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[01-Feb-2007 05:26:36] <VlaDar> hello
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[01-Feb-2007 12:52:26] <creiht> Any developers here that could point me in the right direction to make a custom data collector plugin?
[01-Feb-2007 13:38:32] <monrad> nope not tried that yet
[01-Feb-2007 14:28:54] <monrad> i seem to get performance problems when i get around 200 switches in zenoss
[01-Feb-2007 14:30:25] <monrad> for the most time i get around 45-55 secs poll time but sometimes i need to read a lot from the san and this kills performance
[01-Feb-2007 14:32:44] <monrad> too bad we cant get more activity on this channel
[01-Feb-2007 14:34:13] <creiht> i'm only monitoring around 50 systems
[01-Feb-2007 14:36:18] <monrad> there is some way up to the 1200 switches and servers we have now
[01-Feb-2007 14:37:18] <creiht> I've been told that it should be capable of that
[01-Feb-2007 14:37:44] <creiht> We looked at using it to monitor networking infrastructure
[01-Feb-2007 14:37:57] <creiht> Are you polling every minute, or every 5 minutes?
[01-Feb-2007 14:38:27] <monrad> 5 minutes
[01-Feb-2007 14:38:35] <monrad> and i guess we can go as high as 10
[01-Feb-2007 14:41:46] *** aberant has joined #zenoss
[01-Feb-2007 14:42:28] <monrad> right now we use nagios but that does not works for network infrastructure
[01-Feb-2007 14:43:08] <aberant> i'm getting a bad wmi state error on the zenwinmodeler test... i've been to the page on trac that shows how to test wmi, and it answers queries
[01-Feb-2007 14:43:16] <aberant> i'm just scratching my head on how to proceed.
[01-Feb-2007 14:43:45] <aberant> i'm also running it as administrator.. and have checked that i have full rights to WMI
[01-Feb-2007 14:43:59] <aberant> any ideas, or things i can check?
[01-Feb-2007 14:44:24] <monrad> i dont monitor any windows boxes yet
[01-Feb-2007 15:11:43] <creiht> hmmm I haven't run it on windows
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[01-Feb-2007 16:52:28] <mike-ekim> helloo
[01-Feb-2007 17:14:51] <monrad> hello
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[01-Feb-2007 19:57:52] <giesen> what's the proper RPN if I want to divide a value by 10
[01-Feb-2007 19:57:54] <giesen> for the perfconf
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[02-Feb-2007 00:10:48] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[02-Feb-2007 00:10:49] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[02-Feb-2007 00:10:50] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Cheese Shop] TGPaginate 0.1a0.dev-r560
[02-Feb-2007 00:10:51] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117034600559610082
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[02-Feb-2007 01:25:17] <erickperez> Hi there. Just a quick question. Can I run zenoss latest oficial release in a Centos 4.4 Machine?
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[02-Feb-2007 08:51:50] <suprsonic> anyone home?
[02-Feb-2007 09:28:19] <suprsonic> omghi!
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[02-Feb-2007 11:31:19] <monrad> evening
[02-Feb-2007 11:31:36] <suprsonic> hi!
[02-Feb-2007 11:31:40] <suprsonic> can you help me with zenoss?
[02-Feb-2007 11:31:56] <suprsonic> I'm having difficulty trying to assign a template to a device
[02-Feb-2007 11:33:07] <monrad> hmm
[02-Feb-2007 11:33:13] <monrad> try read the admin guide
[02-Feb-2007 11:33:24] <suprsonic> already did
[02-Feb-2007 11:33:41] <monrad> which kind of template?
[02-Feb-2007 11:33:47] <suprsonic> I have a ups that I want to alert if there are alarms
[02-Feb-2007 11:33:56] <suprsonic> so I added the device
[02-Feb-2007 11:34:15] <suprsonic> from there I've created a local copy to make custom datasources
[02-Feb-2007 11:34:22] <suprsonic> and then a threshold
[02-Feb-2007 11:34:41] <suprsonic> but when I tcpdump port 161 I see that it's only fetching sysuptime oid
[02-Feb-2007 11:34:58] <suprsonic> it's ignorning my local copy customizations
[02-Feb-2007 11:35:09] <monrad> hmm
[02-Feb-2007 11:36:09] <suprsonic> thoughts?
[02-Feb-2007 11:36:46] <monrad> i had no problem with polling the stuff i want
[02-Feb-2007 11:38:35] <suprsonic> when I create a datasource, so I need to run a query or should it automatically add to the zenperfsnmp job?
[02-Feb-2007 11:39:27] <suprsonic> I moved the device to /devices/Power
[02-Feb-2007 12:07:08] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[02-Feb-2007 12:07:19] <suprsonic> chet!
[02-Feb-2007 12:07:27] <chet> suprsonic!
[02-Feb-2007 12:07:30] <chet> What's up?
[02-Feb-2007 12:07:58] <monrad> it takes up to 30 minuts before zenperfsnmp reloads its config
[02-Feb-2007 12:08:22] <chet> yeah, that's the default setting.
[02-Feb-2007 12:09:13] <suprsonic> I know you from somewhere
[02-Feb-2007 12:09:51] <chet> There are a couple of other Chets out there.. are you sure it's me?
[02-Feb-2007 12:09:57] <suprsonic> oh
[02-Feb-2007 12:10:00] <suprsonic> freebsd user?
[02-Feb-2007 12:10:26] <chet> Occasionally.. I am on the mailing list.
[02-Feb-2007 12:10:36] <suprsonic> so if I create a new threshold it could take up to 30 minutes to start?
[02-Feb-2007 12:10:48] <chet> Yes.
[02-Feb-2007 12:10:52] <suprsonic> oh wow
[02-Feb-2007 12:10:59] <suprsonic> maybe that is my issue in the first place
[02-Feb-2007 12:11:24] <chet> You can adjust that 30 minutes much lower if your zenperfsnmp isn't straining to complete the collections within the 5 minute period.
[02-Feb-2007 12:11:51] <chet> Or you can just restart zenperfsnmp from the web interface and it'll have the new config immediately.
[02-Feb-2007 12:12:32] <suprsonic> trying
[02-Feb-2007 12:12:33] <chet> What version are you running? I seem to recall a bug in pre-1.1 that would cause zenperfsnmp to not reload the config at the proper interval (or at all.)
[02-Feb-2007 12:13:00] <suprsonic> just downloaded the source yesterday
[02-Feb-2007 12:13:03] <suprsonic> and installed
[02-Feb-2007 12:13:10] <suprsonic> so it would be the latest src install version
[02-Feb-2007 12:13:14] <chet> ok, good.
[02-Feb-2007 12:15:39] <suprsonic> grrrr
[02-Feb-2007 12:15:46] <suprsonic> didn't work
[02-Feb-2007 12:16:06] <suprsonic> I reloaded zenprefsnmp and it just went for sysUptime
[02-Feb-2007 12:16:32] <chet> ok.. I recommend you run: zenperfsnmp run -v 10 -dDEVICE_NAME
[02-Feb-2007 12:16:38] <chet> Perhaps it'll tell you something interesting.
[02-Feb-2007 12:16:55] <suprsonic> checking
[02-Feb-2007 12:19:56] <suprsonic> DEBUG:zen.zenperfsnmp:Sent 8 SNMP OID requests
[02-Feb-2007 12:20:27] <suprsonic> I only saw two packets on the interface
[02-Feb-2007 12:20:33] <suprsonic> one request
[02-Feb-2007 12:20:38] <suprsonic> and a reply
[02-Feb-2007 12:21:56] <chet> If it's SNMPv2 it could have been a getbulk and had 8 requests/responses per packet.
[02-Feb-2007 12:22:58] <suprsonic> interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1=[|snmp]
[02-Feb-2007 12:23:02] <chet> Can you look under the perf/Devices/DEVICE_NAME directory to see if appropriate RRD files exist?
[02-Feb-2007 12:23:31] <suprsonic> oh
[02-Feb-2007 12:23:45] <suprsonic> what if the device only supports v1?
[02-Feb-2007 12:23:53] <chet> You should have seen more packets.
[02-Feb-2007 12:24:16] <suprsonic> rrds exit
[02-Feb-2007 12:24:52] <chet> The ones you create data points for?
[02-Feb-2007 12:24:57] <suprsonic> yes
[02-Feb-2007 12:25:18] <chet> Great. Did you create a graph that contains them under the perfconf?
[02-Feb-2007 12:25:28] <suprsonic> nah
[02-Feb-2007 12:25:30] <suprsonic> no need
[02-Feb-2007 12:25:38] <suprsonic> I don't want to graph them out, only to report
[02-Feb-2007 12:27:05] <suprsonic> bbl lunch
[02-Feb-2007 12:27:09] <suprsonic> willy ou be on chet?
[02-Feb-2007 12:27:34] <chet> Probably.
[02-Feb-2007 12:27:40] <suprsonic> thanks, talk to you then!
[02-Feb-2007 13:23:36] <suprsonic> back!
[02-Feb-2007 13:23:53] <suprsonic> I'm under the assumption that the device does not support 2c
[02-Feb-2007 13:24:17] <suprsonic> but zenoss is sending out getbulk
[02-Feb-2007 13:26:11] <chet> What makes you so sure that it isn't collecting the data? Based on the presence of the RRD files alone, I'd say that it is.
[02-Feb-2007 13:27:10] <suprsonic> getbulk a v2c function only?
[02-Feb-2007 13:27:34] <chet> one sec.. work calls.
[02-Feb-2007 13:31:57] <monrad> yes getbulk is a v2 thing only
[02-Feb-2007 13:32:03] <monrad> well i guess v3 too
[02-Feb-2007 13:34:53] <suprsonic> wow I'm really retarded
[02-Feb-2007 13:37:47] <chet> Why's that?
[02-Feb-2007 13:38:06] <suprsonic> my threshold was wrong the whole time
[02-Feb-2007 13:38:14] <suprsonic> my escalate was set to 1
[02-Feb-2007 13:38:27] <suprsonic> device already has alarms set
[02-Feb-2007 13:38:45] <suprsonic> so that means I have to wait for another alert for the threshold to trigger
[02-Feb-2007 13:39:53] <suprsonic> so I set Escalate count to 0, but how do I have it trigger if value > 0
[02-Feb-2007 13:42:33] <chet> I think you have to move the threshold event into history so a new one can be generated.
[02-Feb-2007 13:43:40] <suprsonic> how do you delete events?
[02-Feb-2007 13:48:58] <chet> Put a check next to them and click the History button at the bottom.
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[02-Feb-2007 20:58:21] <_lunix_> 3aaa
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[03-Feb-2007 00:11:27] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - Five More Things - 02 Feb, 07:31PM
[03-Feb-2007 00:11:28] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/65288.html
[03-Feb-2007 00:11:29] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[03-Feb-2007 00:11:30] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[03-Feb-2007 00:11:31] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Tectonic] Open source laboratory management powers up
[03-Feb-2007 00:11:32] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117041357298385828
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[04-Feb-2007 00:12:02] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
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[04-Feb-2007 02:09:07] <tsdano> does zenoss have support for legacy *nix systems where there is no client side snmp?
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[05-Feb-2007 00:12:39] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[05-Feb-2007 00:12:40] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[05-Feb-2007 10:24:09] <suprsonic> http://www.pastebin.ca/341333
[05-Feb-2007 10:24:19] <adytum-bot> Title: general pastebin - Mine - post number 341333 (at www.pastebin.ca)
[05-Feb-2007 11:01:31] <suprsonic> anyone home?
[05-Feb-2007 11:12:59] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[05-Feb-2007 11:22:30] <suprsonic> chet!
[05-Feb-2007 11:22:43] <suprsonic> tahehehe /poke chet
[05-Feb-2007 11:27:32] <suprsonic> while tcpdumping the zenoss box I noticed packets bound to dev.zenoss.org.http
[05-Feb-2007 11:27:42] <suprsonic> what are those packets for?
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[05-Feb-2007 11:30:49] <chet> What kind of packets? They could the version update check.
[05-Feb-2007 11:31:00] <chet> How often do they happen?
[05-Feb-2007 11:31:09] <suprsonic> every 5 minutes
[05-Feb-2007 11:31:32] <suprsonic> from the zenaction service
[05-Feb-2007 11:32:14] <suprsonic> how do I assign a proxy server if it's indeed a version update check?
[05-Feb-2007 11:33:10] <chet> The version update check should only happen once per day.
[05-Feb-2007 11:33:17] <chet> I'm not quite sure why zenactions would be doing that
[05-Feb-2007 11:33:23] <chet> Looking to see if mine does.
[05-Feb-2007 11:34:06] <suprsonic> http://www.pastebin.ca/341333
[05-Feb-2007 11:34:13] <adytum-bot> Title: general pastebin - Mine - post number 341333 (at www.pastebin.ca)
[05-Feb-2007 11:34:16] <suprsonic> what do you suppose that's for?
[05-Feb-2007 11:35:22] <suprsonic> I bet since it can't connect to the server it's trying every cycle rather than once a day
[05-Feb-2007 11:37:29] <suprsonic> how would I assign a proxy address for the services to access the site?
[05-Feb-2007 11:38:31] <chet> ah, it tries every 5 minutes if it fails.
[05-Feb-2007 11:38:35] <chet> Let me look into it.
[05-Feb-2007 11:39:33] <suprsonic> thanks!
[05-Feb-2007 11:40:30] <chet> Does your proxy require authentication?
[05-Feb-2007 11:40:54] <suprsonic> nope
[05-Feb-2007 11:41:04] <chet> Good.. this should be easy.
[05-Feb-2007 11:41:22] <chet> You set your ZENHOME and exported it in your zenoss user's .bash_profile, right?
[05-Feb-2007 11:41:35] <suprsonic> I place dit in .bashrc
[05-Feb-2007 11:42:17] <chet> ok, set "http_proxy=http://yourproxy.com:3128" and export it in there.
[05-Feb-2007 11:42:21] <suprsonic> already set
[05-Feb-2007 11:42:28] <chet> Then zenactions restart
[05-Feb-2007 11:42:35] <suprsonic> I used caps for http_proxy though
[05-Feb-2007 11:42:39] <chet> Use lower.
[05-Feb-2007 11:43:18] <chet> zenactions uses python's urllib: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-urllib.html
[05-Feb-2007 11:43:25] <adytum-bot> Title: 18.5 urllib -- Open arbitrary resources by URL (at docs.python.org)
[05-Feb-2007 11:43:47] <chet> heh.. we're reading the same material.
[05-Feb-2007 11:44:54] <suprsonic> trying
[05-Feb-2007 11:46:53] <suprsonic> nope
[05-Feb-2007 11:46:59] <suprsonic> still going directly
[05-Feb-2007 11:48:03] <chet> I forgot to mention.. did you logout/login to your zenoss user account after updating the .bashrc?
[05-Feb-2007 11:48:22] <suprsonic> I stopped and started the service
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[05-Feb-2007 11:49:06] <chet> The .bashrc won't get run until you login to the account again.
[05-Feb-2007 11:49:22] <suprsonic> restart the whole zenoss services?
[05-Feb-2007 11:50:04] <chet> No.. do you sudo to the zenoss user account?
[05-Feb-2007 11:50:12] <suprsonic> I restarted via the interface
[05-Feb-2007 11:50:18] <suprsonic> just did it command line now
[05-Feb-2007 11:50:24] <suprsonic> see if that works
[05-Feb-2007 11:53:36] <suprsonic> would this cause alerts from being sent via email?
[05-Feb-2007 11:54:58] <suprsonic> okay that did it
[05-Feb-2007 11:55:11] <suprsonic> it was checking for updates
[05-Feb-2007 11:56:11] <suprsonic> I got thresholds to trigger a warning, but an email is not being sent.
[05-Feb-2007 11:56:27] <chet> I don't know if that'd cause a problem or not.
[05-Feb-2007 11:58:46] <suprsonic> I assigned the device to the user and setup the user account with mail and alerts
[05-Feb-2007 11:59:15] <chet> As strange as it sounds, assigning a user to a device does nothing at the moment.
[05-Feb-2007 11:59:37] <chet> Everything is controlled by the alerting rule.
[05-Feb-2007 11:59:37] <suprsonic> oh
[05-Feb-2007 12:00:20] <suprsonic> okay
[05-Feb-2007 12:00:47] <suprsonic> so I have a stat = Production, Severity >= Warning, Event Sate = New
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:02] <suprsonic> when a new threshold is triggered it doesn't send an email
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:06] <chet> Yeah.. that sounds good. That user should get ANY events >= warning
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:22] <chet> Enable == True, right?
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:23] <suprsonic> agreed
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:26] <suprsonic> yes enabled
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:40] <chet> Does the zenactions.log show it trying to do anything?
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:52] <suprsonic> nope
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:58] <suprsonic> 2007-02-05 10:51:22 INFO zen.ZenActions: processed 0 rules in 0.01 secs
[05-Feb-2007 12:02:35] <suprsonic> do you need to assign a schedule?
[05-Feb-2007 12:02:43] <chet> No.. no schedule means 24x7
[05-Feb-2007 12:04:16] <chet> It should at least say that it's processing 1 rule every iteration, whether or not it has any related events.
[05-Feb-2007 12:04:26] <chet> For some reason zenactions doesn't know about the rule you created.
[05-Feb-2007 12:04:38] <suprsonic> I removed it and made a new one
[05-Feb-2007 12:04:38] <chet> This is happening even after you restarted zenactions?
[05-Feb-2007 12:06:34] <suprsonic> 2007-02-05 10:56:42 INFO zen.ZenActions: Processed 0 commands in 0.002543
[05-Feb-2007 12:06:34] <suprsonic> 2007-02-05 10:56:42 INFO zen.ZenActions: processed 0 rules in 0.01 secs
[05-Feb-2007 12:06:37] <suprsonic> sorry
[05-Feb-2007 12:06:42] <suprsonic> will use pastebin from now on
[05-Feb-2007 12:07:25] <suprsonic> test email works, so I know that smtp isn't an issue
[05-Feb-2007 12:13:26] <giesen> where is the mysql db password stored in the configs
[05-Feb-2007 12:13:31] <giesen> or how do I retrieve it
[05-Feb-2007 12:13:34] <suprsonic> localhost
[05-Feb-2007 12:13:43] <suprsonic> settings
[05-Feb-2007 12:13:54] <suprsonic> nm
[05-Feb-2007 12:16:25] <chet> giesen: You can get it with "dmd.ZenEventManager.password" from zendmd
[05-Feb-2007 12:17:09] <suprsonic> thoughts chet??
[05-Feb-2007 12:17:59] <chet> suprsonic: Maybe you need to restart zenactions again since you deleted and recreated the alerting rule.
[05-Feb-2007 12:18:11] <suprsonic> already did
[05-Feb-2007 12:18:36] <giesen> chet: uh okay
[05-Feb-2007 12:18:47] <chet> giesen: It isn't stored in a text file if that's what you mean.
[05-Feb-2007 12:19:02] <giesen> okay
[05-Feb-2007 12:19:19] <giesen> just give me instructions on how to retrieve it, since I know nothing about zope
[05-Feb-2007 12:25:31] <suprsonic> restarted
[05-Feb-2007 12:25:37] <suprsonic> no commands
[05-Feb-2007 12:26:09] <SunRayCafe> suprsonic, sorry if this is a silly question... you're storing variables in .bashrc?
[05-Feb-2007 12:26:36] <suprsonic> not a linux fan
[05-Feb-2007 12:26:42] <suprsonic> so I've never used bash
[05-Feb-2007 12:26:54] <suprsonic> I assumed it was in .bashrc or .bash_profile
[05-Feb-2007 12:26:56] <suprsonic> so I made both
[05-Feb-2007 12:27:06] <SunRayCafe> okay... have you logged out and back in since changing?
[05-Feb-2007 12:27:12] <suprsonic> yes
[05-Feb-2007 12:27:17] <SunRayCafe> oh, okay
[05-Feb-2007 12:27:19] <SunRayCafe> sorry
[05-Feb-2007 12:27:22] <suprsonic> got everything working but alerting now
[05-Feb-2007 12:27:25] * SunRayCafe goes away again, being useless
[05-Feb-2007 12:29:30] <suprsonic> oh
[05-Feb-2007 12:29:59] <suprsonic> do I need to create another user other than admin to send alerts?
[05-Feb-2007 12:30:36] <giesen> newp
[05-Feb-2007 12:30:50] <suprsonic> well, it just assigned a new rule
[05-Feb-2007 12:32:13] <suprsonic> when I created a new user
[05-Feb-2007 12:34:36] <giesen> I havent created a new user in 1.1.0 yet
[05-Feb-2007 12:34:48] <giesen> but it's probably a good idea for it to introduce some default rules
[05-Feb-2007 12:34:51] <suprsonic> I think that's my issue
[05-Feb-2007 12:35:07] <giesen> man, the zenoss tarball doubles in size each release
[05-Feb-2007 12:35:12] <giesen> up to 50 MB now
[05-Feb-2007 12:35:56] <suprsonic> I think it's going to work now
[05-Feb-2007 12:36:03] <suprsonic> now that i created a new user other than admin
[05-Feb-2007 12:42:08] * giesen twiddles his thumbs waiting for his alerts feature request to be implemented =)
[05-Feb-2007 12:50:46] <giesen> anyone have troubles with upgrades on freebsd?
[05-Feb-2007 13:16:53] <monrad> how do i turn up debugging info on zenperfsnmp?
[05-Feb-2007 13:29:17] <monrad> found it
[05-Feb-2007 14:26:20] <monrad> anyone tried to profile zenperfsnmp?
[05-Feb-2007 16:17:39] <giesen> uh
[05-Feb-2007 16:17:44] <giesen> 1.1.0 broke everything
[05-Feb-2007 16:17:52] <giesen> when I click on manage
[05-Feb-2007 16:17:54] <monrad> 1.1.0 or the new trunk?
[05-Feb-2007 16:17:56] <giesen> on any device
[05-Feb-2007 16:18:07] <giesen> Zenoss Error
[05-Feb-2007 16:18:07] <giesen> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Please use the form below to submit details of this error to Zenoss, Inc.
[05-Feb-2007 16:18:10] <giesen> Type: KeyError
[05-Feb-2007 16:18:12] <giesen> Value: 'userCommands'
[05-Feb-2007 16:18:27] <chet> Did you already re-run zenmigrate?
[05-Feb-2007 16:19:18] <giesen> no
[05-Feb-2007 16:19:58] <giesen> I shall do that
[05-Feb-2007 16:20:03] <chet> That fixes most of these problems..
[05-Feb-2007 16:20:04] <chet> zenmigrate run --commit
[05-Feb-2007 16:21:59] <giesen> k, I'll try that
[05-Feb-2007 16:22:06] <giesen> Im already getting a little leary of this release
[05-Feb-2007 16:22:17] <giesen> since I had to edit the makefile to get it to even compile
[05-Feb-2007 16:23:37] <giesen> that fixed itr
[05-Feb-2007 16:23:41] <giesen> mucho gracias chet
[05-Feb-2007 16:23:44] <chet> Great.
[05-Feb-2007 16:23:56] <chet> I don't think FreeBSD is a "tier 1" platform so to speak.
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:07] <giesen> yeah I know
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:09] <chet> You may be the only one trying 1.1 on it so far.. =}
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:13] <giesen> nah
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:18] <giesen> there's at least one other person
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:19] <giesen> Valeri
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:25] <giesen> saw on the mailing list
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:32] <giesen> Im actually kinda pissed now
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:38] <giesen> lost all my snmp date :/
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:40] <giesen> *data
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:58] <chet> You shouldn't have lost any rrd files.
[05-Feb-2007 16:25:56] <giesen> I ran without the --commit the first time
[05-Feb-2007 16:26:02] <giesen> could that have done it?
[05-Feb-2007 16:26:14] <chet> nope
[05-Feb-2007 16:26:59] <giesen> okay
[05-Feb-2007 16:27:06] <giesen> looks like just the UPS data
[05-Feb-2007 16:27:09] <giesen> not anything else
[05-Feb-2007 16:27:11] <giesen> I can live with that
[05-Feb-2007 16:27:37] <giesen> Id prefer to be running this on something like centos
[05-Feb-2007 16:27:45] <giesen> unfortunately my boss has an affinity for freebsd
[05-Feb-2007 16:28:14] <giesen> and the fact that zenoss compiled cleanly the first time only encourages him
[05-Feb-2007 16:28:41] <suprsonic> nothing wrong with freebsd
[05-Feb-2007 16:29:51] <giesen> yeah I have no serious qualms with it
[05-Feb-2007 16:29:55] <giesen> just not my platform of choice
[05-Feb-2007 16:30:04] <suprsonic> mokay
[05-Feb-2007 16:30:14] <suprsonic> how long have you worked with it?
[05-Feb-2007 16:30:27] <giesen> dunno...5 years?
[05-Feb-2007 16:30:37] <suprsonic> and you prefer centos?
[05-Feb-2007 16:30:48] <giesen> centos isnt my preferred platform either
[05-Feb-2007 16:30:52] <giesen> but it's better supported
[05-Feb-2007 16:30:58] <giesen> gentoo is my first love
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:03] <suprsonic> ah
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:12] <suprsonic> not too many of you out there
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:22] <giesen> centos is good because it clones the most popular commercial distro out there
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:29] <suprsonic> work with the bsd's and prefer linux
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:32] <giesen> and by extension, has the best support for commercial/enterprise apps
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:49] <giesen> freebsd just isnt commercially popular enough
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:52] <giesen> to be my first choice
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:59] <giesen> a prime example
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:01] <chet> yeah.. I use CentOS most place just because it's so easy.
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:03] <giesen> our asterisk box is linux
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:10] <giesen> because asterisk on freebsd is dirty
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:24] <giesen> yeah
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:29] <giesen> I can have a centos box up in 20 minutes
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:36] <giesen> which is the reason I prefer it at work
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:40] <giesen> gentoo takes a day
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:49] <giesen> and freebsd has many broken ports
[05-Feb-2007 16:33:16] <suprsonic> statistically commercial support is rarely a reason for choosing a one platform over another
[05-Feb-2007 16:33:37] <suprsonic> while it may be in the equation, commercial support is hardly ever used
[05-Feb-2007 16:33:51] <suprsonic> nice little fun fact for you
[05-Feb-2007 16:34:50] <giesen> oh
[05-Feb-2007 16:34:55] <suprsonic> I'm a neat freak, so I prefer the BSDs
[05-Feb-2007 16:34:58] <giesen> I could care less about having a support contract
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:05] <giesen> Im talking about things like prebuilt binaries
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:09] <giesen> driver modules
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:10] <giesen> etc
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:21] <giesen> there's no question RH4 is where it's at
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:24] <giesen> in that arena
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:28] <giesen> so centos is the next best thing
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:41] <giesen> I hate RPMs with a passion
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:48] <suprsonic> only thing I get close to is ESX
[05-Feb-2007 16:36:07] <suprsonic> even that I get frustrated with while in the terminal
[05-Feb-2007 16:38:20] <giesen> ooh
[05-Feb-2007 16:38:24] <giesen> my UPS data is back
[05-Feb-2007 16:38:28] <giesen> oh well
[05-Feb-2007 16:38:36] <giesen> half of it is gonna get wiped out anyways
[05-Feb-2007 16:38:39] <giesen> as I redo my graphs
[05-Feb-2007 17:14:09] *** b_52GM has quit IRC
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[05-Feb-2007 17:15:00] <suprsonic> wow
[05-Feb-2007 17:15:13] <suprsonic> I just realized how much memory zenoss takes up
[05-Feb-2007 17:19:32] *** chet has left #zenoss
[05-Feb-2007 18:08:44] *** suprsonic has quit IRC
[05-Feb-2007 18:42:30] <giesen> haha
[05-Feb-2007 18:42:37] <giesen> yeah I have 1.5 GB of ram in one of my boxes
[05-Feb-2007 18:42:40] <giesen> and 2 GB in the other
[05-Feb-2007 19:54:46] *** mike-ekim has joined #zenoss
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[05-Feb-2007 20:15:19] <giesen> hmmm my previously working graphs seem to be completely broken
[05-Feb-2007 20:15:28] <giesen> well, snmp in general seems to be broken
[05-Feb-2007 20:15:40] <giesen> I can smnpwalk the devices locally
[05-Feb-2007 20:15:44] <giesen> from the CLI
[05-Feb-2007 20:15:53] <giesen> but if I try to collect configuration
[05-Feb-2007 20:15:56] <giesen> all I get is timeout
[05-Feb-2007 20:20:04] <monrad> giesen: two boxes to monitor together or each on their own
[05-Feb-2007 20:22:39] <giesen> monrad: each on their own
[05-Feb-2007 20:22:41] *** em-dash_ has quit IRC
[05-Feb-2007 20:22:43] <giesen> two differnet companies
[05-Feb-2007 20:22:56] <giesen> hmmm
[05-Feb-2007 20:23:11] <giesen> my graphing is borked
[05-Feb-2007 20:23:12] <giesen> for sure
[05-Feb-2007 20:23:37] <monrad> ok
[05-Feb-2007 20:38:35] <giesen> oh Ive got an idea why
[05-Feb-2007 20:59:01] <monrad> anything that can be fixed
[05-Feb-2007 21:09:08] <giesen> yeah
[05-Feb-2007 21:09:12] <giesen> I think it was cause I did a reboot
[05-Feb-2007 21:09:17] <giesen> and the date was off on the machine
[05-Feb-2007 21:09:19] <giesen> I corrected the date
[05-Feb-2007 21:09:33] <giesen> and now it's complaining that the last update was in the future
[05-Feb-2007 21:09:40] <giesen> so Ive got to wait for the date to catch up
[05-Feb-2007 21:21:49] <monrad> ah
[05-Feb-2007 21:22:15] <monrad> i have had som graphs with minus mb/sec
[05-Feb-2007 22:26:22] *** quuxo has joined #zenoss
[06-Feb-2007 00:13:11] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[06-Feb-2007 00:13:12] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[06-Feb-2007 09:23:05] <giesen> Can anyone help with a problem
[06-Feb-2007 09:23:09] <giesen> my graphs aren't updating
[06-Feb-2007 09:23:17] <giesen> Im getting notifications, and it's definitely reading the snmp values
[06-Feb-2007 09:23:23] <giesen> just not updating the graphs
[06-Feb-2007 10:34:49] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
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[07-Feb-2007 00:13:41] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[07-Feb-2007 00:13:42] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[07-Feb-2007 00:13:43] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Mike Fletcher] Got py2exe + PyOpenGL limping across the line...
[07-Feb-2007 00:13:44] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117076652325013291
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[07-Feb-2007 05:03:45] <djm56> Hello my name is Donovan I am new to Linux, Zenoss and even IRC and I have a few questions is there anyone who can help me?
[07-Feb-2007 05:27:17] <djm56> I am sure everyone must be asleep in this room, being in a different timezone may be the problem, I am all the way from South Africa
[07-Feb-2007 05:27:25] <djm56> Here is my question?
[07-Feb-2007 05:27:58] <djm56> I need some help with Syslogagent zensyslog and port 514 do not know where to start and get it to work?
[07-Feb-2007 05:28:33] <djm56> the help file and admin pdf really dont offer any help, just need the commands and procedures to setup correctly
[07-Feb-2007 05:29:04] <djm56> I will leave IRC on and view answers tomorrow may be asleep when you awake thanks in advance
[07-Feb-2007 09:04:30] *** dubie has joined #zenoss
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[07-Feb-2007 19:19:26] *** MrProper_ has joined #zenoss
[07-Feb-2007 19:44:46] <MrProper_> why doesnt zenoss do events for host down (ie icmp fails)
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[07-Feb-2007 22:37:31] <MrProper_> anyone here done nagios plugins with zenoss?
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[07-Feb-2007 23:51:44] <djm56> as any one here
[08-Feb-2007 00:14:21] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - Thoughts on Thoughts - 07 Feb, 05:33AM
[08-Feb-2007 00:14:23] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/65724.html
[08-Feb-2007 00:14:24] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[08-Feb-2007 00:14:25] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[08-Feb-2007 00:14:26] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Grig Gheorghiu] New job
[08-Feb-2007 00:14:27] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117086905524942211
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[08-Feb-2007 03:38:48] *** BeH0LDeR has joined #zenoss
[08-Feb-2007 03:38:56] <BeH0LDeR> anyone awake?
[08-Feb-2007 03:43:05] <BeH0LDeR> I'll be away from keys but qould like to know if there are any issues installing on centos4.4 with the instruction for centos4.3 on the web site. I'm getting install errors and zenoss will not start up... errors like /opt/zenoss/bin/zeoctl: No such file or directory etc.
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[08-Feb-2007 23:12:12] <MrProper_> greetings all
[08-Feb-2007 23:12:28] <MrProper_> can anyone tell me how to change a devices rrd template?
[08-Feb-2007 23:12:58] <MrProper_> it seems like you can only take a local copy of the default one, but not select another one you have created from the default
[08-Feb-2007 23:14:49] *** creiht has quit IRC
[08-Feb-2007 23:36:01] <MrProper_> anyone alive?
[08-Feb-2007 23:51:59] *** em-dash_ has quit IRC
[09-Feb-2007 00:14:59] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[09-Feb-2007 00:15:00] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[09-Feb-2007 00:15:01] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [comp.lang.python.announce] [ANN] DirectPython 0.8
[09-Feb-2007 00:15:02] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117095426834856982
[09-Feb-2007 00:18:02] <_lunix_> MrProper_ setup a zen alert to sms you when this chanel is alive
[09-Feb-2007 00:18:03] <_lunix_> LOL
[09-Feb-2007 00:18:24] <MrProper_> lol
[09-Feb-2007 00:22:03] *** MrProper_ has quit IRC
[09-Feb-2007 05:02:30] *** rabbit7 has joined #zenoss
[09-Feb-2007 05:03:02] <rabbit7> hey there .. i get following error message when trying to install the zenoss rpm on a centos nstalling package zenoss-1.1.0-2 needs 15MB on the / filesystem
[09-Feb-2007 05:03:11] <rabbit7> i have of course 15 mb space
[09-Feb-2007 09:16:58] <rabbit7> anyone online ?
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[09-Feb-2007 13:09:04] *** Bilco105 has joined #zenoss
[09-Feb-2007 13:09:19] <Bilco105> Hi
[09-Feb-2007 13:09:27] <monrad> hi
[09-Feb-2007 13:09:39] <Bilco105> When using events, is there a way to print the component?
[09-Feb-2007 13:10:02] <monrad> i dont know
[09-Feb-2007 16:31:44] *** rhester has joined #zenoss
[09-Feb-2007 16:32:01] <rhester> Anyone awake? I just did a fresh install of 1.1 and have a simple-and-stupid problem.
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:12] <monrad> what?
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:55] <rhester> Fresh install, get the following any time I try to move an event to history:
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:58] <rhester> Zenoss Error
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:58] <rhester> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Please use the form below to submit details of this error to Zenoss, Inc.
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:58] <rhester> Type: OperationalError
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:58] <rhester> Value: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value count at row 1")
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:58] <rhester> Traceback (innermost last):
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:59] <rhester> * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 114, in publish
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:01] <rhester> * Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:03] <rhester> * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 40, in call_object
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:05] <rhester> * Module Products.ZenModel.EventView, line 100, in manage_deleteEvents
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:07] <rhester> * Module Products.ZenEvents.EventManagerBase, line 1049, in manage_deleteEvents
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:09] <rhester> * Module Products.ZenEvents.EventManagerBase, line 1039, in deleteEvents
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:11] <rhester> * Module Products.ZenEvents.EventManagerBase, line 1017, in updateEvents
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:13] <rhester> * Module MySQLdb.cursors, line 137, in execute
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:15] <rhester> * Module MySQLdb.connections, line 33, in defaulterrorhandler
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:17] <rhester> OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value count at row 1")
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:21] <rhester> Clearly, there's a missing column in the events table, but hell if I can find it.
[09-Feb-2007 16:54:08] *** b_52GM has quit IRC
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[09-Feb-2007 16:56:23] <rhester> NM, found it I think:
[09-Feb-2007 16:56:23] <rhester> http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/changeset/3962
[09-Feb-2007 16:56:31] <adytum-bot> Title: Changeset 3962 - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
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[10-Feb-2007 00:15:31] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[10-Feb-2007 00:15:32] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[10-Feb-2007 00:15:33] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Pycon] One week left for online registration
[10-Feb-2007 00:15:34] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117104564072748781
[10-Feb-2007 09:43:18] * chrismok farts
[10-Feb-2007 09:44:51] *** Bilco105_ has joined #zenoss
[10-Feb-2007 09:45:04] <Bilco105_> hello
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[11-Feb-2007 00:16:10] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[11-Feb-2007 00:16:11] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[11-Feb-2007 17:23:44] <MrProper_> morning all
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[12-Feb-2007 00:16:45] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[12-Feb-2007 00:16:46] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[12-Feb-2007 03:45:11] <foo> Hello
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[12-Feb-2007 06:44:14] <chrisw> hi everyone, I am very new to zenoss and am prototyping a replacement to an existing nagios and cacti setup. I am in the process of getting nagios plugins to work with zenoss and it appears that the plugin is running, but either the formatting codes are incorrect to get the data into rrd graphs or some other bit of magic going wrong. Does anyone here know of a reasonable guide available or have any pointers?
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[12-Feb-2007 10:57:24] *** BeH0LDeR has joined #zenoss
[12-Feb-2007 10:57:40] <BeH0LDeR> anyone around?
[12-Feb-2007 10:58:40] <BeH0LDeR> getting "Unable to find python build environment" building from source on debian... followed install as best as I can.. anyone help?
[12-Feb-2007 10:58:57] <creiht> BeH0LDeR: Pure Debian or Ubuntu?
[12-Feb-2007 10:59:07] *** cote has joined #zenoss
[12-Feb-2007 10:59:43] <BeH0LDeR> pure
[12-Feb-2007 10:59:48] <creiht> Actually either one, you need the python-dev package
[12-Feb-2007 11:00:08] *** SunRayCafe has joined #zenoss
[12-Feb-2007 11:00:14] <BeH0LDeR> let me check to see
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[12-Feb-2007 11:02:02] <BeH0LDeR> apt-get install python-dev = The following packages have unmet dependencies: python-dev: Depends: python2.3-dev (>= 2.3.4-18) but it is not going to be installed E: Broken packages
[12-Feb-2007 11:02:05] <BeH0LDeR> ?
[12-Feb-2007 11:03:13] <creiht> BeH0LDeR: Sounds like you have some broken packages... Though I can not remember the command to run to fix them
[12-Feb-2007 11:03:17] <BeH0LDeR> errr
[12-Feb-2007 11:03:20] <BeH0LDeR> hold up
[12-Feb-2007 11:03:22] <BeH0LDeR> one sec
[12-Feb-2007 11:04:08] <BeH0LDeR> question.. cna I use 2.4? or does it need to be 2.3?
[12-Feb-2007 11:04:30] <BeH0LDeR> python that is
[12-Feb-2007 11:04:39] <creiht> I would say 2.4 is preferred
[12-Feb-2007 11:04:46] <creiht> Though it is supposed to work with 2.3
[12-Feb-2007 11:05:46] <creiht> Note that I don't officially speak for Zenoss... I'm just a happy user
[12-Feb-2007 11:05:50] <BeH0LDeR> k.. one more sec.. trying to fix
[12-Feb-2007 11:06:13] <BeH0LDeR> it fine.. you already helped when you said python-dev
[12-Feb-2007 11:09:11] <BeH0LDeR> thanks.. fixed it now its giving me an error about not having mysql dev
[12-Feb-2007 11:11:50] <chrisw> please ignore my comment from earlier, I have figured out the correct syntax now and have nagios plugins providing data into rrd graphs - sorry for the interuption
[12-Feb-2007 11:14:25] <BeH0LDeR> is libmysqlclient14-dev right for mysql5?
[12-Feb-2007 11:15:20] <creiht> BeH0LDeR: I just found this:
[12-Feb-2007 11:15:21] <creiht> http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/wiki/DebianSarge
[12-Feb-2007 11:15:28] <adytum-bot> Title: DebianSarge - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
[12-Feb-2007 11:15:47] <creiht> Not sure if you are running sarge or not, but it at least should help you figure out what packages to install
[12-Feb-2007 11:16:10] <BeH0LDeR> thanks
[12-Feb-2007 11:16:13] <BeH0LDeR> looking now
[12-Feb-2007 11:22:54] *** creiht has left #zenoss
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[12-Feb-2007 11:30:54] <BeH0LDeR> that wiki needs to be edited because a few things are not writen properly but it helped.. says its installing
[12-Feb-2007 11:38:19] *** dyngnosis has joined #Zenoss
[12-Feb-2007 11:38:48] <creiht> BeH0LDeR: If you have a moment I think you can make changes to the page, or send suggestions to the mailing list
[12-Feb-2007 11:38:52] <dyngnosis> anyone alive? I've got a quick question about monitoring WMI services using Zenoss...
[12-Feb-2007 11:39:39] <dyngnosis> I'm just wondering if it is it agentless... I'm working on reversing the protocol and don't want to re-do work thats already been done
[12-Feb-2007 11:46:26] <BeH0LDeR> understandable... I'm in the middle of installing and from what I believe it uses a plug in... wait and see if someone else is alive in here
[12-Feb-2007 11:50:39] <BeH0LDeR> anyone in here know a bit about openwbem?
[12-Feb-2007 11:51:39] <BeH0LDeR> heard of it maybe
[12-Feb-2007 12:02:44] <BeH0LDeR> its working
[12-Feb-2007 12:43:15] <foo> Hm, no one was at SCALE5x by any chance representing this project, were they?
[12-Feb-2007 13:10:12] *** chrisw has quit IRC
[12-Feb-2007 13:35:58] <creiht> foo: I think they were supposed to be
[12-Feb-2007 13:36:30] <foo> they were
[12-Feb-2007 13:36:34] <foo> Just wondering if anyone is here
[12-Feb-2007 13:40:36] <BeH0LDeR> back
[12-Feb-2007 13:41:31] <BeH0LDeR> I wish someone would come out with an opensource cim (front-end) for openwbem
[12-Feb-2007 14:00:17] *** robbiev has joined #zenoss
[12-Feb-2007 14:01:10] <robbiev> How can I get access to the zenoss xml-rpc interface? Does it support device status? I would like to write a script to provide me desktop alerts.
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[12-Feb-2007 16:59:54] *** cappaberra has joined #zenoss
[12-Feb-2007 17:00:36] <cappaberra> hey there... I've got a zenmib question... I've read the FAQ tried it a bunch of times, but I'm still having dependency issues with the standard mibs for SNMPv1.
[12-Feb-2007 17:00:41] <cappaberra> can anyone offer some help?
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[12-Feb-2007 17:27:18] <cappaberra> is there anyone alive in this channel?
[12-Feb-2007 17:51:57] * foo slaps cappaberra
[12-Feb-2007 17:56:49] <cappaberra> hey there foo
[12-Feb-2007 17:58:43] * cappaberra slaps zenoss .. "won't you just work?!"
[12-Feb-2007 18:00:55] <foo> I haven't used it yet, just heard about it at this conference I went to the past weekend
[12-Feb-2007 18:02:39] <cappaberra> ah ok
[12-Feb-2007 18:03:04] <cappaberra> well, if you have problems with zenmib, let me know... I'm slowly becoming an expert
[12-Feb-2007 18:04:18] <creiht> cappaberra: I think most of us here are in a similar situation as you
[12-Feb-2007 18:04:31] <creiht> The devs don't hang out here much anymore
[12-Feb-2007 18:07:46] <cappaberra> that's ok... has anyone figured it out?
[12-Feb-2007 18:08:00] <cappaberra> I'm reading through lots of posts to the mailing list
[12-Feb-2007 18:08:29] <creiht> cappaberra: What exact errors/problems are you running in to?
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:03] <cappaberra> I'm trying to "compile" SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:13] <cappaberra> here's the problem..
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:13] <creiht> ahhh
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:31] <creiht> I'm afraid I have yet to do anything like that
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:44] <cappaberra> zenmib run SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my generates this:
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:44] <cappaberra> INFO:zen.zenmib:Unable to find a file providing the MIB SNMPv2-SMI-v1
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:44] <cappaberra> sh: line 1: 30133 Segmentation fault smidump -fpython "SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my" 2>/dev/null
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:44] <cappaberra> ERROR:zen.zenmib:Failed to load mib: SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my
[12-Feb-2007 18:10:17] <cappaberra> basically, it means that it can't find the SNMPv2-SMI-V1SMI.my definitions
[12-Feb-2007 18:10:43] <cappaberra> so, I go into the zenoss web interface and delete all instances of the empty MIB trees and try these two commands:
[12-Feb-2007 18:11:17] <cappaberra> zenmib run SNMPv2-SMI-V1SMI.my
[12-Feb-2007 18:11:22] <cappaberra> zenmib run SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my
[12-Feb-2007 18:11:59] <cappaberra> (from inside $ZENHOME/share/mibs/site)
[12-Feb-2007 18:12:35] <cappaberra> the first zenmib works perfectly, since it has no dependencies, but the -TC- mib file fails since it depends on the -SMI- one
[12-Feb-2007 18:13:39] <cappaberra> so, I read a post on the mailing list about this and one person had success with adding dependencies with as arguments to zenmib, but it didn't work for me....
like this: zenmib run SNMPv2-SMI-V1SMI.my SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my
[12-Feb-2007 18:13:45] <cappaberra> so, that's where I'm at. :-\
[12-Feb-2007 19:03:39] <cappaberra> ok, figured out one thing...
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[12-Feb-2007 19:29:52] <BeH0LDeR> why is it that I feel zenoss has issues? I got throught the install and now Its just acting buggy
[12-Feb-2007 19:32:23] <BeH0LDeR> anyone want to help someone out using zenoss on debian?
[12-Feb-2007 19:34:09] <BeH0LDeR> what does the error 2/2 mean?
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[12-Feb-2007 20:10:12] <cappaberra> BeH0LDeR: the "error 2/2" means you've ack'd two traps of type "error"... I think.
[12-Feb-2007 20:10:34] <cappaberra> if it was 0/2, it means you haven't acknowledged either of the 2 traps
[12-Feb-2007 20:23:36] <BeH0LDeR> how do you clear the events?
[12-Feb-2007 20:25:31] <cappaberra> I think if you just view the event, it "clears" it
[12-Feb-2007 20:25:47] <cappaberra> or, you might have to actually do something to do that... I don't remember.
[12-Feb-2007 20:25:51] * cappaberra is new at this stuff too
[12-Feb-2007 20:25:56] <BeH0LDeR> k
[12-Feb-2007 20:29:32] <BeH0LDeR> what source did you install from? the downloads off there page or the currect build
[12-Feb-2007 20:30:20] *** quux has quit IRC
[12-Feb-2007 20:30:43] <BeH0LDeR> their
[12-Feb-2007 20:31:56] <BeH0LDeR> cappaberra
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[12-Feb-2007 20:33:37] <cappaberra> I used the VM appliance
[12-Feb-2007 20:36:08] <BeH0LDeR> err
[12-Feb-2007 20:36:31] <cappaberra> I used the downloads
[12-Feb-2007 20:36:36] <cappaberra> v1.1.0 I think
[12-Feb-2007 20:37:42] <BeH0LDeR> wish I had someone trying to install from source
[12-Feb-2007 20:37:56] <BeH0LDeR> I'm about to give up for tonight
[12-Feb-2007 20:38:03] <cappaberra> heh, I feel the same
[12-Feb-2007 20:49:00] <BeH0LDeR> cappaberra your pm
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[13-Feb-2007 00:17:27] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[13-Feb-2007 00:17:28] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[13-Feb-2007 15:28:47] *** BeH0LDeR has joined #zenoss
[13-Feb-2007 15:29:02] <BeH0LDeR> anyone awake?
[13-Feb-2007 15:46:05] <dyngnosis> I am.. but I'm positive I cant help you
[13-Feb-2007 15:46:09] <dyngnosis> and welcome back
[13-Feb-2007 16:42:41] <BeH0LDeR> lol
[13-Feb-2007 16:43:07] <BeH0LDeR> u ever used zabbix?
[13-Feb-2007 19:16:34] *** creiht has quit IRC
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[14-Feb-2007 00:18:02] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - I Got the Black One - 13 Feb, 11:22AM
[14-Feb-2007 00:18:03] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/66266.html
[14-Feb-2007 00:18:04] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[14-Feb-2007 00:18:05] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[14-Feb-2007 00:18:06] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Cheese Shop] peppy 0.5.1
[14-Feb-2007 00:18:07] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117139358151544502
[14-Feb-2007 01:31:31] *** b_52Free has quit IRC
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[14-Feb-2007 10:41:47] *** creiht has joined #zenoss
[14-Feb-2007 12:06:24] *** BrNKck has joined #zenoss
[14-Feb-2007 12:08:43] <BrNKck> Got Zenoss Installed on an Ubuntu6.10 Edgy server; but I don't know haow to run the "update-rc.d zenoss 95
[14-Feb-2007 12:09:09] <BrNKck> Do I do this on the command line or does it go into the init.d script?
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[14-Feb-2007 12:43:06] <BrNKck> hi enots
[14-Feb-2007 12:43:17] <BrNKck> have you installed zenoss?
[14-Feb-2007 12:59:15] <BrNKck> how should I identify a Cisco multilayered switch; as a router or a switch?
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[14-Feb-2007 17:04:57] <BrNKck> is there anyone here to answer a question?
[14-Feb-2007 17:13:21] <creiht> BrNKck: Unfortunately the devs are not on much. Most of us here try to answer questions when we can. Unfortunately I haven't done much network device monitoring, so I can't be of much help.
[14-Feb-2007 17:42:35] <enots> BrNKck, define as router.
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[15-Feb-2007 00:18:32] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[15-Feb-2007 00:18:33] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[15-Feb-2007 19:45:58] <giesen> anyone alive that can help me with a perf problem
[15-Feb-2007 19:46:06] <giesen> for one of my boxes
[15-Feb-2007 19:46:18] <giesen> for laLoadInt5
[15-Feb-2007 19:46:27] <giesen> Ive set a threshold of 5 for a notification
[15-Feb-2007 19:46:36] <giesen> but the graph is showing 0
[15-Feb-2007 19:46:51] <giesen> and Im getting paged
[15-Feb-2007 19:46:54] <giesen> this is only on one machine
[15-Feb-2007 19:46:59] <giesen> works fine on everything else
[15-Feb-2007 23:21:28] *** oubiwann has quit IRC
[16-Feb-2007 00:08:15] *** MattPayne has joined #zenoss
[16-Feb-2007 00:19:11] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[16-Feb-2007 00:19:12] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[16-Feb-2007 10:32:16] <foor> is anyone around?
[16-Feb-2007 10:33:10] <foor> I'm having a problem installing zenoss from rpm on rhel4... basically, I've installed it, but when it tries to start, I get a *lot* of python import errors that the shared libraies in /opt/zenoss/lib/python don't exist
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[17-Feb-2007 00:19:45] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[17-Feb-2007 00:19:46] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[17-Feb-2007 00:19:47] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Cheese Shop] registration 0.3
[17-Feb-2007 00:19:48] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117165546996546012
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[17-Feb-2007 07:37:59] <RickJ> hey everyone
[17-Feb-2007 07:41:37] <RickJ> I'm busy trying to intall zenoss on a freebsd 6.1 server and it keeps failing when trying to build build/nagios-plugins-1.4.5/Makefile
[17-Feb-2007 07:41:40] <RickJ> error 77
[17-Feb-2007 07:41:54] <RickJ> I checked the log files and I get this error:
[17-Feb-2007 07:41:54] <RickJ> checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
[17-Feb-2007 07:43:18] <RickJ> i've tried the fix by copying /usr/local/bin/gmake to /usr/make but it still gives the same error
[17-Feb-2007 07:44:13] <RickJ> also I can't seem to fin the config.log' file either
[17-Feb-2007 07:44:16] <RickJ> any ideas?
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[18-Feb-2007 00:20:22] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[18-Feb-2007 00:20:23] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[19-Feb-2007 00:20:57] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[19-Feb-2007 00:20:58] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[19-Feb-2007 09:54:09] *** creiht has joined #zenoss
[19-Feb-2007 10:05:49] <giesen> Anyone here that can help
[19-Feb-2007 10:06:01] <giesen> I'm getting zenping heartbeat failures all the time
[19-Feb-2007 10:06:08] <giesen> since moving to 1.1
[19-Feb-2007 10:25:15] <creiht> giesen: Check the log files and see what errors are showing up
[19-Feb-2007 10:25:33] <creiht> the will be in $ZENOSS/log
[19-Feb-2007 13:08:39] *** oubiwann has joined #zenoss
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[19-Feb-2007 13:42:11] <Aziraphale> Question: are zenpacks meant to supersede DC plugins?
[19-Feb-2007 14:55:17] <oubiwann> Aziraphale: I'm a bit out of the loop on zenpacks... been working on the community side of things for a while
[19-Feb-2007 14:55:45] <oubiwann> Erik's got some pretty cool stuff planned for zenpacks
[19-Feb-2007 14:56:04] <oubiwann> you should probably ping him on the mail list with that question, get him to talk about it a bit with folks
[19-Feb-2007 14:56:25] <creiht> oubiwann: !!!!
[19-Feb-2007 14:56:33] <oubiwann> creiht: hey, man!
[19-Feb-2007 14:56:34] <creiht> It's nice to see one of you guys around
[19-Feb-2007 14:56:37] <oubiwann> long time!
[19-Feb-2007 14:56:44] <oubiwann> yeah, we've been sooooo swamped :-)
[19-Feb-2007 14:56:49] <creiht> I'm sure
[19-Feb-2007 14:57:05] <creiht> Do you guys have any get togethers, or BOF type things planned for Zenoss?
[19-Feb-2007 14:57:06] <oubiwann> Aziraphale: for starters, check out this search on the dev site:
[19-Feb-2007 14:57:15] <oubiwann> http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/search?q=zenpack&wiki=on&changeset=on&ticket=on
[19-Feb-2007 14:57:15] <adytum-bot> Title: Search Results - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
[19-Feb-2007 14:58:03] <oubiwann> Aziraphale: in particular, http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/browser/trunk/inst/docs/ZenPackNotes.txt
[19-Feb-2007 14:58:03] <adytum-bot> Title: /trunk/inst/docs/ZenPackNotes.txt - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
[19-Feb-2007 14:58:56] <oubiwann> creiht: if you're not too busy, would you be interested it test driving our community site?
[19-Feb-2007 14:59:10] <creiht> sure
[19-Feb-2007 14:59:14] <oubiwann> creiht: it's a first draft, done under enormous time contraints
[19-Feb-2007 14:59:21] <creiht> hehe
[19-Feb-2007 14:59:25] <oubiwann> but it's a start ;-)
[19-Feb-2007 14:59:50] <oubiwann> http://community.zenoss.com
[19-Feb-2007 15:00:01] <rusty> ... and the fun begins....
[19-Feb-2007 15:00:14] <oubiwann> heh
[19-Feb-2007 15:00:27] <oubiwann> Rusty's working on the blog right now, putting the top-nav in there
[19-Feb-2007 15:00:46] <rusty> hi creiht - duncan's done most of the work on the community site, but i "helped"...
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:05] <rusty> i mean... oubiwann.
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:06] <creiht> *grins*
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:13] <creiht> nods... I know
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:20] <oubiwann> creiht: you gonna be ay pycon?
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:25] <creiht> yes
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:28] <oubiwann> sweet
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:34] <rusty> send your comments (good AND critical) to community@zenoss.com
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:45] <creiht> rusty: will do
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:55] <rusty> or post here... whatever easier!
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:07] <creiht> hrmmm.... for some reason http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/wiki is not coming up
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:07] <adytum-bot> Title: Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:10] <creiht> oh there it goes
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:13] <oubiwann> try it again...
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:15] <oubiwann> yeah
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:15] <creiht> just took a while for some reason
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:23] <oubiwann> trac can be a little slot sometimes
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:50] <rusty> oubiwann - im stepping away to finish blog update... i'll check back in a few...
[19-Feb-2007 15:03:01] <oubiwann> rusty: coo
[19-Feb-2007 15:03:45] <oubiwann> creiht: the biggest part about this effort was *deeply* integrating LDAP into Plone and phpBB
[19-Feb-2007 15:04:17] <creiht> ahhh
[19-Feb-2007 15:04:27] <creiht> Yeah integrating LDAP with anything is fun
[19-Feb-2007 15:04:31] <oubiwann> with all of the LDAP work, I'm going to be able to write up a tutorial for Zenoss-LDAP integration
[19-Feb-2007 15:04:43] <creiht> That would be way cool
[19-Feb-2007 15:05:01] <oubiwann> I'm looking forward to it :-)
[19-Feb-2007 15:05:37] <creiht> Initial impression is the plone skin looks nice
[19-Feb-2007 15:06:04] <creiht> Its a bit weird that many of the menu items take me to a different site
[19-Feb-2007 15:06:16] <creiht> (blog, wiki)
[19-Feb-2007 15:07:18] <creiht> If I join the community
[19-Feb-2007 15:07:24] <creiht> but I am already on the mailing lists
[19-Feb-2007 15:07:53] <creiht> Do I just leave the subscription boxes unchecked?
[19-Feb-2007 15:09:20] <rusty> creiht: this is one of the issues we are working on - lets see what oubiwann has to say...
[19-Feb-2007 15:09:23] <creiht> oubiwann: And I like the idea of having a Forum. But will it be a bit weird trying to keep up with both a forum and mailing list?
[19-Feb-2007 15:09:38] <rusty> creiht: they are bridged
[19-Feb-2007 15:09:45] <creiht> oh cool
[19-Feb-2007 15:09:48] <rusty> post to one and it goes to both
[19-Feb-2007 15:09:51] <creiht> That rocks
[19-Feb-2007 15:09:57] <rusty> participate in your choice or bounce between them
[19-Feb-2007 15:10:06] <rusty> doesn't matter
[19-Feb-2007 15:10:28] <rusty> the search in the forum will be VERY handy, as will sticky posts for common issues.
[19-Feb-2007 15:10:52] <oubiwann> creiht: the subscriptions thing is a bit tricky
[19-Feb-2007 15:11:08] <creiht> rusty: yes
[19-Feb-2007 15:11:27] <oubiwann> creiht: mailman identifies users by email address only
[19-Feb-2007 15:11:46] <oubiwann> so if you sign up for the community with a different email address, there won't be any impact
[19-Feb-2007 15:12:12] <oubiwann> creiht: however, if you sign up with the same email address that's in mailman, it will search to see if it can find you there
[19-Feb-2007 15:12:40] <oubiwann> creiht: if it finds you, and you leave the boxes unchecked, it will set your mail preference to "don't receive"
[19-Feb-2007 15:12:54] <oubiwann> that's how it stands right now
[19-Feb-2007 15:13:07] <creiht> hehe... ok so I should check them then, since I will be using the same email address?
[19-Feb-2007 15:13:18] <oubiwann> that's what I would do for now
[19-Feb-2007 15:13:27] <creiht> will do
[19-Feb-2007 15:13:35] <creiht> Is LDAP tied into Trac as well?
[19-Feb-2007 15:13:42] <oubiwann> we're going to add more sophisticated logic to the registration process
[19-Feb-2007 15:13:50] <oubiwann> creiht: not yet, but that's next on the list
[19-Feb-2007 15:14:09] <oubiwann> we will be granting access to trac via LDAP groups
[19-Feb-2007 15:14:20] <creiht> cool
[19-Feb-2007 15:14:44] <oubiwann> actually, in Fedora Directory Server, we're using Virtual Views, not groups... but that's a technical quibble ;-)
[19-Feb-2007 15:14:44] <creiht> hrmmm... when I try to register with my gmail address, I get:
[19-Feb-2007 15:14:52] <creiht> We were unable to send your password to your email address: (111, 'Connection refused')
[19-Feb-2007 15:14:58] <oubiwann> doh!
[19-Feb-2007 15:15:00] <oubiwann> thanks!
[19-Feb-2007 15:15:02] <creiht> np
[19-Feb-2007 15:15:03] <oubiwann> we need to update the mail host
[19-Feb-2007 15:16:13] <oubiwann> try it again
[19-Feb-2007 15:17:15] <creiht> ok that seems to have worked
[19-Feb-2007 15:17:26] <oubiwann> cool, I see you in LDAP ;-)
[19-Feb-2007 15:19:39] <creiht> oubiwann: Hmm the confirmation email is a bit odd
[19-Feb-2007 15:19:43] <creiht> It's titled
[19-Feb-2007 15:19:49] <creiht> Postal Membership Information
[19-Feb-2007 15:19:53] <creiht> and from
[19-Feb-2007 15:20:05] <creiht> postmaster@localhost.lga2.us.voxel.net
[19-Feb-2007 15:20:44] <creiht> The welcome message just says
[19-Feb-2007 15:20:53] <creiht> Welcome,
[19-Feb-2007 15:20:53] <creiht> You have been registered as a member of Community,
[19-Feb-2007 15:20:53] <creiht> which allows you to personalize your view of the website and participate in
[19-Feb-2007 15:20:53] <creiht> the community. Please activate your account by visiting
[19-Feb-2007 15:20:57] <creiht> With my link
[19-Feb-2007 15:21:13] <creiht> The only thing that identifies it as coming from Zenoss is the link
[19-Feb-2007 15:21:20] <creiht> It also is signed
[19-Feb-2007 15:21:25] <creiht> With Kinds regards,
[19-Feb-2007 15:21:29] <creiht> but then no name
[19-Feb-2007 15:21:47] <oubiwann> yeah, that's on Rusty's todo
[19-Feb-2007 15:22:11] <oubiwann> he asked me about hacking that template a couple days ago
[19-Feb-2007 15:22:18] <creiht> cool
[19-Feb-2007 15:22:29] <creiht> I am able to log in now though
[19-Feb-2007 15:22:37] <oubiwann> awesome
[19-Feb-2007 15:23:54] <creiht> If I go into the Forums should it log me in automatically?
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:03] <creiht> Or do I need to log in again
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:16] <oubiwann> nah, we don't have single sign-on yet
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:17] <rusty> creiht: for now, log in again... single sign on is still down the road
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:24] <creiht> cool
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:25] <oubiwann> that's a phase 2 dealie
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:26] <creiht> no biggie
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:28] <creiht> hehe
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:30] <rusty> you can have it remember you
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:55] <creiht> rusty: right... but SSO will be nice
[19-Feb-2007 15:25:10] <rusty> the "zenoss-users" forum is a live link, so dont post "tests" but feel free to post a real message when/if you have one.
[19-Feb-2007 15:25:28] <creiht> Will do
[19-Feb-2007 15:25:48] <rusty> creiht: you are right - it will be nice, but my gut is that it will be more of a PITA than LDAP was/is...
[19-Feb-2007 15:26:16] <creiht> heheh
[19-Feb-2007 15:26:18] <creiht> yes it will
[19-Feb-2007 15:27:23] <rusty> back in 10min
[19-Feb-2007 15:28:42] <oubiwann> we're looking at using mod_auth_tkt for apache for SSO
[19-Feb-2007 15:30:54] <creiht> oubiwann: Interesting... I haven't seen that one before... Let me know how it goes when you guys get around to it
[19-Feb-2007 15:31:03] <oubiwann> you bet
[19-Feb-2007 15:31:11] <creiht> Our SSO is built into the apps... A bit of a pain, but it works
[19-Feb-2007 15:31:16] <oubiwann> the CEO is really pushing for it, so it's at the top of our list
[19-Feb-2007 15:33:21] <creiht> oubiwann: Well that's all I have time for now
[19-Feb-2007 15:33:28] <creiht> Overall it is looking good though
[19-Feb-2007 15:33:30] <oubiwann> cool man -- thanks so much!
[19-Feb-2007 15:33:40] <creiht> np
[19-Feb-2007 15:33:45] <creiht> Glad to be of some help
[19-Feb-2007 15:37:33] <rusty> creiht: just wanted to say thanks also... appreciate the help... future input/comments etc. can be sent to community@zenoss.com (or oubiwann!)
[19-Feb-2007 15:38:05] <creiht> rusty: I just usually annoy edahl
[19-Feb-2007 15:39:47] <oubiwann> hahaha
[19-Feb-2007 16:23:59] <giesen> wooo
[19-Feb-2007 16:24:04] <giesen> 3 new servers for me to play with
[19-Feb-2007 16:24:10] <giesen> I just wish zenoss would get unbroken :/
[19-Feb-2007 16:24:57] <giesen> I should probably take the time to write up a ticket
[19-Feb-2007 16:54:08] <oubiwann> giesen: that's a *really* good idea :-)
[19-Feb-2007 16:54:18] <oubiwann> ticketness is excellent
[19-Feb-2007 16:54:29] <giesen> it's kinda minor
[19-Feb-2007 16:54:31] <giesen> basically
[19-Feb-2007 16:54:35] <giesen> on my perf graph
[19-Feb-2007 16:54:39] <giesen> I set a threshold
[19-Feb-2007 16:54:52] <giesen> and instead of the proper threshold appearing on the graph
[19-Feb-2007 16:55:58] <giesen> it says 0 > laLoadInt5 > 0
[19-Feb-2007 16:56:07] <giesen> when it should be 1 > laLoadInt5 > 5
[19-Feb-2007 16:56:20] <giesen> erm
[19-Feb-2007 16:56:23] <giesen> something like that
[19-Feb-2007 16:57:59] <giesen> laloadInt > 0 laloadInt > 0
[19-Feb-2007 16:58:04] <giesen> when it should be > 1 and > 5
[19-Feb-2007 16:58:54] <giesen> and the thresholds are broken
[19-Feb-2007 17:12:12] *** _lunix_ has quit IRC
[19-Feb-2007 17:16:29] <Aziraphale> oubiwann: ahhh
[19-Feb-2007 17:16:39] <Aziraphale> nice one, thanks
[19-Feb-2007 17:16:42] <oubiwann> Aziraphale: did those links help?
[19-Feb-2007 17:16:44] <oubiwann> cool :-)
[19-Feb-2007 17:16:58] <monrad> i seems that there is a max around 45.000-60.000 rrd files
[19-Feb-2007 17:17:52] <monrad> according to tobi
[19-Feb-2007 17:20:25] <Aziraphale> oubiwann: was planning for the longest time to write a DC plugin for juniper routers
[19-Feb-2007 17:20:45] <Aziraphale> so maybe a zenpack - once I know how - could be the better idea
[19-Feb-2007 17:20:52] <monrad> Dc plugin?
[19-Feb-2007 17:20:58] <Aziraphale> data collector
[19-Feb-2007 17:21:01] <monrad> ah
[19-Feb-2007 17:21:16] <monrad> we are thinking about doing a zenpack for Allied telesis switches
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:20] <giesen> as in 45 thousand rrd files?
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:24] <monrad> yes
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:27] <giesen> ah
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:31] <monrad> we got a couple of switches
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:34] <giesen> probably wont hit that for a little of while
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:47] <giesen> I've only got about a hundred devices or so
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:50] <monrad> i hit that with only 1/3 of all our switches
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:54] <giesen> but I havent added any switches yet
[19-Feb-2007 17:23:10] <giesen> we've got a dozen or so cisco 2848s kicking around
[19-Feb-2007 17:23:27] <giesen> do you actually graph every port?
[19-Feb-2007 17:23:35] <monrad> not right now
[19-Feb-2007 17:23:38] <monrad> but i would like to
[19-Feb-2007 17:23:49] <Aziraphale> hmm, that must be a fair bit of snmp traffic
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:06] <giesen> I dont really seen the point
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:14] <giesen> that's better left for something like cacti
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:26] <Aziraphale> same limitation though
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:33] <giesen> it's not like you're gonna pull billing information out of zenoss
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:37] <Aziraphale> cacti uses RRDtool too
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:41] <giesen> yeah I know
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:45] <giesen> =)
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:57] <giesen> no reason you couldnt run a couple instances of rrdtool
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:03] <giesen> that would work around the limitation
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:04] <Aziraphale> RTG for billing info
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:10] <giesen> RTG's nice
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:15] <giesen> although I havent found a good interface for it
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:17] <monrad> well RTG?
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:18] <creiht> monrad: What limits it? Filesystem?
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:20] <Aziraphale> dunno what mysqls limits are in that respect though
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:32] <giesen> Im sure mysql scales much better than rrd
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:01] <monrad> creiht: http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool-trac/wiki/RRDaccelerator <- read the problem part
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:01] <adytum-bot> Title: RRDaccelerator - RRDtool Trac - Trac (at oss.oetiker.ch)
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:01] <giesen> creiht: probably number of open file handles or something
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:02] <monrad> well tobi is working on a fix for it
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:02] <creiht> We had a problem with EXT3 a while back
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:10] <giesen> uh
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:14] <creiht> With just the number of files in a folder
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:16] <giesen> am I the only one
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:22] <giesen> that the page shows up white for?
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:31] <monrad> it works for me
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:53] <monrad> creiht: no i have the files in the normal zenoss folder structur
[19-Feb-2007 17:27:23] <creiht> interesting
[19-Feb-2007 17:27:47] <monrad> we are thinking about writing our own cache layer between zenoss and the rrd files
[19-Feb-2007 17:27:54] <Aziraphale> doesn't the file system do that anyway?
[19-Feb-2007 17:28:13] <creiht> monrad: It might be better to distribute the collectors
[19-Feb-2007 17:28:26] <creiht> And spend the time developing a Zenoss aggregator
[19-Feb-2007 17:28:41] <monrad> well now i got my shiny SAN access
[19-Feb-2007 17:28:44] <monrad>
[19-Feb-2007 17:29:07] <monrad> and its hard to get allocated servers right now
[19-Feb-2007 17:30:26] <monrad> snmp version 2 is nice it shaved 1/5 off the total collection time
[19-Feb-2007 17:30:44] <Aziraphale> I might be wrong here but this looks like caching-on-top-of-caching to me
[19-Feb-2007 17:30:57] <monrad> Aziraphale: ?
[19-Feb-2007 17:31:06] <Aziraphale> the RRD accelerator
[19-Feb-2007 17:31:57] <Aziraphale> I mean if it flushes to file all that'll happen is that it gets buffered again by the FS and flushed when the fs finds the time...
[19-Feb-2007 17:32:22] <Aziraphale> sounds like a recipe for file corruption to me
[19-Feb-2007 17:32:46] <Aziraphale> IANAFSD
[19-Feb-2007 17:33:08] <monrad> but believe me that limit is quite real
[19-Feb-2007 17:33:45] <Aziraphale> what sort of network do you have that can sustain that many snmp collects?
[19-Feb-2007 17:34:03] <Aziraphale> (within a reasonable time frame)
[19-Feb-2007 17:36:06] <giesen> depends how often he's polling
[19-Feb-2007 17:36:12] <monrad> when i got to 330 switches it did not use the network very much
[19-Feb-2007 17:36:32] <giesen> we polled every minute at my last job
[19-Feb-2007 17:36:39] <giesen> because if we polled any less than that
[19-Feb-2007 17:36:52] <giesen> the counter would roll over between polls
[19-Feb-2007 17:36:53] <monrad> but i guess i have 1 gigabit minimium to all the swiches
[19-Feb-2007 17:36:56] <monrad>
[19-Feb-2007 17:37:29] <creiht> monrad: Is it a problem of the number of files, or of bandwidth?
[19-Feb-2007 17:37:46] <monrad> number of files i guess
[19-Feb-2007 17:37:49] <giesen> snmp doesn take that much bandwidth
[19-Feb-2007 17:38:27] <monrad> but i am not going to snmp poll all the customer equipment
[19-Feb-2007 17:38:29] <creiht> monrad: Could you partition the san and spread the rrd's accross several partitions?
[19-Feb-2007 17:38:42] <monrad> that would be overkill
[19-Feb-2007 17:39:44] <monrad> creiht: i am not sure that is the problem as tobi writes if you gather the information in 10 rrd files it would not be a problem
[19-Feb-2007 17:39:55] <monrad> but no that is not an option right now
[19-Feb-2007 17:42:37] <Aziraphale> I think a db backend for that data would be the better concept
[19-Feb-2007 17:42:47] <Aziraphale> I never liked the averaging
[19-Feb-2007 17:43:04] <Aziraphale> makes it damn hard to keep historical data
[19-Feb-2007 17:43:23] <giesen> yeah
[19-Feb-2007 17:43:25] <giesen> at my last job
[19-Feb-2007 17:43:31] <giesen> we intentionally broke rrd/cacti
[19-Feb-2007 17:43:37] <giesen> to keep all historical data for a year
[19-Feb-2007 17:44:41] <monrad> we use rrdtool to keep full stats on our transit links
[19-Feb-2007 17:45:13] <monrad> each link is a 16 mb rrd file
[19-Feb-2007 17:45:24] <monrad> and there is no averaging there
[19-Feb-2007 17:45:58] <monrad> its nice to have some activity in this channel
[19-Feb-2007 17:46:26] <Aziraphale> monrad: is that a function of the original rrdtool or did you hack it?
[19-Feb-2007 17:46:37] <creiht> Aziraphale: There are two problems with using a DB backend
[19-Feb-2007 17:46:51] <creiht> 1. Most can't scale with the throughput of writes that are needed
[19-Feb-2007 17:47:17] <monrad> Aziraphale: its just using the right rrd create statements
[19-Feb-2007 17:47:17] <Aziraphale> creiht: yeah, write speed, I thought of that...
[19-Feb-2007 17:47:19] <creiht> 2. The growth of size would be huge
[19-Feb-2007 17:47:25] <creiht> That's why we have RRD
[19-Feb-2007 17:47:33] <creiht> It has those limitations for a reason
[19-Feb-2007 17:48:45] <Aziraphale> hmm, don't see size as that much of a problem any more
[19-Feb-2007 17:48:55] <Aziraphale> storage is right cheap these days
[19-Feb-2007 17:49:05] <creiht> Taht is true
[19-Feb-2007 17:49:05] <creiht> but
[19-Feb-2007 17:49:11] <Aziraphale> FS limitations could be a bugger there
[19-Feb-2007 17:49:21] <creiht> As your DB tables size increase, the performance decreases
[19-Feb-2007 17:49:40] <creiht> It adds up very quickly
[19-Feb-2007 17:49:49] <creiht> trust me... I have been down that road before
[19-Feb-2007 17:50:26] <Aziraphale> creiht: oh, ditto. and that was with in-memory tables
[19-Feb-2007 17:51:15] <creiht> Try storking bandwidth information for 20k devices
[19-Feb-2007 17:51:18] <creiht> err storing
[19-Feb-2007 17:52:12] <Aziraphale> only way to do it really is to flush the "current" tables to "history" tables a lot - nothing trivial
[19-Feb-2007 17:53:20] <Aziraphale> kind of what RRDtool does but without the averaging
[19-Feb-2007 18:04:38] <creiht> The other nice thing about RRD is you get a lot of nice graphing functionality for free
[19-Feb-2007 18:05:01] <creiht> And other tools that work on top of it
[19-Feb-2007 18:05:14] <creiht> Besides you can configure RRD to keep data as long as you want
[19-Feb-2007 18:05:16] <Aziraphale> true, true
[19-Feb-2007 18:06:04] <Aziraphale> apparently so. I wonder what that does to the graphs...
[19-Feb-2007 18:06:45] <creiht> I would expect the same
[19-Feb-2007 18:07:14] <creiht> Though you would be able to have more granularity
[19-Feb-2007 18:07:29] <creiht> I'm not sure what the RRD defaults are for Zenoss
[19-Feb-2007 18:08:14] <creiht> The nice thing about RRD is that you also know exactly how much disk space you need
[19-Feb-2007 18:10:33] <Aziraphale> downside is, once the file is created you're committed
[19-Feb-2007 18:11:01] <creiht> hehe
[19-Feb-2007 18:11:12] <creiht> Like I said... you give some so that you can take some
[19-Feb-2007 19:40:58] *** creiht has quit IRC
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[20-Feb-2007 10:12:26] <rusty> mrhinkle: hi mark!
[20-Feb-2007 10:12:45] <mrhinkle> heya rusty
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[20-Feb-2007 10:25:09] <rusty> creiht: thanks for your help w/ the community site yesterday. when we get to SSO, would love to get some more of your input.
[20-Feb-2007 10:27:50] <creiht> rusty: No problem
[20-Feb-2007 11:05:33] *** rusty01 has joined #zenoss
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[20-Feb-2007 11:31:17] *** jeg1972 has joined #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 11:31:22] <jeg1972> Hi everyone
[20-Feb-2007 11:32:16] <jeg1972> Hi rusty
[20-Feb-2007 11:32:27] <jeg1972> Forums are looking good :-)
[20-Feb-2007 11:35:05] <rusty> jeg1972 - thanks! appreciate the feedback... I *love* the "read new messages since last visit" feature.
[20-Feb-2007 11:35:52] <jeg1972> Are you the guy who sorting out the Partner website as well?
[20-Feb-2007 11:36:14] <rusty> ive always preferred forums over mailing lists, but thats just my preference. the best part is with the bridge you can participate on either.
[20-Feb-2007 11:37:18] <rusty> jeg1972 - yes i'm part of the team involved in that project. (partner)
[20-Feb-2007 11:37:22] <creiht> Hmmm
[20-Feb-2007 11:37:29] <creiht> I jsut ran into an interesting scenario
[20-Feb-2007 11:37:31] <jeg1972> Yes, I've always preferred forums as well...
[20-Feb-2007 11:37:47] <creiht> I have a box with two ips, with different services running on each ip
[20-Feb-2007 11:38:01] <rusty> p.s. we are having some network issues here at HQ - so my reply may be delayed at times...
[20-Feb-2007 11:38:21] <creiht> I want to monitor all the services, but of course, zenoss only recognizes the services on the primary ip
[20-Feb-2007 11:38:41] <creiht> Is there a way I can have it monitor the other ip as well for that box?
[20-Feb-2007 11:39:58] <jeg1972> rusty - any idea when the partner site will be up? (I'm with the UK partner)
[20-Feb-2007 11:41:47] <rusty> jeg1972 - (john) no firm date yet - but it is a priority. please feel free to email me directly with suggestions ideas, etc.
[20-Feb-2007 11:41:53] <jeg1972> creiht - Windows or *nix?
[20-Feb-2007 11:41:58] <creiht> Unix
[20-Feb-2007 11:42:11] <jeg1972> Using SNMP or SSH?
[20-Feb-2007 11:42:14] <creiht> snmp
[20-Feb-2007 11:42:36] <creiht> I can add the other ip to monitor, but then it is polling the perf information twice
[20-Feb-2007 11:42:39] <jeg1972> rusty - Will do!
[20-Feb-2007 11:43:06] <creiht> It would be nice if there was a way to monitor multiple ips for a single device
[20-Feb-2007 11:43:41] <jeg1972> creicht - I'm sure I saw that being talked about in the mailing list a while back... let me have a look
[20-Feb-2007 11:44:03] <creiht> I was just about to search it as well... I'm searching through current tickets right now
[20-Feb-2007 11:44:19] <rusty> dont forget the new forum search... hehehe
[20-Feb-2007 11:44:24] <creiht> hehe
[20-Feb-2007 11:44:29] <creiht> Will be a good test for it
[20-Feb-2007 11:44:30] <creiht>
[20-Feb-2007 11:44:30] <rusty> ive imported all the old posts
[20-Feb-2007 11:48:07] <rusty> if you folks want an avatar with your posts in the forum...
[20-Feb-2007 11:48:16] <rusty> log into the community site: community.zenoss.com
[20-Feb-2007 11:48:28] <rusty> select "preferences" in the upper right area
[20-Feb-2007 11:48:56] <rusty> choose personal preferences (from the page that loads)
[20-Feb-2007 11:49:17] <rusty> and then upload an image/avatar (portrait).
[20-Feb-2007 11:50:15] *** rusty has left #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 11:52:12] <jeg1972> creiht - Sorry, nothing relevant :-( Couldn't even find anything in Trac either, but it's definitely a good question
[20-Feb-2007 11:52:18] <creiht> hehe
[20-Feb-2007 11:52:24] <creiht> Yeah I had teh same results
[20-Feb-2007 11:52:36] <creiht> I'm going to just have separate devices for both for now
[20-Feb-2007 11:52:39] <creiht> and submit a ticket
[20-Feb-2007 11:53:00] <creiht> Though... now I need to figure out how to get snmpd to bind to both ips
[20-Feb-2007 11:53:05] <jeg1972> yeah... not nice though is it? ;-)
[20-Feb-2007 11:53:36] <creiht> It's better than nothing though
[20-Feb-2007 11:55:48] *** rusty has joined #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 11:57:11] <jeg1972> rusty - Search works wonderfully... pity nobody filled the forums with information I wanted :-)
[20-Feb-2007 11:57:43] <rusty> heh... i'm hoping that with the forums, will come a lot more community activity so that problem will go away!
[20-Feb-2007 12:02:02] <jeg1972> You would hope that it has that effect... I always think that mailing lists work in the opposite way... almost like an exclusive gentlemans club, stopping collaboration rather than increasing it!
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[20-Feb-2007 12:06:07] <jeg1972> Do any of the other guys get on here? Drew for instance?
[20-Feb-2007 12:06:40] <rusty> jeg1972 - agreed. one of the best advantages of forums is that you can now read posts as an anonymous user - no need to "join" anything just to "lurk".
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[20-Feb-2007 12:07:03] <Aziraphale> can do that with the gmane news group bridge...
[20-Feb-2007 12:07:44] <creiht> hrmmmm
[20-Feb-2007 12:08:12] <creiht> I'm beginning to wonder if you can bind snmpd to more than the primary ip
[20-Feb-2007 12:08:45] <jeg1972> That doesn't help :-(
[20-Feb-2007 12:08:51] <rusty> jeg1972 - on occassion others are here - its actually been a recent topic of discussion. the issue is of course, time here does have some effect on development activity... so we are working on defining that balance. any input you want to share on that topic feel free to send to community@zenoss.com
[20-Feb-2007 12:08:51] <creiht> doh... nm... I think I might have found it
[20-Feb-2007 12:09:17] <creiht> I miss the good ole days when edahl hung out here
[20-Feb-2007 12:09:20] <rusty> Aziraphale - yup, that too was one option we looked at.
[20-Feb-2007 12:10:07] <Aziraphale> rusty: it's there, I use it for casual lurking
[20-Feb-2007 12:11:14] <rusty> so it is! (dooh!)
[20-Feb-2007 12:11:44] <jeg1972> rusty - There is one thing that you may or may not be able to do anything about... If you login at http://community.zenoss.com/ you have to login again in the forums
[20-Feb-2007 12:11:58] <rusty> jeg1972 - for now... yes.
[20-Feb-2007 12:12:05] <rusty> jeg1972 - "
[20-Feb-2007 12:12:44] <rusty> jeg1972 - an upcomming community release will include single sign on capabilitiy...
[20-Feb-2007 12:12:59] <rusty> but thats turning out to be a VERY tough nut to crack
[20-Feb-2007 12:13:48] <jeg1972> :-) But it wouldn't be as much fun if it were easy :-)
[20-Feb-2007 12:14:09] <rusty>
[20-Feb-2007 12:14:56] <rusty> oh - the whole "experience" with LDAP integration was quite "fun"... check out oubiwan's last post on the blog...
[20-Feb-2007 12:15:24] <jeg1972> Anyway, I'm off home... will drop you a mail about a few things. Will probably be on here again tomorrow now that I know people are actually on here :-)
[20-Feb-2007 12:15:43] <rusty> have a nice evening!
[20-Feb-2007 12:16:56] *** jeg1972 has quit IRC
[20-Feb-2007 12:21:09] <creiht> Ah ha!
[20-Feb-2007 12:22:09] <creiht> Well if anyone is interested, you can bind snmpd to multiple ips with the agentaddress configuration setting
[20-Feb-2007 12:22:15] <creiht> on NET-SNMP that is
[20-Feb-2007 12:23:16] <rusty> creiht - i'll pass that on to our team here... im sure they would be interested!
[20-Feb-2007 12:24:37] <creiht> It appears that snmp by default will bind to all available interfaces, but if you have secondary ips for a single interface, it will not bind to those by default
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[20-Feb-2007 13:44:38] *** Matt has joined #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 13:44:42] <Matt> hi guys
[20-Feb-2007 13:45:02] <Matt> anyone seen problems trying to collect data from ubuntu x86_64 machines via snmp?
[20-Feb-2007 13:45:10] <Matt> 32bit installs seem fine
[20-Feb-2007 13:45:21] <Matt> as does net-snmp compiled from scratch
[20-Feb-2007 13:45:55] <Matt> snmpwalk against works fine
[20-Feb-2007 13:46:12] <Matt> but zenoss times out whilst gathering data
[20-Feb-2007 13:46:25] <Matt> if you run snmpd with -D -f, it segfaults
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[20-Feb-2007 14:22:13] <enots> oops. Zenoss Error after upgrade from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0. any way do backup all device settings then poplulate it on fresh new install?
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[20-Feb-2007 16:32:59] <creiht> oubiwann: Hey... I have a quick question
[20-Feb-2007 16:33:05] <creiht> I was just about to submit a ticket
[20-Feb-2007 16:33:13] <oubiwann> sure
[20-Feb-2007 16:33:14] <creiht> Figured I would run it by you first
[20-Feb-2007 16:33:39] <creiht> I have a device that has different services running on two different IPs on the same interface
[20-Feb-2007 16:34:02] <creiht> When zenoss pulls information for the device it only pulls information for the primary ip
[20-Feb-2007 16:34:17] <creiht> It would be nice to be able to pull information on secondary ips as well
[20-Feb-2007 16:34:36] <oubiwann> yeah, I think I've seen this discussed on the mail list before
[20-Feb-2007 16:34:42] <creiht> Right now I had to setup snmpd to bind to both ips, and setup each ip as a different device
[20-Feb-2007 16:34:52] <creiht> I tried searching, but couldn't find anything
[20-Feb-2007 16:34:59] <oubiwann> cool, I would go ahead and submit the ticket
[20-Feb-2007 16:35:03] <creiht> Will do
[20-Feb-2007 16:35:05] <creiht> thanks
[20-Feb-2007 16:35:13] <oubiwann> I'm pretty sure Erik has a couple work arounds... I think I've heard him talk about this
[20-Feb-2007 16:35:24] <creiht> cool
[20-Feb-2007 16:35:39] <oubiwann> at the worst, it will get closed as a duplicate, and he'll point you to the feature ticket :-)
[20-Feb-2007 16:36:45] <creiht> soudns good... thanks!
[20-Feb-2007 18:53:06] *** b52lap has joined #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 19:02:47] *** creiht has quit IRC
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[20-Feb-2007 20:32:04] *** nuno has joined #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 20:32:09] <nuno> hi
[20-Feb-2007 20:54:13] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - Twisted BoF at PyCon - 21 Feb, 01:33AM
[20-Feb-2007 20:54:14] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/66330.html
[20-Feb-2007 20:54:15] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[20-Feb-2007 20:54:16] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[20-Feb-2007 20:54:17] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [comp.lang.python.announce] EasyDialogs for Windows version 46691.0
[20-Feb-2007 20:54:18] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117197310390869224
[20-Feb-2007 20:55:20] *** bflanary has joined #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 20:58:49] <fixed_> where can one get RRDTemplates for the various MIBs?
[20-Feb-2007 20:59:03] <fixed_> such as Sun Enterprise Agent
[20-Feb-2007 21:25:00] *** bflanary has quit IRC
[20-Feb-2007 21:37:42] *** oakleeman has joined #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 21:55:35] *** fixed__ has joined #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 22:04:41] <oakleeman> anybody awake?
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[20-Feb-2007 22:15:05] *** brandonl has joined #Zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:09] <brandonl> hellpo
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:11] <brandonl> hello
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:14] <brandonl> anyone around?
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:23] <oakleeman> i just asked the same
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:26] <oakleeman> never got a reply
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:47] <brandonl> I see
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:57] <brandonl> are you new to zenoss?
[20-Feb-2007 22:16:07] <oakleeman> pretty much
[20-Feb-2007 22:16:19] <oakleeman> tried it out a few months ago when it was .2
[20-Feb-2007 22:16:29] <oakleeman> and now it's suddenly 1.0.1
[20-Feb-2007 22:17:07] <oakleeman> i do like where it's going
[20-Feb-2007 22:17:22] <oakleeman> and will be keeping my eyes on it
[20-Feb-2007 22:37:02] *** oakleeman has left #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 22:54:06] *** MrProper_ has joined #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 22:55:10] <MrProper_> the ipservice doesnt seem to notice that services have gone done: ie i monitor ntp service and the device shows it up, i stop the service on the box and i've waited 30+ minutes and zenoss still tells me its up
[20-Feb-2007 23:16:25] <MrProper_> it seems like zenstatus isnt working correctly
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[21-Feb-2007 04:50:23] *** jeg1972 has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 04:50:46] <jeg1972> Morning/Evening everyone!
[21-Feb-2007 08:31:11] *** foor has left #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 09:07:07] <jeg1972> Anybody updated to the new Zenoss yet?
[21-Feb-2007 09:50:02] *** cote has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 09:52:00] *** danr has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 09:52:07] <danr> hi
[21-Feb-2007 09:52:35] <danr> does anyone know how to reset the admin password in zenoss to someting else than zenoss?
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[21-Feb-2007 10:10:48] *** creiht has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 11:02:05] *** Eimann has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 11:02:09] <Eimann> hi
[21-Feb-2007 11:05:09] <jeg1972> Hi
[21-Feb-2007 11:05:57] <jeg1972> So, has anyone installed 1.1.1 yet?
[21-Feb-2007 11:06:44] <creiht> Oh cool... I didn't realize that it was out
[21-Feb-2007 11:06:53] <creiht> I've been waiting for the next point release to install it
[21-Feb-2007 11:07:33] <creiht> arg... The dev wiki is realllllyyy slow this morning
[21-Feb-2007 11:10:47] <creiht> jeg1972: I might try upgrading later today... I've been looking forward to trying out the 1.1.* release
[21-Feb-2007 11:11:40] <creiht> brb
[21-Feb-2007 11:11:41] *** creiht has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 11:13:26] <jeg1972> Mine is all up and running CentOS 4.4 :-)
[21-Feb-2007 11:13:53] *** creiht has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 11:14:15] <jeg1972> I installed mine about an our ago, no problems.
[21-Feb-2007 11:15:10] <jeg1972> brb
[21-Feb-2007 11:15:16] *** jeg1972 has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 11:16:22] <creiht> monrad: How are you coming with your RRD issues?
[21-Feb-2007 11:22:22] *** jeg1972 has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 11:28:36] <jeg1972> creiht - What are you running Zenoss on... did you use a package or source?
[21-Feb-2007 11:29:44] <creiht> On Redhat
[21-Feb-2007 11:30:02] <creiht> I've been using source becuase I started using it before the RPMs were available
[21-Feb-2007 11:30:06] <creiht> And it was easy enough
[21-Feb-2007 11:30:33] <creiht> And it RHEL 3, so I'm not sure the RPM would work anyways
[21-Feb-2007 11:31:18] <creiht> I've been using it since .19
[21-Feb-2007 11:42:05] <jeg1972> Cool! A long time user :-)
[21-Feb-2007 11:43:13] <creiht> Almost as long as you can get
[21-Feb-2007 11:54:51] <jeg1972> So how have you found change since February/March last year?
[21-Feb-2007 11:59:13] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 12:04:45] <creiht> jeg1972: found change?
[21-Feb-2007 12:06:34] <creiht> jeg1972: If you are talking about finding out about new releases, then I usually check the mailing list and/or the web site periodically
[21-Feb-2007 12:06:39] <creiht> I just hadn't seen it yet
[21-Feb-2007 12:08:27] *** em-dash has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 12:10:04] <jeg1972> No, I meant how has it changed since the first release? How much more advanced is it now from the .19 release :-)
[21-Feb-2007 12:12:18] <creiht> jeg1972: Ahhh
[21-Feb-2007 12:12:24] <creiht> It has changed quite a bit
[21-Feb-2007 12:12:35] <creiht> 1.1 seems to be one of the biggest steps
[21-Feb-2007 12:12:43] <creiht> So I am excited to try it out
[21-Feb-2007 12:12:59] <creiht> It has matured very quickly
[21-Feb-2007 12:13:11] <creiht> And I have been impressed how well the have received input
[21-Feb-2007 12:13:15] <creiht> from people like me
[21-Feb-2007 12:13:29] <creiht> Most requests that I have made have made it into releases
[21-Feb-2007 12:19:14] <jeg1972> Yeah, that is one of the biggest things I've noticed about the Zenoss guys, they listen... and then act! Unlike some other Open Source products!
[21-Feb-2007 12:19:23] <creiht> hehe
[21-Feb-2007 12:19:24] <creiht> yeah
[21-Feb-2007 12:21:14] <creiht> I'm really impressed how quickly they are progressing and innovating
[21-Feb-2007 12:25:22] <jeg1972> It's so good, we signed up as a UK partner!
[21-Feb-2007 12:25:36] <creiht> That's awesome!
[21-Feb-2007 12:25:48] <creiht> I was trying to get my company to do something like that
[21-Feb-2007 12:25:57] <creiht> But unfortunately one of the big 4 snuck in
[21-Feb-2007 12:26:38] <b52laptop> jeg1972, partner / integrater of their solutions ?
[21-Feb-2007 12:27:19] <jeg1972> Are you in the US? I'm slightly worried about about the UK market in terms of Open Source in the Enterprise... they're not as receptive shall we say :-)
[21-Feb-2007 12:27:42] <creiht> Well we are world wide, but I am based in the US
[21-Feb-2007 12:28:11] <jeg1972> It's exiting anyway! I'm off home now... speak tomorrow!
[21-Feb-2007 12:28:21] <jeg1972> xciting... not exiting
[21-Feb-2007 12:29:28] *** jeg1972 has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 12:37:45] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 12:43:56] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 13:04:35] *** MatBoy has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 13:04:41] <MatBoy> Hi guys !
[21-Feb-2007 13:07:06] *** Tomi has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 13:08:33] <MatBoy> I have installed this great tool on a dual PIII 5000 Xeon, but as I already thought.... Python is only using 1 CPU
[21-Feb-2007 13:08:40] <MatBoy> oops
[21-Feb-2007 13:08:43] <MatBoy> 500
[21-Feb-2007 13:08:53] <MatBoy> would be nice to have a 5000
[21-Feb-2007 13:16:43] <chet> Each instance of python will only use one processor, but Zenoss runs many different instances for different purposes.
[21-Feb-2007 13:17:23] <chet> For example, you'll probably have zenping running on one processor while zenperfsnmp is running on another.
[21-Feb-2007 13:20:07] <monrad> creiht: not had much time for it
[21-Feb-2007 13:21:55] <MatBoy> chet, ok, nice to know, but don't I have to Fork apache for it ?
[21-Feb-2007 13:22:29] <chet> No, it has nothing to do with Apache. It runs under Zope which acts as its own web server.
[21-Feb-2007 13:23:34] <MatBoy> chet, ok, thanks... it's OK to run it on a Dual Xeon 500 ?
[21-Feb-2007 13:23:49] <MatBoy> it's a quad machine... but I run it in a VM... so that's why
[21-Feb-2007 13:23:57] <MatBoy> becaus ethe first start really took some minutes
[21-Feb-2007 13:24:05] <MatBoy> *because the
[21-Feb-2007 13:37:38] <MatBoy> from which folder do I have to run python setup.py build ?
[21-Feb-2007 14:19:43] *** fyarrow has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 14:21:57] <fyarrow> When I create a performance template, is it possible to apply this to an entire collection of devices so that the assosiated graphs are automatically generated?
[21-Feb-2007 14:31:27] <creiht> fyarrow: It should do that for whatever device "group" you create that template it
[21-Feb-2007 14:31:29] <creiht> err in
[21-Feb-2007 14:32:02] <creiht> It may take up to 20 mins for the configuration to get updated so that it starts actually monitoring it
[21-Feb-2007 14:32:40] <creiht> MatBoy: I didn't think you were supposed to run setup.py... There should be an installation script that handles everything for you
[21-Feb-2007 14:37:31] <fyarrow> Ah... Cool. That'd explain why I wasn't seeing anything. Will have to work on my patience
[21-Feb-2007 14:38:18] <creiht> fyarrow: You can also restart zenoss, and it would reload the configs then
[21-Feb-2007 14:38:47] <creiht> monrad: The reason I was asking was that I recalled a conversation that I had with some guys from another tool
[21-Feb-2007 14:39:08] <creiht> They were monitoring close to 50K devices using a netapp
[21-Feb-2007 14:39:18] <creiht> (with a different tool)
[21-Feb-2007 14:39:45] <creiht> and I think there were an average of a bout 5 collection points per device
[21-Feb-2007 14:39:54] <creiht> Which means 200K plus RRD files
[21-Feb-2007 14:40:44] *** fyarrow has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 14:44:44] <monrad> how often?
[21-Feb-2007 14:45:41] <creiht> 5 min interval
[21-Feb-2007 14:45:48] <creiht> That was the other thing I was going to ask you
[21-Feb-2007 14:45:58] <creiht> Are you polling every 1 min or more?
[21-Feb-2007 14:46:41] <creiht> That was pushing the limits of what they could poll on the one device
[21-Feb-2007 14:47:35] <chet> fwiw my experience is that 50k data points is pushing it on a dual 2.8Ghz hyperthreading system with Zenoss.
[21-Feb-2007 14:48:09] <creiht> chet: Are you polling every minute or something else?
[21-Feb-2007 14:48:12] <chet> Althought it has a lot to do with how quickly your SNMP agents respond.
[21-Feb-2007 14:48:15] <chet> 5 minutes
[21-Feb-2007 14:48:48] <creiht> chet: Well that's good to know
I've been wondering what the upper limits are
[21-Feb-2007 14:50:43] <chet> The biggest performance boost I've seen is setting collectors up near their targets. Checking a lot of systems from one coast to another is time consuming.
[21-Feb-2007 14:50:52] <MatBoy> creiht, it was in the wiki
[21-Feb-2007 14:52:43] <creiht> MatBoy: Ahhh... Guess I hadn't seen that yet... Where is that?
[21-Feb-2007 14:52:52] <monrad> chet: is that with more than one collector?
[21-Feb-2007 14:52:57] <MatBoy> creiht, just a sec
[21-Feb-2007 14:53:39] <chet> monrad: The 50k number was per collector, but I'm running four of them that are less loaded now.
[21-Feb-2007 14:53:50] <monrad> on the same server?
[21-Feb-2007 14:53:59] <chet> nope
[21-Feb-2007 14:54:06] <monrad> ah ok
[21-Feb-2007 14:54:19] <monrad> running more than one server is not an option for me right now
[21-Feb-2007 14:54:48] <chet> Lucky you.
[21-Feb-2007 14:58:13] <monrad> i was lucky to get SAN access
[21-Feb-2007 15:15:20] <MatBoy> creiht, here you go: http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/wiki/ZenossPlugins
[21-Feb-2007 15:15:31] <adytum-bot> Title: ZenossPlugins - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
[21-Feb-2007 15:17:51] <creiht> MatBoy: Hmmm... I don't see where it says how many nodes can be monitored with zenoss on that page
[21-Feb-2007 15:19:10] <MatBoy> creiht, did I said that ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:19:44] * MatBoy is reading baCK
[21-Feb-2007 15:19:49] <MatBoy> *back
[21-Feb-2007 15:20:04] <creiht> MatBoy: Hmmmm... I thought you were responding to how many devices chet was able to monitor on a node
[21-Feb-2007 15:20:33] <MatBoy> creiht, no, I wanted to install the plugin, but I downloaded the rpm.. I think it's the same ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:20:40] <creiht> Oh sorry
[21-Feb-2007 15:20:51] <MatBoy> NP !
[21-Feb-2007 15:22:24] <creiht> I've never installed from RPM... or the plugins yet... So I can't help you with that part... sorry
[21-Feb-2007 15:23:03] <MatBoy> creiht, ok
[21-Feb-2007 15:23:08] <MatBoy> it's my first setup of this
[21-Feb-2007 15:23:24] <MatBoy> I want to use the function to monitor with a SNMP deamon on the client
[21-Feb-2007 15:23:30] <MatBoy> I hope it will work OK
[21-Feb-2007 15:24:20] *** cote has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 15:24:37] <creiht> MatBoy: If you are justing using SNMP to monitor, I don't think you need the plugins
[21-Feb-2007 15:24:55] <MatBoy> creiht, I don't want to use SNMP on my servers
[21-Feb-2007 15:25:10] <creiht> ahhh gotcha
[21-Feb-2007 15:25:19] <creiht> Then yeah... you will want to use the plugins
[21-Feb-2007 15:26:51] <MatBoy> creiht, yes, it that all in the PDF's ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:26:58] <MatBoy> online docs are not that good
[21-Feb-2007 15:27:27] <creiht> MatBoy: Yeah I know... they are working on it
[21-Feb-2007 15:27:36] <MatBoy> creiht, all fine
[21-Feb-2007 15:27:37] <creiht> Note that I am not a zenoss dev, just a happy user
[21-Feb-2007 15:27:44] <MatBoy> hehe, me too
[21-Feb-2007 15:28:01] <MatBoy> I want to use it internal
[21-Feb-2007 15:28:35] <MatBoy> so I hope I'm able to monitor the services using my internal IP's but that it can check if it also works on the outside IP's
[21-Feb-2007 15:30:59] <MatBoy> creiht, is it better to use SNMP ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:31:31] <creiht> MatBoy: I can't say for sure, other than that is what I have used from the beginning, and it works
[21-Feb-2007 15:31:47] <MatBoy> creiht, only install snmp client ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:32:05] <creiht> I think the purpose of the plugins is to do things that can't be done with snmp, and for times where you can't use snmp
[21-Feb-2007 15:32:21] <creiht> On *nix, or Windows?
[21-Feb-2007 15:32:22] <MatBoy> creiht, yes, but it's less secure ofcourse
[21-Feb-2007 15:32:30] <chet> I agree. Use SNMP for everything you can.
[21-Feb-2007 15:32:58] <MatBoy> do you use it on RHEL/CentOS ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:33:09] <creiht> I'm using RHEL 3
[21-Feb-2007 15:33:20] <creiht> All you have to do is set up snmpd
[21-Feb-2007 15:33:25] <MatBoy> what package do you use for the SNMP client ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:33:26] <chet> CentOS 4 and Scientific Linux 4 here.
[21-Feb-2007 15:33:29] <MatBoy> ah ok
[21-Feb-2007 15:33:30] <creiht> on the devices you want to monitor
[21-Feb-2007 15:33:56] <creiht> I would think most installs will have it installed already
[21-Feb-2007 15:34:09] <chet> net-snmp
[21-Feb-2007 15:34:33] <MatBoy> most of the time indeed
[21-Feb-2007 15:35:47] <MatBoy> I always hated SNMP
[21-Feb-2007 15:36:00] <MatBoy> but that was because Zabbix did it on a strange way
[21-Feb-2007 15:37:13] <creiht> MatBoy: You can check to see if you have a /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file
[21-Feb-2007 15:37:18] <creiht> If you do then it is installed
[21-Feb-2007 15:37:31] <MatBoy> yes I installed it
[21-Feb-2007 15:37:32] <MatBoy>
[21-Feb-2007 15:37:37] <MatBoy> now I have to that file
[21-Feb-2007 15:37:43] <creiht> The snmpd.conf file is pretty well documented, but if you have questions about it, let me know
[21-Feb-2007 15:37:51] <MatBoy> ok, thanks !
[21-Feb-2007 15:38:05] <MatBoy> it has been some time ago for me
[21-Feb-2007 15:38:13] <MatBoy> first I will add my Bigiron 800
[21-Feb-2007 15:38:15] <MatBoy> 8000
[21-Feb-2007 15:38:59] <creiht> MatBoy: Well that is a swtich, so snmp should be running already
[21-Feb-2007 15:39:08] <MatBoy> creiht, yeah indeed
[21-Feb-2007 15:39:12] <MatBoy> thta's why
[21-Feb-2007 15:39:17] <MatBoy> it can do routing
[21-Feb-2007 15:39:17] <creiht> ahh hehe
[21-Feb-2007 15:39:44] <MatBoy> pretty well actually
[21-Feb-2007 15:40:11] <creiht> Wow... Thats a big honking switch
[21-Feb-2007 15:40:23] <MatBoy> hehe, used google ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:40:27] <creiht> yeah
[21-Feb-2007 15:40:32] <MatBoy> yeah, nice piece
[21-Feb-2007 15:40:36] <MatBoy> very happy with it
[21-Feb-2007 15:41:26] <creiht> We're all Cisco here... Though I'm just a meager developer... We have much smarter people than I to handle all that stuff
[21-Feb-2007 15:41:46] <MatBoy> creiht, I just bought it and strated to configure it
[21-Feb-2007 15:41:47] <MatBoy>
[21-Feb-2007 15:41:55] <monrad> bigiron <- foundry?
[21-Feb-2007 15:42:01] <MatBoy> yes
[21-Feb-2007 15:43:10] <monrad> foundry is nice
[21-Feb-2007 15:43:20] <MatBoy> it is indeed
[21-Feb-2007 15:43:35] <MatBoy> takes 7A by default of Power @ 230V
[21-Feb-2007 15:43:37] <MatBoy> but OK
[21-Feb-2007 15:43:45] <monrad> we have a few XMR and IMR's in our network
[21-Feb-2007 15:43:52] <MatBoy>
[21-Feb-2007 15:43:58] <monrad> but mostly HP9314M
[21-Feb-2007 15:44:55] <MatBoy> I still use HP4000M's
[21-Feb-2007 15:44:58] *** ski98033 has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 15:44:59] <MatBoy> very nice
[21-Feb-2007 15:45:05] <MatBoy> man, I can;t see my added device
[21-Feb-2007 15:45:06] <MatBoy> :S
[21-Feb-2007 15:45:17] <monrad> well the hp93xxm is not as nice as the new foundrys
[21-Feb-2007 15:45:32] <MatBoy> the new ones are kewl
[21-Feb-2007 15:45:32] <ski98033> Hi, newbie here with some questions i cannot find answers for...
[21-Feb-2007 15:45:34] <monrad> even though they are rebranded foundrys with hp firmware
[21-Feb-2007 15:45:39] <MatBoy> I still have the old version 8000
[21-Feb-2007 15:46:21] <ski98033> in source install it says to add user to zenperfsnmp.conf file, but I cannot find example or docs on format?
[21-Feb-2007 15:47:17] <ski98033> can someone please provide an example or pointer to docs for this, thanks
[21-Feb-2007 15:48:36] <monrad> they are no fun, they dont support ipv6
[21-Feb-2007 15:49:15] <creiht> ski98033: I think by default you don't need to edit that... Only if you are doing a non-standard config
[21-Feb-2007 15:49:19] <creiht> See if it works first
[21-Feb-2007 15:51:25] <ski98033> I tried on my localhost and it said it found no devices. I verified with snmpwalk that the localhost does have snmp working.
[21-Feb-2007 15:53:22] <creiht> ski98033: Try the actual device name rather than localhost
[21-Feb-2007 15:54:33] <ski98033> ok, looks like it works, thanks.
[21-Feb-2007 15:54:41] <creiht> cool... np
[21-Feb-2007 16:17:59] <ski98033> ok, next question is how to monitor network traffic on a linux machine
[21-Feb-2007 16:18:14] <ski98033> I am getting data on cpu, disk, and processes with no problem
[21-Feb-2007 16:22:07] <creiht> ski98033: On the OS tab at the top you will see the interfaces
[21-Feb-2007 16:22:12] <creiht> Click on one of those interfaces
[21-Feb-2007 16:23:02] <ski98033> cool, thanks creiht. This is really neat!
[21-Feb-2007 16:23:03] <creiht> For example, on mine I hit eth0
[21-Feb-2007 16:23:05] <creiht> yeah
[21-Feb-2007 16:23:47] <MatBoy> mhh there is a bug in the Foundry Firmware
[21-Feb-2007 16:23:59] <MatBoy> now I have to check if they want to give me a working version
[21-Feb-2007 16:38:01] <MatBoy> creiht, the graps ? is that a plugin ?
[21-Feb-2007 16:44:39] <MatBoy> I ask myself if I need to use SSH for such things as graphs and the OS tab... it's not pulled out by using SNMP
[21-Feb-2007 16:47:38] <creiht> The graphs are generated by whatever method you are polling
[21-Feb-2007 16:47:51] <creiht> But remember there is a bit of a delay before you will see anything in the graphs
[21-Feb-2007 16:56:19] <MatBoy> creiht, yep I know, but I see errors, I know this was normal on other monitoring programs
[21-Feb-2007 16:56:25] <MatBoy> the first 3 times
[21-Feb-2007 16:56:28] <MatBoy> or whatever
[21-Feb-2007 16:58:44] <creiht> MatBoy: What errors are you seeing?
[21-Feb-2007 16:59:09] <MatBoy> Error reading value for "memBuffer" on
[21-Feb-2007 16:59:12] <MatBoy> so on
[21-Feb-2007 16:59:46] <MatBoy> (oid . is bad)
[21-Feb-2007 16:59:51] <creiht> What device are you monitoring>?
[21-Feb-2007 17:00:00] <MatBoy> CentOS 4.4
[21-Feb-2007 17:00:04] <MatBoy> server
[21-Feb-2007 17:00:21] <creiht> The snmp config probably isn't exposing the OID
[21-Feb-2007 17:00:34] <creiht> on the server
[21-Feb-2007 17:00:51] <MatBoy> mhh
[21-Feb-2007 17:01:12] <creiht> Can you do an snmpget from the commandline with that OID?
[21-Feb-2007 17:04:00] <creiht> I bet by default it has a bit of a restrictive snmpd config (RHEL does)
[21-Feb-2007 17:04:13] <MatBoy> yeah
[21-Feb-2007 17:04:16] <MatBoy> it was only reading
[21-Feb-2007 17:04:21] <MatBoy> normal public
[21-Feb-2007 17:04:36] <MatBoy> but because I don;t allow 161 on the outside and everything on the inside
[21-Feb-2007 17:04:49] <MatBoy> snmpget does not exist, and also not a package like it
[21-Feb-2007 17:05:30] <creiht> MatBoy: Hmmm it should be there if you can do an snmpwalk
[21-Feb-2007 17:05:49] <MatBoy> creiht, nope, I think I need the utils
[21-Feb-2007 17:06:05] <creiht> ahhh
[21-Feb-2007 17:06:24] <creiht> MatBoy: I think you can do the same thing with snmpwalk as well
[21-Feb-2007 17:07:48] <MatBoy> what option do I need ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:08:56] <creiht> MatBoy: I'm pretty sure it is the same as doing a normal snmpwalk, but you append the OID to the end
[21-Feb-2007 17:09:00] <creiht> something like:
[21-Feb-2007 17:09:18] <creiht> snmpwalk -v1 -c COMMUNITYS_STRING HOSTNAME MIB
[21-Feb-2007 17:09:51] <MatBoy> I can set the OID in zenoss ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:10:21] <creiht> MatBoy: I don't think you need to do that
[21-Feb-2007 17:10:27] <MatBoy> mhh
[21-Feb-2007 17:10:49] <creiht> Unless you don't want it to monitor that
[21-Feb-2007 17:11:05] <MatBoy> I want to see everything
[21-Feb-2007 17:11:14] <MatBoy> with or without clothes
[21-Feb-2007 17:11:18] <creiht> hehe
[21-Feb-2007 17:11:30] <creiht> Well it will need to see those OIDs on the server then
[21-Feb-2007 17:11:34] <creiht> Or
[21-Feb-2007 17:11:50] <creiht> Try to use the plugins, if the snmp stuff isn't going to work for you
[21-Feb-2007 17:12:56] <MatBoy> aha
[21-Feb-2007 17:13:01] <MatBoy> it's a V2 I have the idea
[21-Feb-2007 17:15:01] <MatBoy> I'm thinking of using SSH
[21-Feb-2007 17:15:16] <MatBoy> just make a SSH user called zenoss or does it need root ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:17:30] <creiht> MatBoy: I haven't used that part, so you are beyond my expertise now
[21-Feb-2007 17:17:47] <creiht> But I think there is somewhere in the interface where you can set that
[21-Feb-2007 17:17:49] <MatBoy> creiht, nah don;t think so... just beginning with it
[21-Feb-2007 17:19:58] <MatBoy> yeah you can set it
[21-Feb-2007 17:20:17] <MatBoy> actually
[21-Feb-2007 17:20:21] <MatBoy> it looks better
[21-Feb-2007 17:20:36] <MatBoy> but I want to know what kind of ssh user you should use for it
[21-Feb-2007 17:23:37] <chet> MatBoy: A regular user works fine for me.
[21-Feb-2007 17:25:46] <MatBoy> chet, are you more happy with ssh ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:25:56] <MatBoy> creiht, strange is that the kernel was seen
[21-Feb-2007 17:26:09] <chet> I prefer SNMP because I don't like having to install plugins and junk on all my systems.
[21-Feb-2007 17:26:18] <chet> ssh works well for specialized tasks though
[21-Feb-2007 17:26:50] <MatBoy> but default stuff should work woth SNMP ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:27:21] <creiht> MatBoy: Yeah it will pull all types of stuff from snmp, including even the installed packages
[21-Feb-2007 17:27:35] <MatBoy> creiht, doesn't here
[21-Feb-2007 17:27:47] <MatBoy> but what is actually strange that the kernel was seen
[21-Feb-2007 17:27:51] <MatBoy> also the hostname
[21-Feb-2007 17:28:00] <creiht> It pulls all of that from snmp
[21-Feb-2007 17:28:05] <MatBoy> and that was not grabbed by DNS because I use a internal IP
[21-Feb-2007 17:29:23] <creiht> I still think that the snmpd.conf file is limiting what is available through snmp
[21-Feb-2007 17:29:37] <MatBoy> creiht, me too
[21-Feb-2007 17:29:46] <MatBoy> but it's 100% default so it should work on public
[21-Feb-2007 17:30:02] <creiht> Right... and by default, it doesn't open up everything
[21-Feb-2007 17:30:13] <creiht> hold on.. I'll paste my simple config that I use
[21-Feb-2007 17:32:38] <MatBoy> yeah would be nice
[21-Feb-2007 17:32:53] <MatBoy> I'm not happy with that "mapping part" they do
[21-Feb-2007 17:33:32] <creiht> MatBoy: http://paste.lisp.org/display/37184
[21-Feb-2007 17:34:46] <MatBoy> thanks
[21-Feb-2007 17:34:57] <MatBoy> I only have to change the COMM_STRING ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:35:04] <creiht> And the ZENOSS IP
[21-Feb-2007 17:35:51] <MatBoy> what do you use for community ? random generated apssword ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:35:54] <MatBoy> password
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:03] <creiht> We have an internal string that we use
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:07] <creiht> It can be whatever you want
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:13] <MatBoy> yeah I know
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:30] <MatBoy> but nothing you can remember easy or do you just type words ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:38] <MatBoy> and numbers
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:41] <creiht> hehe
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:48] <creiht> Well ours is a bit trivial
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:50] <creiht>
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:56] <MatBoy> ^&*^*jHUIOHU(*)*) ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:00] <MatBoy> liuke that ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:03] <creiht> But all the machines that I monitor are internal
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:08] <MatBoy> here too
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:12] <MatBoy> but still
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:12] <creiht> So security for snmp isn't a big deal
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:23] <MatBoy> not for reading indeed
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:28] <creiht> heh
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:37] <creiht> Ours is just a couple of words together
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:58] <creiht> You can also add your community string to the default zenoss community strings that it tries
[21-Feb-2007 17:38:10] <creiht> So that you don't have to type it everytime you add a device
[21-Feb-2007 17:38:38] <creiht> That setup will also only allow snmp queries from the zenoss ip
[21-Feb-2007 17:41:02] <MatBoy> subtree .1 ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:41:32] <ski98033> Hi, is the value for zCommandCycleTime in seconds (e.g. 60 seconds). I could not find it in the docs
[21-Feb-2007 17:42:15] <creiht> MatBoy: I'm not completely sure other than I copied it from somewhere else
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:14] <creiht> ski98033: Which option page are you looking at that?
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:14] <MatBoy> ah it's slower now
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:16] <MatBoy>
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:20] <MatBoy> so it's doing something
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:20] <MatBoy>
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:25] <creiht> haha
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:36] <MatBoy> creiht, do you want to look at it once ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:43] <MatBoy> not that I want your settings
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:52] <MatBoy> but to compare some things about yes and no
[21-Feb-2007 17:44:09] <ski98033> creiht: I am looking at the os/zProperties page for the mac server I just added to the system
[21-Feb-2007 17:45:03] <ski98033> creiht: I have it monitoring the network and load ok, but not the swap or memory - any ideas why
[21-Feb-2007 17:45:06] <creiht> MatBoy: Look at what?
[21-Feb-2007 17:45:18] <MatBoy> you snmp.conf
[21-Feb-2007 17:45:36] <creiht> ski98033: That must be new in 1.1, but I would guess seconds
[21-Feb-2007 17:45:46] <creiht> And I wouldn't mess with it
[21-Feb-2007 17:46:00] <creiht> ski98033: What devices are you monitoring?
[21-Feb-2007 17:46:10] <ski98033> ok, that sounds good. I need to do a performance test and 60 second measurements are perfect.
[21-Feb-2007 17:46:24] <ski98033> I am monitoring a Mac OSX server, dual proc, ...
[21-Feb-2007 17:46:29] <creiht> MatBoy: You can add your changes to that same paste link that I submitted earlier
[21-Feb-2007 17:46:45] <ski98033> It found both procs and seem to find the swap and memory, but only graphs for the procs
[21-Feb-2007 17:46:56] <creiht> Oh
[21-Feb-2007 17:47:01] <MatBoy> creiht, yes, but to compare what's set for subtree and so on
[21-Feb-2007 17:47:05] <creiht> I haven't monitored any OS X boxes
[21-Feb-2007 17:47:21] <creiht> MatBoy: Oh sure
[21-Feb-2007 17:48:33] <creiht> ski98033: But my guess is that the snmp on OS X doesn't expose that information to start... Where do you put them in the device tree?
[21-Feb-2007 17:48:38] <ski98033> ok, I ran zensnmpperf from the command line and see the errors:
[21-Feb-2007 17:48:47] <ski98033> WARNING:zen.zenperfsnmp:Error reading value for "memAvailReal" on mac7.nsd.org (oid .1 . is bad)
[21-Feb-2007 17:49:12] <ski98033> now to figure out why the oid is bad on a mac but works on linux
[21-Feb-2007 17:49:16] <creiht> ski98033: Ok so either... those are not exposed on OS X by default, or they use a different OID
[21-Feb-2007 17:49:44] <MatBoy> ah nice
[21-Feb-2007 17:49:47] <MatBoy> it's working
[21-Feb-2007 17:50:07] <MatBoy> creiht, may I kiss you ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:50:11] <creiht> ski98033: You can also check the log files in $ZENOSS/log to see errors like that for the daemons
[21-Feb-2007 17:50:13] <creiht> haha
[21-Feb-2007 17:50:40] <MatBoy> Only no CPU and software yet
[21-Feb-2007 17:50:53] <ski98033> yep, shows up there also.
[21-Feb-2007 17:52:10] <creiht> ski98033: I would post a question to the mailing list about monitoring OS X boxes
[21-Feb-2007 17:52:18] <creiht> I'm afraid I can't help you there
[21-Feb-2007 17:52:36] <ski98033> ok, I am running snmpwalk to see if I can see what the mib should be or if it is exposed.
