-2006 15:40:49] <asanabria>
[08-Nov-2006 15:41:04] <asanabria> type is gauge
[08-Nov-2006 15:41:18] <asanabria> format is %0.2lf%s
[08-Nov-2006 15:41:50] <creiht> Hmm... That looks correct
[08-Nov-2006 15:43:07] <asanabria> brb got to get something to eat
[08-Nov-2006 15:43:10] <creiht> I wonder if it is a bug with display TB data? Do you have any mount points that have terabyte usage that display correctly?
[08-Nov-2006 15:43:11] <creiht> ok
[08-Nov-2006 15:43:37] <asanabria> no one was 1Terabyte and it reported 10T
[08-Nov-2006 15:44:17] <creiht> It might be a bug for the formatting of the Terabyte, and it accidently reports 10x the size
[08-Nov-2006 15:44:27] <creiht> So all the other values are correct?
[08-Nov-2006 15:46:33] <asanabria> yes
[08-Nov-2006 15:47:14] <creiht> I would guess then that it is probably a bug, and would post it to the mailing list
[08-Nov-2006 16:34:40] <asanabria> quick question does anyone here monitor oracle?
[08-Nov-2006 16:34:42] <asanabria> like tns
[08-Nov-2006 16:35:15] <asanabria> im using this to monitor it in nagios
[08-Nov-2006 16:35:15] <asanabria> check_oracle2 1 aa_prod_gw_support.cci
[08-Nov-2006 16:35:25] <asanabria> i want to do the same under zenoss
[08-Nov-2006 16:35:30] <asanabria> and I am
[08-Nov-2006 16:35:35] <asanabria> but here is my question
[08-Nov-2006 16:35:44] <asanabria> where it says datapoint
[08-Nov-2006 16:36:06] <asanabria> sorry not datapoint but where you set the threshholds at
[08-Nov-2006 16:36:14] <asanabria> for the min and max value
[08-Nov-2006 16:36:30] <asanabria> can I just set it for critical or non critical
[08-Nov-2006 16:37:24] <asanabria> can minimum value be Warning and Maximum value be critical
[08-Nov-2006 16:37:28] <asanabria> ?
[08-Nov-2006 16:38:36] <creiht> Sorry... Can't help you with that one
[08-Nov-2006 16:39:46] <asanabria> well maybe you can with this one
[08-Nov-2006 16:39:56] <asanabria> the min and max value does it only accept integers
[08-Nov-2006 16:39:57] <asanabria> ?
[08-Nov-2006 16:40:05] <asanabria> can it accept strings
[08-Nov-2006 16:46:29] <creiht> I haven't messed with that side of things enough to know
[08-Nov-2006 16:46:36] <creiht> Give it a try and see what happens
[08-Nov-2006 16:56:15] <asanabria> here is something else do I even need datapoints with nagios plugins
[08-Nov-2006 17:05:16] <asanabria> good night creight and thanks for your help
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[09-Nov-2006 14:18:42] <blackdoors> hi
[09-Nov-2006 14:18:53] <blackdoors> all
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[10-Nov-2006 12:19:18] <kiddle> hello anyone here?
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[10-Nov-2006 13:47:48] <_chris_> hello hiddle
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[11-Nov-2006 00:16:32] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Computerworld Malaysia] Microsoft embraces AJAX, IronPython
[11-Nov-2006 00:16:33] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116316500169167262
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[12-Nov-2006 00:17:06] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Front Range Pythoneering: Pythoneers Monthly Meeting - This Wednesday, Nov 15, in Boulder, Colorado
[12-Nov-2006 00:17:07] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116329197789368624
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[13-Nov-2006 13:38:15] <jb_> are you guys aware that the download link on the website is broken?
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[15-Nov-2006 00:19:08] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Richard Jones' Stuff] OSDC tutorials and program
[15-Nov-2006 00:19:09] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116352776755277159
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[15-Nov-2006 10:06:46] <ke4qqq> quick question - I am doing an upgrade to the VM, and am at the point where I run 'zeoctl start' however it's producing a ton of dots, and has been for 15 minutes or so....should it take this long, or is something gone awry.
[15-Nov-2006 10:14:52] <zaf> i think it's normal
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[15-Nov-2006 10:19:20] <ke4qqq> how long should it take?
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[15-Nov-2006 21:07:37] *** Plouj has joined #zenoss
[15-Nov-2006 21:07:39] <Plouj> hi
[15-Nov-2006 21:07:45] <Plouj> so, is zenoss completely free
[15-Nov-2006 21:07:50] <Plouj> unless I _want_ to pay for it?
[15-Nov-2006 21:08:04] <Plouj> I'm not finding any reference to a license on the website
[15-Nov-2006 21:08:20] <Plouj> oh, now I found it
[15-Nov-2006 21:11:06] <Plouj> I can't wait to try zenos
[15-Nov-2006 21:11:07] <Plouj> s
[15-Nov-2006 21:27:19] *** b_52Centos has quit IRC
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[15-Nov-2006 22:45:43] <Plouj> humm
[15-Nov-2006 22:46:06] <Plouj> is there something I need to do to remove the default 'admin' user? It seems that after I created my first user I can still login as admin:zenoss
[15-Nov-2006 23:40:01] *** phobosd has quit IRC
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[16-Nov-2006 00:19:43] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Cheese Shop] hachoir-parser 0.6.2
[16-Nov-2006 00:19:44] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116359394728861518
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[16-Nov-2006 02:45:15] <paul_> Does Zenoss support distributed monitoring?
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[16-Nov-2006 05:48:55] *** UH-Matt has joined #zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 05:49:18] <UH-Matt> does zenoss have reports available to public, for uptime of devices, that could be included or linked to on webpages?
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[16-Nov-2006 11:21:25] *** frenzied_pencil has joined #Zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 11:21:42] <frenzied_pencil> anyone around?
[16-Nov-2006 11:29:07] *** tomi has joined #zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 11:52:24] <frenzied_pencil> this place is always dead.
[16-Nov-2006 13:03:23] *** corr has joined #zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 13:03:34] <corr> anyone around?
[16-Nov-2006 13:06:27] <frenzied_pencil> no
[16-Nov-2006 13:06:30] <frenzied_pencil> no one says anything here.
[16-Nov-2006 13:06:39] * frenzied_pencil watches a tumbleweed roll by.
[16-Nov-2006 13:09:06] <corr> i know :/
[16-Nov-2006 13:09:13] <corr> having trouble getting some data via snmp
[16-Nov-2006 13:09:27] <corr> the plugins that I see on the mailing list (ie zenoss.snmp.HPCPUMap)
[16-Nov-2006 13:09:41] <corr> should those be in zenoss/bin/Products/DataCollection/plugins?
[16-Nov-2006 13:12:34] <frenzied_pencil> I have no idea, I've only messed with nagios plugins, they go in $ZENHOME/libexec
[16-Nov-2006 13:14:36] <corr> grr
[16-Nov-2006 13:14:42] <corr> for like 5 of the processes
[16-Nov-2006 13:14:42] <corr> Failure: _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1044, "Access denied for user 'zenoss'@'localhost' to database 'events'")
[16-Nov-2006 13:14:49] <corr> nowhere have i defined to use the events database
[16-Nov-2006 13:15:00] <corr> im not sure where this information is coming from
[16-Nov-2006 13:15:50] <frenzied_pencil> why not allow access to the db from user zenoss and go from there?
[16-Nov-2006 13:16:40] <corr> well the db is named 'zenoss'
[16-Nov-2006 13:16:43] <corr> and zenoss has access to it
[16-Nov-2006 13:16:48] <corr> the web panel is working fine
[16-Nov-2006 13:17:06] <frenzied_pencil> so create a database named events and give zenoss access.
[16-Nov-2006 13:17:10] <corr> maybe I should just start over and name the DB events
[16-Nov-2006 13:17:20] <corr> sec
[16-Nov-2006 13:17:45] <corr> so zenoss uses two databases?
[16-Nov-2006 13:18:27] <frenzied_pencil> no, but the db name is events.
[16-Nov-2006 13:18:32] <corr> ok
[16-Nov-2006 13:18:38] <corr> im gonna start over with the events db
[16-Nov-2006 13:18:39] <corr> brb
[16-Nov-2006 13:20:48] * frenzied_pencil flicks some of the idleing developers in the pupil.
[16-Nov-2006 13:21:59] <corr>
[16-Nov-2006 13:30:43] <corr> rm
[16-Nov-2006 13:30:44] <corr> Zenoss not initialized. Performing first-boot initialization...
[16-Nov-2006 13:30:44] <corr> ERROR 1044 (42000) at line 3: Access denied for user 'zenoss'@'localhost' to database 'events'
[16-Nov-2006 13:36:22] <frenzied_pencil> go into mysql
[16-Nov-2006 13:36:30] <frenzied_pencil> and grant all privs to user zenoss on db events
[16-Nov-2006 14:02:55] <corr> okey.. sorry had a meeting
[16-Nov-2006 14:07:05] <corr> ok, no mysql errors
[16-Nov-2006 14:08:53] <corr> problem loading plugin:zenoss.cmd.uname
[16-Nov-2006 14:08:54] <corr> etc
[16-Nov-2006 14:09:00] <corr> when I try to model a device..
[16-Nov-2006 14:09:11] <corr> loading collector plugins from:/opt/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/plugins
[16-Nov-2006 16:05:04] <frenzied_pencil> exit
[16-Nov-2006 16:05:07] <frenzied_pencil> er
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[16-Nov-2006 16:38:37] *** Eric_ has joined #zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 16:39:40] <Eric_> Having a little bit of trouble. anyone up for some questions?
[16-Nov-2006 16:41:24] <Eric__> anyone?
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[16-Nov-2006 17:39:10] <quux> eric, best if you just ask your q ... then be prepared for a wait ..
[16-Nov-2006 18:32:42] *** Eric has joined #zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 18:34:42] <Meldawn> i am having some issues adding cisco devices. can anyone help me out a little?
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[17-Nov-2006 00:20:19] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [comp.lang.python.announce] New parallel computing module for Python
[17-Nov-2006 00:20:20] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116369894167141051
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[17-Nov-2006 11:32:55] *** Meldawn has joined #zenoss
[17-Nov-2006 13:08:45] <Meldawn> got a difficult one for somebody. snmpwalk works, tcpdump is showing lots of info running across it. zenmodler will collet interfaces and device info if told to run manually. But when Collect COnfiguration is ran from the GUI the client timesout.
[17-Nov-2006 13:09:34] <Meldawn> I've set the timeout to 9.5 and it still does the same so does set the retry to 2
[17-Nov-2006 13:09:59] <Meldawn> anyone have any ideas?
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[17-Nov-2006 14:11:55] <Plouj> humm
[17-Nov-2006 14:12:09] <Plouj> any idea how to disable the admin user on the zenoss web interface?
[17-Nov-2006 14:12:20] <Plouj> I can still login as admin:zenoss even though no such user exists
[17-Nov-2006 14:21:41] *** gumpa has joined #zenoss
[17-Nov-2006 14:28:48] <Meldawn> no idea.. only thing i can see to do is Default Admin Level =0 and set the role to tester.
[17-Nov-2006 14:46:33] <Plouj> ok
[17-Nov-2006 14:46:48] <Plouj> now, for some reason zendisc doesn't discover any routers or any machines on my network, at all
[17-Nov-2006 14:46:56] <Plouj> all I get is this: http://pastebin.ca/251110
[17-Nov-2006 14:47:03] <adytum-bot> Title: general pastebin - Plouj - post number 251110 (at pastebin.ca)
[17-Nov-2006 14:47:12] <Plouj> is there anything that's required for discovery to work?
[17-Nov-2006 14:50:48] <Meldawn> im new so i cant help you out on this one.
[17-Nov-2006 14:53:12] *** jb__ has joined #zenoss
[17-Nov-2006 14:53:21] <jb__> anyone around that could give me a hand with zenmodelor?
[17-Nov-2006 14:53:36] <jb__> no snmp plugins found for kyxx.com .. is the error I am getting
[17-Nov-2006 14:53:41] <jb__> as far as I can tell, my plugins are there
[17-Nov-2006 14:57:26] <Plouj> Meldawn: where do I set the default admin lvl?
[17-Nov-2006 15:05:12] <Plouj> can someone tell me what DMD is?
[17-Nov-2006 15:09:21] <jb__> bleh, everything seems broken on 1.0 compared to 0.23 :/
[17-Nov-2006 15:09:38] <Meldawn> Plouj: i found it in the Preferences at the top.
[17-Nov-2006 15:09:49] <jb__> zendisc doent work
[17-Nov-2006 15:10:02] <Meldawn> jb__: I have all sorts of issues also.
[17-Nov-2006 15:10:02] <jb__> can you guys tell me if you have a bunch of files in $ZENHOME/Products/DataCollector/plugins?
[17-Nov-2006 15:10:18] <jb__> :/
[17-Nov-2006 15:10:28] <Meldawn> jb__: yup
[17-Nov-2006 15:10:44] <jb__> SysedgeDiskMap.py
[17-Nov-2006 15:10:48] <jb__> and such?
[17-Nov-2006 15:11:21] <Meldawn> jb__: dont have that file in that dir.
[17-Nov-2006 15:11:43] <jb__> well, I finally got SNMP device polling SORT OF working
[17-Nov-2006 15:11:55] <jb__> still doesnt give me much info on standar dlinux boxes.. no disk info, etc
[17-Nov-2006 15:12:13] <Meldawn> I dont know if there is anyone here that can really help at all.. I dont have a working version yet either.
[17-Nov-2006 15:12:29] <jb__> on 0.23, for zendisc, all I had to do was run zendisc run --net, and it modeled every device on taht subnet
[17-Nov-2006 15:12:35] <jb__> on 1.0, it doesnt even work
[17-Nov-2006 15:12:58] <jb__> have you been using zendisc?
[17-Nov-2006 15:13:26] <Meldawn> I keep getting Client Timeout on collect configuratio
[17-Nov-2006 15:13:47] <Meldawn> hell i cant even model one device.
[17-Nov-2006 15:14:04] <jb__> hm
[17-Nov-2006 15:14:05] <jb__> :/
[17-Nov-2006 15:14:33] <Meldawn> tcpdump has all sorts of snmp info running through it.
[17-Nov-2006 15:14:47] <Plouj> well
[17-Nov-2006 15:15:01] <Plouj> the good thing is that it's damn easy to turn on a virtual appliance with an older version
[17-Nov-2006 15:15:20] <jb__> Mel: thats strange
[17-Nov-2006 15:15:24] <jb__> i think ive read your email threads
[17-Nov-2006 15:19:35] <Plouj> for me, zendisc finds some devices, but I see a lot of python erors while it runs...
[17-Nov-2006 15:20:34] <lslatr> hum maybe you need to run zenmigrate?
[17-Nov-2006 15:20:41] <lslatr> after upgrade
[17-Nov-2006 15:21:12] <Plouj> for me, this is an initial installation
[17-Nov-2006 15:22:38] <jb__> yeah i did a clean install
[17-Nov-2006 15:23:12] <lslatr> strange
[17-Nov-2006 15:27:01] <jb__> ERROR:zen.ZenDisc:Error performing net descovery on 'Connection' object has no attribute 'autocommit'
[17-Nov-2006 15:27:01] <jb__> Traceback (most recent call last):
[17-Nov-2006 15:27:12] <jb__> whatever the hell that means
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[17-Nov-2006 20:35:28] <Plouj> so, on my win2k boxes it's best to install netsnmp to enable automatic discovery of those machines in zenoss, right?
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[18-Nov-2006 00:20:52] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Andrew Kuchling] Arlington sprint this Saturday
[18-Nov-2006 00:20:53] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116376222653041417
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[18-Nov-2006 12:34:51] <Plouj-> humm
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[18-Nov-2006 12:35:28] <Plouj-> I'm wondering if anyone has ideas of ways to unattendedly install SNMP services on client Windows machines
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[19-Nov-2006 00:21:26] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - Brain Waste - 18 Nov, 06:14AM
[19-Nov-2006 00:21:27] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/62583.html
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[19-Nov-2006 04:33:52] <gogosys> Hello somebody there?
[19-Nov-2006 04:42:24] <quux> hi
[19-Nov-2006 04:48:33] <gogosys> when is start this stuff it ask me about password
[19-Nov-2006 04:52:19] <gogosys> ok zenoss user :
[19-Nov-2006 04:56:25] <gogosys> can someone look
[19-Nov-2006 05:05:00] <quux> looks like a broken install
[19-Nov-2006 05:08:44] <gogosys> hmm what to do?
[19-Nov-2006 05:10:43] <gogosys> 2006-11-19T05:08:29 INFO ZServer HTTP server started at Sun Nov 19 05:08:29 2006
[19-Nov-2006 05:10:44] <gogosys> Hostname:
[19-Nov-2006 05:10:44] <gogosys> Port: 8080
[19-Nov-2006 05:14:58] <gogosys> I don't see any erros
[19-Nov-2006 05:15:01] <gogosys> in logs
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[20-Nov-2006 13:15:40] <mikeryan> Does anybody here know what the difference between a service and a process is?
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[21-Nov-2006 09:38:46] <ke4qqq> hey gyus, just downloaded the 1.0 vm, (previously had tried the 0.22 vm) and added several machines to it, unfortuantely a lot of data isn't being captured. (I have the informant snmp mib software on the win clients but this is affecting both win and lin boxes) A lot of information is garnered, but things like disk utilization, disk free space, etc just isn't getting through. logs from zenperfsnmp show that it collected 0 of 0 devices....am I do
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[21-Nov-2006 11:09:10] <ke4qqq> hmmm....it doesn't appear to be doing any collection at all......even after 20+ hours of running, it appears that the last collection was the date the device was added.....
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[21-Nov-2006 13:37:00] <bakabaka> hiya
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[21-Nov-2006 14:24:48] <giesen> how do I edit the base url zenoss uses
[21-Nov-2006 14:25:03] <giesen> when it sends out alert emails
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[21-Nov-2006 20:14:27] <giesen> is there any way to copy templates between machines?
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[22-Nov-2006 00:23:02] -__adytum-bot__- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [NewsForge] Scripting with KSpread 2.0
[22-Nov-2006 00:23:03] -__adytum-bot__- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116410751736129852
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[22-Nov-2006 05:18:08] <hornos> hi
[22-Nov-2006 05:21:06] <hornos> I need some help with Zenoss 1.0.0 installation
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[22-Nov-2006 05:44:34] <hornos> hi there!
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[22-Nov-2006 10:34:27] <chet> Has anyone had problems with zenping taking so long to build the pingtree that its 5 minute heartbeat fails?
[22-Nov-2006 11:30:48] <giesen> sdfsd
[22-Nov-2006 11:31:28] <giesen> anyone alive?
[22-Nov-2006 11:31:46] <giesen> is there any way to copy perfconf templates between devices??
[22-Nov-2006 11:35:29] <chet> Yes, go to the place where it is defined, check it and choose copy.
[22-Nov-2006 11:35:35] <chet> Go to where you want it and click paste.
[22-Nov-2006 11:37:03] <giesen> there is no copy button
[22-Nov-2006 11:37:26] <giesen> and it looks like I can export it
[22-Nov-2006 11:37:31] <giesen> but there's no way to import that I can find
[22-Nov-2006 11:38:13] <chet> Are there checkboxes next to any of the templates in the list?
[22-Nov-2006 11:40:20] <giesen> yep
[22-Nov-2006 11:40:29] <giesen> well I'm in the template itself
[22-Nov-2006 11:40:53] <giesen> oh I see it
[22-Nov-2006 11:40:57] <giesen> gotta go up a level
[22-Nov-2006 11:40:58] <giesen> thanks.
[22-Nov-2006 11:43:40] <giesen> I'll have to put in a ticket for that
[22-Nov-2006 11:43:46] <giesen> there's no way to copy it to the local device
[22-Nov-2006 11:43:54] <giesen> only a group of devices
[22-Nov-2006 11:46:19] <chet> That doesn't sound right, but I don't have an instance available to me at the moment.
[22-Nov-2006 13:22:31] <giesen> can you still do the simple dashboard with 1.0?
[22-Nov-2006 13:22:43] <giesen> I'm trying to follow the instructions on the wiki
[22-Nov-2006 13:22:51] <giesen> but zenoss keeps redirecting me back
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[22-Nov-2006 19:57:13] <giesen> anyone know why I'm not getting filesystem usage on one of my freebsd boxes?
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[23-Nov-2006 14:50:11] <zenosstester> hello
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[23-Nov-2006 23:59:20] <Zakir> Hi. I have a couple of simple questions regarding Zenoss administration.
[24-Nov-2006 00:01:30] <Zakir> Mainly, what is the difference between services and processes within Zenoss? According to the admin guide, Zenoss can monitor processes running on the network -- does this mean any processes on a linux box -- such as apache or a daemon?
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[24-Nov-2006 00:24:05] -__adytum-bot__- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Floris Bruynooghe] Warnings revisited (aka logging vs warnings)
[24-Nov-2006 00:24:06] -__adytum-bot__- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116427707035054854
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[24-Nov-2006 11:17:54] <chet> Anyone here have problems with zenping taking longer than 5 minutes to build the pingtree?
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[24-Nov-2006 12:23:25] <giesen> is regex matching in zenoss case sensitive or insensitive?
[24-Nov-2006 12:23:58] <che1> sensitive
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[26-Nov-2006 13:21:53] <sCa|Kyrios> hi there
[26-Nov-2006 13:22:36] <sCa|Kyrios> I cannot find any information on how to change the default admin password within the zenoss vmware appliance
[26-Nov-2006 13:23:08] <sCa|Kyrios> Does anyone know how to do this?
[26-Nov-2006 13:35:01] <sCa|Kyrios> okay
[26-Nov-2006 13:35:09] <sCa|Kyrios> found smoething in a ticket about it
[26-Nov-2006 13:35:14] <sCa|Kyrios> ....
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[27-Nov-2006 04:51:48] <ricky> anyone here?
[27-Nov-2006 04:57:13] <ricky> i am running the VM version on a windows machine, everything is running great however i cannot seem to get the harddrive usedbytes, free bytes, or, %Util on a regular basis. I will somtimes see it but most of the time it is just "unknown". i a looking for this information from a few windows server all running snmp and wmi
[27-Nov-2006 04:57:50] <ricky> is there somthing else i need to do at the server?
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[28-Nov-2006 00:26:07] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Cheese Shop] NetCube 0.1.0
[28-Nov-2006 00:26:08] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116463487139297015
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[28-Nov-2006 12:06:57] <giesen> where is the mysql db password stored in zenoss
[28-Nov-2006 12:07:01] <giesen> I seem to have misplaced it
[28-Nov-2006 12:22:11] <creiht> giesen: Open up http://zenhost:8080/zport/dmd/ZenEventManager/manage
[28-Nov-2006 12:22:14] <creiht> And then click the properties tab
[28-Nov-2006 12:23:00] <creiht> That should show you all the info you need
[28-Nov-2006 12:59:18] <giesen> mucho gracias senor
[28-Nov-2006 13:52:00] <creiht> de nada
[28-Nov-2006 15:21:21] <giesen> man 1.0.1 fixed a lot of notification issues
[28-Nov-2006 15:22:46] <creiht> Whoa... I go away on vacation and a lot gets released
