[01-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [connected at Thu Nov 1 00:00:16 2007]
[01-Nov-2007 00:00:18] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[01-Nov-2007 00:15:52] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[01-Nov-2007 01:47:04] <KeithBilly> evening guys, i've got build problem with the wmi plugin on freebsd 5.4 that i was hoping someone could shed some light on
[01-Nov-2007 01:47:09] <KeithBilly> being that i don't know any c
[01-Nov-2007 01:49:56] <KeithBilly> I keep seeing this when i try and build
[01-Nov-2007 01:49:57] <KeithBilly> http://pastebin.com/m33278f61
[01-Nov-2007 01:50:04] <adytum-bot> Title: C pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)
[01-Nov-2007 04:26:15] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - trac Stats Gathering with Storm - 29 Oct, 11:06PM
[01-Nov-2007 04:26:16] <adytum-bot> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=158
[01-Nov-2007 05:26:18] <mf2ng> keithbilly, seems that your comiling prob originates before that error. That particular err which you pasted is descendent error from topmost...
[01-Nov-2007 05:26:37] <mf2ng> hmph, quitted
[01-Nov-2007 06:06:30] <tessier1> Hello all!
[01-Nov-2007 06:10:01] <tessier1> I am running zenoss 2.0.4 and when I add a new device I get an empty device table on the resulting page and the device never shows up in my device tree
[01-Nov-2007 06:11:41] <tessier1> hmm...I just tried it with discovery protocol "none" and it added. Odd.
[01-Nov-2007 07:07:38] <tessier1> oooh....sounds like I need to upgrade from 2.0.4 to 2.1
[01-Nov-2007 07:07:42] <tessier1> Hope the upgrade is eas
[01-Nov-2007 07:07:43] <tessier1> y
[01-Nov-2007 10:44:15] <atlantan> I've got a specific OID, which is just a counter for phy_errors on an Alvarion AP. walk it, get it, fine, but for whatever reason can't get zenoss to collect and report on it. can't seem to figure it out. tried creating a new template and binding it to a container, and tried to modify the existing (/Device) template, nothing I do seems to work. any direction?
[01-Nov-2007 10:53:06] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[01-Nov-2007 11:33:04] <pablo26> hi all
[01-Nov-2007 11:34:37] <tmcnicho> still hackin at it pablo?
[01-Nov-2007 11:36:26] <pablo26> still trying, for the moment zenoss is winning
[01-Nov-2007 11:36:44] <tmcnicho> did you get your httpmonitor thing fixed?
[01-Nov-2007 11:37:19] <pablo26> no, i need to find a way to debug it faster
[01-Nov-2007 11:37:36] <pablo26> i'm still thinking that no one test it yet
[01-Nov-2007 11:37:57] <tmcnicho> maybe, it almost seems like the warning you get is just information
[01-Nov-2007 11:38:05] <tmcnicho> like what you'd expect to see if the check succeeds
[01-Nov-2007 11:38:19] <pablo26> yes, but with an shoreter uri it worked
[01-Nov-2007 11:38:40] <tmcnicho> uri?
[01-Nov-2007 11:39:03] <pablo26> the part if the url that goes before the .com
[01-Nov-2007 11:39:14] <tmcnicho> ah
[01-Nov-2007 11:39:27] <tmcnicho> are these external or internal devices your monitoring?
[01-Nov-2007 11:39:45] <pablo26> internals, and some externals
[01-Nov-2007 11:40:05] <tmcnicho> ok, you sure DNS is properly configured?
[01-Nov-2007 11:40:25] <tmcnicho> as in, can you ping from the server console to those urls?
[01-Nov-2007 11:40:45] <pablo26> it does not use dns the httmponitor, u send to commands -H with the host and -i with the ip
[01-Nov-2007 11:41:15] <tmcnicho> does it work if you go by IP?
[01-Nov-2007 11:41:47] <pablo26> it works i get a warning with an ok message
[01-Nov-2007 11:42:19] <pablo26> do u know how to debug the commands?
[01-Nov-2007 11:42:45] <tmcnicho> nope
[01-Nov-2007 11:42:53] <tmcnicho> and you get the same thing by host?
[01-Nov-2007 11:43:25] <pablo26> yes
[01-Nov-2007 11:43:36] <pablo26> i've tried by changing them
[01-Nov-2007 11:44:06] <pablo26> yesterday ir worked using a "/" as uri, now i put a bigger one and its not working
[01-Nov-2007 11:49:27] <tmcnicho> try this
[01-Nov-2007 11:49:40] <tmcnicho> go into your /etc/hosts
[01-Nov-2007 11:49:55] <tmcnicho> on the zenoss server, and add one of the hosts in question
[01-Nov-2007 11:49:58] <tmcnicho> see what happens
[01-Nov-2007 12:00:14] <pablo26> the same happens
[01-Nov-2007 12:03:17] <tmcnicho> im confused on how you set up the monitor, how do you "add" it to a device?
[01-Nov-2007 12:04:23] <pablo26> i added a template for /devices/server
[01-Nov-2007 12:07:51] <tmcnicho> ok
[01-Nov-2007 12:08:30] <tmcnicho> hrmm, give me a little bit to try and turn this on here
[01-Nov-2007 12:08:35] <tmcnicho> i'll play with it see what i can figure out
[01-Nov-2007 12:09:06] <pablo26> create a template add a datapoint of type httmonitor and thats it
[01-Nov-2007 12:09:32] <tmcnicho> are there a good bit of options?
[01-Nov-2007 12:09:45] <tmcnicho> or is it only a port 80 monitor?
[01-Nov-2007 12:09:46] <pablo26> yes
[01-Nov-2007 12:10:17] <pablo26> u ca choose port uri user password pattern to match ip host
[01-Nov-2007 12:10:30] <tmcnicho> ok, well as soon as i can get grub to cooperate and boost my host, i'll start messing with it
[01-Nov-2007 12:10:34] <pablo26> and it has 2 datapoins time and data size
[01-Nov-2007 12:10:38] <tmcnicho> ok
[01-Nov-2007 12:11:08] <tmcnicho> and you are then copying this template to each device and setting the URI?
[01-Nov-2007 12:11:40] <pablo26> yes
[01-Nov-2007 12:11:45] <pablo26> and the pattern to match
[01-Nov-2007 12:11:52] <tmcnicho> ok
[01-Nov-2007 12:19:12] <tmcnicho> odd, grub says it installs fine, but still nothing on boot :|
[01-Nov-2007 12:19:19] <tmcnicho> i had a really good set of instructions last time
[01-Nov-2007 12:26:51] <palm101> Hello
[01-Nov-2007 12:26:56] <tmcnicho> hi
[01-Nov-2007 12:27:24] <palm101> I have a graph issue, can I ask?
[01-Nov-2007 12:30:28] <palm101> Just installed Zenoss from rpm on CentOS
[01-Nov-2007 12:30:46] <palm101> Added a device manually
[01-Nov-2007 12:31:02] <palm101> After a few hours, clicked on the perf tab
[01-Nov-2007 12:31:19] <palm101> Couldn't see any graphy
[01-Nov-2007 12:31:43] <palm101> I can see the sections, cpu, load....
[01-Nov-2007 12:40:23] <tmcnicho> anyone good with fixing a bootloader?
[01-Nov-2007 12:48:56] <tmcnicho> ah, found salvation: http://www.twincling.org/node/40
[01-Nov-2007 12:49:07] <adytum-bot> Title: Reinstalling grub on Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) | TWINCLING Society (at www.twincling.org)
[01-Nov-2007 12:56:46] <pablo26> palm101 have u enable snmp monitoring for that server, is it windows or linux?
[01-Nov-2007 12:57:09] <palm101> yes
[01-Nov-2007 12:57:15] <palm101> Its a windows 2003 server
[01-Nov-2007 12:57:40] <pablo26> did u install snmp-informant, and setted up the snmp settings?
[01-Nov-2007 12:57:52] <palm101> zenyes
[01-Nov-2007 12:57:54] <palm101> yes
[01-Nov-2007 12:58:31] <pablo26> have u tested with the command line that snmp is working?
[01-Nov-2007 12:58:45] <palm101> no
[01-Nov-2007 12:59:04] <palm101> what command should I try?
[01-Nov-2007 12:59:23] <pablo26> from the zenoss box do a snmpwalk -c community host , u should see a lot of information
[01-Nov-2007 12:59:44] <palm101> I have tried that
[01-Nov-2007 12:59:53] <palm101> I see a lot of stuff
[01-Nov-2007 13:00:08] <pablo26> have u enabled wmi also on the win 2k3?
[01-Nov-2007 13:00:39] <palm101> How do I check that it is enabled?
[01-Nov-2007 13:01:44] <pablo26> on services, check that is started
[01-Nov-2007 13:01:52] <palm101> it is started
[01-Nov-2007 13:06:05] <palm101> how do I check that the renderserver is working?
[01-Nov-2007 13:40:32] <tmcnicho> Anyone know why Zenoss gets pissy if you try and rename the zenoss server device from localhost.localdomain ?
[01-Nov-2007 14:05:54] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[01-Nov-2007 14:53:50] <tmcnicho> almost there pablo, i had to start from scratch this morning
[01-Nov-2007 14:53:54] <tmcnicho> i think i'm glad i did
[01-Nov-2007 14:55:33] <MoreDakka_> againt?
[01-Nov-2007 15:14:15] <pablo26> i had to start from scrach about 2 days ago
[01-Nov-2007 15:15:36] <pablo26> as an advice dont disable or delete the thresholds that sends unusefull alerts, they will keep sending them
[01-Nov-2007 15:33:44] <tmcnicho> isn't there an easy way to add a zenpack from command line on the VM?
[01-Nov-2007 15:34:10] <tmcnicho> including the downloading part, i thought you could do it with conary
[01-Nov-2007 15:38:14] <tmcnicho> hey pablo, did you upgrade your zenoss or did you start with 2.1?
[01-Nov-2007 15:38:15] <pablo26> from linux u have to use only 2 commands
[01-Nov-2007 15:38:30] <pablo26> i upgrade from 2.0.4
[01-Nov-2007 15:38:47] <tmcnicho> maybe you need to reinstall the httpmonitor, since i'm reading that the zenpacks are build dependent
[01-Nov-2007 15:39:13] <pablo26> i had to reinstall everything to upgrade to 2.1
[01-Nov-2007 15:39:27] <tmcnicho> k
[01-Nov-2007 15:40:03] <tmcnicho> what were the two commands?
[01-Nov-2007 15:40:37] <pablo26> wget to get the file and the zenpack installer
[01-Nov-2007 15:41:08] <tmcnicho> hrmm, yeah i can do it that way, i remember reading a thread that said on the appliance there was a single command to download and install the offical zenpacks
[01-Nov-2007 15:47:22] <tmcnicho> found it
[01-Nov-2007 15:47:24] <tmcnicho> conary update --resolve group-<Name of ZenPack>
[01-Nov-2007 17:03:38] <thefish> for monitoring windows servers, only snmp-informant and snmp service needs to be installed on the windows machine?
[01-Nov-2007 17:04:13] <thefish> i keep getting ERROR_NET_WRITE_FAULT: A write fault occurred on the network. (88)
[01-Nov-2007 17:09:05] <tmcnicho> did you go into the zProperties of /Devices/Servers/Windows and use account info with privileges to check such things?
[01-Nov-2007 17:09:48] <tmcnicho> well hold on, thats more of a general SNMP error, sounds like you used a read-only community
[01-Nov-2007 17:36:33] <thefish> i added the domain admin account for a try, and still get the error, and it should be read only, i dont want to write anything
[01-Nov-2007 18:12:48] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[01-Nov-2007 18:22:20] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[01-Nov-2007 18:35:28] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[01-Nov-2007 19:33:42] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[01-Nov-2007 20:15:13] <tessier_> CPU Utilization threshold of 2 not met: current value 0.00
[01-Nov-2007 20:15:26] <tessier_> Anyone know why two of my servers keep triggering this alert?
[01-Nov-2007 20:18:10] <ChrisS33S> In desperate need of some help. Anyone imported the CISCO-FIREWALL-MIB? on 2.1?
[01-Nov-2007 20:20:41] <ChrisS33S> shibby: line 1: 3705 Segmentation fault smidump -fpython -p "cisco/SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my" -p "cisco/SNMPv2-SMI-V1SMI.my" -p "/srv/zenoss/zenmon/share/mibs/ietf/SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB" -p "/srv/zenoss/zenmon/share/mibs/ietf/SNMPv2-SMI" -p "/srv/zenoss/zenmon/share/mibs/ietf/SNMPv2-TC" -p "/srv/zenoss/zenmon/share/mibs/ietf/SNMPv2-CONF" -p "/srv/zenoss/zenmon/share/mibs/ietf/IF-MIB" -p "/srv/zenoss/zenmon/share/mibs/ietf/SNMPv2-MIB" -p "/srv/zenoss/zenmon/sha
[01-Nov-2007 20:20:41] <ChrisS33S> ERROR:zen.zenmib:Failed to load mib: cisco/CISCO-FIREWALL-MIB-V1SMI.my
[01-Nov-2007 20:20:41] <ChrisS33S> INFO:zen.zenmib:Loaded mib CISCO-SMI
[01-Nov-2007 20:20:41] <ChrisS33S> INFO:zen.zenmib:Loaded mib SNMPv2-SMI-v1
[01-Nov-2007 20:20:43] <ChrisS33S> shibby: line 1: 3711 Segmentation fault smidump -fpython -p "cisco/SNMPv2-SMI-V1SMI.my" "cisco/SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my" 2>/dev/null
[01-Nov-2007 20:21:36] <ChrisS33S> ERROR:zen.zenmib:Failed to load mib: cisco/SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my
[01-Nov-2007 20:38:27] <ChrisS33S> anyone read this? sorry, IRC noob
[01-Nov-2007 23:04:30] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[01-Nov-2007 23:13:22] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[02-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Fri Nov 2 00:00:14 2007]
[02-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Fri Nov 2 00:00:14 2007]
[02-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[02-Nov-2007 04:43:25] <uid0complex> Has anyone had any success monitoring Jboss with Zenoss using the JMX Connector?
[02-Nov-2007 05:10:56] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - twitter - 01 Nov, 04:05PM
[02-Nov-2007 05:10:57] <adytum-bot> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=159
[02-Nov-2007 05:10:58] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Calculating molecular weight with ANTLR
[02-Nov-2007 05:10:59] <adytum-bot> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry8636514107887264968
[02-Nov-2007 05:14:48] <uid0complex> for some odd reason, I can't install any zenpacks
[02-Nov-2007 05:14:57] <uid0complex> I keep on getting import errors with python
[02-Nov-2007 05:15:03] <uid0complex> the first one being rrdtool
[02-Nov-2007 05:15:13] <uid0complex> then once that was solved, libart_lgpl_2.so.2
[02-Nov-2007 12:50:10] <fiXXXerMet> 2.1 is stable now eh?
[02-Nov-2007 13:01:18] <hspcd> Howdy folks
[02-Nov-2007 13:19:03] <Bulwinkle> fiXXXerMet: I don't think any of it is stable
[02-Nov-2007 13:19:37] <fiXXXerMet> heh
[02-Nov-2007 13:22:06] <fiXXXerMet> How do I get the networks to link together on the map?
[02-Nov-2007 13:22:12] <fiXXXerMet> er, the locations*
[02-Nov-2007 13:25:06] <hspcd> Folks, I upgraded Zenoss 2.0.4 to 2.1.0 last night via rpm -Uvh and all seemed to go well but after the zenoss restart the zenhub daemon won't run. Would anyone here have time to help me troubleshoot this? I think that this is causing my graphs to stop working as of last night and I'm not sure what else depends on zenhub to work.
[02-Nov-2007 13:28:47] <Bulwinkle> hspcd: try deleting stopping zenoss and deleting your cache files and starting it again
[02-Nov-2007 13:29:46] <Bulwinkle> s/deleting//
[02-Nov-2007 13:30:14] <hspcd> Bulwinkle: I'll try that
[02-Nov-2007 13:30:23] <hspcd> Here's my forum post fyi: http://community.zenoss.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3840
[02-Nov-2007 13:30:56] <Bulwinkle> hspcd: it has worked for me in the past
[02-Nov-2007 13:31:11] <hspcd> where are the cache flies?
[02-Nov-2007 13:31:14] <hspcd> files?
[02-Nov-2007 13:35:18] <Bulwinkle> hspcd: one sec
[02-Nov-2007 13:36:03] <Bulwinkle> hspcd: $ZENHOME/var/*.zec
[02-Nov-2007 13:39:28] <hspcd> I love you Bulwinkle, I always have
[02-Nov-2007 13:39:31] <hspcd> Thanks man!
[02-Nov-2007 13:39:45] <Bulwinkle> hspcd: did it work/
[02-Nov-2007 13:39:51] <hspcd> yes
[02-Nov-2007 13:40:10] <hspcd> Green lights all the way
[02-Nov-2007 13:40:11] <Bulwinkle> excellent
[02-Nov-2007 13:40:12] <hspcd> Thank you
[02-Nov-2007 14:10:11] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[02-Nov-2007 15:56:11] <jalpert> Sorry, REALLY dumb question, I searched the forums... I add a windows service. It's on and it's status is Green. I stop the windows server and the status is still green. How do I get service monitoring for windows to work in that manner?
[02-Nov-2007 15:56:50] <jalpert> I stop the windows service, not server.
[02-Nov-2007 15:57:37] <jalpert> More info. Windows 2k3 server standard, SNMP w/ SNMP Informant.
[02-Nov-2007 15:57:48] <jalpert> Zenoss 2.1 on Ubuntu 7.10
[02-Nov-2007 15:59:49] <jalpert> Any takers?
[02-Nov-2007 16:00:20] <jalpert> The documentation is pretty slim regarding adding a windows service, so that's not help. When the service stops I expect zenoss to change the status....
[02-Nov-2007 16:02:20] <Y0da^> where can I find a good how to for beginning to monitor with zenoss?
[02-Nov-2007 16:03:05] <jalpert> Easiest way I think is to start with the Virtual Machine and quick start guide
[02-Nov-2007 16:03:17] <Y0da^> well I already have it up and running
[02-Nov-2007 16:03:27] <jalpert> What do you need to know maybe I can help
[02-Nov-2007 16:04:12] <Y0da^> how do you configure the autodiscovery, and is there an agent that goes on your windows servers?
[02-Nov-2007 16:05:28] <jalpert> I saw the auto discovery yesterday, but I forgot maybe I can find it, but as far as the agent goes, enable SNMP in the window setup (or probably net-snmp for linux/bsd) and install SNMP informant on windows for more advanced information, snmp/snmp informat is your agent
[02-Nov-2007 16:06:10] <Y0da^> where can I find that quick-start guide?
[02-Nov-2007 16:06:28] <jalpert> For auto discovery look at page 47 in the user manual
[02-Nov-2007 16:06:58] <jalpert> this is a good link
[02-Nov-2007 16:07:00] <jalpert> http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs
[02-Nov-2007 16:07:05] <Y0da^> ty
[02-Nov-2007 16:07:09] <adytum-bot> Title: Zenoss - Documentation - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[02-Nov-2007 16:07:10] <jalpert> np
[02-Nov-2007 16:54:35] jalpert_ is now known as jalpert
[02-Nov-2007 17:06:54] <MoutaPT> Hi guys, I'm new with Zenoss, I got SNMP already running to monitor a test server, can any of you help me how to setup syslog events?
[02-Nov-2007 17:09:53] <MoutaPT> any one here?
[02-Nov-2007 17:20:17] <fiXXXerMet> What's up?
[02-Nov-2007 17:26:24] <MoutaPT> fishstickz can u give any tip how to configure zenoss to process syslog
[02-Nov-2007 17:26:25] <MoutaPT> files
[02-Nov-2007 17:26:41] <MoutaPT> I 've setup snmp already fine
[02-Nov-2007 17:27:06] <MoutaPT> but I don't know yet how to ensure syslog is being processed
[02-Nov-2007 17:34:51] <fiXXXerMet> I've never done that myself
[02-Nov-2007 17:35:01] <fiXXXerMet> Didn't even know it could
[02-Nov-2007 17:40:37] <MoreDakka_> fiXXXerMet, I'm wondering if you can tell me how zenoss monitors services.
[02-Nov-2007 17:40:48] <fiXXXerMet> Windows services?
[02-Nov-2007 17:41:23] <MoreDakka_> If I set, for example /Services/WinService/Dhcp to monitor=true will zenoss scan all the devices for dhcp and start monitoring those?
[02-Nov-2007 17:42:04] <fiXXXerMet> Yes. But I think it uses wmi, so that has to be installed on the windows box, and I also think you need to specify a windows user name and password (z properties)
[02-Nov-2007 17:42:08] <MoreDakka_> bah
[02-Nov-2007 17:42:37] <MoreDakka_> so I will have to set IP services for other port monitoring right?
[02-Nov-2007 17:42:54] <fiXXXerMet> um
[02-Nov-2007 17:43:12] <fiXXXerMet> All I know is that I went to dhcp/dns/exchange/etc, m arked them as true, set a windows user and pass, and it works
[02-Nov-2007 17:43:33] <MoreDakka_> What is the difference between Privileged/Registered under IPServices?
[02-Nov-2007 17:43:39] <MoreDakka_> IPService.
[02-Nov-2007 17:43:52] <MoreDakka_> yeah, our client doesn't want to use WMI so we can't use those
[02-Nov-2007 17:44:17] <fiXXXerMet> Oh. I'm not sure about all of that
[02-Nov-2007 17:45:59] <MoreDakka_> alright, thats cool ;-)
[02-Nov-2007 17:46:23] <jamesbrin1> can anyone point me to instructions on building zenoss on solaris 10
[02-Nov-2007 18:13:57] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[02-Nov-2007 18:15:22] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[02-Nov-2007 19:30:49] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[02-Nov-2007 21:56:30] * shibby is away: ~ Don't Forget Your Towel
[02-Nov-2007 23:22:44] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[03-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sat Nov 3 00:00:14 2007]
[03-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sat Nov 3 00:00:14 2007]
[03-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[03-Nov-2007 02:05:31] <tessier> hmm
[03-Nov-2007 02:09:32] * tessier decides to upgrade to zenoss 2.1
[03-Nov-2007 02:19:25] <tessier> Wow. The zenoss rpm upgraded and migrated the data and everything is working. Nicely done!
[03-Nov-2007 03:02:53] <darkhorse> yea, it works very well
[03-Nov-2007 05:11:26] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - twitter - 01 Nov, 04:05PM
[03-Nov-2007 05:11:27] <adytum-bot> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=159
[03-Nov-2007 06:28:55] <tessier> Is there any way to add a process to monitor to all of my machines in a particular device class?
[03-Nov-2007 06:29:29] <tessier> I just realized all of my linux boxes should be running a few things which didn't get added by the discover. And it's going to be a serious pain to add them all by hand.
[03-Nov-2007 06:37:42] <tessier> Also wondering how to enable ssh for discovery. I don't see it in any of the docs. http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/faqs/faq-english/ says to set zTransportPreference to command but I see no such property
[03-Nov-2007 06:37:57] <adytum-bot> Title: Zenoss - FAQ (English) - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[03-Nov-2007 06:38:19] <tessier> I installed the plugins so I should have ssh plugin but I don't know how to tell if that is being seen.
[04-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sun Nov 4 00:00:14 2007]
[04-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sun Nov 4 00:00:14 2007]
[04-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[04-Nov-2007 00:59:01] <vipp> how do i remove zenoss
[04-Nov-2007 00:59:50] <vipp> i get this /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.75932: line 2: /opt/zenoss/bin/shared-functions.sh: No such file or directory
[04-Nov-2007 00:59:50] <vipp> error: %preun(zenoss-2.1.0-0.i386) scriptlet failed, exit status
[04-Nov-2007 01:00:12] <vipp> i just wont to remove it and start over can that be done
[04-Nov-2007 01:00:39] <vipp> is any one able to help
[04-Nov-2007 01:01:33] <vipp> hello
[04-Nov-2007 05:11:54] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - twitter - 01 Nov, 04:05PM
[04-Nov-2007 05:11:55] <adytum-bot> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=159
[04-Nov-2007 10:21:04] <MrFixit> hi guys, I have some questions about Zenoss, which I can't seem to find answered on the net
[04-Nov-2007 10:21:48] <MrFixit> Can I have the performance RRDs updated by an external program/daemon?
[04-Nov-2007 11:26:05] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[04-Nov-2007 11:46:31] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[04-Nov-2007 12:52:06] <ugenka> hi! i've installed zenoss 2.1.0 - and there is (maybe) bug.. it shows my 1G interfaces on linux servers ans 10M interfaces? And does this acts on something?
[04-Nov-2007 12:53:27] <ugenka> like this: http://gate.mgts.by/zenoss.png
[04-Nov-2007 12:54:50] <ugenka> but:
[04-Nov-2007 12:54:51] <ugenka> deb10:~# ethtool eth1 |grep Speed
[04-Nov-2007 12:54:52] <ugenka> Speed: 1000Mb/s
[04-Nov-2007 13:09:06] <b52laptop> ugenka, hm a curious question ; .by refer to wish country ?
[04-Nov-2007 13:09:46] <ugenka> belarus
[04-Nov-2007 13:10:07] <b52laptop> ugenka, ah ok :d
[04-Nov-2007 13:10:11] <ugenka> :-)
[04-Nov-2007 13:10:39] <ugenka> and .ma - to morocco?
[04-Nov-2007 13:10:59] <b52laptop> ugenka, yeap :d
[04-Nov-2007 13:11:06] <ugenka>
[04-Nov-2007 13:11:27] <ugenka> no idea about 1G links become 10M?
[04-Nov-2007 13:11:40] <b52laptop> ugenka, no sorry
[04-Nov-2007 13:12:56] <ugenka> ok
[04-Nov-2007 15:03:18] <palm101> hello
[04-Nov-2007 15:04:09] <palm101> have an issue binding ethernetcsmacd template to devices
[04-Nov-2007 20:10:18] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[04-Nov-2007 20:10:53] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[04-Nov-2007 23:28:35] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[05-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Mon Nov 5 00:00:14 2007]
[05-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Mon Nov 5 00:00:14 2007]
[05-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[05-Nov-2007 05:12:28] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - twitter - 01 Nov, 04:05PM
[05-Nov-2007 05:12:29] <adytum-bot> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=159
[05-Nov-2007 10:46:29] <xant> hi ... I have a question regarding the logic used when defining an alerting rule ... anyone here with experience on this subject ?
[05-Nov-2007 10:46:53] <xant> actually I see that the interface let you define a filter forcing "OR" as operator between multiple objects of the same type
[05-Nov-2007 10:47:14] <xant> I really have to use a different logic...."ANDING" statements
[05-Nov-2007 10:47:33] <xant> I see that modifying the filter directly on the zodb it works ... so it's just an interface limit
[05-Nov-2007 10:49:31] <xant> anyone here understand what I mean? ... I'm sorry for my poor english but I'd like to talk with one of the developers about this limit
[05-Nov-2007 13:55:05] <mf2ng> umh
[05-Nov-2007 13:55:10] <mf2ng> frustrating
[05-Nov-2007 13:55:19] <mf2ng> i have deleted OS process from prosesses
[05-Nov-2007 13:55:47] <mf2ng> but zenoss is is still sending mails according to process that is not needed to monitor anymore
[05-Nov-2007 18:22:01] x-spec-t is now known as Spec
[05-Nov-2007 18:29:13] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[05-Nov-2007 19:03:08] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[05-Nov-2007 19:03:31] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[05-Nov-2007 19:27:32] <FelipeBare> my zenoss web interfaces works bad with IE
[05-Nov-2007 19:27:43] <FelipeBare> anyone knows something about it ?