[21-Feb-2007 17:53:12] <MatBoy> creiht, can you get the CPU's with SNMP ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:53:43] <MatBoy> creiht, WARNING zen.ZenModeler no cmd plugins
[21-Feb-2007 17:53:49] <creiht> MatBoy: Heh... I guess not
[21-Feb-2007 17:53:52] <MatBoy> I think I need to install the plugins
[21-Feb-2007 17:53:57] <creiht> hehe
[21-Feb-2007 17:53:58] <MatBoy> cehck it
[21-Feb-2007 17:54:03] <creiht> I think you can ignore it
[21-Feb-2007 17:54:20] <creiht> Yeah I'm looking now... and it doesn't show the CPU's
[21-Feb-2007 17:54:32] <MatBoy> creiht, I will install the plugin
[21-Feb-2007 17:54:35] <MatBoy> I thin it needs it
[21-Feb-2007 17:54:38] <MatBoy> think
[21-Feb-2007 17:54:44] <creiht> It does monitor CPU usage though
[21-Feb-2007 17:54:52] <creiht> just not the actual hardware specs
[21-Feb-2007 17:55:03] <creiht> click on the Perf tab
[21-Feb-2007 17:55:23] <MatBoy> no graphs yet
[21-Feb-2007 17:55:52] <creiht> MatBoy: Ok... it can take a bit... or you can restart zenoss to speed it up
[21-Feb-2007 17:55:59] <creiht> It reloads configs every 20 mins
[21-Feb-2007 17:55:59] <MatBoy> hehe
[21-Feb-2007 17:56:03] <MatBoy> aha
[21-Feb-2007 17:56:28] <MatBoy> on what kind of system do you run it ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:56:49] <creiht> A dell 2650 with dual procs
[21-Feb-2007 17:57:09] <creiht> Not quite sure of the exact specs
[21-Feb-2007 17:57:54] <MatBoy> ah ok
[21-Feb-2007 17:58:34] <MatBoy> creiht, are you still using other software too ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:58:51] <MatBoy> I see graphs
[21-Feb-2007 18:01:09] <MatBoy> creiht, but it should be nice to find out how we can display the CPU's
[21-Feb-2007 18:01:33] <MatBoy> because on the localhost where I have installed the plugins... no CPU shown only usage
[21-Feb-2007 18:03:27] <creiht> MatBoy: I use other software for different purposes
[21-Feb-2007 18:03:36] <creiht> But that is mostly because I am forced to
[21-Feb-2007 18:03:41] <MatBoy> like zabbix or cacti ?
[21-Feb-2007 18:03:49] <creiht> OpenNMS
[21-Feb-2007 18:04:29] <creiht> And yes it would be nice to display CPU info... though it isn't very high on my priority list...
[21-Feb-2007 18:04:37] <creiht> I bet it is just an snmpd.conf setting
[21-Feb-2007 18:05:31] <MatBoy> creiht, let us keep in touch
[21-Feb-2007 18:05:39] <MatBoy> openNMS is not what I want
[21-Feb-2007 18:05:51] <MatBoy> Zabbix was nice... it's beyond his target
[21-Feb-2007 18:06:19] <creiht> MatBoy: I'm on here almost every day
[21-Feb-2007 18:06:29] <MatBoy> me too from now on
[21-Feb-2007 18:06:43] <creiht> I almost tried Zabbix, but then I found Zenoss and was so happy with it, I didn't try anything else
[21-Feb-2007 18:06:54] <MatBoy> it's nice
[21-Feb-2007 18:07:02] <creiht> Plus I like Python
[21-Feb-2007 18:07:14] <MatBoy> I hear that more
[21-Feb-2007 18:08:08] <MatBoy> for traffic a 95% rule should be nice to have
[21-Feb-2007 18:09:08] <MatBoy> zabbix is more the "monitor way"
[21-Feb-2007 18:09:46] <creiht> MatBoy: I just saw a mailing list posting about 95% rule, though I haven't read it
[21-Feb-2007 18:10:01] <MatBoy> for Zenoss ?
[21-Feb-2007 18:10:06] <creiht> yeah
[21-Feb-2007 18:10:10] <MatBoy> kewl
[21-Feb-2007 18:10:28] <MatBoy> is it possible to have some items on the dashboard ?
[21-Feb-2007 18:10:42] <creiht> You know the more I think about it, net-snmp may not be able to expose cpu info
[21-Feb-2007 18:10:57] <creiht> I do get cpu info on my windows boxes
[21-Feb-2007 18:11:03] <MatBoy> creiht, I think it doesn't because I used a script with grep always for it
[21-Feb-2007 18:11:26] <creiht> What would you like on the dashboard?
[21-Feb-2007 18:11:41] <creiht> Underneath it is zope, so it should be easy to customize the dashboard
[21-Feb-2007 18:11:59] <creiht> But then you would have to add that customization to each upgrade
[21-Feb-2007 18:12:11] *** b52lap has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 18:12:14] <MatBoy> creiht, that's nice of zabbix... the only thing... you can set what you want
[21-Feb-2007 18:12:17] <MatBoy> it
[21-Feb-2007 18:12:20] <MatBoy> but OK
[21-Feb-2007 18:12:26] <MatBoy> it's too complex
[21-Feb-2007 18:12:49] <creiht> MatBoy: But if it would be a good thing, suggest it to the zenoss guys
[21-Feb-2007 18:12:56] <MatBoy> ok
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:02] <creiht> They are very receptive to feedback
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:08] <MatBoy> I never understood people wanted to use BB btw :S
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:14] <MatBoy> ugly as my ass
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:15] <MatBoy> ow
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:18] <MatBoy> I have a nice ass
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:23] <MatBoy> that's what they say
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:24] <MatBoy>
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:27] <creiht> BB?
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:33] <MatBoy> BigBrother
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:45] <creiht> ahhh
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:47] <creiht> yes
[21-Feb-2007 18:14:01] <creiht> I looked at their marketing material, and moved on rather quickly
[21-Feb-2007 18:14:20] <MatBoy> hehe.. that is such easy to build
[21-Feb-2007 18:14:25] <MatBoy> get a HTML noob
[21-Feb-2007 18:14:35] <MatBoy> make a simple port-script
[21-Feb-2007 18:14:54] <MatBoy> let the HTML noob make the layout in windows 95 with Paint
[21-Feb-2007 18:15:00] <MatBoy> and Frontpage
[21-Feb-2007 18:15:02] <MatBoy> ot better word
[21-Feb-2007 18:15:14] <MatBoy> and place your script behind it
[21-Feb-2007 18:24:05] <MatBoy> creiht, that is the problem of Zabbix... no SNMP for servers
[21-Feb-2007 18:24:40] <MatBoy> all manual done
[21-Feb-2007 18:28:11] *** cote has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 18:28:53] *** b52laptop has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 18:37:24] *** ski98033 has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 18:38:19] *** oubiwann has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 18:59:04] <creiht> oubiwann: You just missed all the fun
[21-Feb-2007 18:59:14] <oubiwann> oh dear :-(
[21-Feb-2007 18:59:17] <oubiwann> what happened?
[21-Feb-2007 18:59:19] <creiht> haha
[21-Feb-2007 18:59:21] <creiht> Nah it was good
[21-Feb-2007 18:59:31] <creiht> Just helping getting MatBoy going
[21-Feb-2007 19:02:31] <creiht> oubiwann: Are there going to be any BOFs or anything like that for zenoss at Pycon?
[21-Feb-2007 19:02:47] <oubiwann> yes, I believe so
[21-Feb-2007 19:03:03] <oubiwann> we're still coordinating with the PyCon organizers
[21-Feb-2007 19:03:09] <creiht> cool
[21-Feb-2007 19:03:13] <oubiwann> but any events will be posted
[21-Feb-2007 19:03:41] <oubiwann> and be sure to come up to us and say hello, and we'll give you updates directly :-)
[21-Feb-2007 19:03:51] <oubiwann> and give you a Zenoss hat :-)
[21-Feb-2007 19:04:32] <creiht> hehe
[21-Feb-2007 19:04:34] <creiht> wohoo!
[21-Feb-2007 19:04:35] <creiht>
[21-Feb-2007 19:15:58] <MatBoy>
[21-Feb-2007 19:26:02] *** MegaMahi has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 19:27:37] *** creiht has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 19:31:57] *** oubiwann has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 19:44:20] *** MegaMahi has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 19:50:22] *** Tomi has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 20:16:22] *** fixed__ has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 20:55:15] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[21-Feb-2007 20:55:16] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[21-Feb-2007 20:55:17] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - 2007-02-21 03:33:59
[21-Feb-2007 20:55:18] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117205763913202871
[21-Feb-2007 21:19:33] *** unxjnkie has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 21:19:38] <unxjnkie> Hi
[21-Feb-2007 21:58:12] *** unxjnkie has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 22:04:24] <MatBoy> Hi
[21-Feb-2007 22:04:27] *** em-dash has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 22:04:48] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 22:27:40] <MatBoy> I tried zabbix to compare... waste of time
[21-Feb-2007 22:41:50] <MatBoy> I still can't see my processor on a DL360 with CpuMap
[21-Feb-2007 22:54:17] <MatBoy> I thought supermicro was using something else as lm_sensors btw...
[21-Feb-2007 23:16:49] <MatBoy> please let me know
[21-Feb-2007 23:16:51] <MatBoy> sleeping now
[21-Feb-2007 23:16:55] <MatBoy> 5 am here
[21-Feb-2007 23:16:55] <MatBoy>
[21-Feb-2007 23:58:47] *** em-dash has quit IRC
[22-Feb-2007 04:12:06] *** jeg1972 has joined #zenoss
[22-Feb-2007 04:12:18] <jeg1972> Morning everyone!
[22-Feb-2007 04:41:15] *** cote has quit IRC
[22-Feb-2007 04:41:47] *** cote has joined #zenoss
[22-Feb-2007 06:41:55] *** chet has left #zenoss
[22-Feb-2007 07:25:08] <MatBoy> Hello !!
[22-Feb-2007 07:38:19] <jeg1972> Hello
[22-Feb-2007 07:47:27] <MatBoy> jeg1972, do you have CPU in HW in you HW tab ?
[22-Feb-2007 08:09:35] <jeg1972> What vendow server are you using?
[22-Feb-2007 08:13:21] <jeg1972> MatBoy - It depends on the vendor really... We have Supermicro servers which don't show the CPU info, but HP Proliants that do
[22-Feb-2007 08:13:50] <MatBoy> jeg1972, I have a old DL360G1orG2 rthat doesn't
[22-Feb-2007 08:14:47] <MatBoy> jeg1972, shall we work on the SM-part ?
[22-Feb-2007 08:16:56] <jeg1972> What OS are you running?
[22-Feb-2007 08:18:08] <jeg1972> There are some known problems displaying CPU info under Linux, for Windows, make sure you have SNMP-Informant installed first
[22-Feb-2007 08:19:47] <MatBoy> jeg1972, I have CentOS installed
[22-Feb-2007 08:19:55] <MatBoy> I saw the linux-prob indeed
[22-Feb-2007 08:20:53] <MatBoy> jeg1972, I must go... tlak to you later he... me = 100% online
[22-Feb-2007 08:21:19] <jeg1972> OK
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[22-Feb-2007 12:53:31] <ski98033> Hi, I have a question on performance graphs
[22-Feb-2007 12:54:17] <ski98033> On the load average graph the y-axis units is m (e.g. 200 - 1000m). What are these units?
[22-Feb-2007 12:54:27] <ski98033> I am measuring a Mac osx machine
[22-Feb-2007 13:05:14] <chet> 1 mili = One thousandth of 1
[22-Feb-2007 13:08:36] <ski98033> ah that makes sense. I just got the load to go above 1000 and the graph changed to 0 - 2. Thanks
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[22-Feb-2007 17:45:48] <MatBoy> Someone monitored CPU, I mean cat /proc/cpuinfo on linux ?
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[22-Feb-2007 18:05:46] *** KOTOB has joined #zenoss
[22-Feb-2007 18:06:21] <KOTOB> hello
[22-Feb-2007 18:06:55] <KOTOB> Can someone please help me to configure a new network service?
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[22-Feb-2007 20:55:50] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[22-Feb-2007 20:55:51] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[22-Feb-2007 21:59:37] *** Southron has joined #zenoss
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[23-Feb-2007 00:19:59] *** N[]VA has joined #zenoss
[23-Feb-2007 00:20:04] <N[]VA> Morning
[23-Feb-2007 00:21:40] <N[]VA> any one around that could answer a few questions?
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[23-Feb-2007 02:23:17] *** ibscott has joined #zenoss
[23-Feb-2007 02:24:18] <ibscott> so has anyone built zenoss-1.1.1 on macosx?
[23-Feb-2007 02:26:32] <N[]VA> nope
[23-Feb-2007 02:26:34] <N[]VA> hi btw
[23-Feb-2007 02:26:34] <N[]VA> =]
[23-Feb-2007 02:31:17] <ibscott> hi
[23-Feb-2007 02:31:36] <ibscott> unfortunately, it seems like osx has an incompatible version of readline installed
[23-Feb-2007 02:32:27] <N[]VA> hurmf
[23-Feb-2007 02:32:39] <N[]VA> just about to do my first zenoss install
[23-Feb-2007 02:32:42] <N[]VA> so cant help ya
[23-Feb-2007 02:32:52] <N[]VA> or very little
[23-Feb-2007 02:32:53] <N[]VA>
[23-Feb-2007 02:35:32] <ibscott> no problem. i've decided to download and install the latest gnu readline
[23-Feb-2007 02:35:35] <ibscott> maybe that will fix it
[23-Feb-2007 02:57:37] <ibscott> bingo. worked like a charm.
[23-Feb-2007 03:04:25] <Snake-Eyes> when i start zenoss i get file errors from some of the packages: zenmodeler, zenperfxmlrpc etc along the lines of File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/zenmodeler.py", line 458, in ?
[23-Feb-2007 03:04:25] <Snake-Eyes> dc = ZenModeler()
[23-Feb-2007 03:04:25] <Snake-Eyes> . Any idea what I have misconfigured ?
[23-Feb-2007 03:06:59] <N[]VA> zen optimizer?
[23-Feb-2007 03:07:11] <N[]VA> zend
[23-Feb-2007 03:07:36] <Snake-Eyes> zend?
[23-Feb-2007 03:07:53] <N[]VA> ah wait
[23-Feb-2007 03:08:01] <N[]VA> its python not php
[23-Feb-2007 03:09:02] <Snake-Eyes> im fiddling with permissions
[23-Feb-2007 03:09:51] *** ibscott has left #zenoss
[23-Feb-2007 03:11:38] <Snake-Eyes> but have no idea if im on the right track
[23-Feb-2007 03:12:26] <N[]VA> any of you guys used zabbix?
[23-Feb-2007 03:12:38] <N[]VA> how would you compair it with zenoss
[23-Feb-2007 03:14:58] <Snake-Eyes> i was thinking of trying it out
[23-Feb-2007 03:18:19] <Snake-Eyes> opennms is insane in the amount off packages it requires
[23-Feb-2007 03:20:58] <N[]VA> zabbix is mad in the ammount config work
[23-Feb-2007 03:40:35] <Snake-Eyes> this is what i get when i start zenoss: http://rafb.net/p/RX75xQ54.html
[23-Feb-2007 03:40:42] <adytum-bot> Title: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)
[23-Feb-2007 04:18:22] *** b52lap has quit IRC
[23-Feb-2007 06:32:10] *** bastoon has joined #zenoss
[23-Feb-2007 06:32:56] <bastoon> hi, can i post in french ? or it is only english spoken ?
[23-Feb-2007 06:38:40] <bastoon> i'm looking for a distributed monitoring software like cacti
[23-Feb-2007 07:27:48] *** fulgas has joined #zenoss
[23-Feb-2007 07:28:00] <fulgas> heys
[23-Feb-2007 07:58:08] <MatBoy> Hi all !
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[23-Feb-2007 09:40:46] <Eimann> ah, finally i just installed zenoss on fc6 i386 in a xen3 vm
[23-Feb-2007 09:43:29] <Eimann> hm, but it seems, that snmp doesn't work properly here. with a snmpwalk i get the values like uptime, but when i add it in the webinterface i get a timeout from zenmodeler and it states, that it collected informations via snmp
[23-Feb-2007 09:43:55] <Eimann> but i can't see anything in the device dialog :/
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[23-Feb-2007 10:26:33] <_chris_> hi oubiwann
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[23-Feb-2007 10:53:05] <oubiwann> _chris_: hey! didn't see your msg until just now ;-)
[23-Feb-2007 10:53:24] <_chris_>
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[23-Feb-2007 11:49:59] <chet> Did anyone see this article referencing Zenoss on Slashdot's front page today?
[23-Feb-2007 11:50:10] <chet> http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/article.php/31771_3660831_1
[23-Feb-2007 11:50:10] <adytum-bot> Title: Ten Leading Open Source Innovators (at itmanagement.earthweb.com)
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[23-Feb-2007 15:05:04] <chet> I'm trying to create a performance template using an OID that returns a number in string form, and it's raising an exception in zenperfsnmp.
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[23-Feb-2007 15:05:18] <chet> Is there any easy way to have it automatically convert it to an integer?
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[23-Feb-2007 15:26:26] <chet> I'm trying to create a performance template using an OID that returns a number in string form, and it's raising an exception in zenperfsnmp.
[23-Feb-2007 15:26:30] <chet> Is there any easy way to have it automatically convert it to an integer?
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[23-Feb-2007 20:56:26] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[23-Feb-2007 20:56:27] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[24-Feb-2007 01:27:39] *** tessier has joined #zenoss
[24-Feb-2007 01:27:44] <tessier> Hello all!
[24-Feb-2007 01:30:34] <tessier> I just discovered zenoss. I had just gotten a start on writing something which I had planned to be very much like it. Now I don't have to!
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[24-Feb-2007 02:21:49] <N[]VA> morning
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[24-Feb-2007 12:40:29] * chrismok yawns
[24-Feb-2007 13:11:01] <chrismok> ice storm headed this way....
time to go buy a generator
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[24-Feb-2007 14:52:30] <heebie> Hi. does anyone know if there is, or if there are plans for, a Gentoo ebuild of Zenoss?
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[24-Feb-2007 17:57:44] *** Moltar has joined #zenoss
[24-Feb-2007 17:59:35] <Moltar> Hi. I'm having a problem with Zenoss after my upgrade to 1.1.1. For some reason, zenping and some of the other daemons are failing to connect to mysql with a 'access denied' error.
[24-Feb-2007 18:00:18] <Moltar> Can anyone tell me where this password is supposed to be configured into the daemons?
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[24-Feb-2007 20:57:01] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - The Twisted Conference - 24 Feb, 08:04AM
[24-Feb-2007 20:57:02] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=129
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[24-Feb-2007 21:58:20] <tessier_> Not much chat in here...
[24-Feb-2007 21:58:40] <tessier_> cote_: Hmm...I think I've been reading your blog for quite a while...
[24-Feb-2007 21:59:34] <tessier_> Ah, yes. "People over process"
[24-Feb-2007 21:59:47] <tessier_> It's in my sage reader.
[24-Feb-2007 22:05:30] *** jimmy-james has joined #zenoss
[24-Feb-2007 22:06:07] <jimmy-james> hey, im downloaded the vmware image to see what zenoss was all about, but when i boot it asks me for login and password
[24-Feb-2007 22:06:27] <jimmy-james> anyone experience this?
[24-Feb-2007 22:08:18] <jimmy-james> nevermind i found the quick start guide
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[25-Feb-2007 07:24:08] <abretis> helo
[25-Feb-2007 07:24:12] <abretis> anyone alive
[25-Feb-2007 07:25:10] <abretis> im having a problem starting zenping, zensyslog, zentrap
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[25-Feb-2007 09:07:59] *** Boboga has joined #zenoss
[25-Feb-2007 09:08:22] <Boboga> hi all:)
[25-Feb-2007 09:11:46] <Boboga> anyone alive?
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[25-Feb-2007 14:49:45] <kjetilho> I'm wondering about the scalability of the stats collection.
[25-Feb-2007 14:50:05] <kjetilho> we are currently using Munin, and it has a pretty bad design problem: it uses one RRD file per stat
[25-Feb-2007 14:50:40] <kjetilho> this means each of our nodes has dozens of RRD files which need to be updated. this is simply too much of a load for our gatherer.
[25-Feb-2007 14:50:52] <kjetilho> so I'm wondering how Zenoss handles this?
[25-Feb-2007 14:51:14] <creiht> kjetilho: Most monitoring systems do a very similar thing
[25-Feb-2007 14:51:25] <creiht> How many nodes are you monitoring?
[25-Feb-2007 14:52:15] <kjetilho> we would like to monitor thousands
[25-Feb-2007 14:52:42] <kjetilho> although we don't need full stats for all of them (ie. workstations)
[25-Feb-2007 14:52:45] <creiht> I have heard several here talking about doing that
[25-Feb-2007 14:53:01] <creiht> RRD will scale to that easily
[25-Feb-2007 14:53:51] <kjetilho> if you use one file per node, perhaps
[25-Feb-2007 14:54:08] <creiht> even one file per data point
[25-Feb-2007 14:54:34] <creiht> kjetilho: Note also that I am just a user and not a dev
[25-Feb-2007 14:54:44] <creiht> So take everything I say with a grain of salt
[25-Feb-2007 14:54:57] <creiht> If you have specific concerns, I would post to the newsgroup
[25-Feb-2007 14:55:07] <creiht> The devs are usually fairly responsive
[25-Feb-2007 14:56:04] <kjetilho> we currently update 58297 RRD files every five minutes
[25-Feb-2007 14:56:24] <creiht> kjetilho: Yeah that's a lot
[25-Feb-2007 14:56:27] <kjetilho> it's only barely holding up
[25-Feb-2007 14:56:54] <creiht> Yeah I could se you hitting aginst it a bit
[25-Feb-2007 14:57:36] <creiht> Can you split the monitoring up?
[25-Feb-2007 14:57:56] <creiht> At that point you are running into disk IO problems
[25-Feb-2007 14:58:27] <kjetilho> I guess, but it's the disk I/O which is killing it I think. and it's complicated to scale that across to boxes and get a single web interface
[25-Feb-2007 14:58:36] <creiht> true
[25-Feb-2007 14:58:44] <kjetilho> well. we could just use NFS on the web host I guess
[25-Feb-2007 14:59:14] <creiht> kjetilho: I would make a post and see what the devs say
[25-Feb-2007 15:00:12] <kjetilho> do you have an installation?
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[25-Feb-2007 15:04:15] <kjetilho> hmm, is Zenoss SNMP only now?
[25-Feb-2007 15:04:49] <creiht> kjetilho: It has a set of plugins that can be used instead of SNMP
[25-Feb-2007 15:04:54] <creiht> And yes I have an installation
[25-Feb-2007 15:05:01] <creiht> though it is a bit small at the moment
[25-Feb-2007 15:05:19] <creiht> I ues it to monitor an internal machines
[25-Feb-2007 15:05:23] <creiht> almost 100 in all
[25-Feb-2007 15:05:29] <kjetilho> could you have a peek at which data files are stored for each node?
[25-Feb-2007 15:05:29] <creiht> not very much
[25-Feb-2007 15:05:46] <creiht> I'm not at work and don't have access to that at the moment
[25-Feb-2007 15:05:55] <kjetilho> ok, thanks anyway
[25-Feb-2007 15:06:07] <creiht> but I'm usually on here, so if you see me on Monday, remind me, and I will check
[25-Feb-2007 15:06:20] <creiht> But I would expect 1 per data point that is being collected
[25-Feb-2007 15:06:56] <kjetilho> ok. so the question is -- should I sit down to hack Munin (Perl) or Zenoss (Python)
[25-Feb-2007 15:07:20] <creiht> I'm a bython guy... so I choose Zenoss
[25-Feb-2007 15:07:26] <creiht> But the app is very nice
[25-Feb-2007 15:07:34] <creiht> And they are doing a lot very quickly
[25-Feb-2007 15:07:47] <creiht> And I know scalability is very important to them
[25-Feb-2007 15:07:56] <creiht> And that they are going to be working on that to make it even better
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[25-Feb-2007 19:58:42] <CraigP> hi...I'm wondering if anyone may have a clue as to why I get a timeout when trying to add a device...this happens right after I get the 'no portscan plugins found for <device name>' ...
[25-Feb-2007 20:02:12] <CraigP> I'm not getting a timeout when running snmpwalk against the device
[25-Feb-2007 20:04:35] <CraigP> and have successfully added other devices with the same procedure I used here, namely installing net-snmp, opening port 161 for udp, adding and rocommunity line to snmpd.conf and starting the daemon
[25-Feb-2007 20:57:32] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted BoF, Part Deux - 25 Feb, 05:04AM
[25-Feb-2007 20:57:33] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=130
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[25-Feb-2007 23:01:06] <Snake-Eyes> Any ideas why graphs arent showing up in zenoss (perf), I treid restarting zenperfsnmp and zenmodeler as mentationed in the faq, with no change
[25-Feb-2007 23:02:21] <Greg> what device are you looking at, cause it depends on what data zenoss can get
[25-Feb-2007 23:03:09] <Snake-Eyes> snmp on debian server and cisco router
[25-Feb-2007 23:03:16] <Snake-Eyes> i can snmpwalk both
[25-Feb-2007 23:03:35] <Greg> has graphing worked before?
[25-Feb-2007 23:03:41] <Greg> or for any other device?
[25-Feb-2007 23:04:03] <Snake-Eyes> nope
[25-Feb-2007 23:04:38] <Snake-Eyes> i added the router thinking maybe it was snmp client on the server
[25-Feb-2007 23:05:45] <Greg> check what makes the graphs
[25-Feb-2007 23:06:13] <Greg> or the PerfConf for the device
[25-Feb-2007 23:06:33] <Snake-Eyes> zenmodeler ?
[25-Feb-2007 23:06:57] <Greg> not sure
[25-Feb-2007 23:08:15] <Snake-Eyes> PerfConf looks correct (from what i know)
[25-Feb-2007 23:09:46] <Snake-Eyes> ok restarted zenoss
[25-Feb-2007 23:11:00] <Greg> check the event.log?
[25-Feb-2007 23:14:28] <Snake-Eyes> just tailed it, dont see anything
[25-Feb-2007 23:14:56] <Greg> how long did you let it run, it does take a little while before it starts graphing
[25-Feb-2007 23:16:13] <Snake-Eyes> before i restarted, it had been runing for over hour
[25-Feb-2007 23:16:20] <Greg> hmm
[25-Feb-2007 23:18:09] <Snake-Eyes> think i found something in the event log
[25-Feb-2007 23:18:33] <Snake-Eyes> error: Opening '/tmp/renderserver/graph-ef5c6bab616401d93612c37c950c40af129600.png' for write: Permission denied
[25-Feb-2007 23:18:43] <Greg> ah
[25-Feb-2007 23:18:55] <Greg> hold on i found a mailing-list thread on that a sec ago
[25-Feb-2007 23:20:48] <Greg> check permissions on the /tmp/renderserver folder
[25-Feb-2007 23:21:04] <Greg> user:group should be zenoss:zenoss
[25-Feb-2007 23:21:55] <Greg> and the folder should be chmoded 755
[25-Feb-2007 23:22:58] <Snake-Eyes> ok
[25-Feb-2007 23:23:28] <Snake-Eyes> that fixed it
[25-Feb-2007 23:23:33] <Snake-Eyes> thanks Greg
[25-Feb-2007 23:24:02] <Greg> np
[25-Feb-2007 23:25:02] *** chowmeined has joined #zenoss
[25-Feb-2007 23:25:37] <chowmeined> Why am I getting flooded with events from zenoss when I am only monitoring 2 devices? Most of the events seem to be coming from devices other than the ones I have added
[25-Feb-2007 23:26:27] <Greg> snmp traps?
[25-Feb-2007 23:27:08] <chowmeined> I have them set to go to the device this virtual machine is hosted on.. not the ip address of the virtual machine
[25-Feb-2007 23:27:18] <chowmeined> Would they still be coming through?
[25-Feb-2007 23:27:32] <Greg> vmware image i assume?
[25-Feb-2007 23:27:45] <chowmeined> yes
[25-Feb-2007 23:28:07] <chowmeined> but its from all different components, zenping, zenaction, zenxevent, zentrap, zensyslog
[25-Feb-2007 23:28:34] <Greg> oh so its internal zenoss events, not like from random devices on the network?
[25-Feb-2007 23:29:21] <chowmeined> its listing real device names
[25-Feb-2007 23:29:44] <chowmeined> there are already over 300 events and im monitoring only 2 devices.. If this doesnt stop ill get lost
[25-Feb-2007 23:30:06] <Greg> what are some of the events?
[25-Feb-2007 23:30:34] <chowmeined> comp.domain.net is down
[25-Feb-2007 23:30:39] <chowmeined> lots of those
[25-Feb-2007 23:30:53] <chowmeined> zenping heartbeat failure
[25-Feb-2007 23:31:05] <chowmeined> zensyslog heartbeat failure
[25-Feb-2007 23:31:13] <chowmeined> but there are all on devices i havnt added
[25-Feb-2007 23:31:18] <Greg> did you just reboot the VM?
[25-Feb-2007 23:31:45] <chowmeined> a little less than an hour ago
[25-Feb-2007 23:32:40] <Greg> cause i usually see those zenping failure messages after rebooting the virtual machine, no idea why cause doing a 'ps -aux | grep zenping' shows it as running
[25-Feb-2007 23:33:22] <chowmeined> but why is it even telling me about this? I dont care about these machines they are user devices
[25-Feb-2007 23:34:21] <Greg> im talking about the heartbeat failure messages
[25-Feb-2007 23:35:07] <chowmeined> ok but even still
[25-Feb-2007 23:35:08] <Greg> can you click on the device names at all?
[25-Feb-2007 23:35:18] <chowmeined> yes
[25-Feb-2007 23:35:25] <chowmeined> and it goes to a blank device search page
[25-Feb-2007 23:36:33] <Greg> ive had the vmware image do lots of wierd stuff, like somehow manage to claim that its the marketing departments mac-g5.domain.com
[25-Feb-2007 23:37:33] <Greg> i usually just let it sit for a hour or so and the schizophrenia passes
[25-Feb-2007 23:37:34] <chowmeined> how did these names even get in here?
[25-Feb-2007 23:37:46] <chowmeined> They are the names of real devices in our network
[25-Feb-2007 23:39:40] <Greg> they dont usually, unless it discovers devices by itself which ive never seen it do
[25-Feb-2007 23:39:55] <Greg> but it doesnt list a device for them(you get the blank page)
[25-Feb-2007 23:40:05] <chowmeined> right
[25-Feb-2007 23:40:14] <Greg> so its probably still in that state of confusion
[25-Feb-2007 23:40:29] <Greg> what did you have to do that required a reboot?
[25-Feb-2007 23:40:31] <chowmeined> but on the events page its listing tons and tons of events for real devices in my network that I never added
[25-Feb-2007 23:40:49] <chowmeined> I didnt reboot.. it crashed
[25-Feb-2007 23:40:58] <chowmeined> the vmware host
[25-Feb-2007 23:41:23] <Greg> good reason to reboot :\ ...
[25-Feb-2007 23:41:28] <chowmeined> windows... :-/ im going to move it to a real server later I just wanted to test it out so
[25-Feb-2007 23:41:59] <Greg> ya thats what im doing right now with it
[25-Feb-2007 23:42:53] <Greg> but the VMware image is funky, it has some issues, but overall it works
[25-Feb-2007 23:43:22] <chowmeined> i just want to make sure it is working perfectly before I go present it
[25-Feb-2007 23:43:38] <Greg> im still trying to figure out why my events are 7 hours off in zope even after doing the 'export TZ'
[25-Feb-2007 23:43:50] <chowmeined> or they will reject it
[25-Feb-2007 23:44:07] <chowmeined> they will also reject it if I tell them it doesnt cost any money.. ?? I don't know why they do that
[25-Feb-2007 23:44:23] <Greg> excuse to buy the support plan
[25-Feb-2007 23:44:27] <chowmeined> So ill just tell them its very expensive and everyone is happy
[25-Feb-2007 23:44:46] <chowmeined> yea and they can buy that
[25-Feb-2007 23:45:06] <chowmeined> how long does it usually take before a monitored service is checked?
[25-Feb-2007 23:45:21] <chowmeined> I stopped a service on a machine about 20 minutes ago and zenoss still thinks its 'UP'
[25-Feb-2007 23:46:06] <Greg> state of confusion, everyone thinks no one is running
[25-Feb-2007 23:46:18] <Greg> i really cant explain it
[25-Feb-2007 23:46:28] <chowmeined> does a dedicated server install do this?
[25-Feb-2007 23:46:37] <Greg> cause everything is running but not, but it is
[25-Feb-2007 23:46:43] <Greg> i would like to hope not
[25-Feb-2007 23:46:59] <Greg> havent had time to manually build this
[25-Feb-2007 23:47:57] <Greg> but for some reason it seems to take care of that zenwhatever heartbeat failure on its own
[25-Feb-2007 23:48:29] <Greg> i didnt bother to check the logs cause it would clear itself out by the time i had time off from the helldesk to look at it
[26-Feb-2007 00:01:05] <chowmeined> hmm this isnt working
[26-Feb-2007 00:04:55] <chowmeined> is there anyone who can explain why zenoss is doing this?
[26-Feb-2007 00:17:05] <chowmeined> its also trashing the performance
[26-Feb-2007 00:21:47] <chowmeined> i think its zen modler
[26-Feb-2007 00:30:10] <chowmeined> modeler*
[26-Feb-2007 00:34:01] <Snake-Eyes> Greg, are there any other how-to's besides admin guide and the wiki, for things like adding services and scripts ?
[26-Feb-2007 00:40:02] <chowmeined> Is there any way to make it stop creating events for devices I dont care about?
[26-Feb-2007 00:40:18] <chowmeined> I am still getting events for all these workstations all I want is for it to monitor the 2 devices I have added to it so far
[26-Feb-2007 00:46:42] <chowmeined> make it stop
[26-Feb-2007 00:47:32] <chowmeined> If this is how the software always operates then it is useless. I dont care about the hundereds of workstations that people are messing with all day only the servers that need to stay running smoothly
[26-Feb-2007 00:49:46] <Greg> sry im back, ive been looking thru the mailing list for fixes and such
[26-Feb-2007 00:50:45] <chowmeined> Greg: it has settled down a little but it is still generating events for devices other than the ones I have added to the devices page.. Also on the devices I /have/ added I told it to monitor certain services such as telnet... then to test I turned off telnet and it still shows up as 'UP' an hour later
[26-Feb-2007 00:51:03] <Greg> check to make sure the workstations arent sending traps as that will cause it to file an event
[26-Feb-2007 00:51:04] <Greg> hmm
[26-Feb-2007 00:51:43] <chowmeined> This virtual machine's IP is random by DHCP no machines are sent to send traps to it.. they are all currently set to send them to another machine
[26-Feb-2007 00:52:11] <Greg> which if i remember right its the main box VMware is running on?
[26-Feb-2007 00:52:20] <chowmeined> yes
[26-Feb-2007 00:52:36] <Greg> could vmware be leaking?
[26-Feb-2007 00:52:45] <chowmeined> ill -p udp --dport 161 -j DROP
[26-Feb-2007 00:53:13] <Greg> well thats gonna break snmp for everything
[26-Feb-2007 00:53:34] <chowmeined> --state NEW?
[26-Feb-2007 00:53:55] <chowmeined> ill just put this on a dedicated machine tomorrow
[26-Feb-2007 00:54:11] <Greg> still wont work, any trap your actually monitored devices send will be bit bucketed
[26-Feb-2007 00:55:22] <Greg> ya i would just do that and build from the cvs/svn
[26-Feb-2007 00:55:36] <Greg> ill probably be doing that next week
[26-Feb-2007 00:55:47] <Greg> get some more control over this thing
[26-Feb-2007 01:10:36] <Snake-Eyes> Greg, know of any good places for extra docs, besides the wiki and admin guide about adding services ?
[26-Feb-2007 01:12:30] <Greg> nope, unless you count google as documentation, thats what ive been using, the wiki doesnt have alot of info on it, like i said the mailing list archives have stuff
[26-Feb-2007 01:12:41] <Greg> and the IRC logs i think are posted somewhre
[26-Feb-2007 01:15:55] <Snake-Eyes> damn, the admin guide is rather brief on that section
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[26-Feb-2007 02:33:45] <Snake-Eyes> this is abit broken, i just acentdently deleted a service, and according to this I cant get it back http://lists.zenoss.org/pipermail/zenoss-users/2007/003361.html
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[26-Feb-2007 05:09:02] <sven> hi
[26-Feb-2007 05:11:14] <sven> 1) are there plans to incorporate the rrdtool features for anomaly detection into zenoss? http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/doc/rrdcreate.en.html (halfway down the page)
[26-Feb-2007 05:11:14] <adytum-bot> Title: RRDtool - rrdcreate (at oss.oetiker.ch)
[26-Feb-2007 05:11:51] <sven> 2) are there plans to support munin nodes, so that munin-data can be gathered directly into zenoss?
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[26-Feb-2007 11:33:02] <PerlStalker> Good $time_of_day
[26-Feb-2007 11:33:36] <PerlStalker> Can someone point me as some docs for getting performance information from a custom MIB tree
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[26-Feb-2007 16:02:34] <PerlStalker> Can someome point me at docs for writting a DataCollector Plugin?
[26-Feb-2007 16:02:48] <PerlStalker> The docs on dev.zenoss.org are lacking
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[26-Feb-2007 19:49:46] <Snake-Eyes> this is very strange, zenperfsnmp keeps dieing. Ive started manuallly, through website and even restarted zenoss (stop and started) but still dies after few seconds, leaving no logs
[26-Feb-2007 20:20:05] *** jimmy-james has quit IRC
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[26-Feb-2007 20:58:14] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted BoF, Part Deux - 25 Feb, 05:04AM
[26-Feb-2007 20:58:15] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=130
[26-Feb-2007 21:19:00] *** _chris_ has joined #zenoss
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[26-Feb-2007 22:05:38] *** chowmeined has joined #zenoss
[26-Feb-2007 22:05:59] <chowmeined> How can I monitor the zenoss processes after adding a new device?
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:04] <_chris_> chowmeined: are you trying to monitor the zenoss application processes? the python ones?
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:10] <chowmeined> yes
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:30] <chowmeined> they didnt get installed properly during the install and I dont know how to run the initial configuration again
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:45] <_chris_> did you install via RPM?
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:49] <chowmeined> it failed to connect and add itself
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:52] <chowmeined> yes i did
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:57] <_chris_> ok
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:59] <_chris_> as root
[26-Feb-2007 22:15:00] <_chris_> run
[26-Feb-2007 22:15:13] <_chris_> /etc/init.d/zenoss stop
[26-Feb-2007 22:15:16] <_chris_> then
[26-Feb-2007 22:15:25] <_chris_> touch /opt/zenoss/.fresh_install
[26-Feb-2007 22:15:40] <_chris_> then do:
[26-Feb-2007 22:15:42] <_chris_> mysql -u root -p
[26-Feb-2007 22:15:47] <_chris_> drop database events;
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:00] <_chris_> after that you can start up zenoss again:
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:06] <_chris_> /etc/init.d/zenoss start
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:07] <chowmeined> ok, thanks
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:13] <_chris_> that should repopulate the events database
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:14] <_chris_> oh ya
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:24] <_chris_> you also need to remove the files in /opt/zenoss/var
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:31] <_chris_> (but not the var directory)
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:53] <chowmeined> also, I mean its not a huge issue i dont plan to restart too often once im done testing, but why does it take so long to start and stop zenoss?
[26-Feb-2007 22:17:25] <_chris_> zenoss sleeps for like 2s after it starts up each daemon
[26-Feb-2007 22:17:30] <_chris_> and there are lik 9 of them...
[26-Feb-2007 22:17:35] <chowmeined> it takes about 5 minutes to start and stop
[26-Feb-2007 22:17:48] <_chris_> when many (all?) of the daemons start up
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:04] <_chris_> they look at the model in the zodb and that's an expensive operation
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:14] <chowmeined> oh ok
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:17] <_chris_> if 9 processes did it all at once it'd suck. so it's spread out to reduce contention
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:19] <_chris_> but ya -
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:21] <_chris_> on a slow machine
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:22] <_chris_> it's painful
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:23] <_chris_>
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:33] <_chris_> hopefully we'll be tossing ZODB soon
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:43] <chowmeined> whats going on instead?
[26-Feb-2007 22:19:25] <_chris_> moving to a relational backend (hopefully)
[26-Feb-2007 22:22:18] <chowmeined> I thought it was already using MySQL?
[26-Feb-2007 22:22:56] <_chris_> the events are stored in MySQL. but the model (what devices exist, what the performance templates look like) - all of that is wrapped up in a ZODB
[26-Feb-2007 22:24:17] <chowmeined> how much would it take to move that into MySQL?
[26-Feb-2007 22:27:24] <_chris_> quite a lot!
that's why it's on hold until there's a compelling need for it
[26-Feb-2007 22:27:43] <_chris_> but as more and more people are asking for 1000+ device installations the need is becoming more real
[26-Feb-2007 22:28:18] <chowmeined> hmm, I know python, although I havn't used the zope framework is there anything I can do to help?
[26-Feb-2007 22:30:33] <chowmeined> oh is there a way to set the intial configuration tool to not use 'localhost.localdomain' but instead use the fqdn? So that it shows up under that name once it is added to the device database?
[26-Feb-2007 22:33:24] <_chris_> sorry - i had my window minimized....
[26-Feb-2007 22:33:30] <_chris_> the best way to help is to spread the word of zenoss
[26-Feb-2007 22:33:59] <_chris_> that information is stored in /opt/zenoss/bin/install-functions.sh i believe
[26-Feb-2007 22:34:03] <_chris_> look for the wget command
[26-Feb-2007 22:34:09] <_chris_> change the deviceName to be the fqdn
[26-Feb-2007 22:34:10] <_chris_> or -
[26-Feb-2007 22:34:15] <_chris_> you can always just go in through the UI
[26-Feb-2007 22:34:18] <_chris_> click on the device
[26-Feb-2007 22:34:20] <_chris_> click Manage
[26-Feb-2007 22:34:25] <_chris_> and then rename the device to it's fqdn.
[26-Feb-2007 22:35:02] <chowmeined> oh, but then the emails still use http://localhost.localdomain/ to acknowledge
[26-Feb-2007 22:35:20] <_chris_> oh -
[26-Feb-2007 22:35:24] <_chris_> ya that's stored somewhere else
[26-Feb-2007 22:35:28] <_chris_> i think that's a zProperty
[26-Feb-2007 22:35:34] <chowmeined> oh ok
[26-Feb-2007 22:35:38] <_chris_> that URL is referring to the zenoss server
[26-Feb-2007 22:38:30] <chowmeined> ah, thank you
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[27-Feb-2007 01:02:43] <chowmeined> where is the zope username?
[27-Feb-2007 01:05:12] <chowmeined> is just any of the usernames installed in zenoss? or the admin one?
[27-Feb-2007 01:22:41] <Snake-Eyes> zenoss creates a username when its installed (u:zenoss p:what ever you entered)
[27-Feb-2007 01:23:05] <Snake-Eyes> Any one know if zenoss works with snmp v3 ?
[27-Feb-2007 01:26:50] <Snake-Eyes> chowmeined, you can also look at zenossdir/etc/zope.conf
[27-Feb-2007 01:27:49] <chowmeined> oh so any of those users
[27-Feb-2007 01:29:20] <chowmeined> hmm wmi still times out
[27-Feb-2007 01:29:21] <chowmeined> strange
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[27-Feb-2007 01:52:27] <chowmeined> Why can't I just have zenwin monitor this box? It says in the logs that there is no wmi connection... how do I start one?
[27-Feb-2007 02:32:03] <chowmeined> how do I get a zenwin server to monitor itself? I keep running into wmi errors?
[27-Feb-2007 02:36:35] <Snake-Eyes> no idea
[27-Feb-2007 02:36:50] <chowmeined> it works for remote machines.. just not local ones
[27-Feb-2007 02:37:26] <chowmeined> well i mean just not itself
[27-Feb-2007 02:37:37] <Snake-Eyes> im still trying to figure out zenoss for myself
(like is my ssh working)
[27-Feb-2007 02:40:39] *** _fulgas has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 02:46:46] <chowmeined> cool i got it working
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[27-Feb-2007 03:00:08] <Snake-Eyes> hmm its not even ssh'ing out
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[27-Feb-2007 06:05:57] <spekul> morning
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[27-Feb-2007 08:44:34] <spekul> i am about to configure zenoss for a larger site with around 5000 devices to monitor
[27-Feb-2007 08:44:57] <spekul> so far i am quite happy with it, but there is one thing i am searching for and i am not able to find
[27-Feb-2007 08:45:15] <spekul> i know how to add new device classes
[27-Feb-2007 08:45:37] <spekul> but is there a way to also attach to be monitored oids to a device class?
[27-Feb-2007 08:45:58] <spekul> or better, is there documentation on how to properly create new device classes?
[27-Feb-2007 08:53:41] *** chet has joined #zenoss
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[27-Feb-2007 10:17:20] <PerlStalker> Are there docs published for creating new DataCollector plugins?
[27-Feb-2007 10:17:52] <PerlStalker> I've seen http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/wiki/HowToDataCollectorPlugin
[27-Feb-2007 10:17:52] <adytum-bot> Title: HowToDataCollectorPlugin - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
[27-Feb-2007 10:17:53] <PerlStalker> but "In Progress" doesn't help much
[27-Feb-2007 10:20:29] <chet> If you know python, it's really as straightforward as copying one of the existing plugins and adapting it to your needs.
[27-Feb-2007 10:21:10] <PerlStalker> I haven't used python before but I can read it well enough.
[27-Feb-2007 10:22:25] <PerlStalker> I was looking at adapting the InterfaceMap class to deal with an class of APs that keep track of SU info there.
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[27-Feb-2007 10:23:58] <PerlStalker> Do the names of things in the TableMaps have any special meaning?
[27-Feb-2007 10:24:32] <chet> No. If you're creating a new map you define them.
[27-Feb-2007 10:25:08] * PerlStalker nods
[27-Feb-2007 10:25:16] <chet> The main problem at this point seems to be with maps that have regularly changing indexes.
[27-Feb-2007 10:25:39] <PerlStalker> What do you mean?
[27-Feb-2007 10:26:24] <chet> For example.. let's say you had a router where sometimes Loopback0 was ifIndex 1, and sometimes it was ifIndex 4..
[27-Feb-2007 10:26:33] <PerlStalker> Ah, I see.
[27-Feb-2007 10:26:48] <PerlStalker> I've seen that when trying to use MRTG>
[27-Feb-2007 10:26:49] <chet> It wreaks havoc with your perfconf.
[27-Feb-2007 10:28:28] <PerlStalker> That could be a problem.
[27-Feb-2007 10:28:54] <PerlStalker> I have a router with a few hundred interfaces that need to be kept straight
[27-Feb-2007 10:29:58] <PerlStalker> The APs I'm working with don't have that problem, fortunately.
[27-Feb-2007 10:30:54] <PerlStalker> What happens when an interface change ifIndexes?
[27-Feb-2007 10:31:13] <PerlStalker> Do the charts end up associated with the wrong interface?
[27-Feb-2007 10:33:58] <chet> hmm.. actually, browsing through the code it looks like it is handled correctly by ifDescr.
[27-Feb-2007 10:34:59] <PerlStalker> That's good.
[27-Feb-2007 10:41:44] <PerlStalker> OK. So assuming I can get a Map built for these APs, how does that tie into the performance graphs?
[27-Feb-2007 10:46:32] <chet> Let's see if I can explain this properly..
[27-Feb-2007 10:46:45] * PerlStalker listens intently
[27-Feb-2007 10:47:14] <chet> In the InterfaceMap example, you see how the ifTypes map reconciles your ifType INTEGER result with a textual description like ethernetCsmacd?
[27-Feb-2007 10:47:42] <PerlStalker> Yes
[27-Feb-2007 10:47:52] <chet> Then in processInt it sets om.type to that textual value.
[27-Feb-2007 10:48:05] <chet> You'll see that you perfConf is actually named ethernetCsmacd.
[27-Feb-2007 10:48:35] <chet> This is how zenperfsnmp knows which template to apply.
[27-Feb-2007 10:49:20] <PerlStalker> Ok
[27-Feb-2007 10:52:07] <spekul> while you are talking about templates.. i am familar with coding and python as well, so could you give me a hint where to start to add templates for example wireless devices? i want to create a new deviceclass for cisco accesspoints
[27-Feb-2007 10:52:15] <PerlStalker> And the DataSources in that template map to the names given to the oids from InterfaceMap?
[27-Feb-2007 10:52:35] <spekul> its not that i request a howto
its just a hint for a starting point that i am looking for
[27-Feb-2007 10:53:36] <chet> PerlStalker: Actually, the names of the data sources in the template are arbitrary as well. You have to specify the OIDs in the template specifically.
[27-Feb-2007 10:53:57] <PerlStalker> chet: Gotcha
[27-Feb-2007 10:53:59] <chet> spekul: Do you already know what OIDs you're interested in?
[27-Feb-2007 10:54:04] <PerlStalker> That makes some sense.
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[27-Feb-2007 11:10:44] <spekul> chet: jep, its more or less a collection of oids i already know. if i got it right, that could be organized into a class
[27-Feb-2007 11:11:00] <spekul> as you talked about templates, i thought this might be the direction to go
[27-Feb-2007 11:11:08] <spekul> maybe i am wrong
[27-Feb-2007 11:11:30] <spekul> what i want to collect is data about link quality, failed associations and so on
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[27-Feb-2007 11:55:11] <chet> spekul: If the information is stored in the MIB indexed by the ifIndex you can just add the oids to a template that has the name of the ifType.
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[27-Feb-2007 12:32:17] <PerlStalker> Performance templates are supposed to be inheireted right?
[27-Feb-2007 12:32:36] <PerlStalker> So /Device/Network inheirets from /Device
[27-Feb-2007 12:32:44] <chet> yes
[27-Feb-2007 12:32:59] <chet> But they override, not accumulate.
[27-Feb-2007 12:33:35] <chet> So /Device/Network would only inherit from /Device if there was no template defined for /Device/Networ
[27-Feb-2007 12:36:37] <chet> This is something that the developers are probably going to be changing though.
[27-Feb-2007 12:36:48] <PerlStalker> I see.
[27-Feb-2007 12:38:14] <PerlStalker> I'm having an issue where a router I added is not getting performace data.
[27-Feb-2007 12:38:46] <chet> At least from what I've gathered on the mailing list.
[27-Feb-2007 12:38:46] <chet> It'll probably be a multiple-inheritance system like Groups. You'll be able to assign zero or more sets of templates to each device organizer.
[27-Feb-2007 12:39:01] <PerlStalker> That'll be nice.
[27-Feb-2007 12:39:24] <PerlStalker> Actually, the router is not getting data for interfaces.
[27-Feb-2007 12:39:55] <chet> The interfaces aren't even showing up on the OS tab?
[27-Feb-2007 12:41:17] * PerlStalker is checking
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[27-Feb-2007 12:50:12] <_chris_> PerlStalker: are you getting any other information on the OS tab (services, processes, filesystems, etc?)
[27-Feb-2007 12:51:29] <PerlStalker> I see the interfaces there.
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[27-Feb-2007 12:51:47] <PerlStalker> Perhaps I'm looking for the graphs in the wrong place.
[27-Feb-2007 12:53:26] <PerlStalker> N/m I was looking unser the perf tap instead of digging down.
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[27-Feb-2007 13:48:44] <oubiwann> _chris__: whatchya working on today?
[27-Feb-2007 13:49:41] <_chris__> i'm out at the pool working on nevow. someone in Room744 was kind enough to leave the wifi open
[27-Feb-2007 13:49:45] <_chris__> i HIGHLY recommend you come out
[27-Feb-2007 13:49:48] <_chris__> signal is strong
[27-Feb-2007 13:49:50] <_chris__> the music is on
[27-Feb-2007 13:49:52] <_chris__> and the air is warm
[27-Feb-2007 13:50:15] <_chris__> i actually would like to ask you a few nevow questions so i was planning on hunting you down at some point today
[27-Feb-2007 13:50:46] <_chris__> i ran into your furry friend last night and this morning again. he and some other guys were out drinkin last night!
[27-Feb-2007 13:51:09] <oubiwann> _chris__: I don't know how you can work outside :-)
[27-Feb-2007 13:51:17] <_chris__> i don't know how you can work INSIDE!
[27-Feb-2007 13:51:28] <_chris__> would you get distracted or something?
[27-Feb-2007 13:51:36] <oubiwann> _chris__: I'm always checking out the ladies when I'm outside... incorrigible, I am
[27-Feb-2007 13:52:35] <_chris__> there is a lady out here and 4 guys. the other 3 guys have their shirts off, are tanned, and muscular. i'm pastey, wearing jeans, and a "Tom is not my friend." t-shirt.
[27-Feb-2007 13:52:42] <_chris__> not much competition from me
[27-Feb-2007 13:54:01] <_chris__> so where are you today? addison room?
[27-Feb-2007 13:59:48] <kjetilho> _chris__: hehe, I have that t-shirt, too
[27-Feb-2007 14:00:17] <_chris__> i love this shirt
[27-Feb-2007 14:00:18] <_chris__>
[27-Feb-2007 14:04:19] <oubiwann> _chris__: yup, in Addison room
[27-Feb-2007 14:04:34] <oubiwann> no tanned, muscular dudes in here...
[27-Feb-2007 14:08:06] <_chris__> i can't wait for LED screens
[27-Feb-2007 14:08:19] <_chris__> and fuel cell batteries
[27-Feb-2007 14:08:26] <_chris__> and 802.11a
[27-Feb-2007 14:08:41] <_chris__> it'd be nice to never have to work inside ... ever ... again
[27-Feb-2007 14:11:07] <_chris__> kjethilho: do you get a lot of "who's tom?"
[27-Feb-2007 14:12:55] <kjetilho> _chris__: a few
[27-Feb-2007 14:13:05] <_chris__> how do you answer?
[27-Feb-2007 14:13:19] <kjetilho> actually I don't wear it much since I feel guilty about actually using Myspace to surf for new music
[27-Feb-2007 14:13:27] <_chris__> hah
[27-Feb-2007 14:18:56] <_chris__> oubiwann: you busy? can i come ask you a question?
[27-Feb-2007 14:19:03] <oubiwann> you betchya
[27-Feb-2007 14:19:41] <_chris__> ok i'm comin in
[27-Feb-2007 14:19:44] <_chris__> be there in a few
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[27-Feb-2007 16:23:39] <PerlStalker> Are there docs on recommended hardware configurations?
[27-Feb-2007 16:24:50] <chet> PerlStalker: nope
[27-Feb-2007 16:25:01] <PerlStalker> Fair enough.
[27-Feb-2007 16:25:12] <chet> Asking around can get you some good numbers though.
[27-Feb-2007 16:25:46] <PerlStalker> I'm looking to monitor a couple hundred devices. Some with 50-100 interfaces.
[27-Feb-2007 16:25:57] <chet> I've been able to do 40k-50k data points at a 5 minute interval on a Dell 2850 (dual 3Ghz 6GB RAM.)
[27-Feb-2007 16:26:20] <PerlStalker> Interesting
[27-Feb-2007 16:27:10] <chet> My limiting factor seems to be latency to the hosts more than processor power/RAM though.
[27-Feb-2007 16:27:35] <PerlStalker> Could that be mitigated by using another monitoring host?
[27-Feb-2007 16:27:40] <chet> Definitely.
[27-Feb-2007 16:28:18] <chet> Running additional instances of zenperfsnmp gives you instant scalability.
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[27-Feb-2007 17:00:32] <spekul> chet: thanks for your hints some hours ago. managed to do what i wanted to do, and after investigating some more time, it got clear what went wrong in my head and why it was a more or less lousy question.
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[27-Feb-2007 17:10:40] <oubiwann> _chris__: ping
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[27-Feb-2007 19:36:02] *** jimmy-james has quit IRC
[27-Feb-2007 19:54:35] <Snake-Eyes> zenoss is so not ssh'ing to this box
[27-Feb-2007 19:54:56] <Snake-Eyes> i see nnothing in auth.log
[27-Feb-2007 19:59:43] *** archon- has left #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 20:10:34] *** _chris_ has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 20:22:46] *** oubiwann has quit IRC
[27-Feb-2007 20:49:13] *** chowmeined has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 20:49:17] <chowmeined> hello
[27-Feb-2007 20:51:46] <Snake-Eyes> hey, you wouldnt have gotten ssh part working with zenoss by any chance ?
[27-Feb-2007 20:51:56] <chowmeined> is there a way to create custom status pages for certain classes of device?
[27-Feb-2007 20:52:16] <chowmeined> Snake-Eyes: want me to try? I can see to troubleshoot
[27-Feb-2007 20:52:18] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: what do you mean by the "ssh part of zenoss"?
[27-Feb-2007 20:53:10] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, I'm trying to setup zenoss to collect data from another machine via ssh
[27-Feb-2007 20:53:46] <Snake-Eyes> I've followed the admin guide and put the settings into the zProperties and installed the plugin
[27-Feb-2007 20:53:52] <_chris_> are you referring to modeling information? or have you already modeled the device and you're trying to collect performance information from it?
[27-Feb-2007 20:54:31] <Snake-Eyes> um
[27-Feb-2007 20:54:39] <_chris_> have you already added the device?
[27-Feb-2007 20:54:49] <Snake-Eyes> yes
[27-Feb-2007 20:54:59] <_chris_> and you're seeing interface information in the OS tab?
[27-Feb-2007 20:55:11] <_chris_> along with filesystems?
[27-Feb-2007 20:55:41] *** jimmy-james has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 20:56:34] *** cote has quit IRC
[27-Feb-2007 20:56:37] <Snake-Eyes> i added the device and used snmp which collected all that info, orignal, now im trying via ssh and all those stats in OS tab dont lok like they're being updated, should I remove device and put in from scratch again ?
[27-Feb-2007 20:58:48] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Object Publishing with Nevow - 27 Feb, 10:04PM
[27-Feb-2007 20:58:49] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=131
[27-Feb-2007 20:58:50] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Voidspace] Short Version of IronPython Talk Online
[27-Feb-2007 20:58:51] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry1518491743175305174
[27-Feb-2007 21:00:52] <chowmeined> so is there a way to create custom status pages? or at least populate those custom schemas with my own snmp values?
[27-Feb-2007 21:02:24] *** kjetilho has left #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 21:03:17] <chowmeined> a lot of the things i can graph like memory, and packets/s or whichever but some things dont change like OS revision or certain configuration settings on switches
[27-Feb-2007 21:03:34] *** nassy has joined #zenoss
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[27-Feb-2007 21:05:06] *** nassy has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 21:05:45] <Snake-Eyes> chowmeined, i think you can if you can get the values via snmp
[27-Feb-2007 21:05:50] <Snake-Eyes> not sure
[27-Feb-2007 21:06:17] <chowmeined> yea i already have the specific SNMP OIDs that I want to use.. I just dont know how to edit the device status pages to put them on there
[27-Feb-2007 21:06:42] <chowmeined> let me try setting up ssh
[27-Feb-2007 21:07:45] <Snake-Eyes> ah finally im seeing something in auth.log on the other box
[27-Feb-2007 21:14:10] <Snake-Eyes> hmm sshd[32266]: fatal: Timeout before authentication for
[27-Feb-2007 21:17:29] <chowmeined> so is this the zenplugins package?
[27-Feb-2007 21:18:32] <Snake-Eyes> yea, you have to get the plugins package and install it on the machine you want to monitor
[27-Feb-2007 21:18:46] <Snake-Eyes> and setup zProperties
[27-Feb-2007 21:19:52] <Snake-Eyes> seems you have to setup the device a new, I'm guessing when choosing discovery you have to say none, which by looks of it cant be chosen afterwards
[27-Feb-2007 21:20:54] <_chris_> sorry Snake-Eyes
[27-Feb-2007 21:20:58] <_chris_> i was just answering a few emails
[27-Feb-2007 21:20:59] <Snake-Eyes> damn its still having problems ssh'ing in, dont know i tried ssh from user zenoss to that box, and it worked fine
[27-Feb-2007 21:21:04] <Snake-Eyes> np
[27-Feb-2007 21:21:16] <chowmeined> Snake-Eyes: have you tried redoing collection?
[27-Feb-2007 21:21:38] <_chris_> what version of zenoss are you running?
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:01] <Snake-Eyes> chowmeined, yea, ive used collect config several times
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:11] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, 1.1
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:16] <_chris_> ok good
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:27] <_chris_> what you need to do is this -
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:31] <_chris_> either create a zenoss user on the remote machine
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:32] <_chris_> or
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:48] <_chris_> set the zCommandUserName zProperty for the device you want to collect information from via SSH
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:53] <_chris_> that's the first step
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:57] <Snake-Eyes> did that
[27-Feb-2007 21:23:06] <_chris_> the next thing you need to do is to either set up no-password DSA authentication
[27-Feb-2007 21:23:06] <_chris_> OR
[27-Feb-2007 21:23:13] <chowmeined>
[27-Feb-2007 21:23:18] <_chris_> set the zCommandPassword zProperty to be the ssh password for the remote user
[27-Feb-2007 21:23:31] <chowmeined> does zenoss support using public keys?
[27-Feb-2007 21:23:37] <Snake-Eyes> yes
[27-Feb-2007 21:23:45] <chowmeined> cool
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:01] <_chris_> chowmeined: right now it only supports public keys which don't have any passwords on them - that's changing in a new release.
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:17] <chowmeined> even better
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:18] <_chris_> in the mean time - you have to either NOT use any DSA keys
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:25] <_chris_> and use plain old password authentication
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:33] <Snake-Eyes> Ive set up Username, password, comandprotocol, path, port, SnmpMonitorIgnore
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:34] <_chris_> or you have to use empty passphrases (!!)
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:40] <chowmeined> :-/
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:49] <chowmeined> how are passwords stored in the database? are they encrypted?
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:52] <Snake-Eyes> and TransportPreference
[27-Feb-2007 21:25:13] <_chris_> chownmeined: i don't know off the top of my head. you can look at them using zendmd tho
[27-Feb-2007 21:25:35] <_chris_> did you select "Yes" for Use SSH ?
[27-Feb-2007 21:25:46] <Snake-Eyes> and set zCollectorIgnorePlugins : snmp|portscan
[27-Feb-2007 21:26:10] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: the zCollectorIgnorePlugins shouldn't make a difference for this. i'm pretty sure that's just for modeling.
[27-Feb-2007 21:26:16] <_chris_> (i could easily be wrong tho
[27-Feb-2007 21:26:46] <Snake-Eyes> you mean except new key ? _chris_> did you select "Yes" for Use SSH ?
[27-Feb-2007 21:27:26] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: not sure i follow. have you set up a Data Source that uses a Command yet?
[27-Feb-2007 21:27:45] <Snake-Eyes> i logged into zenoss user and ssh across to make sure there wont any problems
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:03] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, dont think so
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:09] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: that's what you need to do
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:15] <Snake-Eyes> ok
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:15] <_chris_> click on the device in the zenoss UI
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:18] <_chris_> then click PerfConf
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:24] <_chris_> then click the Local Copy button
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:35] <_chris_> then type in a new Data Source name.
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:55] <_chris_> after you create the new Data Source, click it, and it'll take you into a configuration page where set the source to be "Command"
[27-Feb-2007 21:29:06] <_chris_> there you will find the Use SSH option (change it to Yes)
[27-Feb-2007 21:29:31] <_chris_> and you will also find a place below there where you can set the command you want to run
[27-Feb-2007 21:29:44] <Snake-Eyes> i see
[27-Feb-2007 21:29:58] <_chris_> Lastly you'll need to set up data points. these are the names in the name-value pairs that are returned from the command.
[27-Feb-2007 21:30:05] <_chris_> actually that's not lastly....
[27-Feb-2007 21:30:09] <_chris_> if you want to graph those data points
[27-Feb-2007 21:30:15] <_chris_> you'll need to set up a Graph. it's on the PerfConf tab
[27-Feb-2007 21:30:34] <Snake-Eyes> ok, let me do all this first
[27-Feb-2007 21:30:39] <_chris_> g'luck
[27-Feb-2007 21:30:40] <_chris_>
[27-Feb-2007 21:31:06] <Snake-Eyes> do i need Event Key ? I noticed all services use them
[27-Feb-2007 21:31:18] <chowmeined> so is there a way to create custom status pages for a certain class of device? like all my procurve switches have extra info on their status page?
[27-Feb-2007 21:31:28] *** nassy has quit IRC
[27-Feb-2007 21:32:37] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: not right now. you only need that if you want to start mapping events from commands (like you failed to execute a command on this box)
[27-Feb-2007 21:32:59] <_chris_> chowmeined: not right now. zenpacks are going to allow you to make changes to the UI
[27-Feb-2007 21:33:03] <_chris_> and add various tabs and stuff
[27-Feb-2007 21:33:17] <chowmeined> oh splendid, when is that coming?
[27-Feb-2007 21:35:11] <_chris_> i think it's supposed to be a 1.3 feature
[27-Feb-2007 21:35:53] <chowmeined> is there anything I can do to help/
[27-Feb-2007 21:35:59] <chowmeined> ? like with testing or anything?
[27-Feb-2007 21:36:42] <_chris_> we can always use help with people writing howto guides and testing the trunk
[27-Feb-2007 21:43:33] <Snake-Eyes> ok something more fundmental going wrong here, I think ssh part for some reason is failing as in the login process:
[27-Feb-2007 21:43:36] <Snake-Eyes> fatal: Timeout before authentication for :
[27-Feb-2007 21:44:08] <Snake-Eyes> ive double checked everything
[27-Feb-2007 21:44:54] <_chris_> are you using RSA/DSA authentication? or are you using passwords?
[27-Feb-2007 21:45:03] <Snake-Eyes> passwords
[27-Feb-2007 21:45:22] <_chris_> what happens when you run this command (as zenoss)
[27-Feb-2007 21:45:31] <_chris_> ${ZENHOME}/bin/zencommand run -v 10
[27-Feb-2007 21:46:58] <Snake-Eyes> anything i should be looking for or pastbin it all ?
[27-Feb-2007 21:47:31] <_chris_> pastebin it all
[27-Feb-2007 21:48:58] <Snake-Eyes> http://rafb.net/p/kVR1Rd20.html
[27-Feb-2007 21:48:58] <adytum-bot> Title: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)
[27-Feb-2007 21:49:42] <Snake-Eyes> i put in the ip when recreating that device
[27-Feb-2007 21:50:22] <Snake-Eyes> so im not sure how it got name of the box if it couldnt connect
[27-Feb-2007 21:52:01] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: when you run "zencommand run" it examines all the devices in the model and determines which one have "Command"'s that need to be run. it then runs them.
[27-Feb-2007 21:52:30] <_chris_> if you want zencommand to run commands against a specific device you'd do:
[27-Feb-2007 21:52:36] <_chris_> zencommand run -v 10 -d
[27-Feb-2007 21:52:40] <_chris_> anyhow -
[27-Feb-2007 21:52:50] <Snake-Eyes> ok
[27-Feb-2007 21:52:56] <_chris_> over on
[27-Feb-2007 21:53:00] <_chris_> when you tail -f /var/log/messages
[27-Feb-2007 21:53:05] <_chris_> do you see any connection attempts?
[27-Feb-2007 21:54:10] <Snake-Eyes> no, but i do see in auth.log customer-dev3 sshd[32311]: fatal: Timeout before authentication for ::ffff:
[27-Feb-2007 21:54:26] <_chris_> is your zenoss box?
[27-Feb-2007 21:54:32] <Snake-Eyes> yes
[27-Feb-2007 21:54:34] <_chris_> ok
[27-Feb-2007 21:54:55] <_chris_> when you're looking at the device in zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 21:55:00] <_chris_> click on the zProperties tab
[27-Feb-2007 21:55:07] <_chris_> what is the value for zCommandUserName ?
[27-Feb-2007 21:56:15] <Snake-Eyes> zCommandUsername testxx (which i have setup on the other box)
[27-Feb-2007 21:56:22] <_chris_> ok
[27-Feb-2007 21:56:38] <_chris_> and you set the password in the zCommandPassword field?
[27-Feb-2007 21:57:21] <Snake-Eyes> yes
[27-Feb-2007 21:57:43] <_chris_> and there is nothing in ~testxx/.ssh/authorized_keys on
[27-Feb-2007 21:59:03] <Snake-Eyes> nope
[27-Feb-2007 22:00:40] <_chris_> i'm not sure what the problem could be... i'm looking at my configuration and nothing jumps out at me
[27-Feb-2007 22:01:43] <Snake-Eyes> ive logged into zenoss and done $ ssh -p 9466 testxx@ and it worked fine
[27-Feb-2007 22:01:50] <_chris_> ooooh
[27-Feb-2007 22:01:54] <_chris_> -p 9466 you say?
[27-Feb-2007 22:02:07] <Snake-Eyes> yup, but i set zCommandPort
[27-Feb-2007 22:02:09] <_chris_> did you set your zCommandPort zProperty?
[27-Feb-2007 22:02:10] <_chris_> damn
[27-Feb-2007 22:03:19] <Snake-Eyes> ive restarted zenoss with no difference
[27-Feb-2007 22:03:45] <_chris_> what's the OS on the remote box?
[27-Feb-2007 22:05:00] <_chris_> can you check and see if the zenoss user on the zenoss box has a DSA key set up? you can look in ~zenoss/.ssh. there shouldn't be an id_dsa or id_dsa.pub
[27-Feb-2007 22:05:12] <_chris_> if that exists then that's probably your problem.
[27-Feb-2007 22:05:21] <Snake-Eyes> debian
[27-Feb-2007 22:05:27] <_chris_> what version of deb?
[27-Feb-2007 22:05:31] <_chris_> etchy?
[27-Feb-2007 22:05:33] <_chris_> sarge?
[27-Feb-2007 22:06:04] <chowmeined> how do I view the results of datasources? not as a graph but do they have their own page?
[27-Feb-2007 22:06:28] <_chris_> chowmeined: they do not have their own page. they only show up as graphs, and that's only if you configure them to show up as graphs.
[27-Feb-2007 22:06:35] <_chris_> they can also create events (if you set up thresholds)
[27-Feb-2007 22:06:56] <chowmeined> but there is no way to display custom snmp info anywhere?
[27-Feb-2007 22:07:03] <chowmeined> i guess its those zenpacks.. ok
[27-Feb-2007 22:07:17] <_chris_> chowmeined: what do you want to display?
[27-Feb-2007 22:07:19] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, mainly sarge : only file in .ssh is known_hosts
[27-Feb-2007 22:07:21] <_chris_> the values that are collected?
[27-Feb-2007 22:07:39] <chowmeined> some procurve specific SNMP values
[27-Feb-2007 22:07:59] <_chris_> you can set up a PerfConf that collects the OIDs you are interested in and you can graph them.
[27-Feb-2007 22:08:30] <chowmeined> but some of these dont make sense to graph like total install memory or number of power supplies
[27-Feb-2007 22:08:31] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, in known_hosts ssh-rsa ....
[27-Feb-2007 22:08:37] <chowmeined> installed*
[27-Feb-2007 22:08:51] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: yup that's true
[27-Feb-2007 22:08:55] <_chris_> sorry
[27-Feb-2007 22:09:00] <_chris_> chowmeined: yup that's true
[27-Feb-2007 22:09:13] <chowmeined> ok well i look forward to that functionality
[27-Feb-2007 22:09:28] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: i wonder what versions of ssh sarge supports. it's gotta support v2 doesn't it?
[27-Feb-2007 22:09:31] <chowmeined> in the mean time is there a wiki article on how to setup ssh? in the zenoss page part?
[27-Feb-2007 22:09:33] <_chris_> try and do this (on the zenoss command line)
[27-Feb-2007 22:09:39] <_chris_> ssh -v
[27-Feb-2007 22:09:46] <_chris_> see if it reports that it supports protocol version 2
[27-Feb-2007 22:10:14] <_chris_> chowmeined: are you referring to collecting performance information over ssh? like what i'm trying to help Snake-eyes with?
[27-Feb-2007 22:10:30] <chowmeined> yes
[27-Feb-2007 22:11:21] <_chris_> there's a section on using Zenoss-Plugins
[27-Feb-2007 22:11:25] <_chris_> but it doesn't discuss all of this...
[27-Feb-2007 22:11:26] <_chris_> btw -
[27-Feb-2007 22:11:36] <_chris_> zencommand is cleaned up in version 12
[27-Feb-2007 22:11:37] <Snake-Eyes> it does
[27-Feb-2007 22:11:40] <_chris_> version 1.2
[27-Feb-2007 22:11:47] <_chris_> to produce more useful debugging information
[27-Feb-2007 22:12:18] <Snake-Eyes> cool, so when does that come out
[27-Feb-2007 22:12:29] <_chris_> i think in another few weeks
[27-Feb-2007 22:12:30] <_chris_> not too long
[27-Feb-2007 22:12:36] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, it supports version 2
[27-Feb-2007 22:12:37] <_chris_> if you're on the trunk
[27-Feb-2007 22:12:39] <_chris_> you'd have ot now
[27-Feb-2007 22:12:48] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: there goes that theory....
[27-Feb-2007 22:12:50] <_chris_>
[27-Feb-2007 22:14:04] <Snake-Eyes> well im going to grab some lunch and think of something else i can
[27-Feb-2007 22:14:17] <_chris_>
[27-Feb-2007 22:28:11] *** _chris_ has quit IRC
[27-Feb-2007 23:04:23] *** _chris_ has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 23:06:01] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, does zenoss run the ssh command or use some python lib (dont know much about python)
[27-Feb-2007 23:06:28] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: zenoss uses TwistedConch to do it
[27-Feb-2007 23:07:36] <Snake-Eyes> ah
[27-Feb-2007 23:08:34] *** oubiwann has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 23:08:43] <_chris_> hey oubiwann
[27-Feb-2007 23:08:52] <_chris_> still awake?
[27-Feb-2007 23:09:10] <oubiwann> _chris_: barely ;-)
[27-Feb-2007 23:09:31] <_chris_> you on #pycon, or are you on the ibahn network?
[27-Feb-2007 23:09:42] <_chris_> err you get what i mean - the pycon wifi
[27-Feb-2007 23:11:43] <_chris_> made my reservation at the front desk for a taxi for tomorrow at 0800
[27-Feb-2007 23:11:47] <_chris_> don't want to go home
[27-Feb-2007 23:14:21] <oubiwann> _chris_: :-(
[27-Feb-2007 23:14:35] <oubiwann> I'm on someone's prviate network
[27-Feb-2007 23:15:07] <_chris_> Room744? that's hoss has been slinging the wifi _all_day_long_
[27-Feb-2007 23:15:39] <_chris_> i thought about going and wrapping on his door and offering to buy him dinner in exchange for pimping out the free internets.
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:06] <oubiwann> _chris_: hahaha
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:09] <oubiwann> that's awesome
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:13] <oubiwann> yup, same one
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:15] <_chris_> ya cause you know
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:19] <_chris_> if i have to buy ibahn for the day
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:20] <_chris_> it's $8
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:29] <_chris_> or i buy the hoss in room 744 dinner
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:30] <_chris_> it's $8
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:34] <_chris_> what's it to me?
[27-Feb-2007 23:19:17] <oubiwann> heh
[27-Feb-2007 23:19:18] <oubiwann> totally
[27-Feb-2007 23:19:47] <_chris_> when do you leave, oubiwann?
[27-Feb-2007 23:20:02] <oubiwann> dunno... I think maybe around 2:00pm on Thurs
[27-Feb-2007 23:21:03] <_chris_> lucky you - you get another day...
[27-Feb-2007 23:21:24] <_chris_> i swear i should go to more conferences. it's amazing how much work i've finished while "on break"
[27-Feb-2007 23:21:42] <oubiwann> definitely :-)
[27-Feb-2007 23:22:58] <_chris_> maybe next year i'll push it out to a full week.
[27-Feb-2007 23:24:25] *** raina has left #zenoss
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[27-Feb-2007 23:40:04] *** _chris_ has quit IRC
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[28-Feb-2007 00:12:36] *** chowmeined has quit IRC
[28-Feb-2007 00:55:32] *** _chris_ has quit IRC
[28-Feb-2007 01:05:04] <Snake-Eyes> join #twisted
[28-Feb-2007 01:05:08] <Snake-Eyes> doh
[28-Feb-2007 02:11:00] *** oubiwann_ has joined #zenoss
[28-Feb-2007 02:27:55] *** Greg has quit IRC
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[28-Feb-2007 02:49:27] *** chrisgibbs has joined #zenoss
[28-Feb-2007 02:49:42] <chrisgibbs> gday all
[28-Feb-2007 02:49:48] <spekul> morning
[28-Feb-2007 02:50:02] <chrisgibbs> lolz afternoon
[28-Feb-2007 02:50:13] <chrisgibbs> just needing some help with zenwin....
[28-Feb-2007 02:50:20] <chrisgibbs> only seems to be a small problem
[28-Feb-2007 02:50:25] <spekul> <- .de here
[28-Feb-2007 02:50:36] <spekul> gmt+1
[28-Feb-2007 02:51:16] <chrisgibbs> i have sucessfully got zenwin working in a non-AD environment and the services register in the zenoss webbased interface but it wont show the services status correctly
[28-Feb-2007 02:51:28] <chrisgibbs> IE its showing up instead of down when i have been testing
[28-Feb-2007 02:52:25] <chrisgibbs> zenwin.log is correctly detecting the status of the service thou
[28-Feb-2007 03:00:19] * spekul does not work with zenwin
[28-Feb-2007 03:00:43] <spekul> interesting
[28-Feb-2007 03:00:44] <spekul> though
[28-Feb-2007 03:01:01] <spekul> i had a similar problem with a webserver having status down, though it was up
[28-Feb-2007 03:01:33] <spekul> the webserver was running in a jail on a freebsd host, so it was not directly running on the jailhosts ip
[28-Feb-2007 03:01:44] <spekul> and of course not in its process table
[28-Feb-2007 03:02:07] <spekul> so this was the reason for a wrong status report
[28-Feb-2007 03:05:28] <chrisgibbs> ah
[28-Feb-2007 03:18:58] <chrisgibbs> cheers anyway
[28-Feb-2007 03:19:21] <chrisgibbs> im actually using the vmware appliance atm - mite get rid of it and compile from source
[28-Feb-2007 03:23:36] <spekul> compiling from source should not give you any trouble
[28-Feb-2007 03:24:08] <chrisgibbs> yeh thats wat i thought
[28-Feb-2007 03:24:27] <chrisgibbs> we have just started looking into converting nagios at work into zenoss
[28-Feb-2007 03:24:34] <chrisgibbs> bit of an effort
[28-Feb-2007 03:24:52] <chrisgibbs> so been doing a fiar bit of testing at home 1st
[28-Feb-2007 03:25:08] <chrisgibbs> slowly stepping up to a AD environment
[28-Feb-2007 03:25:48] <chrisgibbs> then probably installing it at work and running it in parrarel to the current nagios system
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[28-Feb-2007 04:14:10] <spekul> i am pretty happy with zenoss so far, now i want to see how it scales
[28-Feb-2007 04:14:12] *** oubiwann has joined #zenoss
[28-Feb-2007 04:14:19] <spekul> we have only testing devices setup
[28-Feb-2007 04:17:58] <spekul> but i get imense memory problems when adding routers from our core infrastructure, snmp analysis then freezes my box
[28-Feb-2007 04:18:14] <monrad> what kind of routers?
[28-Feb-2007 04:18:42] <spekul> those routers have around 1gb of ram and get complete internet routing tables via bgp
[28-Feb-2007 04:19:05] <spekul> i wonder how zenoss performs when adding around 5000 devices
[28-Feb-2007 04:19:24] <spekul> has somebody experience with that and what kind of monitoring hardware is needed then?
[28-Feb-2007 04:20:02] <monrad> i had problems with hp9314 routers with getting their route table
[28-Feb-2007 04:20:15] <spekul> its not that i wasnt able to snmpwalk them
[28-Feb-2007 04:20:29] <spekul> and zenoss gets the tables, but it takes ages
[28-Feb-2007 04:20:48] <spekul> ages > 1h
[28-Feb-2007 04:22:32] <spekul> dont get me wrong, i am not claiming
atm i am setting up a larger box and see how it performs then
[28-Feb-2007 04:32:25] *** oubiwann has quit IRC
[28-Feb-2007 04:32:59] <chrisgibbs> we have a setup of around 50 servers , 900users and i think around the 100 mark for networking devices
[28-Feb-2007 04:33:36] <chrisgibbs> i have ran the VMware appliance at work for a short period of time and discovered the same problem although not to the same extent
[28-Feb-2007 04:34:21] <chrisgibbs> giving the vm more ram seemed to solve the out-of-memory crashing errors we were having
[28-Feb-2007 04:40:18] <spekul> it seems like around 2gb should be necessary at least for sites with more then 100 devices monitored
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[28-Feb-2007 10:45:29] <chowmeined> is there a way to output reports to pdf?
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[28-Feb-2007 11:38:17] <PerlStalker> I'm trying to understand the syslog event thing. Does zenoss act as the syslog server or does it read from the local syslog files?
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[28-Feb-2007 11:47:01] <creiht> PerlStalker: It acts as a syslog server, and any logging events that it receives become events in zenoss
[28-Feb-2007 11:47:35] <creiht> At least that is how it is supposed to work... I haven't used it yet
[28-Feb-2007 11:47:42] <chet> that's correct
[28-Feb-2007 11:48:52] <chet> I think most people set it up on a different port and have something like syslog-ng forward logs to it. Having your logs in flat files can be useful.
[28-Feb-2007 11:49:16] <PerlStalker> Indeed
[28-Feb-2007 11:49:36] <chet> It also lets you do some filtering on the logs before they're sent to the more resource hogging zensyslog.
[28-Feb-2007 11:49:46] <PerlStalker> Yeah
[28-Feb-2007 11:50:07] <PerlStalker> I really don't need my mail cluster's login/logout lines sent to zenoss
[28-Feb-2007 11:51:05] <PerlStalker> But seeing log entries from snort as events might be nice.
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[28-Feb-2007 13:23:25] <PerlStalker> How does one go about installing zenoss from source using a remote MySQL server?
[28-Feb-2007 13:23:52] <PerlStalker> The install script, of course, fails because it can't create the tables on a local db.
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[28-Feb-2007 14:10:05] <unixjunkie> Hi
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[28-Feb-2007 14:12:50] <unixjunkie> ok
[28-Feb-2007 14:12:59] <unixjunkie> how goes it?
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[28-Feb-2007 14:29:06] <oubiwann_> cote: is this the cote of redmonk?
[28-Feb-2007 14:29:22] <cote> oubiwann_: yes.
[28-Feb-2007 14:29:32] <oubiwann_> so what brings you to #zenoss?
[28-Feb-2007 14:30:06] <cote> I just monitor it for fun to see what types of things people are talking about.
[28-Feb-2007 14:30:15] <oubiwann_> heh
[28-Feb-2007 14:31:04] <cote> How 'bout yourself?
[28-Feb-2007 14:31:17] <oubiwann_> I should monitor it more... I spend most of my time in various twisted python channels
[28-Feb-2007 14:31:51] <oubiwann_> I do consulting for zenoss (you commented on my LDAP/Brainz blog post, actually)
[28-Feb-2007 14:32:07] <cote> Ah, right...LDAP!
[28-Feb-2007 14:32:10] <oubiwann_> heh
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[28-Feb-2007 16:03:50] <chet> PerlStalker: In case you check back here..
[28-Feb-2007 16:04:06] <chet> PerlStalker: export MYSQL_HOST=mysqlhost before you run the install.
[28-Feb-2007 16:04:32] <PerlStalker> chet: Great.
[28-Feb-2007 16:04:46] <PerlStalker> I worked around it, but that's good to know.
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[28-Feb-2007 18:41:35] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, any other ideas what I can try inregards to my ssh problem from yesterday ?
[28-Feb-2007 18:42:23] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: not a whole lot. i was glad to see you posted to the zenoss-users list tho. i'll ask some questions tomorrow when the devs are back online
[28-Feb-2007 18:43:44] <_chris_> the only other thing i'd try is the blank passphrase thing
[28-Feb-2007 18:43:53] <_chris_> run this command as the zenoss user on your zenoss box:
[28-Feb-2007 18:44:00] <_chris_> ssh-keygen -d
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[28-Feb-2007 18:44:08] <_chris_> when it prompts for a password, hold your breathe and hit return twice
[28-Feb-2007 18:44:16] <Snake-Eyes> hehe
[28-Feb-2007 18:44:21] <_chris_> then scp the ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub over to the remote box in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
[28-Feb-2007 18:44:30] <_chris_> make sure the perms are 700 on ~/.ssh on the remote box
[28-Feb-2007 18:44:34] <_chris_> verify you can login without a passphrase
[28-Feb-2007 18:44:41] <_chris_> and then try the ssh command again (via zencommand)
[28-Feb-2007 18:45:59] <Snake-Eyes> ok
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[28-Feb-2007 19:00:51] <Snake-Eyes> it seemed to work
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[28-Feb-2007 19:13:36] <Snake-Eyes> i ran ${ZENHOME}/bin/zencommand run -v 10 -d 10.0.. and it looks like its collecting data
[28-Feb-2007 19:16:42] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, did you say yesterday that passphrase's non-empty for ssh will only be supported in v1.2 ?
[28-Feb-2007 19:18:26] <Snake-Eyes> nm found it where you said 'or empty passphrase's'
[28-Feb-2007 19:22:36] <_chris_>
[28-Feb-2007 19:22:41] <Snake-Eyes> so what do I have to do about getting the graphs going?
[28-Feb-2007 19:22:47] <_chris_> go into the PerfConf
[28-Feb-2007 19:22:50] <_chris_> go to the graphs section
[28-Feb-2007 19:22:52] <_chris_> add a new graph
[28-Feb-2007 19:23:12] <_chris_> then click on it and choose a DataSource_DataPoint combination (or a group of them)
[28-Feb-2007 19:23:14] <_chris_> that'll get you going
[28-Feb-2007 19:23:41] <Snake-Eyes> hmm
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:02] <Snake-Eyes> i created the one Datasource yesterday, then few mins ago I changed all orignal datasources to cmd from snmp, is that alright or should I create them all from scratch ?
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:18] <_chris_> well -
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:22] <_chris_> one kinda odd thing
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:27] <_chris_> is that when you use SNMP to collect performance
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:34] <_chris_> there's a 1-1 mapping between "DataSource" and "DataPoint"
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:41] <_chris_> they're basically one and the same
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:50] <_chris_> but whe your'e collecting performance data over SSH (via a Command)
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:53] <_chris_> it's a 1-N
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:55] <_chris_> 1 data source
[28-Feb-2007 19:26:09] <_chris_> and possibly many data points (recall that each data point is a name in the name-value pairs returned from the remote command)
[28-Feb-2007 19:26:19] <_chris_> so the answer to your question is "yes, kinda"
[28-Feb-2007 19:26:29] <_chris_> if you remove all the OIDs and decide to collect performance over SSH
[28-Feb-2007 19:26:41] <_chris_> you'll need to add DataPoints for each OID that you removed
[28-Feb-2007 19:26:53] <_chris_> but you obviously won't be calling the DataPoints
[28-Feb-2007 19:27:00] <Snake-Eyes> yea
[28-Feb-2007 19:27:02] <_chris_> you'll be calling them "memBuffer"
[28-Feb-2007 19:32:23] <Snake-Eyes> where can I check that I'm collecting/storing the data corectly ?
[28-Feb-2007 19:33:10] <Snake-Eyes> i have feeling I've mucked up the pairing, after what you just said
[28-Feb-2007 19:35:07] <Snake-Eyes> http://rafb.net/p/c3IiHV74.html
[28-Feb-2007 19:35:07] <__adytum-bot__> Title: Nopaste - zencommand (at rafb.net)
[28-Feb-2007 19:45:27] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: that looks fine
[28-Feb-2007 19:45:49] <_chris_> you need to add some more commands to do more interesting things like
[28-Feb-2007 19:45:52] <_chris_> run "zenplugin.py cpu"
[28-Feb-2007 19:45:53] <_chris_> or"
[28-Feb-2007 19:45:57] <_chris_> "zenplugin.py mem"
[28-Feb-2007 19:47:24] <Snake-Eyes> i have, i just took one section, just wanted to make sure I was mapping correctly, cause nothing is showing up for any of graphs (I have restarted zenoss)
[28-Feb-2007 19:48:38] <_chris_> right -
[28-Feb-2007 19:48:50] <_chris_> there aren't any graphs associated with sysUpTime
[28-Feb-2007 19:49:00] <_chris_> did you set up graphs for your other zenplugin commands? (like memory/cpu/whatever)?
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[28-Feb-2007 19:53:41] <Snake-Eyes> yea
[28-Feb-2007 19:54:08] <Snake-Eyes> i made one for memBufferCmd
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[28-Feb-2007 19:55:31] <Snake-Eyes> here's the whole thing http://rafb.net/p/08t8hZ47.html
[28-Feb-2007 19:55:31] <__adytum-bot__> Title: Nopaste - zencommand run (at rafb.net)
[28-Feb-2007 19:56:36] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: looks good. did you create DataPoints for hrSwapSize, hrMemorySize, memBuffer, memAvailReal, memAvailSwap, and memCached?
[28-Feb-2007 19:58:14] <Snake-Eyes> yea each has there seperate Datasource
[28-Feb-2007 20:00:26] <_chris_> nah
[28-Feb-2007 20:00:36] <_chris_> you should set up one datasource and call it something like "zenplugin-mem"
[28-Feb-2007 20:00:49] <_chris_> then in that datasource set up a datapoint for each of those values.
[28-Feb-2007 20:00:59] <_chris_> that way you'll only run the command once!
[28-Feb-2007 20:01:27] <Snake-Eyes> ah ok, i was sort of following snmp template
[28-Feb-2007 20:02:28] <Snake-Eyes> ill make them again
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[28-Feb-2007 20:18:55] <chowmeined> I have been looking over the reports for my devices and the availability is always at 100% for them even though I know they have gone offline since they have been monitored
[28-Feb-2007 20:19:12] <Snake-Eyes> now its grapging just need more data
[28-Feb-2007 20:19:20] <Snake-Eyes> *graphing
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[28-Feb-2007 20:59:24] -__adytum-bot__- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Object Publishing with Nevow - 27 Feb, 10:04PM
[28-Feb-2007 20:59:25] -__adytum-bot__- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=131
[28-Feb-2007 20:59:26] -__adytum-bot__- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [comp.lang.python.announce] Flightdeck-UI MVM and Library release 0.3.0
[28-Feb-2007 20:59:27] -__adytum-bot__- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry6000997169052096090
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[28-Feb-2007 21:15:42] <Snake-Eyes> how often does snmp query verse/and ssh query for data ?
[28-Feb-2007 21:16:02] <Snake-Eyes> ssh/zencommand
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[28-Feb-2007 23:13:17] <Snake-Eyes> btw thanks for all the help _chris_
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[28-Feb-2007 23:38:25] <_chris_> no problem Snake-Eyes
[28-Feb-2007 23:38:32] <_chris_>
[28-Feb-2007 23:41:50] <oubiwann> _chris_: whatchoodoin, mang?
[28-Feb-2007 23:42:00] <_chris_> sadly
[28-Feb-2007 23:42:03] <_chris_> i'm about to go to bed
[28-Feb-2007 23:42:08] <_chris_> i'd much rather be sittin in that lobby
[28-Feb-2007 23:42:15] <_chris_> trowin back Dr Peppers
[28-Feb-2007 23:42:19] <_chris_> and slingin some python
[28-Feb-2007 23:42:28] <_chris_> what're you doing?
[28-Feb-2007 23:42:55] <oubiwann> watching some super milf action here in the lobby/bar area
[28-Feb-2007 23:43:06] <oubiwann> milfness is most excellentful
[28-Feb-2007 23:43:16] <_chris_> that sounds about right for the Mariott Quorum in Addison.
[28-Feb-2007 23:43:44] <oubiwann> it is so yummy compared to the previous few days
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:01] <oubiwann> but then again, a graveyard in a flood would be yummy compared the past few days...
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:09] <_chris_> hah
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:17] <oubiwann> it was corpsalicious
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:20] <_chris_> you're too much!
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:23] <oubiwann> heh
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:30] <_chris_> have a glass of chocolate milk for me, bra.
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:33] <oubiwann> hahaha
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:37] <_chris_> that's my drink of choice there
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:43] <_chris_> last year i probably had 8 of 'em
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:46] <_chris_> this year only 4
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:47] <_chris_>
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:53] <oubiwann> heh, that's awesome
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:06] <_chris_> i made a mistake tho
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:14] <_chris_> i combined the chocolate milk with chicken wings
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:14] <oubiwann> that sounds really good, actually...
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:17] <_chris_> DISASTROUS
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:18] <oubiwann> hahaha
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:30] <oubiwann> *that* doesn't sound good!
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:36] <_chris_> ya -
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:36] <oubiwann> but the choco milk does...
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:37] <_chris_> well see
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:40] <_chris_> exactly
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:42] <_chris_> and the wings do!
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:45] <_chris_> and then they both arrive
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:50] <_chris_> and you're like caligula!
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:54] <oubiwann> hehe
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:56] <_chris_> what do i do with this?!
[28-Feb-2007 23:46:00] <oubiwann> and then you belch
[28-Feb-2007 23:46:09] <_chris_> "well i guess someone has to eat this...."
[28-Feb-2007 23:46:10] <oubiwann> and the magic of the night passes quickly
[28-Feb-2007 23:46:15] <_chris_> lol yup
[28-Feb-2007 23:47:46] <_chris_> well oubiwann
[28-Feb-2007 23:47:53] <_chris_> i'd best be shufflin off to bed
[28-Feb-2007 23:48:01] <_chris_> massa's got me workin tomorrow....
[28-Feb-2007 23:48:09] <oubiwann> have a good one and may you have sweet dreams of python
[28-Feb-2007 23:48:16] <_chris_> you too buddy
[28-Feb-2007 23:48:19] <oubiwann> :-)
[28-Feb-2007 23:48:20] <oubiwann> cya
[28-Feb-2007 23:48:20] <_chris_> i'll talk to you tomorrow
[28-Feb-2007 23:48:21] <_chris_>
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[01-Feb-2007 12:52:26] <creiht> Any developers here that could point me in the right direction to make a custom data collector plugin?
[01-Feb-2007 13:38:32] <monrad> nope not tried that yet
[01-Feb-2007 14:28:54] <monrad> i seem to get performance problems when i get around 200 switches in zenoss
[01-Feb-2007 14:30:25] <monrad> for the most time i get around 45-55 secs poll time but sometimes i need to read a lot from the san and this kills performance
[01-Feb-2007 14:32:44] <monrad> too bad we cant get more activity on this channel
[01-Feb-2007 14:34:13] <creiht> i'm only monitoring around 50 systems
[01-Feb-2007 14:36:18] <monrad> there is some way up to the 1200 switches and servers we have now
[01-Feb-2007 14:37:18] <creiht> I've been told that it should be capable of that
[01-Feb-2007 14:37:44] <creiht> We looked at using it to monitor networking infrastructure
[01-Feb-2007 14:37:57] <creiht> Are you polling every minute, or every 5 minutes?
[01-Feb-2007 14:38:27] <monrad> 5 minutes
[01-Feb-2007 14:38:35] <monrad> and i guess we can go as high as 10
[01-Feb-2007 14:41:46] *** aberant has joined #zenoss
[01-Feb-2007 14:42:28] <monrad> right now we use nagios but that does not works for network infrastructure
[01-Feb-2007 14:43:08] <aberant> i'm getting a bad wmi state error on the zenwinmodeler test... i've been to the page on trac that shows how to test wmi, and it answers queries
[01-Feb-2007 14:43:16] <aberant> i'm just scratching my head on how to proceed.
[01-Feb-2007 14:43:45] <aberant> i'm also running it as administrator.. and have checked that i have full rights to WMI
[01-Feb-2007 14:43:59] <aberant> any ideas, or things i can check?
[01-Feb-2007 14:44:24] <monrad> i dont monitor any windows boxes yet
[01-Feb-2007 15:11:43] <creiht> hmmm I haven't run it on windows
[01-Feb-2007 15:18:28] *** cote has quit IRC
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[01-Feb-2007 16:52:28] <mike-ekim> helloo
[01-Feb-2007 17:14:51] <monrad> hello
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[01-Feb-2007 19:57:52] <giesen> what's the proper RPN if I want to divide a value by 10
[01-Feb-2007 19:57:54] <giesen> for the perfconf
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[02-Feb-2007 00:10:48] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[02-Feb-2007 00:10:49] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[02-Feb-2007 00:10:50] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Cheese Shop] TGPaginate 0.1a0.dev-r560
[02-Feb-2007 00:10:51] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117034600559610082
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[02-Feb-2007 01:24:48] *** erickperez has joined #zenoss
[02-Feb-2007 01:25:17] <erickperez> Hi there. Just a quick question. Can I run zenoss latest oficial release in a Centos 4.4 Machine?
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[02-Feb-2007 08:51:50] <suprsonic> anyone home?
[02-Feb-2007 09:28:19] <suprsonic> omghi!
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[02-Feb-2007 11:31:19] <monrad> evening
[02-Feb-2007 11:31:36] <suprsonic> hi!
[02-Feb-2007 11:31:40] <suprsonic> can you help me with zenoss?
[02-Feb-2007 11:31:56] <suprsonic> I'm having difficulty trying to assign a template to a device
[02-Feb-2007 11:33:07] <monrad> hmm
[02-Feb-2007 11:33:13] <monrad> try read the admin guide
[02-Feb-2007 11:33:24] <suprsonic> already did
[02-Feb-2007 11:33:41] <monrad> which kind of template?
[02-Feb-2007 11:33:47] <suprsonic> I have a ups that I want to alert if there are alarms
[02-Feb-2007 11:33:56] <suprsonic> so I added the device
[02-Feb-2007 11:34:15] <suprsonic> from there I've created a local copy to make custom datasources
[02-Feb-2007 11:34:22] <suprsonic> and then a threshold
[02-Feb-2007 11:34:41] <suprsonic> but when I tcpdump port 161 I see that it's only fetching sysuptime oid
[02-Feb-2007 11:34:58] <suprsonic> it's ignorning my local copy customizations
[02-Feb-2007 11:35:09] <monrad> hmm
[02-Feb-2007 11:36:09] <suprsonic> thoughts?
[02-Feb-2007 11:36:46] <monrad> i had no problem with polling the stuff i want
[02-Feb-2007 11:38:35] <suprsonic> when I create a datasource, so I need to run a query or should it automatically add to the zenperfsnmp job?
[02-Feb-2007 11:39:27] <suprsonic> I moved the device to /devices/Power
[02-Feb-2007 12:07:08] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[02-Feb-2007 12:07:19] <suprsonic> chet!
[02-Feb-2007 12:07:27] <chet> suprsonic!
[02-Feb-2007 12:07:30] <chet> What's up?
[02-Feb-2007 12:07:58] <monrad> it takes up to 30 minuts before zenperfsnmp reloads its config
[02-Feb-2007 12:08:22] <chet> yeah, that's the default setting.
[02-Feb-2007 12:09:13] <suprsonic> I know you from somewhere
[02-Feb-2007 12:09:51] <chet> There are a couple of other Chets out there.. are you sure it's me?
[02-Feb-2007 12:09:57] <suprsonic> oh
[02-Feb-2007 12:10:00] <suprsonic> freebsd user?
[02-Feb-2007 12:10:26] <chet> Occasionally.. I am on the mailing list.
[02-Feb-2007 12:10:36] <suprsonic> so if I create a new threshold it could take up to 30 minutes to start?
[02-Feb-2007 12:10:48] <chet> Yes.
[02-Feb-2007 12:10:52] <suprsonic> oh wow
[02-Feb-2007 12:10:59] <suprsonic> maybe that is my issue in the first place
[02-Feb-2007 12:11:24] <chet> You can adjust that 30 minutes much lower if your zenperfsnmp isn't straining to complete the collections within the 5 minute period.
[02-Feb-2007 12:11:51] <chet> Or you can just restart zenperfsnmp from the web interface and it'll have the new config immediately.
[02-Feb-2007 12:12:32] <suprsonic> trying
[02-Feb-2007 12:12:33] <chet> What version are you running? I seem to recall a bug in pre-1.1 that would cause zenperfsnmp to not reload the config at the proper interval (or at all.)
[02-Feb-2007 12:13:00] <suprsonic> just downloaded the source yesterday
[02-Feb-2007 12:13:03] <suprsonic> and installed
[02-Feb-2007 12:13:10] <suprsonic> so it would be the latest src install version
[02-Feb-2007 12:13:14] <chet> ok, good.
[02-Feb-2007 12:15:39] <suprsonic> grrrr
[02-Feb-2007 12:15:46] <suprsonic> didn't work
[02-Feb-2007 12:16:06] <suprsonic> I reloaded zenprefsnmp and it just went for sysUptime
[02-Feb-2007 12:16:32] <chet> ok.. I recommend you run: zenperfsnmp run -v 10 -dDEVICE_NAME
[02-Feb-2007 12:16:38] <chet> Perhaps it'll tell you something interesting.
[02-Feb-2007 12:16:55] <suprsonic> checking
[02-Feb-2007 12:19:56] <suprsonic> DEBUG:zen.zenperfsnmp:Sent 8 SNMP OID requests
[02-Feb-2007 12:20:27] <suprsonic> I only saw two packets on the interface
[02-Feb-2007 12:20:33] <suprsonic> one request
[02-Feb-2007 12:20:38] <suprsonic> and a reply
[02-Feb-2007 12:21:56] <chet> If it's SNMPv2 it could have been a getbulk and had 8 requests/responses per packet.
[02-Feb-2007 12:22:58] <suprsonic> interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.1=[|snmp]
[02-Feb-2007 12:23:02] <chet> Can you look under the perf/Devices/DEVICE_NAME directory to see if appropriate RRD files exist?
[02-Feb-2007 12:23:31] <suprsonic> oh
[02-Feb-2007 12:23:45] <suprsonic> what if the device only supports v1?
[02-Feb-2007 12:23:53] <chet> You should have seen more packets.
[02-Feb-2007 12:24:16] <suprsonic> rrds exit
[02-Feb-2007 12:24:52] <chet> The ones you create data points for?
[02-Feb-2007 12:24:57] <suprsonic> yes
[02-Feb-2007 12:25:18] <chet> Great. Did you create a graph that contains them under the perfconf?
[02-Feb-2007 12:25:28] <suprsonic> nah
[02-Feb-2007 12:25:30] <suprsonic> no need
[02-Feb-2007 12:25:38] <suprsonic> I don't want to graph them out, only to report
[02-Feb-2007 12:27:05] <suprsonic> bbl lunch
[02-Feb-2007 12:27:09] <suprsonic> willy ou be on chet?
[02-Feb-2007 12:27:34] <chet> Probably.
[02-Feb-2007 12:27:40] <suprsonic> thanks, talk to you then!
[02-Feb-2007 13:23:36] <suprsonic> back!
[02-Feb-2007 13:23:53] <suprsonic> I'm under the assumption that the device does not support 2c
[02-Feb-2007 13:24:17] <suprsonic> but zenoss is sending out getbulk
[02-Feb-2007 13:26:11] <chet> What makes you so sure that it isn't collecting the data? Based on the presence of the RRD files alone, I'd say that it is.
[02-Feb-2007 13:27:10] <suprsonic> getbulk a v2c function only?
[02-Feb-2007 13:27:34] <chet> one sec.. work calls.
[02-Feb-2007 13:31:57] <monrad> yes getbulk is a v2 thing only
[02-Feb-2007 13:32:03] <monrad> well i guess v3 too
[02-Feb-2007 13:34:53] <suprsonic> wow I'm really retarded
[02-Feb-2007 13:37:47] <chet> Why's that?
[02-Feb-2007 13:38:06] <suprsonic> my threshold was wrong the whole time
[02-Feb-2007 13:38:14] <suprsonic> my escalate was set to 1
[02-Feb-2007 13:38:27] <suprsonic> device already has alarms set
[02-Feb-2007 13:38:45] <suprsonic> so that means I have to wait for another alert for the threshold to trigger
[02-Feb-2007 13:39:53] <suprsonic> so I set Escalate count to 0, but how do I have it trigger if value > 0
[02-Feb-2007 13:42:33] <chet> I think you have to move the threshold event into history so a new one can be generated.
[02-Feb-2007 13:43:40] <suprsonic> how do you delete events?
[02-Feb-2007 13:48:58] <chet> Put a check next to them and click the History button at the bottom.
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[02-Feb-2007 20:58:21] <_lunix_> 3aaa
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[03-Feb-2007 00:11:27] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - Five More Things - 02 Feb, 07:31PM
[03-Feb-2007 00:11:28] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/65288.html
[03-Feb-2007 00:11:29] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[03-Feb-2007 00:11:30] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[03-Feb-2007 00:11:31] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Tectonic] Open source laboratory management powers up
[03-Feb-2007 00:11:32] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117041357298385828
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[04-Feb-2007 00:12:02] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[04-Feb-2007 00:12:03] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[04-Feb-2007 02:07:54] *** tsdano has joined #zenoss
[04-Feb-2007 02:09:07] <tsdano> does zenoss have support for legacy *nix systems where there is no client side snmp?
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[05-Feb-2007 00:12:39] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[05-Feb-2007 00:12:40] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[05-Feb-2007 04:33:15] *** Kajakas has quit IRC
[05-Feb-2007 10:10:35] *** suprsonic has joined #zenoss
[05-Feb-2007 10:24:09] <suprsonic> http://www.pastebin.ca/341333
[05-Feb-2007 10:24:19] <adytum-bot> Title: general pastebin - Mine - post number 341333 (at www.pastebin.ca)
[05-Feb-2007 11:01:31] <suprsonic> anyone home?
[05-Feb-2007 11:12:59] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[05-Feb-2007 11:22:30] <suprsonic> chet!
[05-Feb-2007 11:22:43] <suprsonic> tahehehe /poke chet
[05-Feb-2007 11:27:32] <suprsonic> while tcpdumping the zenoss box I noticed packets bound to dev.zenoss.org.http
[05-Feb-2007 11:27:42] <suprsonic> what are those packets for?
[05-Feb-2007 11:28:41] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
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[05-Feb-2007 11:30:49] <chet> What kind of packets? They could the version update check.
[05-Feb-2007 11:31:00] <chet> How often do they happen?
[05-Feb-2007 11:31:09] <suprsonic> every 5 minutes
[05-Feb-2007 11:31:32] <suprsonic> from the zenaction service
[05-Feb-2007 11:32:14] <suprsonic> how do I assign a proxy server if it's indeed a version update check?
[05-Feb-2007 11:33:10] <chet> The version update check should only happen once per day.
[05-Feb-2007 11:33:17] <chet> I'm not quite sure why zenactions would be doing that
[05-Feb-2007 11:33:23] <chet> Looking to see if mine does.
[05-Feb-2007 11:34:06] <suprsonic> http://www.pastebin.ca/341333
[05-Feb-2007 11:34:13] <adytum-bot> Title: general pastebin - Mine - post number 341333 (at www.pastebin.ca)
[05-Feb-2007 11:34:16] <suprsonic> what do you suppose that's for?
[05-Feb-2007 11:35:22] <suprsonic> I bet since it can't connect to the server it's trying every cycle rather than once a day
[05-Feb-2007 11:37:29] <suprsonic> how would I assign a proxy address for the services to access the site?
[05-Feb-2007 11:38:31] <chet> ah, it tries every 5 minutes if it fails.
[05-Feb-2007 11:38:35] <chet> Let me look into it.
[05-Feb-2007 11:39:33] <suprsonic> thanks!
[05-Feb-2007 11:40:30] <chet> Does your proxy require authentication?
[05-Feb-2007 11:40:54] <suprsonic> nope
[05-Feb-2007 11:41:04] <chet> Good.. this should be easy.
[05-Feb-2007 11:41:22] <chet> You set your ZENHOME and exported it in your zenoss user's .bash_profile, right?
[05-Feb-2007 11:41:35] <suprsonic> I place dit in .bashrc
[05-Feb-2007 11:42:17] <chet> ok, set "http_proxy=http://yourproxy.com:3128" and export it in there.
[05-Feb-2007 11:42:21] <suprsonic> already set
[05-Feb-2007 11:42:28] <chet> Then zenactions restart
[05-Feb-2007 11:42:35] <suprsonic> I used caps for http_proxy though
[05-Feb-2007 11:42:39] <chet> Use lower.
[05-Feb-2007 11:43:18] <chet> zenactions uses python's urllib: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-urllib.html
[05-Feb-2007 11:43:25] <adytum-bot> Title: 18.5 urllib -- Open arbitrary resources by URL (at docs.python.org)
[05-Feb-2007 11:43:47] <chet> heh.. we're reading the same material.
[05-Feb-2007 11:44:54] <suprsonic> trying
[05-Feb-2007 11:46:53] <suprsonic> nope
[05-Feb-2007 11:46:59] <suprsonic> still going directly
[05-Feb-2007 11:48:03] <chet> I forgot to mention.. did you logout/login to your zenoss user account after updating the .bashrc?
[05-Feb-2007 11:48:22] <suprsonic> I stopped and started the service
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[05-Feb-2007 11:49:06] <chet> The .bashrc won't get run until you login to the account again.
[05-Feb-2007 11:49:22] <suprsonic> restart the whole zenoss services?
[05-Feb-2007 11:50:04] <chet> No.. do you sudo to the zenoss user account?
[05-Feb-2007 11:50:12] <suprsonic> I restarted via the interface
[05-Feb-2007 11:50:18] <suprsonic> just did it command line now
[05-Feb-2007 11:50:24] <suprsonic> see if that works
[05-Feb-2007 11:53:36] <suprsonic> would this cause alerts from being sent via email?
[05-Feb-2007 11:54:58] <suprsonic> okay that did it
[05-Feb-2007 11:55:11] <suprsonic> it was checking for updates
[05-Feb-2007 11:56:11] <suprsonic> I got thresholds to trigger a warning, but an email is not being sent.
[05-Feb-2007 11:56:27] <chet> I don't know if that'd cause a problem or not.
[05-Feb-2007 11:58:46] <suprsonic> I assigned the device to the user and setup the user account with mail and alerts
[05-Feb-2007 11:59:15] <chet> As strange as it sounds, assigning a user to a device does nothing at the moment.
[05-Feb-2007 11:59:37] <chet> Everything is controlled by the alerting rule.
[05-Feb-2007 11:59:37] <suprsonic> oh
[05-Feb-2007 12:00:20] <suprsonic> okay
[05-Feb-2007 12:00:47] <suprsonic> so I have a stat = Production, Severity >= Warning, Event Sate = New
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:02] <suprsonic> when a new threshold is triggered it doesn't send an email
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:06] <chet> Yeah.. that sounds good. That user should get ANY events >= warning
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:22] <chet> Enable == True, right?
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:23] <suprsonic> agreed
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:26] <suprsonic> yes enabled
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:40] <chet> Does the zenactions.log show it trying to do anything?
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:52] <suprsonic> nope
[05-Feb-2007 12:01:58] <suprsonic> 2007-02-05 10:51:22 INFO zen.ZenActions: processed 0 rules in 0.01 secs
[05-Feb-2007 12:02:35] <suprsonic> do you need to assign a schedule?
[05-Feb-2007 12:02:43] <chet> No.. no schedule means 24x7
[05-Feb-2007 12:04:16] <chet> It should at least say that it's processing 1 rule every iteration, whether or not it has any related events.
[05-Feb-2007 12:04:26] <chet> For some reason zenactions doesn't know about the rule you created.
[05-Feb-2007 12:04:38] <suprsonic> I removed it and made a new one
[05-Feb-2007 12:04:38] <chet> This is happening even after you restarted zenactions?
[05-Feb-2007 12:06:34] <suprsonic> 2007-02-05 10:56:42 INFO zen.ZenActions: Processed 0 commands in 0.002543
[05-Feb-2007 12:06:34] <suprsonic> 2007-02-05 10:56:42 INFO zen.ZenActions: processed 0 rules in 0.01 secs
[05-Feb-2007 12:06:37] <suprsonic> sorry
[05-Feb-2007 12:06:42] <suprsonic> will use pastebin from now on
[05-Feb-2007 12:07:25] <suprsonic> test email works, so I know that smtp isn't an issue
[05-Feb-2007 12:13:26] <giesen> where is the mysql db password stored in the configs
[05-Feb-2007 12:13:31] <giesen> or how do I retrieve it
[05-Feb-2007 12:13:34] <suprsonic> localhost
[05-Feb-2007 12:13:43] <suprsonic> settings
[05-Feb-2007 12:13:54] <suprsonic> nm
[05-Feb-2007 12:16:25] <chet> giesen: You can get it with "dmd.ZenEventManager.password" from zendmd
[05-Feb-2007 12:17:09] <suprsonic> thoughts chet??
[05-Feb-2007 12:17:59] <chet> suprsonic: Maybe you need to restart zenactions again since you deleted and recreated the alerting rule.
[05-Feb-2007 12:18:11] <suprsonic> already did
[05-Feb-2007 12:18:36] <giesen> chet: uh okay
[05-Feb-2007 12:18:47] <chet> giesen: It isn't stored in a text file if that's what you mean.
[05-Feb-2007 12:19:02] <giesen> okay
[05-Feb-2007 12:19:19] <giesen> just give me instructions on how to retrieve it, since I know nothing about zope
[05-Feb-2007 12:25:31] <suprsonic> restarted
[05-Feb-2007 12:25:37] <suprsonic> no commands
[05-Feb-2007 12:26:09] <SunRayCafe> suprsonic, sorry if this is a silly question... you're storing variables in .bashrc?
[05-Feb-2007 12:26:36] <suprsonic> not a linux fan
[05-Feb-2007 12:26:42] <suprsonic> so I've never used bash
[05-Feb-2007 12:26:54] <suprsonic> I assumed it was in .bashrc or .bash_profile
[05-Feb-2007 12:26:56] <suprsonic> so I made both
[05-Feb-2007 12:27:06] <SunRayCafe> okay... have you logged out and back in since changing?
[05-Feb-2007 12:27:12] <suprsonic> yes
[05-Feb-2007 12:27:17] <SunRayCafe> oh, okay
[05-Feb-2007 12:27:19] <SunRayCafe> sorry
[05-Feb-2007 12:27:22] <suprsonic> got everything working but alerting now
[05-Feb-2007 12:27:25] * SunRayCafe goes away again, being useless
[05-Feb-2007 12:29:30] <suprsonic> oh
[05-Feb-2007 12:29:59] <suprsonic> do I need to create another user other than admin to send alerts?
[05-Feb-2007 12:30:36] <giesen> newp
[05-Feb-2007 12:30:50] <suprsonic> well, it just assigned a new rule
[05-Feb-2007 12:32:13] <suprsonic> when I created a new user
[05-Feb-2007 12:34:36] <giesen> I havent created a new user in 1.1.0 yet
[05-Feb-2007 12:34:48] <giesen> but it's probably a good idea for it to introduce some default rules
[05-Feb-2007 12:34:51] <suprsonic> I think that's my issue
[05-Feb-2007 12:35:07] <giesen> man, the zenoss tarball doubles in size each release
[05-Feb-2007 12:35:12] <giesen> up to 50 MB now
[05-Feb-2007 12:35:56] <suprsonic> I think it's going to work now
[05-Feb-2007 12:36:03] <suprsonic> now that i created a new user other than admin
[05-Feb-2007 12:42:08] * giesen twiddles his thumbs waiting for his alerts feature request to be implemented =)
[05-Feb-2007 12:50:46] <giesen> anyone have troubles with upgrades on freebsd?
[05-Feb-2007 13:16:53] <monrad> how do i turn up debugging info on zenperfsnmp?
[05-Feb-2007 13:29:17] <monrad> found it
[05-Feb-2007 14:26:20] <monrad> anyone tried to profile zenperfsnmp?
[05-Feb-2007 16:17:39] <giesen> uh
[05-Feb-2007 16:17:44] <giesen> 1.1.0 broke everything
[05-Feb-2007 16:17:52] <giesen> when I click on manage
[05-Feb-2007 16:17:54] <monrad> 1.1.0 or the new trunk?
[05-Feb-2007 16:17:56] <giesen> on any device
[05-Feb-2007 16:18:07] <giesen> Zenoss Error
[05-Feb-2007 16:18:07] <giesen> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Please use the form below to submit details of this error to Zenoss, Inc.
[05-Feb-2007 16:18:10] <giesen> Type: KeyError
[05-Feb-2007 16:18:12] <giesen> Value: 'userCommands'
[05-Feb-2007 16:18:27] <chet> Did you already re-run zenmigrate?
[05-Feb-2007 16:19:18] <giesen> no
[05-Feb-2007 16:19:58] <giesen> I shall do that
[05-Feb-2007 16:20:03] <chet> That fixes most of these problems..
[05-Feb-2007 16:20:04] <chet> zenmigrate run --commit
[05-Feb-2007 16:21:59] <giesen> k, I'll try that
[05-Feb-2007 16:22:06] <giesen> Im already getting a little leary of this release
[05-Feb-2007 16:22:17] <giesen> since I had to edit the makefile to get it to even compile
[05-Feb-2007 16:23:37] <giesen> that fixed itr
[05-Feb-2007 16:23:41] <giesen> mucho gracias chet
[05-Feb-2007 16:23:44] <chet> Great.
[05-Feb-2007 16:23:56] <chet> I don't think FreeBSD is a "tier 1" platform so to speak.
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:07] <giesen> yeah I know
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:09] <chet> You may be the only one trying 1.1 on it so far.. =}
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:13] <giesen> nah
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:18] <giesen> there's at least one other person
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:19] <giesen> Valeri
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:25] <giesen> saw on the mailing list
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:32] <giesen> Im actually kinda pissed now
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:38] <giesen> lost all my snmp date :/
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:40] <giesen> *data
[05-Feb-2007 16:24:58] <chet> You shouldn't have lost any rrd files.
[05-Feb-2007 16:25:56] <giesen> I ran without the --commit the first time
[05-Feb-2007 16:26:02] <giesen> could that have done it?
[05-Feb-2007 16:26:14] <chet> nope
[05-Feb-2007 16:26:59] <giesen> okay
[05-Feb-2007 16:27:06] <giesen> looks like just the UPS data
[05-Feb-2007 16:27:09] <giesen> not anything else
[05-Feb-2007 16:27:11] <giesen> I can live with that
[05-Feb-2007 16:27:37] <giesen> Id prefer to be running this on something like centos
[05-Feb-2007 16:27:45] <giesen> unfortunately my boss has an affinity for freebsd
[05-Feb-2007 16:28:14] <giesen> and the fact that zenoss compiled cleanly the first time only encourages him
[05-Feb-2007 16:28:41] <suprsonic> nothing wrong with freebsd
[05-Feb-2007 16:29:51] <giesen> yeah I have no serious qualms with it
[05-Feb-2007 16:29:55] <giesen> just not my platform of choice
[05-Feb-2007 16:30:04] <suprsonic> mokay
[05-Feb-2007 16:30:14] <suprsonic> how long have you worked with it?
[05-Feb-2007 16:30:27] <giesen> dunno...5 years?
[05-Feb-2007 16:30:37] <suprsonic> and you prefer centos?
[05-Feb-2007 16:30:48] <giesen> centos isnt my preferred platform either
[05-Feb-2007 16:30:52] <giesen> but it's better supported
[05-Feb-2007 16:30:58] <giesen> gentoo is my first love
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:03] <suprsonic> ah
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:12] <suprsonic> not too many of you out there
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:22] <giesen> centos is good because it clones the most popular commercial distro out there
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:29] <suprsonic> work with the bsd's and prefer linux
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:32] <giesen> and by extension, has the best support for commercial/enterprise apps
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:49] <giesen> freebsd just isnt commercially popular enough
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:52] <giesen> to be my first choice
[05-Feb-2007 16:31:59] <giesen> a prime example
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:01] <chet> yeah.. I use CentOS most place just because it's so easy.
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:03] <giesen> our asterisk box is linux
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:10] <giesen> because asterisk on freebsd is dirty
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:24] <giesen> yeah
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:29] <giesen> I can have a centos box up in 20 minutes
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:36] <giesen> which is the reason I prefer it at work
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:40] <giesen> gentoo takes a day
[05-Feb-2007 16:32:49] <giesen> and freebsd has many broken ports
[05-Feb-2007 16:33:16] <suprsonic> statistically commercial support is rarely a reason for choosing a one platform over another
[05-Feb-2007 16:33:37] <suprsonic> while it may be in the equation, commercial support is hardly ever used
[05-Feb-2007 16:33:51] <suprsonic> nice little fun fact for you