[28-Nov-2006 15:33:40] <giesen> yeah 1.0 took me by surprise
[28-Nov-2006 15:35:19] <giesen> gah
[28-Nov-2006 15:35:26] <giesen> I upgraded from 0.22.1 on one of the boxes
[28-Nov-2006 15:35:31] <giesen> and it hosed a bunch of stuff
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[29-Nov-2006 00:26:40] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - Keyboard Review: the Logitech diNovo Edge, with Linux - 28 Nov, 08:23AM
[29-Nov-2006 00:26:41] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/62855.html
[29-Nov-2006 00:26:42] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Cheese Shop] spoonrpc 0.1.1
[29-Nov-2006 00:26:43] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116471314244675614
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[29-Nov-2006 06:56:29] *** Coolio has joined #zenoss
[29-Nov-2006 06:56:43] <Coolio> hi ppl
[29-Nov-2006 06:56:59] <Coolio> need help with snmp traps
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[29-Nov-2006 14:09:39] <giesen> page alerts seem to be borked
[29-Nov-2006 14:10:14] <giesen> Test failed: socket.error (61, 'Connection refused') 2006/11/29 14:04:42
[29-Nov-2006 14:10:27] <giesen> regardless of what I address I put in the field
[29-Nov-2006 14:10:33] <giesen> even if it matches the other
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[30-Nov-2006 00:27:13] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - "This bash shell is now fully operational!" - 30 Nov, 04:20AM
[30-Nov-2006 00:27:14] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/63106.html
[30-Nov-2006 00:27:15] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Voidspace] Ordered Dictionary 0.2.2
[30-Nov-2006 00:27:16] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116482329035570140
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[30-Nov-2006 07:48:12] <ruxpin> oh hi
[30-Nov-2006 07:48:18] <ruxpin> I'm installin zenoss on Gentoo
[30-Nov-2006 07:48:45] <ruxpin> do I need to manually create the user to mysql db?
[30-Nov-2006 07:48:47] <ruxpin> ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'zenoss'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
[30-Nov-2006 07:48:50] <ruxpin> mysql install, user or password is incorrect
[30-Nov-2006 08:10:23] <ruxpin> hmm, can I get the zenoss package without the bundled dependencies?
[30-Nov-2006 08:10:36] <ruxpin> zope, rrdtool, pycrypto etc..
[30-Nov-2006 08:10:47] <ruxpin> nagios..
[30-Nov-2006 08:10:54] <ruxpin> I've got all of them already on the system
[30-Nov-2006 08:16:37] <ruxpin> or is there a reason why zenoss uses it's bundled deps?
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[30-Nov-2006 16:37:22] <zaplutus> Anyone not idle?
[30-Nov-2006 16:37:41] <creiht> If you ask... They will come
[30-Nov-2006 16:38:14] <zaplutus> I just installed Zenoss. I'm used to Nagios and I'm having some trouble understanding how Zenoss works.
[30-Nov-2006 16:38:30] <zaplutus> Particularly how services are monitored
[30-Nov-2006 16:39:03] <zaplutus> I read the Admin Guide and understand how to add a service, and how to turn on monitoring, but it doesn't really seem to monitor the service.
[30-Nov-2006 16:39:20] <zaplutus> I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, just not sure what.
[30-Nov-2006 16:43:13] <creiht> One of the things that caught me the first time that I started using it is that configurations are reloaded every 20 minutes
[30-Nov-2006 16:43:21] <creiht> So when you start monitoring
[30-Nov-2006 16:43:36] <creiht> It may not actually start polling for up to 20 minutes
[30-Nov-2006 16:43:44] <zaplutus> I think mine is set to 30 mins, which can be changed
[30-Nov-2006 16:45:07] <creiht> It will also reload the configs if you restart zenoss
[30-Nov-2006 16:45:22] <zaplutus> Which I've done
[30-Nov-2006 16:45:36] <creiht> Which service are you monitoring?
[30-Nov-2006 16:45:43] <zaplutus> I think my problem is I don't understand how it works. So I'm not sure how to add a service to monitor.
[30-Nov-2006 16:46:00] <zaplutus> Right now I'd just like to monitor apache, so I can get a feel for the program
[30-Nov-2006 16:46:04] <creiht> ahh
[30-Nov-2006 16:46:05] <creiht> ok
[30-Nov-2006 16:46:14] <creiht> You have added a device then?
[30-Nov-2006 16:46:41] <zaplutus> yes
[30-Nov-2006 16:46:53] <zaplutus> and Zenoss is collecting some SNMP data from it
[30-Nov-2006 16:47:15] <creiht> Navigate to that device in Zenoss
[30-Nov-2006 16:47:19] <zaplutus> ok
[30-Nov-2006 16:47:21] <creiht> And then click on the OS tab
[30-Nov-2006 16:47:25] <zaplutus> ok
[30-Nov-2006 16:47:49] <creiht> The table titled IP Services will show the services it detected
[30-Nov-2006 16:47:52] <zaplutus> I see 4 ip services, none of them are web related
[30-Nov-2006 16:48:10] <creiht> Interesting
[30-Nov-2006 16:48:13] <zaplutus> How does it detect the service?
[30-Nov-2006 16:48:19] <creiht> It uses SNMP to detect the service
[30-Nov-2006 16:48:35] <zaplutus> Ok, do I need to do anything special with my snmpd.conf?
[30-Nov-2006 16:48:38] <creiht> So was apache running when you originally collected the configuration?
[30-Nov-2006 16:48:40] <creiht> nope
[30-Nov-2006 16:48:55] <zaplutus> well...
[30-Nov-2006 16:50:18] <creiht> If it is running right now, try recollecting by clicking on the Manage tab
[30-Nov-2006 16:50:41] <creiht> and then click the "Collect Configuration" button
[30-Nov-2006 16:51:14] <zaplutus> I added 'proc apache2 1' to my snmpd.conf and that made it show up
[30-Nov-2006 16:51:24] <zaplutus> as OS Processes
[30-Nov-2006 16:52:05] <creiht> hmmm I don't think that is exactly what you want
[30-Nov-2006 16:52:15] <zaplutus> It's not from what I see
[30-Nov-2006 16:53:11] <creiht> Have you tried re-collecting the configuration?
[30-Nov-2006 16:53:37] <zaplutus> yeah
[30-Nov-2006 16:54:06] <creiht> And http still doesn't show up in IP Services?
[30-Nov-2006 16:54:27] <zaplutus> nope
[30-Nov-2006 16:54:47] <zaplutus> Do I need to change something so it looks for a process called apache2/
[30-Nov-2006 16:54:49] <zaplutus> ?
[30-Nov-2006 16:54:59] <creiht> Shouldn't have to
[30-Nov-2006 16:57:36] <creiht> When zenoss collects the config, it basically does an snmp walk
[30-Nov-2006 16:57:48] <creiht> In that walk, snmp tells it what processes are running
[30-Nov-2006 16:57:59] <creiht> And what ports are being used
[30-Nov-2006 16:58:12] <creiht> It then maps those to known values
[30-Nov-2006 16:58:20] <creiht> So for example apache normally runs on port 90
[30-Nov-2006 16:58:21] <creiht> err 80
[30-Nov-2006 16:58:43] <creiht> It would then start monitoring that port
[30-Nov-2006 16:59:44] <creiht> Is apache running on the standard port?
[30-Nov-2006 17:00:21] <zaplutus> yeah
[30-Nov-2006 17:00:40] <zaplutus> I just did a snmpbulkwalk -c public -v2c
[30-Nov-2006 17:00:48] <zaplutus> and i didn't see anything about processes
[30-Nov-2006 17:01:08] <creiht> hmmm
[30-Nov-2006 17:01:17] <zaplutus> heh
[30-Nov-2006 17:01:23] <zaplutus> snmpwalk works better
[30-Nov-2006 17:01:54] <zaplutus> It's showing apache2 running
[30-Nov-2006 17:03:21] <creiht> Well I think we are approaching the end of my expertise
[30-Nov-2006 17:03:37] <creiht> Other than I know it works over here
[30-Nov-2006 17:03:49] <zaplutus> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPath.12385 = STRING: "/usr/sbin/apache2"
[30-Nov-2006 17:03:50] <zaplutus> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPath.12387 = STRING: "/usr/sbin/apache2"
[30-Nov-2006 17:03:50] <zaplutus> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPath.12388 = STRING: "/usr/sbin/apache2"
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:19] <creiht> Well I just had another thought
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:29] <creiht> Is it a linux box?
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:31] <zaplutus> Go back to Nagios?
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:33] <zaplutus> heh
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:34] <creiht> hehe
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:37] <creiht> no way
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:43] <zaplutus> It's ubuntu running in Xen
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:47] <creiht> ok
[30-Nov-2006 17:05:05] <creiht> When you added the device, where in the device tree did you put it?
[30-Nov-2006 17:05:32] <zaplutus> /Server/Linux/Dell/
[30-Nov-2006 17:05:46] <creiht> That should be right
[30-Nov-2006 17:06:01] <creiht> I would send an email to the mailing list
[30-Nov-2006 17:06:11] <creiht> The devs seem to be pretty responsive on there
[30-Nov-2006 17:06:12] <zaplutus>
[30-Nov-2006 17:06:30] <creiht> hmmm
[30-Nov-2006 17:09:36] <creiht> zaplutus: When you do the snmp walk do you see a line like:
[30-Nov-2006 17:09:37] <creiht> TCP-MIB::tcpConnLocalPort. = INTEGER: 80
[30-Nov-2006 17:10:06] <zaplutus> Not for port 80
[30-Nov-2006 17:10:15] <zaplutus> I guess thats why
[30-Nov-2006 17:10:17] <creiht> Is apache running on port 80?
[30-Nov-2006 17:10:17] <zaplutus> odd
[30-Nov-2006 17:10:20] <zaplutus> yeah
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:18] <creiht> Yeah that is why it's not detecting http running
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:28] <creiht> Not sure why it would not show up in the snmpwalk though
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:43] <zaplutus> root@guest:~# fuser -v 80/tcp
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:43] <zaplutus> USER PID ACCESS COMMAND
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:43] <zaplutus> 80/tcp: root 12385 F.... apache2
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:43] <zaplutus> www-data 12387 F.... apache2
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:43] <zaplutus> www-data 12388 F.... apache2
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:46] <zaplutus> www-data 12389 F.... apache2
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:48] <zaplutus> www-data 12390 F.... apache2
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:51] <zaplutus> www-data 12391 F.... apache2
[30-Nov-2006 17:12:11] <creiht> heh
[30-Nov-2006 17:12:35] <creiht> Is the snmpd.conf the default that comes with Ubuntu?
[30-Nov-2006 17:13:00] <zaplutus> No, it wasn't working so I used snmpconf to make a new one
[30-Nov-2006 17:15:00] <creiht> Can you paste the config to http://paste.lisp.org/ ?
[30-Nov-2006 17:15:07] <adytum-bot> Title: paste.lisp.org pastebin (at paste.lisp.org)
[30-Nov-2006 17:15:42] <zaplutus> rocommunity public
[30-Nov-2006 17:15:46] <zaplutus> That's pretty much it
[30-Nov-2006 17:16:57] <zaplutus> I'm trying to add another device now and it's telling me the requested resource doesn't exist
[30-Nov-2006 17:18:58] <creiht> Try using an snmpd.conf that looks like
[30-Nov-2006 17:18:59] <creiht> http://paste.lisp.org/display/31046
[30-Nov-2006 17:19:06] <adytum-bot> Title: Paste number 31046: basic snmpd.conf (at paste.lisp.org)
[30-Nov-2006 17:19:55] <creiht> Hmmm I haven't seen that error before
[30-Nov-2006 17:37:13] *** MattPayne has joined #zenoss
[30-Nov-2006 17:39:42] <MattPayne> hello? Does Zenoss allow me to monitor when a windows box starts listening on a TCP port?
[30-Nov-2006 17:40:45] <zaplutus> creiht: How long does Zenoss take to catch a stopped service that's monitored?
[30-Nov-2006 17:53:13] <MattPayne> kinda looks like you can put whatever you like into StatusMonitor.py to run on the desktops.....
[30-Nov-2006 17:54:18] <creiht> zaplutus: Depends on how you have it set up... I think the current default is that it polls every 5 minutes... My installation polls every minute
[30-Nov-2006 17:54:47] <zaplutus> Well, it wasn't working for me then
[30-Nov-2006 17:54:58] <zaplutus> I like the idea of Zenoss, but it's being a bitch
[30-Nov-2006 17:55:54] <zaplutus> I stopped SNMP on one of the devices...
[30-Nov-2006 17:56:01] <zaplutus> It hasn't picked up the change yet
[30-Nov-2006 17:56:25] <creiht> How long has it been?
[30-Nov-2006 17:56:49] <zaplutus> I just restarted Zenoss
[30-Nov-2006 17:56:54] <zaplutus> So not that long
[30-Nov-2006 17:57:08] <zaplutus> How do I change the checks to every minute?
[30-Nov-2006 17:57:18] <creiht> I don't know that off the top of my head
[30-Nov-2006 17:57:24] <creiht> It used to be the default
[30-Nov-2006 17:57:35] <creiht> So that is how I have it that way
[30-Nov-2006 17:58:20] <zaplutus> If I go to Events -> Events
[30-Nov-2006 17:58:23] <zaplutus> It shows the service down
[30-Nov-2006 17:58:25] <zaplutus> In Yellow
[30-Nov-2006 17:58:32] <zaplutus> But not on the dashboard
[30-Nov-2006 17:59:05] <zaplutus> Heh, the OS still shows SNMP as up
[30-Nov-2006 17:59:48] <creiht> zaplutus: Not sure what to tell you... I haven't run into situations like that yet
[30-Nov-2006 18:00:48] <creiht> I'm also a couple of revisions behind
[30-Nov-2006 18:01:58] <zaplutus> I just took down eth0 on one of the devices
[30-Nov-2006 18:02:08] <zaplutus> If that doesn't make this thing alert... then it's junk
[30-Nov-2006 18:02:09] <zaplutus> lol
[30-Nov-2006 18:02:14] <creiht> heh
[30-Nov-2006 18:02:20] <creiht> What version are you using?
[30-Nov-2006 18:02:42] <zaplutus> Whatever the current stable is
[30-Nov-2006 18:02:46] <zaplutus> Well, it's alerting
[30-Nov-2006 18:02:48] <zaplutus> It's amazing
[30-Nov-2006 18:03:52] <creiht> hehe
[30-Nov-2006 18:04:32] <creiht> Well I have been using it for about the past 4 months or so, and has been very usefull so far
[30-Nov-2006 18:05:59] <zaplutus> Still doesn't show apache as running
[30-Nov-2006 18:06:06] <zaplutus> I wonder if it's a ubuntu thing
[30-Nov-2006 18:06:13] *** MattPayne has quit IRC
[30-Nov-2006 18:18:31] <zaplutus> That's the first time taking down a firewall has kicked me off of SSH
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[01-Nov-2006 11:08:47] <tristanbob> hmmm - I am using the vmware image - trying to discover my cisco devices on a network
[01-Nov-2006 11:08:57] <tristanbob> I have added the SNMP string in devices -> zproperties -> zSnmpCommunities
[01-Nov-2006 11:09:03] <tristanbob> then I run "zendisc run"
[01-Nov-2006 11:09:20] <tristanbob> I get and "error: (-2, 'Name or services not known')" and it stops
[01-Nov-2006 11:09:30] <tristanbob> it also complains about the domain name oz.mydomain.com is not valid (it's not, not sure where oz came from)
[01-Nov-2006 11:09:41] <tristanbob> anyone know what I am doing wrong?
[01-Nov-2006 11:42:35] *** Alucard` has joined #Zenoss
[01-Nov-2006 11:42:51] <Alucard`> anyone around?
[01-Nov-2006 13:11:56] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[01-Nov-2006 13:13:55] <chet> Any committers on?
[01-Nov-2006 13:14:48] <Alucard`> no one has said a word all day.
[01-Nov-2006 14:17:33] <tristanbob> Alucard`: seems like the IRC channel is not very active
[01-Nov-2006 14:17:53] <tristanbob> which is too bad - I wanted to get a good eval of zenoss
[01-Nov-2006 14:29:23] <Alucard`> I'm using it.
[01-Nov-2006 14:29:42] <Alucard`> it's a heck of a lot easier to setup and use than nagios.
[01-Nov-2006 14:33:18] <creiht> I think a lot of the users lurk here, and try to help out when they can
[01-Nov-2006 14:33:41] <creiht> But the devs havn't been on as much lately... I know they have been real busy
[01-Nov-2006 14:36:18] *** ashcrow_ has joined #zenoss
[01-Nov-2006 14:37:10] <ashcrow_> I just installed 0.23 and am a bit confused ... where did the nagconf stuff move to?
[01-Nov-2006 14:37:34] <Alucard`> a lot of open sores projects require at least one or two developers to idle on their freenode chans.
[01-Nov-2006 14:37:45] <Alucard`> I suspect zenoss has only a handful of employees.
[01-Nov-2006 14:38:03] <creiht> pokes oubiwann
[01-Nov-2006 14:39:07] <ashcrow_> it's been driving me nuts :-P
[01-Nov-2006 14:39:39] <creiht> They do monitor the mailing list pretty actively, so if you are running into issues that can't be answered here right now, I would suggest posting it to the mailing list
[01-Nov-2006 14:39:47] <ashcrow_> ok
[01-Nov-2006 14:39:59] <creiht> ashcrow_: What problem are you running in to?
[01-Nov-2006 14:40:15] <ashcrow_> creiht: I moved to 0.23 from 0.21 (clean install) ....
[01-Nov-2006 14:40:29] <ashcrow_> creiht: I can't figure out how to setup my nagios stuff ... before I used the NagConf tab
[01-Nov-2006 14:40:41] <Alucard`> I'm on the mailing list, seems like 99% of the stuff is for people who can't install it (user error).
[01-Nov-2006 14:41:22] <ashcrow_> creiht: I installed from the source tar ball and everything works great, just can't find the nagios stuff
[01-Nov-2006 14:41:37] <creiht> ashcrow_: I think they moved the nagios configuration stuff with the normal performance configuration stuff
[01-Nov-2006 14:41:47] <creiht> But I haven't upgraded yet, so I can't tell you for sure
[01-Nov-2006 14:42:39] <creiht> brb
[01-Nov-2006 14:42:45] <ashcrow_> ok
[01-Nov-2006 14:42:51] <ashcrow_> ah ha
[01-Nov-2006 14:43:00] <ashcrow_> looks like your right
[01-Nov-2006 14:43:11] <ashcrow_> Source Type: Command == Nagios
[01-Nov-2006 14:46:22] <ashcrow_> thanks! :-)
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[02-Nov-2006 00:10:45] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Marxy's Musing on Technology] Python and Xcode
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[02-Nov-2006 12:52:03] <Mus> Anyone around for a little help with Centos zenoss install?
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[03-Nov-2006 14:44:26] <_chris__> mus: i can help you
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[03-Nov-2006 14:44:31] <_chris__> mus: are you still around?
[03-Nov-2006 14:44:37] <_chris__> guess not
[03-Nov-2006 14:59:26] <kiddle> anyone around for a little support?
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[03-Nov-2006 15:21:43] <sheraz> hello
[03-Nov-2006 15:45:52] <kiddle> hey sheraz
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[03-Nov-2006 15:47:16] <sheraz> ie have some querries about RRD
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[03-Nov-2006 15:59:17] <kiddle> just ask, someone will answer when they're not afk
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[03-Nov-2006 17:03:22] <kiddle> alo alo marcin
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[04-Nov-2006 00:11:46] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Have you reviewed a FAQ entry today?
[04-Nov-2006 00:11:47] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116259007216564731
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[05-Nov-2006 20:50:53] <cgazaffi> is there anybody here ?
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[06-Nov-2006 00:13:39] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - Don't Use Python 2.5 Just Yet - 05 Nov, 01:46AM
[06-Nov-2006 00:13:40] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/62308.html
[06-Nov-2006 08:52:41] *** zaf has joined #zenoss
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[06-Nov-2006 09:55:01] <Psycho> hello
[06-Nov-2006 09:55:53] <Psycho> someone here?
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[06-Nov-2006 09:58:56] <KnEtTeR> hello again
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[06-Nov-2006 12:20:48] *** joeboo has joined #zenoss
[06-Nov-2006 12:37:59] <joeboo> is there a place where threshold severity is documented? I need to know what a "3" is? Is that info or critical?
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[06-Nov-2006 15:05:38] <^majik^> any idea why I always get this error when adding a device or collect information on a device:
[06-Nov-2006 15:05:42] <^majik^> http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/wLKJlN76.html
[06-Nov-2006 15:06:05] <^majik^> or how to fix it rather
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[07-Nov-2006 00:14:11] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Cheese Shop] hachoir 0.6.1
[07-Nov-2006 00:14:12] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116283943602206193
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[07-Nov-2006 01:05:30] <DaveToo> arg
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[07-Nov-2006 02:00:25] *** chipheo_work has joined #zenoss
[07-Nov-2006 02:00:30] <chipheo_work> hi *
[07-Nov-2006 02:00:45] <chipheo_work> I have a question :-)
[07-Nov-2006 02:01:03] <chipheo_work> I am installing zenoss
[07-Nov-2006 02:01:16] <chipheo_work> it fail when installing simplejson
[07-Nov-2006 02:01:31] <chipheo_work> I tail the log and it says
[07-Nov-2006 02:02:10] <chipheo_work> can not download setuptools-0.6c1-py2.4.egg
[07-Nov-2006 02:02:32] <chipheo_work> I download it to /home/zenoss/zenoss*
[07-Nov-2006 02:03:02] <chipheo_work> after $make clean and ./install.sh again it still fail at the same point
[07-Nov-2006 02:03:14] <chipheo_work> where should I put the file setuptools-0.6c1-py2.4.egg?
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[07-Nov-2006 12:41:19] <phobosd> oi oi
[07-Nov-2006 12:41:36] <phobosd> does anyone know if zendisc can discover just ONE host as aposed to an entire netblock?
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[07-Nov-2006 15:16:33] <asanabria> hello everyone
[07-Nov-2006 15:17:02] <asanabria> I was wondering if someone could help me in getting 2 things on zenoss
[07-Nov-2006 15:17:36] <asanabria> 1 is disk utilization and disk available working on redhat and cpu statistics
[07-Nov-2006 15:17:54] <asanabria> second was cpu statistics
[07-Nov-2006 15:18:02] <asanabria> and im not talking about the graphs
[07-Nov-2006 15:18:26] <asanabria> any help would be appreciated
[07-Nov-2006 16:09:46] <asanabria> does anyone have a minute in helping me with disk utilization not showing up on any of my servers just the total is showing up
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[08-Nov-2006 08:03:51] <[o5]code7of9> q
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[08-Nov-2006 10:56:57] <asanabria> good morning
[08-Nov-2006 10:57:21] <asanabria> can someone help me with zenagios as I went through the uselist and I do not have a NagPerf tab
[08-Nov-2006 11:04:37] <creiht> asanabria: I think in the latest release, they moved the zenagios config stuff to the normal performance config tab
[08-Nov-2006 11:09:36] <asanabria> ty
[08-Nov-2006 11:10:07] <asanabria> hey have you guys had issue inventoring linux boxes... I mean wont show valuse for disk utilization
[08-Nov-2006 11:10:10] <asanabria> \in the OS tab
[08-Nov-2006 11:10:13] <asanabria> just shows total
[08-Nov-2006 11:10:18] <asanabria> and rest unknown
[08-Nov-2006 11:10:57] <creiht> asanabria: How long ago did you add the device?
[08-Nov-2006 11:11:12] <creiht> It most likely hasn't started collecting yet
[08-Nov-2006 11:18:44] <asanabria> been like this for 4 days
[08-Nov-2006 11:18:53] <asanabria> I can graph it if I input the OIDS
[08-Nov-2006 11:19:09] <asanabria> all I have been doing is working on zenoss since saturday
[08-Nov-2006 11:19:12] <asanabria>