[05-Nov-2007 19:40:31] <slagathor> Hey guys, I have an interesting problem I'd like to throw out to you
[05-Nov-2007 19:40:47] <slagathor> When I start zenoss, everything starts ok, but 8080 never opens and I cannot get to the web interface
[05-Nov-2007 19:42:06] <slagathor> anyone have an idea?
[05-Nov-2007 22:20:24] Spec is now known as x-spec-t
[05-Nov-2007 23:08:50] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[05-Nov-2007 23:42:17] Jonathan1 is now known as JonathanD
[06-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Tue Nov 6 00:00:14 2007]
[06-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Tue Nov 6 00:00:14 2007]
[06-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[06-Nov-2007 05:02:52] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[06-Nov-2007 05:03:01] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[06-Nov-2007 05:12:59] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - twitter - 01 Nov, 04:05PM
[06-Nov-2007 05:13:00] <adytum-bot> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=159
[06-Nov-2007 09:00:45] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[06-Nov-2007 16:09:56] bzed_ is now known as bzed
[06-Nov-2007 16:51:36] <dspak> Has anyone had success performing an XML dump of a zenoss database? The zendevicedump utility doesn't grab all of the information I'm looking for in a dump and the instructions located here: http://www.zenoss.com/community/wiki/HowToGetSimpleXMLDumps/ are not working for me.
[06-Nov-2007 16:51:53] <adytum-bot> Title: Zenoss - How to get simple XML dumps - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[06-Nov-2007 16:52:34] <dspak> I realize that's an automated response but that's the page I link to in my first message.
[06-Nov-2007 17:08:41] <inKult> hello
[06-Nov-2007 17:09:19] <bkingx> hi inKult
[06-Nov-2007 17:18:47] <inKult> I don't understand why a device is correctly 'snmpwalk'ed for 'system' but not for 'process', 'filesystem' or 'Perf'
[06-Nov-2007 18:50:23] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[06-Nov-2007 18:52:41] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[06-Nov-2007 18:54:56] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[06-Nov-2007 19:06:11] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[06-Nov-2007 19:12:48] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[06-Nov-2007 20:54:05] <dave__> anyone know how to add a new zproperty ?
[06-Nov-2007 20:54:40] <dave__> found some doc on DeviceClass.py
[06-Nov-2007 20:55:02] <dave__> made the modification but not sure what to do next
[06-Nov-2007 20:55:04] <dave__> ?
[06-Nov-2007 21:44:42] <mf2ng> so, what's the thing with internet explorer. i'm having issues with ie7 and proxy, ie6 won't work at all...
[06-Nov-2007 22:26:02] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[06-Nov-2007 22:26:26] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[06-Nov-2007 22:43:29] Spec is now known as x-spec-t
[06-Nov-2007 23:12:22] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[06-Nov-2007 23:58:30] <Bulwinkle> mf2ng: ie6 isn't supported
[07-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Wed Nov 7 00:00:14 2007]
[07-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Wed Nov 7 00:00:14 2007]
[07-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[07-Nov-2007 02:50:06] <xerophyte> what is the functionality different between the zonescore and Enterprise version other than support form Zenoss ?
[07-Nov-2007 04:41:33] jprodzinski is now known as lunchm3at
[07-Nov-2007 04:46:01] <lunchm3at> can zenoss do bandwidth monitoring similar to what PRTG does? graph out statistics for a given interface?
[07-Nov-2007 05:02:57] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[07-Nov-2007 05:03:02] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[07-Nov-2007 05:13:34] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - twitter - 01 Nov, 04:05PM
[07-Nov-2007 05:13:35] <adytum-bot> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=159
[07-Nov-2007 05:30:00] * tessier loves suddenly realizing how things work and saying "ahhhh"
[07-Nov-2007 05:30:09] <tessier> It's like a shot of your favorite narcotic.
[07-Nov-2007 05:30:28] <tessier> That has got to be what keeps me excited about figuring out new technologies year after year.
[07-Nov-2007 05:33:50] <tessier> Sure is quiet in here...
[07-Nov-2007 06:00:05] <tessier> ugh...I change a devices template to monitor with ping only and not try to check performance with snmp and it keeps paging me that snmp is down on the device.
[07-Nov-2007 06:46:24] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[07-Nov-2007 08:33:08] <mf2ng> Bulwinkle: ok.
[07-Nov-2007 09:09:07] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[07-Nov-2007 16:17:32] mzs_ is now known as mzs
[07-Nov-2007 16:20:28] <Sh3lld3r> good afternon jentleman
[07-Nov-2007 16:21:22] <Sh3lld3r> i'm looking for some help. : ) noob questions
[07-Nov-2007 16:23:57] <fiXXXerMet> shoot
[07-Nov-2007 16:24:12] <Sh3lld3r> i've just install zenoss, and started it as service on fedora core 5
[07-Nov-2007 16:25:13] <Sh3lld3r> and now? where do i supose to find the interface, or start it? :/ i´ve found something in localhost:8080/zport .. but it request a user and pw.. :/
[07-Nov-2007 16:25:32] <fiXXXerMet> default is admin:zenoss
[07-Nov-2007 16:25:43] <Sh3lld3r> thx fixxxer =)
[07-Nov-2007 16:28:35] <Sh3lld3r> u help me a lot
[07-Nov-2007 16:29:20] <fiXXXerMet> do I?
[07-Nov-2007 16:29:25] <Sh3lld3r> yeap
[07-Nov-2007 16:29:58] <Sh3lld3r> ill restart my machine, its almost freezing
[07-Nov-2007 16:30:11] <Sh3lld3r> cya
[07-Nov-2007 16:50:05] <fiXXXerMet> Do any of you have a mib for a poweredge 2850?
[07-Nov-2007 17:57:00] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[07-Nov-2007 17:57:56] <Sh3lld3r> i ´ve returned
[07-Nov-2007 18:00:56] <Sh3lld3r> anyone knows if the network mapping just shows my local network, i have a server in other city, how can i view it.. does i have to install zenoss there? or there is some configurantion i can make?
[07-Nov-2007 20:36:54] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know how I can either get rid of the images for the devices or make them much much smaller?
[07-Nov-2007 20:37:01] <MoreDakka_> Well I finally got all my data from v1.1.1 -> 2.1 :-D And with that now I'vegot Devices that have problems (VPN's not setup on this computer) and so I've got a huge list of"Device Issues" and each device has an image accociated with it and they are large images which makes viewing the "Device Issues" quite a bit more difficult.
[07-Nov-2007 20:37:08] <MoreDakka_> Also, should everything be centered? (Example, under Preferences for admin, under the Edit tab the whole right column is centered)
[07-Nov-2007 20:41:53] <MoreDakka_> nvm on both those issues....needed to flush the browser cache.
[07-Nov-2007 22:52:47] <z1pp1ty> Does zenoss automatically associate syslog streams with devices by IP?
[07-Nov-2007 23:18:47] <z1pp1ty> i'm confused about zenwin. is it agentless now?
[07-Nov-2007 23:39:32] <Bulwinkle> z1pp1ty: yes i tis
[07-Nov-2007 23:39:44] <Bulwinkle> z1pp1ty: erum it is
[07-Nov-2007 23:39:48] <z1pp1ty> got it working
[07-Nov-2007 23:39:58] <Bulwinkle> cool
[07-Nov-2007 23:39:59] <z1pp1ty> the docs could spare to be updated :/
[07-Nov-2007 23:40:15] <Bulwinkle> z1pp1ty: yeah... definitely
[08-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Thu Nov 8 00:00:14 2007]
[08-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Thu Nov 8 00:00:14 2007]
[08-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[08-Nov-2007 00:08:42] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[08-Nov-2007 05:08:53] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[08-Nov-2007 09:47:02] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[08-Nov-2007 11:31:35] bzed_ is now known as bzed
[08-Nov-2007 14:35:40] <fiXXXerMet> http://pastebin.ca/765959 halp halp
[08-Nov-2007 14:35:50] <adytum-bot^> Title: general pastebin - Someone - post number 765959 (at pastebin.ca)
[08-Nov-2007 14:36:55] <fiXXXerMet> It's a few lines of an error that I get when running zen2dump.py
[08-Nov-2007 14:42:52] <fiXXXerMet> fixed it
[08-Nov-2007 14:46:17] <fiXXXerMet> Another q.
[08-Nov-2007 14:46:30] <fiXXXerMet> Do you want me to keep your existing database? (Y/n)
[08-Nov-2007 14:46:33] <fiXXXerMet> For upgrading?
[08-Nov-2007 14:53:53] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: For upgrading you would want to keep your existing database.
[08-Nov-2007 14:54:15] <fiXXXerMet> Then it's good that I told it yes.
[08-Nov-2007 14:54:20] <fiXXXerMet> Just asking because it wasn't in the upgrade file.
[08-Nov-2007 15:03:22] <fiXXXerMet> Well, after the upgrade, none of my devices are listed.
[08-Nov-2007 15:12:04] <fiXXXerMet> I might just buy a support contract.
[08-Nov-2007 15:18:32] <fiXXXerMet> Anyone?
[08-Nov-2007 15:19:55] <MoreDakka_> Are you running that as the zenoss use?
[08-Nov-2007 15:19:56] <MoreDakka_> r
[08-Nov-2007 15:20:15] <fiXXXerMet> Running what as the zenoss user?
[08-Nov-2007 15:20:46] <MoreDakka_> Your pastebin halp halp....zen2dump.py
[08-Nov-2007 15:20:54] <fiXXXerMet> Oh
I've got that working now.
[08-Nov-2007 15:21:00] <MoreDakka_> Oh
[08-Nov-2007 15:21:04] <MoreDakka_> alright.
[08-Nov-2007 15:21:05] <fiXXXerMet> Finished the upgrade and now there aer no devices
[08-Nov-2007 15:21:25] <MoreDakka_> yeash....did you back everything up?
[08-Nov-2007 15:21:33] <fiXXXerMet> Yup
[08-Nov-2007 15:21:42] <MoreDakka_> is this on a production machine?
[08-Nov-2007 15:21:55] <fiXXXerMet> Yup
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:08] <MoreDakka_> What version are you going from>?
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:09] <fiXXXerMet> But I use that word loosely
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:13] <MoreDakka_> haha
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:17] <fiXXXerMet> Ohhh it was whatever was current before 2.1
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:40] <MoreDakka_> ehhh....why are you trying to upgrade from 2.1 -> 2.1?
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:51] <MoreDakka_> oh nevermind
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:52] <MoreDakka_> haha
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:55] <MoreDakka_> early morning.
[08-Nov-2007 15:23:00] <MoreDakka_> so from 2.0.6?
[08-Nov-2007 15:23:20] <fiXXXerMet> sorry, 2.0.5
[08-Nov-2007 15:23:41] <MoreDakka_> You shouldn't have to zen2dump.py/zen2load.py
[08-Nov-2007 15:23:48] <MoreDakka_> just upgrade....I used RPMs though.
[08-Nov-2007 15:24:00] <fiXXXerMet> Ah, so I should restore and then do it again, without that step?
[08-Nov-2007 15:24:14] <MoreDakka_> Did you install via rpm,?
[08-Nov-2007 15:24:18] <fiXXXerMet> Negative.
[08-Nov-2007 15:24:42] <MoreDakka_> You might want to look through this: http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/install-guides/zenoss-upgrade-instructions/
[08-Nov-2007 15:24:55] <adytum-bot^> Title: Zenoss - Zenoss Upgrade Instructions - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[08-Nov-2007 15:25:09] <MoreDakka_> Tells you how to upgrade pretty much however you installed it.
[08-Nov-2007 15:25:15] <MoreDakka_> rpm is nice and easy ;-)
[08-Nov-2007 15:25:37] <MoreDakka_> I like my program installs like I like my women....easy ;-) hehe
[08-Nov-2007 15:25:54] <cluther_> heh..
[08-Nov-2007 15:26:19] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: If your devices are missing there may be something you can do to get them back.
[08-Nov-2007 15:26:19] <fiXXXerMet> heh, thakns for the help
[08-Nov-2007 15:26:40] <fiXXXerMet> cluther_: Like what?
[08-Nov-2007 15:26:56] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: Shut down zenoss entirely, move your $ZENHOME/var/Data* to another safe directory.
[08-Nov-2007 15:27:08] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: Then copy in the Data.fs from pre-upgrade.
[08-Nov-2007 15:27:16] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: Then start ZEO "zeoctl start"
[08-Nov-2007 15:27:25] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: Then run zenmigrate
[08-Nov-2007 15:27:33] <fiXXXerMet> ok
[08-Nov-2007 15:27:38] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: Then start the rest zenoss.
[08-Nov-2007 15:27:44] <MoreDakka_> zenmigrate is a nice program ;-)
[08-Nov-2007 15:28:50] <cluther_> I think we should rename it to "zenfixeverythingandmakemebreakfast"
[08-Nov-2007 15:29:00] <fiXXXerMet> brreakfast huh
[08-Nov-2007 15:29:05] <MoreDakka_> yep....fixed my headaches./
[08-Nov-2007 15:29:23] <MoreDakka_> it would be nice if you typed that in the morning and it would make you breakfast...that would be sweet.
[08-Nov-2007 15:29:33] <cluther_> Maybe for 3.0..
[08-Nov-2007 15:29:35] <cluther_>
[08-Nov-2007 15:29:46] <cluther_> Anyone here going to LISA next week?
[08-Nov-2007 15:30:07] <fiXXXerMet> LISA?
[08-Nov-2007 15:30:25] <cluther_> The Large Installation System Administrators conference in Dallas, TX, USA.
[08-Nov-2007 15:31:04] <cluther_> One of the bigger open source events around. I'm getting to go this year for the first time. I've heard it's a great time.
[08-Nov-2007 15:31:08] <MoreDakka_> If zenmirate can fly me down there...
[08-Nov-2007 15:31:11] <cluther_> hehe
[08-Nov-2007 15:31:13] <MoreDakka_> zenmigrate
[08-Nov-2007 15:31:34] <fiXXXerMet> Well zenmigrate shot out a lot of errors
[08-Nov-2007 15:31:49] <cluther_> pastebin them?
[08-Nov-2007 15:31:54] <MoreDakka_> cluther: thanks again for all your help getting my data from 1.1.1 -> 2.1....what a time saver...
[08-Nov-2007 15:32:51] <fiXXXerMet> http://pastebin.ca/766016
[08-Nov-2007 15:32:58] <adytum-bot^> Title: general pastebin - zenmigrate output - post number 766016 (at pastebin.ca)
[08-Nov-2007 15:40:14] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: ugh, that's bad.
[08-Nov-2007 15:40:25] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: Are you coming from a 1.x version?
[08-Nov-2007 15:40:56] <fiXXXerMet> 2.0.5
[08-Nov-2007 15:42:27] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: If you haven't already tried, start up the rest of zenoss "zenoss start" and see if you can bring up the web interface.
[08-Nov-2007 15:44:43] <fiXXXerMet> curious. Everything is up.
[08-Nov-2007 15:45:05] <fiXXXerMet> And collecting.
[08-Nov-2007 15:46:44] <MoreDakka_> Ha...that's never good when cluther says "ugh, that's bad" :-/ hehe.
[08-Nov-2007 15:46:45] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: curious indeed.. I figured that it might work since the reindex completely without errors after all of those uid errors.
[08-Nov-2007 15:47:03] <fiXXXerMet> hehe
[08-Nov-2007 15:47:05] <cluther_> completely = completed
[08-Nov-2007 15:47:24] <cluther_> So long as you have a backup everything is fine!
[08-Nov-2007 15:47:33] <fiXXXerMet> aye
[08-Nov-2007 15:47:43] <fiXXXerMet> Still looking to buy support anyway.
[08-Nov-2007 15:47:48] <fiXXXerMet> Looks like the have support for $100?
[08-Nov-2007 15:49:40] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: That $100 is per device per year assuming you don't qualify for any of the discounts. That is also for the silver subscription which gets you access to all of the enterprise functionality too.
[08-Nov-2007 15:50:55] <fiXXXerMet> oh, per device. That's a bit more expensive then
[08-Nov-2007 15:56:56] <monrad_> i did the math for our 1400 devices
[08-Nov-2007 15:57:10] <monrad_> its kinda expensive
[08-Nov-2007 15:57:17] monrad_ is now known as monrad
[08-Nov-2007 16:00:05] <MoreDakka_> ouch..that would be a little expensive.
[08-Nov-2007 16:00:29] <MoreDakka_> 140000/year....
[08-Nov-2007 16:01:04] <monrad> i think we reach 2000 in 3-6 months
[08-Nov-2007 16:01:31] <monrad> but rrdtool is kinda a limiting factor in growth
[08-Nov-2007 16:07:06] <monrad> right now we dont collect port information on our access switches
[08-Nov-2007 16:17:40] <cluther_> monrad: There is a lot that can be done to tune RRD. Check out http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool-trac/wiki/TuningRRD if you haven't already read it.
[08-Nov-2007 16:18:00] <adytum-bot^> Title: TuningRRD - RRDtool Trac - Trac (at oss.oetiker.ch)
[08-Nov-2007 16:18:43] * Bulwinkle pokes cluther_ in the eye... where the heck have you been? Tired of getting jumped on in here?
[08-Nov-2007 16:19:43] <cluther_> Bulwinkle: Hello to you too.
[08-Nov-2007 16:20:11] <cluther_> Bulwinkle: Time management issues and all of that. IRC can be pretty disruptive.
[08-Nov-2007 16:21:02] <Bulwinkle> cluther_: I totally understand... My whole zenoss evaluation is on complete hold until some other things get done.
[08-Nov-2007 16:26:24] <monrad> cluther_: i think we done it most, i am personaly looking forward to rrd 1.4, because right now it takes a lot of ram
[08-Nov-2007 16:27:20] <cluther_> yeah.. setting your RRD fs blocksize really small and using the fadvise patch can definitely help with that though.
[08-Nov-2007 16:28:46] <monrad> sent 56009 OID requests, collected 1010 of 1010 devices in 22.14
[08-Nov-2007 16:29:14] <monrad> we a just pinging a couple of 100's of the boxes
[08-Nov-2007 16:30:49] <sh3lld3r> afternoon gentlemans
[08-Nov-2007 16:30:50] <monrad> but when the datacollector uses a lot of ram we are back to 250-350 seconds
[08-Nov-2007 16:51:11] <sh3lld3r> zenoss turn my pc into a 386
[08-Nov-2007 16:51:30] <sh3lld3r> and i still didn´t extract what i want from it hhihihi =3
[08-Nov-2007 17:15:19] <sh3lld3r> do i have to open smnp port in each machine that i want that zenoss find?
[08-Nov-2007 17:15:50] <cluther> sh3lld3r: yes
[08-Nov-2007 17:17:52] <jlar> I'm trying to figure out how to exempt a class of devices from being monitored for snmp, but i can't find a way to do so
[08-Nov-2007 17:18:09] <MoreDakka_> I'm trying to use the httpmonitor zenpack and creating a graph but I don't get any "Graph Points" selection under the Graph Definition...
[08-Nov-2007 17:18:14] <jlar> is it possible to do this?
[08-Nov-2007 17:18:41] <MoreDakka_> jlar: Under properties for that class change SNMPMonitorIgnore -> True
[08-Nov-2007 17:19:01] <jlar> :-P doh
[08-Nov-2007 17:19:03] <jlar> ty
[08-Nov-2007 17:19:06] <MoreDakka_> np ;-)
[08-Nov-2007 17:23:05] <cluther> MoreDakka_: You should be able to add graph points using any of the data points that were defined for the HttpMonitor like time and size.
[08-Nov-2007 17:25:21] <MoreDakka_> That's what I thought too but there is no selection under the graph definition to select either of the data points that were defined in DataSource.DataPoints (under the DataSource it does show DataPoints "size" and "time")
[08-Nov-2007 17:30:19] MoreDakka_ is now known as MoreDakka
[08-Nov-2007 17:33:28] <jlar> ok, rephrase: I want to turn off monitoring for the IpService snmp for a group of machines that aren't running snmp. Setting SNMPMonitorIgnore to True doesn't seem to have this effect
[08-Nov-2007 17:37:50] <MoreDakka> Has zenoss generated another snmp error in the last 10 minutes (usually on a 20 minute polling cycle)
[08-Nov-2007 17:40:20] <jlar> yes, it's set for 4 minutes for testing, and it's given me the error each time around
[08-Nov-2007 17:43:26] <MoreDakka> Strange. I've got a lot of devices under a class that I have PingMonitorIgnore, SNMPMonitorIgnore, WMIMonitorIgnore and WMIMonitorIgnorer set to True and I don't get any events on those devices at all. (Need to sort them and adjust stuff ...tired of getting errors about them)
[08-Nov-2007 17:46:44] <cluther> jlar: IpServices can be modeled via SNMP, but they are always monitored by actually creating the TCP connection.
[08-Nov-2007 17:47:28] <MoreDakka> Would that then be turned off on the OS tab?
[08-Nov-2007 17:47:59] <cluther> MoreDakka: Yeah.. set the service to not be monitored. Either at the device level from the OS tab, or globally from Services.
[08-Nov-2007 17:48:17] <MoreDakka> But can't set it to a Class then.
[08-Nov-2007 17:48:23] <jlar> ok, so i can do it on a device level or global level, but not class
[08-Nov-2007 17:48:27] <jlar> :-P
[08-Nov-2007 17:48:31] <MoreDakka> <-faster
[08-Nov-2007 17:48:36] <MoreDakka> :-P
[08-Nov-2007 17:51:05] <jlar> which leads me to another question... when i open the OS tab for this device, there is no IpService entry, do i have to create a new ipserver there and set it to not be monitored?
[08-Nov-2007 17:53:01] <jlar> ipservice, that is
[08-Nov-2007 17:53:05] <cluther> jlar: No.. if you don't see it there it won't be monitored.
[08-Nov-2007 17:54:19] <MoreDakka> cluther, is there a suggestion that I can do to get me some datapoints for my graph?
[08-Nov-2007 17:57:35] <jlar> cluther: and yet, i'm still getting 'snmp agent down on device' even though there is no IpService under the OSprocesses tab
[08-Nov-2007 17:58:49] <cluther> snmp agent down on device has nothing to do with IpService monitoring. It is zenperfsnmp complaining that it can't reach the device via snmp. If you already set zSnmpMonitorIgnore to True for the device/device class you could try pushing changes to the device from the device's manage menu.
[08-Nov-2007 17:59:58] <cluther> MoreDakka: When you go to Add DataPoint from the graph points menu none show up?
[08-Nov-2007 18:01:23] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[08-Nov-2007 18:03:03] <MoreDakka> Ehh...I don't have an "add datapoint" menu.
[08-Nov-2007 18:03:42] <MoreDakka> All I have is a drop-down with "Add to ZenPack"
[08-Nov-2007 18:05:04] <jlar> cluther: ok, that makes sense, ty
[08-Nov-2007 18:05:45] <cluther> MoreDakka: On the "Graph Points" menu that is up at the top when you click into a graph definition?
[08-Nov-2007 18:06:03] Spec[x] is now known as Spec
[08-Nov-2007 18:06:50] <MoreDakka> Should there be a drop down menu on the "Graph Points" Titlebar?
[08-Nov-2007 18:07:04] <MoreDakka> Because I don't have one.
[08-Nov-2007 18:07:34] <MoreDakka> Is it time to have zenmigrate come and make breakfast?
[08-Nov-2007 18:09:30] <cluther> I suppose so.
[08-Nov-2007 18:12:57] <MoreDakka> I bet zenmigrate can turn water into wine too.
[08-Nov-2007 18:13:05] <MoreDakka> that got me the drop down menu.
[08-Nov-2007 18:16:48] <MoreDakka> Where can I see the log for the httpmonitor zenpack?
[08-Nov-2007 18:53:21] <MoreDakka> Where can I see the log for the httpmonitor zenpack?
[08-Nov-2007 19:16:39] <zak> Good day!
[08-Nov-2007 19:19:38] <cluther> HttpMonitor logs to zencommand.log
[08-Nov-2007 19:19:49] <cluther> zak: Good day to you too!
[08-Nov-2007 19:19:52] <zak> I'm evaluating Zenoss and I'm wondering if/how it can work with a master server and remote data collectors; we have a bunch of data centers and want to be able to monitor each with a probe local to that center and aggregate the data into a master server.
[08-Nov-2007 19:19:58] <zak> Hiya cluther!
[08-Nov-2007 19:20:38] <cluther> zak: There's a howto up on our site that explains the process.
[08-Nov-2007 19:20:39] <zak> I want to get rid of that damned OpManager crap software but management won't budge unless I can prove Zenoss will do the trick. :}
[08-Nov-2007 19:21:24] <zak> Oh thank you! Mind pasting the URL? I found only one page on the subject and it basically described bypassing a firewall.
[08-Nov-2007 19:21:57] <zak> "Setting up multiple zenperfsnmp collectors across different hosts"
[08-Nov-2007 19:22:19] <cluther> http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/howtos/setting-up-multiple-zenperfsnmp-collectors-across-different-hosts
[08-Nov-2007 19:22:33] <adytum-bot> Title: Zenoss - Setting up multiple zenperfsnmp collectors across different hosts - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[08-Nov-2007 19:22:35] <cluther> heh.. that's the one.
[08-Nov-2007 19:22:58] <zak> Ah! Hey thanks, I saw that one but did not think it applied to, for example availability monitoring.
[08-Nov-2007 19:23:02] <zak> I'll play with it a bit, thank you!
[08-Nov-2007 19:23:34] <cluther> zak: You can distribute the other pieces too, it's just a bit more work because zenping/zenmodeler haven't been ported to the new zenhub architecture.
[08-Nov-2007 19:24:33] <zak> Ah! So it doesn't really work that way YET, as a master/slave or probe/hub type setup...
[08-Nov-2007 19:25:46] <zak> Pretty big learning curve to Zenoss, chatted with a sales dude yesterday and it looks like our #1 choice, but the master/slave support seems quite iffy...
[08-Nov-2007 19:30:43] <zak> I'll give it a shot... if not, Nagios will have to do.
[08-Nov-2007 19:30:43] <cluther> zak: It definitely can work that way.. we have a few customers using it that way.
[08-Nov-2007 19:30:52] <zak> Oh great! OK I'll try it out...
[08-Nov-2007 19:31:24] <zak> It looked like that HOWTO applied to certain perf monitoring only.
[08-Nov-2007 19:31:38] <zak> Thanks, this might actually work after all! :>
[08-Nov-2007 19:31:59] <zak> If I can prove this all works I can get management to spend some money and get rid of OpManager!
[08-Nov-2007 19:32:31] <MoreDakka> cluther, is there a place where I can see the log from the httpmonitor zenpack?
[08-Nov-2007 19:32:54] <cluther> MoreDakka: HttpMonitor just runs COMMAND type data sources under the covers, so it would log to zencommand.log.
[08-Nov-2007 19:34:59] <MoreDakka> thnx :-D
[08-Nov-2007 19:38:45] <zak> Other than that, Zenoss kicks big-time ass! :}
[08-Nov-2007 21:40:47] <fiXXXerMet> How do you "connect" locations, so that they are linked in the network map and on the location map?
[08-Nov-2007 21:41:25] <MoreDakka> routes
[08-Nov-2007 21:42:18] <MoreDakka> If SNMP is enabled on the devices and zenoss is polling them and the devices have networks to eachother then zenoss will automatically create the links between them
[08-Nov-2007 21:42:57] <monrad> its quite ugly when you have more devices on the subnet
[08-Nov-2007 21:49:12] <fiXXXerMet> I know our locations are routed as I can ping and remote desktop and they are listed in dns, but they aren't showing up.
[08-Nov-2007 22:03:11] <fiXXXerMet> I kind of deleted all of the default device paths (/network/, /server/, etc). Can I get them back?
[08-Nov-2007 22:03:54] <MoreDakka> There is a command for it...starts with zen....zen something.....