[05-Feb-2007 16:34:50] <giesen> oh
[05-Feb-2007 16:34:55] <suprsonic> I'm a neat freak, so I prefer the BSDs
[05-Feb-2007 16:34:58] <giesen> I could care less about having a support contract
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:05] <giesen> Im talking about things like prebuilt binaries
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:09] <giesen> driver modules
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:10] <giesen> etc
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:21] <giesen> there's no question RH4 is where it's at
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:24] <giesen> in that arena
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:28] <giesen> so centos is the next best thing
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:41] <giesen> I hate RPMs with a passion
[05-Feb-2007 16:35:48] <suprsonic> only thing I get close to is ESX
[05-Feb-2007 16:36:07] <suprsonic> even that I get frustrated with while in the terminal
[05-Feb-2007 16:38:20] <giesen> ooh
[05-Feb-2007 16:38:24] <giesen> my UPS data is back
[05-Feb-2007 16:38:28] <giesen> oh well
[05-Feb-2007 16:38:36] <giesen> half of it is gonna get wiped out anyways
[05-Feb-2007 16:38:39] <giesen> as I redo my graphs
[05-Feb-2007 17:14:09] *** b_52GM has quit IRC
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[05-Feb-2007 17:15:00] <suprsonic> wow
[05-Feb-2007 17:15:13] <suprsonic> I just realized how much memory zenoss takes up
[05-Feb-2007 17:19:32] *** chet has left #zenoss
[05-Feb-2007 18:08:44] *** suprsonic has quit IRC
[05-Feb-2007 18:42:30] <giesen> haha
[05-Feb-2007 18:42:37] <giesen> yeah I have 1.5 GB of ram in one of my boxes
[05-Feb-2007 18:42:40] <giesen> and 2 GB in the other
[05-Feb-2007 19:54:46] *** mike-ekim has joined #zenoss
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[05-Feb-2007 20:15:19] <giesen> hmmm my previously working graphs seem to be completely broken
[05-Feb-2007 20:15:28] <giesen> well, snmp in general seems to be broken
[05-Feb-2007 20:15:40] <giesen> I can smnpwalk the devices locally
[05-Feb-2007 20:15:44] <giesen> from the CLI
[05-Feb-2007 20:15:53] <giesen> but if I try to collect configuration
[05-Feb-2007 20:15:56] <giesen> all I get is timeout
[05-Feb-2007 20:20:04] <monrad> giesen: two boxes to monitor together or each on their own
[05-Feb-2007 20:22:39] <giesen> monrad: each on their own
[05-Feb-2007 20:22:41] *** em-dash_ has quit IRC
[05-Feb-2007 20:22:43] <giesen> two differnet companies
[05-Feb-2007 20:22:56] <giesen> hmmm
[05-Feb-2007 20:23:11] <giesen> my graphing is borked
[05-Feb-2007 20:23:12] <giesen> for sure
[05-Feb-2007 20:23:37] <monrad> ok
[05-Feb-2007 20:38:35] <giesen> oh Ive got an idea why
[05-Feb-2007 20:59:01] <monrad> anything that can be fixed