[08-Nov-2006 11:19:33] <asanabria> it see's all the mounts
[08-Nov-2006 11:19:45] <asanabria> but it only gets the total amount of disk space
[08-Nov-2006 11:19:55] <asanabria> I already inputted them in device groups
[08-Nov-2006 11:20:03] <asanabria> click collect configuration manually
[08-Nov-2006 11:20:39] <asanabria> I see aot of docs for dell boxes and what not
[08-Nov-2006 11:20:45] <asanabria> but not for generic boxes
[08-Nov-2006 11:20:56] <asanabria> my environment is about 300 Linux servers
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:00] <asanabria> running redhat 4.4
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:18] <asanabria> all servers are silicon mechanics boxes
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:23] <asanabria> which I do not think it matters
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:38] <asanabria> also I do not get cpu stats for any of my boxes when I click on hardware
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:44] <asanabria> besides those things
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:47] <asanabria> I loev zenoss
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:49] <asanabria> love
[08-Nov-2006 11:21:50] <asanabria>

[08-Nov-2006 11:22:15] <asanabria> one last thing thanks for answering my questions in advance
[08-Nov-2006 11:29:39] <creiht> asanabria: hehe... I monitor several Redhat linux boxes that vary from Dell boxes to generic white boxes, and haven't run into any problems
[08-Nov-2006 11:31:27] <creiht> asanabria: I would post a question on the mailinglist. The devs monitor it regularly and are usually fairly prompt at replying to it
[08-Nov-2006 11:33:37] <asanabria> they havent replied yet
[08-Nov-2006 11:33:42] <asanabria> been 2 dys