[08-Nov-2007 22:11:30] <fiXXXerMet> zenyoushouldreadthedocsnow
[08-Nov-2007 22:11:43] <MoreDakka> haha
[08-Nov-2007 22:11:45] <MoreDakka> zenrtfm
[08-Nov-2007 22:12:02] <MoreDakka> zenpebkac
[08-Nov-2007 22:12:13] <MoreDakka> zenid10t
[08-Nov-2007 22:12:16] <MoreDakka> hehe
[08-Nov-2007 22:12:21] <MoreDakka> zen can be used with anything ;-)
[08-Nov-2007 22:20:19] <jlar> how about zenlistentomytemplatechanges!
[08-Nov-2007 22:20:29] <jlar> i've made changes to a template, and i'm still getting events for thresholds i deleted
[08-Nov-2007 22:20:59] <jlar> i tried binding the template again as well as "push changes" to no avail
[08-Nov-2007 22:23:40] <cluther> jlar: I've seen this happen too.. there are a few things you can try.
[08-Nov-2007 22:25:12] <cluther> jlar: The first would be to tell zenoss that the device has indeed had something change about it..
[08-Nov-2007 22:25:24] <cluther> jlar: You can do this by loading up zendmd and running this..
[08-Nov-2007 22:25:32] <cluther> jlar: find("device_id").setLastChange()
[08-Nov-2007 22:25:34] <cluther> jlar: commit)
[08-Nov-2007 22:25:37] <cluther> jlar: er.. commit()
[08-Nov-2007 22:26:03] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[08-Nov-2007 22:26:40] <cluther> jlar: I've been trying to discern exactly what causes this to happen so that we can more intelligently have the system notify itself of all applicable changes.
[08-Nov-2007 22:27:32] <jlar> ok. i'll give that a shot
[08-Nov-2007 22:27:59] <cluther> jlar: If that doesn't work.. restart zenhub.
[08-Nov-2007 22:39:36] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[08-Nov-2007 22:50:40] <MoreDakka> is there a zenpack for postgres?
[08-Nov-2007 22:51:28] <MoreDakka> pgSQL
[08-Nov-2007 23:00:45] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[08-Nov-2007 23:10:47] <MoreDakka> Can httpmonitor work without a fqdn and just off an ip?
[08-Nov-2007 23:21:18] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[08-Nov-2007 23:27:46] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[08-Nov-2007 23:35:28] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[08-Nov-2007 23:37:12] <tessier_> How do most people monitor a bunch of websites in a web farm? They aren't really "devices"
[08-Nov-2007 23:39:54] <tessier_> I know how to use the nagios plugin to monitor with check_http but having to put that in the template seems rather weird.
[08-Nov-2007 23:40:04] <tessier_> Normally a template is something that should apply to a bunch of machines.
[08-Nov-2007 23:40:13] <tessier_> Having an individual template for each web site I want to monitor doesn't seem right.
[08-Nov-2007 23:45:25] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[09-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Fri Nov 9 00:00:14 2007]
[09-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Fri Nov 9 00:00:14 2007]
[09-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[09-Nov-2007 05:03:07] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[09-Nov-2007 05:14:34] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - twitter - 01 Nov, 04:05PM
[09-Nov-2007 05:14:35] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=159
[09-Nov-2007 05:14:36] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Snake Wrangling for Kids
[09-Nov-2007 05:14:37] <adytum-bot`> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry4229308871869825098
[09-Nov-2007 06:08:47] <tessier> I can't believe how quiet it is in here for such a popular program.
[09-Nov-2007 06:08:52] <tessier> Even #nagios has more chatter.
[09-Nov-2007 07:20:32] <tessier> ugh
[09-Nov-2007 07:21:23] <tessier> I am beginning to think that zenoss is every bit as complicated as nagios, if not more so. At the very least it just seems to be moving the complication from a set of text based config files to a byzantine set of templates and devices and zProperties etc.
[09-Nov-2007 07:30:24] <mf2ng> tessier: i concur
[09-Nov-2007 07:30:38] <mf2ng> bit of useless irc-chan mostly
[09-Nov-2007 07:31:35] <mf2ng> but, im not paying anything... so...
[09-Nov-2007 07:32:09] <tessier> Indeed.
[09-Nov-2007 10:43:48] <thefish> hi folks
[09-Nov-2007 10:44:24] <thefish> im getting stuck with monitoring windows machines, can someone help please? In the admin manual, it says have a look at the README.txt file in the ZenWin directory
[09-Nov-2007 10:44:32] <thefish> however, there is no README in that dir
[09-Nov-2007 10:44:47] <thefish> there seems to be conflicting stuff on what to do
[09-Nov-2007 10:45:14] <thefish> install snmp, install snmp-informant, install python and zenwin on the monitored host...
[09-Nov-2007 10:45:36] <thefish> http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/install-guides/zenwin-installation/?searchterm=zenwin
[09-Nov-2007 10:45:45] <thefish> is this a sort of windows agent?
[09-Nov-2007 10:45:53] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - ZenWin Installation - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[09-Nov-2007 11:16:56] <mf2ng> thefish: WindowsWMIDeviceTemplate ZenPack was released just
[09-Nov-2007 11:17:13] <mf2ng> so there should not be need to install snmpinformant agent
[09-Nov-2007 11:17:38] <mf2ng> just trying to get it work, but while it is my first zenpack install it'l take some time it seems =)
[09-Nov-2007 11:18:47] <thefish> cool, mf2ng if you want any help let me know, im interested too!
[09-Nov-2007 11:19:02] <thefish> it seems there are not much docs for windows monitoring, or am i missing something?
[09-Nov-2007 11:19:44] <mf2ng> http://www.zenoss.com/community/projects/zenpacks/windowswmidevicetemplate
[09-Nov-2007 11:19:58] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - ZenPack - WindowsWMIDeviceTemplate - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[09-Nov-2007 11:20:14] <mf2ng> well, windows monitoring seems to be at least mostly the enterprice zenoss applications
[09-Nov-2007 11:21:21] <thefish> mm
[09-Nov-2007 11:21:55] <mf2ng> but the basics are instructed quite reasonably in the zenoss guide
[09-Nov-2007 11:26:39] <thefish> mf2ng, is that the admin guide available from the site?
[09-Nov-2007 11:26:49] <thefish> ive been following that, with instructions to enable snmp etc
[09-Nov-2007 11:26:57] <thefish> but then there is this zenWin
[09-Nov-2007 11:27:05] <thefish> is that an enterprise addon?
[09-Nov-2007 12:23:45] <mf2ng> thefish: yes, that adminguide from the site
[09-Nov-2007 12:24:01] <mf2ng> http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/zenoss-guide/2.1/ch15s01.html
[09-Nov-2007 12:24:15] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Admin Guide - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[09-Nov-2007 12:26:24] <mf2ng> hmm, any1 know why i can't map two unknown events to new class
[09-Nov-2007 12:26:51] <mf2ng> ServeRAID Manager Agent:/Unknown:Logical drive is critical: controller 1, logical drive 3 ("Drive 3").
[09-Nov-2007 12:27:32] <mf2ng> it would be quite nice to have that kind of events to be taken more seriously than "info" =)
[09-Nov-2007 12:28:07] <mf2ng> also, related to this prob... i cannot find any info for the oid
[09-Nov-2007 13:51:29] <jp10558> If I have a template from a Zenpack, how do I bind it to a new subcontainer?
[09-Nov-2007 13:54:08] <FelipeBare> someone monitoring oracle databases with zenoss ?
[09-Nov-2007 14:16:56] <thefish> is there a way to add a MIB as a text file?
[09-Nov-2007 14:27:08] <jp10558> If I reinstall a zenpack, what does that do?
[09-Nov-2007 15:05:50] <mf2ng> thefish: just drop the mibfile to /opt/zenoss/share/mib/site ja run zenmib run /path/to/mib as zenoss user
[09-Nov-2007 15:25:54] <thefish> mf2ng, thanks, all done
[09-Nov-2007 15:26:16] <thefish> it wont recognise old traps, will have to wait for a new one to see if it understands it now
[09-Nov-2007 15:42:11] <mf2ng> yup
[09-Nov-2007 15:42:19] <mf2ng> that's true
[09-Nov-2007 16:11:43] <thefish> mf2ng, should it automatically understand new traps after installing the MIB, or do i have to do something else?
[09-Nov-2007 16:43:31] <thefish> im still getting traps like
[09-Nov-2007 16:43:48] <thefish> actually that doesnt seem to be in the mib anyway...
[09-Nov-2007 17:50:48] <drcode> hi all
[09-Nov-2007 18:26:57] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[09-Nov-2007 19:01:35] <jon3k> So I noticed that NetFlow supposed has a milestone for Zenos-3000
[09-Nov-2007 19:01:43] <jon3k> is there an official ETA for Zenoss-3000?
[09-Nov-2007 19:02:25] <jon3k> And does the name refer have anything to do with Python 3000?
[09-Nov-2007 19:11:15] <jp10558> no, Zenoss - 3000 is as I understand it a placeholder for "it'd be nice, but we have no idea when we'll get to it"
[09-Nov-2007 19:11:36] <jp10558> Does anyone here understand Performance Templates + binding to a class?
[09-Nov-2007 19:30:49] <jon3k> yikes
[09-Nov-2007 23:54:05] Spec is now known as x-spec-texas
[10-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sat Nov 10 00:00:14 2007]
[10-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sat Nov 10 00:00:14 2007]
[10-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[10-Nov-2007 05:03:05] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[10-Nov-2007 05:03:11] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[10-Nov-2007 05:15:05] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[10-Nov-2007 05:15:07] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[10-Nov-2007 07:50:46] Jeremiah-R is now known as Jeremiah-Laptop
[10-Nov-2007 07:50:54] Jeremiah-Laptop is now known as Jeremiah-R
[10-Nov-2007 16:14:46] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[10-Nov-2007 16:29:50] <punkpussy> Hi, I just upgraded zenoss to version 2.1 on my centos server, but all fields are now centered instead of left aligned. Is it actually meant to be this way?
[10-Nov-2007 16:35:39] <monrad> i had to clear firefoxes cache before it looked ok again
[10-Nov-2007 16:40:42] <punkpussy> monrad: oh I see ... didn't even try that...
[10-Nov-2007 16:40:44] <punkpussy> thanks
[10-Nov-2007 16:42:30] <monrad> np
[10-Nov-2007 21:06:51] <Symmetria> lo all
[10-Nov-2007 21:07:05] <Symmetria> hrm, anyone tried to install zenoss under ubuntu gutsy? Im having some issues
[10-Nov-2007 21:07:39] <Symmetria> in the buildlog I see:
[10-Nov-2007 21:07:39] <Symmetria> File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/__init__.py", line 21, in <module>
[10-Nov-2007 21:07:39] <Symmetria> If there is a ZMI add screen it must be called "add" + class name (ie addDevice)and it must be defined at the module level.
[10-Nov-2007 21:07:46] <Symmetria> and then a little lower down I see:
[10-Nov-2007 21:07:47] <Symmetria> AttributeError: 'wrapper_descriptor' object has no attribute 'im_func'
[11-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sun Nov 11 00:00:14 2007]
[11-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sun Nov 11 00:00:14 2007]
[11-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[11-Nov-2007 02:53:42] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[11-Nov-2007 05:02:59] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[11-Nov-2007 05:03:05] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[11-Nov-2007 05:15:36] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[11-Nov-2007 05:15:37] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[11-Nov-2007 05:15:39] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - SAGE: Open Source Mathematics Software
[11-Nov-2007 05:15:40] <adytum-bot`> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry5521298383701540622
[11-Nov-2007 07:02:37] conexcol2 is now known as conexcol
[11-Nov-2007 07:03:19] <conexcol> hi
[11-Nov-2007 07:03:25] <conexcol> anybody awake?
[11-Nov-2007 07:05:14] <conexcol> does anybody know why are so few zenpacks?
[11-Nov-2007 07:05:30] <conexcol> only 9 zenpacks?
[11-Nov-2007 07:06:14] <conexcol> nobody has submited temperature sensors with lm-sensors.. ?!
[11-Nov-2007 08:18:54] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[11-Nov-2007 08:19:04] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[11-Nov-2007 09:25:42] <Symmetria> lo all
[11-Nov-2007 09:25:44] <Symmetria> anyone awake?
[11-Nov-2007 09:28:10] <Jeremiah-R> *waves*
[11-Nov-2007 09:46:28] <Symmetria> hrm
[11-Nov-2007 09:46:40] <Symmetria> Im busy trying to get zenoss to monitor performance on interfaces
[11-Nov-2007 09:46:48] <Symmetria> but when I go to that page it just sits there showing me nothing
[11-Nov-2007 09:47:21] <Jeremiah-R> which page?
[11-Nov-2007 09:49:24] <Symmetria> if you go to a device, then go to OS and it has a list of interfaces
[11-Nov-2007 09:49:27] <Symmetria> click on an interface
[11-Nov-2007 09:49:43] <Symmetria> it says IpInterface with name GigabitEthernet1/24
[11-Nov-2007 09:49:46] <Symmetria> shows the mac etc
[11-Nov-2007 09:49:49] <Symmetria> but no performance data
[11-Nov-2007 09:51:05] <Jeremiah-R> hmmm is it showing graphs at all but blank? or nothing below performance graphs?
[11-Nov-2007 09:51:59] <Symmetria> shows the performance graphs heading, shows throughput with a zoom in and zoom out magnifying glass, but absolutely no data next to it
[11-Nov-2007 09:52:45] <Jeremiah-R> and it has been that way long enough for it to get data? like 3 poll cycles and all?
[11-Nov-2007 09:52:56] <Symmetria> heh yeah its been like that for the last 2 hours
[11-Nov-2007 09:53:00] <Jeremiah-R> hah
[11-Nov-2007 09:53:03] <Jeremiah-R> hmm
[11-Nov-2007 09:53:29] <Jeremiah-R> not to be obtuse but that interface does actually have traffic on it and is up?
[11-Nov-2007 09:54:12] <Symmetria> errr currently pushing 173mbit/second through it
[11-Nov-2007 09:54:27] <Symmetria> according to my netflow systems
[11-Nov-2007 09:54:27] <Jeremiah-R> well that would be some traffic then
[11-Nov-2007 09:54:55] <Jeremiah-R> under the graph does it show nan for the values? or does cur, avg or max have at least some info?
[11-Nov-2007 09:56:20] <Symmetria> graphs dont actually seem to even load, there is nothing where the graphs should be
[11-Nov-2007 09:56:25] <Jeremiah-R> oh
[11-Nov-2007 09:56:38] <Jeremiah-R> well that would be different then
[11-Nov-2007 09:56:50] * Symmetria wonders if its his browser
[11-Nov-2007 09:56:51] <Jeremiah-R> you are pulling the info with the standard templates?
[11-Nov-2007 09:56:56] <Symmetria> heh maybe its firefox screwing up
[11-Nov-2007 09:56:57] <Symmetria> yeah
[11-Nov-2007 09:57:12] <Jeremiah-R> I had that happen... *trying to remember what it was*
[11-Nov-2007 09:58:40] <Jeremiah-R> add any custom thresholds or anything? I botched one of those and it killed my graphs
[11-Nov-2007 09:59:24] <Symmetria> hrm, nope
[11-Nov-2007 09:59:59] <Jeremiah-R> is it doing it on all interfaces on the system or just this interface or device?
[11-Nov-2007 10:00:07] <Symmetria> all of them
[11-Nov-2007 10:00:21] <Jeremiah-R> hmm, are all of the daemons running?
[11-Nov-2007 10:00:21] <Symmetria> heh interesting, internet explorer cant browse to this system *at all* it aborts operation
[11-Nov-2007 10:00:25] <Symmetria> yip they are
[11-Nov-2007 10:00:37] <Symmetria> (was trying i.E just to see if firefox was messing up)
[11-Nov-2007 10:00:42] <Jeremiah-R> yeah
[11-Nov-2007 10:01:51] <Symmetria> hrm, I think something else is screwed since I.E claims there are a ton of errors on the page
[11-Nov-2007 10:02:20] <Jeremiah-R> could be, as I recall bad threshold or daemons not running did it to me before
[11-Nov-2007 10:02:29] <Jeremiah-R> it is doing it for both gig and fa interfaces?
[11-Nov-2007 10:02:38] <Symmetria> I dont have any FA interfaces
[11-Nov-2007 10:02:45] <Symmetria> heh I only have gig and 10gig interfaces
[11-Nov-2007 10:02:54] <Jeremiah-R> hmm
[11-Nov-2007 10:03:31] <Jeremiah-R> I know I had to do some playing with our gig interfaces to get them to graph properly because the 32 bit counters rolled over to fast but I at least had graphs the values were just wrong
[11-Nov-2007 10:05:49] <Symmetria> hehe I wlil play with it see what I can figure out
[11-Nov-2007 10:06:07] <Symmetria> at least I get furhter with zenoss than I got with hyperic, hyperic refused to even see any of the SVI's
[11-Nov-2007 10:06:27] <Jeremiah-R> heh
[11-Nov-2007 10:08:29] <Jeremiah-R> did you try...
[11-Nov-2007 10:08:38] <Jeremiah-R> zenperfsnmp -d device -v10
[11-Nov-2007 10:08:38] <Jeremiah-R> ?
[11-Nov-2007 10:09:51] * Symmetria tries
[11-Nov-2007 10:09:56] <Symmetria> brb
[11-Nov-2007 10:10:39] <Jeremiah-R> oops should have been no space between -d and device
[11-Nov-2007 17:35:56] <punkpussy> Hi
[11-Nov-2007 17:36:48] <punkpussy> I have modeled a bunch of Linux devices. Most of them give the CPU Utilizations Treshold not met error. I disabled this template by setting "monitor" to false.
[11-Nov-2007 17:37:07] <punkpussy> I still keep getting the error messages. Is this change not applied to existing devices?
[11-Nov-2007 19:08:24] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[11-Nov-2007 19:08:44] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[11-Nov-2007 21:45:49] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[11-Nov-2007 21:57:04] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[12-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Mon Nov 12 00:00:14 2007]
[12-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Mon Nov 12 00:00:14 2007]
[12-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[12-Nov-2007 00:03:02] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[12-Nov-2007 05:03:08] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[12-Nov-2007 05:03:15] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[12-Nov-2007 05:16:10] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[12-Nov-2007 05:16:10] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[12-Nov-2007 05:16:11] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - PyCon 2008 Needs YOU!
[12-Nov-2007 05:16:12] <adytum-bot`> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry5847398237398511684
[12-Nov-2007 08:27:06] fulgas474 is now known as fulgas
[12-Nov-2007 11:55:49] <TheNewGuy> hi all
[12-Nov-2007 11:56:11] <TheNewGuy> how is everyone?
[12-Nov-2007 12:41:46] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[12-Nov-2007 15:50:17] <FelipeBare> how to define mibs on windows snmp ?
[12-Nov-2007 18:29:26] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[12-Nov-2007 18:30:25] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[12-Nov-2007 18:41:44] <FelipeBare> anyone uses Zenoss to monitor aplications ? Like MsSql Server? Apache Web Server, etc ?
[12-Nov-2007 19:48:15] <jon3k> quit
[12-Nov-2007 19:59:59] PerlSta1ker is now known as PerlStalker
[12-Nov-2007 20:01:25] <eurowerke> anyone have an idea how to monitor exchange outlook web access?
[12-Nov-2007 20:01:33] <eurowerke> other than just an HttpMonitor setup?
[12-Nov-2007 21:58:08] zaph is now known as zaf
[12-Nov-2007 22:20:12] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[13-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Tue Nov 13 00:00:14 2007]
[13-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Tue Nov 13 00:00:14 2007]
[13-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[13-Nov-2007 00:04:00] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[13-Nov-2007 05:03:08] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[13-Nov-2007 05:03:12] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[13-Nov-2007 05:16:43] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[13-Nov-2007 05:16:44] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[13-Nov-2007 05:16:45] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - One month of Django tips
[13-Nov-2007 05:16:46] <adytum-bot`> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry5831459777377018873
[13-Nov-2007 15:37:45] <MoreDakka> Anyone alive in here this morning?
[13-Nov-2007 15:41:56] <MoreDakka> How do I fix the geocache problem? (can't remember the url to go to delete the geocache)
[13-Nov-2007 16:42:05] <MoreDakka> How do I fix the geocache problem? (can't remember the url to go to delete the geocache)
[13-Nov-2007 17:32:45] <MoreDakka_> How do I fix the geocache problem? (can't remember the url to go to delete the geocache)
[13-Nov-2007 18:19:56] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[13-Nov-2007 18:39:04] <MoreDakka_> ping
[13-Nov-2007 18:39:07] <MoreDakka_> How do I fix the geocache problem? (can't remember the url to go to delete the geocache)
[13-Nov-2007 19:23:03] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[13-Nov-2007 21:14:21] <Hammerhead> Hello all
[13-Nov-2007 21:14:41] <Hammerhead> Were is zendisc? I do not see it in the daemons section
[13-Nov-2007 23:03:14] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[13-Nov-2007 23:03:17] <MoreDakka_> How do I fix the geocache problem? (can't remember the url to go to delete the geocache)
[13-Nov-2007 23:29:15] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[14-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Wed Nov 14 00:00:14 2007]
[14-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Wed Nov 14 00:00:14 2007]
[14-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[14-Nov-2007 01:44:31] <Laurens> hi is anyone here?
[14-Nov-2007 01:44:53] <Laurens> AttributeError: /usr/local/zenoss/bin/python: undefined symbol: netsnmp_get_version
[14-Nov-2007 01:44:56] <Laurens>
[14-Nov-2007 05:03:06] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[14-Nov-2007 05:03:13] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[14-Nov-2007 05:17:13] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[14-Nov-2007 05:17:14] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[14-Nov-2007 15:02:38] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[14-Nov-2007 15:02:39] <MoreDakka_> How do I fix the geocache problem? (can't remember the url to go to delete the geocache)
[14-Nov-2007 15:05:47] PerlSta1ker is now known as PerlStalker
[14-Nov-2007 15:06:13] <MoreDakka_> nvm about the gecache, found the linky. the 60% PL is still a question though.
[14-Nov-2007 16:44:08] <GnuWorld> Anybody care the help me out with WMI?
[14-Nov-2007 16:49:05] <GnuWorld> Rather a clarification
[14-Nov-2007 17:19:23] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if windows can send a trap if a user is getting close to filling their quota?
[14-Nov-2007 17:49:29] <GnuWorld> Through SNMP informant you are able to configure that.
[14-Nov-2007 17:49:42] <MoreDakka_> I couldn't find it in the snmp informant.
[14-Nov-2007 17:50:52] <MoreDakka_> Do you know the OID that I can look at?
[14-Nov-2007 17:58:55] <GnuWorld> Hmm let me have a look, just in the midst of working on ZenOSS myself
[14-Nov-2007 18:19:16] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[14-Nov-2007 18:47:24] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[14-Nov-2007 18:47:43] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[14-Nov-2007 19:05:22] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[14-Nov-2007 19:33:19] <Drognan> is there a way to only allow a user to look at particular devies? I assigned a zenuser to a group of devices, but he can still look at everything.
[14-Nov-2007 19:54:29] <MoreDakka_> Dorgnan: No.
[14-Nov-2007 19:55:43] <MoreDakka_> Dorgnan: http://community.zenoss.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3820&highlight=
[14-Nov-2007 19:55:54] <MoreDakka_> Well unless you get Enterprise.
[14-Nov-2007 19:56:01] <adytum-bot`> Title: Forums :: View topic - Limited users (at community.zenoss.com)
[14-Nov-2007 20:02:52] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if windows can send a trap if a user is getting close to filling their quota?
[14-Nov-2007 20:02:57] <MoreDakka_> I couldn't find it in the snmp informant.
[14-Nov-2007 20:03:02] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[14-Nov-2007 20:07:18] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[14-Nov-2007 20:28:23] <MoreDakka_> Is it a holiday or something today?
[14-Nov-2007 20:40:33] <MoreDakka_> kgoedtel: Are you actually here?:
[14-Nov-2007 20:40:45] <MoreDakka_> I'm so lonely in this chat room all by myself
[14-Nov-2007 20:41:23] <dom> I have a question about getting data from command templates
[14-Nov-2007 20:41:45] <dom> how can I get data from standard out that the scripts produce?
[14-Nov-2007 20:42:06] <dom> see, you're not completely alone :-)
[14-Nov-2007 20:42:09] <MoreDakka_> haha
[14-Nov-2007 20:42:14] MoreDakka_ is now known as MoreDakka
[14-Nov-2007 20:42:27] <MoreDakka> I don't know the answer to your question though
[14-Nov-2007 20:42:52] <dom> no problem. I'm going to idle for a while, anyway
[14-Nov-2007 20:42:58] <dom> like everyone else
[14-Nov-2007 20:43:04] <MoreDakka> Do you know if windows can send a trap if a user is getting close to filling their quota? Or if there is SNMP OID for it?
[14-Nov-2007 20:43:52] <dom> I know there's an optional snmp interface to wmi that should provide that
[14-Nov-2007 20:44:01] <dom> but I've never implemented
[14-Nov-2007 20:44:15] <MoreDakka> I've looked through the SNMP-Informant but can't find anything about quotas.
[14-Nov-2007 21:18:08] <z1pp1ty> zenwin isn't modeling one of my servers, is there anyway i can force it to?
[14-Nov-2007 21:26:13] <dom> have you tried the -d option on the command line?
[14-Nov-2007 21:33:58] <z1pp1ty> what is the full command i should
[14-Nov-2007 21:34:11] <z1pp1ty> run?
[14-Nov-2007 21:35:39] <dom> try: zenwin run -d <devicename> -v 10
[14-Nov-2007 21:40:14] <z1pp1ty> i get: /opt/zenoss/bin/zenwin: line 13: /bin/zenfunctions: No such file or directory
[14-Nov-2007 21:40:22] <z1pp1ty> what am i doing wrong?
[14-Nov-2007 21:40:33] <MoreDakka> Make sure u are logged in as the zenoss user
[14-Nov-2007 21:41:09] <dom> yep
[14-Nov-2007 21:43:38] <z1pp1ty> zenwin -d -v 10
[14-Nov-2007 21:43:42] <z1pp1ty> ?
[14-Nov-2007 21:43:53] <z1pp1ty> it doesn't like that
[14-Nov-2007 21:45:36] <dom> I think you have to use the device name that is in zenoss
[14-Nov-2007 21:47:20] <z1pp1ty> it doesn't like the format
[14-Nov-2007 21:47:21] <z1pp1ty> Usage: /opt/zenoss/bin/zenwin {run|start|stop|restart|status|help|genconf} [options]
[14-Nov-2007 21:47:37] <dom> I just thought of something else, check the devices' zProperties, near the bottom you'll see zWinUser and zWinPassword. Try putting in a valid username and password for that box.
[14-Nov-2007 21:47:46] <dom> os, zenwin run -d ...
[14-Nov-2007 21:48:03] <dom> looks like the 'run' was missing
[14-Nov-2007 21:52:48] <z1pp1ty> http://pastebin.com/d2e78373a
[14-Nov-2007 21:52:55] <adytum-bot`> Title: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)
[14-Nov-2007 21:53:02] <z1pp1ty> looks like it did something
[14-Nov-2007 21:53:10] <z1pp1ty> but i still don't see any details in zenoss
[14-Nov-2007 21:53:21] <z1pp1ty> i have other servers in the same domain that are working fine
[14-Nov-2007 21:56:11] <MoreDakka> with zwineventlog does WMI need to be active on the box for it to work?
[14-Nov-2007 22:00:38] <dom> yes, that also relies on wmi, not snmp
[14-Nov-2007 22:02:41] <MoreDakka> bah
[14-Nov-2007 22:07:53] <dom> zip, not sure what that issue is. looks like it's connecting, though. maybe try a wmi browser and see if you can get data at all through wmi. you can also enable wmi logging by going into the properties of WMI Control in computer management.