[05-Feb-2007 21:09:08] <giesen> yeah
[05-Feb-2007 21:09:12] <giesen> I think it was cause I did a reboot
[05-Feb-2007 21:09:17] <giesen> and the date was off on the machine
[05-Feb-2007 21:09:19] <giesen> I corrected the date
[05-Feb-2007 21:09:33] <giesen> and now it's complaining that the last update was in the future
[05-Feb-2007 21:09:40] <giesen> so Ive got to wait for the date to catch up
[05-Feb-2007 21:21:49] <monrad> ah
[05-Feb-2007 21:22:15] <monrad> i have had som graphs with minus mb/sec

[05-Feb-2007 22:26:22] *** quuxo has joined #zenoss
[06-Feb-2007 00:13:11] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[06-Feb-2007 00:13:12] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[06-Feb-2007 09:23:05] <giesen> Can anyone help with a problem
[06-Feb-2007 09:23:09] <giesen> my graphs aren't updating
[06-Feb-2007 09:23:17] <giesen> Im getting notifications, and it's definitely reading the snmp values
[06-Feb-2007 09:23:23] <giesen> just not updating the graphs
[06-Feb-2007 10:34:49] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
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[07-Feb-2007 00:13:41] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[07-Feb-2007 00:13:42] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[07-Feb-2007 00:13:43] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Mike Fletcher] Got py2exe + PyOpenGL limping across the line...
[07-Feb-2007 00:13:44] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117076652325013291
[07-Feb-2007 00:46:50] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
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[07-Feb-2007 05:03:45] <djm56> Hello my name is Donovan I am new to Linux, Zenoss and even IRC and I have a few questions is there anyone who can help me?
[07-Feb-2007 05:27:17] <djm56> I am sure everyone must be asleep in this room, being in a different timezone may be the problem, I am all the way from South Africa
[07-Feb-2007 05:27:25] <djm56> Here is my question?
[07-Feb-2007 05:27:58] <djm56> I need some help with Syslogagent zensyslog and port 514 do not know where to start and get it to work?
[07-Feb-2007 05:28:33] <djm56> the help file and admin pdf really dont offer any help, just need the commands and procedures to setup correctly
[07-Feb-2007 05:29:04] <djm56> I will leave IRC on and view answers tomorrow may be asleep when you awake thanks in advance
[07-Feb-2007 09:04:30] *** dubie has joined #zenoss
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[07-Feb-2007 19:19:26] *** MrProper_ has joined #zenoss
[07-Feb-2007 19:44:46] <MrProper_> why doesnt zenoss do events for host down (ie icmp fails)
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[07-Feb-2007 22:37:31] <MrProper_> anyone here done nagios plugins with zenoss?
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[07-Feb-2007 23:51:44] <djm56> as any one here
[08-Feb-2007 00:14:21] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - Thoughts on Thoughts - 07 Feb, 05:33AM
[08-Feb-2007 00:14:23] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/65724.html
[08-Feb-2007 00:14:24] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[08-Feb-2007 00:14:25] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[08-Feb-2007 00:14:26] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Grig Gheorghiu] New job
[08-Feb-2007 00:14:27] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117086905524942211
[08-Feb-2007 01:54:35] *** em-dash has quit IRC
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[08-Feb-2007 03:38:48] *** BeH0LDeR has joined #zenoss
[08-Feb-2007 03:38:56] <BeH0LDeR> anyone awake?
[08-Feb-2007 03:43:05] <BeH0LDeR> I'll be away from keys but qould like to know if there are any issues installing on centos4.4 with the instruction for centos4.3 on the web site. I'm getting install errors and zenoss will not start up... errors like /opt/zenoss/bin/zeoctl: No such file or directory etc.
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[08-Feb-2007 23:12:12] <MrProper_> greetings all
[08-Feb-2007 23:12:28] <MrProper_> can anyone tell me how to change a devices rrd template?
[08-Feb-2007 23:12:58] <MrProper_> it seems like you can only take a local copy of the default one, but not select another one you have created from the default
[08-Feb-2007 23:14:49] *** creiht has quit IRC
[08-Feb-2007 23:36:01] <MrProper_> anyone alive?
[08-Feb-2007 23:51:59] *** em-dash_ has quit IRC
[09-Feb-2007 00:14:59] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[09-Feb-2007 00:15:00] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[09-Feb-2007 00:15:01] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [comp.lang.python.announce] [ANN] DirectPython 0.8
[09-Feb-2007 00:15:02] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117095426834856982
[09-Feb-2007 00:18:02] <_lunix_> MrProper_ setup a zen alert to sms you when this chanel is alive
[09-Feb-2007 00:18:03] <_lunix_> LOL
[09-Feb-2007 00:18:24] <MrProper_> lol
[09-Feb-2007 00:22:03] *** MrProper_ has quit IRC
[09-Feb-2007 05:02:30] *** rabbit7 has joined #zenoss
[09-Feb-2007 05:03:02] <rabbit7> hey there .. i get following error message when trying to install the zenoss rpm on a centos nstalling package zenoss-1.1.0-2 needs 15MB on the / filesystem
[09-Feb-2007 05:03:11] <rabbit7> i have of course 15 mb space
[09-Feb-2007 09:16:58] <rabbit7> anyone online ?
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[09-Feb-2007 13:09:04] *** Bilco105 has joined #zenoss
[09-Feb-2007 13:09:19] <Bilco105> Hi
[09-Feb-2007 13:09:27] <monrad> hi
[09-Feb-2007 13:09:39] <Bilco105> When using events, is there a way to print the component?
[09-Feb-2007 13:10:02] <monrad> i dont know
[09-Feb-2007 16:31:44] *** rhester has joined #zenoss
[09-Feb-2007 16:32:01] <rhester> Anyone awake? I just did a fresh install of 1.1 and have a simple-and-stupid problem.
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:12] <monrad> what?
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:55] <rhester> Fresh install, get the following any time I try to move an event to history:
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:58] <rhester> Zenoss Error
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:58] <rhester> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. Please use the form below to submit details of this error to Zenoss, Inc.
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:58] <rhester> Type: OperationalError
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:58] <rhester> Value: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value count at row 1")
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:58] <rhester> Traceback (innermost last):
[09-Feb-2007 16:44:59] <rhester> * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 114, in publish
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:01] <rhester> * Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:03] <rhester> * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 40, in call_object
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:05] <rhester> * Module Products.ZenModel.EventView, line 100, in manage_deleteEvents
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:07] <rhester> * Module Products.ZenEvents.EventManagerBase, line 1049, in manage_deleteEvents
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:09] <rhester> * Module Products.ZenEvents.EventManagerBase, line 1039, in deleteEvents
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:11] <rhester> * Module Products.ZenEvents.EventManagerBase, line 1017, in updateEvents
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:13] <rhester> * Module MySQLdb.cursors, line 137, in execute
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:15] <rhester> * Module MySQLdb.connections, line 33, in defaulterrorhandler
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:17] <rhester> OperationalError: (1136, "Column count doesn't match value count at row 1")
[09-Feb-2007 16:45:21] <rhester> Clearly, there's a missing column in the events table, but hell if I can find it.
[09-Feb-2007 16:54:08] *** b_52GM has quit IRC
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[09-Feb-2007 16:56:23] <rhester> NM, found it I think:
[09-Feb-2007 16:56:23] <rhester> http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/changeset/3962
[09-Feb-2007 16:56:31] <adytum-bot> Title: Changeset 3962 - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
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[10-Feb-2007 00:15:31] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[10-Feb-2007 00:15:32] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[10-Feb-2007 00:15:33] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Pycon] One week left for online registration
[10-Feb-2007 00:15:34] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117104564072748781
[10-Feb-2007 09:43:18] * chrismok farts
[10-Feb-2007 09:44:51] *** Bilco105_ has joined #zenoss
[10-Feb-2007 09:45:04] <Bilco105_> hello
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[11-Feb-2007 00:16:10] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[11-Feb-2007 00:16:11] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[11-Feb-2007 17:23:44] <MrProper_> morning all
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[12-Feb-2007 00:16:45] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[12-Feb-2007 00:16:46] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[12-Feb-2007 03:45:11] <foo> Hello
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[12-Feb-2007 06:44:14] <chrisw> hi everyone, I am very new to zenoss and am prototyping a replacement to an existing nagios and cacti setup. I am in the process of getting nagios plugins to work with zenoss and it appears that the plugin is running, but either the formatting codes are incorrect to get the data into rrd graphs or some other bit of magic going wrong. Does anyone here know of a reasonable guide available or have any pointers?
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[12-Feb-2007 10:57:24] *** BeH0LDeR has joined #zenoss
[12-Feb-2007 10:57:40] <BeH0LDeR> anyone around?
[12-Feb-2007 10:58:40] <BeH0LDeR> getting "Unable to find python build environment" building from source on debian... followed install as best as I can.. anyone help?
[12-Feb-2007 10:58:57] <creiht> BeH0LDeR: Pure Debian or Ubuntu?
[12-Feb-2007 10:59:07] *** cote has joined #zenoss
[12-Feb-2007 10:59:43] <BeH0LDeR> pure
[12-Feb-2007 10:59:48] <creiht> Actually either one, you need the python-dev package
[12-Feb-2007 11:00:08] *** SunRayCafe has joined #zenoss
[12-Feb-2007 11:00:14] <BeH0LDeR> let me check to see
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[12-Feb-2007 11:02:02] <BeH0LDeR> apt-get install python-dev = The following packages have unmet dependencies: python-dev: Depends: python2.3-dev (>= 2.3.4-18) but it is not going to be installed E: Broken packages
[12-Feb-2007 11:02:05] <BeH0LDeR> ?
[12-Feb-2007 11:03:13] <creiht> BeH0LDeR: Sounds like you have some broken packages... Though I can not remember the command to run to fix them
[12-Feb-2007 11:03:17] <BeH0LDeR> errr
[12-Feb-2007 11:03:20] <BeH0LDeR> hold up
[12-Feb-2007 11:03:22] <BeH0LDeR> one sec
[12-Feb-2007 11:04:08] <BeH0LDeR> question.. cna I use 2.4? or does it need to be 2.3?
[12-Feb-2007 11:04:30] <BeH0LDeR> python that is
[12-Feb-2007 11:04:39] <creiht> I would say 2.4 is preferred