[08-Nov-2006 11:34:06] <asanabria> not trying to be a pain but i have to sunday to get this up if not my boss will make us continue to use nagios and cacti
[08-Nov-2006 11:34:11] <asanabria> and Im trying to replace both
[08-Nov-2006 11:34:59] <asanabria> are you running 0.23
[08-Nov-2006 11:35:00] <asanabria> ?
[08-Nov-2006 11:35:15] <asanabria> cause I even installed it at home on centoss and its still the same issue
[08-Nov-2006 11:35:56] <creiht> asanabria: I'm running .22... I haven't had a chance to upgrade yet
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:05] <creiht> hmmm
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:18] <asanabria> question do you know if it matters if I put the hardware manufacturer and hardware model in
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:24] <asanabria> cause they are unknown
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:30] <asanabria> maybe thats why
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:33] <asanabria> 0.22
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:35] <asanabria> damnit
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:36] <asanabria> lol
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:49] <creiht> I doubt that is the problem
[08-Nov-2006 11:36:56] <creiht> (the version that is)
[08-Nov-2006 11:37:07] <asanabria> ohh
[08-Nov-2006 11:37:12] <creiht> Where do you have the devices right now in the tree?
[08-Nov-2006 11:37:29] <asanabria> I created a bunch of trees to fit my env
[08-Nov-2006 11:37:33] <creiht> ahhh
[08-Nov-2006 11:37:41] <asanabria> I created a DB Server tree and a WEB server tree
[08-Nov-2006 11:37:54] <asanabria> and a NASSAN tree
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:04] <creiht> What part of the tree did you hang those off of?
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:12] <asanabria> the main tree /
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:17] <creiht> Ahhh
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:20] <creiht> That is the problem