[14-Nov-2007 22:11:35] <dom> gotta run. hope everything turns out well-
[14-Nov-2007 22:13:54] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[14-Nov-2007 23:27:16] <tessier__> I'm looking at an rrdtool graph for an interface under the os tab on a particular device and there is a Description field which is empty. Anyone know how I can populate this? I would like to add some descriptions to these interfaces.
[15-Nov-2007 00:00:06] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[15-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Thu Nov 15 00:00:14 2007]
[15-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Thu Nov 15 00:00:14 2007]
[15-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[15-Nov-2007 05:03:22] Tinozaure is now known as __Tino
[15-Nov-2007 05:03:27] __Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[15-Nov-2007 05:17:46] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[15-Nov-2007 05:17:47] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[15-Nov-2007 14:30:45] <MoreDakka> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[15-Nov-2007 15:00:42] <MoreDakka> Is there a reason to why when I clear the geocache that the google maps works then I refresh the page a 2nd time and it stops working again>?
[15-Nov-2007 15:05:50] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[15-Nov-2007 15:18:13] <bimble> does anyone have any documentation availalbe for building zenoss on Solaris 10? (sorry, I asked here before checking the site)
[15-Nov-2007 15:19:18] <MoreDakka> http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/install-guides/ Doesn't look like there is any documentation on that. Might want to check the forums.
[15-Nov-2007 15:19:34] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Install Guides - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[15-Nov-2007 15:21:13] <robaman> can I get a more complete list of graphs than those fetched via REST and the /getDefaultGraphs url on the server?
[15-Nov-2007 15:22:09] <bimble> thanks folks
[15-Nov-2007 15:44:06] <mabj> Hi. Is there a Windows client for Zenoss, so i can make it send data from a Windows host, instead of the server pull the information?=
[15-Nov-2007 15:53:05] <MoreDakka> Is there a reason to why when I clear the geocache that the google maps works then I refresh the page a 2nd time and it stops working again>?
[15-Nov-2007 17:16:56] <UbuntuGuy> HI -- I'm looking at Zenoss from a carrier perspective. I need to know what devices are supported out of the box Where can I find this info?
[15-Nov-2007 17:46:01] <progma> UbuntuGuy: look at vendor's snmp
[15-Nov-2007 17:46:30] <progma> UbuntuGuy: basically if your hardware vendor has snmp oids, zenoss can use that info
[15-Nov-2007 17:47:39] <MoreDakka> progma....yay someone else is in this channel.
[15-Nov-2007 17:47:45] <MoreDakka> sooo slow in here the past couple days.
[15-Nov-2007 17:47:48] <MoreDakka> Is there a reason to why when I clear the geocache that the google maps works then I refresh the page a 2nd time and it stops working again>?
[15-Nov-2007 17:48:35] <progma> MoreDakka: um no idea :{
[15-Nov-2007 17:48:48] <MoreDakka> bah
[15-Nov-2007 17:48:50] <progma> i haven't even set that up yet
[15-Nov-2007 17:48:57] <MoreDakka> How about:
[15-Nov-2007 17:49:00] <MoreDakka> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[15-Nov-2007 17:49:11] <MoreDakka> (hehe....typed these before)
[15-Nov-2007 17:51:16] <UbuntuGuy> progma: right, but can it understand the data? Think of ATM switches, voice switches, XYLANs, cisco GSRs etc, etc. Vendors like Marconi, Fujitsu, cisco, etc. All of these support SNMP to one degree or another, but can Zenoss understand what it gets back?
[15-Nov-2007 17:52:04] <progma> UbuntuGuy: it depends on what you want understood; the responses are usually integer values or text descriptions; with integer values you can set min and max thresholds and take action when those thresholds are breached
[15-Nov-2007 17:52:13] <progma> the values can also be graphed
[15-Nov-2007 17:52:33] <progma> so for example a cisco switch, you can graph bandwidth usage and cpu usage over time and keep history
[15-Nov-2007 17:52:51] <progma> and then setup alerting if >80% usage is hit etc
[15-Nov-2007 17:53:51] <progma> i have a sensatronics temp and humidity monitor that i graph temps with; it's just a little embedded device with an ethernet port and some wire probes
[15-Nov-2007 17:54:54] <UbuntuGuy> progma: got it! Thanks
[15-Nov-2007 17:55:36] <progma> UbuntuGuy: no prob; the auto discovery feature is nice so if you already have an snmp infrastructure of sorts setup, you can just have zenoss see what it finds off the bat
[15-Nov-2007 17:56:56] <progma> UbuntuGuy: it's based heavily on snmp and syslog fyi; i use my central syslog-ng server with zenoss
[15-Nov-2007 17:57:23] <progma> so you can setup alerting on standard syslog levels i.e. crit/debug/info
[15-Nov-2007 17:57:39] <eurowerke> dunk
[15-Nov-2007 17:57:47] <MoreDakka> progma: Do you forward all the logs from your syslog-ng -> your zenoss server?
[15-Nov-2007 17:58:09] <MoreDakka> Then zenoss sorts it?
[15-Nov-2007 18:01:09] <UbuntuGuy> progma: Am I right in saying that zenoss is primarily an alarm-generating system? Like Netcool or HPOV or the like?
[15-Nov-2007 18:04:00] <eurowerke> i wouldn't say *primarily*
[15-Nov-2007 18:04:06] <eurowerke> but that is a main function, yes
[15-Nov-2007 18:05:50] <MoreDakka> Zenoss can generate reports and graphs (now maps, and network maps)
[15-Nov-2007 18:06:55] <UbuntuGuy> How well does it scale? Our network has many thousands of switches and routers
[15-Nov-2007 18:07:50] <MoreDakka> heh, I can't relate...only monitoring about 160 devices right now....hasn't even broken a sweat on a 1ghz box.
[15-Nov-2007 18:09:09] <PerlStalker> UbuntuGuy: Zenoss supports using multiple monitors as well
[15-Nov-2007 18:09:38] <UbuntuGuy> is there provision for hot failover to standby systems with geodiversity?
[15-Nov-2007 18:10:08] <eurowerke> wow Dakk, would have thought that would have been a decent load
[15-Nov-2007 18:10:09] <eurowerke> :-P
[15-Nov-2007 18:10:15] <eurowerke> nice to know
[15-Nov-2007 18:10:35] <eurowerke> brb
[15-Nov-2007 18:11:44] <PerlStalker> UbuntuGuy: That I don't know.
[15-Nov-2007 18:12:16] <MoreDakka> UbuntuGuy: Sounds like you want to look into the Enterprise version and contact Zenoss sales.
[15-Nov-2007 18:13:54] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[15-Nov-2007 18:17:17] <Lok1> hi all
[15-Nov-2007 18:17:36] <Lok1> anyone here using zenoss to manage cisco-based network hardware?
[15-Nov-2007 18:17:55] <UbuntuGuy> probably
[15-Nov-2007 18:20:28] <Lok1> can you use zenoss to gather configurations from cisco equipment?
[15-Nov-2007 18:20:32] <PerlStalker> Yes
[15-Nov-2007 18:20:41] <Lok1> zenoss core?
[15-Nov-2007 18:20:59] <PerlStalker> I don't know if it's built in or not.
[15-Nov-2007 18:21:11] <PerlStalker> I know that you can use it to snarf configs.
[15-Nov-2007 18:21:18] <Lok1> can you point me somewhere to learn how to do that?
[15-Nov-2007 18:21:26] <Lok1> I have searched everywhere I can
[15-Nov-2007 18:21:46] <PerlStalker> You can write a command script that downloads the configs from the routers.
[15-Nov-2007 18:21:59] <Lok1> ahhh
[15-Nov-2007 18:27:47] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[15-Nov-2007 21:42:55] <amarin> lo all
[15-Nov-2007 21:43:39] <amarin> I have a question - is there anyone familiar with the new vmware download?
[15-Nov-2007 21:44:26] <amarin> Is there anyone alive here?
[15-Nov-2007 21:49:13] <amarin> I can't login to v 2.1.1 - default password has changed/
[15-Nov-2007 22:00:08] jds2001_ is now known as jds2001
[15-Nov-2007 22:01:02] <amarin> ok - are there any live bots here?
[15-Nov-2007 22:04:46] <amarin> anyone live here that knows anything/
[15-Nov-2007 22:04:48] <amarin> ?
[15-Nov-2007 22:06:20] <amarin> what a waste - this product is basically NOT Supported - pitty
[15-Nov-2007 22:21:45] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[16-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Fri Nov 16 00:00:14 2007]
[16-Nov-2007 00:00:15] [connected at Fri Nov 16 00:00:15 2007]
[16-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[16-Nov-2007 00:36:48] progma_ is now known as progma
[16-Nov-2007 00:41:44] <larspa> Havn probs with 2.1.1 install wrt python...anyone else?
[16-Nov-2007 01:59:44] <larspa> Having problems with 2.1.1 install due to Python API version...anyone else?
[16-Nov-2007 03:36:26] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[16-Nov-2007 03:56:48] <Jeremah-R> does anyone know if the topology created by zenping is involved when the links on the google map or network map are drawn?
[16-Nov-2007 03:59:26] <PerlStalker> Jeremah-R: To my knowledge, the lines are created based on the networks and addresses learned for each device.
[16-Nov-2007 04:00:09] <Jeremah-R> Hmmm, ok, thanks for the info. trying to figure out why the google maps are drawing the lines the way it is...
[16-Nov-2007 04:03:24] <Jeremah-R> Well then related. Does anyone know how the links are drawn? Not the code but the logic behind how they figure out how to map between two points. I know it is based on network other than that, does each location go to the location where the gateway IP is or ... ?
[16-Nov-2007 04:04:04] <PerlStalker> The links go to the address specified for each Location.
[16-Nov-2007 04:05:08] <PerlStalker> So you create a Location for each place where you have equipment then put your Devices in the proper Locations.
[16-Nov-2007 04:05:14] <Jeremah-R> well I mean if you have 2 locations that are in the same subnet a link gets drawn between them. But what if you have three locations in the same subnet? How does it know where to draw the links?
[16-Nov-2007 04:05:32] <PerlStalker> I think it tries to create a complete graph.
[16-Nov-2007 04:05:39] <PerlStalker> All three points are linked.
[16-Nov-2007 04:06:09] <PerlStalker> It would be nice if those links could be setup manually instead.
[16-Nov-2007 04:06:49] <PerlStalker> Especially since, in my case, I want to monitor the bridges between certain of my routers.
[16-Nov-2007 04:06:52] <Jeremah-R> yeah that is what I have been seeing, but it is incorrect based on the routing on the devices so I was wondering what the actual logic behind them is. It would seem logical that it would draw to what ever location contained the gateway IP but it doesnt seem to be doing that.
[16-Nov-2007 04:06:57] <Jeremah-R> yeah same kind of thing here
[16-Nov-2007 05:18:19] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[16-Nov-2007 05:18:20] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[16-Nov-2007 06:09:27] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[16-Nov-2007 14:01:02] <AcidTonic> I'm having issues with autodiscovery. I'm getting the ValueError: Unrecognized type: 5 error
[16-Nov-2007 14:01:23] <AcidTonic> I can pastebin the entire error msg, but it appears people have posted fixes for this issue
[16-Nov-2007 14:03:18] <AcidTonic> Line 161 zenoss/Products/Zenstatus/Ping.py recvPacket and Line 252 in zenoss/lib/python/icmp.py disassemble
[16-Nov-2007 14:06:21] <AcidTonic> Wish I knew if this was already fixed or not. I'm a programmer and if it's not fixed I can submit a patch
[16-Nov-2007 14:10:02] <AcidTonic> alrighty, got a fix. someone speak up if I should submit this patch
[16-Nov-2007 14:18:11] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[16-Nov-2007 14:18:53] <MoreDakka_> Is there a reason to why when I clear the geocache that the google maps works then I refresh the page a 2nd time and it stops working again>?
[16-Nov-2007 15:01:03] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[16-Nov-2007 15:48:24] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[16-Nov-2007 15:48:25] <MoreDakka_> Is there a reason to why when I clear the geocache that the google maps works then I refresh the page a 2nd time and it stops working again>?
[16-Nov-2007 16:43:57] <javachip> has anyone installed zenoss on fedora 8?
[16-Nov-2007 16:45:03] <javachip> How can I get around the Python 2.4.4 requirment in Fedora when it allready has Python 5.6.1?
[16-Nov-2007 17:12:36] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[16-Nov-2007 17:12:37] <MoreDakka_> Is there a reason to why when I clear the geocache that the google maps works then I refresh the page a 2nd time and it stops working again>?
[16-Nov-2007 17:34:00] <tessier__> Nobody answers questions on IRC, nobody answers on the mailing list...ugh
[16-Nov-2007 17:37:01] <MoreDakka_> Yeah...it has been quite slow here this week.
[16-Nov-2007 17:42:39] <PerlStalker> MoreDakka_: I don't know about your Google Maps thing but I know that if you can get the data into zenoss, you can generate alerts on it.
[16-Nov-2007 17:43:21] <MoreDakka_> I'm wondering if anyone has built a zenpack for something like that.
[16-Nov-2007 17:43:34] <PerlStalker> Perhaps but I haven't seen one.
[16-Nov-2007 17:43:43] <MoreDakka_> the 60% PL is an auto thing in nagios
[16-Nov-2007 17:43:44] <MoreDakka_>
[16-Nov-2007 18:21:31] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[16-Nov-2007 18:22:23] <jfnormand> Hi, can someone tell me how to add a device with snmpv3 ? (I've try many thing in the zProperties).
[16-Nov-2007 18:24:25] <jfnormand> hello ?
[16-Nov-2007 18:40:13] <javachip> How can I get around the Python 2.4.4 requirment in Fedora when it allready has Python 5.6.1?
[16-Nov-2007 19:58:01] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[16-Nov-2007 20:48:06] <Jeremiah-R> does anyone know if it is possible to store a value pulled by a collector in a custom property of a device?
[16-Nov-2007 21:00:39] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[16-Nov-2007 21:33:21] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[16-Nov-2007 21:57:17] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[16-Nov-2007 21:58:00] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[16-Nov-2007 22:31:02] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[17-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sat Nov 17 00:00:14 2007]
[17-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sat Nov 17 00:00:14 2007]
[17-Nov-2007 00:00:18] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[17-Nov-2007 05:18:50] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[17-Nov-2007 05:18:51] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[17-Nov-2007 10:56:21] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[17-Nov-2007 12:13:58] <conexcol> hi
[17-Nov-2007 12:14:32] <conexcol> does anyone knows where can I find the Zenoss Admin Guide?
[17-Nov-2007 12:14:57] <conexcol> i can't find it anywhere
[17-Nov-2007 12:16:38] <conexcol> only one at the time please
[17-Nov-2007 12:18:28] <conexcol> I'm looking for the section 13.2: "Adding an Additional Performance Server"
[17-Nov-2007 12:18:37] <conexcol> how can I do that?
[17-Nov-2007 12:43:57] <conexcol> you people are nice to talk with... thanks!
[17-Nov-2007 12:44:18] <conexcol> i love you!
[17-Nov-2007 13:01:14] <conexcol> does anyone knows where can I find the Zenoss Admin Guide?
[17-Nov-2007 13:01:18] <conexcol> I'm looking for the section 13.2: "Adding an Additional Performance Server"
[17-Nov-2007 13:01:27] <conexcol> i can't find it anywhere
[17-Nov-2007 13:01:33] <conexcol> how can I do that?
[17-Nov-2007 16:14:39] <conexcol> does anyone knows where can I find the Zenoss Admin Guide?
[17-Nov-2007 18:40:54] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[17-Nov-2007 18:41:28] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[17-Nov-2007 19:31:51] <conexcol> does anyone knows where can I find the Zenoss Admin Guide?
[17-Nov-2007 20:01:14] <conexcol> does anyone knows where can I find the Zenoss Admin Guide?
[17-Nov-2007 20:01:25] <conexcol> good to chat with you people!
[17-Nov-2007 20:01:33] <conexcol> i feel like home
[17-Nov-2007 20:01:53] <monrad> its on their website
[17-Nov-2007 20:01:54] <conexcol> besides I learned a lot with you
[17-Nov-2007 20:02:08] <conexcol> I'm looking for the section 13.2: "Adding an Additional Performance Server"
[17-Nov-2007 20:02:18] <conexcol> is not there
[17-Nov-2007 20:02:58] <monrad> dont know anything about that
[17-Nov-2007 20:03:22] <conexcol> maybe you are refering me to http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs
[17-Nov-2007 20:03:32] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Documentation - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[17-Nov-2007 20:03:57] <conexcol> where you can find only the user guide
[17-Nov-2007 20:07:00] <conexcol> ok, don't worry
[17-Nov-2007 20:08:08] <conexcol> I understand.. you don't want to tell the secrets so you can sell more support susbcriptions
[17-Nov-2007 20:08:20] <conexcol> thanks anyway
[17-Nov-2007 20:08:22] <conexcol> bye
[18-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sun Nov 18 00:00:14 2007]
[18-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sun Nov 18 00:00:14 2007]
[18-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[18-Nov-2007 02:30:31] buldamoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[18-Nov-2007 05:19:19] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[18-Nov-2007 05:19:20] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[18-Nov-2007 21:39:12] <jc> zTransportPreference
[18-Nov-2007 21:40:16] <jc> I
[18-Nov-2007 21:41:00] <jc> I am interested in adding portscan to snmp in the zproperty zTransportPreference, but I don't see ztransportpreference at all. (new user)
[18-Nov-2007 21:57:02] <jc> am I connected?
[18-Nov-2007 22:07:37] jc is now known as jc___
[18-Nov-2007 22:14:23] jc___ is now known as jocman
[18-Nov-2007 22:19:04] <jocman> I am interested in adding portscan to snmp in the zproperty zTransportPreference, but I don't see ztransportpreference at all. (new user)
[19-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Mon Nov 19 00:00:14 2007]
[19-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Mon Nov 19 00:00:14 2007]
[19-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[19-Nov-2007 02:44:27] <jocman> anyone here? I'm looking for pointers on portscanning.
[19-Nov-2007 05:17:28] <r5> ?
[19-Nov-2007 05:17:41] <r5> yoou are getting port scanned or want to port scan
[19-Nov-2007 05:19:54] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[19-Nov-2007 05:19:55] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[19-Nov-2007 06:47:00] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[19-Nov-2007 08:56:58] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[19-Nov-2007 11:28:42] <Grejao> can i monitor my Oracle table spaces with zen oss?
[19-Nov-2007 11:29:03] <Grejao> can zenoss send me sms message on cel phone when occurs some problem?
[19-Nov-2007 13:12:41] <Grejao> can i monitor my Oracle table spaces with zen oss?
[19-Nov-2007 13:12:42] <Grejao> can zenoss send me sms message on cel phone when occurs some problem?
[19-Nov-2007 13:49:05] <b52laptop> Grejao, http://community.zenoss.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=10328 hope that helps !
[19-Nov-2007 13:49:23] <adytum-bot`> Title: Forums :: View topic - Howto: Sending SMS messages (at community.zenoss.com)
[19-Nov-2007 13:49:59] <b52laptop> and for oracle table space ! yay , i think you must do a plugin for that !! ,sorry don't know about this
[19-Nov-2007 13:52:44] <Grejao> thanks
[19-Nov-2007 13:52:58] <Grejao> its difficult to make a plugin for zen oss?
[19-Nov-2007 13:56:39] <b52laptop> Grejao, your are welcome ; well i think not so much , for making the pluging him self, but again i don't have the technical knowledge to answer you , oracle screas me more than zenoss
[19-Nov-2007 15:00:17] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[19-Nov-2007 15:34:49] <Grejao> b52laptop: thanks
[19-Nov-2007 15:48:51] <b52laptop> Grejao, your welcome :d
[19-Nov-2007 17:58:26] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[19-Nov-2007 18:41:26] <Grejao> Hi all
[19-Nov-2007 19:03:45] <Grejao> i'm trying to install zenoss on rhel 5, i see the follow documentation: http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/install-guides/install-on-el5/
[19-Nov-2007 19:04:00] <Grejao> but i have the follow errors: http://pastebin.com/d41f2e509
[19-Nov-2007 19:04:01] <adytum-bot`> Grejao: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
[19-Nov-2007 19:04:08] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Install on EL5 - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[19-Nov-2007 19:04:09] <adytum-bot`> Title: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)
[19-Nov-2007 19:04:45] <Grejao> i'm trying to install zenoss on rhel 5, i see the follow documentation: http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/install-guides/install-on-el5/
[19-Nov-2007 19:04:47] <Grejao> but i have the follow errors: http://pastebin.com/d41f2e509
[19-Nov-2007 19:04:59] <adytum-bot`> Grejao: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
[19-Nov-2007 19:05:06] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Install on EL5 - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[19-Nov-2007 19:05:07] <adytum-bot`> Title: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)
[19-Nov-2007 19:11:47] <kevinrs> Hi, I am having a bit of a migration issue from 1.11 too 2.1.1
[19-Nov-2007 19:12:44] <kevinrs> I got by my first bottle neck by upgrading from 1.11 too 2.06 following a form post, so the 2.0.6 upgrade works great.
[19-Nov-2007 19:13:03] <kevinrs> But when I try to upgrade to 2.1.1 from 2.0.6 I recieve the following error message
[19-Nov-2007 19:13:31] <kevinrs> from zenmigrate,
[19-Nov-2007 19:13:45] <kevinrs> Traceback (most recent call last):
[19-Nov-2007 19:13:51] <kevinrs> File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/migrate/zenmigrate.py", line 21, in ?
[19-Nov-2007 19:13:57] <kevinrs> main()
[19-Nov-2007 19:14:04] <kevinrs> File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/migrate/zenmigrate.py", line 17, in main
[19-Nov-2007 19:14:09] <kevinrs> m = Migrate.Migration()
[19-Nov-2007 19:14:16] <kevinrs> File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/migrate/Migrate.py", line 119, in __init__
[19-Nov-2007 19:14:20] <kevinrs> self.connect()
[19-Nov-2007 19:14:25] <kevinrs> File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/ZenUtils/ZenScriptBase.py", line 52, in connect
[19-Nov-2007 19:14:44] <kevinrs> self.getDataRoot()
[19-Nov-2007 19:14:55] <kevinrs> File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/ZenUtils/ZenScriptBase.py", line 119, in getDataRoot
[19-Nov-2007 19:15:02] <kevinrs> self.dataroot = getObjByPath(self.app, self.options.dataroot)
[19-Nov-2007 19:15:07] <kevinrs> File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/ZenUtils/Utils.py", line 163, in getObjByPath
[19-Nov-2007 19:15:13] <kevinrs> next = bobo_traverse(REQUEST, name)
[19-Nov-2007 19:15:19] <kevinrs> File "usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Application.py", line 113, in __bobo_traverse__
[19-Nov-2007 19:15:27] <kevinrs> File "usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/ObjectManager.py", line 710, in __getitem__
[19-Nov-2007 19:15:31] <kevinrs> AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get'
[19-Nov-2007 19:15:40] <kevinrs> Any ideas on how to solve something like this?
[19-Nov-2007 19:16:15] <kevinrs> I looked all over the forms no luck on similar problems
[19-Nov-2007 19:30:33] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[19-Nov-2007 20:18:25] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[19-Nov-2007 20:48:54] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[19-Nov-2007 22:32:08] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[20-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Tue Nov 20 00:00:14 2007]
[20-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Tue Nov 20 00:00:14 2007]
[20-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[20-Nov-2007 00:07:34] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[20-Nov-2007 05:03:31] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[20-Nov-2007 05:03:41] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[20-Nov-2007 05:20:26] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[20-Nov-2007 05:20:27] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[20-Nov-2007 12:25:23] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[20-Nov-2007 12:25:48] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[20-Nov-2007 14:24:42] progma_ is now known as progma
[20-Nov-2007 14:26:28] <jsm> i think it would be nice if the Software tab showed installed packages for linux systems... the information is available through snmp, at least for red hat systems
[20-Nov-2007 14:28:00] <AcidTonic> Wondering if anyone could point me to a fix for this issue I'm getting during discovery
[20-Nov-2007 14:28:45] <AcidTonic> http://pastebin.ca/790607
[20-Nov-2007 14:28:53] <adytum-bot`> Title: general pastebin - Something - post number 790607 (at pastebin.ca)
[20-Nov-2007 14:29:24] <AcidTonic> I found a ticket which fixes a similar issue inside AsyncPing.py but my problem is in Ping.py
[20-Nov-2007 14:29:42] <AcidTonic> wondering if this was fixed yet or should I fix it and submit a patch?
[20-Nov-2007 14:31:13] <jsm> submit a patch, i'm sure it wouldn't hurt!
[20-Nov-2007 14:32:22] <AcidTonic> any way to find out if someone already fixed this?
[20-Nov-2007 14:32:36] <AcidTonic> I'm a Network Administrator at a pretty large company
[20-Nov-2007 14:33:01] <AcidTonic> trying to put this into production and I'm more interested in just getting things working. I'll fix it if I have to but I'd rather move on
[20-Nov-2007 14:33:18] <jsm> if it were fixed I'm guessing the bug tracker would be closed
[20-Nov-2007 14:33:44] <AcidTonic> Also wondering if anyone knows why autodiscovery on a subnet uses more than 16gb of ram?
[20-Nov-2007 14:34:06] <jsm> jeesh. i don't use auto disc, can't help you there
[20-Nov-2007 14:34:15] <AcidTonic> had to break it up into chunks of /11's to get it to work
[20-Nov-2007 14:34:44] <jsm> AcidTonic: i'm guessing if you paid for the enterprise version, you'd get the support you need
[20-Nov-2007 14:34:58] <AcidTonic> yeah we have a pretty crazy network here. Not exactly designed the best but thats what I'm here to fix
[20-Nov-2007 14:35:14] <AcidTonic> trying to get a grasp on what we have and a general idea of when things change
[20-Nov-2007 14:35:35] <AcidTonic> Actually we are somewhat interested in it
[20-Nov-2007 14:36:00] <jsm> i always find when you are willing to give a company $, the are more willing to fix your problems
[20-Nov-2007 14:36:01] <AcidTonic> but with a base product with all kinds of strange errors I cant prove to my boss that we need it
[20-Nov-2007 14:36:17] <AcidTonic> because i cant get anything imported into the damn thing
[20-Nov-2007 14:36:29] <jsm> AcidTonic: that's something you bring up during license negotiations
[20-Nov-2007 14:36:41] <jsm> saying -- you will fix this if in x days if i buy it
[20-Nov-2007 14:36:59] <AcidTonic> what I'm saying is there will be no negotiations because my boss isnt going to let me buy it
[20-Nov-2007 14:37:00] <jsm> specially if you're a large shop, you have some leverage
[20-Nov-2007 14:37:30] <AcidTonic> because i cant show him anything about it outside of the damn screenshots and demos.
[20-Nov-2007 14:37:54] <jsm> what are you trying to import?
[20-Nov-2007 14:38:07] <AcidTonic> our network here
[20-Nov-2007 14:38:24] <AcidTonic> we have offices in Toronto, Cali, London, Michigan etc
[20-Nov-2007 14:39:06] <AcidTonic> Discovery takes about a good day of chugging just to throw an error msg
[20-Nov-2007 14:39:21] <AcidTonic> while other tools like opennms have somewhat mapped out our network in a day or to
[20-Nov-2007 14:39:22] <AcidTonic> two*
[20-Nov-2007 14:39:31] <AcidTonic> just losing faith in this product
[20-Nov-2007 14:39:50] <jsm> ugh.. opennms is a nightmare
[20-Nov-2007 14:39:56] <AcidTonic> exactly
[20-Nov-2007 14:39:59] <AcidTonic> I want this to work
[20-Nov-2007 14:40:08] <AcidTonic> but it feels like its not ready
[20-Nov-2007 14:40:22] <jsm> how many total devices are you trying to monitor?