[12-Feb-2007 11:04:46] <creiht> Though it is supposed to work with 2.3
[12-Feb-2007 11:05:46] <creiht> Note that I don't officially speak for Zenoss... I'm just a happy user

[12-Feb-2007 11:05:50] <BeH0LDeR> k.. one more sec.. trying to fix
[12-Feb-2007 11:06:13] <BeH0LDeR> it fine.. you already helped when you said python-dev
[12-Feb-2007 11:09:11] <BeH0LDeR> thanks.. fixed it now its giving me an error about not having mysql dev
[12-Feb-2007 11:11:50] <chrisw> please ignore my comment from earlier, I have figured out the correct syntax now and have nagios plugins providing data into rrd graphs - sorry for the interuption

[12-Feb-2007 11:14:25] <BeH0LDeR> is libmysqlclient14-dev right for mysql5?
[12-Feb-2007 11:15:20] <creiht> BeH0LDeR: I just found this:
[12-Feb-2007 11:15:21] <creiht> http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/wiki/DebianSarge
[12-Feb-2007 11:15:28] <adytum-bot> Title: DebianSarge - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
[12-Feb-2007 11:15:47] <creiht> Not sure if you are running sarge or not, but it at least should help you figure out what packages to install
[12-Feb-2007 11:16:10] <BeH0LDeR> thanks
[12-Feb-2007 11:16:13] <BeH0LDeR> looking now
[12-Feb-2007 11:22:54] *** creiht has left #zenoss
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[12-Feb-2007 11:30:54] <BeH0LDeR> that wiki needs to be edited because a few things are not writen properly but it helped.. says its installing
[12-Feb-2007 11:38:19] *** dyngnosis has joined #Zenoss
[12-Feb-2007 11:38:48] <creiht> BeH0LDeR: If you have a moment I think you can make changes to the page, or send suggestions to the mailing list
[12-Feb-2007 11:38:52] <dyngnosis> anyone alive? I've got a quick question about monitoring WMI services using Zenoss...
[12-Feb-2007 11:39:39] <dyngnosis> I'm just wondering if it is it agentless... I'm working on reversing the protocol and don't want to re-do work thats already been done
[12-Feb-2007 11:46:26] <BeH0LDeR> understandable... I'm in the middle of installing and from what I believe it uses a plug in... wait and see if someone else is alive in here
[12-Feb-2007 11:50:39] <BeH0LDeR> anyone in here know a bit about openwbem?
[12-Feb-2007 11:51:39] <BeH0LDeR> heard of it maybe
[12-Feb-2007 12:02:44] <BeH0LDeR> its working
[12-Feb-2007 12:43:15] <foo> Hm, no one was at SCALE5x by any chance representing this project, were they?
[12-Feb-2007 13:10:12] *** chrisw has quit IRC
[12-Feb-2007 13:35:58] <creiht> foo: I think they were supposed to be
[12-Feb-2007 13:36:30] <foo> they were
[12-Feb-2007 13:36:34] <foo> Just wondering if anyone is here
[12-Feb-2007 13:40:36] <BeH0LDeR> back
[12-Feb-2007 13:41:31] <BeH0LDeR> I wish someone would come out with an opensource cim (front-end) for openwbem
[12-Feb-2007 14:00:17] *** robbiev has joined #zenoss
[12-Feb-2007 14:01:10] <robbiev> How can I get access to the zenoss xml-rpc interface? Does it support device status? I would like to write a script to provide me desktop alerts.
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[12-Feb-2007 16:59:54] *** cappaberra has joined #zenoss
[12-Feb-2007 17:00:36] <cappaberra> hey there... I've got a zenmib question... I've read the FAQ tried it a bunch of times, but I'm still having dependency issues with the standard mibs for SNMPv1.
[12-Feb-2007 17:00:41] <cappaberra> can anyone offer some help?
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[12-Feb-2007 17:27:18] <cappaberra> is there anyone alive in this channel?

[12-Feb-2007 17:51:57] * foo slaps cappaberra
[12-Feb-2007 17:56:49] <cappaberra> hey there foo
[12-Feb-2007 17:58:43] * cappaberra slaps zenoss .. "won't you just work?!"
[12-Feb-2007 18:00:55] <foo> I haven't used it yet, just heard about it at this conference I went to the past weekend
[12-Feb-2007 18:02:39] <cappaberra> ah ok
[12-Feb-2007 18:03:04] <cappaberra> well, if you have problems with zenmib, let me know... I'm slowly becoming an expert

[12-Feb-2007 18:04:18] <creiht> cappaberra: I think most of us here are in a similar situation as you
[12-Feb-2007 18:04:31] <creiht> The devs don't hang out here much anymore
[12-Feb-2007 18:07:46] <cappaberra> that's ok... has anyone figured it out?
[12-Feb-2007 18:08:00] <cappaberra> I'm reading through lots of posts to the mailing list
[12-Feb-2007 18:08:29] <creiht> cappaberra: What exact errors/problems are you running in to?
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:03] <cappaberra> I'm trying to "compile" SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:13] <cappaberra> here's the problem..
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:13] <creiht> ahhh
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:31] <creiht> I'm afraid I have yet to do anything like that
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:44] <cappaberra> zenmib run SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my generates this:
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:44] <cappaberra> INFO:zen.zenmib:Unable to find a file providing the MIB SNMPv2-SMI-v1
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:44] <cappaberra> sh: line 1: 30133 Segmentation fault smidump -fpython "SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my" 2>/dev/null
[12-Feb-2007 18:09:44] <cappaberra> ERROR:zen.zenmib:Failed to load mib: SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my
[12-Feb-2007 18:10:17] <cappaberra> basically, it means that it can't find the SNMPv2-SMI-V1SMI.my definitions
[12-Feb-2007 18:10:43] <cappaberra> so, I go into the zenoss web interface and delete all instances of the empty MIB trees and try these two commands:
[12-Feb-2007 18:11:17] <cappaberra> zenmib run SNMPv2-SMI-V1SMI.my
[12-Feb-2007 18:11:22] <cappaberra> zenmib run SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my
[12-Feb-2007 18:11:59] <cappaberra> (from inside $ZENHOME/share/mibs/site)
[12-Feb-2007 18:12:35] <cappaberra> the first zenmib works perfectly, since it has no dependencies, but the -TC- mib file fails since it depends on the -SMI- one
[12-Feb-2007 18:13:39] <cappaberra> so, I read a post on the mailing list about this and one person had success with adding dependencies with as arguments to zenmib, but it didn't work for me....

[12-Feb-2007 18:13:45] <cappaberra> so, that's where I'm at. :-\
[12-Feb-2007 19:03:39] <cappaberra> ok, figured out one thing...
[12-Feb-2007 19:17:30] *** creiht has quit IRC
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[12-Feb-2007 19:29:52] <BeH0LDeR> why is it that I feel zenoss has issues? I got throught the install and now Its just acting buggy
[12-Feb-2007 19:32:23] <BeH0LDeR> anyone want to help someone out using zenoss on debian?
[12-Feb-2007 19:34:09] <BeH0LDeR> what does the error 2/2 mean?
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[12-Feb-2007 20:10:12] <cappaberra> BeH0LDeR: the "error 2/2" means you've ack'd two traps of type "error"... I think.
[12-Feb-2007 20:10:34] <cappaberra> if it was 0/2, it means you haven't acknowledged either of the 2 traps
[12-Feb-2007 20:23:36] <BeH0LDeR> how do you clear the events?
[12-Feb-2007 20:25:31] <cappaberra> I think if you just view the event, it "clears" it
[12-Feb-2007 20:25:47] <cappaberra> or, you might have to actually do something to do that... I don't remember.
[12-Feb-2007 20:25:51] * cappaberra is new at this stuff too

[12-Feb-2007 20:25:56] <BeH0LDeR> k
[12-Feb-2007 20:29:32] <BeH0LDeR> what source did you install from? the downloads off there page or the currect build
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[12-Feb-2007 20:30:43] <BeH0LDeR> their
[12-Feb-2007 20:31:56] <BeH0LDeR> cappaberra
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[12-Feb-2007 20:33:37] <cappaberra> I used the VM appliance
[12-Feb-2007 20:36:08] <BeH0LDeR> err
[12-Feb-2007 20:36:31] <cappaberra> I used the downloads
[12-Feb-2007 20:36:36] <cappaberra> v1.1.0 I think
[12-Feb-2007 20:37:42] <BeH0LDeR> wish I had someone trying to install from source
[12-Feb-2007 20:37:56] <BeH0LDeR> I'm about to give up for tonight
[12-Feb-2007 20:38:03] <cappaberra> heh, I feel the same

[12-Feb-2007 20:49:00] <BeH0LDeR> cappaberra your pm
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[13-Feb-2007 00:17:27] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[13-Feb-2007 00:17:28] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[13-Feb-2007 15:29:02] <BeH0LDeR> anyone awake?
[13-Feb-2007 15:46:05] <dyngnosis> I am.. but I'm positive I cant help you

[13-Feb-2007 15:46:09] <dyngnosis> and welcome back

[13-Feb-2007 16:42:41] <BeH0LDeR> lol
[13-Feb-2007 16:43:07] <BeH0LDeR> u ever used zabbix?
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[14-Feb-2007 00:18:02] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - I Got the Black One - 13 Feb, 11:22AM
[14-Feb-2007 00:18:03] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/66266.html
[14-Feb-2007 00:18:04] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[14-Feb-2007 00:18:05] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[14-Feb-2007 00:18:06] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Cheese Shop] peppy 0.5.1
[14-Feb-2007 00:18:07] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117139358151544502
[14-Feb-2007 01:31:31] *** b_52Free has quit IRC
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[14-Feb-2007 10:41:47] *** creiht has joined #zenoss
[14-Feb-2007 12:06:24] *** BrNKck has joined #zenoss
[14-Feb-2007 12:08:43] <BrNKck> Got Zenoss Installed on an Ubuntu6.10 Edgy server; but I don't know haow to run the "update-rc.d zenoss 95
[14-Feb-2007 12:09:09] <BrNKck> Do I do this on the command line or does it go into the init.d script?
[14-Feb-2007 12:20:16] *** oubiwann has joined #zenoss
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[14-Feb-2007 12:43:06] <BrNKck> hi enots
[14-Feb-2007 12:43:17] <BrNKck> have you installed zenoss?
[14-Feb-2007 12:59:15] <BrNKck> how should I identify a Cisco multilayered switch; as a router or a switch?
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[14-Feb-2007 17:04:57] <BrNKck> is there anyone here to answer a question?
[14-Feb-2007 17:13:21] <creiht> BrNKck: Unfortunately the devs are not on much. Most of us here try to answer questions when we can. Unfortunately I haven't done much network device monitoring, so I can't be of much help.
[14-Feb-2007 17:42:35] <enots> BrNKck, define as router.
[14-Feb-2007 18:49:58] *** BrNKck has quit IRC
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[15-Feb-2007 00:18:32] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[15-Feb-2007 00:18:33] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
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[15-Feb-2007 19:45:58] <giesen> anyone alive that can help me with a perf problem
[15-Feb-2007 19:46:06] <giesen> for one of my boxes
[15-Feb-2007 19:46:18] <giesen> for laLoadInt5
[15-Feb-2007 19:46:27] <giesen> Ive set a threshold of 5 for a notification
[15-Feb-2007 19:46:36] <giesen> but the graph is showing 0
[15-Feb-2007 19:46:51] <giesen> and Im getting paged
[15-Feb-2007 19:46:54] <giesen> this is only on one machine
[15-Feb-2007 19:46:59] <giesen> works fine on everything else
[15-Feb-2007 23:21:28] *** oubiwann has quit IRC
[16-Feb-2007 00:08:15] *** MattPayne has joined #zenoss
[16-Feb-2007 00:19:11] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[16-Feb-2007 00:19:12] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[16-Feb-2007 00:52:24] *** MattPayne has quit IRC
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[16-Feb-2007 10:32:06] *** foor has joined #zenoss
[16-Feb-2007 10:32:16] <foor> is anyone around?
[16-Feb-2007 10:33:10] <foor> I'm having a problem installing zenoss from rpm on rhel4... basically, I've installed it, but when it tries to start, I get a *lot* of python import errors that the shared libraies in /opt/zenoss/lib/python don't exist
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[17-Feb-2007 00:19:45] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[17-Feb-2007 00:19:46] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[17-Feb-2007 00:19:47] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Cheese Shop] registration 0.3
[17-Feb-2007 00:19:48] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117165546996546012
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[17-Feb-2007 07:37:50] *** RickJ has joined #zenoss
[17-Feb-2007 07:37:59] <RickJ> hey everyone
[17-Feb-2007 07:41:37] <RickJ> I'm busy trying to intall zenoss on a freebsd 6.1 server and it keeps failing when trying to build build/nagios-plugins-1.4.5/Makefile
[17-Feb-2007 07:41:40] <RickJ> error 77
[17-Feb-2007 07:41:54] <RickJ> I checked the log files and I get this error:
[17-Feb-2007 07:41:54] <RickJ> checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
[17-Feb-2007 07:43:18] <RickJ> i've tried the fix by copying /usr/local/bin/gmake to /usr/make but it still gives the same error
[17-Feb-2007 07:44:13] <RickJ> also I can't seem to fin the config.log' file either
[17-Feb-2007 07:44:16] <RickJ> any ideas?
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[18-Feb-2007 00:20:22] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[18-Feb-2007 00:20:23] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[18-Feb-2007 20:50:50] *** wwwgeek has joined #zenoss
[19-Feb-2007 00:20:57] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[19-Feb-2007 00:20:58] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[19-Feb-2007 09:54:09] *** creiht has joined #zenoss
[19-Feb-2007 10:05:49] <giesen> Anyone here that can help
[19-Feb-2007 10:06:01] <giesen> I'm getting zenping heartbeat failures all the time
[19-Feb-2007 10:06:08] <giesen> since moving to 1.1
[19-Feb-2007 10:25:15] <creiht> giesen: Check the log files and see what errors are showing up
[19-Feb-2007 10:25:33] <creiht> the will be in $ZENOSS/log
[19-Feb-2007 13:08:39] *** oubiwann has joined #zenoss
[19-Feb-2007 13:10:26] *** rusty has joined #zenoss
[19-Feb-2007 13:42:11] <Aziraphale> Question: are zenpacks meant to supersede DC plugins?
[19-Feb-2007 14:55:17] <oubiwann> Aziraphale: I'm a bit out of the loop on zenpacks... been working on the community side of things for a while
[19-Feb-2007 14:55:45] <oubiwann> Erik's got some pretty cool stuff planned for zenpacks
[19-Feb-2007 14:56:04] <oubiwann> you should probably ping him on the mail list with that question, get him to talk about it a bit with folks
[19-Feb-2007 14:56:25] <creiht> oubiwann: !!!!
[19-Feb-2007 14:56:33] <oubiwann> creiht: hey, man!
[19-Feb-2007 14:56:34] <creiht> It's nice to see one of you guys around

[19-Feb-2007 14:56:37] <oubiwann> long time!
[19-Feb-2007 14:56:44] <oubiwann> yeah, we've been sooooo swamped :-)
[19-Feb-2007 14:56:49] <creiht> I'm sure
[19-Feb-2007 14:57:05] <creiht> Do you guys have any get togethers, or BOF type things planned for Zenoss?
[19-Feb-2007 14:57:06] <oubiwann> Aziraphale: for starters, check out this search on the dev site:
[19-Feb-2007 14:57:15] <oubiwann> http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/search?q=zenpack&wiki=on&changeset=on&ticket=on
[19-Feb-2007 14:57:15] <adytum-bot> Title: Search Results - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
[19-Feb-2007 14:58:03] <oubiwann> Aziraphale: in particular, http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/browser/trunk/inst/docs/ZenPackNotes.txt
[19-Feb-2007 14:58:03] <adytum-bot> Title: /trunk/inst/docs/ZenPackNotes.txt - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
[19-Feb-2007 14:58:56] <oubiwann> creiht: if you're not too busy, would you be interested it test driving our community site?
[19-Feb-2007 14:59:10] <creiht> sure
[19-Feb-2007 14:59:14] <oubiwann> creiht: it's a first draft, done under enormous time contraints
[19-Feb-2007 14:59:21] <creiht> hehe
[19-Feb-2007 14:59:25] <oubiwann> but it's a start ;-)
[19-Feb-2007 14:59:50] <oubiwann> http://community.zenoss.com
[19-Feb-2007 15:00:01] <rusty> ... and the fun begins....
[19-Feb-2007 15:00:14] <oubiwann> heh
[19-Feb-2007 15:00:27] <oubiwann> Rusty's working on the blog right now, putting the top-nav in there
[19-Feb-2007 15:00:46] <rusty> hi creiht - duncan's done most of the work on the community site, but i "helped"...