[08-Nov-2006 11:38:30] <asanabria> hmm?
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:33] <asanabria> what do you mean
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:33] <creiht> But can easily be fixed
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:33] <asanabria> ?
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:38] <asanabria> ok
[08-Nov-2006 11:38:47] <creiht> Zenoss uses the tree to define the monitoring templates
[08-Nov-2006 11:39:06] <creiht> So where you put the device in the tree determines what mibs get monitored
[08-Nov-2006 11:39:26] <creiht> And the templates are inherited down the tree
[08-Nov-2006 11:39:37] <creiht> So if you hang it off of the main tree
[08-Nov-2006 11:39:49] <creiht> Then it will only inherit the very basic monitoring template
[08-Nov-2006 11:40:00] <creiht> Are they all linux based servers?
[08-Nov-2006 11:40:31] <asanabria> yes
[08-Nov-2006 11:40:33] <asanabria> linux based
[08-Nov-2006 11:40:50] <creiht> Then I would hang your new device tree items under
[08-Nov-2006 11:41:09] <creiht> /Devices/Server/Linux
[08-Nov-2006 11:41:28] <creiht> So you might have
[08-Nov-2006 11:41:37] <creiht> /Device/Server/Linux/Web Server
[08-Nov-2006 11:41:51] <creiht> That way you inherit the Linux monitoring tempate
[08-Nov-2006 11:41:54] <creiht> err template
[08-Nov-2006 11:42:12] <asanabria> damn I deleted that tree

[08-Nov-2006 11:42:20] <creiht> doh!
[08-Nov-2006 11:42:38] <creiht> Do at least still have Devices/Server ?
[08-Nov-2006 11:42:48] <asanabria> so If i create templates based on the oids on the files system it should show up in the os tab right
[08-Nov-2006 11:42:54] <asanabria> nope

[08-Nov-2006 11:43:12] <creiht> Well I think in theory yes... but not entirely sure
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:21] <creiht> I hate to say this
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:36] <creiht> But you might want to re-install zenoss to get the default trees back
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:48] <creiht> It will give you a lot less headache
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:49] <asanabria> NOOOO

[08-Nov-2006 11:43:52] <creiht> in the long term
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:52] <asanabria> so much work
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:55] <creiht> hehe
[08-Nov-2006 11:43:56] <creiht> hmmm
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:03] <asanabria> well if I have to
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:09] <asanabria> hey really thank you for your help
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:16] <creiht> The other possibility is if there is a way to re-create the tree
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:20] <creiht> np
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:21] <asanabria> I will reinstall at home and this time not delete the trees
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:25] <asanabria> and see what happnes
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:30] <creiht> ok
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:37] <creiht> The default templates are very robust
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:38] <asanabria> doing it right now
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:42] <asanabria> using nomachine to login
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:46] <asanabria> I love that app
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:52] <asanabria> man I wish I knew that
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:53] <asanabria> lol
[08-Nov-2006 11:44:59] <creiht> hehe
[08-Nov-2006 11:45:15] <creiht> It's very unlike cacti where you have to define everything you want to do
[08-Nov-2006 11:45:37] <creiht> By default it will monitor filesystems, interface, cpu load, memory, etc.
[08-Nov-2006 11:46:28] <creiht> I've had to do very little customization for what I need to monitor
[08-Nov-2006 12:07:27] <asanabria> hey
[08-Nov-2006 12:07:29] <asanabria> guess what
[08-Nov-2006 12:07:33] <asanabria> i reinstalled it at home
[08-Nov-2006 12:07:45] <asanabria> and coping the templates manually but it might work
[08-Nov-2006 12:16:17] <asanabria> still did not fix the issue I just have alot more graphs nows which I'm notcomplaining
[08-Nov-2006 12:16:42] <asanabria> but when I collected configuration the mounts still show total disk space for each mount but not the rest of the info
[08-Nov-2006 12:17:06] <asanabria> i also ran zenperfsnmp run -v 10
[08-Nov-2006 12:17:55] <asanabria> eait i spoke to soon
[08-Nov-2006 12:17:58] <asanabria> it did work
[08-Nov-2006 12:18:03] <asanabria> hey thanks again
[08-Nov-2006 12:18:10] <asanabria> really thank you
[08-Nov-2006 12:20:12] <creiht> np
[08-Nov-2006 12:20:17] <creiht> I'm glad it worked out
[08-Nov-2006 13:06:26] <asanabria> here another question
[08-Nov-2006 13:06:34] <asanabria> im assuming im going to havbe to play with the valuse
[08-Nov-2006 13:06:46] <asanabria> cause the disk utilization
[08-Nov-2006 13:06:48] <asanabria> is way off
[08-Nov-2006 13:06:56] <asanabria> it would say that some of my mounts are 10T
[08-Nov-2006 13:07:02] <asanabria> i dont have a mount that big
[08-Nov-2006 13:07:08] <asanabria> the biggest I have is 2 terabytes
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[08-Nov-2006 15:04:11] <asanabria> something not cool just happened.. I rebooted the box zenoss was on and now i login and the dashboard is fine
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:18] <asanabria> but if I click devices
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:22] <asanabria> i get a bunch of errors
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:32] <asanabria> or systems or groups
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:44] <asanabria> Zenoss Error
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:44] <asanabria> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Please use the form below to submit details of this error to Zenoss, Inc.
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:45] <asanabria> Type: KeyError
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:45] <asanabria> Value: 1163016260
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:45] <asanabria> Traceback (innermost last):
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:46] <asanabria> * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 114, in publish
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:48] <asanabria> * Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:57] <asanabria> # Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 40, in call_object
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:57] <asanabria> # Module Products.ZenModel.ZenModelBase, line 49, in __call__
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:57] <asanabria> # Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 311, in __call__
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:57] <asanabria> # Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 348, in _bindAndExec
[08-Nov-2006 15:04:58] <asanabria> # Module Products.CMFCore.FSPageTemplate, line 195, in _exec
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:08] <asanabria> # Module Products.CMFCore.FSPageTemplate, line 134, in pt_render
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:08] <asanabria> # Module Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplate, line 104, in pt_render
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:08] <asanabria> <FSPageTemplate at /zport/deviceOrganizerStatus used for /zport/dmd/Devices>
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:12] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 206, in __call__
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:17] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 250, in interpret
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:17] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 711, in do_useMacro
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:17] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 250, in interpret
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:17] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 426, in do_optTag_tal
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:20] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 411, in do_optTag
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:21] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 406, in no_tag
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:22] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 250, in interpret
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:24] <asanabria> # Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 711, in do_useMacro
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:29] <asanabria> URL: file:ZenModel/skins/zenmodel/deviceOrganizerStatus.pt
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:29] <asanabria> Line 33, Column 4
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:31] <asanabria> Expression: <PythonExpr here.ZenTableManager.getBatch(tableName,objects)>
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:33] <asanabria> Names:
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:35] <asanabria> not sure if anyone has seen this before
[08-Nov-2006 15:05:44] <asanabria> and a bunch of servers went red briefly but now are coming back
[08-Nov-2006 15:11:00] <asanabria> do you have to wait a bit while everything loads up?
[08-Nov-2006 15:34:17] <creiht> asanabria: I haven't seen that before... Can you load the devices now, or did it only happen for that short period of time?
[08-Nov-2006 15:34:33] <asanabria> it worked after like 15 min of loading
[08-Nov-2006 15:34:42] <asanabria> that was scary
[08-Nov-2006 15:34:57] <asanabria> and all the red checks went away
[08-Nov-2006 15:35:11] <creiht> hmm
[08-Nov-2006 15:35:23] <creiht> I have seen it where it acts like things are down when you first start up
[08-Nov-2006 15:35:38] <creiht> But that usually goes away pretty quickly
[08-Nov-2006 15:35:50] <creiht> I haven't seen the problem of opening the devices like that
[08-Nov-2006 15:35:51] <asanabria> ok so thats normal
[08-Nov-2006 15:35:57] <asanabria> cool hey did you ever have issues
[08-Nov-2006 15:36:01] <asanabria> with the mount point
[08-Nov-2006 15:36:05] <asanabria> giving wrong numbers
[08-Nov-2006 15:36:16] <creiht> oh sorry... No I have never had that problem
[08-Nov-2006 15:36:24] <asanabria> like im getting like 10Terabytes for one of my mounts that is less then a terabyte
[08-Nov-2006 15:36:48] <asanabria> well i like the fact that nagios checks work seemlessly
[08-Nov-2006 15:36:58] <asanabria> real esy to configure
[08-Nov-2006 15:37:07] <asanabria> we have been using nagios for over 4 years
[08-Nov-2006 15:37:12] <asanabria> when it was netsaint
[08-Nov-2006 15:37:15] <asanabria> time for a change
[08-Nov-2006 15:37:20] <creiht> Are you getting that as the space used or the total space?
[08-Nov-2006 15:37:33] <asanabria> and we might convert from redhat to suse 10 in the next few months
[08-Nov-2006 15:37:38] <asanabria> spaced used
[08-Nov-2006 15:38:34] <asanabria> oh and its only crazy on the nfs mounts
[08-Nov-2006 15:38:37] <creiht> hmm
[08-Nov-2006 15:38:43] <asanabria> the non nfs mounts are reporting numbers that are correct
[08-Nov-2006 15:38:53] <asanabria> and multipath mounts also reporting numbers that are correct
[08-Nov-2006 15:38:57] <creiht> In your devices tree, navigate to where you have the templates set up
[08-Nov-2006 15:39:20] <asanabria> k im there
[08-Nov-2006 15:39:30] <creiht> Click the PerfConf tab
[08-Nov-2006 15:39:38] <asanabria> yep im there also
[08-Nov-2006 15:39:53] <creiht> And then click on the Filesystem template
[08-Nov-2006 15:39:57] <asanabria> ok
[08-Nov-2006 15:40:18] <creiht> Then Under RRDDataSources, click the usedBlocks Data source
[08-Nov-2006 15:40:29] <asanabria> yep
[08-Nov-2006 15:40:41] <creiht> What are the values for OID, Type, and Format?
[08-Nov-2006 15:40:49] <asanabria>
[08-Nov-2006 15:41:04] <asanabria> type is gauge
[08-Nov-2006 15:41:18] <asanabria> format is %0.2lf%s
[08-Nov-2006 15:41:50] <creiht> Hmm... That looks correct
[08-Nov-2006 15:43:07] <asanabria> brb got to get something to eat
[08-Nov-2006 15:43:10] <creiht> I wonder if it is a bug with display TB data? Do you have any mount points that have terabyte usage that display correctly?
[08-Nov-2006 15:43:11] <creiht> ok
[08-Nov-2006 15:43:37] <asanabria> no one was 1Terabyte and it reported 10T
[08-Nov-2006 15:44:17] <creiht> It might be a bug for the formatting of the Terabyte, and it accidently reports 10x the size
[08-Nov-2006 15:44:27] <creiht> So all the other values are correct?
[08-Nov-2006 15:46:33] <asanabria> yes
[08-Nov-2006 15:47:14] <creiht> I would guess then that it is probably a bug, and would post it to the mailing list
[08-Nov-2006 16:34:40] <asanabria> quick question does anyone here monitor oracle?
[08-Nov-2006 16:34:42] <asanabria> like tns
[08-Nov-2006 16:35:15] <asanabria> im using this to monitor it in nagios
[08-Nov-2006 16:35:15] <asanabria> check_oracle2 1 aa_prod_gw_support.cci
[08-Nov-2006 16:35:25] <asanabria> i want to do the same under zenoss
[08-Nov-2006 16:35:30] <asanabria> and I am
[08-Nov-2006 16:35:35] <asanabria> but here is my question
[08-Nov-2006 16:35:44] <asanabria> where it says datapoint
[08-Nov-2006 16:36:06] <asanabria> sorry not datapoint but where you set the threshholds at
[08-Nov-2006 16:36:14] <asanabria> for the min and max value
[08-Nov-2006 16:36:30] <asanabria> can I just set it for critical or non critical
[08-Nov-2006 16:37:24] <asanabria> can minimum value be Warning and Maximum value be critical
[08-Nov-2006 16:37:28] <asanabria> ?
[08-Nov-2006 16:38:36] <creiht> Sorry... Can't help you with that one
[08-Nov-2006 16:39:46] <asanabria> well maybe you can with this one
[08-Nov-2006 16:39:56] <asanabria> the min and max value does it only accept integers
[08-Nov-2006 16:39:57] <asanabria> ?
[08-Nov-2006 16:40:05] <asanabria> can it accept strings
[08-Nov-2006 16:46:29] <creiht> I haven't messed with that side of things enough to know
[08-Nov-2006 16:46:36] <creiht> Give it a try and see what happens