[20-Nov-2007 14:40:28] <AcidTonic> spent 2 weeks playing with it
[20-Nov-2007 14:40:44] <AcidTonic> no idea
[20-Nov-2007 14:40:48] <AcidTonic> lots and lots
[20-Nov-2007 14:40:53] <jsm> 1000?
[20-Nov-2007 14:41:04] <AcidTonic> basically this is a large data centric company
[20-Nov-2007 14:41:08] <AcidTonic> easily more than 1000
[20-Nov-2007 14:41:28] <AcidTonic> the team before me messed up the network here pretty bad. I'm the new guy here to fix it
[20-Nov-2007 14:41:33] <jsm> what machine are you serving this on?
[20-Nov-2007 14:42:01] <AcidTonic> Quad Quade core Xeon 3.4ghz with 16Gb Ram and a large 15K SCSI RAID 5
[20-Nov-2007 14:42:10] <AcidTonic> its a dell poweredge 6850
[20-Nov-2007 14:42:24] <AcidTonic> 16 cores total
[20-Nov-2007 14:42:28] <jsm> hmmm
[20-Nov-2007 14:42:33] <jsm> 64 bit linux?
[20-Nov-2007 14:42:37] <AcidTonic> yep
[20-Nov-2007 14:43:03] <AcidTonic> also wish this app was better threaded
[20-Nov-2007 14:43:31] <jsm> well, it's python
[20-Nov-2007 14:43:33] <AcidTonic> built from source a few times, tried the vmware appliance
[20-Nov-2007 14:43:45] <jsm> java app is going to be a better performer
[20-Nov-2007 14:44:06] <AcidTonic> of course
[20-Nov-2007 14:44:08] <AcidTonic> but what?
[20-Nov-2007 14:44:30] <jsm> well, opennms is java.. but it's a bitch to configure
[20-Nov-2007 14:44:33] <AcidTonic> I cant find anything thats worth a damn for asset management, data collection especially snmp
[20-Nov-2007 14:44:54] <AcidTonic> zenoss seems like a one stop shop
[20-Nov-2007 14:44:58] <AcidTonic> which is what I'm after
[20-Nov-2007 14:45:07] <AcidTonic> but it just sucks, pardon my french to get it working
[20-Nov-2007 14:45:09] <jsm> have you tried the mailing list?
[20-Nov-2007 14:45:29] <AcidTonic> i've searched through it for some info but not sent anything
[20-Nov-2007 14:46:03] <AcidTonic> Just sick of wasting time
[20-Nov-2007 14:46:29] <AcidTonic> for the price they want to buy support. It should already be a better product
[20-Nov-2007 14:46:48] <jsm> then i'd say your SOL. look elsewhere
[20-Nov-2007 14:47:12] <AcidTonic> I'm afraid that I can convince the boss to buy it only to have it crash just like the free edition and I'll look like a fool
[20-Nov-2007 14:47:30] <jsm> again, see my above comments
[20-Nov-2007 14:47:46] <AcidTonic> yeah yeah
[20-Nov-2007 14:48:30] <AcidTonic> well I guess back to hand editing the broken source
[20-Nov-2007 14:49:53] <AcidTonic> If this project gets lucky I might submit these changes
[20-Nov-2007 14:50:12] <jsm> that's the open source spirt
[20-Nov-2007 14:50:28] <AcidTonic> wondering if its worth helping them fix something when they only care about the corporate side of things and provide little to no help to the Open Source guys
[20-Nov-2007 14:50:58] <AcidTonic> if all they can say is buy it, instead of helping out the crowd that helps them
[20-Nov-2007 14:51:09] <AcidTonic> then I think I'll keep mine.
[20-Nov-2007 14:51:12] <AcidTonic> cheers
[20-Nov-2007 14:51:30] <jsm> AcidTonic: they do. it's give and take. that's how free software has always been.
[20-Nov-2007 14:51:56] <jsm> dickhead
[20-Nov-2007 15:24:49] <texnofobix2> zenoss is sweet!
[20-Nov-2007 15:31:23] <jsm>
[20-Nov-2007 15:35:17] <texnofobix2> i'm setting it up to monitor the opennic alt-root
[20-Nov-2007 16:02:00] <vedasx`> anyone ever have issues in 2.1 where zenoss forgets Relations data like HW manufactuerer, HW product, OS, etc..?
[20-Nov-2007 16:02:32] <vedasx`> it remembers what Systems, Locations, Groups and Monitor classes i have associated with a given system
[20-Nov-2007 16:02:50] <vedasx`> but not the HW/OS stuff
[20-Nov-2007 16:09:42] <vedasx`> hm, seeing a lot of /Status/Heartbeat errors, too
[20-Nov-2007 16:25:18] <texnofobix2> there is 2.1.1 now
[20-Nov-2007 16:25:31] <texnofobix2> maybe that fixes it but I just started playing with it
[20-Nov-2007 16:27:09] <vedasx`> did you upgrade, or do a fresh install?
[20-Nov-2007 16:27:27] <vedasx`> and does 2.1.1 only add snmp v3 for the enterprise edition, or core as well?
[20-Nov-2007 16:29:39] <vedasx`> hm.. maybe i'll use centos so i can use the rpms
[20-Nov-2007 16:31:27] <jsm> vedasx`: for core as well
[20-Nov-2007 16:31:32] <vedasx`> neat
[20-Nov-2007 16:32:15] <vedasx`> if i can actually get core doing what we need it to do, we might get the enterprise edition
[20-Nov-2007 16:32:33] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[20-Nov-2007 16:33:26] <vedasx`> do you guys compile, or use the packages?
[20-Nov-2007 16:54:24] <jsm> vedasx`: i use the packages
[20-Nov-2007 16:54:34] <jsm> on centos 5 and rhel 5
[20-Nov-2007 17:05:59] <rushinblue_> I am getting errors when trying to connect to a Windows server using zeneventlog & zenwinmodeler - I have modified zProperties to use the correct username and pwrd. I have tried the wbemtest and it worked, but I cant get the events in zenoss. I have looked at several articles in the forums but none seem to have answered my question.
[20-Nov-2007 18:11:12] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[20-Nov-2007 18:31:44] <tikel> anyone alive?
[20-Nov-2007 18:33:17] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[20-Nov-2007 18:33:34] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[20-Nov-2007 18:33:58] texnofobix2_ is now known as texnofobix2
[20-Nov-2007 18:34:21] <tikel> guess not, but I'll ask my question anyway. I'm trying to confine a concise set of reasons to go with zenoss over nagios. Is there some comprehensive feature for feature listing or PR kinda shiz that sells zenoss over nagios?
[20-Nov-2007 18:47:41] <texnofobix2> tikel: well
[20-Nov-2007 18:47:47] <texnofobix2> it is integrated
[20-Nov-2007 18:47:48] <waldo323_> i'm searching, but before i continue i thought i'd bring up the point that you can use nagios plugins
[20-Nov-2007 18:48:05] <texnofobix2> nagios is either reliablity testing
[20-Nov-2007 18:48:20] <texnofobix2> err is only reliability testing
[20-Nov-2007 18:49:44] <texnofobix2> basically zenoss is the capabilies of cacti and nagios
[20-Nov-2007 18:50:24] <tikel> texnofobix2: I know that zenoss has many more features than nagios, but for someone looking to replace a nagios setup, I'm looking for "it does what nagios does, only better, and with lots of other features" but I don't see any blogs or anything like that, just that it's compatible w/ nagios.
[20-Nov-2007 18:51:11] <texnofobix2> http://www.zenoss.com/product
[20-Nov-2007 18:51:15] <texnofobix2> maybe?
[20-Nov-2007 18:51:17] <tikel> I mean, people use nagios as a total network management solution, even if it's just reliability tests...
[20-Nov-2007 18:51:23] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Overview - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[20-Nov-2007 18:53:08] <tikel> is zenoss community a full superset of the features of nagios?
[20-Nov-2007 18:53:18] <texnofobix2> basically yes
[20-Nov-2007 18:53:30] <tikel> basically?
[20-Nov-2007 18:54:54] <texnofobix2> i've never used nagios
[20-Nov-2007 18:54:59] <tikel> also can zenoss use nagios agents that are already configured?
[20-Nov-2007 18:55:08] <tikel> I know it will use the plugin structure...
[20-Nov-2007 18:55:18] <texnofobix2> i did see a presentation of zenoss at the Ohio Linuxfest
[20-Nov-2007 18:55:52] <texnofobix2> http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/howtos/create-modify-nagios-templates
[20-Nov-2007 18:56:06] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Using Nagios Plugins with Zenoss - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[20-Nov-2007 18:56:30] <tikel> ok
[20-Nov-2007 18:56:33] <tikel> I guess that's enough.
[20-Nov-2007 18:56:55] <tikel> I imagine that since zenoss and nagios are both open source and fairly buddy-buddy they don't want to have a "Nagios sucks because..." page
[20-Nov-2007 18:57:07] <tikel> kind of annoying for people trying to justify the switch to the suites.
[20-Nov-2007 18:57:23] <tikel> suits even
[20-Nov-2007 18:57:49] <texnofobix2> i would try both
[20-Nov-2007 18:57:54] <PerlStalker> tikel: One thing that Nagios does well that Zenoss is lacking a bit in is dependancies.
[20-Nov-2007 18:57:56] <texnofobix2> and see which one works better for you
[20-Nov-2007 18:58:10] <tikel> what do you mean dependancies? Like on install?
[20-Nov-2007 18:59:12] <texnofobix2> i'm trying out the VMware demo now
[20-Nov-2007 18:59:33] <texnofobix2> we are using nagios right now for opennic, but i'm testing this out
[20-Nov-2007 19:00:02] <tikel> I've used both, and I've got a lot of reasons to use zenoss over nagios, I was just looking for something comprehensive and/or written by zenoss devs trashing nagios
[20-Nov-2007 19:00:34] <texnofobix2> i doubt they'd trash them
[20-Nov-2007 19:00:58] <tikel> well not outright
[20-Nov-2007 19:01:15] <tikel> but emphasising where zenoss has advantages.
[20-Nov-2007 19:01:44] <texnofobix2> it does by say that it does more than just nagios
[20-Nov-2007 19:01:55] <Bulwinkle> tikel: that would be more of a third party comparison thing to look for
[20-Nov-2007 19:02:12] <tikel> yea I've looked.
[20-Nov-2007 19:02:15] <tikel> ok
[20-Nov-2007 19:02:20] <tikel> well thanks for the help
[20-Nov-2007 19:02:37] <texnofobix2> sorry i cant help you more, i'm not a developer or on the team
[20-Nov-2007 19:03:35] <texnofobix2> heh ^
[20-Nov-2007 19:22:12] <vedasx`> zenoss devs are super smart
[20-Nov-2007 19:22:50] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[20-Nov-2007 19:35:50] <vedasx`> $ zenmigrate
[20-Nov-2007 19:35:50] <vedasx`> INFO:zen.migrate:Installing EvenBettererStandardErrorMessage
[20-Nov-2007 19:35:52] <vedasx`> lol
[20-Nov-2007 19:43:14] <vedasx`> so yeah... is the dashboard supposed to be blank after upgrading from 2.1 to >:(
[20-Nov-2007 20:33:19] <jsm> vedasx`: i had that problem, make sure you stop the zen oss service then start it again
[20-Nov-2007 20:33:23] <jsm> not restart
[20-Nov-2007 20:33:53] <jsm> vedasx`: did you install via rpm?
[20-Nov-2007 20:38:04] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[20-Nov-2007 20:51:51] <texnofobix2> i'm confused on using the DNS zenpack
[20-Nov-2007 21:15:53] <jsm> what's the prob?
[20-Nov-2007 21:17:57] <texnofobix2> i dont get how to use the monitor on it
[20-Nov-2007 21:18:25] <texnofobix2> like i'm one of the opennic members
[20-Nov-2007 21:18:49] <texnofobix2> and i wanted to get the monitors to check to see if the dns servers are resolving
[20-Nov-2007 21:19:02] <texnofobix2> so i installed the zenpack but i'm confused how i'm supposed to configure it
[20-Nov-2007 21:22:15] * PerlStalker hands texnofobix2 a roll of duct tape and a chicken. "Good luck"
[20-Nov-2007 21:22:32] <texnofobix2> a turkey would have made more sense
[20-Nov-2007 21:22:49] <texnofobix2> unless it is a rubber chicken
[20-Nov-2007 21:22:58] <PerlStalker> I didn't have a turkey. You'll have to make do. :-)
[20-Nov-2007 21:23:03] <texnofobix2> haha
[20-Nov-2007 21:23:11] <texnofobix2> i'll have to play around with it some more
[20-Nov-2007 21:23:30] <texnofobix2> it keeps getting cooler. but it seems like i need to enable snmp
[20-Nov-2007 21:24:01] <texnofobix2> i'm not a network guy by trade. I"m really a sysprog
[20-Nov-2007 21:25:06] <PerlStalker> texnofobix2: You may have to set a collector for the device class or on the device itself.
[20-Nov-2007 21:25:11] <PerlStalker> I have not used the DNS ZenPack before so I could be wrong.
[20-Nov-2007 21:25:18] <texnofobix2> i'll see
[20-Nov-2007 21:25:30] <texnofobix2> i just started playing with zenoss last night
[20-Nov-2007 21:25:43] <texnofobix2> I was impressed at the Ohio LinuxFest
[20-Nov-2007 21:28:46] <vedasx`> jsm, nope, i've tried zenoss on 6.06 server and 7.10 server. i had issues upgrading to 2.1 on ubuntu 6.06, but 2.1 (and 2.1.1, for the most part) install/run OK on ubuntu 7.10 server
[20-Nov-2007 21:28:50] <vedasx`> i can't believe they don
[20-Nov-2007 21:28:55] <vedasx`> i can't believe they don't have .debs
[20-Nov-2007 21:29:49] <texnofobix2> if i really was enthusiasic, i would make an ebuild for gentoo
[20-Nov-2007 21:29:50] <jsm> texnofobix2: i'm from ohio originally, columbus
[20-Nov-2007 21:29:56] <texnofobix2> jsm: cool
[20-Nov-2007 21:30:05] <texnofobix2> i'm now in the Cleveland area
[20-Nov-2007 21:30:32] <jsm> texnofobix2: for dns zenpack, you have to setup a template
[20-Nov-2007 21:30:48] <vedasx`> and stopping/starting zenoss doesn't fix my dashboard. sigh. guess i'll just use centos
[20-Nov-2007 21:30:49] <jsm> so go to your device
[20-Nov-2007 21:30:54] <vedasx`> gotta dig up a box that can run it :-/
[20-Nov-2007 21:31:02] <jsm> and go to the arrow,, and select, More ->Templates
[20-Nov-2007 21:31:13] <vedasx`> it needs, what, 700+mb ram to even install?
[20-Nov-2007 21:31:29] <jsm> texnofobix2: then do a new template
[20-Nov-2007 21:32:39] <texnofobix2> jsm: that makes sense
[20-Nov-2007 21:33:12] <jsm> texnofobix2: just call it dns
[20-Nov-2007 21:33:20] <jsm> and then you add a new data source
[20-Nov-2007 21:33:24] <texnofobix2> has any here ever heard about opennic?
[20-Nov-2007 21:34:05] <PerlStalker> texnofobix2: I've heard of it before but have not used it.
[20-Nov-2007 21:34:57] <texnofobix2> yeah we just want to have our own domains without paying for it
[20-Nov-2007 21:35:05] <texnofobix2> and it is a great way to learn dns
[20-Nov-2007 21:38:02] <jsm> texnofobix2: figure the rest of it out?
[20-Nov-2007 21:38:41] <texnofobix2> i think i goofed up the zenpack install, but i'll get it
[20-Nov-2007 21:39:09] <texnofobix2> ok it seems fixed now
[20-Nov-2007 21:59:08] <texnofobix2> l8r all thanks for the help
[20-Nov-2007 22:20:34] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[21-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Wed Nov 21 00:00:14 2007]
[21-Nov-2007 00:00:15] [connected at Wed Nov 21 00:00:15 2007]
[21-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[21-Nov-2007 00:21:50] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[21-Nov-2007 02:59:06] <Yokozuna> Guys, who did this: "select count(*) from events where ipaddress='....'" on EACH host while listing /Networks ?
[21-Nov-2007 02:59:51] <Yokozuna> I just want to look at her eyes, while listing my hundreds of hosts, each one is very verbose for events...
[21-Nov-2007 05:03:29] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[21-Nov-2007 05:03:41] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[21-Nov-2007 05:20:59] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[21-Nov-2007 05:21:00] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[21-Nov-2007 06:06:44] <Yokozuna> Knock-knock.
Anybody out here?
[21-Nov-2007 07:18:28] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[21-Nov-2007 11:04:31] progma_ is now known as progma
[21-Nov-2007 12:22:45] <Sh3lld3r> gut Nachmittag für alle
[21-Nov-2007 12:22:57] <Sh3lld3r> ich benötige etwas Hilfe bitte
[21-Nov-2007 12:28:56] <Sh3lld3r> so many people online, to even a single line of chat
[21-Nov-2007 15:01:10] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[21-Nov-2007 15:45:38] <jsm> according to the release notes "Added Disk I/O Collector Plug-in/Template to monitor the reads and writes of the various disk segments." anyone figure out how to enable this?
[21-Nov-2007 17:53:16] PerlSta1ker is now known as PerlStalker
[21-Nov-2007 18:55:11] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[21-Nov-2007 19:33:06] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[21-Nov-2007 19:53:42] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[21-Nov-2007 20:05:59] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[21-Nov-2007 20:58:26] daveto1 is now known as DaveTo1
[21-Nov-2007 21:03:52] <daveto1> .
[21-Nov-2007 21:38:17] daveto1 is now known as DaveToo
[21-Nov-2007 22:31:36] _fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[21-Nov-2007 22:31:36] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[22-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Thu Nov 22 00:00:14 2007]
[22-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Thu Nov 22 00:00:14 2007]
[22-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[22-Nov-2007 00:01:02] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[22-Nov-2007 05:03:27] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[22-Nov-2007 05:03:34] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[22-Nov-2007 05:21:31] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[22-Nov-2007 05:21:32] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[22-Nov-2007 10:51:41] <simon_> howdy
[22-Nov-2007 14:47:44] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[22-Nov-2007 22:28:14] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[22-Nov-2007 23:20:55] <jief-> hello. im currently testing zenoss and im very impressed so far. im using 2.1.1 and i can't seem to figure out the zenmodeler.conf format. and the .example is empty. anyone could help me with this? id like to pass it the equivalent of the command line options: --collect=portmap,snmp
[22-Nov-2007 23:25:38] <monrad> jief-: tried the adminguide?
[22-Nov-2007 23:26:25] <Aziraphale> hmm... has anyone else ever noticed perf graph data being low by a factor of 10?
[22-Nov-2007 23:26:55] <jief-> monrad: yes, it mentions the zproperties attribute zTransportPreference, but i can't find it anywhere
[22-Nov-2007 23:38:46] <monrad> i think there is a list of the different options to the daemons
[22-Nov-2007 23:39:29] <jief-> ya that's what im playing with
[22-Nov-2007 23:39:39] <jief-> ive added --collect=portmap,snmp to zenmodeler.conf
[22-Nov-2007 23:39:46] <jief-> but it crashes when trying to restart
[22-Nov-2007 23:43:46] buldamoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[22-Nov-2007 23:45:08] <jief-> my main issue is IpServicesMap won't find all services but the portscan will, so id like zenmodeler to use that all the time
[22-Nov-2007 23:45:18] <jief-> if i can manage to figure out how to pass the proper options to it
[22-Nov-2007 23:45:27] <Bulwinkle> hola all... to all you Americans out there, happy thanksgiving
[22-Nov-2007 23:45:58] <jief-> hello
[22-Nov-2007 23:52:03] <jief-> im starting to think im missing a python module
[23-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Fri Nov 23 00:00:14 2007]
[23-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Fri Nov 23 00:00:14 2007]
[23-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[23-Nov-2007 05:08:46] _Tino is now known as Tino
[23-Nov-2007 05:08:57] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[23-Nov-2007 05:22:04] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[23-Nov-2007 05:22:05] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[23-Nov-2007 09:13:53] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[23-Nov-2007 13:18:47] <Grejao> i'm trying to install zenoss on rhel 5, but i'm receceiving the follow messages: http://pastebin.com/dc625cb9 ... someone can help-me to fix it?
[23-Nov-2007 13:18:54] <adytum-bot`> Title: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)
[23-Nov-2007 13:34:59] <Grejao> have someone at this channel??? :s
[23-Nov-2007 15:33:15] <MoreDakka_>
[23-Nov-2007 15:33:20] MoreDakka_ is now known as MoreDakka
[23-Nov-2007 15:36:28] <MoreDakka> So if a device has a link that is not correct (the devices are in the same IP range but aren't linked to eachother in anyway) how can I get rid of the link?
[23-Nov-2007 16:38:10] <MoreDakka> Yay another dead day in the Zenoss chat room.
[23-Nov-2007 17:35:23] buldamoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[23-Nov-2007 18:29:14] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[23-Nov-2007 19:17:31] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[23-Nov-2007 19:26:46] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[23-Nov-2007 19:37:08] <kernel_dead> Has anyone use Zenoss to monitor windows 2003 server?
[23-Nov-2007 20:02:36] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[23-Nov-2007 20:07:49] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[23-Nov-2007 20:09:28] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[23-Nov-2007 20:18:35] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[24-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sat Nov 24 00:00:14 2007]
[24-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sat Nov 24 00:00:14 2007]
[24-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[24-Nov-2007 00:20:30] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[24-Nov-2007 02:31:18] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[24-Nov-2007 05:03:48] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[24-Nov-2007 05:22:34] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[24-Nov-2007 05:22:35] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[24-Nov-2007 05:22:36] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Mobile Python: Rapid Prototyping of Applications on the Mobile Platform
[24-Nov-2007 05:22:37] <adytum-bot`> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry9131231586271015057
[24-Nov-2007 09:45:16] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[25-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sun Nov 25 00:00:14 2007]
[25-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sun Nov 25 00:00:14 2007]
[25-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[25-Nov-2007 01:20:38] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[25-Nov-2007 05:23:11] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[25-Nov-2007 05:23:12] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[25-Nov-2007 13:31:16] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[25-Nov-2007 13:34:55] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[25-Nov-2007 21:49:12] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[26-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Mon Nov 26 00:00:14 2007]
[26-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Mon Nov 26 00:00:14 2007]
[26-Nov-2007 00:00:19] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[26-Nov-2007 03:53:54] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[26-Nov-2007 05:23:40] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[26-Nov-2007 05:23:41] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[26-Nov-2007 10:22:58] <shadeimi> hi at all
[26-Nov-2007 10:23:22] <shadeimi> i need an hand with the zenoss installer can anyone help me?
[26-Nov-2007 14:27:44] <MoreDakka> So if a device has a link that is not correct (the devices are in the same IP range but aren't linked to eachother in anyway) how can I get rid of the link?
[26-Nov-2007 15:19:47] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[26-Nov-2007 16:01:30] <xinity_mbp> hy guys
[26-Nov-2007 16:02:07] <xinity_mbp> just a quick question about alerting rules : how can i make an alerting rule to send an email , only if 2 devices are down at the same time ?
[26-Nov-2007 16:26:16] <MoreDakka> So if a device has a link that is not correct (the devices are in the same IP range but aren't linked to eachother in anyway) how can I get rid of the link?
[26-Nov-2007 17:27:53] <cluther> MoreDakka: You can go to the network and set its zDrawMapLinks property to False.
[26-Nov-2007 18:17:41] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[26-Nov-2007 18:45:10] x-spec-t is now known as Spec
[26-Nov-2007 19:04:54] <Bulwinkle> howdy all
[26-Nov-2007 19:10:32] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[26-Nov-2007 19:28:10] <Bulwinkle> anyone have any suggestions as to why my dashboard would be blank? no windows, no nothing
[26-Nov-2007 19:28:21] <Bulwinkle> just the navigation bar to the left
[26-Nov-2007 20:06:48] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[26-Nov-2007 20:12:47] <MoreDakka> Ha. Thanks cluther for the answer 3 hours ago ;-)
[26-Nov-2007 20:30:19] <MoreDakka> Also, can the "Availability" for a device be reset to 100%?
[26-Nov-2007 20:40:46] <cluther> MoreDakka: Yes.. delete the events that impacted the availability.
[26-Nov-2007 20:40:56] <cluther> Bulwinkle: Guess what.. run zenmigrate.
[26-Nov-2007 20:41:14] <Bulwinkle> bloody hell
[26-Nov-2007 20:41:15] <Bulwinkle>
[26-Nov-2007 20:41:15] <MoreDakka> remember, zenmigrate can make you breakfast too.
[26-Nov-2007 20:41:44] <cluther> Now if it could only do my Christmas shopping for me.
[26-Nov-2007 20:41:51] <MoreDakka> It doesn't do that?
[26-Nov-2007 20:42:01] <MoreDakka> damn....that's what I was counting on.
[26-Nov-2007 20:42:22] <MoreDakka> Thanks again cluther ;-)
[26-Nov-2007 20:42:49] <MoreDakka> Now if you could tell me how to monitor LUNs in Windows via SNMP I would be REALLY happy ;-)
[26-Nov-2007 20:42:49] <Bulwinkle> cluther: that got it
[26-Nov-2007 20:43:23] <Folke> Hi there, anyone out thet use WindowsWMIDeviceTemplate instead of the snmpinformant?
[26-Nov-2007 20:44:32] <Folke> I don't really get how to use the installed ZenPacks instead of the templates that are preinstalled..
[26-Nov-2007 20:45:09] <Folke> Sure I can bidn another template to each host, but that seems sorta wrong
[26-Nov-2007 20:46:10] <cluther> Folke: There are a couple of ways to do it. The first would be to rename the WindowsWMIDeviceTemplate to "Device" so it is used by default for everything under /Server/Windows.
[26-Nov-2007 20:46:30] <cluther> Folke: The other way would be to bind it to the /Server/Windows device class that it would be bound to all windows servers in addition to the Device template.
[26-Nov-2007 20:46:37] <cluther> Folke: The first way is probably better.
[26-Nov-2007 20:48:55] <Folke> cluther: Ah, so if I want to use the HPTempmonitoring too?
[26-Nov-2007 20:50:57] <cluther> Folke: Bind it to the device class where you have all of your HP devices.
[26-Nov-2007 20:52:46] <Folke> cluther: Humm the wmi template was named Device_WMI_SNMP_v2 and is listed under /devices/server/windows
[26-Nov-2007 20:53:58] <Folke> cluther: should it not be shown under the perf tab then?
[26-Nov-2007 20:54:52] <Folke> Ack, hard to be an old nagios user in the new world of Zenoss
[26-Nov-2007 20:56:51] <cluther> Folke: Only at first.. I'm an old Nagios guy myself.
[26-Nov-2007 20:57:01] <cluther> Maybe you've even used some of my add-ons..
[26-Nov-2007 20:57:45] <Folke> Our unstallation was pretty vanills, with server checks.
[26-Nov-2007 20:58:54] <Folke> But with zenoss we have a solution to watch our cisco swithches with autodisc to..
[26-Nov-2007 20:59:09] <Folke> Now I only miss cdp
[26-Nov-2007 21:04:43] <Folke> cluther: What addons did you do to nagios?
[26-Nov-2007 21:07:26] <cluther> nagside was one of them to display hostgroups in a more pleasing tree-like view in the left navigation frame.