[19-Feb-2007 15:01:05] <rusty> i mean... oubiwann.

[19-Feb-2007 15:01:06] <creiht> *grins*
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:13] <creiht> nods... I know

[19-Feb-2007 15:01:20] <oubiwann> creiht: you gonna be ay pycon?
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:25] <creiht> yes
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:28] <oubiwann> sweet
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:34] <rusty> send your comments (good AND critical) to community@zenoss.com
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:45] <creiht> rusty: will do
[19-Feb-2007 15:01:55] <rusty> or post here... whatever easier!
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:07] <creiht> hrmmm.... for some reason http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/wiki is not coming up
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:07] <adytum-bot> Title: Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:10] <creiht> oh there it goes
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:13] <oubiwann> try it again...
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:15] <oubiwann> yeah
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:15] <creiht> just took a while for some reason
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:23] <oubiwann> trac can be a little slot sometimes
[19-Feb-2007 15:02:50] <rusty> oubiwann - im stepping away to finish blog update... i'll check back in a few...
[19-Feb-2007 15:03:01] <oubiwann> rusty: coo
[19-Feb-2007 15:03:45] <oubiwann> creiht: the biggest part about this effort was *deeply* integrating LDAP into Plone and phpBB
[19-Feb-2007 15:04:17] <creiht> ahhh
[19-Feb-2007 15:04:27] <creiht> Yeah integrating LDAP with anything is fun

[19-Feb-2007 15:04:31] <oubiwann> with all of the LDAP work, I'm going to be able to write up a tutorial for Zenoss-LDAP integration
[19-Feb-2007 15:04:43] <creiht> That would be way cool
[19-Feb-2007 15:05:01] <oubiwann> I'm looking forward to it :-)
[19-Feb-2007 15:05:37] <creiht> Initial impression is the plone skin looks nice
[19-Feb-2007 15:06:04] <creiht> Its a bit weird that many of the menu items take me to a different site
[19-Feb-2007 15:06:16] <creiht> (blog, wiki)
[19-Feb-2007 15:07:18] <creiht> If I join the community
[19-Feb-2007 15:07:24] <creiht> but I am already on the mailing lists
[19-Feb-2007 15:07:53] <creiht> Do I just leave the subscription boxes unchecked?
[19-Feb-2007 15:09:20] <rusty> creiht: this is one of the issues we are working on - lets see what oubiwann has to say...
[19-Feb-2007 15:09:23] <creiht> oubiwann: And I like the idea of having a Forum. But will it be a bit weird trying to keep up with both a forum and mailing list?
[19-Feb-2007 15:09:38] <rusty> creiht: they are bridged
[19-Feb-2007 15:09:45] <creiht> oh cool
[19-Feb-2007 15:09:48] <rusty> post to one and it goes to both
[19-Feb-2007 15:09:51] <creiht> That rocks

[19-Feb-2007 15:09:57] <rusty> participate in your choice or bounce between them
[19-Feb-2007 15:10:06] <rusty> doesn't matter
[19-Feb-2007 15:10:28] <rusty> the search in the forum will be VERY handy, as will sticky posts for common issues.
[19-Feb-2007 15:10:52] <oubiwann> creiht: the subscriptions thing is a bit tricky
[19-Feb-2007 15:11:08] <creiht> rusty: yes
[19-Feb-2007 15:11:27] <oubiwann> creiht: mailman identifies users by email address only
[19-Feb-2007 15:11:46] <oubiwann> so if you sign up for the community with a different email address, there won't be any impact
[19-Feb-2007 15:12:12] <oubiwann> creiht: however, if you sign up with the same email address that's in mailman, it will search to see if it can find you there
[19-Feb-2007 15:12:40] <oubiwann> creiht: if it finds you, and you leave the boxes unchecked, it will set your mail preference to "don't receive"
[19-Feb-2007 15:12:54] <oubiwann> that's how it stands right now
[19-Feb-2007 15:13:07] <creiht> hehe... ok so I should check them then, since I will be using the same email address?
[19-Feb-2007 15:13:18] <oubiwann> that's what I would do for now
[19-Feb-2007 15:13:27] <creiht> will do
[19-Feb-2007 15:13:35] <creiht> Is LDAP tied into Trac as well?
[19-Feb-2007 15:13:42] <oubiwann> we're going to add more sophisticated logic to the registration process
[19-Feb-2007 15:13:50] <oubiwann> creiht: not yet, but that's next on the list
[19-Feb-2007 15:14:09] <oubiwann> we will be granting access to trac via LDAP groups
[19-Feb-2007 15:14:20] <creiht> cool
[19-Feb-2007 15:14:44] <oubiwann> actually, in Fedora Directory Server, we're using Virtual Views, not groups... but that's a technical quibble ;-)
[19-Feb-2007 15:14:44] <creiht> hrmmm... when I try to register with my gmail address, I get:
[19-Feb-2007 15:14:52] <creiht> We were unable to send your password to your email address: (111, 'Connection refused')
[19-Feb-2007 15:14:58] <oubiwann> doh!
[19-Feb-2007 15:15:00] <oubiwann> thanks!
[19-Feb-2007 15:15:02] <creiht> np
[19-Feb-2007 15:15:03] <oubiwann> we need to update the mail host
[19-Feb-2007 15:16:13] <oubiwann> try it again
[19-Feb-2007 15:17:15] <creiht> ok that seems to have worked
[19-Feb-2007 15:17:26] <oubiwann> cool, I see you in LDAP ;-)
[19-Feb-2007 15:19:39] <creiht> oubiwann: Hmm the confirmation email is a bit odd
[19-Feb-2007 15:19:43] <creiht> It's titled
[19-Feb-2007 15:19:49] <creiht> Postal Membership Information
[19-Feb-2007 15:19:53] <creiht> and from
[19-Feb-2007 15:20:05] <creiht> postmaster@localhost.lga2.us.voxel.net
[19-Feb-2007 15:20:44] <creiht> The welcome message just says
[19-Feb-2007 15:20:53] <creiht> Welcome,
[19-Feb-2007 15:20:53] <creiht> You have been registered as a member of Community,
[19-Feb-2007 15:20:53] <creiht> which allows you to personalize your view of the website and participate in
[19-Feb-2007 15:20:53] <creiht> the community. Please activate your account by visiting
[19-Feb-2007 15:20:57] <creiht> With my link
[19-Feb-2007 15:21:13] <creiht> The only thing that identifies it as coming from Zenoss is the link
[19-Feb-2007 15:21:20] <creiht> It also is signed
[19-Feb-2007 15:21:25] <creiht> With Kinds regards,
[19-Feb-2007 15:21:29] <creiht> but then no name
[19-Feb-2007 15:21:47] <oubiwann> yeah, that's on Rusty's todo
[19-Feb-2007 15:22:11] <oubiwann> he asked me about hacking that template a couple days ago
[19-Feb-2007 15:22:18] <creiht> cool
[19-Feb-2007 15:22:29] <creiht> I am able to log in now though
[19-Feb-2007 15:22:37] <oubiwann> awesome
[19-Feb-2007 15:23:54] <creiht> If I go into the Forums should it log me in automatically?
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:03] <creiht> Or do I need to log in again
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:16] <oubiwann> nah, we don't have single sign-on yet
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:17] <rusty> creiht: for now, log in again... single sign on is still down the road
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:24] <creiht> cool
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:25] <oubiwann> that's a phase 2 dealie
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:26] <creiht> no biggie
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:28] <creiht> hehe
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:30] <rusty> you can have it remember you
[19-Feb-2007 15:24:55] <creiht> rusty: right... but SSO will be nice

[19-Feb-2007 15:25:10] <rusty> the "zenoss-users" forum is a live link, so dont post "tests" but feel free to post a real message when/if you have one.
[19-Feb-2007 15:25:28] <creiht> Will do
[19-Feb-2007 15:25:48] <rusty> creiht: you are right - it will be nice, but my gut is that it will be more of a PITA than LDAP was/is...
[19-Feb-2007 15:26:16] <creiht> heheh
[19-Feb-2007 15:26:18] <creiht> yes it will

[19-Feb-2007 15:27:23] <rusty> back in 10min
[19-Feb-2007 15:28:42] <oubiwann> we're looking at using mod_auth_tkt for apache for SSO
[19-Feb-2007 15:30:54] <creiht> oubiwann: Interesting... I haven't seen that one before... Let me know how it goes when you guys get around to it

[19-Feb-2007 15:31:03] <oubiwann> you bet
[19-Feb-2007 15:31:11] <creiht> Our SSO is built into the apps... A bit of a pain, but it works

[19-Feb-2007 15:31:16] <oubiwann> the CEO is really pushing for it, so it's at the top of our list
[19-Feb-2007 15:33:21] <creiht> oubiwann: Well that's all I have time for now

[19-Feb-2007 15:33:28] <creiht> Overall it is looking good though
[19-Feb-2007 15:33:30] <oubiwann> cool man -- thanks so much!
[19-Feb-2007 15:33:40] <creiht> np
[19-Feb-2007 15:33:45] <creiht> Glad to be of some help

[19-Feb-2007 15:37:33] <rusty> creiht: just wanted to say thanks also... appreciate the help... future input/comments etc. can be sent to community@zenoss.com (or oubiwann!)

[19-Feb-2007 15:38:05] <creiht> rusty: I just usually annoy edahl

[19-Feb-2007 15:39:47] <oubiwann> hahaha
[19-Feb-2007 16:23:59] <giesen> wooo
[19-Feb-2007 16:24:04] <giesen> 3 new servers for me to play with
[19-Feb-2007 16:24:10] <giesen> I just wish zenoss would get unbroken :/
[19-Feb-2007 16:24:57] <giesen> I should probably take the time to write up a ticket
[19-Feb-2007 16:54:08] <oubiwann> giesen: that's a *really* good idea :-)
[19-Feb-2007 16:54:18] <oubiwann> ticketness is excellent
[19-Feb-2007 16:54:29] <giesen> it's kinda minor
[19-Feb-2007 16:54:31] <giesen> basically
[19-Feb-2007 16:54:35] <giesen> on my perf graph
[19-Feb-2007 16:54:39] <giesen> I set a threshold
[19-Feb-2007 16:54:52] <giesen> and instead of the proper threshold appearing on the graph
[19-Feb-2007 16:55:58] <giesen> it says 0 > laLoadInt5 > 0
[19-Feb-2007 16:56:07] <giesen> when it should be 1 > laLoadInt5 > 5
[19-Feb-2007 16:56:20] <giesen> erm
[19-Feb-2007 16:56:23] <giesen> something like that
[19-Feb-2007 16:57:59] <giesen> laloadInt > 0 laloadInt > 0
[19-Feb-2007 16:58:04] <giesen> when it should be > 1 and > 5
[19-Feb-2007 16:58:54] <giesen> and the thresholds are broken
[19-Feb-2007 17:12:12] *** _lunix_ has quit IRC
[19-Feb-2007 17:16:29] <Aziraphale> oubiwann: ahhh
[19-Feb-2007 17:16:39] <Aziraphale> nice one, thanks
[19-Feb-2007 17:16:42] <oubiwann> Aziraphale: did those links help?
[19-Feb-2007 17:16:44] <oubiwann> cool :-)
[19-Feb-2007 17:16:58] <monrad> i seems that there is a max around 45.000-60.000 rrd files
[19-Feb-2007 17:17:52] <monrad> according to tobi
[19-Feb-2007 17:20:25] <Aziraphale> oubiwann: was planning for the longest time to write a DC plugin for juniper routers
[19-Feb-2007 17:20:45] <Aziraphale> so maybe a zenpack - once I know how - could be the better idea
[19-Feb-2007 17:20:52] <monrad> Dc plugin?
[19-Feb-2007 17:20:58] <Aziraphale> data collector
[19-Feb-2007 17:21:01] <monrad> ah
[19-Feb-2007 17:21:16] <monrad> we are thinking about doing a zenpack for Allied telesis switches
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:20] <giesen> as in 45 thousand rrd files?
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:24] <monrad> yes
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:27] <giesen> ah
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:31] <monrad> we got a couple of switches

[19-Feb-2007 17:22:34] <giesen> probably wont hit that for a little of while
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:47] <giesen> I've only got about a hundred devices or so
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:50] <monrad> i hit that with only 1/3 of all our switches
[19-Feb-2007 17:22:54] <giesen> but I havent added any switches yet
[19-Feb-2007 17:23:10] <giesen> we've got a dozen or so cisco 2848s kicking around
[19-Feb-2007 17:23:27] <giesen> do you actually graph every port?
[19-Feb-2007 17:23:35] <monrad> not right now
[19-Feb-2007 17:23:38] <monrad> but i would like to
[19-Feb-2007 17:23:49] <Aziraphale> hmm, that must be a fair bit of snmp traffic
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:06] <giesen> I dont really seen the point
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:14] <giesen> that's better left for something like cacti
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:26] <Aziraphale> same limitation though
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:33] <giesen> it's not like you're gonna pull billing information out of zenoss
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:37] <Aziraphale> cacti uses RRDtool too
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:41] <giesen> yeah I know
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:45] <giesen> =)
[19-Feb-2007 17:24:57] <giesen> no reason you couldnt run a couple instances of rrdtool
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:03] <giesen> that would work around the limitation
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:04] <Aziraphale> RTG for billing info
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:10] <giesen> RTG's nice
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:15] <giesen> although I havent found a good interface for it
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:17] <monrad> well RTG?
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:18] <creiht> monrad: What limits it? Filesystem?
[19-Feb-2007 17:25:20] <Aziraphale> dunno what mysqls limits are in that respect though

[19-Feb-2007 17:25:32] <giesen> Im sure mysql scales much better than rrd
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:01] <monrad> creiht: http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool-trac/wiki/RRDaccelerator <- read the problem part
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:01] <adytum-bot> Title: RRDaccelerator - RRDtool Trac - Trac (at oss.oetiker.ch)
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:01] <giesen> creiht: probably number of open file handles or something
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:02] <monrad> well tobi is working on a fix for it
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:02] <creiht> We had a problem with EXT3 a while back
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:10] <giesen> uh
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:14] <creiht> With just the number of files in a folder
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:16] <giesen> am I the only one
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:22] <giesen> that the page shows up white for?
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:31] <monrad> it works for me
[19-Feb-2007 17:26:53] <monrad> creiht: no i have the files in the normal zenoss folder structur
[19-Feb-2007 17:27:23] <creiht> interesting
[19-Feb-2007 17:27:47] <monrad> we are thinking about writing our own cache layer between zenoss and the rrd files
[19-Feb-2007 17:27:54] <Aziraphale> doesn't the file system do that anyway?
[19-Feb-2007 17:28:13] <creiht> monrad: It might be better to distribute the collectors
[19-Feb-2007 17:28:26] <creiht> And spend the time developing a Zenoss aggregator

[19-Feb-2007 17:28:41] <monrad> well now i got my shiny SAN access
[19-Feb-2007 17:28:44] <monrad>

[19-Feb-2007 17:29:07] <monrad> and its hard to get allocated servers right now
[19-Feb-2007 17:30:26] <monrad> snmp version 2 is nice it shaved 1/5 off the total collection time
[19-Feb-2007 17:30:44] <Aziraphale> I might be wrong here but this looks like caching-on-top-of-caching to me
[19-Feb-2007 17:30:57] <monrad> Aziraphale: ?
[19-Feb-2007 17:31:06] <Aziraphale> the RRD accelerator
[19-Feb-2007 17:31:57] <Aziraphale> I mean if it flushes to file all that'll happen is that it gets buffered again by the FS and flushed when the fs finds the time...
[19-Feb-2007 17:32:22] <Aziraphale> sounds like a recipe for file corruption to me

[19-Feb-2007 17:32:46] <Aziraphale> IANAFSD
[19-Feb-2007 17:33:08] <monrad> but believe me that limit is quite real

[19-Feb-2007 17:33:45] <Aziraphale> what sort of network do you have that can sustain that many snmp collects?
[19-Feb-2007 17:34:03] <Aziraphale> (within a reasonable time frame)
[19-Feb-2007 17:36:06] <giesen> depends how often he's polling
[19-Feb-2007 17:36:12] <monrad> when i got to 330 switches it did not use the network very much
[19-Feb-2007 17:36:32] <giesen> we polled every minute at my last job
[19-Feb-2007 17:36:39] <giesen> because if we polled any less than that
[19-Feb-2007 17:36:52] <giesen> the counter would roll over between polls
[19-Feb-2007 17:36:53] <monrad> but i guess i have 1 gigabit minimium to all the swiches
[19-Feb-2007 17:36:56] <monrad>

[19-Feb-2007 17:37:29] <creiht> monrad: Is it a problem of the number of files, or of bandwidth?
[19-Feb-2007 17:37:46] <monrad> number of files i guess
[19-Feb-2007 17:37:49] <giesen> snmp doesn take that much bandwidth
[19-Feb-2007 17:38:27] <monrad> but i am not going to snmp poll all the customer equipment
[19-Feb-2007 17:38:29] <creiht> monrad: Could you partition the san and spread the rrd's accross several partitions?
[19-Feb-2007 17:38:42] <monrad> that would be overkill
[19-Feb-2007 17:39:44] <monrad> creiht: i am not sure that is the problem as tobi writes if you gather the information in 10 rrd files it would not be a problem
[19-Feb-2007 17:39:55] <monrad> but no that is not an option right now
[19-Feb-2007 17:42:37] <Aziraphale> I think a db backend for that data would be the better concept
[19-Feb-2007 17:42:47] <Aziraphale> I never liked the averaging
[19-Feb-2007 17:43:04] <Aziraphale> makes it damn hard to keep historical data
[19-Feb-2007 17:43:23] <giesen> yeah
[19-Feb-2007 17:43:25] <giesen> at my last job
[19-Feb-2007 17:43:31] <giesen> we intentionally broke rrd/cacti
[19-Feb-2007 17:43:37] <giesen> to keep all historical data for a year
[19-Feb-2007 17:44:41] <monrad> we use rrdtool to keep full stats on our transit links
[19-Feb-2007 17:45:13] <monrad> each link is a 16 mb rrd file
[19-Feb-2007 17:45:24] <monrad> and there is no averaging there
[19-Feb-2007 17:45:58] <monrad> its nice to have some activity in this channel
[19-Feb-2007 17:46:26] <Aziraphale> monrad: is that a function of the original rrdtool or did you hack it?
[19-Feb-2007 17:46:37] <creiht> Aziraphale: There are two problems with using a DB backend
[19-Feb-2007 17:46:51] <creiht> 1. Most can't scale with the throughput of writes that are needed
[19-Feb-2007 17:47:17] <monrad> Aziraphale: its just using the right rrd create statements
[19-Feb-2007 17:47:17] <Aziraphale> creiht: yeah, write speed, I thought of that...
[19-Feb-2007 17:47:19] <creiht> 2. The growth of size would be huge
[19-Feb-2007 17:47:25] <creiht> That's why we have RRD
[19-Feb-2007 17:47:33] <creiht> It has those limitations for a reason

[19-Feb-2007 17:48:45] <Aziraphale> hmm, don't see size as that much of a problem any more
[19-Feb-2007 17:48:55] <Aziraphale> storage is right cheap these days
[19-Feb-2007 17:49:05] <creiht> Taht is true
[19-Feb-2007 17:49:05] <creiht> but
[19-Feb-2007 17:49:11] <Aziraphale> FS limitations could be a bugger there
[19-Feb-2007 17:49:21] <creiht> As your DB tables size increase, the performance decreases
[19-Feb-2007 17:49:40] <creiht> It adds up very quickly
[19-Feb-2007 17:49:49] <creiht> trust me... I have been down that road before

[19-Feb-2007 17:50:26] <Aziraphale> creiht: oh, ditto. and that was with in-memory tables
[19-Feb-2007 17:51:15] <creiht> Try storking bandwidth information for 20k devices

[19-Feb-2007 17:51:18] <creiht> err storing
[19-Feb-2007 17:52:12] <Aziraphale> only way to do it really is to flush the "current" tables to "history" tables a lot - nothing trivial
[19-Feb-2007 17:53:20] <Aziraphale> kind of what RRDtool does but without the averaging
[19-Feb-2007 18:04:38] <creiht> The other nice thing about RRD is you get a lot of nice graphing functionality for free
[19-Feb-2007 18:05:01] <creiht> And other tools that work on top of it
[19-Feb-2007 18:05:14] <creiht> Besides you can configure RRD to keep data as long as you want
[19-Feb-2007 18:05:16] <Aziraphale> true, true
[19-Feb-2007 18:06:04] <Aziraphale> apparently so. I wonder what that does to the graphs...
[19-Feb-2007 18:06:45] <creiht> I would expect the same
[19-Feb-2007 18:07:14] <creiht> Though you would be able to have more granularity
[19-Feb-2007 18:07:29] <creiht> I'm not sure what the RRD defaults are for Zenoss
[19-Feb-2007 18:08:14] <creiht> The nice thing about RRD is that you also know exactly how much disk space you need
[19-Feb-2007 18:10:33] <Aziraphale> downside is, once the file is created you're committed

[19-Feb-2007 18:11:01] <creiht> hehe
[19-Feb-2007 18:11:12] <creiht> Like I said... you give some so that you can take some

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[20-Feb-2007 10:12:26] <rusty> mrhinkle: hi mark!
[20-Feb-2007 10:12:45] <mrhinkle> heya rusty
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[20-Feb-2007 10:25:09] <rusty> creiht: thanks for your help w/ the community site yesterday. when we get to SSO, would love to get some more of your input.
[20-Feb-2007 10:27:50] <creiht> rusty: No problem
[20-Feb-2007 11:05:33] *** rusty01 has joined #zenoss
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[20-Feb-2007 11:31:22] <jeg1972> Hi everyone
[20-Feb-2007 11:32:16] <jeg1972> Hi rusty
[20-Feb-2007 11:32:27] <jeg1972> Forums are looking good :-)
[20-Feb-2007 11:35:05] <rusty> jeg1972 - thanks! appreciate the feedback... I *love* the "read new messages since last visit" feature.
[20-Feb-2007 11:35:52] <jeg1972> Are you the guy who sorting out the Partner website as well?
[20-Feb-2007 11:36:14] <rusty> ive always preferred forums over mailing lists, but thats just my preference. the best part is with the bridge you can participate on either.
[20-Feb-2007 11:37:18] <rusty> jeg1972 - yes i'm part of the team involved in that project. (partner)
[20-Feb-2007 11:37:22] <creiht> Hmmm
[20-Feb-2007 11:37:29] <creiht> I jsut ran into an interesting scenario
[20-Feb-2007 11:37:31] <jeg1972> Yes, I've always preferred forums as well...
[20-Feb-2007 11:37:47] <creiht> I have a box with two ips, with different services running on each ip
[20-Feb-2007 11:38:01] <rusty> p.s. we are having some network issues here at HQ - so my reply may be delayed at times...

[20-Feb-2007 11:38:21] <creiht> I want to monitor all the services, but of course, zenoss only recognizes the services on the primary ip
[20-Feb-2007 11:38:41] <creiht> Is there a way I can have it monitor the other ip as well for that box?
[20-Feb-2007 11:39:58] <jeg1972> rusty - any idea when the partner site will be up? (I'm with the UK partner)
[20-Feb-2007 11:41:47] <rusty> jeg1972 - (john) no firm date yet - but it is a priority. please feel free to email me directly with suggestions ideas, etc.
[20-Feb-2007 11:41:53] <jeg1972> creiht - Windows or *nix?
[20-Feb-2007 11:41:58] <creiht> Unix
[20-Feb-2007 11:42:11] <jeg1972> Using SNMP or SSH?
[20-Feb-2007 11:42:14] <creiht> snmp
[20-Feb-2007 11:42:36] <creiht> I can add the other ip to monitor, but then it is polling the perf information twice
[20-Feb-2007 11:42:39] <jeg1972> rusty - Will do!
[20-Feb-2007 11:43:06] <creiht> It would be nice if there was a way to monitor multiple ips for a single device
[20-Feb-2007 11:43:41] <jeg1972> creicht - I'm sure I saw that being talked about in the mailing list a while back... let me have a look
[20-Feb-2007 11:44:03] <creiht> I was just about to search it as well... I'm searching through current tickets right now
[20-Feb-2007 11:44:19] <rusty> dont forget the new forum search... hehehe

[20-Feb-2007 11:44:24] <creiht> hehe
[20-Feb-2007 11:44:29] <creiht> Will be a good test for it
[20-Feb-2007 11:44:30] <creiht>

[20-Feb-2007 11:44:30] <rusty> ive imported all the old posts
[20-Feb-2007 11:48:07] <rusty> if you folks want an avatar with your posts in the forum...
[20-Feb-2007 11:48:16] <rusty> log into the community site: community.zenoss.com
[20-Feb-2007 11:48:28] <rusty> select "preferences" in the upper right area
[20-Feb-2007 11:48:56] <rusty> choose personal preferences (from the page that loads)
[20-Feb-2007 11:49:17] <rusty> and then upload an image/avatar (portrait).
[20-Feb-2007 11:50:15] *** rusty has left #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 11:52:12] <jeg1972> creiht - Sorry, nothing relevant :-( Couldn't even find anything in Trac either, but it's definitely a good question
[20-Feb-2007 11:52:18] <creiht> hehe
[20-Feb-2007 11:52:24] <creiht> Yeah I had teh same results
[20-Feb-2007 11:52:36] <creiht> I'm going to just have separate devices for both for now
[20-Feb-2007 11:52:39] <creiht> and submit a ticket
[20-Feb-2007 11:53:00] <creiht> Though... now I need to figure out how to get snmpd to bind to both ips

[20-Feb-2007 11:53:05] <jeg1972> yeah... not nice though is it? ;-)
[20-Feb-2007 11:53:36] <creiht> It's better than nothing though

[20-Feb-2007 11:55:48] *** rusty has joined #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 11:57:11] <jeg1972> rusty - Search works wonderfully... pity nobody filled the forums with information I wanted :-)
[20-Feb-2007 11:57:43] <rusty> heh... i'm hoping that with the forums, will come a lot more community activity so that problem will go away!

[20-Feb-2007 12:02:02] <jeg1972> You would hope that it has that effect... I always think that mailing lists work in the opposite way... almost like an exclusive gentlemans club, stopping collaboration rather than increasing it!
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[20-Feb-2007 12:06:07] <jeg1972> Do any of the other guys get on here? Drew for instance?
[20-Feb-2007 12:06:40] <rusty> jeg1972 - agreed. one of the best advantages of forums is that you can now read posts as an anonymous user - no need to "join" anything just to "lurk".
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[20-Feb-2007 12:07:03] <Aziraphale> can do that with the gmane news group bridge...
[20-Feb-2007 12:07:44] <creiht> hrmmmm
[20-Feb-2007 12:08:12] <creiht> I'm beginning to wonder if you can bind snmpd to more than the primary ip
[20-Feb-2007 12:08:45] <jeg1972> That doesn't help :-(
[20-Feb-2007 12:08:51] <rusty> jeg1972 - on occassion others are here - its actually been a recent topic of discussion. the issue is of course, time here does have some effect on development activity... so we are working on defining that balance. any input you want to share on that topic feel free to send to community@zenoss.com
[20-Feb-2007 12:08:51] <creiht> doh... nm... I think I might have found it
[20-Feb-2007 12:09:17] <creiht> I miss the good ole days when edahl hung out here

[20-Feb-2007 12:09:20] <rusty> Aziraphale - yup, that too was one option we looked at.
[20-Feb-2007 12:10:07] <Aziraphale> rusty: it's there, I use it for casual lurking
[20-Feb-2007 12:11:14] <rusty> so it is! (dooh!)
[20-Feb-2007 12:11:44] <jeg1972> rusty - There is one thing that you may or may not be able to do anything about... If you login at http://community.zenoss.com/ you have to login again in the forums
[20-Feb-2007 12:11:58] <rusty> jeg1972 - for now... yes.
[20-Feb-2007 12:12:05] <rusty> jeg1972 - "
[20-Feb-2007 12:12:44] <rusty> jeg1972 - an upcomming community release will include single sign on capabilitiy...
[20-Feb-2007 12:12:59] <rusty> but thats turning out to be a VERY tough nut to crack
[20-Feb-2007 12:13:48] <jeg1972> :-) But it wouldn't be as much fun if it were easy :-)
[20-Feb-2007 12:14:09] <rusty>

[20-Feb-2007 12:14:56] <rusty> oh - the whole "experience" with LDAP integration was quite "fun"... check out oubiwan's last post on the blog...

[20-Feb-2007 12:15:24] <jeg1972> Anyway, I'm off home... will drop you a mail about a few things. Will probably be on here again tomorrow now that I know people are actually on here :-)
[20-Feb-2007 12:15:43] <rusty> have a nice evening!
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[20-Feb-2007 12:21:09] <creiht> Ah ha!
[20-Feb-2007 12:22:09] <creiht> Well if anyone is interested, you can bind snmpd to multiple ips with the agentaddress configuration setting
[20-Feb-2007 12:22:15] <creiht> on NET-SNMP that is
[20-Feb-2007 12:23:16] <rusty> creiht - i'll pass that on to our team here... im sure they would be interested!
[20-Feb-2007 12:24:37] <creiht> It appears that snmp by default will bind to all available interfaces, but if you have secondary ips for a single interface, it will not bind to those by default
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[20-Feb-2007 13:44:42] <Matt> hi guys
[20-Feb-2007 13:45:02] <Matt> anyone seen problems trying to collect data from ubuntu x86_64 machines via snmp?
[20-Feb-2007 13:45:10] <Matt> 32bit installs seem fine
[20-Feb-2007 13:45:21] <Matt> as does net-snmp compiled from scratch
[20-Feb-2007 13:45:55] <Matt> snmpwalk against works fine
[20-Feb-2007 13:46:12] <Matt> but zenoss times out whilst gathering data
[20-Feb-2007 13:46:25] <Matt> if you run snmpd with -D -f, it segfaults
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[20-Feb-2007 14:22:13] <enots> oops. Zenoss Error after upgrade from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0. any way do backup all device settings then poplulate it on fresh new install?
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[20-Feb-2007 16:32:59] <creiht> oubiwann: Hey... I have a quick question
[20-Feb-2007 16:33:05] <creiht> I was just about to submit a ticket
[20-Feb-2007 16:33:13] <oubiwann> sure
[20-Feb-2007 16:33:14] <creiht> Figured I would run it by you first
[20-Feb-2007 16:33:39] <creiht> I have a device that has different services running on two different IPs on the same interface
[20-Feb-2007 16:34:02] <creiht> When zenoss pulls information for the device it only pulls information for the primary ip
[20-Feb-2007 16:34:17] <creiht> It would be nice to be able to pull information on secondary ips as well
[20-Feb-2007 16:34:36] <oubiwann> yeah, I think I've seen this discussed on the mail list before
[20-Feb-2007 16:34:42] <creiht> Right now I had to setup snmpd to bind to both ips, and setup each ip as a different device
[20-Feb-2007 16:34:52] <creiht> I tried searching, but couldn't find anything
[20-Feb-2007 16:34:59] <oubiwann> cool, I would go ahead and submit the ticket
[20-Feb-2007 16:35:03] <creiht> Will do
[20-Feb-2007 16:35:05] <creiht> thanks
[20-Feb-2007 16:35:13] <oubiwann> I'm pretty sure Erik has a couple work arounds... I think I've heard him talk about this
[20-Feb-2007 16:35:24] <creiht> cool
[20-Feb-2007 16:35:39] <oubiwann> at the worst, it will get closed as a duplicate, and he'll point you to the feature ticket :-)
[20-Feb-2007 16:36:45] <creiht> soudns good... thanks!
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[20-Feb-2007 20:32:09] <nuno> hi
[20-Feb-2007 20:54:13] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - Twisted BoF at PyCon - 21 Feb, 01:33AM
[20-Feb-2007 20:54:14] -adytum-bot- http://glyf.livejournal.com/66330.html
[20-Feb-2007 20:54:15] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[20-Feb-2007 20:54:16] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[20-Feb-2007 20:54:17] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [comp.lang.python.announce] EasyDialogs for Windows version 46691.0
[20-Feb-2007 20:54:18] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117197310390869224
[20-Feb-2007 20:55:20] *** bflanary has joined #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 20:58:49] <fixed_> where can one get RRDTemplates for the various MIBs?
[20-Feb-2007 20:59:03] <fixed_> such as Sun Enterprise Agent
[20-Feb-2007 21:25:00] *** bflanary has quit IRC
[20-Feb-2007 21:37:42] *** oakleeman has joined #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 21:55:35] *** fixed__ has joined #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 22:04:41] <oakleeman> anybody awake?
[20-Feb-2007 22:10:14] *** fixed_ has quit IRC
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:05] *** brandonl has joined #Zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:09] <brandonl> hellpo
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:11] <brandonl> hello
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:14] <brandonl> anyone around?
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:23] <oakleeman> i just asked the same
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:26] <oakleeman> never got a reply
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:47] <brandonl> I see
[20-Feb-2007 22:15:57] <brandonl> are you new to zenoss?
[20-Feb-2007 22:16:07] <oakleeman> pretty much
[20-Feb-2007 22:16:19] <oakleeman> tried it out a few months ago when it was .2
[20-Feb-2007 22:16:29] <oakleeman> and now it's suddenly 1.0.1
[20-Feb-2007 22:17:07] <oakleeman> i do like where it's going
[20-Feb-2007 22:17:22] <oakleeman> and will be keeping my eyes on it
[20-Feb-2007 22:37:02] *** oakleeman has left #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 22:54:06] *** MrProper_ has joined #zenoss
[20-Feb-2007 22:55:10] <MrProper_> the ipservice doesnt seem to notice that services have gone done: ie i monitor ntp service and the device shows it up, i stop the service on the box and i've waited 30+ minutes and zenoss still tells me its up
[20-Feb-2007 23:16:25] <MrProper_> it seems like zenstatus isnt working correctly
[20-Feb-2007 23:36:49] *** MrProper_ has quit IRC
[20-Feb-2007 23:44:02] *** brandonl has quit IRC
[20-Feb-2007 23:51:42] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 00:14:52] *** cote has quit IRC
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[21-Feb-2007 04:03:36] *** etcp has joined #zenoss
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[21-Feb-2007 04:41:58] *** etcp has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 04:43:58] *** b52laptop has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 04:50:23] *** jeg1972 has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 04:50:46] <jeg1972> Morning/Evening everyone!
[21-Feb-2007 08:31:11] *** foor has left #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 09:07:07] <jeg1972> Anybody updated to the new Zenoss yet?
[21-Feb-2007 09:50:02] *** cote has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 09:52:00] *** danr has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 09:52:07] <danr> hi
[21-Feb-2007 09:52:35] <danr> does anyone know how to reset the admin password in zenoss to someting else than zenoss?
[21-Feb-2007 09:57:31] *** danr has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 10:10:48] *** creiht has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 11:02:05] *** Eimann has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 11:02:09] <Eimann> hi
[21-Feb-2007 11:05:09] <jeg1972> Hi
[21-Feb-2007 11:05:57] <jeg1972> So, has anyone installed 1.1.1 yet?
[21-Feb-2007 11:06:44] <creiht> Oh cool... I didn't realize that it was out
[21-Feb-2007 11:06:53] <creiht> I've been waiting for the next point release to install it
[21-Feb-2007 11:07:33] <creiht> arg... The dev wiki is realllllyyy slow this morning
[21-Feb-2007 11:10:47] <creiht> jeg1972: I might try upgrading later today... I've been looking forward to trying out the 1.1.* release
[21-Feb-2007 11:11:40] <creiht> brb
[21-Feb-2007 11:11:41] *** creiht has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 11:13:26] <jeg1972> Mine is all up and running CentOS 4.4 :-)
[21-Feb-2007 11:13:53] *** creiht has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 11:14:15] <jeg1972> I installed mine about an our ago, no problems.
[21-Feb-2007 11:15:10] <jeg1972> brb
[21-Feb-2007 11:15:16] *** jeg1972 has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 11:16:22] <creiht> monrad: How are you coming with your RRD issues?
[21-Feb-2007 11:22:22] *** jeg1972 has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 11:28:36] <jeg1972> creiht - What are you running Zenoss on... did you use a package or source?
[21-Feb-2007 11:29:44] <creiht> On Redhat
[21-Feb-2007 11:30:02] <creiht> I've been using source becuase I started using it before the RPMs were available
[21-Feb-2007 11:30:06] <creiht> And it was easy enough
[21-Feb-2007 11:30:33] <creiht> And it RHEL 3, so I'm not sure the RPM would work anyways
[21-Feb-2007 11:31:18] <creiht> I've been using it since .19
[21-Feb-2007 11:42:05] <jeg1972> Cool! A long time user :-)
[21-Feb-2007 11:43:13] <creiht> Almost as long as you can get

[21-Feb-2007 11:54:51] <jeg1972> So how have you found change since February/March last year?
[21-Feb-2007 11:59:13] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 12:04:45] <creiht> jeg1972: found change?
[21-Feb-2007 12:06:34] <creiht> jeg1972: If you are talking about finding out about new releases, then I usually check the mailing list and/or the web site periodically
[21-Feb-2007 12:06:39] <creiht> I just hadn't seen it yet
[21-Feb-2007 12:08:27] *** em-dash has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 12:10:04] <jeg1972> No, I meant how has it changed since the first release? How much more advanced is it now from the .19 release :-)
[21-Feb-2007 12:12:18] <creiht> jeg1972: Ahhh
[21-Feb-2007 12:12:24] <creiht> It has changed quite a bit
[21-Feb-2007 12:12:35] <creiht> 1.1 seems to be one of the biggest steps
[21-Feb-2007 12:12:43] <creiht> So I am excited to try it out
[21-Feb-2007 12:12:59] <creiht> It has matured very quickly
[21-Feb-2007 12:13:11] <creiht> And I have been impressed how well the have received input
[21-Feb-2007 12:13:15] <creiht> from people like me
[21-Feb-2007 12:13:29] <creiht> Most requests that I have made have made it into releases
[21-Feb-2007 12:19:14] <jeg1972> Yeah, that is one of the biggest things I've noticed about the Zenoss guys, they listen... and then act! Unlike some other Open Source products!
[21-Feb-2007 12:19:23] <creiht> hehe
[21-Feb-2007 12:19:24] <creiht> yeah
[21-Feb-2007 12:21:14] <creiht> I'm really impressed how quickly they are progressing and innovating
[21-Feb-2007 12:25:22] <jeg1972> It's so good, we signed up as a UK partner!
[21-Feb-2007 12:25:36] <creiht> That's awesome!
[21-Feb-2007 12:25:48] <creiht> I was trying to get my company to do something like that
[21-Feb-2007 12:25:57] <creiht> But unfortunately one of the big 4 snuck in
[21-Feb-2007 12:26:38] <b52laptop> jeg1972, partner / integrater of their solutions ?
[21-Feb-2007 12:27:19] <jeg1972> Are you in the US? I'm slightly worried about about the UK market in terms of Open Source in the Enterprise... they're not as receptive shall we say :-)
[21-Feb-2007 12:27:42] <creiht> Well we are world wide, but I am based in the US
[21-Feb-2007 12:28:11] <jeg1972> It's exiting anyway! I'm off home now... speak tomorrow!
[21-Feb-2007 12:28:21] <jeg1972> xciting... not exiting
[21-Feb-2007 12:29:28] *** jeg1972 has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 12:37:45] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 12:43:56] *** chet has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 13:04:35] *** MatBoy has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 13:04:41] <MatBoy> Hi guys !
[21-Feb-2007 13:07:06] *** Tomi has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 13:08:33] <MatBoy> I have installed this great tool on a dual PIII 5000 Xeon, but as I already thought.... Python is only using 1 CPU
[21-Feb-2007 13:08:40] <MatBoy> oops
[21-Feb-2007 13:08:43] <MatBoy> 500

[21-Feb-2007 13:08:53] <MatBoy> would be nice to have a 5000

[21-Feb-2007 13:16:43] <chet> Each instance of python will only use one processor, but Zenoss runs many different instances for different purposes.
[21-Feb-2007 13:17:23] <chet> For example, you'll probably have zenping running on one processor while zenperfsnmp is running on another.
[21-Feb-2007 13:20:07] <monrad> creiht: not had much time for it
[21-Feb-2007 13:21:55] <MatBoy> chet, ok, nice to know, but don't I have to Fork apache for it ?
[21-Feb-2007 13:22:29] <chet> No, it has nothing to do with Apache. It runs under Zope which acts as its own web server.
[21-Feb-2007 13:23:34] <MatBoy> chet, ok, thanks... it's OK to run it on a Dual Xeon 500 ?
[21-Feb-2007 13:23:49] <MatBoy> it's a quad machine... but I run it in a VM... so that's why
[21-Feb-2007 13:23:57] <MatBoy> becaus ethe first start really took some minutes
[21-Feb-2007 13:24:05] <MatBoy> *because the
[21-Feb-2007 13:37:38] <MatBoy> from which folder do I have to run python setup.py build ?
[21-Feb-2007 14:19:43] *** fyarrow has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 14:21:57] <fyarrow> When I create a performance template, is it possible to apply this to an entire collection of devices so that the assosiated graphs are automatically generated?
[21-Feb-2007 14:31:27] <creiht> fyarrow: It should do that for whatever device "group" you create that template it
[21-Feb-2007 14:31:29] <creiht> err in
[21-Feb-2007 14:32:02] <creiht> It may take up to 20 mins for the configuration to get updated so that it starts actually monitoring it
[21-Feb-2007 14:32:40] <creiht> MatBoy: I didn't think you were supposed to run setup.py... There should be an installation script that handles everything for you
[21-Feb-2007 14:37:31] <fyarrow> Ah... Cool. That'd explain why I wasn't seeing anything. Will have to work on my patience

[21-Feb-2007 14:38:18] <creiht> fyarrow: You can also restart zenoss, and it would reload the configs then
[21-Feb-2007 14:38:47] <creiht> monrad: The reason I was asking was that I recalled a conversation that I had with some guys from another tool
[21-Feb-2007 14:39:08] <creiht> They were monitoring close to 50K devices using a netapp
[21-Feb-2007 14:39:18] <creiht> (with a different tool)
[21-Feb-2007 14:39:45] <creiht> and I think there were an average of a bout 5 collection points per device
[21-Feb-2007 14:39:54] <creiht> Which means 200K plus RRD files
[21-Feb-2007 14:40:44] *** fyarrow has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 14:44:44] <monrad> how often?
[21-Feb-2007 14:45:41] <creiht> 5 min interval
[21-Feb-2007 14:45:48] <creiht> That was the other thing I was going to ask you
[21-Feb-2007 14:45:58] <creiht> Are you polling every 1 min or more?
[21-Feb-2007 14:46:41] <creiht> That was pushing the limits of what they could poll on the one device
[21-Feb-2007 14:47:35] <chet> fwiw my experience is that 50k data points is pushing it on a dual 2.8Ghz hyperthreading system with Zenoss.
[21-Feb-2007 14:48:09] <creiht> chet: Are you polling every minute or something else?
[21-Feb-2007 14:48:12] <chet> Althought it has a lot to do with how quickly your SNMP agents respond.
[21-Feb-2007 14:48:15] <chet> 5 minutes
[21-Feb-2007 14:48:48] <creiht> chet: Well that's good to know

[21-Feb-2007 14:50:43] <chet> The biggest performance boost I've seen is setting collectors up near their targets. Checking a lot of systems from one coast to another is time consuming.
[21-Feb-2007 14:50:52] <MatBoy> creiht, it was in the wiki
[21-Feb-2007 14:52:43] <creiht> MatBoy: Ahhh... Guess I hadn't seen that yet... Where is that?
[21-Feb-2007 14:52:52] <monrad> chet: is that with more than one collector?
[21-Feb-2007 14:52:57] <MatBoy> creiht, just a sec
[21-Feb-2007 14:53:39] <chet> monrad: The 50k number was per collector, but I'm running four of them that are less loaded now.
[21-Feb-2007 14:53:50] <monrad> on the same server?
[21-Feb-2007 14:53:59] <chet> nope
[21-Feb-2007 14:54:06] <monrad> ah ok
[21-Feb-2007 14:54:19] <monrad> running more than one server is not an option for me right now
[21-Feb-2007 14:54:48] <chet> Lucky you.

[21-Feb-2007 14:58:13] <monrad> i was lucky to get SAN access
[21-Feb-2007 15:15:20] <MatBoy> creiht, here you go: http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/wiki/ZenossPlugins
[21-Feb-2007 15:15:31] <adytum-bot> Title: ZenossPlugins - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
[21-Feb-2007 15:17:51] <creiht> MatBoy: Hmmm... I don't see where it says how many nodes can be monitored with zenoss on that page
[21-Feb-2007 15:19:10] <MatBoy> creiht, did I said that ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:19:44] * MatBoy is reading baCK
[21-Feb-2007 15:19:49] <MatBoy> *back
[21-Feb-2007 15:20:04] <creiht> MatBoy: Hmmmm... I thought you were responding to how many devices chet was able to monitor on a node
[21-Feb-2007 15:20:33] <MatBoy> creiht, no, I wanted to install the plugin, but I downloaded the rpm.. I think it's the same ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:20:40] <creiht> Oh sorry
[21-Feb-2007 15:20:51] <MatBoy> NP !
[21-Feb-2007 15:22:24] <creiht> I've never installed from RPM... or the plugins yet... So I can't help you with that part... sorry
[21-Feb-2007 15:23:03] <MatBoy> creiht, ok

[21-Feb-2007 15:23:08] <MatBoy> it's my first setup of this

[21-Feb-2007 15:23:24] <MatBoy> I want to use the function to monitor with a SNMP deamon on the client
[21-Feb-2007 15:23:30] <MatBoy> I hope it will work OK
[21-Feb-2007 15:24:20] *** cote has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 15:24:37] <creiht> MatBoy: If you are justing using SNMP to monitor, I don't think you need the plugins
[21-Feb-2007 15:24:55] <MatBoy> creiht, I don't want to use SNMP on my servers
[21-Feb-2007 15:25:10] <creiht> ahhh gotcha
[21-Feb-2007 15:25:19] <creiht> Then yeah... you will want to use the plugins

[21-Feb-2007 15:26:51] <MatBoy> creiht, yes, it that all in the PDF's ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:26:58] <MatBoy> online docs are not that good
[21-Feb-2007 15:27:27] <creiht> MatBoy: Yeah I know... they are working on it
[21-Feb-2007 15:27:36] <MatBoy> creiht, all fine

[21-Feb-2007 15:27:37] <creiht> Note that I am not a zenoss dev, just a happy user

[21-Feb-2007 15:27:44] <MatBoy> hehe, me too
[21-Feb-2007 15:28:01] <MatBoy> I want to use it internal
[21-Feb-2007 15:28:35] <MatBoy> so I hope I'm able to monitor the services using my internal IP's but that it can check if it also works on the outside IP's
[21-Feb-2007 15:30:59] <MatBoy> creiht, is it better to use SNMP ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:31:31] <creiht> MatBoy: I can't say for sure, other than that is what I have used from the beginning, and it works

[21-Feb-2007 15:31:47] <MatBoy> creiht, only install snmp client ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:32:05] <creiht> I think the purpose of the plugins is to do things that can't be done with snmp, and for times where you can't use snmp
[21-Feb-2007 15:32:21] <creiht> On *nix, or Windows?
[21-Feb-2007 15:32:22] <MatBoy> creiht, yes, but it's less secure ofcourse
[21-Feb-2007 15:32:30] <chet> I agree. Use SNMP for everything you can.
[21-Feb-2007 15:32:58] <MatBoy> do you use it on RHEL/CentOS ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:33:09] <creiht> I'm using RHEL 3
[21-Feb-2007 15:33:20] <creiht> All you have to do is set up snmpd
[21-Feb-2007 15:33:25] <MatBoy> what package do you use for the SNMP client ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:33:26] <chet> CentOS 4 and Scientific Linux 4 here.
[21-Feb-2007 15:33:29] <MatBoy> ah ok
[21-Feb-2007 15:33:30] <creiht> on the devices you want to monitor
[21-Feb-2007 15:33:56] <creiht> I would think most installs will have it installed already
[21-Feb-2007 15:34:09] <chet> net-snmp
[21-Feb-2007 15:34:33] <MatBoy> most of the time indeed
[21-Feb-2007 15:35:47] <MatBoy> I always hated SNMP

[21-Feb-2007 15:36:00] <MatBoy> but that was because Zabbix did it on a strange way
[21-Feb-2007 15:37:13] <creiht> MatBoy: You can check to see if you have a /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file
[21-Feb-2007 15:37:18] <creiht> If you do then it is installed
[21-Feb-2007 15:37:31] <MatBoy> yes I installed it
[21-Feb-2007 15:37:32] <MatBoy>

[21-Feb-2007 15:37:37] <MatBoy> now I have to that file
[21-Feb-2007 15:37:43] <creiht> The snmpd.conf file is pretty well documented, but if you have questions about it, let me know
[21-Feb-2007 15:37:51] <MatBoy> ok, thanks !
[21-Feb-2007 15:38:05] <MatBoy> it has been some time ago for me
[21-Feb-2007 15:38:13] <MatBoy> first I will add my Bigiron 800
[21-Feb-2007 15:38:15] <MatBoy> 8000
[21-Feb-2007 15:38:59] <creiht> MatBoy: Well that is a swtich, so snmp should be running already

[21-Feb-2007 15:39:08] <MatBoy> creiht, yeah indeed
[21-Feb-2007 15:39:12] <MatBoy> thta's why

[21-Feb-2007 15:39:17] <MatBoy> it can do routing
[21-Feb-2007 15:39:17] <creiht> ahh hehe
[21-Feb-2007 15:39:44] <MatBoy> pretty well actually
[21-Feb-2007 15:40:11] <creiht> Wow... Thats a big honking switch

[21-Feb-2007 15:40:23] <MatBoy> hehe, used google ?
[21-Feb-2007 15:40:27] <creiht> yeah
[21-Feb-2007 15:40:32] <MatBoy> yeah, nice piece
[21-Feb-2007 15:40:36] <MatBoy> very happy with it
[21-Feb-2007 15:41:26] <creiht> We're all Cisco here... Though I'm just a meager developer... We have much smarter people than I to handle all that stuff
[21-Feb-2007 15:41:46] <MatBoy> creiht, I just bought it and strated to configure it
[21-Feb-2007 15:41:47] <MatBoy>

[21-Feb-2007 15:41:55] <monrad> bigiron <- foundry?
[21-Feb-2007 15:42:01] <MatBoy> yes
[21-Feb-2007 15:43:10] <monrad> foundry is nice
[21-Feb-2007 15:43:20] <MatBoy> it is indeed
[21-Feb-2007 15:43:35] <MatBoy> takes 7A by default of Power @ 230V
[21-Feb-2007 15:43:37] <MatBoy> but OK

[21-Feb-2007 15:43:45] <monrad> we have a few XMR and IMR's in our network
[21-Feb-2007 15:43:52] <MatBoy>

[21-Feb-2007 15:43:58] <monrad> but mostly HP9314M

[21-Feb-2007 15:44:55] <MatBoy> I still use HP4000M's

[21-Feb-2007 15:44:58] *** ski98033 has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 15:44:59] <MatBoy> very nice
[21-Feb-2007 15:45:05] <MatBoy> man, I can;t see my added device
[21-Feb-2007 15:45:06] <MatBoy> :S
[21-Feb-2007 15:45:17] <monrad> well the hp93xxm is not as nice as the new foundrys
[21-Feb-2007 15:45:32] <MatBoy> the new ones are kewl
[21-Feb-2007 15:45:32] <ski98033> Hi, newbie here with some questions i cannot find answers for...
[21-Feb-2007 15:45:34] <monrad> even though they are rebranded foundrys with hp firmware
[21-Feb-2007 15:45:39] <MatBoy> I still have the old version 8000
[21-Feb-2007 15:46:21] <ski98033> in source install it says to add user to zenperfsnmp.conf file, but I cannot find example or docs on format?
[21-Feb-2007 15:47:17] <ski98033> can someone please provide an example or pointer to docs for this, thanks
[21-Feb-2007 15:48:36] <monrad> they are no fun, they dont support ipv6

[21-Feb-2007 15:49:15] <creiht> ski98033: I think by default you don't need to edit that... Only if you are doing a non-standard config
[21-Feb-2007 15:49:19] <creiht> See if it works first