[08-Nov-2006 16:56:15] <asanabria> here is something else do I even need datapoints with nagios plugins
[08-Nov-2006 17:05:16] <asanabria> good night creight and thanks for your help
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[09-Nov-2006 00:15:16] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Planet Zope] rhizome 0.2.1
[09-Nov-2006 00:15:17] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116299885612672948
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[09-Nov-2006 14:18:42] <blackdoors> hi
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[10-Nov-2006 13:47:48] <_chris_> hello hiddle
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[11-Nov-2006 00:16:32] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Computerworld Malaysia] Microsoft embraces AJAX, IronPython
[11-Nov-2006 00:16:33] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116316500169167262
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[12-Nov-2006 00:17:06] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Front Range Pythoneering: Pythoneers Monthly Meeting - This Wednesday, Nov 15, in Boulder, Colorado
[12-Nov-2006 00:17:07] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116329197789368624
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[13-Nov-2006 13:38:15] <jb_> are you guys aware that the download link on the website is broken?
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[15-Nov-2006 00:19:08] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Richard Jones' Stuff] OSDC tutorials and program
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[15-Nov-2006 10:06:46] <ke4qqq> quick question - I am doing an upgrade to the VM, and am at the point where I run 'zeoctl start' however it's producing a ton of dots, and has been for 15 minutes or so....should it take this long, or is something gone awry.
[15-Nov-2006 10:14:52] <zaf> i think it's normal
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[15-Nov-2006 10:19:20] <ke4qqq> how long should it take?
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[15-Nov-2006 21:02:14] *** landonf has quit IRC
[15-Nov-2006 21:07:37] *** Plouj has joined #zenoss
[15-Nov-2006 21:07:39] <Plouj> hi
[15-Nov-2006 21:07:45] <Plouj> so, is zenoss completely free
[15-Nov-2006 21:07:50] <Plouj> unless I _want_ to pay for it?
[15-Nov-2006 21:08:04] <Plouj> I'm not finding any reference to a license on the website
[15-Nov-2006 21:08:20] <Plouj> oh, now I found it
[15-Nov-2006 21:11:06] <Plouj> I can't wait to try zenos
[15-Nov-2006 21:11:07] <Plouj> s
[15-Nov-2006 21:27:19] *** b_52Centos has quit IRC
[15-Nov-2006 21:29:58] *** b_52Centos has joined #zenoss
[15-Nov-2006 22:23:34] *** b_52Centos has quit IRC
[15-Nov-2006 22:33:19] *** b_52Centos has joined #zenoss
[15-Nov-2006 22:45:43] <Plouj> humm
[15-Nov-2006 22:46:06] <Plouj> is there something I need to do to remove the default 'admin' user? It seems that after I created my first user I can still login as admin:zenoss
[15-Nov-2006 23:40:01] *** phobosd has quit IRC
[15-Nov-2006 23:40:01] *** b_52Centos has quit IRC
[15-Nov-2006 23:40:01] *** Plouj has quit IRC
[15-Nov-2006 23:44:14] *** Plouj has joined #zenoss
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[15-Nov-2006 23:44:14] *** phobosd has joined #zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 00:19:43] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Cheese Shop] hachoir-parser 0.6.2
[16-Nov-2006 00:19:44] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116359394728861518
[16-Nov-2006 01:03:55] *** [Utah]tristanbob has joined #zenoss
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[16-Nov-2006 02:44:09] *** paul_ has joined #zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 02:45:15] <paul_> Does Zenoss support distributed monitoring?
[16-Nov-2006 03:00:16] *** paul_ has left #zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 05:48:55] *** UH-Matt has joined #zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 05:49:18] <UH-Matt> does zenoss have reports available to public, for uptime of devices, that could be included or linked to on webpages?
[16-Nov-2006 10:49:45] *** benny_ has joined #zenoss
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[16-Nov-2006 11:21:25] *** frenzied_pencil has joined #Zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 11:21:42] <frenzied_pencil> anyone around?
[16-Nov-2006 11:29:07] *** tomi has joined #zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 11:52:24] <frenzied_pencil> this place is always dead.
[16-Nov-2006 13:03:23] *** corr has joined #zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 13:03:34] <corr> anyone around?
[16-Nov-2006 13:06:27] <frenzied_pencil> no
[16-Nov-2006 13:06:30] <frenzied_pencil> no one says anything here.
[16-Nov-2006 13:06:39] * frenzied_pencil watches a tumbleweed roll by.
[16-Nov-2006 13:09:06] <corr> i know :/
[16-Nov-2006 13:09:13] <corr> having trouble getting some data via snmp
[16-Nov-2006 13:09:27] <corr> the plugins that I see on the mailing list (ie zenoss.snmp.HPCPUMap)
[16-Nov-2006 13:09:41] <corr> should those be in zenoss/bin/Products/DataCollection/plugins?
[16-Nov-2006 13:12:34] <frenzied_pencil> I have no idea, I've only messed with nagios plugins, they go in $ZENHOME/libexec
[16-Nov-2006 13:14:36] <corr> grr
[16-Nov-2006 13:14:42] <corr> for like 5 of the processes
[16-Nov-2006 13:14:42] <corr> Failure: _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1044, "Access denied for user 'zenoss'@'localhost' to database 'events'")
[16-Nov-2006 13:14:49] <corr> nowhere have i defined to use the events database
[16-Nov-2006 13:15:00] <corr> im not sure where this information is coming from
[16-Nov-2006 13:15:50] <frenzied_pencil> why not allow access to the db from user zenoss and go from there?
[16-Nov-2006 13:16:40] <corr> well the db is named 'zenoss'
[16-Nov-2006 13:16:43] <corr> and zenoss has access to it
[16-Nov-2006 13:16:48] <corr> the web panel is working fine
[16-Nov-2006 13:17:06] <frenzied_pencil> so create a database named events and give zenoss access.
[16-Nov-2006 13:17:10] <corr> maybe I should just start over and name the DB events
[16-Nov-2006 13:17:20] <corr> sec
[16-Nov-2006 13:17:45] <corr> so zenoss uses two databases?
[16-Nov-2006 13:18:27] <frenzied_pencil> no, but the db name is events.
[16-Nov-2006 13:18:32] <corr> ok
[16-Nov-2006 13:18:38] <corr> im gonna start over with the events db
[16-Nov-2006 13:18:39] <corr> brb
[16-Nov-2006 13:20:48] * frenzied_pencil flicks some of the idleing developers in the pupil.
[16-Nov-2006 13:21:59] <corr>

[16-Nov-2006 13:30:43] <corr> rm
[16-Nov-2006 13:30:44] <corr> Zenoss not initialized. Performing first-boot initialization...
[16-Nov-2006 13:30:44] <corr> ERROR 1044 (42000) at line 3: Access denied for user 'zenoss'@'localhost' to database 'events'
[16-Nov-2006 13:36:22] <frenzied_pencil> go into mysql
[16-Nov-2006 13:36:30] <frenzied_pencil> and grant all privs to user zenoss on db events
[16-Nov-2006 14:02:55] <corr> okey.. sorry had a meeting

[16-Nov-2006 14:07:05] <corr> ok, no mysql errors

[16-Nov-2006 14:08:53] <corr> problem loading plugin:zenoss.cmd.uname
[16-Nov-2006 14:08:54] <corr> etc
[16-Nov-2006 14:09:00] <corr> when I try to model a device..
[16-Nov-2006 14:09:11] <corr> loading collector plugins from:/opt/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/plugins
[16-Nov-2006 16:05:04] <frenzied_pencil> exit
[16-Nov-2006 16:05:07] <frenzied_pencil> er
[16-Nov-2006 16:05:10] *** frenzied_pencil has quit IRC
[16-Nov-2006 16:06:48] *** corr has quit IRC
[16-Nov-2006 16:38:37] *** Eric_ has joined #zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 16:39:40] <Eric_> Having a little bit of trouble. anyone up for some questions?
[16-Nov-2006 16:41:24] <Eric__> anyone?
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[16-Nov-2006 16:55:56] *** nictuku has joined #zenoss
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[16-Nov-2006 17:39:10] <quux> eric, best if you just ask your q ... then be prepared for a wait ..
[16-Nov-2006 18:32:42] *** Eric has joined #zenoss
[16-Nov-2006 18:34:42] <Meldawn> i am having some issues adding cisco devices. can anyone help me out a little?
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[17-Nov-2006 00:20:19] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [comp.lang.python.announce] New parallel computing module for Python
[17-Nov-2006 00:20:20] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116369894167141051
[17-Nov-2006 01:50:44] *** quux has quit IRC
[17-Nov-2006 02:03:34] *** quux has joined #zenoss
[17-Nov-2006 11:32:55] *** Meldawn has joined #zenoss
[17-Nov-2006 13:08:45] <Meldawn> got a difficult one for somebody. snmpwalk works, tcpdump is showing lots of info running across it. zenmodler will collet interfaces and device info if told to run manually. But when Collect COnfiguration is ran from the GUI the client timesout.
[17-Nov-2006 13:09:34] <Meldawn> I've set the timeout to 9.5 and it still does the same so does set the retry to 2
[17-Nov-2006 13:09:59] <Meldawn> anyone have any ideas?
[17-Nov-2006 13:28:45] *** lslatr has joined #zenoss
[17-Nov-2006 14:11:55] <Plouj> humm
[17-Nov-2006 14:12:09] <Plouj> any idea how to disable the admin user on the zenoss web interface?
[17-Nov-2006 14:12:20] <Plouj> I can still login as admin:zenoss even though no such user exists
[17-Nov-2006 14:21:41] *** gumpa has joined #zenoss
[17-Nov-2006 14:28:48] <Meldawn> no idea.. only thing i can see to do is Default Admin Level =0 and set the role to tester.
[17-Nov-2006 14:46:33] <Plouj> ok
[17-Nov-2006 14:46:48] <Plouj> now, for some reason zendisc doesn't discover any routers or any machines on my network, at all
[17-Nov-2006 14:46:56] <Plouj> all I get is this: http://pastebin.ca/251110
[17-Nov-2006 14:47:03] <adytum-bot> Title: general pastebin - Plouj - post number 251110 (at pastebin.ca)
[17-Nov-2006 14:47:12] <Plouj> is there anything that's required for discovery to work?
[17-Nov-2006 14:50:48] <Meldawn> im new so i cant help you out on this one.
[17-Nov-2006 14:53:12] *** jb__ has joined #zenoss
[17-Nov-2006 14:53:21] <jb__> anyone around that could give me a hand with zenmodelor?
[17-Nov-2006 14:53:36] <jb__> no snmp plugins found for kyxx.com .. is the error I am getting
[17-Nov-2006 14:53:41] <jb__> as far as I can tell, my plugins are there
[17-Nov-2006 14:57:26] <Plouj> Meldawn: where do I set the default admin lvl?
[17-Nov-2006 15:05:12] <Plouj> can someone tell me what DMD is?
[17-Nov-2006 15:09:21] <jb__> bleh, everything seems broken on 1.0 compared to 0.23 :/
[17-Nov-2006 15:09:38] <Meldawn> Plouj: i found it in the Preferences at the top.
[17-Nov-2006 15:09:49] <jb__> zendisc doent work
[17-Nov-2006 15:10:02] <Meldawn> jb__: I have all sorts of issues also.
[17-Nov-2006 15:10:02] <jb__> can you guys tell me if you have a bunch of files in $ZENHOME/Products/DataCollector/plugins?
[17-Nov-2006 15:10:18] <jb__> :/
[17-Nov-2006 15:10:28] <Meldawn> jb__: yup
[17-Nov-2006 15:10:44] <jb__> SysedgeDiskMap.py
[17-Nov-2006 15:10:48] <jb__> and such?
[17-Nov-2006 15:11:21] <Meldawn> jb__: dont have that file in that dir.
[17-Nov-2006 15:11:43] <jb__> well, I finally got SNMP device polling SORT OF working
[17-Nov-2006 15:11:55] <jb__> still doesnt give me much info on standar dlinux boxes.. no disk info, etc
[17-Nov-2006 15:12:13] <Meldawn> I dont know if there is anyone here that can really help at all.. I dont have a working version yet either.
[17-Nov-2006 15:12:29] <jb__> on 0.23, for zendisc, all I had to do was run zendisc run --net, and it modeled every device on taht subnet
[17-Nov-2006 15:12:35] <jb__> on 1.0, it doesnt even work
[17-Nov-2006 15:12:58] <jb__> have you been using zendisc?
[17-Nov-2006 15:13:26] <Meldawn> I keep getting Client Timeout on collect configuratio
[17-Nov-2006 15:13:47] <Meldawn> hell i cant even model one device.
[17-Nov-2006 15:14:04] <jb__> hm
[17-Nov-2006 15:14:05] <jb__> :/
[17-Nov-2006 15:14:33] <Meldawn> tcpdump has all sorts of snmp info running through it.
[17-Nov-2006 15:14:47] <Plouj> well
[17-Nov-2006 15:15:01] <Plouj> the good thing is that it's damn easy to turn on a virtual appliance with an older version
[17-Nov-2006 15:15:20] <jb__> Mel: thats strange
[17-Nov-2006 15:15:24] <jb__> i think ive read your email threads
[17-Nov-2006 15:19:35] <Plouj> for me, zendisc finds some devices, but I see a lot of python erors while it runs...
[17-Nov-2006 15:20:34] <lslatr> hum maybe you need to run zenmigrate?
[17-Nov-2006 15:20:41] <lslatr> after upgrade
[17-Nov-2006 15:21:12] <Plouj> for me, this is an initial installation
[17-Nov-2006 15:22:38] <jb__> yeah i did a clean install
[17-Nov-2006 15:23:12] <lslatr> strange
[17-Nov-2006 15:27:01] <jb__> ERROR:zen.ZenDisc:Error performing net descovery on 'Connection' object has no attribute 'autocommit'
[17-Nov-2006 15:27:01] <jb__> Traceback (most recent call last):
[17-Nov-2006 15:27:12] <jb__> whatever the hell that means