[26-Nov-2007 21:09:24] <Folke> Ah, nice.. I looked at a few times. But never really got to implement it,
[26-Nov-2007 21:11:15] <PerlStalker> So what's the best way to get nagios-like dependancy tracking in Zenoss?
[26-Nov-2007 21:27:46] <Snoop> hello everyone
[26-Nov-2007 21:27:49] <Snoop> anybody alive?
[26-Nov-2007 21:34:26] <Folke> Aye
[26-Nov-2007 21:35:06] Snoop is now known as Sn0oP
[26-Nov-2007 21:35:10] Sn0oP is now known as Snoop
[26-Nov-2007 21:35:36] Snoop is now known as Adrian
[26-Nov-2007 21:35:36] Adrian is now known as Addy
[26-Nov-2007 21:40:16] <Snoop`> HEy
[26-Nov-2007 21:40:21] <Snoop`> anyone alive :-)
[26-Nov-2007 21:44:21] <Folke> aye again
Sry was afk 
[26-Nov-2007 21:45:53] <cluther> I'm still alive.
[26-Nov-2007 21:46:48] <Snoop`> :-))
[26-Nov-2007 21:46:53] <Snoop`> t
[26-Nov-2007 21:47:13] <Snoop`> thought of sending my problem on the main channel maybe someone has gone through this before...
[26-Nov-2007 21:47:21] <Snoop`> I'm trying to install zenoss on debian...
[26-Nov-2007 21:47:22] <Snoop`> I'm @ this step svn co http://dev.zenoss.org/svn/trunk/inst and I'm getting Permission denied... any idea why?
[26-Nov-2007 21:47:36] <adytum-bot`> Title: Revision 7676: /trunk/inst (at dev.zenoss.org)
[26-Nov-2007 21:47:57] <cluther> That's a public repository. Do you have permission to create the inst directory on the local file system?
[26-Nov-2007 21:49:08] <Snoop`> I followed the step by step, but the user that I created zenoss... I don't think so...
[26-Nov-2007 21:49:14] <Snoop`> hmm
[26-Nov-2007 21:49:29] <Snoop`> he is in the sudoers...
[26-Nov-2007 21:49:38] <Snoop`> shouldn't that do the trick?
[26-Nov-2007 21:50:17] <cluther> Snoop`: Try this.. make your /opt/zenoss directory as root, then chown it to zenoss:zenoss. Then switch to your zenoss user, change into the /opt/zenoss directory and run the check out.
[26-Nov-2007 21:50:25] <cluther> Then you'll have /opt/zenoss/inst owned by zenoss.
[26-Nov-2007 21:50:38] <Snoop`> cool, lemme do that and get back to you
[26-Nov-2007 21:50:40] <Snoop`> thanks for your helpo
[26-Nov-2007 21:50:46] <Snoop`> help*
[26-Nov-2007 21:50:57] <cluther> sure thing
[26-Nov-2007 21:52:55] <Snoop`> I'm such a newbie :-) works great! - thanks
[26-Nov-2007 21:53:18] <monrad> cluther: are rrdtool 1.3 in the 2.2 roadmap?
[26-Nov-2007 21:53:46] <cluther> monrad: Not yet, but we're actively testing it.
[26-Nov-2007 21:54:19] <cluther> monrad: It will end up depending on how stable 1.3 is when it comes time to make the 2.2 release.
[26-Nov-2007 21:54:29] <cluther> monrad: The performance enhancements are VERY tempting.
[26-Nov-2007 22:14:15] <kgoedtel> i still dislike the fact that zenoss uses the manage ip to monitor ip services
[26-Nov-2007 22:20:46] Spec is now known as x-spec-t
[26-Nov-2007 22:24:15] <cluther> kgoedtel: See http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/changeset/7231 for an interim fix.
[26-Nov-2007 22:24:22] <adytum-bot`> Title: Changeset 7231 - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
[26-Nov-2007 22:27:53] <kgoedtel> yah i was using that but it wasnt perfect for me, ive made further changes
[26-Nov-2007 22:54:01] <monrad> cluther: sorry just got my chinese food
[26-Nov-2007 22:59:20] <monrad> well we would sure like some performance enhancements
[26-Nov-2007 23:04:45] <jief-> hello. ive been testing zenoss for a few days. but i can't seem to figure out how to use the nagios plugins. could someone help me with this?
[26-Nov-2007 23:05:49] <jief-> id like to use check_ldap to monitor our LDAP farm
[26-Nov-2007 23:09:53] <murphyslaw> hi
[26-Nov-2007 23:10:20] <monrad> cluther: if you want to test it in the wild some time i am pretty sure i could find a test server, i would like to monitor all ports on all our 1400 pieces of network equipment
[26-Nov-2007 23:10:48] murphyslaw is now known as murphys_law
[26-Nov-2007 23:12:54] <jief-> if i use a nagios plugin to monitor a service, is it going to show up in the OS tab of a device?
[26-Nov-2007 23:13:33] <murphys_law> cluther: i'm the guy who opened the solaris tickets
[26-Nov-2007 23:14:13] <cluther> murphys_law: Ah ha. Thanks for the fixes!
[26-Nov-2007 23:14:38] <murphys_law> cluther: welcome, i'll probably file more
sorry for the extra work
[26-Nov-2007 23:14:59] <cluther> murphys_law: Honestly, I think we were mirroring each other's work over the weekend.
[26-Nov-2007 23:15:26] <cluther> There's a long way to go to get everything going on Solaris.
[26-Nov-2007 23:15:32] <cluther> Are you running Solaris 10 on sparc?
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:46] <murphys_law> spam alert
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:51] <murphys_law> Traceback (most recent call last):
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:51] <murphys_law> File "/var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/zenmodeler.py", line 30, in ?
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:51] <murphys_law> import SnmpClient
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:51] <murphys_law> File "/var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/SnmpClient.py", line 21, in ?
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:51] <murphys_law> from pynetsnmp.twistedsnmp import snmpprotocol, AgentProxy
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:52] <murphys_law> File "var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/lib/python/pynetsnmp/twistedsnmp.py", line 1, in ?
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:54] <murphys_law> File "var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/lib/python/pynetsnmp/netsnmp.py", line 31, in ?
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:56] <murphys_law> File "/var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/__init__.py", line 325, in __getattr__
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:58] <murphys_law>
[26-Nov-2007 23:26:00] <murphys_law> File "/var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/__init__.py", line 330, in __getitem__
[26-Nov-2007 23:26:02] <murphys_law>
[26-Nov-2007 23:26:04] <murphys_law> AttributeError: ld.so.1: python: fatal: netsnmp_get_version: can't find symbol
[26-Nov-2007 23:26:37] <murphys_law> tried setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH, I'm pretty new to python really so don't really know where to start
[26-Nov-2007 23:26:59] <murphys_law> the symbol is present in ZenModel and pynetsnmp
[26-Nov-2007 23:28:29] <murphys_law> this error is there when i run either zenmodeler or zenprocess
[26-Nov-2007 23:35:51] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[26-Nov-2007 23:41:24] <monrad> i have a problem with zenping, it takes 3-6 min for it to calculate its pingtree
[26-Nov-2007 23:43:38] <jief-> if you have a large network, it might be normal
[26-Nov-2007 23:52:44] <monrad> jief-: we have a large network but its not a good ting to not have zenping going for more that 5 minuts
[26-Nov-2007 23:52:56] <monrad> if i wanted that i would be running nagios
[26-Nov-2007 23:54:42] <jief-> monrad: true
[26-Nov-2007 23:55:09] <jief-> ive been testing afew monitoring solutions in the last few days. zenoss would be perfect if i could manage to use the nagios plugins for a few things
[26-Nov-2007 23:55:30] <monrad> we use nagios plugins
[26-Nov-2007 23:55:40] <jief-> maybe you can help then
[26-Nov-2007 23:56:01] <monrad> maybe its was not we who set it up
[26-Nov-2007 23:56:13] <monrad> but i think i understant what he did
[26-Nov-2007 23:56:20] <jief-> i basically created a device called www.domain.tld
[26-Nov-2007 23:56:43] <jief-> created a local copy of the template, removed the SNMP stuff and created my data source
[26-Nov-2007 23:56:50] <jief-> i run it thru zencommand, its fine
[26-Nov-2007 23:57:04] <jief-> i add my data point, to store the data, run zencommand again, i don't see it storing my data
[26-Nov-2007 23:57:16] <jief-> so my graphs are empty
[26-Nov-2007 23:57:18] <monrad> hmm
[26-Nov-2007 23:57:31] <monrad> could you show the output from the command?
[26-Nov-2007 23:57:42] <jief-> sure
[26-Nov-2007 23:59:36] <jief-> http://pastebin.ca/798742
[26-Nov-2007 23:59:38] <kgoedtel> i just upgraded from 2.0.9 to 2.1, and i like the new features, but it appears the css has gone insane... especially in places like the status tab
[26-Nov-2007 23:59:43] <adytum-bot`> Title: general pastebin - Unnamed - post number 798742 (at pastebin.ca)
[26-Nov-2007 23:59:49] <kgoedtel> anyone experienced something similar? :[
[27-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Tue Nov 27 00:00:14 2007]
[27-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Tue Nov 27 00:00:14 2007]
[27-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[27-Nov-2007 00:02:54] <monrad> kgoedtel: try to purge your browsers cache
[27-Nov-2007 00:03:06] <kgoedtel> tried
[27-Nov-2007 00:03:12] <kgoedtel> that was my first guess
[27-Nov-2007 00:03:13] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[27-Nov-2007 00:03:34] <monrad> it worked for me
[27-Nov-2007 00:03:47] <monrad> jief-: and your datasources are named time and size?
[27-Nov-2007 00:03:55] <jief-> no
[27-Nov-2007 00:04:20] <monrad> i think they should be named the same as the output from the nagios command
[27-Nov-2007 00:04:34] <jief-> monrad: its named check_http
[27-Nov-2007 00:04:44] <jief-> could be a conflict from httpmonitor maybe
[27-Nov-2007 00:05:01] <monrad> just a sec i log in and check my own insted of doing it from memory
[27-Nov-2007 00:05:15] <jief-> monrad: i was following the admin guide
[27-Nov-2007 00:06:25] <monrad> jief-: i was thinking about the datapoints
[27-Nov-2007 00:06:51] <monrad> under the datasource
[27-Nov-2007 00:07:34] <jief-> monrad: changed it to time and size. now i get at least the graph
[27-Nov-2007 00:07:40] <jief-> ill let it run for a minute or two
[27-Nov-2007 00:07:45] <jief-> see if it gets populated or not
[27-Nov-2007 00:08:15] <jief-> so basically, my datapoints need to be what the plugin returns?
[27-Nov-2007 00:08:51] <monrad> jief-: yes
[27-Nov-2007 00:10:05] <jief-> monrad: what is the best approach to use the nagios plugins? let's say i'd want to use check_ldap
[27-Nov-2007 00:10:23] <jief-> would i make a new template in /devices and bind it to my LDAP services which are already monitored by SNMP?
[27-Nov-2007 00:12:36] <monrad> not sure about that
[27-Nov-2007 00:13:15] <monrad> we only use it for one http server and a homemade nagios plugin script to monitor our foundry routers
[27-Nov-2007 00:13:27] <jief-> ah
[27-Nov-2007 00:13:45] <jief-> i like foundry, its less braindead than IOS
[27-Nov-2007 00:14:03] <monrad> i like foundry too, but not their IMR routers
[27-Nov-2007 00:14:27] <monrad> XMR and MLX are nice
[27-Nov-2007 00:14:55] <monrad> Big Irons are cool in a oldschool way
[27-Nov-2007 00:14:55] <jief-> we might get their load-balancers
[27-Nov-2007 00:15:10] <jief-> id go with F5, but its so expensive
[27-Nov-2007 00:15:13] <monrad> never played around with them
[27-Nov-2007 00:15:48] <jief-> i used to work for a search engine, so i have lots of experience with F5 load balancers, a bit with Ciscos (never wanna touch them again hehe)
[27-Nov-2007 00:15:57] <jief-> but im sure the foundries are nice
[27-Nov-2007 00:17:29] <monrad> their routers are pretty decent
[27-Nov-2007 00:17:46] <monrad> but i would like to get access to som juniper equipment some day
[27-Nov-2007 00:18:04] <jief-> a few years ago i was doing benchmarks between a foundry and a cisco GE switch. foundry was so much faster
[27-Nov-2007 00:18:15] <murphys_law> jief: was it the CSM product or the old localdirectors?
[27-Nov-2007 00:19:18] <jief-> murphys_law: the CSS. and we bought the GSS but I left before we received them
[27-Nov-2007 00:19:29] <jief-> such a PITA to configure compared to the F5 BigIP
[27-Nov-2007 00:20:40] <murphys_law> haven't touched the css yet, thought it was more of a SSL endpoint. don't get to play with anyone else's boxes though
[27-Nov-2007 00:20:54] <jief-> oh by the way, is anyone monitoring Cisco ASA 5550s? when i try to model one, i get a python error and no interfaces listed
[27-Nov-2007 00:21:21] <murphys_law> if you can get my python problem fixed, I'll try and monitor one for you
[27-Nov-2007 00:21:32] <jief-> murphys_law: well, i dont see cisco taking over that market anytime soon. the only reason we bought their crap was because they were much cheaper than anyone else.
[27-Nov-2007 00:21:46] <jief-> murphys_law: if i knew python, id work on fixing my problem
[27-Nov-2007 00:21:55] <murphys_law> hehe always thought we were expensive not cheap
[27-Nov-2007 00:22:14] <murphys_law> chucks, nice try though
[27-Nov-2007 00:22:21] <monrad> i never heard cisco been described as cheap
[27-Nov-2007 00:22:32] <monrad> well maybe if you compare to juniper
[27-Nov-2007 00:23:02] <murphys_law> i hate a scripting labguage where you need a special library just for debugging
[27-Nov-2007 00:23:12] <jief-> at the time, our best quote for F5s was 600k$
[27-Nov-2007 00:23:24] <jief-> 3 pairs of Cisco CSS, less than 80k
[27-Nov-2007 00:23:41] <murphys_law> you were looking at the medium end stuff
[27-Nov-2007 00:24:30] <murphys_law> the CSM module of which you need 2 per chassis costs $25k each, so at least $100k + 4 supervisors + 2 25k 6500 chassis
[27-Nov-2007 00:24:51] <jief-> again, we never checked the CSM, only the CSS
[27-Nov-2007 00:25:10] <jief-> the CSS is very cheap
[27-Nov-2007 00:25:11] <murphys_law> right, but it's not for the high end market, you were comparing apples & oranges
[27-Nov-2007 00:25:23] <jief-> i looked at the specs
[27-Nov-2007 00:25:36] <jief-> what traffic i could handle with the CSS and the equivalent model of F5
[27-Nov-2007 00:26:54] <murphys_law> ah well, the specs
. the specs depend heavily on what kind of traffic goes through them. anything that hits the cpu will crawl on cisco equipment
[27-Nov-2007 00:27:41] <jief-> cisco has great gear
[27-Nov-2007 00:27:45] <jief-> most of the time hehe
[27-Nov-2007 00:27:50] <murphys_law> we tried the css too, junked em right away
[27-Nov-2007 00:27:55] <murphys_law> use one as a doorstop now
[27-Nov-2007 00:28:00] <jief-> hehe
[27-Nov-2007 00:28:21] <jief-> their IP PBX is great. well, a lot better than that shitty Avaya we use now
[27-Nov-2007 00:32:05] jief- is now known as jief-away
[27-Nov-2007 00:33:39] <jief-away> monrad: thanks a lot for your help. im understanding how to use those plugins now
[27-Nov-2007 00:33:45] <jief-away> too bad they don't show up in OS though
[27-Nov-2007 00:33:47] <jief-away> that'd be nice
[27-Nov-2007 00:34:06] <monrad> jief-away: np
[27-Nov-2007 00:37:57] <Snoop`> Newb q :-) - are the clients affected when zenoss collects data, I mean felt performance reduction?
[27-Nov-2007 00:40:45] <jief-away> Snoop`: very unlikely, SNMP has a very very low memory footprint
[27-Nov-2007 00:41:50] <jief-away> murphys_law: im gonna be back in 20 mins. if you actually get a chance to test a ASA 5550 with zenoss, lemme know if you get a python error or not during modeling
[27-Nov-2007 00:42:54] <murphys_law> jief-away: ok, but it may take me a long time, first have to get zenoss online and that may take time
[27-Nov-2007 00:43:17] <Snoop`> jief-away: thanks
[27-Nov-2007 00:43:25] <jief-away> murphys_law: well, dont go out of your way for me
[27-Nov-2007 00:43:38] <murphys_law> hehe
[27-Nov-2007 00:43:41] <jief-away> my feeling is cisco changed their MIB
[27-Nov-2007 00:43:51] <jief-away> and zenoss is expecting something that's not there anymore
[27-Nov-2007 00:43:56] <murphys_law> the mibs should be available in that case
[27-Nov-2007 00:44:12] <Snoop`> another q :-) - I've added a Windows XP using the auto detect, and got some strange info... for example it shows as Win 2000, and also the Filesystem is uknown... is this common
[27-Nov-2007 00:47:27] <Snoop`> jief-away you've encountered this? or you don't monitor WinXP's?
[27-Nov-2007 00:48:12] <jief-away> Snoop`: sorry was away. you can change it manually by editing your machine
[27-Nov-2007 00:48:31] <jief-away> bbl
[27-Nov-2007 00:51:46] <Snoop`> I don't have a Windows XP option :-)
[27-Nov-2007 00:51:46] <Snoop`> and about the filesystem? and ideas?
[27-Nov-2007 00:59:54] jief-away is now known as jief-
[27-Nov-2007 00:59:56] <jief-> sorry no clue
[27-Nov-2007 01:00:02] <jief-> we're not monitoring XP at work
[27-Nov-2007 01:00:22] <jief-> murphys_law: do you use nagios plugins in your setup? i have a best-practices kind of question
[27-Nov-2007 01:02:57] <jief-> Snoop`: What OS shows up in that screen is not important AFAIK
[27-Nov-2007 01:03:18] <jief-> as long as your SNMP is working properly on your monitored host, you'll get CPU/RAM/disks/etc usage graphs
[27-Nov-2007 01:04:22] <Snoop`> SNMP is working fine still I'm not getting some info like disk usage...
[27-Nov-2007 01:04:54] <jief-> Snoop`: it takes some times, at least 10 minutes
[27-Nov-2007 01:05:06] <jief-> it needs to do 3 polling runs before displaying data
[27-Nov-2007 01:05:21] <Snoop`> ohhh...
[27-Nov-2007 01:05:28] <Snoop`> didn't know that
- me noob:-)
[27-Nov-2007 01:05:31] <Snoop`> thanks guys
[27-Nov-2007 01:06:01] <Snoop`> having a big meeting tomorrow to showcase zenoss, and I'm staying up late to get my hands on most of the function, to have a proper image in my head :-)
[27-Nov-2007 01:06:15] <jief-> its like that for most monitoring system
[27-Nov-2007 01:06:20] <jief-> especially when using rdd
[27-Nov-2007 01:06:43] <jief-> i mean rrdtools hehe
[27-Nov-2007 01:06:45] <murphys_law> jief: haven't actually got zenoss online yet
[27-Nov-2007 01:06:49] <murphys_law> still have compilation issues
[27-Nov-2007 01:07:16] <jief-> murphys_law: ah ok sorry. i figured you were one of those old gurus hehe. what are you going to run it on?
[27-Nov-2007 01:07:20] <murphys_law> I'm gonna build it on my home linux box now to see if i can get a better idea why it's not loading the python snmpclient stuff
[27-Nov-2007 01:07:39] <murphys_law> i'm trying to get it built on solaris for our work servers
[27-Nov-2007 01:08:00] <jief-> murphys_law: and running it on say centos5 is not an option i assume?
[27-Nov-2007 01:08:09] <murphys_law> we're a solaris-only shop, we have no linux or windows machines so no real way to deploy it in production unless it works on solaris
[27-Nov-2007 01:08:33] <jief-> gotcha
[27-Nov-2007 01:08:35] <murphys_law> if we run this then it becomes a vital part of our setup. and we run everything vital on solaris
[27-Nov-2007 01:08:41] <jief-> just like im stuck with debian and would prefer centos hehe
[27-Nov-2007 01:09:20] <murphys_law> guess i could try and run it on linux on top of solaris in a logical domain, but i don't wanna go that route quite yet
[27-Nov-2007 01:09:27] <jief-> we run everything mission-critical on AS400s
[27-Nov-2007 01:09:54] <murphys_law> hard to get firefox plugins etc for aix
[27-Nov-2007 01:10:04] <murphys_law> we run desktop environments
[27-Nov-2007 01:10:19] <jief-> engineering?
[27-Nov-2007 01:10:24] <murphys_law> customer support
[27-Nov-2007 01:10:35] <jief-> ok
[27-Nov-2007 01:11:13] <murphys_law> but our cs engineers do a lot of engineering work
[27-Nov-2007 01:11:26] <monrad> i just got my hand on a ibm pSeries server to play with
[27-Nov-2007 01:11:34] <monrad> but i dont get aix with it
[27-Nov-2007 01:11:53] <jief-> monrad: we dont run aix on our iSeries either
[27-Nov-2007 01:11:55] <murphys_law> debugging, virtual machines, building, etc. they like having a work environment that's independent of their laptops
[27-Nov-2007 01:12:19] <jief-> murphys_law: we use ESX for virtualization
[27-Nov-2007 01:12:30] <monrad> jief-: i would have like to get just the slightly bigger version so it could do hardware partions
[27-Nov-2007 01:12:41] <monrad> but i cant complain about free hardware
[27-Nov-2007 01:12:45] <murphys_law> yep, that's the right way to use windows: contain it
[27-Nov-2007 01:13:33] <jief-> everything important runs on either linux or the as400. everything else i don't care, i dont support it hehe
[27-Nov-2007 01:13:55] <murphys_law> last time i checked out linux on i/p series i was shocked at how old everything was. gcc 2.92.3, for christ sakes
[27-Nov-2007 01:14:35] <murphys_law> gcc/glibc wouldn't even build, and there no maintainers for them
[27-Nov-2007 01:14:58] <jief-> im sure IBM will get it working for ya, for the right fees hehe
[27-Nov-2007 01:15:43] <murphys_law> hehe, they probably would. but after i started talking about gcc and glibc versions, they stopped sending sales people
[27-Nov-2007 01:16:45] <monrad> hmm i tought you could run stock power kernel and tools on the pSeries i am getting
[27-Nov-2007 01:17:13] <jief-> i used to work for a bank, we had something like 50 zSeries. now that's power hehe
[27-Nov-2007 01:17:18] <murphys_law> well this was 2004 or so
[27-Nov-2007 01:17:41] <murphys_law> wow 50... those babies have nice uptime, too
[27-Nov-2007 01:18:02] <monrad> well and the phone home if anything goes wrong right?
[27-Nov-2007 01:18:07] <murphys_law> have you heard the urban legend about the Y2K bug and os/390?
[27-Nov-2007 01:18:25] <jief-> i remember someone mentioning it to me
[27-Nov-2007 01:18:30] <jief-> but i dont recall the specifics
[27-Nov-2007 01:19:09] <murphys_law> okay, so IBM brings out a patch for Y2K in 93 or so. It gets installed, and everyone's happy.
[27-Nov-2007 01:20:07] <murphys_law> then in 2000 an app stops working. They call IBM and they scratch their heads, because the patch has been installed. Then the IBM customer support guy asks "wait a minute, you have to reboot the box to apply the patch!"
[27-Nov-2007 01:20:25] <jief-> lol
[27-Nov-2007 01:21:37] <jief-> bummer seems to be issues with check_ldaps
[27-Nov-2007 01:36:04] <murphys_law> File "var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/lib/python/pynetsnmp/netsnmp.py", line 31, in ?
[27-Nov-2007 01:36:05] <murphys_law> aha
[27-Nov-2007 01:36:15] <murphys_law> missing / at the beginning
[27-Nov-2007 01:59:32] <jief-> bye
[27-Nov-2007 03:16:41] Snoop is now known as SnoopAway
[27-Nov-2007 05:24:22] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - The Fear That Haunts My Dreams - 26 Nov, 08:25AM
[27-Nov-2007 05:24:23] <adytum-bot`> http://glyf.livejournal.com/72862.html
[27-Nov-2007 05:24:24] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[27-Nov-2007 05:24:25] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[27-Nov-2007 09:01:41] SnoopAway is now known as Snoop
[27-Nov-2007 09:02:05] Snoop is now known as Snoop`
[27-Nov-2007 09:02:14] <Snoop`> Hello All
[27-Nov-2007 09:10:08] <Snoop`> is anyone around?
[27-Nov-2007 09:51:51] <xinity_mbp> hy all
[27-Nov-2007 09:53:27] <Snoop`> hej xinity_mbp
[27-Nov-2007 09:53:42] <Snoop`> xinity_mbp: can I ask you a quick q?
[27-Nov-2007 09:53:53] <xinity_mbp> Snoop`: sure you can
[27-Nov-2007 09:54:24] <Snoop`> xinity_mbp: Is there a way to autoupdate the devices... I mean, I had a device in a 89.x network and moved it to a 3.x network but the ip remained the same...
[27-Nov-2007 09:54:36] <Snoop`> I had to readd the device to get it to show "up"
[27-Nov-2007 09:54:43] <Snoop`> is there a cleaner way to do this?
[27-Nov-2007 09:56:35] <xinity_mbp> you can model the device
[27-Nov-2007 09:56:55] <xinity_mbp> on wait for the automatic modeling, which comes ever 6 hours as far as i remember
[27-Nov-2007 09:57:02] <Snoop`> ...kind of a very newbie here... how can I accomplish this?
[27-Nov-2007 12:38:38] murphy is now known as murphys_law
[27-Nov-2007 12:51:21] <Snoop`> murphys_law got time for a quick q? :-)
[27-Nov-2007 14:09:20] <Snoop`> Hej cluther
[27-Nov-2007 14:10:25] <cluther> Morning, Snoop`
[27-Nov-2007 14:12:27] <Snoop`> 4u :-)
[27-Nov-2007 14:45:26] <Snoop`> anybody can suggest some alternatives to snmp for Zenoss?
[27-Nov-2007 14:51:02] <Merciless> Bulwinkle
[27-Nov-2007 14:52:19] <Merciless> bit quiet in here today :/
[27-Nov-2007 14:52:40] <Merciless> im utterly confused why snmp looks to be working but the monitoring system is showing the "up" alarm.. not knowing why
[27-Nov-2007 15:09:03] <Bulwinkle> Merciless:
[27-Nov-2007 15:09:09] <Merciless> Good timing
[27-Nov-2007 15:09:10] <Merciless> =)
[27-Nov-2007 15:11:21] <Bulwinkle> heya cluther
[27-Nov-2007 15:12:09] <Merciless> Any ideas?
[27-Nov-2007 15:14:45] <Merciless> and all goes quiet again haha
[27-Nov-2007 15:20:57] <dball> hello.
[27-Nov-2007 15:21:34] <dball> anyone having problems with zenperfsnmp crashing all the time?
[27-Nov-2007 15:21:35] <Snoop`> hej dball
[27-Nov-2007 15:21:43] <Snoop`> nupp
[27-Nov-2007 15:21:53] <dball> guess it's just me.
[27-Nov-2007 15:22:15] <dball> anyone mind trying to help me resolve it?
[27-Nov-2007 15:24:48] <dball> guess so.
[27-Nov-2007 15:25:24] <Snoop`> I'd love to, but i'm kind of a newbie... don't want to get you on the wrong direction...
[27-Nov-2007 15:25:34] <dball> hehe it's cool dude.
[27-Nov-2007 15:25:57] <dball> it would be nice if my logs showed something about why it crashes, it just stops working.