[21-Feb-2007 15:51:25] <ski98033> I tried on my localhost and it said it found no devices. I verified with snmpwalk that the localhost does have snmp working.
[21-Feb-2007 15:53:22] <creiht> ski98033: Try the actual device name rather than localhost
[21-Feb-2007 15:54:33] <ski98033> ok, looks like it works, thanks.
[21-Feb-2007 15:54:41] <creiht> cool... np
[21-Feb-2007 16:17:59] <ski98033> ok, next question is how to monitor network traffic on a linux machine
[21-Feb-2007 16:18:14] <ski98033> I am getting data on cpu, disk, and processes with no problem
[21-Feb-2007 16:22:07] <creiht> ski98033: On the OS tab at the top you will see the interfaces
[21-Feb-2007 16:22:12] <creiht> Click on one of those interfaces
[21-Feb-2007 16:23:02] <ski98033> cool, thanks creiht. This is really neat!
[21-Feb-2007 16:23:03] <creiht> For example, on mine I hit eth0
[21-Feb-2007 16:23:05] <creiht> yeah
[21-Feb-2007 16:23:47] <MatBoy> mhh there is a bug in the Foundry Firmware
[21-Feb-2007 16:23:59] <MatBoy> now I have to check if they want to give me a working version
[21-Feb-2007 16:38:01] <MatBoy> creiht, the graps ? is that a plugin ?
[21-Feb-2007 16:44:39] <MatBoy> I ask myself if I need to use SSH for such things as graphs and the OS tab... it's not pulled out by using SNMP
[21-Feb-2007 16:47:38] <creiht> The graphs are generated by whatever method you are polling
[21-Feb-2007 16:47:51] <creiht> But remember there is a bit of a delay before you will see anything in the graphs
[21-Feb-2007 16:56:19] <MatBoy> creiht, yep I know, but I see errors, I know this was normal on other monitoring programs
[21-Feb-2007 16:56:25] <MatBoy> the first 3 times
[21-Feb-2007 16:56:28] <MatBoy> or whatever
[21-Feb-2007 16:58:44] <creiht> MatBoy: What errors are you seeing?
[21-Feb-2007 16:59:09] <MatBoy> Error reading value for "memBuffer" on
[21-Feb-2007 16:59:12] <MatBoy> so on
[21-Feb-2007 16:59:46] <MatBoy> (oid . is bad)
[21-Feb-2007 16:59:51] <creiht> What device are you monitoring>?
[21-Feb-2007 17:00:00] <MatBoy> CentOS 4.4
[21-Feb-2007 17:00:04] <MatBoy> server
[21-Feb-2007 17:00:21] <creiht> The snmp config probably isn't exposing the OID
[21-Feb-2007 17:00:34] <creiht> on the server
[21-Feb-2007 17:00:51] <MatBoy> mhh
[21-Feb-2007 17:01:12] <creiht> Can you do an snmpget from the commandline with that OID?
[21-Feb-2007 17:04:00] <creiht> I bet by default it has a bit of a restrictive snmpd config (RHEL does)
[21-Feb-2007 17:04:13] <MatBoy> yeah
[21-Feb-2007 17:04:16] <MatBoy> it was only reading
[21-Feb-2007 17:04:21] <MatBoy> normal public
[21-Feb-2007 17:04:36] <MatBoy> but because I don;t allow 161 on the outside and everything on the inside
[21-Feb-2007 17:04:49] <MatBoy> snmpget does not exist, and also not a package like it
[21-Feb-2007 17:05:30] <creiht> MatBoy: Hmmm it should be there if you can do an snmpwalk
[21-Feb-2007 17:05:49] <MatBoy> creiht, nope, I think I need the utils
[21-Feb-2007 17:06:05] <creiht> ahhh
[21-Feb-2007 17:06:24] <creiht> MatBoy: I think you can do the same thing with snmpwalk as well
[21-Feb-2007 17:07:48] <MatBoy> what option do I need ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:08:56] <creiht> MatBoy: I'm pretty sure it is the same as doing a normal snmpwalk, but you append the OID to the end
[21-Feb-2007 17:09:00] <creiht> something like:
[21-Feb-2007 17:09:18] <creiht> snmpwalk -v1 -c COMMUNITYS_STRING HOSTNAME MIB
[21-Feb-2007 17:09:51] <MatBoy> I can set the OID in zenoss ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:10:21] <creiht> MatBoy: I don't think you need to do that
[21-Feb-2007 17:10:27] <MatBoy> mhh
[21-Feb-2007 17:10:49] <creiht> Unless you don't want it to monitor that
[21-Feb-2007 17:11:05] <MatBoy> I want to see everything
[21-Feb-2007 17:11:14] <MatBoy> with or without clothes

[21-Feb-2007 17:11:18] <creiht> hehe
[21-Feb-2007 17:11:30] <creiht> Well it will need to see those OIDs on the server then
[21-Feb-2007 17:11:34] <creiht> Or
[21-Feb-2007 17:11:50] <creiht> Try to use the plugins, if the snmp stuff isn't going to work for you
[21-Feb-2007 17:12:56] <MatBoy> aha
[21-Feb-2007 17:13:01] <MatBoy> it's a V2 I have the idea
[21-Feb-2007 17:15:01] <MatBoy> I'm thinking of using SSH
[21-Feb-2007 17:15:16] <MatBoy> just make a SSH user called zenoss or does it need root ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:17:30] <creiht> MatBoy: I haven't used that part, so you are beyond my expertise now

[21-Feb-2007 17:17:47] <creiht> But I think there is somewhere in the interface where you can set that
[21-Feb-2007 17:17:49] <MatBoy> creiht, nah don;t think so... just beginning with it

[21-Feb-2007 17:19:58] <MatBoy> yeah you can set it
[21-Feb-2007 17:20:17] <MatBoy> actually
[21-Feb-2007 17:20:21] <MatBoy> it looks better
[21-Feb-2007 17:20:36] <MatBoy> but I want to know what kind of ssh user you should use for it
[21-Feb-2007 17:23:37] <chet> MatBoy: A regular user works fine for me.
[21-Feb-2007 17:25:46] <MatBoy> chet, are you more happy with ssh ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:25:56] <MatBoy> creiht, strange is that the kernel was seen
[21-Feb-2007 17:26:09] <chet> I prefer SNMP because I don't like having to install plugins and junk on all my systems.
[21-Feb-2007 17:26:18] <chet> ssh works well for specialized tasks though
[21-Feb-2007 17:26:50] <MatBoy> but default stuff should work woth SNMP ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:27:21] <creiht> MatBoy: Yeah it will pull all types of stuff from snmp, including even the installed packages
[21-Feb-2007 17:27:35] <MatBoy> creiht, doesn't here
[21-Feb-2007 17:27:47] <MatBoy> but what is actually strange that the kernel was seen
[21-Feb-2007 17:27:51] <MatBoy> also the hostname
[21-Feb-2007 17:28:00] <creiht> It pulls all of that from snmp
[21-Feb-2007 17:28:05] <MatBoy> and that was not grabbed by DNS because I use a internal IP
[21-Feb-2007 17:29:23] <creiht> I still think that the snmpd.conf file is limiting what is available through snmp
[21-Feb-2007 17:29:37] <MatBoy> creiht, me too
[21-Feb-2007 17:29:46] <MatBoy> but it's 100% default so it should work on public
[21-Feb-2007 17:30:02] <creiht> Right... and by default, it doesn't open up everything
[21-Feb-2007 17:30:13] <creiht> hold on.. I'll paste my simple config that I use
[21-Feb-2007 17:32:38] <MatBoy> yeah would be nice
[21-Feb-2007 17:32:53] <MatBoy> I'm not happy with that "mapping part" they do
[21-Feb-2007 17:33:32] <creiht> MatBoy: http://paste.lisp.org/display/37184
[21-Feb-2007 17:34:46] <MatBoy> thanks
[21-Feb-2007 17:34:57] <MatBoy> I only have to change the COMM_STRING ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:35:04] <creiht> And the ZENOSS IP
[21-Feb-2007 17:35:51] <MatBoy> what do you use for community ? random generated apssword ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:35:54] <MatBoy> password
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:03] <creiht> We have an internal string that we use
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:07] <creiht> It can be whatever you want
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:13] <MatBoy> yeah I know
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:30] <MatBoy> but nothing you can remember easy or do you just type words ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:38] <MatBoy> and numbers
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:41] <creiht> hehe
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:48] <creiht> Well ours is a bit trivial
[21-Feb-2007 17:36:50] <creiht>

[21-Feb-2007 17:36:56] <MatBoy> ^&*^*jHUIOHU(*)*) ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:00] <MatBoy> liuke that ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:03] <creiht> But all the machines that I monitor are internal
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:08] <MatBoy> here too
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:12] <MatBoy> but still
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:12] <creiht> So security for snmp isn't a big deal
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:23] <MatBoy> not for reading indeed
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:28] <creiht> heh
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:37] <creiht> Ours is just a couple of words together
[21-Feb-2007 17:37:58] <creiht> You can also add your community string to the default zenoss community strings that it tries
[21-Feb-2007 17:38:10] <creiht> So that you don't have to type it everytime you add a device
[21-Feb-2007 17:38:38] <creiht> That setup will also only allow snmp queries from the zenoss ip
[21-Feb-2007 17:41:02] <MatBoy> subtree .1 ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:41:32] <ski98033> Hi, is the value for zCommandCycleTime in seconds (e.g. 60 seconds). I could not find it in the docs
[21-Feb-2007 17:42:15] <creiht> MatBoy: I'm not completely sure other than I copied it from somewhere else

[21-Feb-2007 17:43:14] <creiht> ski98033: Which option page are you looking at that?
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:14] <MatBoy> ah it's slower now
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:16] <MatBoy>

[21-Feb-2007 17:43:20] <MatBoy> so it's doing something
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:20] <MatBoy>

[21-Feb-2007 17:43:25] <creiht> haha
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:36] <MatBoy> creiht, do you want to look at it once ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:43] <MatBoy> not that I want your settings
[21-Feb-2007 17:43:52] <MatBoy> but to compare some things about yes and no
[21-Feb-2007 17:44:09] <ski98033> creiht: I am looking at the os/zProperties page for the mac server I just added to the system
[21-Feb-2007 17:45:03] <ski98033> creiht: I have it monitoring the network and load ok, but not the swap or memory - any ideas why
[21-Feb-2007 17:45:06] <creiht> MatBoy: Look at what?
[21-Feb-2007 17:45:18] <MatBoy> you snmp.conf

[21-Feb-2007 17:45:36] <creiht> ski98033: That must be new in 1.1, but I would guess seconds
[21-Feb-2007 17:45:46] <creiht> And I wouldn't mess with it

[21-Feb-2007 17:46:00] <creiht> ski98033: What devices are you monitoring?
[21-Feb-2007 17:46:10] <ski98033> ok, that sounds good. I need to do a performance test and 60 second measurements are perfect.
[21-Feb-2007 17:46:24] <ski98033> I am monitoring a Mac OSX server, dual proc, ...
[21-Feb-2007 17:46:29] <creiht> MatBoy: You can add your changes to that same paste link that I submitted earlier
[21-Feb-2007 17:46:45] <ski98033> It found both procs and seem to find the swap and memory, but only graphs for the procs
[21-Feb-2007 17:46:56] <creiht> Oh
[21-Feb-2007 17:47:01] <MatBoy> creiht, yes, but to compare what's set for subtree and so on
[21-Feb-2007 17:47:05] <creiht> I haven't monitored any OS X boxes
[21-Feb-2007 17:47:21] <creiht> MatBoy: Oh sure
[21-Feb-2007 17:48:33] <creiht> ski98033: But my guess is that the snmp on OS X doesn't expose that information to start... Where do you put them in the device tree?
[21-Feb-2007 17:48:38] <ski98033> ok, I ran zensnmpperf from the command line and see the errors:
[21-Feb-2007 17:48:47] <ski98033> WARNING:zen.zenperfsnmp:Error reading value for "memAvailReal" on mac7.nsd.org (oid .1 . is bad)
[21-Feb-2007 17:49:12] <ski98033> now to figure out why the oid is bad on a mac but works on linux
[21-Feb-2007 17:49:16] <creiht> ski98033: Ok so either... those are not exposed on OS X by default, or they use a different OID
[21-Feb-2007 17:49:44] <MatBoy> ah nice
[21-Feb-2007 17:49:47] <MatBoy> it's working

[21-Feb-2007 17:50:07] <MatBoy> creiht, may I kiss you ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:50:11] <creiht> ski98033: You can also check the log files in $ZENOSS/log to see errors like that for the daemons
[21-Feb-2007 17:50:13] <creiht> haha
[21-Feb-2007 17:50:40] <MatBoy> Only no CPU and software yet
[21-Feb-2007 17:50:53] <ski98033> yep, shows up there also.
[21-Feb-2007 17:52:10] <creiht> ski98033: I would post a question to the mailing list about monitoring OS X boxes
[21-Feb-2007 17:52:18] <creiht> I'm afraid I can't help you there
[21-Feb-2007 17:52:36] <ski98033> ok, I am running snmpwalk to see if I can see what the mib should be or if it is exposed.
[21-Feb-2007 17:53:12] <MatBoy> creiht, can you get the CPU's with SNMP ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:53:43] <MatBoy> creiht, WARNING zen.ZenModeler no cmd plugins
[21-Feb-2007 17:53:49] <creiht> MatBoy: Heh... I guess not
[21-Feb-2007 17:53:52] <MatBoy> I think I need to install the plugins
[21-Feb-2007 17:53:57] <creiht> hehe
[21-Feb-2007 17:53:58] <MatBoy> cehck it

[21-Feb-2007 17:54:03] <creiht> I think you can ignore it

[21-Feb-2007 17:54:20] <creiht> Yeah I'm looking now... and it doesn't show the CPU's
[21-Feb-2007 17:54:32] <MatBoy> creiht, I will install the plugin
[21-Feb-2007 17:54:35] <MatBoy> I thin it needs it
[21-Feb-2007 17:54:38] <MatBoy> think
[21-Feb-2007 17:54:44] <creiht> It does monitor CPU usage though
[21-Feb-2007 17:54:52] <creiht> just not the actual hardware specs
[21-Feb-2007 17:55:03] <creiht> click on the Perf tab
[21-Feb-2007 17:55:23] <MatBoy> no graphs yet
[21-Feb-2007 17:55:52] <creiht> MatBoy: Ok... it can take a bit... or you can restart zenoss to speed it up

[21-Feb-2007 17:55:59] <creiht> It reloads configs every 20 mins
[21-Feb-2007 17:55:59] <MatBoy> hehe
[21-Feb-2007 17:56:03] <MatBoy> aha
[21-Feb-2007 17:56:28] <MatBoy> on what kind of system do you run it ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:56:49] <creiht> A dell 2650 with dual procs
[21-Feb-2007 17:57:09] <creiht> Not quite sure of the exact specs
[21-Feb-2007 17:57:54] <MatBoy> ah ok
[21-Feb-2007 17:58:34] <MatBoy> creiht, are you still using other software too ?
[21-Feb-2007 17:58:51] <MatBoy> I see graphs

[21-Feb-2007 18:01:09] <MatBoy> creiht, but it should be nice to find out how we can display the CPU's
[21-Feb-2007 18:01:33] <MatBoy> because on the localhost where I have installed the plugins... no CPU shown only usage
[21-Feb-2007 18:03:27] <creiht> MatBoy: I use other software for different purposes
[21-Feb-2007 18:03:36] <creiht> But that is mostly because I am forced to

[21-Feb-2007 18:03:41] <MatBoy> like zabbix or cacti ?
[21-Feb-2007 18:03:49] <creiht> OpenNMS
[21-Feb-2007 18:04:29] <creiht> And yes it would be nice to display CPU info... though it isn't very high on my priority list...
[21-Feb-2007 18:04:37] <creiht> I bet it is just an snmpd.conf setting
[21-Feb-2007 18:05:31] <MatBoy> creiht, let us keep in touch

[21-Feb-2007 18:05:39] <MatBoy> openNMS is not what I want
[21-Feb-2007 18:05:51] <MatBoy> Zabbix was nice... it's beyond his target
[21-Feb-2007 18:06:19] <creiht> MatBoy: I'm on here almost every day
[21-Feb-2007 18:06:29] <MatBoy> me too from now on

[21-Feb-2007 18:06:43] <creiht> I almost tried Zabbix, but then I found Zenoss and was so happy with it, I didn't try anything else
[21-Feb-2007 18:06:54] <MatBoy> it's nice
[21-Feb-2007 18:07:02] <creiht> Plus I like Python

[21-Feb-2007 18:07:14] <MatBoy> I hear that more
[21-Feb-2007 18:08:08] <MatBoy> for traffic a 95% rule should be nice to have
[21-Feb-2007 18:09:08] <MatBoy> zabbix is more the "monitor way"
[21-Feb-2007 18:09:46] <creiht> MatBoy: I just saw a mailing list posting about 95% rule, though I haven't read it
[21-Feb-2007 18:10:01] <MatBoy> for Zenoss ?
[21-Feb-2007 18:10:06] <creiht> yeah
[21-Feb-2007 18:10:10] <MatBoy> kewl
[21-Feb-2007 18:10:28] <MatBoy> is it possible to have some items on the dashboard ?
[21-Feb-2007 18:10:42] <creiht> You know the more I think about it, net-snmp may not be able to expose cpu info
[21-Feb-2007 18:10:57] <creiht> I do get cpu info on my windows boxes
[21-Feb-2007 18:11:03] <MatBoy> creiht, I think it doesn't because I used a script with grep always for it
[21-Feb-2007 18:11:26] <creiht> What would you like on the dashboard?
[21-Feb-2007 18:11:41] <creiht> Underneath it is zope, so it should be easy to customize the dashboard
[21-Feb-2007 18:11:59] <creiht> But then you would have to add that customization to each upgrade
[21-Feb-2007 18:12:11] *** b52lap has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 18:12:14] <MatBoy> creiht, that's nice of zabbix... the only thing... you can set what you want
[21-Feb-2007 18:12:17] <MatBoy> it
[21-Feb-2007 18:12:20] <MatBoy> but OK
[21-Feb-2007 18:12:26] <MatBoy> it's too complex
[21-Feb-2007 18:12:49] <creiht> MatBoy: But if it would be a good thing, suggest it to the zenoss guys
[21-Feb-2007 18:12:56] <MatBoy> ok

[21-Feb-2007 18:13:02] <creiht> They are very receptive to feedback
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:08] <MatBoy> I never understood people wanted to use BB btw :S
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:14] <MatBoy> ugly as my ass
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:15] <MatBoy> ow
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:18] <MatBoy> I have a nice ass
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:23] <MatBoy> that's what they say
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:24] <MatBoy>

[21-Feb-2007 18:13:27] <creiht> BB?
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:33] <MatBoy> BigBrother
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:45] <creiht> ahhh
[21-Feb-2007 18:13:47] <creiht> yes
[21-Feb-2007 18:14:01] <creiht> I looked at their marketing material, and moved on rather quickly

[21-Feb-2007 18:14:20] <MatBoy> hehe.. that is such easy to build
[21-Feb-2007 18:14:25] <MatBoy> get a HTML noob
[21-Feb-2007 18:14:35] <MatBoy> make a simple port-script
[21-Feb-2007 18:14:54] <MatBoy> let the HTML noob make the layout in windows 95 with Paint
[21-Feb-2007 18:15:00] <MatBoy> and Frontpage
[21-Feb-2007 18:15:02] <MatBoy> ot better word
[21-Feb-2007 18:15:14] <MatBoy> and place your script behind it
[21-Feb-2007 18:24:05] <MatBoy> creiht, that is the problem of Zabbix... no SNMP for servers
[21-Feb-2007 18:24:40] <MatBoy> all manual done
[21-Feb-2007 18:28:11] *** cote has joined #zenoss
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[21-Feb-2007 18:37:24] *** ski98033 has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 18:38:19] *** oubiwann has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 18:59:04] <creiht> oubiwann: You just missed all the fun

[21-Feb-2007 18:59:14] <oubiwann> oh dear :-(
[21-Feb-2007 18:59:17] <oubiwann> what happened?
[21-Feb-2007 18:59:19] <creiht> haha
[21-Feb-2007 18:59:21] <creiht> Nah it was good
[21-Feb-2007 18:59:31] <creiht> Just helping getting MatBoy going
[21-Feb-2007 19:02:31] <creiht> oubiwann: Are there going to be any BOFs or anything like that for zenoss at Pycon?
[21-Feb-2007 19:02:47] <oubiwann> yes, I believe so
[21-Feb-2007 19:03:03] <oubiwann> we're still coordinating with the PyCon organizers
[21-Feb-2007 19:03:09] <creiht> cool
[21-Feb-2007 19:03:13] <oubiwann> but any events will be posted
[21-Feb-2007 19:03:41] <oubiwann> and be sure to come up to us and say hello, and we'll give you updates directly :-)
[21-Feb-2007 19:03:51] <oubiwann> and give you a Zenoss hat :-)
[21-Feb-2007 19:04:32] <creiht> hehe
[21-Feb-2007 19:04:34] <creiht> wohoo!
[21-Feb-2007 19:04:35] <creiht>

[21-Feb-2007 19:15:58] <MatBoy>

[21-Feb-2007 19:26:02] *** MegaMahi has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 19:27:37] *** creiht has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 19:31:57] *** oubiwann has quit IRC
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[21-Feb-2007 20:55:15] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[21-Feb-2007 20:55:16] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[21-Feb-2007 20:55:17] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - 2007-02-21 03:33:59
[21-Feb-2007 20:55:18] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry117205763913202871
[21-Feb-2007 21:19:33] *** unxjnkie has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 21:19:38] <unxjnkie> Hi
[21-Feb-2007 21:58:12] *** unxjnkie has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 22:04:24] <MatBoy> Hi
[21-Feb-2007 22:04:27] *** em-dash has quit IRC
[21-Feb-2007 22:04:48] *** em-dash has joined #zenoss
[21-Feb-2007 22:27:40] <MatBoy> I tried zabbix to compare... waste of time

[21-Feb-2007 22:41:50] <MatBoy> I still can't see my processor on a DL360 with CpuMap
[21-Feb-2007 22:54:17] <MatBoy> I thought supermicro was using something else as lm_sensors btw...
[21-Feb-2007 23:16:49] <MatBoy> please let me know
[21-Feb-2007 23:16:51] <MatBoy> sleeping now
[21-Feb-2007 23:16:55] <MatBoy> 5 am here
[21-Feb-2007 23:16:55] <MatBoy>

[21-Feb-2007 23:58:47] *** em-dash has quit IRC
[22-Feb-2007 04:12:06] *** jeg1972 has joined #zenoss
[22-Feb-2007 04:12:18] <jeg1972> Morning everyone!
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[22-Feb-2007 06:41:55] *** chet has left #zenoss
[22-Feb-2007 07:25:08] <MatBoy> Hello !!
[22-Feb-2007 07:38:19] <jeg1972> Hello
[22-Feb-2007 07:47:27] <MatBoy> jeg1972, do you have CPU in HW in you HW tab ?
[22-Feb-2007 08:09:35] <jeg1972> What vendow server are you using?
[22-Feb-2007 08:13:21] <jeg1972> MatBoy - It depends on the vendor really... We have Supermicro servers which don't show the CPU info, but HP Proliants that do
[22-Feb-2007 08:13:50] <MatBoy> jeg1972, I have a old DL360G1orG2 rthat doesn't
[22-Feb-2007 08:14:47] <MatBoy> jeg1972, shall we work on the SM-part ?
[22-Feb-2007 08:16:56] <jeg1972> What OS are you running?
[22-Feb-2007 08:18:08] <jeg1972> There are some known problems displaying CPU info under Linux, for Windows, make sure you have SNMP-Informant installed first
[22-Feb-2007 08:19:47] <MatBoy> jeg1972, I have CentOS installed
[22-Feb-2007 08:19:55] <MatBoy> I saw the linux-prob indeed
[22-Feb-2007 08:20:53] <MatBoy> jeg1972, I must go... tlak to you later he... me = 100% online
[22-Feb-2007 08:21:19] <jeg1972> OK
[22-Feb-2007 09:01:10] *** chet has joined #zenoss
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[22-Feb-2007 12:52:52] *** ski98033 has joined #zenoss
[22-Feb-2007 12:53:31] <ski98033> Hi, I have a question on performance graphs
[22-Feb-2007 12:54:17] <ski98033> On the load average graph the y-axis units is m (e.g. 200 - 1000m). What are these units?
[22-Feb-2007 12:54:27] <ski98033> I am measuring a Mac osx machine
[22-Feb-2007 13:05:14] <chet> 1 mili = One thousandth of 1
[22-Feb-2007 13:08:36] <ski98033> ah that makes sense. I just got the load to go above 1000 and the graph changed to 0 - 2. Thanks
[22-Feb-2007 13:45:43] *** chet has quit IRC
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[22-Feb-2007 16:59:29] *** chet has left #zenoss
[22-Feb-2007 17:45:48] <MatBoy> Someone monitored CPU, I mean cat /proc/cpuinfo on linux ?
[22-Feb-2007 18:02:47] *** creiht has quit IRC
[22-Feb-2007 18:05:46] *** KOTOB has joined #zenoss
[22-Feb-2007 18:06:21] <KOTOB> hello
[22-Feb-2007 18:06:55] <KOTOB> Can someone please help me to configure a new network service?
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[22-Feb-2007 20:55:50] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[22-Feb-2007 20:55:51] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[22-Feb-2007 21:59:37] *** Southron has joined #zenoss
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[23-Feb-2007 00:19:59] *** N[]VA has joined #zenoss
[23-Feb-2007 00:20:04] <N[]VA> Morning
[23-Feb-2007 00:21:40] <N[]VA> any one around that could answer a few questions?
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[23-Feb-2007 02:23:17] *** ibscott has joined #zenoss
[23-Feb-2007 02:24:18] <ibscott> so has anyone built zenoss-1.1.1 on macosx?
[23-Feb-2007 02:26:32] <N[]VA> nope
[23-Feb-2007 02:26:34] <N[]VA> hi btw
[23-Feb-2007 02:26:34] <N[]VA> =]
[23-Feb-2007 02:31:17] <ibscott> hi

[23-Feb-2007 02:31:36] <ibscott> unfortunately, it seems like osx has an incompatible version of readline installed
[23-Feb-2007 02:32:27] <N[]VA> hurmf
[23-Feb-2007 02:32:39] <N[]VA> just about to do my first zenoss install
[23-Feb-2007 02:32:42] <N[]VA> so cant help ya
[23-Feb-2007 02:32:52] <N[]VA> or very little
[23-Feb-2007 02:32:53] <N[]VA>

[23-Feb-2007 02:35:32] <ibscott> no problem. i've decided to download and install the latest gnu readline
[23-Feb-2007 02:35:35] <ibscott> maybe that will fix it
[23-Feb-2007 02:57:37] <ibscott> bingo. worked like a charm.
[23-Feb-2007 03:04:25] <Snake-Eyes> when i start zenoss i get file errors from some of the packages: zenmodeler, zenperfxmlrpc etc along the lines of File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/zenmodeler.py", line 458, in ?
[23-Feb-2007 03:04:25] <Snake-Eyes> dc = ZenModeler()
[23-Feb-2007 03:04:25] <Snake-Eyes> . Any idea what I have misconfigured ?
[23-Feb-2007 03:06:59] <N[]VA> zen optimizer?
[23-Feb-2007 03:07:11] <N[]VA> zend
[23-Feb-2007 03:07:36] <Snake-Eyes> zend?
[23-Feb-2007 03:07:53] <N[]VA> ah wait
[23-Feb-2007 03:08:01] <N[]VA> its python not php
[23-Feb-2007 03:09:02] <Snake-Eyes> im fiddling with permissions
[23-Feb-2007 03:09:51] *** ibscott has left #zenoss
[23-Feb-2007 03:11:38] <Snake-Eyes> but have no idea if im on the right track
[23-Feb-2007 03:12:26] <N[]VA> any of you guys used zabbix?
[23-Feb-2007 03:12:38] <N[]VA> how would you compair it with zenoss
[23-Feb-2007 03:14:58] <Snake-Eyes> i was thinking of trying it out
[23-Feb-2007 03:18:19] <Snake-Eyes> opennms is insane in the amount off packages it requires
[23-Feb-2007 03:20:58] <N[]VA> zabbix is mad in the ammount config work
[23-Feb-2007 03:40:35] <Snake-Eyes> this is what i get when i start zenoss: http://rafb.net/p/RX75xQ54.html
[23-Feb-2007 03:40:42] <adytum-bot> Title: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)
[23-Feb-2007 04:18:22] *** b52lap has quit IRC
[23-Feb-2007 06:32:10] *** bastoon has joined #zenoss
[23-Feb-2007 06:32:56] <bastoon> hi, can i post in french ? or it is only english spoken ?
[23-Feb-2007 06:38:40] <bastoon> i'm looking for a distributed monitoring software like cacti
[23-Feb-2007 07:27:48] *** fulgas has joined #zenoss
[23-Feb-2007 07:28:00] <fulgas> heys
[23-Feb-2007 07:58:08] <MatBoy> Hi all !
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[23-Feb-2007 09:40:46] <Eimann> ah, finally i just installed zenoss on fc6 i386 in a xen3 vm

[23-Feb-2007 09:43:29] <Eimann> hm, but it seems, that snmp doesn't work properly here. with a snmpwalk i get the values like uptime, but when i add it in the webinterface i get a timeout from zenmodeler and it states, that it collected informations via snmp
[23-Feb-2007 09:43:55] <Eimann> but i can't see anything in the device dialog :/
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[23-Feb-2007 10:26:33] <_chris_> hi oubiwann
[23-Feb-2007 10:48:51] *** ski98033 has joined #zenoss
[23-Feb-2007 10:53:05] <oubiwann> _chris_: hey! didn't see your msg until just now ;-)
[23-Feb-2007 10:53:24] <_chris_>

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[23-Feb-2007 11:49:59] <chet> Did anyone see this article referencing Zenoss on Slashdot's front page today?
[23-Feb-2007 11:50:10] <chet> http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/article.php/31771_3660831_1
[23-Feb-2007 11:50:10] <adytum-bot> Title: Ten Leading Open Source Innovators (at itmanagement.earthweb.com)
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[23-Feb-2007 15:05:04] <chet> I'm trying to create a performance template using an OID that returns a number in string form, and it's raising an exception in zenperfsnmp.
[23-Feb-2007 15:05:11] *** Matt has quit IRC
[23-Feb-2007 15:05:18] <chet> Is there any easy way to have it automatically convert it to an integer?
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[23-Feb-2007 15:26:26] <chet> I'm trying to create a performance template using an OID that returns a number in string form, and it's raising an exception in zenperfsnmp.
[23-Feb-2007 15:26:30] <chet> Is there any easy way to have it automatically convert it to an integer?
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[23-Feb-2007 20:56:26] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Ben Harper - 30 Jan, 02:11AM
[23-Feb-2007 20:56:27] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=128
[23-Feb-2007 21:12:59] *** creiht has joined #zenoss
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[24-Feb-2007 01:27:39] *** tessier has joined #zenoss
[24-Feb-2007 01:27:44] <tessier> Hello all!
[24-Feb-2007 01:30:34] <tessier> I just discovered zenoss. I had just gotten a start on writing something which I had planned to be very much like it. Now I don't have to!

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[24-Feb-2007 02:21:49] <N[]VA> morning
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[24-Feb-2007 12:40:29] * chrismok yawns
[24-Feb-2007 13:11:01] <chrismok> ice storm headed this way....

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[24-Feb-2007 14:52:17] *** heebie has joined #Zenoss
[24-Feb-2007 14:52:30] <heebie> Hi. does anyone know if there is, or if there are plans for, a Gentoo ebuild of Zenoss?
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[24-Feb-2007 17:57:44] *** Moltar has joined #zenoss
[24-Feb-2007 17:59:35] <Moltar> Hi. I'm having a problem with Zenoss after my upgrade to 1.1.1. For some reason, zenping and some of the other daemons are failing to connect to mysql with a 'access denied' error.
[24-Feb-2007 18:00:18] <Moltar> Can anyone tell me where this password is supposed to be configured into the daemons?
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[24-Feb-2007 20:57:01] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - The Twisted Conference - 24 Feb, 08:04AM
[24-Feb-2007 20:57:02] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=129
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[24-Feb-2007 21:58:13] *** tessier_ has joined #zenoss
[24-Feb-2007 21:58:20] <tessier_> Not much chat in here...
[24-Feb-2007 21:58:40] <tessier_> cote_: Hmm...I think I've been reading your blog for quite a while...
[24-Feb-2007 21:59:34] <tessier_> Ah, yes. "People over process"
[24-Feb-2007 21:59:47] <tessier_> It's in my sage reader.

[24-Feb-2007 22:05:30] *** jimmy-james has joined #zenoss
[24-Feb-2007 22:06:07] <jimmy-james> hey, im downloaded the vmware image to see what zenoss was all about, but when i boot it asks me for login and password
[24-Feb-2007 22:06:27] <jimmy-james> anyone experience this?
[24-Feb-2007 22:08:18] <jimmy-james> nevermind i found the quick start guide
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[25-Feb-2007 07:24:08] <abretis> helo
[25-Feb-2007 07:24:12] <abretis> anyone alive
[25-Feb-2007 07:25:10] <abretis> im having a problem starting zenping, zensyslog, zentrap
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[25-Feb-2007 09:07:59] *** Boboga has joined #zenoss
[25-Feb-2007 09:08:22] <Boboga> hi all:)
[25-Feb-2007 09:11:46] <Boboga> anyone alive?
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[25-Feb-2007 14:49:45] <kjetilho> I'm wondering about the scalability of the stats collection.
[25-Feb-2007 14:50:05] <kjetilho> we are currently using Munin, and it has a pretty bad design problem: it uses one RRD file per stat
[25-Feb-2007 14:50:40] <kjetilho> this means each of our nodes has dozens of RRD files which need to be updated. this is simply too much of a load for our gatherer.
[25-Feb-2007 14:50:52] <kjetilho> so I'm wondering how Zenoss handles this?
[25-Feb-2007 14:51:14] <creiht> kjetilho: Most monitoring systems do a very similar thing
[25-Feb-2007 14:51:25] <creiht> How many nodes are you monitoring?
[25-Feb-2007 14:52:15] <kjetilho> we would like to monitor thousands
[25-Feb-2007 14:52:42] <kjetilho> although we don't need full stats for all of them (ie. workstations)
[25-Feb-2007 14:52:45] <creiht> I have heard several here talking about doing that
[25-Feb-2007 14:53:01] <creiht> RRD will scale to that easily
[25-Feb-2007 14:53:51] <kjetilho> if you use one file per node, perhaps
[25-Feb-2007 14:54:08] <creiht> even one file per data point
[25-Feb-2007 14:54:34] <creiht> kjetilho: Note also that I am just a user and not a dev

[25-Feb-2007 14:54:44] <creiht> So take everything I say with a grain of salt
[25-Feb-2007 14:54:57] <creiht> If you have specific concerns, I would post to the newsgroup
[25-Feb-2007 14:55:07] <creiht> The devs are usually fairly responsive
[25-Feb-2007 14:56:04] <kjetilho> we currently update 58297 RRD files every five minutes
[25-Feb-2007 14:56:24] <creiht> kjetilho: Yeah that's a lot

[25-Feb-2007 14:56:27] <kjetilho> it's only barely holding up
[25-Feb-2007 14:56:54] <creiht> Yeah I could se you hitting aginst it a bit
[25-Feb-2007 14:57:36] <creiht> Can you split the monitoring up?
[25-Feb-2007 14:57:56] <creiht> At that point you are running into disk IO problems
[25-Feb-2007 14:58:27] <kjetilho> I guess, but it's the disk I/O which is killing it I think. and it's complicated to scale that across to boxes and get a single web interface
[25-Feb-2007 14:58:36] <creiht> true
[25-Feb-2007 14:58:44] <kjetilho> well. we could just use NFS on the web host I guess
[25-Feb-2007 14:59:14] <creiht> kjetilho: I would make a post and see what the devs say
[25-Feb-2007 15:00:12] <kjetilho> do you have an installation?
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[25-Feb-2007 15:04:15] <kjetilho> hmm, is Zenoss SNMP only now?
[25-Feb-2007 15:04:49] <creiht> kjetilho: It has a set of plugins that can be used instead of SNMP
[25-Feb-2007 15:04:54] <creiht> And yes I have an installation
[25-Feb-2007 15:05:01] <creiht> though it is a bit small at the moment
[25-Feb-2007 15:05:19] <creiht> I ues it to monitor an internal machines
[25-Feb-2007 15:05:23] <creiht> almost 100 in all
[25-Feb-2007 15:05:29] <kjetilho> could you have a peek at which data files are stored for each node?
[25-Feb-2007 15:05:29] <creiht> not very much

[25-Feb-2007 15:05:46] <creiht> I'm not at work and don't have access to that at the moment
[25-Feb-2007 15:05:55] <kjetilho> ok, thanks anyway

[25-Feb-2007 15:06:07] <creiht> but I'm usually on here, so if you see me on Monday, remind me, and I will check
[25-Feb-2007 15:06:20] <creiht> But I would expect 1 per data point that is being collected
[25-Feb-2007 15:06:56] <kjetilho> ok. so the question is -- should I sit down to hack Munin (Perl) or Zenoss (Python)

[25-Feb-2007 15:07:20] <creiht> I'm a bython guy... so I choose Zenoss

[25-Feb-2007 15:07:26] <creiht> But the app is very nice
[25-Feb-2007 15:07:34] <creiht> And they are doing a lot very quickly
[25-Feb-2007 15:07:47] <creiht> And I know scalability is very important to them
[25-Feb-2007 15:07:56] <creiht> And that they are going to be working on that to make it even better
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[25-Feb-2007 19:58:42] <CraigP> hi...I'm wondering if anyone may have a clue as to why I get a timeout when trying to add a device...this happens right after I get the 'no portscan plugins found for <device name>' ...
[25-Feb-2007 20:02:12] <CraigP> I'm not getting a timeout when running snmpwalk against the device
[25-Feb-2007 20:04:35] <CraigP> and have successfully added other devices with the same procedure I used here, namely installing net-snmp, opening port 161 for udp, adding and rocommunity line to snmpd.conf and starting the daemon
[25-Feb-2007 20:57:32] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted BoF, Part Deux - 25 Feb, 05:04AM
[25-Feb-2007 20:57:33] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=130
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[25-Feb-2007 23:01:06] <Snake-Eyes> Any ideas why graphs arent showing up in zenoss (perf), I treid restarting zenperfsnmp and zenmodeler as mentationed in the faq, with no change
[25-Feb-2007 23:02:21] <Greg> what device are you looking at, cause it depends on what data zenoss can get
[25-Feb-2007 23:03:09] <Snake-Eyes> snmp on debian server and cisco router
[25-Feb-2007 23:03:16] <Snake-Eyes> i can snmpwalk both
[25-Feb-2007 23:03:35] <Greg> has graphing worked before?
[25-Feb-2007 23:03:41] <Greg> or for any other device?
[25-Feb-2007 23:04:03] <Snake-Eyes> nope
[25-Feb-2007 23:04:38] <Snake-Eyes> i added the router thinking maybe it was snmp client on the server
[25-Feb-2007 23:05:45] <Greg> check what makes the graphs
[25-Feb-2007 23:06:13] <Greg> or the PerfConf for the device
[25-Feb-2007 23:06:33] <Snake-Eyes> zenmodeler ?
[25-Feb-2007 23:06:57] <Greg> not sure
[25-Feb-2007 23:08:15] <Snake-Eyes> PerfConf looks correct (from what i know)
[25-Feb-2007 23:09:46] <Snake-Eyes> ok restarted zenoss
[25-Feb-2007 23:11:00] <Greg> check the event.log?
[25-Feb-2007 23:14:28] <Snake-Eyes> just tailed it, dont see anything
[25-Feb-2007 23:14:56] <Greg> how long did you let it run, it does take a little while before it starts graphing
[25-Feb-2007 23:16:13] <Snake-Eyes> before i restarted, it had been runing for over hour
[25-Feb-2007 23:16:20] <Greg> hmm
[25-Feb-2007 23:18:09] <Snake-Eyes> think i found something in the event log
[25-Feb-2007 23:18:33] <Snake-Eyes> error: Opening '/tmp/renderserver/graph-ef5c6bab616401d93612c37c950c40af129600.png' for write: Permission denied
[25-Feb-2007 23:18:43] <Greg> ah
[25-Feb-2007 23:18:55] <Greg> hold on i found a mailing-list thread on that a sec ago
[25-Feb-2007 23:20:48] <Greg> check permissions on the /tmp/renderserver folder
[25-Feb-2007 23:21:04] <Greg> user:group should be zenoss:zenoss
[25-Feb-2007 23:21:55] <Greg> and the folder should be chmoded 755
[25-Feb-2007 23:22:58] <Snake-Eyes> ok
[25-Feb-2007 23:23:28] <Snake-Eyes> that fixed it
[25-Feb-2007 23:23:33] <Snake-Eyes> thanks Greg
[25-Feb-2007 23:24:02] <Greg> np
[25-Feb-2007 23:25:02] *** chowmeined has joined #zenoss
[25-Feb-2007 23:25:37] <chowmeined> Why am I getting flooded with events from zenoss when I am only monitoring 2 devices? Most of the events seem to be coming from devices other than the ones I have added
[25-Feb-2007 23:26:27] <Greg> snmp traps?
[25-Feb-2007 23:27:08] <chowmeined> I have them set to go to the device this virtual machine is hosted on.. not the ip address of the virtual machine
[25-Feb-2007 23:27:18] <chowmeined> Would they still be coming through?
[25-Feb-2007 23:27:32] <Greg> vmware image i assume?
[25-Feb-2007 23:27:45] <chowmeined> yes
[25-Feb-2007 23:28:07] <chowmeined> but its from all different components, zenping, zenaction, zenxevent, zentrap, zensyslog
[25-Feb-2007 23:28:34] <Greg> oh so its internal zenoss events, not like from random devices on the network?
[25-Feb-2007 23:29:21] <chowmeined> its listing real device names
[25-Feb-2007 23:29:44] <chowmeined> there are already over 300 events and im monitoring only 2 devices.. If this doesnt stop ill get lost
[25-Feb-2007 23:30:06] <Greg> what are some of the events?
[25-Feb-2007 23:30:34] <chowmeined> comp.domain.net is down
[25-Feb-2007 23:30:39] <chowmeined> lots of those
[25-Feb-2007 23:30:53] <chowmeined> zenping heartbeat failure
[25-Feb-2007 23:31:05] <chowmeined> zensyslog heartbeat failure
[25-Feb-2007 23:31:13] <chowmeined> but there are all on devices i havnt added
[25-Feb-2007 23:31:18] <Greg> did you just reboot the VM?
[25-Feb-2007 23:31:45] <chowmeined> a little less than an hour ago
[25-Feb-2007 23:32:40] <Greg> cause i usually see those zenping failure messages after rebooting the virtual machine, no idea why cause doing a 'ps -aux | grep zenping' shows it as running
[25-Feb-2007 23:33:22] <chowmeined> but why is it even telling me about this? I dont care about these machines they are user devices
[25-Feb-2007 23:34:21] <Greg> im talking about the heartbeat failure messages
[25-Feb-2007 23:35:07] <chowmeined> ok but even still
[25-Feb-2007 23:35:08] <Greg> can you click on the device names at all?
[25-Feb-2007 23:35:18] <chowmeined> yes
[25-Feb-2007 23:35:25] <chowmeined> and it goes to a blank device search page
[25-Feb-2007 23:36:33] <Greg> ive had the vmware image do lots of wierd stuff, like somehow manage to claim that its the marketing departments mac-g5.domain.com
[25-Feb-2007 23:37:33] <Greg> i usually just let it sit for a hour or so and the schizophrenia passes
[25-Feb-2007 23:37:34] <chowmeined> how did these names even get in here?
[25-Feb-2007 23:37:46] <chowmeined> They are the names of real devices in our network
[25-Feb-2007 23:39:40] <Greg> they dont usually, unless it discovers devices by itself which ive never seen it do
[25-Feb-2007 23:39:55] <Greg> but it doesnt list a device for them(you get the blank page)
[25-Feb-2007 23:40:05] <chowmeined> right
[25-Feb-2007 23:40:14] <Greg> so its probably still in that state of confusion
[25-Feb-2007 23:40:29] <Greg> what did you have to do that required a reboot?
[25-Feb-2007 23:40:31] <chowmeined> but on the events page its listing tons and tons of events for real devices in my network that I never added
[25-Feb-2007 23:40:49] <chowmeined> I didnt reboot.. it crashed
[25-Feb-2007 23:40:58] <chowmeined> the vmware host
[25-Feb-2007 23:41:23] <Greg> good reason to reboot :\ ...
[25-Feb-2007 23:41:28] <chowmeined> windows... :-/ im going to move it to a real server later I just wanted to test it out so
[25-Feb-2007 23:41:59] <Greg> ya thats what im doing right now with it
[25-Feb-2007 23:42:53] <Greg> but the VMware image is funky, it has some issues, but overall it works
[25-Feb-2007 23:43:22] <chowmeined> i just want to make sure it is working perfectly before I go present it
[25-Feb-2007 23:43:38] <Greg> im still trying to figure out why my events are 7 hours off in zope even after doing the 'export TZ'
[25-Feb-2007 23:43:50] <chowmeined> or they will reject it
[25-Feb-2007 23:44:07] <chowmeined> they will also reject it if I tell them it doesnt cost any money.. ?? I don't know why they do that
[25-Feb-2007 23:44:23] <Greg> excuse to buy the support plan
[25-Feb-2007 23:44:27] <chowmeined> So ill just tell them its very expensive and everyone is happy
[25-Feb-2007 23:44:46] <chowmeined> yea and they can buy that
[25-Feb-2007 23:45:06] <chowmeined> how long does it usually take before a monitored service is checked?
[25-Feb-2007 23:45:21] <chowmeined> I stopped a service on a machine about 20 minutes ago and zenoss still thinks its 'UP'
[25-Feb-2007 23:46:06] <Greg> state of confusion, everyone thinks no one is running
[25-Feb-2007 23:46:18] <Greg> i really cant explain it
[25-Feb-2007 23:46:28] <chowmeined> does a dedicated server install do this?
[25-Feb-2007 23:46:37] <Greg> cause everything is running but not, but it is
[25-Feb-2007 23:46:43] <Greg> i would like to hope not
[25-Feb-2007 23:46:59] <Greg> havent had time to manually build this
[25-Feb-2007 23:47:57] <Greg> but for some reason it seems to take care of that zenwhatever heartbeat failure on its own
[25-Feb-2007 23:48:29] <Greg> i didnt bother to check the logs cause it would clear itself out by the time i had time off from the helldesk to look at it
[26-Feb-2007 00:01:05] <chowmeined> hmm this isnt working
[26-Feb-2007 00:04:55] <chowmeined> is there anyone who can explain why zenoss is doing this?
[26-Feb-2007 00:17:05] <chowmeined> its also trashing the performance
[26-Feb-2007 00:21:47] <chowmeined> i think its zen modler
[26-Feb-2007 00:30:10] <chowmeined> modeler*
[26-Feb-2007 00:34:01] <Snake-Eyes> Greg, are there any other how-to's besides admin guide and the wiki, for things like adding services and scripts ?
[26-Feb-2007 00:40:02] <chowmeined> Is there any way to make it stop creating events for devices I dont care about?
[26-Feb-2007 00:40:18] <chowmeined> I am still getting events for all these workstations all I want is for it to monitor the 2 devices I have added to it so far
[26-Feb-2007 00:46:42] <chowmeined> make it stop
[26-Feb-2007 00:47:32] <chowmeined> If this is how the software always operates then it is useless. I dont care about the hundereds of workstations that people are messing with all day only the servers that need to stay running smoothly
[26-Feb-2007 00:49:46] <Greg> sry im back, ive been looking thru the mailing list for fixes and such
[26-Feb-2007 00:50:45] <chowmeined> Greg: it has settled down a little but it is still generating events for devices other than the ones I have added to the devices page.. Also on the devices I /have/ added I told it to monitor certain services such as telnet... then to test I turned off telnet and it still shows up as 'UP' an hour later
[26-Feb-2007 00:51:03] <Greg> check to make sure the workstations arent sending traps as that will cause it to file an event
[26-Feb-2007 00:51:04] <Greg> hmm
[26-Feb-2007 00:51:43] <chowmeined> This virtual machine's IP is random by DHCP no machines are sent to send traps to it.. they are all currently set to send them to another machine
[26-Feb-2007 00:52:11] <Greg> which if i remember right its the main box VMware is running on?
[26-Feb-2007 00:52:20] <chowmeined> yes
[26-Feb-2007 00:52:36] <Greg> could vmware be leaking?
[26-Feb-2007 00:52:45] <chowmeined> ill -p udp --dport 161 -j DROP
[26-Feb-2007 00:53:13] <Greg> well thats gonna break snmp for everything
[26-Feb-2007 00:53:34] <chowmeined> --state NEW?
[26-Feb-2007 00:53:55] <chowmeined> ill just put this on a dedicated machine tomorrow
[26-Feb-2007 00:54:11] <Greg> still wont work, any trap your actually monitored devices send will be bit bucketed
[26-Feb-2007 00:55:22] <Greg> ya i would just do that and build from the cvs/svn
[26-Feb-2007 00:55:36] <Greg> ill probably be doing that next week
[26-Feb-2007 00:55:47] <Greg> get some more control over this thing
[26-Feb-2007 01:10:36] <Snake-Eyes> Greg, know of any good places for extra docs, besides the wiki and admin guide about adding services ?
[26-Feb-2007 01:12:30] <Greg> nope, unless you count google as documentation, thats what ive been using, the wiki doesnt have alot of info on it, like i said the mailing list archives have stuff
[26-Feb-2007 01:12:41] <Greg> and the IRC logs i think are posted somewhre
[26-Feb-2007 01:15:55] <Snake-Eyes> damn, the admin guide is rather brief on that section
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[26-Feb-2007 02:33:45] <Snake-Eyes> this is abit broken, i just acentdently deleted a service, and according to this I cant get it back http://lists.zenoss.org/pipermail/zenoss-users/2007/003361.html
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[26-Feb-2007 05:09:02] <sven> hi
[26-Feb-2007 05:11:14] <sven> 1) are there plans to incorporate the rrdtool features for anomaly detection into zenoss? http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/doc/rrdcreate.en.html (halfway down the page)
[26-Feb-2007 05:11:14] <adytum-bot> Title: RRDtool - rrdcreate (at oss.oetiker.ch)
[26-Feb-2007 05:11:51] <sven> 2) are there plans to support munin nodes, so that munin-data can be gathered directly into zenoss?
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[26-Feb-2007 06:14:36] <jeg1972> Hi everyone
[26-Feb-2007 06:37:53] <N[]VA> greets
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[26-Feb-2007 11:33:02] <PerlStalker> Good $time_of_day
[26-Feb-2007 11:33:36] <PerlStalker> Can someone point me as some docs for getting performance information from a custom MIB tree
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[26-Feb-2007 16:02:34] <PerlStalker> Can someome point me at docs for writting a DataCollector Plugin?
[26-Feb-2007 16:02:48] <PerlStalker> The docs on dev.zenoss.org are lacking
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[26-Feb-2007 19:49:46] <Snake-Eyes> this is very strange, zenperfsnmp keeps dieing. Ive started manuallly, through website and even restarted zenoss (stop and started) but still dies after few seconds, leaving no logs
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[26-Feb-2007 20:58:14] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted BoF, Part Deux - 25 Feb, 05:04AM
[26-Feb-2007 20:58:15] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=130
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[26-Feb-2007 22:05:59] <chowmeined> How can I monitor the zenoss processes after adding a new device?
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:04] <_chris_> chowmeined: are you trying to monitor the zenoss application processes? the python ones?
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:10] <chowmeined> yes
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:30] <chowmeined> they didnt get installed properly during the install and I dont know how to run the initial configuration again
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:45] <_chris_> did you install via RPM?
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:49] <chowmeined> it failed to connect and add itself
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:52] <chowmeined> yes i did
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:57] <_chris_> ok
[26-Feb-2007 22:14:59] <_chris_> as root
[26-Feb-2007 22:15:00] <_chris_> run
[26-Feb-2007 22:15:13] <_chris_> /etc/init.d/zenoss stop
[26-Feb-2007 22:15:16] <_chris_> then
[26-Feb-2007 22:15:25] <_chris_> touch /opt/zenoss/.fresh_install
[26-Feb-2007 22:15:40] <_chris_> then do:
[26-Feb-2007 22:15:42] <_chris_> mysql -u root -p
[26-Feb-2007 22:15:47] <_chris_> drop database events;
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:00] <_chris_> after that you can start up zenoss again:
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:06] <_chris_> /etc/init.d/zenoss start
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:07] <chowmeined> ok, thanks
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:13] <_chris_> that should repopulate the events database
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:14] <_chris_> oh ya
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:24] <_chris_> you also need to remove the files in /opt/zenoss/var
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:31] <_chris_> (but not the var directory)
[26-Feb-2007 22:16:53] <chowmeined> also, I mean its not a huge issue i dont plan to restart too often once im done testing, but why does it take so long to start and stop zenoss?
[26-Feb-2007 22:17:25] <_chris_> zenoss sleeps for like 2s after it starts up each daemon
[26-Feb-2007 22:17:30] <_chris_> and there are lik 9 of them...
[26-Feb-2007 22:17:35] <chowmeined> it takes about 5 minutes to start and stop
[26-Feb-2007 22:17:48] <_chris_> when many (all?) of the daemons start up
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:04] <_chris_> they look at the model in the zodb and that's an expensive operation
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:14] <chowmeined> oh ok
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:17] <_chris_> if 9 processes did it all at once it'd suck. so it's spread out to reduce contention
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:19] <_chris_> but ya -
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:21] <_chris_> on a slow machine
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:22] <_chris_> it's painful
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:23] <_chris_>

[26-Feb-2007 22:18:33] <_chris_> hopefully we'll be tossing ZODB soon
[26-Feb-2007 22:18:43] <chowmeined> whats going on instead?
[26-Feb-2007 22:19:25] <_chris_> moving to a relational backend (hopefully)
[26-Feb-2007 22:22:18] <chowmeined> I thought it was already using MySQL?
[26-Feb-2007 22:22:56] <_chris_> the events are stored in MySQL. but the model (what devices exist, what the performance templates look like) - all of that is wrapped up in a ZODB
[26-Feb-2007 22:24:17] <chowmeined> how much would it take to move that into MySQL?
[26-Feb-2007 22:27:24] <_chris_> quite a lot!