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[17-Nov-2006 20:02:53] *** Meldawn has left #zenoss
[17-Nov-2006 20:35:28] <Plouj> so, on my win2k boxes it's best to install netsnmp to enable automatic discovery of those machines in zenoss, right?
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[18-Nov-2006 00:15:29] *** quux has quit IRC
[18-Nov-2006 00:20:52] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Andrew Kuchling] Arlington sprint this Saturday
[18-Nov-2006 00:20:53] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116376222653041417
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[18-Nov-2006 12:34:51] <Plouj-> humm
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[18-Nov-2006 12:35:28] <Plouj-> I'm wondering if anyone has ideas of ways to unattendedly install SNMP services on client Windows machines
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[19-Nov-2006 00:21:26] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - Brain Waste - 18 Nov, 06:14AM
[19-Nov-2006 00:21:27] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/62583.html
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[19-Nov-2006 04:33:52] <gogosys> Hello somebody there?
[19-Nov-2006 04:42:24] <quux> hi
[19-Nov-2006 04:48:33] <gogosys> when is start this stuff it ask me about password
[19-Nov-2006 04:52:19] <gogosys> ok zenoss user :
[19-Nov-2006 04:56:25] <gogosys> can someone look
[19-Nov-2006 05:05:00] <quux> looks like a broken install
[19-Nov-2006 05:08:44] <gogosys> hmm what to do?
[19-Nov-2006 05:10:43] <gogosys> 2006-11-19T05:08:29 INFO ZServer HTTP server started at Sun Nov 19 05:08:29 2006
[19-Nov-2006 05:10:44] <gogosys> Hostname:
[19-Nov-2006 05:10:44] <gogosys> Port: 8080
[19-Nov-2006 05:14:58] <gogosys> I don't see any erros
[19-Nov-2006 05:15:01] <gogosys> in logs
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[20-Nov-2006 13:15:40] <mikeryan> Does anybody here know what the difference between a service and a process is?
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[21-Nov-2006 09:38:46] <ke4qqq> hey gyus, just downloaded the 1.0 vm, (previously had tried the 0.22 vm) and added several machines to it, unfortuantely a lot of data isn't being captured. (I have the informant snmp mib software on the win clients but this is affecting both win and lin boxes) A lot of information is garnered, but things like disk utilization, disk free space, etc just isn't getting through. logs from zenperfsnmp show that it collected 0 of 0 devices....am I do
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[21-Nov-2006 11:09:10] <ke4qqq> hmmm....it doesn't appear to be doing any collection at all......even after 20+ hours of running, it appears that the last collection was the date the device was added.....
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[21-Nov-2006 13:37:00] <bakabaka> hiya
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[21-Nov-2006 14:24:48] <giesen> how do I edit the base url zenoss uses
[21-Nov-2006 14:25:03] <giesen> when it sends out alert emails
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[21-Nov-2006 20:14:27] <giesen> is there any way to copy templates between machines?
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[22-Nov-2006 00:23:02] -__adytum-bot__- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [NewsForge] Scripting with KSpread 2.0
[22-Nov-2006 00:23:03] -__adytum-bot__- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116410751736129852
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[22-Nov-2006 05:18:08] <hornos> hi
[22-Nov-2006 05:21:06] <hornos> I need some help with Zenoss 1.0.0 installation
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[22-Nov-2006 05:44:34] <hornos> hi there!
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[22-Nov-2006 10:34:27] <chet> Has anyone had problems with zenping taking so long to build the pingtree that its 5 minute heartbeat fails?
[22-Nov-2006 11:30:48] <giesen> sdfsd
[22-Nov-2006 11:31:28] <giesen> anyone alive?
[22-Nov-2006 11:31:46] <giesen> is there any way to copy perfconf templates between devices??
[22-Nov-2006 11:35:29] <chet> Yes, go to the place where it is defined, check it and choose copy.
[22-Nov-2006 11:35:35] <chet> Go to where you want it and click paste.
[22-Nov-2006 11:37:03] <giesen> there is no copy button
[22-Nov-2006 11:37:26] <giesen> and it looks like I can export it
[22-Nov-2006 11:37:31] <giesen> but there's no way to import that I can find
[22-Nov-2006 11:38:13] <chet> Are there checkboxes next to any of the templates in the list?
[22-Nov-2006 11:40:20] <giesen> yep
[22-Nov-2006 11:40:29] <giesen> well I'm in the template itself
[22-Nov-2006 11:40:53] <giesen> oh I see it
[22-Nov-2006 11:40:57] <giesen> gotta go up a level
[22-Nov-2006 11:40:58] <giesen> thanks.
[22-Nov-2006 11:43:40] <giesen> I'll have to put in a ticket for that
[22-Nov-2006 11:43:46] <giesen> there's no way to copy it to the local device
[22-Nov-2006 11:43:54] <giesen> only a group of devices
[22-Nov-2006 11:46:19] <chet> That doesn't sound right, but I don't have an instance available to me at the moment.
[22-Nov-2006 13:22:31] <giesen> can you still do the simple dashboard with 1.0?
[22-Nov-2006 13:22:43] <giesen> I'm trying to follow the instructions on the wiki
[22-Nov-2006 13:22:51] <giesen> but zenoss keeps redirecting me back
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[22-Nov-2006 19:57:13] <giesen> anyone know why I'm not getting filesystem usage on one of my freebsd boxes?
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[23-Nov-2006 14:50:11] <zenosstester> hello
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[23-Nov-2006 23:59:20] <Zakir> Hi. I have a couple of simple questions regarding Zenoss administration.
[24-Nov-2006 00:01:30] <Zakir> Mainly, what is the difference between services and processes within Zenoss? According to the admin guide, Zenoss can monitor processes running on the network -- does this mean any processes on a linux box -- such as apache or a daemon?
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[24-Nov-2006 00:24:05] -__adytum-bot__- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Floris Bruynooghe] Warnings revisited (aka logging vs warnings)
[24-Nov-2006 00:24:06] -__adytum-bot__- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116427707035054854
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[24-Nov-2006 11:17:54] <chet> Anyone here have problems with zenping taking longer than 5 minutes to build the pingtree?
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[24-Nov-2006 12:23:25] <giesen> is regex matching in zenoss case sensitive or insensitive?
[24-Nov-2006 12:23:58] <che1> sensitive
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[26-Nov-2006 13:21:53] <sCa|Kyrios> hi there
[26-Nov-2006 13:22:36] <sCa|Kyrios> I cannot find any information on how to change the default admin password within the zenoss vmware appliance
[26-Nov-2006 13:23:08] <sCa|Kyrios> Does anyone know how to do this?
[26-Nov-2006 13:35:01] <sCa|Kyrios> okay
[26-Nov-2006 13:35:09] <sCa|Kyrios> found smoething in a ticket about it
[26-Nov-2006 13:35:14] <sCa|Kyrios> ....
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[27-Nov-2006 04:51:48] <ricky> anyone here?
[27-Nov-2006 04:57:13] <ricky> i am running the VM version on a windows machine, everything is running great however i cannot seem to get the harddrive usedbytes, free bytes, or, %Util on a regular basis. I will somtimes see it but most of the time it is just "unknown". i a looking for this information from a few windows server all running snmp and wmi
[27-Nov-2006 04:57:50] <ricky> is there somthing else i need to do at the server?
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[28-Nov-2006 00:26:07] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Cheese Shop] NetCube 0.1.0
[28-Nov-2006 00:26:08] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116463487139297015
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[28-Nov-2006 12:06:57] <giesen> where is the mysql db password stored in zenoss
[28-Nov-2006 12:07:01] <giesen> I seem to have misplaced it
[28-Nov-2006 12:22:11] <creiht> giesen: Open up http://zenhost:8080/zport/dmd/ZenEventManager/manage
[28-Nov-2006 12:22:14] <creiht> And then click the properties tab
[28-Nov-2006 12:23:00] <creiht> That should show you all the info you need
[28-Nov-2006 12:59:18] <giesen> mucho gracias senor
[28-Nov-2006 13:52:00] <creiht> de nada
[28-Nov-2006 15:21:21] <giesen> man 1.0.1 fixed a lot of notification issues
[28-Nov-2006 15:22:46] <creiht> Whoa... I go away on vacation and a lot gets released

[28-Nov-2006 15:33:40] <giesen> yeah 1.0 took me by surprise
[28-Nov-2006 15:35:19] <giesen> gah
[28-Nov-2006 15:35:26] <giesen> I upgraded from 0.22.1 on one of the boxes
[28-Nov-2006 15:35:31] <giesen> and it hosed a bunch of stuff
[28-Nov-2006 17:24:09] *** marcin_ant has joined #zenoss
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[29-Nov-2006 00:26:40] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - Keyboard Review: the Logitech diNovo Edge, with Linux - 28 Nov, 08:23AM
[29-Nov-2006 00:26:41] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/62855.html
[29-Nov-2006 00:26:42] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Cheese Shop] spoonrpc 0.1.1
[29-Nov-2006 00:26:43] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116471314244675614
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[29-Nov-2006 06:56:29] *** Coolio has joined #zenoss
[29-Nov-2006 06:56:43] <Coolio> hi ppl
[29-Nov-2006 06:56:59] <Coolio> need help with snmp traps
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[29-Nov-2006 14:09:39] <giesen> page alerts seem to be borked
[29-Nov-2006 14:10:14] <giesen> Test failed: socket.error (61, 'Connection refused') 2006/11/29 14:04:42
[29-Nov-2006 14:10:27] <giesen> regardless of what I address I put in the field
[29-Nov-2006 14:10:33] <giesen> even if it matches the other
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[30-Nov-2006 00:27:13] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - "This bash shell is now fully operational!" - 30 Nov, 04:20AM
[30-Nov-2006 00:27:14] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/63106.html
[30-Nov-2006 00:27:15] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Voidspace] Ordered Dictionary 0.2.2
[30-Nov-2006 00:27:16] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/index.htm#116482329035570140
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[30-Nov-2006 07:48:08] *** ruxpin has joined #zenoss
[30-Nov-2006 07:48:12] <ruxpin> oh hi
[30-Nov-2006 07:48:18] <ruxpin> I'm installin zenoss on Gentoo
[30-Nov-2006 07:48:45] <ruxpin> do I need to manually create the user to mysql db?
[30-Nov-2006 07:48:47] <ruxpin> ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'zenoss'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
[30-Nov-2006 07:48:50] <ruxpin> mysql install, user or password is incorrect
[30-Nov-2006 08:10:23] <ruxpin> hmm, can I get the zenoss package without the bundled dependencies?
[30-Nov-2006 08:10:36] <ruxpin> zope, rrdtool, pycrypto etc..
[30-Nov-2006 08:10:47] <ruxpin> nagios..
[30-Nov-2006 08:10:54] <ruxpin> I've got all of them already on the system
[30-Nov-2006 08:16:37] <ruxpin> or is there a reason why zenoss uses it's bundled deps?
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[30-Nov-2006 16:37:13] *** zaplutus has joined #zenoss
[30-Nov-2006 16:37:22] <zaplutus> Anyone not idle?
[30-Nov-2006 16:37:41] <creiht> If you ask... They will come