[27-Nov-2007 15:26:14] <dball> might have to do a full reinstall and restore my data. I just don't realy want to b/c I have about 300-400 devices in there.
[27-Nov-2007 15:27:50] <Snoop`> uhhh
[27-Nov-2007 15:27:54] <Snoop`> a lot of rework
[27-Nov-2007 15:28:07] <dball> yeah.
[27-Nov-2007 15:28:30] <dball> wonder what everyone else i this channel is doing....
[27-Nov-2007 15:28:30] <dball> lol.
[27-Nov-2007 15:30:05] <dball> you might be able to answer this question: What software package is pynetsnmp in?
[27-Nov-2007 15:31:28] <Snoop`> no... I couldn't :-)
[27-Nov-2007 15:33:02] <dball> hehe. it's cool boss. So what're you using zenoss for?
[27-Nov-2007 15:33:04] <Bulwinkle> you there cluther?
[27-Nov-2007 15:33:38] <cluther> Just came back.. in and out.
[27-Nov-2007 15:33:59] <cluther> dball: pynetsnmp is a Zenoss created Python wrapper for netsnmp.
[27-Nov-2007 15:34:23] <cluther> dball: What version are you on? There have been two stability fixes for zenperfsnmp somewhat recently.
[27-Nov-2007 15:34:56] <dball> 2.1.1
[27-Nov-2007 15:35:04] <dball> it just started when i upgraded from 2.1.0
[27-Nov-2007 15:35:53] <dball> i upgraded the day that 2.1.1 was released. anything I need to do to apply these fixes?
[27-Nov-2007 15:36:33] <cluther> dball: hmm.. the changes I'm thinking of were in 2.1.1
[27-Nov-2007 15:36:43] <cluther> dball: What installation method did you use? RPM, source?
[27-Nov-2007 15:36:46] <dball> oh ok.
[27-Nov-2007 15:36:48] <dball> from source.
[27-Nov-2007 15:36:54] <dball> on a suse 10.1 machine.
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:02] <cluther> dball: Do you still have your inst directory?
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:24] <dball> i believe so yes.
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:25] <cluther> or zenossinst.. the one that you ran the ./install.sh from?
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:32] <cluther> Try this..
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:39] <dball> I installed it to a vmware image, so if I need to restore my 2.1.0,i can.
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:43] <dball> ok...
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:46] <cluther> go into that inst directory and run an "svn up"
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:59] <cluther> then "mkdir build" and "make pynetsnmp-install"
[27-Nov-2007 15:38:24] <cluther> That'll get you the latest version of pynetsnmp.
[27-Nov-2007 15:39:00] <dball> ok...doing that now.
[27-Nov-2007 15:39:28] <dball> where is "svn" supposed to be? installed, or in that directory?
[27-Nov-2007 15:42:00] <Snoop`> "localhost.localdomain zenwinmodeler heartbeat failure"
[27-Nov-2007 15:42:06] <Snoop`> any ideas what this means?
[27-Nov-2007 15:42:51] <cluther> dball: Oops.. I thought you got inst out of subversion.
[27-Nov-2007 15:43:05] <dball> naa. i didn't.
[27-Nov-2007 15:44:32] <cluther> Snoop`: It could either mean that the zenwinmodeler daemon stopped or that your zenoss server's hostname changed from localhost.localdomain to something else.
[27-Nov-2007 15:45:02] <dball> cluther: is there any other way to make sure i have the lastest version of pynetsnmp?
[27-Nov-2007 15:46:43] <Snoop`> cool thanks
[27-Nov-2007 15:46:52] <cluther> dball: You could get the inst directory out of svn, then make it out of there.
[27-Nov-2007 15:47:13] <Snoop`> by the way, is there a way to assign owners (people) to devices, so if I pull up the info on a device, I get owner = john doe
[27-Nov-2007 15:48:00] <cluther> Snoop`: Go to the device's menu, choose more then administration.
[27-Nov-2007 15:48:09] <cluther> Snoop`: You can assign administrators there..
[27-Nov-2007 15:48:49] <dball> cluther: alright. thanks for the help. you going to be around in case I run into trouble?
[27-Nov-2007 15:53:05] <Bulwinkle> cluther: are you familiar with Zenoss OSS support pricing?
[27-Nov-2007 15:53:12] <cluther> dball: Hopefully. Just remember that you don't want to do a full install from svn. Just the "make pynetsnmp-install"
[27-Nov-2007 15:53:35] <Snoop`> cluther - perfect
[27-Nov-2007 15:53:45] <Snoop`> could I import using cvs or something this info..
[27-Nov-2007 15:53:49] <Snoop`> I have like 1000 users :-)
[27-Nov-2007 15:55:14] <cluther> Snoop`: You could..
[27-Nov-2007 15:55:26] <Snoop`> one more thing...
[27-Nov-2007 15:55:39] <Snoop`> after I add the user to a device...
[27-Nov-2007 15:55:46] <cluther> Snoop`: http://chet.crashed.net/add_users.txt
[27-Nov-2007 15:55:47] <Snoop`> where do i see what user has what device?
[27-Nov-2007 15:55:49] <Snoop`> cool
[27-Nov-2007 15:55:50] <Snoop`> thanks
[27-Nov-2007 15:56:22] <cluther> Snoop`: Go to the user's preferences and look at their administered objects tab.
[27-Nov-2007 15:56:40] <Snoop`> can this be accomplished from the device page
[27-Nov-2007 15:56:43] <Snoop`> ?
[27-Nov-2007 15:57:14] <cluther> Snoop`: You can look at it in two ways. From the device you see who the administrators are. From the user you see what devices they administer.
[27-Nov-2007 15:58:57] <kgoedtel> is there anything i can try other than clearing my browser cache to get the 2.1.1 ui looking properly, im out of ideas
[27-Nov-2007 15:59:40] <kgoedtel> im not getting cached css and there are no javascript errors
[27-Nov-2007 16:00:03] <cluther> kgoedtel: What looks wrong about it?
[27-Nov-2007 16:00:39] <kgoedtel> it's like missing stylesheets, things like the status tab for a device is completely blown out
[27-Nov-2007 16:01:12] <kgoedtel> like the different severities have no style, and are just a column of numbers on the top left
[27-Nov-2007 16:02:06] <Bulwinkle> anyone know how the links between sites works? I've got some sites up and now I'm looking to get the physical links shown
[27-Nov-2007 16:03:44] <Bulwinkle> also my zenperfsnmp daemon says its failed but it seems to be running fine, any ideas why this could be happening?
[27-Nov-2007 16:04:27] <kgoedtel> nothing in the log?
[27-Nov-2007 16:14:02] Snoop` is now known as SnoopAway
[27-Nov-2007 16:30:24] <cluther> kgoedtel: Are you absolutely sure that you aren't getting cached css? If in Firefox could you hold shift down while clicking on the refresh button in the toolbar?
[27-Nov-2007 16:30:38] <cluther> kgoedtel: I've noticed that shift-f5 doesn't seem to actually force a full reload.
[27-Nov-2007 16:32:14] <kgoedtel> yah im positive, also just tried that, ive cleared all my private data in firefox and viewed zenoss from a machine that has never been there before
[27-Nov-2007 16:34:08] <kgoedtel> it was an upgrade from 2.0.9, so im assuming something went wrong in the process
[27-Nov-2007 16:34:21] <kgoedtel> i followed the upgrade directions in docs
[27-Nov-2007 16:35:15] <kgoedtel> it upgraded ok, but one of the daemons didnt start properly, i ran zenmigrate and now it starts up properly as far as i can tell
[27-Nov-2007 16:45:21] <cluther> kgoedtel: Have you customized any of the css in the past from within Zope?
[27-Nov-2007 16:46:26] <kgoedtel> yes
[27-Nov-2007 16:46:41] <kgoedtel> only for a simple dashboard though
[27-Nov-2007 16:48:50] <cluther> kgoedtel: So if you go into /zport/portal_skins/custom there are no css files in there?
[27-Nov-2007 16:51:45] <kgoedtel> ahh, thats it
[27-Nov-2007 16:51:50] <kgoedtel> you are a life saver
[27-Nov-2007 16:52:16] <kgoedtel> i completely forgot about even having that stuff in custom, as i had abandoned it long ago
[27-Nov-2007 16:54:40] <cluther> glad that was it.
[27-Nov-2007 17:29:59] <Bulwinkle> looks like zenoss isn't drawing all of my dots (sites)... it is connecting lines though
[27-Nov-2007 17:30:27] <Bulwinkle> any ideas?
[27-Nov-2007 17:33:34] <Bulwinkle> seems like the whole map is like a box of chocolates... I never know what is going to draw from one moment to the next
[27-Nov-2007 17:34:25] <Bulwinkle> is there a way to manually update the map?
[27-Nov-2007 17:36:47] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[27-Nov-2007 17:37:02] <dball> bulwinkle: i remember reading about disabling all devices contributing to the lines between sites. did you do that?
[27-Nov-2007 17:37:28] <Bulwinkle> dball: nope, where would I find that option?
[27-Nov-2007 17:38:56] <dball> hang on...lemme look it up.
[27-Nov-2007 17:39:03] <dball> i think it's a zproperty in the device class..
[27-Nov-2007 17:41:48] <dball> found it
[27-Nov-2007 17:42:19] <dball> page 35 of the manual....the zDrawMapsLinks property. It's in the zproperties tab on Network.
[27-Nov-2007 17:42:40] <dball> it says set that to "False".
[27-Nov-2007 17:43:09] <dball> it says set it false for /Networks and se it true for the network where you know a location-spanning WAN connection exists.
[27-Nov-2007 17:43:23] <dball> i guess still from /Networks.
[27-Nov-2007 17:43:30] <dball> I haven't done this yet, but I hope that helps.
[27-Nov-2007 17:43:49] <Bulwinkle> dball: it now shows all of my sites... but it doesn't show the links
[27-Nov-2007 17:44:54] <Bulwinkle> cluther: you have any light to shed on the problem?
[27-Nov-2007 17:45:08] <dball> well the /Networks will diable the links.
[27-Nov-2007 17:45:39] <dball> then you need to go to the specific subnets that contain devices that connect your WANS and set Zdrawmapslinks to true. did yu do that part?
[27-Nov-2007 17:47:14] <Bulwinkle> dball: what section of the manual are you in?
[27-Nov-2007 17:47:25] <dball> page 35
[27-Nov-2007 17:47:42] <dball> ection 5.1.4
[27-Nov-2007 17:47:45] <dball> *section
[27-Nov-2007 17:47:53] <dball> specifically.
[27-Nov-2007 17:48:39] <Bulwinkle> the manual I'm looking at has User management for section 5
[27-Nov-2007 17:49:20] <Bulwinkle> .... got it
[27-Nov-2007 17:49:37] <dball> nice. cool. wierd. my manual just says 5.1.4...
[27-Nov-2007 17:49:49] <dball> you using version 2?
[27-Nov-2007 17:50:49] <Bulwinkle> dball: 2.1.1
[27-Nov-2007 17:51:54] <dball> oh ok.
[27-Nov-2007 17:54:20] <Bulwinkle> dball: I think I can get your suggestion to work for me. Thanks!
[27-Nov-2007 17:57:55] <Bulwinkle> Now I have a dilemma... how am I supposed to show connectivity with an MPLS cloud where I don't manage the cloud?
[27-Nov-2007 17:59:13] <dball> nice.
[27-Nov-2007 17:59:14] <dball> hmm..
[27-Nov-2007 17:59:56] <dball> i have no idea.
[27-Nov-2007 17:59:57] <dball> lol.
[27-Nov-2007 18:00:20] <cluther> Bulwinkle:
Make a cloud device.
[27-Nov-2007 18:00:33] <cluther> Seriously though.. you do it like this.
[27-Nov-2007 18:00:42] <dball> i wanna know too
[27-Nov-2007 18:00:47] <Bulwinkle> cluther: so a non managed device and add the networks that connect to it/
[27-Nov-2007 18:01:10] <cluther> Create a device class called /Network/Cloud and set its zSnmpMonitorIgnore to True.
[27-Nov-2007 18:02:02] <cluther> Add your "MPLS Cloud" device to this device class using a discover protocol of none and the IP address set to the local interface of the router on the remote side of the cloud.
[27-Nov-2007 18:02:27] <cluther> Then like you say, manually add IP interfaces to the cloud device that connect it to the locations.
[27-Nov-2007 18:02:42] <cluther> Make sure you lock these manually created interfaces so they don't get deleted by the modeling process.
[27-Nov-2007 18:03:24] <cluther> You can even add a cool little picture of a cloud to the zIcon property of /Network/Cloud so that it looks nifty on the network map.
[27-Nov-2007 18:03:32] <dball> nice.
[27-Nov-2007 18:03:36] <Bulwinkle> cluther: that makes sense.... Thanks. Any ideas why my "locations" map is totally random? I've followed the instructions in Now it looks like it is drawing all of my locations, but the links aren't always working correctly...
[27-Nov-2007 18:03:38] <dball> that might come in handy.
[27-Nov-2007 18:04:00] <cluther> hmm.. have you cleared the geocache?
[27-Nov-2007 18:04:31] <cluther> Sometimes when you're changing addresses/locations the geocache gets funky data in it.
[27-Nov-2007 18:04:36] <Bulwinkle> cluther: *blank stare* where might I do that? (I've really just gotten back in to this since I left it around 2.0.5)
[27-Nov-2007 18:04:50] <cluther> Go to http://yourzenoss:8080/zport/dmd/manage_propertiesForm
[27-Nov-2007 18:05:00] <cluther> At the bottom you'll find the geocache.. clear it out and save the changes.
[27-Nov-2007 18:06:42] <Bulwinkle> cluther: is there any documentation on what that stores?
[27-Nov-2007 18:08:33] <Bulwinkle> cluther: uh oh... now I can't get in to my Locations
[27-Nov-2007 18:10:01] <Bulwinkle> cluther: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/250306 ...
[27-Nov-2007 18:10:08] <adytum-bot`> Title: Mozilla Pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.mozilla.org)
[27-Nov-2007 18:10:29] <cluther> Bulwinkle: Make sure you never gamble!
[27-Nov-2007 18:11:06] <Bulwinkle> cluther: heheh... never thought listening to you was a gamble
[27-Nov-2007 18:11:27] <cluther> Bulwinkle: Just 100% bad?
[27-Nov-2007 18:11:38] <cluther> Bulwinkle: zopectl stop ; rm $ZENHOME/var/zeo1-1.zec ; zopectl start
[27-Nov-2007 18:11:49] <Bulwinkle> cluther: it feels that way sometimes....
[27-Nov-2007 18:11:52] <cluther> Bulwinkle: You're the incarnation of Murphy's Law.
[27-Nov-2007 18:11:59] <Bulwinkle> cluther: I've built a script to do that
[27-Nov-2007 18:14:15] <Bulwinkle> cluther: that got it. Thanks
[27-Nov-2007 18:14:17] <cluther> The geocache is there because it is the most expensive operation to perform against the google maps api. We don't want to have to do it everytime the map is drawn.
[27-Nov-2007 18:14:35] <cluther> Basically it translates the location names into their actual locations.
[27-Nov-2007 18:14:50] <Bulwinkle> cluther: so while I'm adding locations and whatnot I may need to clear it often/
[27-Nov-2007 18:15:35] <cluther> Bulwinkle: Usually, yes.
[27-Nov-2007 18:15:39] <MoreDakka> cluther: Since you are talking about the geocache right now, how come my map works the first time I clear the cache then I reload the page and it's broken again. Clearing the cache fixes it. Checked all the addresses for odd characters and it's just regular addresses... :-./
[27-Nov-2007 18:15:52] <dball> that's good to know. thanks for having the problem...i guess...not to wish ill-will on you.
[27-Nov-2007 18:16:17] <Bulwinkle> dball: just a cluther, if there is going to be a problem I'm going to find it first
[27-Nov-2007 18:17:24] <dball> man, i'm having the hardest time getting subversion INSTALLED! (no cluther, i still haven't gotten pynetsnmp updated. lol)
[27-Nov-2007 18:17:33] <dball> hehe.
[27-Nov-2007 18:17:51] <Bulwinkle> cluther: how well does the mapping scale? I have about 120 locations, would you say that is a little ambitious?
[27-Nov-2007 18:18:03] <Bulwinkle> dball: what distro?
[27-Nov-2007 18:18:13] <dball> suse server 10.1
[27-Nov-2007 18:18:37] <cluther> Bulwinkle: It scales well if you arrange it hierarchically.
[27-Nov-2007 18:19:40] <Bulwinkle> hierarchically? isn't it supposed to do that?
[27-Nov-2007 18:20:35] <cluther> I just mean that if you have lots of sites you'd want to arrange them like
[27-Nov-2007 18:20:43] <cluther> US
[27-Nov-2007 18:20:48] <cluther> US/Texas
[27-Nov-2007 18:20:53] <cluther> US/Texas/Dallas
[27-Nov-2007 18:20:55] <cluther> etc..
[27-Nov-2007 18:21:11] <cluther> Putting addresses just as specific as the location into each one.
[27-Nov-2007 18:21:18] <cluther> This way you can drill down into sub-locations.
[27-Nov-2007 18:21:33] <MoreDakka> If you click on Texas will it bring you to a new map or will it bring you to the status tab of that location?
[27-Nov-2007 18:21:35] <Bulwinkle> cluther: yeah... guess we can do that.....
[27-Nov-2007 18:21:49] <Bulwinkle> MoreDakka: new map
[27-Nov-2007 18:22:47] <Bulwinkle> cluther: we have several divisions... I may just divide it like that
[27-Nov-2007 18:22:52] <MoreDakka> thnx. Any idea on my geocache issue?
[27-Nov-2007 18:23:20] <cluther> hmm..
[27-Nov-2007 18:25:51] <MoreDakka> Odd...now it's working no problem....cluther did you hack my server and fix something? ;-)
[27-Nov-2007 18:26:12] <cluther> You can't prove anything.
[27-Nov-2007 18:26:20] <MoreDakka> haha
[27-Nov-2007 18:26:24] <MoreDakka> thanks anyways ;-)
[27-Nov-2007 18:28:33] <MoreDakka> Is there a zenpack or a way for Zenoss to monitor for Packet Loss?
[27-Nov-2007 18:30:41] <MoreDakka> cluther: If you setup the locations like you mentioned above. If there is a problem in Dallas will the map turn Texas or US red?
[27-Nov-2007 18:33:25] <cluther> It depends what level you're looking at. Do you have international locations?
[27-Nov-2007 18:34:11] <cluther> MoreDakka: Check out http://community.zenoss.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=13442 for packet loss monitoring
[27-Nov-2007 18:39:28] <Bulwinkle> cluther: alrighty I made that MPLS Cloud device group and put all of my links in it to no avail.... no link lines being drawn
[27-Nov-2007 18:47:07] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[27-Nov-2007 18:47:58] <Bulwinkle> cluther: how do I "lock" these MPLS Devices?
[27-Nov-2007 18:48:55] <cluther> Bulwinkle: The easiest way would be to just remove all of the zCollectorPlugins from the device class.
[27-Nov-2007 18:49:59] <Bulwinkle> cluther: done it.... Now, why the heck isn't it drawing my network lines?
[27-Nov-2007 18:51:51] <Bulwinkle> cluther: When I go in to one of the subnets ( for instance) it shows the router side IP address but not the cloud IP
[27-Nov-2007 18:54:06] <MoreDakka> No international locations, just provence wide so it will be focused on one provence then there will be multiple locations and multiple radios per location.
[27-Nov-2007 18:54:25] <Bulwinkle> cluther: do I have to launch another discovery/
[27-Nov-2007 19:06:10] <dball> YAY. i got subversion installed. Had to compile from source instead of using the rpm.
[27-Nov-2007 20:07:28] <Bulwinkle> can anyone help me with zenperfsnmp? it says that is is failed...
[27-Nov-2007 20:13:37] <dball> welcome to the club
[27-Nov-2007 20:13:44] <dball> does it fail repeatedly?
[27-Nov-2007 20:16:53] <Bulwinkle> dball: it has never not failed. It says it is running in the daemons list but it reports as failed in the event list
[27-Nov-2007 20:29:09] <mot> what's the easiest way to get snmp trap monitoring working with zenoss?
[27-Nov-2007 20:34:31] <Bulwinkle> mot: disable the snmpd and load up your MIBS
[27-Nov-2007 20:34:51] <mot> i have no idea how to do that
[27-Nov-2007 20:44:33] <folke> Anyone out there who is monitoring a microsoft cluster, in this cas a 2 node active/active filecluster
[27-Nov-2007 21:19:20] <Bulwinkle> mot: look in the documentation, its all in there
[27-Nov-2007 21:43:28] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[27-Nov-2007 23:58:12] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[28-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Wed Nov 28 00:00:14 2007]
[28-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Wed Nov 28 00:00:14 2007]
[28-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[28-Nov-2007 00:08:04] <murphys_law> anyone here compiled 2.1.1 on linux from source?
[28-Nov-2007 02:50:14] <dan__t> 'evening, guys.
[28-Nov-2007 02:50:36] <dan__t> Are zenpacks backwards compatible, meaning if a zenpack had a requirement for 2.0, they may still work under 2.1?
[28-Nov-2007 02:56:38] <dan__t> I ask because I'm getting a ton of python errors when trying to install the current zenpack RPM for el5
[28-Nov-2007 02:57:02] <dan__t> Well, no, I lied - only for the MysqlMonitor and HelloWorld packs.
[28-Nov-2007 05:03:48] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[28-Nov-2007 05:03:54] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[28-Nov-2007 05:24:53] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[28-Nov-2007 05:24:54] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[28-Nov-2007 09:03:59] SnoopAway is now known as Snoop`
[28-Nov-2007 09:04:12] <Snoop`> Morning All
[28-Nov-2007 09:48:23] Snoop` is now known as SnoopAway
[28-Nov-2007 10:59:05] <punkpussy> Hi
[28-Nov-2007 11:00:24] <punkpussy> I changed my user email settings to "steven@zenoss.mydomain.com" but I still receive the messages at "steven@mydomain.com". I cannot seem to find where exactly I specified this. Any ideas?
[28-Nov-2007 11:05:01] <Merciless> Was Hayes a real person? If so I'd love to go back in time and punch him
[28-Nov-2007 14:05:03] <jsm> this is very odd.. zenoss is sending me alerts that "nano" isn't running on a system.. i was never monitoring this process, so I'm not sure why it's complaining..
[28-Nov-2007 14:19:44] <Bulwinkle> jsm: never seen that one before
[28-Nov-2007 14:32:00] <murphys_law> does zenoss have its own CVS tree outside of sourceforge?
[28-Nov-2007 15:14:57] <Nathandelane> Is the installation and configuration of Zenoss compared to Nagios or OpenNMS simpler, equally complex, or more difficult?
[28-Nov-2007 15:20:51] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[28-Nov-2007 15:23:37] <murphys_law> Nathandelane: tough question
[28-Nov-2007 15:23:54] <murphys_law> what platform, what environment?
[28-Nov-2007 15:24:06] <murphys_law> what are the requirements?
[28-Nov-2007 15:27:41] <Nathandelane> Ubuntu server 7.10/7.04 - Mostly Windows XP/Server 2003 network - We want to monitor HTTP, Exchange, SNMP readable sources, and whether or not specific websites are up - we'd also like to gather performance statistics but that is ancillary to our requirements and we could do without that for an open source system.
[28-Nov-2007 15:30:52] <Nathandelane> I've had problems with configuring the part where we test whether a specific website is up in both OpenNMS and Nagios - it's not very straight forward
[28-Nov-2007 15:47:58] <murphys_law> there are debian pkgs for zenoss, and am sure there are for nagios, so may want to try if those work for you on ubuntu.
[28-Nov-2007 15:49:11] <murphys_law> as for compiling your own, i'm having issues on linux gentoo & solaris right now, so not sure how to proceed, am tempted to run a ubuntu or debian in vmware just to see if that works
[28-Nov-2007 15:49:23] <Nathandelane> Thanks, nagios was perfectly installable and I am positive I can install zenoss - the post install configuration is where I am having trouble (not to be confused with the configure script).
[28-Nov-2007 15:50:21] <murphys_law> differences between the two... well i saw zenoss and groundworks (latter is an enterprise packaging of nagios) and i have to say zenoss looked much more enterprise ready
[28-Nov-2007 15:51:39] <Nathandelane> Would you say then that zenoss is simple to configure/has the ability to check whether a certain webpage is accessible, following redirects, from the zenoss host?
[28-Nov-2007 15:52:28] <murphys_law> zenoss has a tool that allows you to "replay" transactions on http and record timings etc, so you can do end to end monitoring like with Gomez and Nimbus
[28-Nov-2007 15:53:12] <Nathandelane> hmm ok, well thank you murphys_law. I will give zenoss a try.
[28-Nov-2007 15:53:16] <murphys_law> basically both nagios and zenoss should allow you to put anything scriptable in there and time it
[28-Nov-2007 15:53:38] <murphys_law> wish i could get it to run so I could see for myself though
[28-Nov-2007 15:54:02] <Nathandelane> have you been unable to get it installed correctly?
[28-Nov-2007 15:54:30] <murphys_law> that's right, after compilation it won't start on me. i filed a bug but i have no clue if i'm the only one trying to install from source
[28-Nov-2007 15:54:51] <Nathandelane> It's perl-based, right?
[28-Nov-2007 15:54:55] <murphys_law> python
[28-Nov-2007 15:55:14] <murphys_law> and i have very little experience with python
[28-Nov-2007 15:55:27] <Nathandelane> what linux distro are you running?
[28-Nov-2007 15:55:42] <murphys_law> gentoo, it's my home box. at work it's solaris. get same error on both
[28-Nov-2007 15:56:02] <Nathandelane> okay, well I'll have to see how Ubuntu handles it
[28-Nov-2007 15:56:12] <murphys_law> let us know
[28-Nov-2007 15:56:24] <Nathandelane> will do - thanks. bye
[28-Nov-2007 16:11:21] <Bulwinkle> anyone have problems with missing data files? I'm getting it on all of my devices....
[28-Nov-2007 16:50:58] <klinstifen> hello
[28-Nov-2007 16:51:11] <klinstifen> anyone have success implementing the ApacheMonitor zenpack?
[28-Nov-2007 16:56:17] <kgoedtel> yah apache zenpack works just fine for me
[28-Nov-2007 17:00:04] <klinstifen> ok great...are you running EL 4 or 5?
[28-Nov-2007 17:02:53] <kgoedtel> CentOS 5
[28-Nov-2007 17:06:59] <klinstifen> alright, well i'm trying to get it to work but my rrd's aren't being created
[28-Nov-2007 17:07:23] <klinstifen> if i run a zentestcommand i get output which seems to be right
[28-Nov-2007 17:07:29] <klinstifen> however the rrd's wont generate
[28-Nov-2007 17:07:54] <klinstifen> did you have to do anything special after zenpack --install Apachexxx?
[28-Nov-2007 17:09:46] <kgoedtel> well you need to make sure that the server-status page is accessible wherever it is looking, did you do that?
[28-Nov-2007 17:10:11] <klinstifen> yeah
[28-Nov-2007 17:10:33] <klinstifen> i can get there from my zenoss server
[28-Nov-2007 17:11:44] <kgoedtel> what do you see in your perf tab?
[28-Nov-2007 17:11:53] <kgoedtel> blank graphs? or no graphs
[28-Nov-2007 17:11:56] <kgoedtel> ?
[28-Nov-2007 17:12:55] <klinstifen> no graphs for 3 of the apache graphs except cpu utilization....that has a graph because of the threshold, but it says missing data file
[28-Nov-2007 17:13:29] <kgoedtel> im pretty sure your template is configured wrong then
[28-Nov-2007 17:13:40] <klinstifen> ok
[28-Nov-2007 17:13:43] <kgoedtel> either the host doesnt work
[28-Nov-2007 17:13:59] <kgoedtel> or the server-status page cant be found where it is looking
[28-Nov-2007 17:14:57] <kgoedtel> those are really the only 2 important things that need to be addresses to ensure that it works
[28-Nov-2007 17:14:59] <klinstifen> zentestcommand -d mydevice --datasource=apache spits out data that though.. is that independent of the overall template?