[26-Feb-2007 22:27:43] <_chris_> but as more and more people are asking for 1000+ device installations the need is becoming more real
[26-Feb-2007 22:28:18] <chowmeined> hmm, I know python, although I havn't used the zope framework is there anything I can do to help?
[26-Feb-2007 22:30:33] <chowmeined> oh is there a way to set the intial configuration tool to not use 'localhost.localdomain' but instead use the fqdn? So that it shows up under that name once it is added to the device database?
[26-Feb-2007 22:33:24] <_chris_> sorry - i had my window minimized....
[26-Feb-2007 22:33:30] <_chris_> the best way to help is to spread the word of zenoss

[26-Feb-2007 22:33:59] <_chris_> that information is stored in /opt/zenoss/bin/install-functions.sh i believe
[26-Feb-2007 22:34:03] <_chris_> look for the wget command
[26-Feb-2007 22:34:09] <_chris_> change the deviceName to be the fqdn
[26-Feb-2007 22:34:10] <_chris_> or -
[26-Feb-2007 22:34:15] <_chris_> you can always just go in through the UI
[26-Feb-2007 22:34:18] <_chris_> click on the device
[26-Feb-2007 22:34:20] <_chris_> click Manage
[26-Feb-2007 22:34:25] <_chris_> and then rename the device to it's fqdn.
[26-Feb-2007 22:35:02] <chowmeined> oh, but then the emails still use http://localhost.localdomain/ to acknowledge
[26-Feb-2007 22:35:20] <_chris_> oh -
[26-Feb-2007 22:35:24] <_chris_> ya that's stored somewhere else
[26-Feb-2007 22:35:28] <_chris_> i think that's a zProperty
[26-Feb-2007 22:35:34] <chowmeined> oh ok
[26-Feb-2007 22:35:38] <_chris_> that URL is referring to the zenoss server
[26-Feb-2007 22:38:30] <chowmeined> ah, thank you
[26-Feb-2007 23:25:38] *** fulgas has joined #zenoss
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[27-Feb-2007 01:02:43] <chowmeined> where is the zope username?
[27-Feb-2007 01:05:12] <chowmeined> is just any of the usernames installed in zenoss? or the admin one?
[27-Feb-2007 01:22:41] <Snake-Eyes> zenoss creates a username when its installed (u:zenoss p:what ever you entered)
[27-Feb-2007 01:23:05] <Snake-Eyes> Any one know if zenoss works with snmp v3 ?
[27-Feb-2007 01:26:50] <Snake-Eyes> chowmeined, you can also look at zenossdir/etc/zope.conf
[27-Feb-2007 01:27:49] <chowmeined> oh so any of those users
[27-Feb-2007 01:29:20] <chowmeined> hmm wmi still times out
[27-Feb-2007 01:29:21] <chowmeined> strange
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[27-Feb-2007 01:37:45] *** _chris_ has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 01:52:27] <chowmeined> Why can't I just have zenwin monitor this box? It says in the logs that there is no wmi connection... how do I start one?
[27-Feb-2007 02:32:03] <chowmeined> how do I get a zenwin server to monitor itself? I keep running into wmi errors?
[27-Feb-2007 02:36:35] <Snake-Eyes> no idea
[27-Feb-2007 02:36:50] <chowmeined> it works for remote machines.. just not local ones
[27-Feb-2007 02:37:26] <chowmeined> well i mean just not itself
[27-Feb-2007 02:37:37] <Snake-Eyes> im still trying to figure out zenoss for myself

[27-Feb-2007 02:40:39] *** _fulgas has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 02:46:46] <chowmeined> cool i got it working
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[27-Feb-2007 03:00:08] <Snake-Eyes> hmm its not even ssh'ing out
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[27-Feb-2007 06:05:57] <spekul> morning
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[27-Feb-2007 08:44:34] <spekul> i am about to configure zenoss for a larger site with around 5000 devices to monitor
[27-Feb-2007 08:44:57] <spekul> so far i am quite happy with it, but there is one thing i am searching for and i am not able to find
[27-Feb-2007 08:45:15] <spekul> i know how to add new device classes
[27-Feb-2007 08:45:37] <spekul> but is there a way to also attach to be monitored oids to a device class?
[27-Feb-2007 08:45:58] <spekul> or better, is there documentation on how to properly create new device classes?
[27-Feb-2007 08:53:41] *** chet has joined #zenoss
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[27-Feb-2007 10:17:20] <PerlStalker> Are there docs published for creating new DataCollector plugins?
[27-Feb-2007 10:17:52] <PerlStalker> I've seen http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/wiki/HowToDataCollectorPlugin
[27-Feb-2007 10:17:52] <adytum-bot> Title: HowToDataCollectorPlugin - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
[27-Feb-2007 10:17:53] <PerlStalker> but "In Progress" doesn't help much
[27-Feb-2007 10:20:29] <chet> If you know python, it's really as straightforward as copying one of the existing plugins and adapting it to your needs.
[27-Feb-2007 10:21:10] <PerlStalker> I haven't used python before but I can read it well enough.
[27-Feb-2007 10:22:25] <PerlStalker> I was looking at adapting the InterfaceMap class to deal with an class of APs that keep track of SU info there.
[27-Feb-2007 10:23:21] *** _chris_ has quit IRC
[27-Feb-2007 10:23:58] <PerlStalker> Do the names of things in the TableMaps have any special meaning?
[27-Feb-2007 10:24:32] <chet> No. If you're creating a new map you define them.
[27-Feb-2007 10:25:08] * PerlStalker nods
[27-Feb-2007 10:25:16] <chet> The main problem at this point seems to be with maps that have regularly changing indexes.
[27-Feb-2007 10:25:39] <PerlStalker> What do you mean?
[27-Feb-2007 10:26:24] <chet> For example.. let's say you had a router where sometimes Loopback0 was ifIndex 1, and sometimes it was ifIndex 4..
[27-Feb-2007 10:26:33] <PerlStalker> Ah, I see.
[27-Feb-2007 10:26:48] <PerlStalker> I've seen that when trying to use MRTG>
[27-Feb-2007 10:26:49] <chet> It wreaks havoc with your perfconf.
[27-Feb-2007 10:28:28] <PerlStalker> That could be a problem.
[27-Feb-2007 10:28:54] <PerlStalker> I have a router with a few hundred interfaces that need to be kept straight
[27-Feb-2007 10:29:58] <PerlStalker> The APs I'm working with don't have that problem, fortunately.
[27-Feb-2007 10:30:54] <PerlStalker> What happens when an interface change ifIndexes?
[27-Feb-2007 10:31:13] <PerlStalker> Do the charts end up associated with the wrong interface?
[27-Feb-2007 10:33:58] <chet> hmm.. actually, browsing through the code it looks like it is handled correctly by ifDescr.
[27-Feb-2007 10:34:59] <PerlStalker> That's good.
[27-Feb-2007 10:41:44] <PerlStalker> OK. So assuming I can get a Map built for these APs, how does that tie into the performance graphs?
[27-Feb-2007 10:46:32] <chet> Let's see if I can explain this properly..
[27-Feb-2007 10:46:45] * PerlStalker listens intently
[27-Feb-2007 10:47:14] <chet> In the InterfaceMap example, you see how the ifTypes map reconciles your ifType INTEGER result with a textual description like ethernetCsmacd?
[27-Feb-2007 10:47:42] <PerlStalker> Yes
[27-Feb-2007 10:47:52] <chet> Then in processInt it sets om.type to that textual value.
[27-Feb-2007 10:48:05] <chet> You'll see that you perfConf is actually named ethernetCsmacd.
[27-Feb-2007 10:48:35] <chet> This is how zenperfsnmp knows which template to apply.
[27-Feb-2007 10:49:20] <PerlStalker> Ok
[27-Feb-2007 10:52:07] <spekul> while you are talking about templates.. i am familar with coding and python as well, so could you give me a hint where to start to add templates for example wireless devices? i want to create a new deviceclass for cisco accesspoints
[27-Feb-2007 10:52:15] <PerlStalker> And the DataSources in that template map to the names given to the oids from InterfaceMap?
[27-Feb-2007 10:52:35] <spekul> its not that i request a howto

[27-Feb-2007 10:53:36] <chet> PerlStalker: Actually, the names of the data sources in the template are arbitrary as well. You have to specify the OIDs in the template specifically.
[27-Feb-2007 10:53:57] <PerlStalker> chet: Gotcha
[27-Feb-2007 10:53:59] <chet> spekul: Do you already know what OIDs you're interested in?
[27-Feb-2007 10:54:04] <PerlStalker> That makes some sense.
[27-Feb-2007 11:05:08] *** _chris_ has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 11:10:44] <spekul> chet: jep, its more or less a collection of oids i already know. if i got it right, that could be organized into a class
[27-Feb-2007 11:11:00] <spekul> as you talked about templates, i thought this might be the direction to go
[27-Feb-2007 11:11:08] <spekul> maybe i am wrong
[27-Feb-2007 11:11:30] <spekul> what i want to collect is data about link quality, failed associations and so on
[27-Feb-2007 11:54:08] *** _chris_ has quit IRC
[27-Feb-2007 11:55:11] <chet> spekul: If the information is stored in the MIB indexed by the ifIndex you can just add the oids to a template that has the name of the ifType.
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[27-Feb-2007 12:32:17] <PerlStalker> Performance templates are supposed to be inheireted right?
[27-Feb-2007 12:32:36] <PerlStalker> So /Device/Network inheirets from /Device
[27-Feb-2007 12:32:44] <chet> yes
[27-Feb-2007 12:32:59] <chet> But they override, not accumulate.
[27-Feb-2007 12:33:35] <chet> So /Device/Network would only inherit from /Device if there was no template defined for /Device/Networ
[27-Feb-2007 12:36:37] <chet> This is something that the developers are probably going to be changing though.
[27-Feb-2007 12:36:48] <PerlStalker> I see.
[27-Feb-2007 12:38:14] <PerlStalker> I'm having an issue where a router I added is not getting performace data.
[27-Feb-2007 12:38:46] <chet> At least from what I've gathered on the mailing list.
[27-Feb-2007 12:38:46] <chet> It'll probably be a multiple-inheritance system like Groups. You'll be able to assign zero or more sets of templates to each device organizer.
[27-Feb-2007 12:39:01] <PerlStalker> That'll be nice.
[27-Feb-2007 12:39:24] <PerlStalker> Actually, the router is not getting data for interfaces.
[27-Feb-2007 12:39:55] <chet> The interfaces aren't even showing up on the OS tab?
[27-Feb-2007 12:41:17] * PerlStalker is checking
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[27-Feb-2007 12:50:12] <_chris_> PerlStalker: are you getting any other information on the OS tab (services, processes, filesystems, etc?)
[27-Feb-2007 12:51:29] <PerlStalker> I see the interfaces there.
[27-Feb-2007 12:51:32] *** _chris_ has quit IRC
[27-Feb-2007 12:51:47] <PerlStalker> Perhaps I'm looking for the graphs in the wrong place.
[27-Feb-2007 12:53:26] <PerlStalker> N/m I was looking unser the perf tap instead of digging down.
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[27-Feb-2007 13:14:54] *** _chris__ has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 13:48:44] <oubiwann> _chris__: whatchya working on today?
[27-Feb-2007 13:49:41] <_chris__> i'm out at the pool working on nevow. someone in Room744 was kind enough to leave the wifi open
[27-Feb-2007 13:49:45] <_chris__> i HIGHLY recommend you come out
[27-Feb-2007 13:49:48] <_chris__> signal is strong
[27-Feb-2007 13:49:50] <_chris__> the music is on
[27-Feb-2007 13:49:52] <_chris__> and the air is warm
[27-Feb-2007 13:50:15] <_chris__> i actually would like to ask you a few nevow questions so i was planning on hunting you down at some point today

[27-Feb-2007 13:50:46] <_chris__> i ran into your furry friend last night and this morning again. he and some other guys were out drinkin last night!
[27-Feb-2007 13:51:09] <oubiwann> _chris__: I don't know how you can work outside :-)
[27-Feb-2007 13:51:17] <_chris__> i don't know how you can work INSIDE!
[27-Feb-2007 13:51:28] <_chris__> would you get distracted or something?
[27-Feb-2007 13:51:36] <oubiwann> _chris__: I'm always checking out the ladies when I'm outside... incorrigible, I am
[27-Feb-2007 13:52:35] <_chris__> there is a lady out here and 4 guys. the other 3 guys have their shirts off, are tanned, and muscular. i'm pastey, wearing jeans, and a "Tom is not my friend." t-shirt.
[27-Feb-2007 13:52:42] <_chris__> not much competition from me

[27-Feb-2007 13:54:01] <_chris__> so where are you today? addison room?
[27-Feb-2007 13:59:48] <kjetilho> _chris__: hehe, I have that t-shirt, too

[27-Feb-2007 14:00:17] <_chris__> i love this shirt
[27-Feb-2007 14:00:18] <_chris__>

[27-Feb-2007 14:04:19] <oubiwann> _chris__: yup, in Addison room
[27-Feb-2007 14:04:34] <oubiwann> no tanned, muscular dudes in here...
[27-Feb-2007 14:08:06] <_chris__> i can't wait for LED screens
[27-Feb-2007 14:08:19] <_chris__> and fuel cell batteries
[27-Feb-2007 14:08:26] <_chris__> and 802.11a
[27-Feb-2007 14:08:41] <_chris__> it'd be nice to never have to work inside ... ever ... again
[27-Feb-2007 14:11:07] <_chris__> kjethilho: do you get a lot of "who's tom?"
[27-Feb-2007 14:12:55] <kjetilho> _chris__: a few
[27-Feb-2007 14:13:05] <_chris__> how do you answer?
[27-Feb-2007 14:13:19] <kjetilho> actually I don't wear it much since I feel guilty about actually using Myspace to surf for new music
[27-Feb-2007 14:13:27] <_chris__> hah
[27-Feb-2007 14:18:56] <_chris__> oubiwann: you busy? can i come ask you a question?
[27-Feb-2007 14:19:03] <oubiwann> you betchya
[27-Feb-2007 14:19:41] <_chris__> ok i'm comin in
[27-Feb-2007 14:19:44] <_chris__> be there in a few
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[27-Feb-2007 16:23:39] <PerlStalker> Are there docs on recommended hardware configurations?
[27-Feb-2007 16:24:50] <chet> PerlStalker: nope
[27-Feb-2007 16:25:01] <PerlStalker> Fair enough.
[27-Feb-2007 16:25:12] <chet> Asking around can get you some good numbers though.
[27-Feb-2007 16:25:46] <PerlStalker> I'm looking to monitor a couple hundred devices. Some with 50-100 interfaces.
[27-Feb-2007 16:25:57] <chet> I've been able to do 40k-50k data points at a 5 minute interval on a Dell 2850 (dual 3Ghz 6GB RAM.)
[27-Feb-2007 16:26:20] <PerlStalker> Interesting
[27-Feb-2007 16:27:10] <chet> My limiting factor seems to be latency to the hosts more than processor power/RAM though.
[27-Feb-2007 16:27:35] <PerlStalker> Could that be mitigated by using another monitoring host?
[27-Feb-2007 16:27:40] <chet> Definitely.
[27-Feb-2007 16:28:18] <chet> Running additional instances of zenperfsnmp gives you instant scalability.
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[27-Feb-2007 17:00:32] <spekul> chet: thanks for your hints some hours ago. managed to do what i wanted to do, and after investigating some more time, it got clear what went wrong in my head and why it was a more or less lousy question.
[27-Feb-2007 17:03:58] *** oubiwann has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 17:10:40] <oubiwann> _chris__: ping
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[27-Feb-2007 19:54:35] <Snake-Eyes> zenoss is so not ssh'ing to this box
[27-Feb-2007 19:54:56] <Snake-Eyes> i see nnothing in auth.log
[27-Feb-2007 19:59:43] *** archon- has left #zenoss
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[27-Feb-2007 20:49:13] *** chowmeined has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 20:49:17] <chowmeined> hello
[27-Feb-2007 20:51:46] <Snake-Eyes> hey, you wouldnt have gotten ssh part working with zenoss by any chance ?

[27-Feb-2007 20:51:56] <chowmeined> is there a way to create custom status pages for certain classes of device?
[27-Feb-2007 20:52:16] <chowmeined> Snake-Eyes: want me to try? I can see to troubleshoot
[27-Feb-2007 20:52:18] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: what do you mean by the "ssh part of zenoss"?
[27-Feb-2007 20:53:10] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, I'm trying to setup zenoss to collect data from another machine via ssh
[27-Feb-2007 20:53:46] <Snake-Eyes> I've followed the admin guide and put the settings into the zProperties and installed the plugin
[27-Feb-2007 20:53:52] <_chris_> are you referring to modeling information? or have you already modeled the device and you're trying to collect performance information from it?
[27-Feb-2007 20:54:31] <Snake-Eyes> um
[27-Feb-2007 20:54:39] <_chris_> have you already added the device?
[27-Feb-2007 20:54:49] <Snake-Eyes> yes
[27-Feb-2007 20:54:59] <_chris_> and you're seeing interface information in the OS tab?
[27-Feb-2007 20:55:11] <_chris_> along with filesystems?
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[27-Feb-2007 20:56:37] <Snake-Eyes> i added the device and used snmp which collected all that info, orignal, now im trying via ssh and all those stats in OS tab dont lok like they're being updated, should I remove device and put in from scratch again ?
[27-Feb-2007 20:58:48] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Object Publishing with Nevow - 27 Feb, 10:04PM
[27-Feb-2007 20:58:49] -adytum-bot- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=131
[27-Feb-2007 20:58:50] -adytum-bot- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [Voidspace] Short Version of IronPython Talk Online
[27-Feb-2007 20:58:51] -adytum-bot- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry1518491743175305174
[27-Feb-2007 21:00:52] <chowmeined> so is there a way to create custom status pages? or at least populate those custom schemas with my own snmp values?
[27-Feb-2007 21:02:24] *** kjetilho has left #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 21:03:17] <chowmeined> a lot of the things i can graph like memory, and packets/s or whichever but some things dont change like OS revision or certain configuration settings on switches
[27-Feb-2007 21:03:34] *** nassy has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 21:04:56] *** nassy has quit IRC
[27-Feb-2007 21:05:06] *** nassy has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 21:05:45] <Snake-Eyes> chowmeined, i think you can if you can get the values via snmp
[27-Feb-2007 21:05:50] <Snake-Eyes> not sure
[27-Feb-2007 21:06:17] <chowmeined> yea i already have the specific SNMP OIDs that I want to use.. I just dont know how to edit the device status pages to put them on there
[27-Feb-2007 21:06:42] <chowmeined> let me try setting up ssh
[27-Feb-2007 21:07:45] <Snake-Eyes> ah finally im seeing something in auth.log on the other box
[27-Feb-2007 21:14:10] <Snake-Eyes> hmm sshd[32266]: fatal: Timeout before authentication for
[27-Feb-2007 21:17:29] <chowmeined> so is this the zenplugins package?
[27-Feb-2007 21:18:32] <Snake-Eyes> yea, you have to get the plugins package and install it on the machine you want to monitor
[27-Feb-2007 21:18:46] <Snake-Eyes> and setup zProperties
[27-Feb-2007 21:19:52] <Snake-Eyes> seems you have to setup the device a new, I'm guessing when choosing discovery you have to say none, which by looks of it cant be chosen afterwards
[27-Feb-2007 21:20:54] <_chris_> sorry Snake-Eyes
[27-Feb-2007 21:20:58] <_chris_> i was just answering a few emails
[27-Feb-2007 21:20:59] <Snake-Eyes> damn its still having problems ssh'ing in, dont know i tried ssh from user zenoss to that box, and it worked fine
[27-Feb-2007 21:21:04] <Snake-Eyes> np
[27-Feb-2007 21:21:16] <chowmeined> Snake-Eyes: have you tried redoing collection?
[27-Feb-2007 21:21:38] <_chris_> what version of zenoss are you running?
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:01] <Snake-Eyes> chowmeined, yea, ive used collect config several times
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:11] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, 1.1
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:16] <_chris_> ok good
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:27] <_chris_> what you need to do is this -
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:31] <_chris_> either create a zenoss user on the remote machine
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:32] <_chris_> or
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:48] <_chris_> set the zCommandUserName zProperty for the device you want to collect information from via SSH
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:53] <_chris_> that's the first step
[27-Feb-2007 21:22:57] <Snake-Eyes> did that
[27-Feb-2007 21:23:06] <_chris_> the next thing you need to do is to either set up no-password DSA authentication
[27-Feb-2007 21:23:06] <_chris_> OR
[27-Feb-2007 21:23:13] <chowmeined>

[27-Feb-2007 21:23:18] <_chris_> set the zCommandPassword zProperty to be the ssh password for the remote user
[27-Feb-2007 21:23:31] <chowmeined> does zenoss support using public keys?
[27-Feb-2007 21:23:37] <Snake-Eyes> yes
[27-Feb-2007 21:23:45] <chowmeined> cool
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:01] <_chris_> chowmeined: right now it only supports public keys which don't have any passwords on them - that's changing in a new release.
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:17] <chowmeined> even better
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:18] <_chris_> in the mean time - you have to either NOT use any DSA keys
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:25] <_chris_> and use plain old password authentication
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:33] <Snake-Eyes> Ive set up Username, password, comandprotocol, path, port, SnmpMonitorIgnore
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:34] <_chris_> or you have to use empty passphrases (!!)
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:40] <chowmeined> :-/
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:49] <chowmeined> how are passwords stored in the database? are they encrypted?
[27-Feb-2007 21:24:52] <Snake-Eyes> and TransportPreference
[27-Feb-2007 21:25:13] <_chris_> chownmeined: i don't know off the top of my head. you can look at them using zendmd tho
[27-Feb-2007 21:25:35] <_chris_> did you select "Yes" for Use SSH ?
[27-Feb-2007 21:25:46] <Snake-Eyes> and set zCollectorIgnorePlugins : snmp|portscan
[27-Feb-2007 21:26:10] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: the zCollectorIgnorePlugins shouldn't make a difference for this. i'm pretty sure that's just for modeling.
[27-Feb-2007 21:26:16] <_chris_> (i could easily be wrong tho

[27-Feb-2007 21:26:46] <Snake-Eyes> you mean except new key ? _chris_> did you select "Yes" for Use SSH ?
[27-Feb-2007 21:27:26] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: not sure i follow. have you set up a Data Source that uses a Command yet?
[27-Feb-2007 21:27:45] <Snake-Eyes> i logged into zenoss user and ssh across to make sure there wont any problems
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:03] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, dont think so
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:09] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: that's what you need to do
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:15] <Snake-Eyes> ok
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:15] <_chris_> click on the device in the zenoss UI
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:18] <_chris_> then click PerfConf
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:24] <_chris_> then click the Local Copy button
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:35] <_chris_> then type in a new Data Source name.
[27-Feb-2007 21:28:55] <_chris_> after you create the new Data Source, click it, and it'll take you into a configuration page where set the source to be "Command"
[27-Feb-2007 21:29:06] <_chris_> there you will find the Use SSH option (change it to Yes)
[27-Feb-2007 21:29:31] <_chris_> and you will also find a place below there where you can set the command you want to run
[27-Feb-2007 21:29:44] <Snake-Eyes> i see
[27-Feb-2007 21:29:58] <_chris_> Lastly you'll need to set up data points. these are the names in the name-value pairs that are returned from the command.
[27-Feb-2007 21:30:05] <_chris_> actually that's not lastly....

[27-Feb-2007 21:30:09] <_chris_> if you want to graph those data points
[27-Feb-2007 21:30:15] <_chris_> you'll need to set up a Graph. it's on the PerfConf tab
[27-Feb-2007 21:30:34] <Snake-Eyes> ok, let me do all this first

[27-Feb-2007 21:30:39] <_chris_> g'luck
[27-Feb-2007 21:30:40] <_chris_>

[27-Feb-2007 21:31:06] <Snake-Eyes> do i need Event Key ? I noticed all services use them
[27-Feb-2007 21:31:18] <chowmeined> so is there a way to create custom status pages for a certain class of device? like all my procurve switches have extra info on their status page?
[27-Feb-2007 21:31:28] *** nassy has quit IRC
[27-Feb-2007 21:32:37] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: not right now. you only need that if you want to start mapping events from commands (like you failed to execute a command on this box)
[27-Feb-2007 21:32:59] <_chris_> chowmeined: not right now. zenpacks are going to allow you to make changes to the UI
[27-Feb-2007 21:33:03] <_chris_> and add various tabs and stuff
[27-Feb-2007 21:33:17] <chowmeined> oh splendid, when is that coming?
[27-Feb-2007 21:35:11] <_chris_> i think it's supposed to be a 1.3 feature
[27-Feb-2007 21:35:53] <chowmeined> is there anything I can do to help/
[27-Feb-2007 21:35:59] <chowmeined> ? like with testing or anything?
[27-Feb-2007 21:36:42] <_chris_> we can always use help with people writing howto guides and testing the trunk
[27-Feb-2007 21:43:33] <Snake-Eyes> ok something more fundmental going wrong here, I think ssh part for some reason is failing as in the login process:
[27-Feb-2007 21:43:36] <Snake-Eyes> fatal: Timeout before authentication for :
[27-Feb-2007 21:44:08] <Snake-Eyes> ive double checked everything
[27-Feb-2007 21:44:54] <_chris_> are you using RSA/DSA authentication? or are you using passwords?
[27-Feb-2007 21:45:03] <Snake-Eyes> passwords
[27-Feb-2007 21:45:22] <_chris_> what happens when you run this command (as zenoss)
[27-Feb-2007 21:45:31] <_chris_> ${ZENHOME}/bin/zencommand run -v 10
[27-Feb-2007 21:46:58] <Snake-Eyes> anything i should be looking for or pastbin it all ?
[27-Feb-2007 21:47:31] <_chris_> pastebin it all
[27-Feb-2007 21:48:58] <Snake-Eyes> http://rafb.net/p/kVR1Rd20.html
[27-Feb-2007 21:48:58] <adytum-bot> Title: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)
[27-Feb-2007 21:49:42] <Snake-Eyes> i put in the ip when recreating that device
[27-Feb-2007 21:50:22] <Snake-Eyes> so im not sure how it got name of the box if it couldnt connect
[27-Feb-2007 21:52:01] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: when you run "zencommand run" it examines all the devices in the model and determines which one have "Command"'s that need to be run. it then runs them.
[27-Feb-2007 21:52:30] <_chris_> if you want zencommand to run commands against a specific device you'd do:
[27-Feb-2007 21:52:36] <_chris_> zencommand run -v 10 -d
[27-Feb-2007 21:52:40] <_chris_> anyhow -
[27-Feb-2007 21:52:50] <Snake-Eyes> ok
[27-Feb-2007 21:52:56] <_chris_> over on
[27-Feb-2007 21:53:00] <_chris_> when you tail -f /var/log/messages
[27-Feb-2007 21:53:05] <_chris_> do you see any connection attempts?
[27-Feb-2007 21:54:10] <Snake-Eyes> no, but i do see in auth.log customer-dev3 sshd[32311]: fatal: Timeout before authentication for ::ffff:
[27-Feb-2007 21:54:26] <_chris_> is your zenoss box?
[27-Feb-2007 21:54:32] <Snake-Eyes> yes
[27-Feb-2007 21:54:34] <_chris_> ok
[27-Feb-2007 21:54:55] <_chris_> when you're looking at the device in zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 21:55:00] <_chris_> click on the zProperties tab
[27-Feb-2007 21:55:07] <_chris_> what is the value for zCommandUserName ?
[27-Feb-2007 21:56:15] <Snake-Eyes> zCommandUsername testxx (which i have setup on the other box)
[27-Feb-2007 21:56:22] <_chris_> ok
[27-Feb-2007 21:56:38] <_chris_> and you set the password in the zCommandPassword field?
[27-Feb-2007 21:57:21] <Snake-Eyes> yes
[27-Feb-2007 21:57:43] <_chris_> and there is nothing in ~testxx/.ssh/authorized_keys on
[27-Feb-2007 21:59:03] <Snake-Eyes> nope
[27-Feb-2007 22:00:40] <_chris_> i'm not sure what the problem could be... i'm looking at my configuration and nothing jumps out at me
[27-Feb-2007 22:01:43] <Snake-Eyes> ive logged into zenoss and done $ ssh -p 9466 testxx@ and it worked fine
[27-Feb-2007 22:01:50] <_chris_> ooooh
[27-Feb-2007 22:01:54] <_chris_> -p 9466 you say?
[27-Feb-2007 22:02:07] <Snake-Eyes> yup, but i set zCommandPort
[27-Feb-2007 22:02:09] <_chris_> did you set your zCommandPort zProperty?
[27-Feb-2007 22:02:10] <_chris_> damn
[27-Feb-2007 22:03:19] <Snake-Eyes> ive restarted zenoss with no difference
[27-Feb-2007 22:03:45] <_chris_> what's the OS on the remote box?
[27-Feb-2007 22:05:00] <_chris_> can you check and see if the zenoss user on the zenoss box has a DSA key set up? you can look in ~zenoss/.ssh. there shouldn't be an id_dsa or id_dsa.pub
[27-Feb-2007 22:05:12] <_chris_> if that exists then that's probably your problem.
[27-Feb-2007 22:05:21] <Snake-Eyes> debian
[27-Feb-2007 22:05:27] <_chris_> what version of deb?
[27-Feb-2007 22:05:31] <_chris_> etchy?
[27-Feb-2007 22:05:33] <_chris_> sarge?
[27-Feb-2007 22:06:04] <chowmeined> how do I view the results of datasources? not as a graph but do they have their own page?
[27-Feb-2007 22:06:28] <_chris_> chowmeined: they do not have their own page. they only show up as graphs, and that's only if you configure them to show up as graphs.

[27-Feb-2007 22:06:35] <_chris_> they can also create events (if you set up thresholds)
[27-Feb-2007 22:06:56] <chowmeined> but there is no way to display custom snmp info anywhere?
[27-Feb-2007 22:07:03] <chowmeined> i guess its those zenpacks.. ok
[27-Feb-2007 22:07:17] <_chris_> chowmeined: what do you want to display?
[27-Feb-2007 22:07:19] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, mainly sarge : only file in .ssh is known_hosts
[27-Feb-2007 22:07:21] <_chris_> the values that are collected?
[27-Feb-2007 22:07:39] <chowmeined> some procurve specific SNMP values
[27-Feb-2007 22:07:59] <_chris_> you can set up a PerfConf that collects the OIDs you are interested in and you can graph them.
[27-Feb-2007 22:08:30] <chowmeined> but some of these dont make sense to graph like total install memory or number of power supplies
[27-Feb-2007 22:08:31] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, in known_hosts ssh-rsa ....
[27-Feb-2007 22:08:37] <chowmeined> installed*
[27-Feb-2007 22:08:51] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: yup that's true
[27-Feb-2007 22:08:55] <_chris_> sorry
[27-Feb-2007 22:09:00] <_chris_> chowmeined: yup that's true
[27-Feb-2007 22:09:13] <chowmeined> ok well i look forward to that functionality
[27-Feb-2007 22:09:28] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: i wonder what versions of ssh sarge supports. it's gotta support v2 doesn't it?
[27-Feb-2007 22:09:31] <chowmeined> in the mean time is there a wiki article on how to setup ssh? in the zenoss page part?
[27-Feb-2007 22:09:33] <_chris_> try and do this (on the zenoss command line)
[27-Feb-2007 22:09:39] <_chris_> ssh -v
[27-Feb-2007 22:09:46] <_chris_> see if it reports that it supports protocol version 2
[27-Feb-2007 22:10:14] <_chris_> chowmeined: are you referring to collecting performance information over ssh? like what i'm trying to help Snake-eyes with?
[27-Feb-2007 22:10:30] <chowmeined> yes
[27-Feb-2007 22:11:21] <_chris_> there's a section on using Zenoss-Plugins
[27-Feb-2007 22:11:25] <_chris_> but it doesn't discuss all of this...
[27-Feb-2007 22:11:26] <_chris_> btw -
[27-Feb-2007 22:11:36] <_chris_> zencommand is cleaned up in version 12
[27-Feb-2007 22:11:37] <Snake-Eyes> it does
[27-Feb-2007 22:11:40] <_chris_> version 1.2
[27-Feb-2007 22:11:47] <_chris_> to produce more useful debugging information
[27-Feb-2007 22:12:18] <Snake-Eyes> cool, so when does that come out

[27-Feb-2007 22:12:29] <_chris_> i think in another few weeks
[27-Feb-2007 22:12:30] <_chris_> not too long
[27-Feb-2007 22:12:36] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, it supports version 2
[27-Feb-2007 22:12:37] <_chris_> if you're on the trunk
[27-Feb-2007 22:12:39] <_chris_> you'd have ot now

[27-Feb-2007 22:12:48] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: there goes that theory....
[27-Feb-2007 22:12:50] <_chris_>

[27-Feb-2007 22:14:04] <Snake-Eyes> well im going to grab some lunch and think of something else i can

[27-Feb-2007 22:14:17] <_chris_>

[27-Feb-2007 22:28:11] *** _chris_ has quit IRC
[27-Feb-2007 23:04:23] *** _chris_ has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 23:06:01] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, does zenoss run the ssh command or use some python lib (dont know much about python)
[27-Feb-2007 23:06:28] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: zenoss uses TwistedConch to do it
[27-Feb-2007 23:07:36] <Snake-Eyes> ah
[27-Feb-2007 23:08:34] *** oubiwann has joined #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 23:08:43] <_chris_> hey oubiwann
[27-Feb-2007 23:08:52] <_chris_> still awake?
[27-Feb-2007 23:09:10] <oubiwann> _chris_: barely ;-)
[27-Feb-2007 23:09:31] <_chris_> you on #pycon, or are you on the ibahn network?
[27-Feb-2007 23:09:42] <_chris_> err you get what i mean - the pycon wifi
[27-Feb-2007 23:11:43] <_chris_> made my reservation at the front desk for a taxi for tomorrow at 0800

[27-Feb-2007 23:11:47] <_chris_> don't want to go home
[27-Feb-2007 23:14:21] <oubiwann> _chris_: :-(
[27-Feb-2007 23:14:35] <oubiwann> I'm on someone's prviate network
[27-Feb-2007 23:15:07] <_chris_> Room744? that's hoss has been slinging the wifi _all_day_long_
[27-Feb-2007 23:15:39] <_chris_> i thought about going and wrapping on his door and offering to buy him dinner in exchange for pimping out the free internets.
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:06] <oubiwann> _chris_: hahaha
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:09] <oubiwann> that's awesome
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:13] <oubiwann> yup, same one
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:15] <_chris_> ya cause you know
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:19] <_chris_> if i have to buy ibahn for the day
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:20] <_chris_> it's $8
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:29] <_chris_> or i buy the hoss in room 744 dinner
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:30] <_chris_> it's $8
[27-Feb-2007 23:16:34] <_chris_> what's it to me?

[27-Feb-2007 23:19:17] <oubiwann> heh
[27-Feb-2007 23:19:18] <oubiwann> totally
[27-Feb-2007 23:19:47] <_chris_> when do you leave, oubiwann?
[27-Feb-2007 23:20:02] <oubiwann> dunno... I think maybe around 2:00pm on Thurs
[27-Feb-2007 23:21:03] <_chris_> lucky you - you get another day...
[27-Feb-2007 23:21:24] <_chris_> i swear i should go to more conferences. it's amazing how much work i've finished while "on break"
[27-Feb-2007 23:21:42] <oubiwann> definitely :-)
[27-Feb-2007 23:22:58] <_chris_> maybe next year i'll push it out to a full week.
[27-Feb-2007 23:24:25] *** raina has left #zenoss
[27-Feb-2007 23:39:36] *** em-dash has quit IRC
[27-Feb-2007 23:40:04] *** _chris_ has quit IRC
[27-Feb-2007 23:44:32] *** _chris_ has joined #zenoss
[28-Feb-2007 00:12:36] *** chowmeined has quit IRC
[28-Feb-2007 00:55:32] *** _chris_ has quit IRC
[28-Feb-2007 01:05:04] <Snake-Eyes> join #twisted
[28-Feb-2007 01:05:08] <Snake-Eyes> doh
[28-Feb-2007 02:11:00] *** oubiwann_ has joined #zenoss
[28-Feb-2007 02:27:55] *** Greg has quit IRC
[28-Feb-2007 02:29:18] *** oubiwann has quit IRC
[28-Feb-2007 02:49:27] *** chrisgibbs has joined #zenoss
[28-Feb-2007 02:49:42] <chrisgibbs> gday all
[28-Feb-2007 02:49:48] <spekul> morning
[28-Feb-2007 02:50:02] <chrisgibbs> lolz afternoon

[28-Feb-2007 02:50:13] <chrisgibbs> just needing some help with zenwin....
[28-Feb-2007 02:50:20] <chrisgibbs> only seems to be a small problem
[28-Feb-2007 02:50:25] <spekul> <- .de here
[28-Feb-2007 02:50:36] <spekul> gmt+1
[28-Feb-2007 02:51:16] <chrisgibbs> i have sucessfully got zenwin working in a non-AD environment and the services register in the zenoss webbased interface but it wont show the services status correctly
[28-Feb-2007 02:51:28] <chrisgibbs> IE its showing up instead of down when i have been testing
[28-Feb-2007 02:52:25] <chrisgibbs> zenwin.log is correctly detecting the status of the service thou
[28-Feb-2007 03:00:19] * spekul does not work with zenwin
[28-Feb-2007 03:00:43] <spekul> interesting
[28-Feb-2007 03:00:44] <spekul> though
[28-Feb-2007 03:01:01] <spekul> i had a similar problem with a webserver having status down, though it was up
[28-Feb-2007 03:01:33] <spekul> the webserver was running in a jail on a freebsd host, so it was not directly running on the jailhosts ip
[28-Feb-2007 03:01:44] <spekul> and of course not in its process table
[28-Feb-2007 03:02:07] <spekul> so this was the reason for a wrong status report
[28-Feb-2007 03:05:28] <chrisgibbs> ah
[28-Feb-2007 03:18:58] <chrisgibbs> cheers anyway
[28-Feb-2007 03:19:21] <chrisgibbs> im actually using the vmware appliance atm - mite get rid of it and compile from source
[28-Feb-2007 03:23:36] <spekul> compiling from source should not give you any trouble
[28-Feb-2007 03:24:08] <chrisgibbs> yeh thats wat i thought
[28-Feb-2007 03:24:27] <chrisgibbs> we have just started looking into converting nagios at work into zenoss
[28-Feb-2007 03:24:34] <chrisgibbs> bit of an effort
[28-Feb-2007 03:24:52] <chrisgibbs> so been doing a fiar bit of testing at home 1st
[28-Feb-2007 03:25:08] <chrisgibbs> slowly stepping up to a AD environment
[28-Feb-2007 03:25:48] <chrisgibbs> then probably installing it at work and running it in parrarel to the current nagios system
[28-Feb-2007 03:41:07] *** oubiwann_ has quit IRC
[28-Feb-2007 04:04:17] *** _fulgas has joined #zenoss
[28-Feb-2007 04:10:36] *** fulgas has quit IRC
[28-Feb-2007 04:14:10] <spekul> i am pretty happy with zenoss so far, now i want to see how it scales
[28-Feb-2007 04:14:12] *** oubiwann has joined #zenoss
[28-Feb-2007 04:14:19] <spekul> we have only testing devices setup
[28-Feb-2007 04:17:58] <spekul> but i get imense memory problems when adding routers from our core infrastructure, snmp analysis then freezes my box
[28-Feb-2007 04:18:14] <monrad> what kind of routers?
[28-Feb-2007 04:18:42] <spekul> those routers have around 1gb of ram and get complete internet routing tables via bgp
[28-Feb-2007 04:19:05] <spekul> i wonder how zenoss performs when adding around 5000 devices
[28-Feb-2007 04:19:24] <spekul> has somebody experience with that and what kind of monitoring hardware is needed then?
[28-Feb-2007 04:20:02] <monrad> i had problems with hp9314 routers with getting their route table
[28-Feb-2007 04:20:15] <spekul> its not that i wasnt able to snmpwalk them
[28-Feb-2007 04:20:29] <spekul> and zenoss gets the tables, but it takes ages
[28-Feb-2007 04:20:48] <spekul> ages > 1h
[28-Feb-2007 04:22:32] <spekul> dont get me wrong, i am not claiming

[28-Feb-2007 04:32:25] *** oubiwann has quit IRC
[28-Feb-2007 04:32:59] <chrisgibbs> we have a setup of around 50 servers , 900users and i think around the 100 mark for networking devices
[28-Feb-2007 04:33:36] <chrisgibbs> i have ran the VMware appliance at work for a short period of time and discovered the same problem although not to the same extent
[28-Feb-2007 04:34:21] <chrisgibbs> giving the vm more ram seemed to solve the out-of-memory crashing errors we were having
[28-Feb-2007 04:40:18] <spekul> it seems like around 2gb should be necessary at least for sites with more then 100 devices monitored
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[28-Feb-2007 10:45:29] <chowmeined> is there a way to output reports to pdf?
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[28-Feb-2007 11:38:17] <PerlStalker> I'm trying to understand the syslog event thing. Does zenoss act as the syslog server or does it read from the local syslog files?
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[28-Feb-2007 11:47:01] <creiht> PerlStalker: It acts as a syslog server, and any logging events that it receives become events in zenoss
[28-Feb-2007 11:47:35] <creiht> At least that is how it is supposed to work... I haven't used it yet
[28-Feb-2007 11:47:42] <chet> that's correct
[28-Feb-2007 11:48:52] <chet> I think most people set it up on a different port and have something like syslog-ng forward logs to it. Having your logs in flat files can be useful.
[28-Feb-2007 11:49:16] <PerlStalker> Indeed
[28-Feb-2007 11:49:36] <chet> It also lets you do some filtering on the logs before they're sent to the more resource hogging zensyslog.
[28-Feb-2007 11:49:46] <PerlStalker> Yeah
[28-Feb-2007 11:50:07] <PerlStalker> I really don't need my mail cluster's login/logout lines sent to zenoss
[28-Feb-2007 11:51:05] <PerlStalker> But seeing log entries from snort as events might be nice.
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[28-Feb-2007 13:23:25] <PerlStalker> How does one go about installing zenoss from source using a remote MySQL server?
[28-Feb-2007 13:23:52] <PerlStalker> The install script, of course, fails because it can't create the tables on a local db.
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[28-Feb-2007 14:10:05] <unixjunkie> Hi
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[28-Feb-2007 14:12:50] <unixjunkie> ok
[28-Feb-2007 14:12:59] <unixjunkie> how goes it?
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[28-Feb-2007 14:29:06] <oubiwann_> cote: is this the cote of redmonk?
[28-Feb-2007 14:29:22] <cote> oubiwann_: yes.
[28-Feb-2007 14:29:32] <oubiwann_> so what brings you to #zenoss?
[28-Feb-2007 14:30:06] <cote> I just monitor it for fun to see what types of things people are talking about.
[28-Feb-2007 14:30:15] <oubiwann_> heh
[28-Feb-2007 14:31:04] <cote> How 'bout yourself?
[28-Feb-2007 14:31:17] <oubiwann_> I should monitor it more... I spend most of my time in various twisted python channels
[28-Feb-2007 14:31:51] <oubiwann_> I do consulting for zenoss (you commented on my LDAP/Brainz blog post, actually)
[28-Feb-2007 14:32:07] <cote> Ah, right...LDAP!
[28-Feb-2007 14:32:10] <oubiwann_> heh
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[28-Feb-2007 16:03:50] <chet> PerlStalker: In case you check back here..
[28-Feb-2007 16:04:06] <chet> PerlStalker: export MYSQL_HOST=mysqlhost before you run the install.
[28-Feb-2007 16:04:32] <PerlStalker> chet: Great.
[28-Feb-2007 16:04:46] <PerlStalker> I worked around it, but that's good to know.
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[28-Feb-2007 18:41:35] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, any other ideas what I can try inregards to my ssh problem from yesterday ?
[28-Feb-2007 18:42:23] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: not a whole lot. i was glad to see you posted to the zenoss-users list tho. i'll ask some questions tomorrow when the devs are back online
[28-Feb-2007 18:43:44] <_chris_> the only other thing i'd try is the blank passphrase thing
[28-Feb-2007 18:43:53] <_chris_> run this command as the zenoss user on your zenoss box:
[28-Feb-2007 18:44:00] <_chris_> ssh-keygen -d
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[28-Feb-2007 18:44:08] <_chris_> when it prompts for a password, hold your breathe and hit return twice
[28-Feb-2007 18:44:16] <Snake-Eyes> hehe
[28-Feb-2007 18:44:21] <_chris_> then scp the ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub over to the remote box in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
[28-Feb-2007 18:44:30] <_chris_> make sure the perms are 700 on ~/.ssh on the remote box
[28-Feb-2007 18:44:34] <_chris_> verify you can login without a passphrase
[28-Feb-2007 18:44:41] <_chris_> and then try the ssh command again (via zencommand)
[28-Feb-2007 18:45:59] <Snake-Eyes> ok
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[28-Feb-2007 19:00:51] <Snake-Eyes> it seemed to work

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[28-Feb-2007 19:13:36] <Snake-Eyes> i ran ${ZENHOME}/bin/zencommand run -v 10 -d 10.0.. and it looks like its collecting data
[28-Feb-2007 19:16:42] <Snake-Eyes> _chris_, did you say yesterday that passphrase's non-empty for ssh will only be supported in v1.2 ?
[28-Feb-2007 19:18:26] <Snake-Eyes> nm found it where you said 'or empty passphrase's'
[28-Feb-2007 19:22:36] <_chris_>

[28-Feb-2007 19:22:41] <Snake-Eyes> so what do I have to do about getting the graphs going?
[28-Feb-2007 19:22:47] <_chris_> go into the PerfConf
[28-Feb-2007 19:22:50] <_chris_> go to the graphs section
[28-Feb-2007 19:22:52] <_chris_> add a new graph
[28-Feb-2007 19:23:12] <_chris_> then click on it and choose a DataSource_DataPoint combination (or a group of them)
[28-Feb-2007 19:23:14] <_chris_> that'll get you going
[28-Feb-2007 19:23:41] <Snake-Eyes> hmm
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:02] <Snake-Eyes> i created the one Datasource yesterday, then few mins ago I changed all orignal datasources to cmd from snmp, is that alright or should I create them all from scratch ?
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:18] <_chris_> well -
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:22] <_chris_> one kinda odd thing
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:27] <_chris_> is that when you use SNMP to collect performance
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:34] <_chris_> there's a 1-1 mapping between "DataSource" and "DataPoint"
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:41] <_chris_> they're basically one and the same
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:50] <_chris_> but whe your'e collecting performance data over SSH (via a Command)
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:53] <_chris_> it's a 1-N
[28-Feb-2007 19:25:55] <_chris_> 1 data source
[28-Feb-2007 19:26:09] <_chris_> and possibly many data points (recall that each data point is a name in the name-value pairs returned from the remote command)
[28-Feb-2007 19:26:19] <_chris_> so the answer to your question is "yes, kinda"
[28-Feb-2007 19:26:29] <_chris_> if you remove all the OIDs and decide to collect performance over SSH
[28-Feb-2007 19:26:41] <_chris_> you'll need to add DataPoints for each OID that you removed
[28-Feb-2007 19:26:53] <_chris_> but you obviously won't be calling the DataPoints
[28-Feb-2007 19:27:00] <Snake-Eyes> yea
[28-Feb-2007 19:27:02] <_chris_> you'll be calling them "memBuffer"
[28-Feb-2007 19:32:23] <Snake-Eyes> where can I check that I'm collecting/storing the data corectly ?
[28-Feb-2007 19:33:10] <Snake-Eyes> i have feeling I've mucked up the pairing, after what you just said
[28-Feb-2007 19:35:07] <Snake-Eyes> http://rafb.net/p/c3IiHV74.html
[28-Feb-2007 19:35:07] <__adytum-bot__> Title: Nopaste - zencommand (at rafb.net)
[28-Feb-2007 19:45:27] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: that looks fine
[28-Feb-2007 19:45:49] <_chris_> you need to add some more commands to do more interesting things like
[28-Feb-2007 19:45:52] <_chris_> run "zenplugin.py cpu"
[28-Feb-2007 19:45:53] <_chris_> or"
[28-Feb-2007 19:45:57] <_chris_> "zenplugin.py mem"
[28-Feb-2007 19:47:24] <Snake-Eyes> i have, i just took one section, just wanted to make sure I was mapping correctly, cause nothing is showing up for any of graphs (I have restarted zenoss)
[28-Feb-2007 19:48:38] <_chris_> right -
[28-Feb-2007 19:48:50] <_chris_> there aren't any graphs associated with sysUpTime
[28-Feb-2007 19:49:00] <_chris_> did you set up graphs for your other zenplugin commands? (like memory/cpu/whatever)?
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[28-Feb-2007 19:53:41] <Snake-Eyes> yea
[28-Feb-2007 19:54:08] <Snake-Eyes> i made one for memBufferCmd
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[28-Feb-2007 19:55:31] <Snake-Eyes> here's the whole thing http://rafb.net/p/08t8hZ47.html
[28-Feb-2007 19:55:31] <__adytum-bot__> Title: Nopaste - zencommand run (at rafb.net)
[28-Feb-2007 19:56:36] <_chris_> Snake-Eyes: looks good. did you create DataPoints for hrSwapSize, hrMemorySize, memBuffer, memAvailReal, memAvailSwap, and memCached?
[28-Feb-2007 19:58:14] <Snake-Eyes> yea each has there seperate Datasource
[28-Feb-2007 20:00:26] <_chris_> nah
[28-Feb-2007 20:00:36] <_chris_> you should set up one datasource and call it something like "zenplugin-mem"
[28-Feb-2007 20:00:49] <_chris_> then in that datasource set up a datapoint for each of those values.
[28-Feb-2007 20:00:59] <_chris_> that way you'll only run the command once!

[28-Feb-2007 20:01:27] <Snake-Eyes> ah ok, i was sort of following snmp template
[28-Feb-2007 20:02:28] <Snake-Eyes> ill make them again
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[28-Feb-2007 20:18:55] <chowmeined> I have been looking over the reports for my devices and the availability is always at 100% for them even though I know they have gone offline since they have been monitored
[28-Feb-2007 20:19:12] <Snake-Eyes> now its grapging just need more data

[28-Feb-2007 20:19:20] <Snake-Eyes> *graphing
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[28-Feb-2007 20:59:24] -__adytum-bot__- New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Object Publishing with Nevow - 27 Feb, 10:04PM
[28-Feb-2007 20:59:25] -__adytum-bot__- http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=131
[28-Feb-2007 20:59:26] -__adytum-bot__- New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - [comp.lang.python.announce] Flightdeck-UI MVM and Library release 0.3.0
[28-Feb-2007 20:59:27] -__adytum-bot__- http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry6000997169052096090
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[28-Feb-2007 21:15:42] <Snake-Eyes> how often does snmp query verse/and ssh query for data ?
[28-Feb-2007 21:16:02] <Snake-Eyes> ssh/zencommand
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[28-Feb-2007 23:13:17] <Snake-Eyes> btw thanks for all the help _chris_
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[28-Feb-2007 23:38:25] <_chris_> no problem Snake-Eyes
[28-Feb-2007 23:38:32] <_chris_>

[28-Feb-2007 23:41:50] <oubiwann> _chris_: whatchoodoin, mang?
[28-Feb-2007 23:42:00] <_chris_> sadly
[28-Feb-2007 23:42:03] <_chris_> i'm about to go to bed
[28-Feb-2007 23:42:08] <_chris_> i'd much rather be sittin in that lobby
[28-Feb-2007 23:42:15] <_chris_> trowin back Dr Peppers
[28-Feb-2007 23:42:19] <_chris_> and slingin some python
[28-Feb-2007 23:42:28] <_chris_> what're you doing?
[28-Feb-2007 23:42:55] <oubiwann> watching some super milf action here in the lobby/bar area
[28-Feb-2007 23:43:06] <oubiwann> milfness is most excellentful
[28-Feb-2007 23:43:16] <_chris_> that sounds about right for the Mariott Quorum in Addison.

[28-Feb-2007 23:43:44] <oubiwann> it is so yummy compared to the previous few days
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:01] <oubiwann> but then again, a graveyard in a flood would be yummy compared the past few days...
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:09] <_chris_> hah
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:17] <oubiwann> it was corpsalicious
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:20] <_chris_> you're too much!

[28-Feb-2007 23:44:23] <oubiwann> heh
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:30] <_chris_> have a glass of chocolate milk for me, bra.
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:33] <oubiwann> hahaha
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:37] <_chris_> that's my drink of choice there
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:43] <_chris_> last year i probably had 8 of 'em
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:46] <_chris_> this year only 4
[28-Feb-2007 23:44:47] <_chris_>

[28-Feb-2007 23:44:53] <oubiwann> heh, that's awesome
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:06] <_chris_> i made a mistake tho
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:14] <_chris_> i combined the chocolate milk with chicken wings
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:14] <oubiwann> that sounds really good, actually...
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:17] <_chris_> DISASTROUS
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:18] <oubiwann> hahaha
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:30] <oubiwann> *that* doesn't sound good!
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:36] <_chris_> ya -
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:36] <oubiwann> but the choco milk does...
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:37] <_chris_> well see
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:40] <_chris_> exactly
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:42] <_chris_> and the wings do!
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:45] <_chris_> and then they both arrive
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:50] <_chris_> and you're like caligula!
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:54] <oubiwann> hehe
[28-Feb-2007 23:45:56] <_chris_> what do i do with this?!
[28-Feb-2007 23:46:00] <oubiwann> and then you belch
[28-Feb-2007 23:46:09] <_chris_> "well i guess someone has to eat this...."
[28-Feb-2007 23:46:10] <oubiwann> and the magic of the night passes quickly
[28-Feb-2007 23:46:15] <_chris_> lol yup
[28-Feb-2007 23:47:46] <_chris_> well oubiwann
[28-Feb-2007 23:47:53] <_chris_> i'd best be shufflin off to bed
[28-Feb-2007 23:48:01] <_chris_> massa's got me workin tomorrow....
[28-Feb-2007 23:48:09] <oubiwann> have a good one and may you have sweet dreams of python
[28-Feb-2007 23:48:16] <_chris_> you too buddy
[28-Feb-2007 23:48:19] <oubiwann> :-)
[28-Feb-2007 23:48:20] <oubiwann> cya
[28-Feb-2007 23:48:20] <_chris_> i'll talk to you tomorrow
[28-Feb-2007 23:48:21] <_chris_>

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