[30-Nov-2006 16:38:14] <zaplutus> I just installed Zenoss. I'm used to Nagios and I'm having some trouble understanding how Zenoss works.
[30-Nov-2006 16:38:30] <zaplutus> Particularly how services are monitored
[30-Nov-2006 16:39:03] <zaplutus> I read the Admin Guide and understand how to add a service, and how to turn on monitoring, but it doesn't really seem to monitor the service.
[30-Nov-2006 16:39:20] <zaplutus> I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, just not sure what.
[30-Nov-2006 16:43:13] <creiht> One of the things that caught me the first time that I started using it is that configurations are reloaded every 20 minutes
[30-Nov-2006 16:43:21] <creiht> So when you start monitoring
[30-Nov-2006 16:43:36] <creiht> It may not actually start polling for up to 20 minutes
[30-Nov-2006 16:43:44] <zaplutus> I think mine is set to 30 mins, which can be changed
[30-Nov-2006 16:45:07] <creiht> It will also reload the configs if you restart zenoss
[30-Nov-2006 16:45:22] <zaplutus> Which I've done
[30-Nov-2006 16:45:36] <creiht> Which service are you monitoring?
[30-Nov-2006 16:45:43] <zaplutus> I think my problem is I don't understand how it works. So I'm not sure how to add a service to monitor.
[30-Nov-2006 16:46:00] <zaplutus> Right now I'd just like to monitor apache, so I can get a feel for the program
[30-Nov-2006 16:46:04] <creiht> ahh
[30-Nov-2006 16:46:05] <creiht> ok
[30-Nov-2006 16:46:14] <creiht> You have added a device then?
[30-Nov-2006 16:46:41] <zaplutus> yes
[30-Nov-2006 16:46:53] <zaplutus> and Zenoss is collecting some SNMP data from it
[30-Nov-2006 16:47:15] <creiht> Navigate to that device in Zenoss
[30-Nov-2006 16:47:19] <zaplutus> ok
[30-Nov-2006 16:47:21] <creiht> And then click on the OS tab
[30-Nov-2006 16:47:25] <zaplutus> ok
[30-Nov-2006 16:47:49] <creiht> The table titled IP Services will show the services it detected
[30-Nov-2006 16:47:52] <zaplutus> I see 4 ip services, none of them are web related
[30-Nov-2006 16:48:10] <creiht> Interesting
[30-Nov-2006 16:48:13] <zaplutus> How does it detect the service?
[30-Nov-2006 16:48:19] <creiht> It uses SNMP to detect the service
[30-Nov-2006 16:48:35] <zaplutus> Ok, do I need to do anything special with my snmpd.conf?
[30-Nov-2006 16:48:38] <creiht> So was apache running when you originally collected the configuration?
[30-Nov-2006 16:48:40] <creiht> nope
[30-Nov-2006 16:48:55] <zaplutus> well...
[30-Nov-2006 16:50:18] <creiht> If it is running right now, try recollecting by clicking on the Manage tab
[30-Nov-2006 16:50:41] <creiht> and then click the "Collect Configuration" button
[30-Nov-2006 16:51:14] <zaplutus> I added 'proc apache2 1' to my snmpd.conf and that made it show up
[30-Nov-2006 16:51:24] <zaplutus> as OS Processes
[30-Nov-2006 16:52:05] <creiht> hmmm I don't think that is exactly what you want
[30-Nov-2006 16:52:15] <zaplutus> It's not from what I see
[30-Nov-2006 16:53:11] <creiht> Have you tried re-collecting the configuration?
[30-Nov-2006 16:53:37] <zaplutus> yeah
[30-Nov-2006 16:54:06] <creiht> And http still doesn't show up in IP Services?
[30-Nov-2006 16:54:27] <zaplutus> nope
[30-Nov-2006 16:54:47] <zaplutus> Do I need to change something so it looks for a process called apache2/
[30-Nov-2006 16:54:49] <zaplutus> ?
[30-Nov-2006 16:54:59] <creiht> Shouldn't have to
[30-Nov-2006 16:57:36] <creiht> When zenoss collects the config, it basically does an snmp walk
[30-Nov-2006 16:57:48] <creiht> In that walk, snmp tells it what processes are running
[30-Nov-2006 16:57:59] <creiht> And what ports are being used
[30-Nov-2006 16:58:12] <creiht> It then maps those to known values
[30-Nov-2006 16:58:20] <creiht> So for example apache normally runs on port 90
[30-Nov-2006 16:58:21] <creiht> err 80
[30-Nov-2006 16:58:43] <creiht> It would then start monitoring that port
[30-Nov-2006 16:59:44] <creiht> Is apache running on the standard port?
[30-Nov-2006 17:00:21] <zaplutus> yeah
[30-Nov-2006 17:00:40] <zaplutus> I just did a snmpbulkwalk -c public -v2c
[30-Nov-2006 17:00:48] <zaplutus> and i didn't see anything about processes
[30-Nov-2006 17:01:08] <creiht> hmmm
[30-Nov-2006 17:01:17] <zaplutus> heh
[30-Nov-2006 17:01:23] <zaplutus> snmpwalk works better
[30-Nov-2006 17:01:54] <zaplutus> It's showing apache2 running
[30-Nov-2006 17:03:21] <creiht> Well I think we are approaching the end of my expertise

[30-Nov-2006 17:03:37] <creiht> Other than I know it works over here

[30-Nov-2006 17:03:49] <zaplutus> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPath.12385 = STRING: "/usr/sbin/apache2"
[30-Nov-2006 17:03:50] <zaplutus> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPath.12387 = STRING: "/usr/sbin/apache2"
[30-Nov-2006 17:03:50] <zaplutus> HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPath.12388 = STRING: "/usr/sbin/apache2"
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:19] <creiht> Well I just had another thought
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:29] <creiht> Is it a linux box?
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:31] <zaplutus> Go back to Nagios?
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:33] <zaplutus> heh
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:34] <creiht> hehe
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:37] <creiht> no way

[30-Nov-2006 17:04:43] <zaplutus> It's ubuntu running in Xen
[30-Nov-2006 17:04:47] <creiht> ok
[30-Nov-2006 17:05:05] <creiht> When you added the device, where in the device tree did you put it?
[30-Nov-2006 17:05:32] <zaplutus> /Server/Linux/Dell/
[30-Nov-2006 17:05:46] <creiht> That should be right

[30-Nov-2006 17:06:01] <creiht> I would send an email to the mailing list
[30-Nov-2006 17:06:11] <creiht> The devs seem to be pretty responsive on there
[30-Nov-2006 17:06:12] <zaplutus>

[30-Nov-2006 17:06:30] <creiht> hmmm
[30-Nov-2006 17:09:36] <creiht> zaplutus: When you do the snmp walk do you see a line like:
[30-Nov-2006 17:09:37] <creiht> TCP-MIB::tcpConnLocalPort. = INTEGER: 80
[30-Nov-2006 17:10:06] <zaplutus> Not for port 80
[30-Nov-2006 17:10:15] <zaplutus> I guess thats why
[30-Nov-2006 17:10:17] <creiht> Is apache running on port 80?
[30-Nov-2006 17:10:17] <zaplutus> odd
[30-Nov-2006 17:10:20] <zaplutus> yeah
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:18] <creiht> Yeah that is why it's not detecting http running
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:28] <creiht> Not sure why it would not show up in the snmpwalk though
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:43] <zaplutus> root@guest:~# fuser -v 80/tcp
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:43] <zaplutus> USER PID ACCESS COMMAND
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:43] <zaplutus> 80/tcp: root 12385 F.... apache2
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:43] <zaplutus> www-data 12387 F.... apache2
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:43] <zaplutus> www-data 12388 F.... apache2
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:46] <zaplutus> www-data 12389 F.... apache2
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:48] <zaplutus> www-data 12390 F.... apache2
[30-Nov-2006 17:11:51] <zaplutus> www-data 12391 F.... apache2
[30-Nov-2006 17:12:11] <creiht> heh
[30-Nov-2006 17:12:35] <creiht> Is the snmpd.conf the default that comes with Ubuntu?
[30-Nov-2006 17:13:00] <zaplutus> No, it wasn't working so I used snmpconf to make a new one
[30-Nov-2006 17:15:00] <creiht> Can you paste the config to http://paste.lisp.org/ ?
[30-Nov-2006 17:15:07] <adytum-bot> Title: paste.lisp.org pastebin (at paste.lisp.org)
[30-Nov-2006 17:15:42] <zaplutus> rocommunity public
[30-Nov-2006 17:15:46] <zaplutus> That's pretty much it
[30-Nov-2006 17:16:57] <zaplutus> I'm trying to add another device now and it's telling me the requested resource doesn't exist
[30-Nov-2006 17:18:58] <creiht> Try using an snmpd.conf that looks like
[30-Nov-2006 17:18:59] <creiht> http://paste.lisp.org/display/31046
[30-Nov-2006 17:19:06] <adytum-bot> Title: Paste number 31046: basic snmpd.conf (at paste.lisp.org)
[30-Nov-2006 17:19:55] <creiht> Hmmm I haven't seen that error before
[30-Nov-2006 17:37:13] *** MattPayne has joined #zenoss
[30-Nov-2006 17:39:42] <MattPayne> hello? Does Zenoss allow me to monitor when a windows box starts listening on a TCP port?
[30-Nov-2006 17:40:45] <zaplutus> creiht: How long does Zenoss take to catch a stopped service that's monitored?
[30-Nov-2006 17:53:13] <MattPayne> kinda looks like you can put whatever you like into StatusMonitor.py to run on the desktops.....
[30-Nov-2006 17:54:18] <creiht> zaplutus: Depends on how you have it set up... I think the current default is that it polls every 5 minutes... My installation polls every minute
[30-Nov-2006 17:54:47] <zaplutus> Well, it wasn't working for me then
[30-Nov-2006 17:54:58] <zaplutus> I like the idea of Zenoss, but it's being a bitch
[30-Nov-2006 17:55:54] <zaplutus> I stopped SNMP on one of the devices...
[30-Nov-2006 17:56:01] <zaplutus> It hasn't picked up the change yet
[30-Nov-2006 17:56:25] <creiht> How long has it been?
[30-Nov-2006 17:56:49] <zaplutus> I just restarted Zenoss
[30-Nov-2006 17:56:54] <zaplutus> So not that long
[30-Nov-2006 17:57:08] <zaplutus> How do I change the checks to every minute?
[30-Nov-2006 17:57:18] <creiht> I don't know that off the top of my head
[30-Nov-2006 17:57:24] <creiht> It used to be the default
[30-Nov-2006 17:57:35] <creiht> So that is how I have it that way

[30-Nov-2006 17:58:20] <zaplutus> If I go to Events -> Events
[30-Nov-2006 17:58:23] <zaplutus> It shows the service down
[30-Nov-2006 17:58:25] <zaplutus> In Yellow
[30-Nov-2006 17:58:32] <zaplutus> But not on the dashboard
[30-Nov-2006 17:59:05] <zaplutus> Heh, the OS still shows SNMP as up
[30-Nov-2006 17:59:48] <creiht> zaplutus: Not sure what to tell you... I haven't run into situations like that yet
[30-Nov-2006 18:00:48] <creiht> I'm also a couple of revisions behind
[30-Nov-2006 18:01:58] <zaplutus> I just took down eth0 on one of the devices
[30-Nov-2006 18:02:08] <zaplutus> If that doesn't make this thing alert... then it's junk
[30-Nov-2006 18:02:09] <zaplutus> lol
[30-Nov-2006 18:02:14] <creiht> heh
[30-Nov-2006 18:02:20] <creiht> What version are you using?
[30-Nov-2006 18:02:42] <zaplutus> Whatever the current stable is
[30-Nov-2006 18:02:46] <zaplutus> Well, it's alerting
[30-Nov-2006 18:02:48] <zaplutus> It's amazing
[30-Nov-2006 18:03:52] <creiht> hehe
[30-Nov-2006 18:04:32] <creiht> Well I have been using it for about the past 4 months or so, and has been very usefull so far
[30-Nov-2006 18:05:59] <zaplutus> Still doesn't show apache as running
[30-Nov-2006 18:06:06] <zaplutus> I wonder if it's a ubuntu thing
[30-Nov-2006 18:06:13] *** MattPayne has quit IRC
[30-Nov-2006 18:18:31] <zaplutus> That's the first time taking down a firewall has kicked me off of SSH
[30-Nov-2006 18:34:03] *** zaplutus has quit IRC
[30-Nov-2006 18:53:48] *** creiht has quit IRC