[28-Nov-2007 17:17:26] <kgoedtel> yah i dunno, if you have some other problem its something i havent encountered before
[28-Nov-2007 17:17:56] <klinstifen> is there a way to echo back what ${dev/manageIp} is ?
[28-Nov-2007 17:18:16] <klinstifen> maybe that field is incorrect?
[28-Nov-2007 17:18:36] <kgoedtel> you can see it in the device status tab
[28-Nov-2007 17:19:00] <klinstifen> alright that's what i figured it was which is right in this case
[28-Nov-2007 17:19:18] <kgoedtel> for me i had to manually change my host, since i run httpd on a virtual interface
[28-Nov-2007 17:19:38] <kgoedtel> or rather, it is listening on a virtual interface
[28-Nov-2007 17:20:28] <kgoedtel> so if you go to Apache Host+Status URL it works?
[28-Nov-2007 17:20:39] <kgoedtel> im assuming it does since testcommand works
[28-Nov-2007 17:21:50] <klinstifen> yeah...i just have console on the box so i go "elinks serverip/server-status?auto" and i get the page
[28-Nov-2007 17:22:04] <klinstifen> also tried hostname/server-status?auto and that works too
[28-Nov-2007 17:22:19] <kgoedtel> weird
[28-Nov-2007 17:22:24] <klinstifen> yeah
[28-Nov-2007 17:23:50] <kgoedtel> if you go into the apache data source, you see a list of DataPoints?
[28-Nov-2007 17:24:34] <klinstifen> yeah 13 of them
[28-Nov-2007 17:24:43] <klinstifen> bytesPerReq - slotWaiting
[28-Nov-2007 17:25:32] <klinstifen> ls
[28-Nov-2007 17:28:08] <klinstifen> just tried adding the template to a different box
[28-Nov-2007 17:28:15] <klinstifen> we'll see what happens
[28-Nov-2007 17:28:32] <kgoedtel> the only other thing i can think of checking is your logs
[28-Nov-2007 17:29:10] <klinstifen> which ones would have info about this? the zencommand daemon would be the one responsible for actually executing it, right?
[28-Nov-2007 18:10:38] <klinstifen> Ok, that didn't work...still no graphs.
[28-Nov-2007 18:10:54] <AcidTonic> wondering if anyone has came across an error in the python logging module that catches the zenoss exception so the stacktrace contains no zenoss code?
[28-Nov-2007 18:10:57] <klinstifen> very odd...
[28-Nov-2007 18:11:44] <klinstifen> not i
[28-Nov-2007 18:12:35] <AcidTonic> http://pastebin.com/m34207b25
[28-Nov-2007 18:12:42] <adytum-bot`> Title: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)
[28-Nov-2007 18:13:11] <AcidTonic> its happening when I try to run zenmodeler run -v10 --force
[28-Nov-2007 18:13:37] <AcidTonic> after snmp times out I get that error
[28-Nov-2007 18:13:59] <AcidTonic> and I found some info about that issue here
[28-Nov-2007 18:14:00] <AcidTonic> http://www.dbforums.com/archive/index.php/t-1407959.html
[28-Nov-2007 18:14:13] <AcidTonic> appears to be a design issue with the python logging class
[28-Nov-2007 18:14:15] <adytum-bot`> Title: Controlling exception handling of logging module [Archive] - dBforums (at www.dbforums.com)
[28-Nov-2007 18:14:31] <AcidTonic> it eats up the exception so my stack trace tells me nothing about where it came from
[28-Nov-2007 18:15:12] <AcidTonic> except this time it applies to logging within zenoss, and I'm not sure how to proceed to squash this bug
[28-Nov-2007 18:16:44] <AcidTonic> any ideas would be awesome considering I'm trying to roll out zenoss across a fairly large company with around 7000 hosts
[28-Nov-2007 18:17:30] <AcidTonic> klinstifen, were actual humans talking in here before I joined? This place is always dead everytime I've came here
[28-Nov-2007 18:19:14] <klinstifen> Umm yeah, one other guy
[28-Nov-2007 18:19:23] <klinstifen> and it took some time before he replied
[28-Nov-2007 18:19:29] <klinstifen> but yeah, it's pretty quiet in here
[28-Nov-2007 18:19:43] <AcidTonic> yeah this place sucks, pointless to mention on the website that people actually get help here
[28-Nov-2007 18:20:00] <klinstifen> but look at all the people that are in here
[28-Nov-2007 18:20:01] <klinstifen> sigh
[28-Nov-2007 18:20:12] <AcidTonic> I've been eager to help and submit patches, but cant even get a tiny bit of assistance
[28-Nov-2007 18:20:38] <AcidTonic> I've patched every issue I've came across so far. But this one is going to suck because the stacktrace is 100% pointless
[28-Nov-2007 18:20:51] <kgoedtel> this place can be quite helpful
[28-Nov-2007 18:20:57] <kgoedtel> a dev was here yesterday
[28-Nov-2007 18:21:09] <kgoedtel> it's just not 'fast' :]
[28-Nov-2007 18:21:17] <kgoedtel> patience is definitely a virtue
[28-Nov-2007 18:21:29] <AcidTonic> patience = money
[28-Nov-2007 18:21:40] <kgoedtel> money = buy support
[28-Nov-2007 18:21:44] <MoreDakka> haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:21:45] <kgoedtel> take your pick
[28-Nov-2007 18:21:48] <AcidTonic> yeah i knew that was coming
[28-Nov-2007 18:22:07] <AcidTonic> you guys always go right to the pony up response
[28-Nov-2007 18:22:30] <AcidTonic> but many open source projects do provide some support to non paying customers.
[28-Nov-2007 18:22:30] <klinstifen> you mentioned money and two people responded
[28-Nov-2007 18:22:36] <klinstifen> guess that's the trick
[28-Nov-2007 18:22:56] <kgoedtel> hey, i just run zenoss like you guys, i'm just saying
[28-Nov-2007 18:23:10] <kgoedtel> i don't expect stellar free spoon-fed support
[28-Nov-2007 18:23:18] <AcidTonic> just because you profit with a paid version, doesnt mean you need to 100% stop supporting the free version
[28-Nov-2007 18:23:19] <MoreDakka> I think it's the fact that he is looking for an instant response for free.
[28-Nov-2007 18:23:29] <kgoedtel> MoreDakka: right.
[28-Nov-2007 18:23:29] <MoreDakka> omg...hahah
[28-Nov-2007 18:24:07] <MoreDakka> AcidTonic: There is lots of support but the free stuff is quite a lot slower then the paid stuff....for good reason.
[28-Nov-2007 18:24:28] <AcidTonic> whatever, I'll keep those patches to myself. I might submit them in about 6 months.
[28-Nov-2007 18:24:37] <kgoedtel> ...
[28-Nov-2007 18:24:39] <MoreDakka> omg
[28-Nov-2007 18:24:40] <AcidTonic> after all. free patches are slow
[28-Nov-2007 18:24:41] <MoreDakka> wow
[28-Nov-2007 18:24:56] <AcidTonic> yeah wow... ooo you guys dont like that do you
[28-Nov-2007 18:25:04] <MoreDakka> You probably get mad whens someone only does 10 over in the fast lane.
[28-Nov-2007 18:25:28] <AcidTonic> it goes both ways for you, but if you dont pay me I'm still supposed to be fast.....
[28-Nov-2007 18:25:31] <kgoedtel> zenoss devs, and community are 2 quite different things.
[28-Nov-2007 18:26:24] <AcidTonic> yeah and I hate the idea that you wont help us without cash, yet when we mention we might submit patches to help you fuckers make money FOR FREE you still want us to pay to get any kind of direction.
[28-Nov-2007 18:26:24] <kgoedtel> i only get mad when someone goes the same speed in the left lane as the right lane
[28-Nov-2007 18:26:26] <kgoedtel> :]
[28-Nov-2007 18:26:54] <kgoedtel> AcidTonic: you are barking up the wrong tree
[28-Nov-2007 18:26:55] <MoreDakka> So go to a Windows platform then.
[28-Nov-2007 18:26:58] <MoreDakka> no kidding
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:11] <MoreDakka> This.....all around you right now....this is the community.
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:20] <AcidTonic> no
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:21] <MoreDakka> The devs come in sometimes.
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:26] <AcidTonic> its logged and their devs come in
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:39] <kgoedtel> AcidTonic: you obviously don't idle here
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:39] <MoreDakka> Actually the devs come in quite often.
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:47] <MoreDakka> but they aren't here now.
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:57] <kgoedtel> or maybe you are just too young to understand the concept of IRC
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:59] <MoreDakka> I'm sure they'll take your free complaint to heart.
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:04] <AcidTonic> too young
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:05] <AcidTonic> haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:09] <MoreDakka> or too old.
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:18] <kgoedtel> or too senile ?
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:23] <MoreDakka> haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:33] <AcidTonic> I'm getting paid full time to work on zenoss integration for a fortune 500 company
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:46] <AcidTonic> I have done so much in the way of patching its not even funny
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:50] <MoreDakka> Maybe your fortune 500 company can buy support?
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:54] <kgoedtel> and you haven't purchased support. congratulations
[28-Nov-2007 18:29:02] <AcidTonic> I've also diffed and documented everything I've touched
[28-Nov-2007 18:29:28] <MoreDakka> kgoedtel, I don't think we are getting through the thick skull
[28-Nov-2007 18:29:37] <AcidTonic> hell I even wanted to help out. but all you open source as a business model companies are all the same
[28-Nov-2007 18:29:45] <kgoedtel> yah, quite futile it seems
[28-Nov-2007 18:29:53] <AcidTonic> you cripple your free support so people pay for "enterprise" support
[28-Nov-2007 18:29:58] <MoreDakka> It's fun reading his babble though.
[28-Nov-2007 18:30:05] <kgoedtel> quite entertaining!
[28-Nov-2007 18:30:09] <kgoedtel> this made my day
[28-Nov-2007 18:30:18] <MoreDakka> he is like "BLAH BLAH BLAH" to me...hahah
[28-Nov-2007 18:30:45] <AcidTonic> what im saying is that oss projects without "pay" versions seem to be WAY better at free support
[28-Nov-2007 18:30:52] <MoreDakka> "I'm angry cause my fortune 500 company won't purchase monitoring software and I have to wait for free support"....BLAH BLAH BLAH
[28-Nov-2007 18:31:16] <AcidTonic> no I'm getting paid to fix this project and help the community
[28-Nov-2007 18:31:33] <kgoedtel> uhh
[28-Nov-2007 18:31:40] <MoreDakka> heheh
[28-Nov-2007 18:31:42] <kgoedtel> ok, how have you contributed?
[28-Nov-2007 18:31:52] <MoreDakka> By complaining about the free support....duhhh
[28-Nov-2007 18:32:05] <AcidTonic> well I have a patches folder with about 40 diffs
[28-Nov-2007 18:32:14] <kgoedtel> oh right, we need more politics to make zenoss work better... i forgot
[28-Nov-2007 18:32:20] <MoreDakka> haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:32:29] <AcidTonic> your attitude is always pay pay pay
[28-Nov-2007 18:32:34] <MoreDakka> hahah
[28-Nov-2007 18:32:47] <kgoedtel> 40 diffs! incredible. at 3 lines each, thats like half a days work
[28-Nov-2007 18:32:52] <MoreDakka> your attitude is "Give me free support FASTER"
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:02] <kgoedtel> i don't pay and i don't plan to pay
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:09] <kgoedtel> but i also dont plan to bitch
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:11] <AcidTonic> and since I'm not required to submit patches, I figured I'd be nice and do so. but no one here has ever attempted to help
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:22] <AcidTonic> even a tiny bit of help
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:31] <AcidTonic> and I would have submitted all kinds of fixes
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:31] <MoreDakka> Cause you bitch and complain about the lack of free support too much.
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:35] <AcidTonic> no
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:41] <AcidTonic> because no one ever has got around to helping
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:50] <MoreDakka> What are the last 50 lines you wrote in the IRC....bitching and complaining.
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:55] <MoreDakka> Post it in the forums.
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:59] <MoreDakka> seriously.
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:12] <MoreDakka> free != fast
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:22] <AcidTonic> fast should be better than 3 weeks though
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:32] <kgoedtel> have you posted your problem in the forum?
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:35] <kgoedtel> link.
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:42] <MoreDakka> Well I recieved help yesterday...no problems...no bitching.
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:43] <AcidTonic> nope
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:47] <kgoedtel> ok, so go away.
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:56] <MoreDakka> AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREEE.
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:56] <AcidTonic> you list irc as valid support on the site
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:02] <MoreDakka> It is.
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:05] <kgoedtel> *I* do?
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:05] <AcidTonic> appears not
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:06] <MoreDakka> so are the forums.
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:24] <AcidTonic> yeah you guys are all pissy now. well I'm going to keep working on this and my patches will stay with me once again
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:31] <MoreDakka> hahah
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:37] <MoreDakka> <- Community.
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:38] <AcidTonic> cheers, and have fun recreating shit I've fixed
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:40] <AcidTonic> peace
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:42] <MoreDakka> hahahah
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:44] <MoreDakka> omg
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:51] <kgoedtel> hilarity ensues.
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:56] <MoreDakka> hahahahha
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:06] <MoreDakka> have you ever seen him in this chat room before>?
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:10] <kgoedtel> nope
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:13] <MoreDakka> hha
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:15] <kgoedtel> and ive been in here for months
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:19] <MoreDakka> instant support needed NOW.
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:21] <MoreDakka> haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:25] <MoreDakka> free
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:27] <MoreDakka> omg.
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:28] <klinstifen> that was great
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:32] <klinstifen> and this is my first time in here
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:35] <MoreDakka> He hasn't worked with Linux for very long then.
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:41] <kgoedtel> obviously
[28-Nov-2007 18:37:12] <kgoedtel> if you don't want to do a lot of it yourself, don't run it.
[28-Nov-2007 18:37:17] <MoreDakka> yep.
[28-Nov-2007 18:37:28] <MoreDakka> I've been fighting with zenoss since 1.1.1
[28-Nov-2007 18:37:45] <kgoedtel> i mostly just play with it
[28-Nov-2007 18:37:58] <MoreDakka> yeah.....1.1.1 is actually very stable..
[28-Nov-2007 18:38:11] <MoreDakka> with a couple problems...just the zenmodeler
[28-Nov-2007 18:39:36] <MoreDakka> Ha....11:13 he posted his problem. 11:21 his first complaint ;-) haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:39:48] <MoreDakka> 8 minute wait time.
[28-Nov-2007 18:41:12] <kgoedtel> drive-through support
[28-Nov-2007 18:41:17] <MoreDakka> haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:42:34] <MoreDakka> I really liked his comment "I'm getting paid to fix this project and help the community"....haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:42:49] <MoreDakka> Anyways...I'm not going to talk about that anymore....no matter how funny it was.
[28-Nov-2007 18:43:05] <kgoedtel> but he has diffs!
[28-Nov-2007 18:43:11] <kgoedtel> patches for the masses
[28-Nov-2007 18:43:23] <MoreDakka> nice rhyme
[28-Nov-2007 18:54:29] <MoreDakka> Anyone know why when I put a check_ping command into the /Device/device template zencommand issued a "INFO zen.zencommand: Deleting command " on each device it would have applied to?
[28-Nov-2007 18:54:38] <MoreDakka> No, I don't need instant support either ;-)
[28-Nov-2007 18:59:06] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[28-Nov-2007 20:03:09] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[28-Nov-2007 21:30:44] <klinstifen> anyone in here have the ApacheMonitor working successfully?
[28-Nov-2007 21:31:11] <klinstifen> for those that were in here earlier...I dug a little deeper and can actually execute the check_apache.py successfully
[28-Nov-2007 21:31:28] <klinstifen> but rrd files still aren't being created for the device
[28-Nov-2007 21:31:51] <klinstifen> anyone have an idea on how i can actually test the creation of just the rrd file to rule out permission issues and the like?
[28-Nov-2007 21:41:03] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[28-Nov-2007 21:43:46] <MoreDakka> I've tried it but I can't get it working.
[28-Nov-2007 21:44:21] <monrad> is there a way to get events if events "flaps"
[28-Nov-2007 21:44:53] <monrad> like we dont get any an message if a link flaps for ~1 sec
[28-Nov-2007 21:44:54] <MoreDakka> Wait...I lie.
[28-Nov-2007 21:44:58] <MoreDakka> I got it somewhat working.
[28-Nov-2007 21:52:40] Spec is now known as x-spec-t
[28-Nov-2007 22:10:50] <MoreDakka> :-/ Why isn't zenoss 2.1.1 running my template command grrrrr.
[28-Nov-2007 22:11:00] <MoreDakka> Anyone know why when I put a check_ping command into the /Device/device template zencommand issued a "INFO zen.zencommand: Deleting command " on each device it would have applied to?
[28-Nov-2007 22:13:32] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[28-Nov-2007 22:29:35] <murphys_law> about some of the earlier discussion... i *would* pay, if I can get it compiled first so I can show management the nice spiffy graphs
[28-Nov-2007 22:29:59] <MoreDakka> hehe...that was a fun conversation
[28-Nov-2007 22:30:43] <murphys_law> seriously though, 2.1.1 compiles for me now on solaris, but i get the same issue on solaris and linux now
[28-Nov-2007 22:31:26] <MoreDakka> I just wanna know how to get my template freakin' working :-/
[28-Nov-2007 22:31:46] <MoreDakka> Trying to get the Packet Loss RRD graph going.
[28-Nov-2007 22:32:04] <murphys_law> compiled from source? or using an rpm?
[28-Nov-2007 22:32:14] <MoreDakka> for me? rpm on CentOS 5
[28-Nov-2007 22:32:33] <MoreDakka> I'm a Linux newb and I break things if I try to compile from source.
[28-Nov-2007 22:32:37] <murphys_law> well if i ever get it compiled right i can try and help you
[28-Nov-2007 22:32:41] <MoreDakka> hehe
[28-Nov-2007 22:41:48] <darkhorse> it is better to use the RPM anyway as it is build for CentOS / RHEL
[28-Nov-2007 22:41:55] <darkhorse> ~built
[28-Nov-2007 22:58:36] <murphys_law> sure, but i don't have the luxury
[28-Nov-2007 23:00:22] <murphys_law> so when INSTALL.txt says python 2.4, does that mean I can't have python 2.4 ?
[28-Nov-2007 23:01:12] <murphys_law> err i mean can't i have 2.4.4 ?
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:06] <progma> murphys_law: 2.4.4 is fine
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:16] <murphys_law> ok thanks
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:55] <murphys_law> so has anyone here compiled 2.1.1 from source?
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:59] <murphys_law> Traceback (most recent call last):
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:59] <murphys_law> File "/var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/Products/ZenRRD/zenprocess.py", line 33, in ?
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:59] <murphys_law> from pynetsnmp.twistedsnmp import AgentProxy
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:59] <murphys_law> File "var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/lib/python/pynetsnmp/twistedsnmp.py", line 1, in ?
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:59] <murphys_law> File "var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/lib/python/pynetsnmp/netsnmp.py", line 31, in ?
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:59] <murphys_law> File "/var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/Products/ZenRRD/__init__.py", line 325, in __getattr__
[28-Nov-2007 23:03:01] <murphys_law> File "/var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/Products/ZenRRD/__init__.py", line 330, in __getitem__
[28-Nov-2007 23:03:03] <murphys_law> AttributeError: ld.so.1: python: fatal: netsnmp_get_version: can't find symbol
[28-Nov-2007 23:03:06] <murphys_law> that's my error on linux and solaris
[28-Nov-2007 23:03:25] <progma> murphys_law: do you have multiple python installs
[28-Nov-2007 23:04:07] <murphys_law> progma: on linux, no. on solaris, yes. same error
[28-Nov-2007 23:04:09] <progma> i've got a 2.0.6 source install
[28-Nov-2007 23:05:10] <murphys_law> hmm, may be worth trying that one
[28-Nov-2007 23:16:36] <murphys_law> is there a way to access zenoss cvs?
[28-Nov-2007 23:55:06] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[29-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Thu Nov 29 00:00:14 2007]
[29-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Thu Nov 29 00:00:14 2007]
[29-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[29-Nov-2007 02:53:23] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[29-Nov-2007 02:53:32] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[29-Nov-2007 05:03:47] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[29-Nov-2007 05:03:53] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[29-Nov-2007 05:25:26] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[29-Nov-2007 05:25:27] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[29-Nov-2007 05:25:28] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - blameall.py
[29-Nov-2007 05:25:29] <adytum-bot`> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry6710665393929991652
[29-Nov-2007 11:14:46] <incorrect> hello, what python lib does zenoss use to talk snmp?
[29-Nov-2007 13:35:23] <klinstifen> any developers in here?
[29-Nov-2007 14:10:31] <klinstifen> hrmm, anyone ever run into a problem binding templates? i just rebooted zenoss server, after removing some zenpacks, and now all i get is a loading screen when attempting to bind a template
[29-Nov-2007 14:23:27] <klinstifen> fixed it
[29-Nov-2007 14:23:31] <klinstifen> had to delete the cahce
[29-Nov-2007 14:23:33] <klinstifen> *cahce
[29-Nov-2007 14:23:40] <klinstifen> ok, guess i can't spell today
[29-Nov-2007 14:24:06] <klinstifen> anyways, for the records, did the following:
[29-Nov-2007 14:24:14] <klinstifen> zopectl stop
[29-Nov-2007 14:24:24] <klinstifen> rm $ZENHOME/var/zeo1-1.zec
[29-Nov-2007 14:24:29] <klinstifen> zopectl start
[29-Nov-2007 14:24:54] <klinstifen> now I get the list of templates when I try to bind
[29-Nov-2007 14:36:57] <Bulwinkle> klinstifen: what was the problem you had (for my own mental record)/
[29-Nov-2007 14:37:25] <klinstifen> i mentioned it just before you entered the room
[29-Nov-2007 14:37:27] <klinstifen> it was:
[29-Nov-2007 14:37:38] <Snoop`> Hi All
[29-Nov-2007 14:37:39] <klinstifen> "hrmm, anyone ever run into a problem binding templates? i just rebooted zenoss server, after removing some zenpacks, and now all i get is a loading screen when attempting to bind a template"
[29-Nov-2007 14:38:07] <klinstifen> hiya
[29-Nov-2007 14:38:16] <Bulwinkle> I dont understand "binding templates"...
[29-Nov-2007 14:38:51] <klinstifen> when you go to the Device -> More -> Templates
[29-Nov-2007 14:39:10] <klinstifen> then you choose which Performance Template you want by "Bind Template"
[29-Nov-2007 14:40:11] <klinstifen> when i clicked that i would just get a "loading" screen
[29-Nov-2007 14:40:18] <klinstifen> so i cleared the cache and that did the trick
[29-Nov-2007 14:40:23] <klinstifen> now i get my list of templates
[29-Nov-2007 14:41:17] <Bulwinkle> klinstifen: yeah... now I understand. "When in doubt delete the cache" is my coined phrase.
[29-Nov-2007 14:41:53] <klinstifen> yeah..i had to do that before too
[29-Nov-2007 14:41:59] <klinstifen> can't remember why tho
[29-Nov-2007 14:42:09] <klinstifen> now if only i could get this ApacheMonitor to work
[29-Nov-2007 14:46:24] <klinstifen> Bulwinkle: have you used the ApacheMonitor?
[29-Nov-2007 14:46:33] <Bulwinkle> klinstifen: nope....
[29-Nov-2007 14:46:50] <klinstifen> Bulwinkle: sigh. ok
[29-Nov-2007 15:00:31] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[29-Nov-2007 15:47:09] <MoreDakka> Anyone know why when I put a check_ping command into the /Device/device template zencommand issued a "INFO zen.zencommand: Deleting command " on each device it would have applied to?
[29-Nov-2007 16:33:55] x-spec-t is now known as Spec
[29-Nov-2007 17:52:02] <Jeremiah-R> Has anyone had an issue with devices always showing 100% availability even when the device has been down or is currently down?
[29-Nov-2007 17:54:34] <PerlStalker> How can I get zenoss to ignore certain events where the eventClass is not unknown?
[29-Nov-2007 17:55:55] <Jeremiah-R> map it to an event class and set it to discard maybe?
[29-Nov-2007 17:56:08] <PerlStalker> I also cannont find the event mapping.
[29-Nov-2007 17:56:59] <Jeremiah-R> hmm is it an eventClass that zenoss already knows about? the one you want to ignore
[29-Nov-2007 17:57:30] <PerlStalker> Zenoss claims that it is /HW/Network but I don't see a mapping there anywhere.
[29-Nov-2007 17:58:29] <Jeremiah-R> How is the event coming in?
[29-Nov-2007 17:59:15] <PerlStalker> Ahh, looks like it's coming from syslog.
[29-Nov-2007 17:59:20] <Jeremiah-R> hmm
[29-Nov-2007 18:00:32] <Jeremiah-R> if it is syslog and being identified as that class I would think something would have to be classifying it that way. Do the properties of the event give any clues?
[29-Nov-2007 18:01:25] <PerlStalker> The agent is zensyslog so I'm pretty sure I'm seeing a "Real" syslog message.
[29-Nov-2007 18:02:40] <PerlStalker> Is there a way to tell zensyslog to ignore certain messages?
[29-Nov-2007 18:02:50] <Jeremiah-R> what is the eventClassKey?
[29-Nov-2007 18:03:01] <Jeremiah-R> not that I have seen
[29-Nov-2007 18:03:18] <PerlStalker> eventClassKey => kernel
[29-Nov-2007 18:03:48] <Jeremiah-R> There is a kernel mapping in /HW/Network
[29-Nov-2007 18:03:51] <Jeremiah-R> well on mine there is
[29-Nov-2007 18:04:21] <PerlStalker> I'm looking in there but there and I see the kernel mapping
[29-Nov-2007 18:04:56] <Jeremiah-R> if the eventClassKey = Kernel, pretty sure it is going to identify it as /HW/Network
[29-Nov-2007 18:05:03] <Jeremiah-R> I dont see any more specifics given on that mapping.
[29-Nov-2007 18:06:46] <Jeremiah-R> and looks like only 2 mappings for kernel in the system, but the other one has a qualifier
[29-Nov-2007 18:08:33] <PerlStalker> I think I found it.
[29-Nov-2007 18:08:43] <Jeremiah-R> nice
[29-Nov-2007 18:08:55] <PerlStalker> I have to create a new mapping under /Ignore with the same key
[29-Nov-2007 18:09:13] <Jeremiah-R> yeah that should do it
[29-Nov-2007 18:09:27] <PerlStalker> Then change the sequence to it's above the /HW/Network event.
[29-Nov-2007 18:09:46] <Jeremiah-R> or add a more specific qualifier
[29-Nov-2007 18:10:44] <Jeremiah-R> anyone have any ideas or experience with availability always showing as 100% even when a device has been down or is currently down?
[29-Nov-2007 18:10:59] <PerlStalker> I've never seen that.
[29-Nov-2007 18:11:35] <Jeremiah-R> hah, I must be special then
All my devices show 100%
[29-Nov-2007 18:11:47] <PerlStalker> Excellent
[29-Nov-2007 18:12:11] <Jeremiah-R> well not when I know one device is down every night all night
[29-Nov-2007 18:12:54] <Jeremiah-R> I havent seen anything about it in the forum so I'm puzzling over it...
[29-Nov-2007 18:14:18] <Akira00> i'm getting this error
[29-Nov-2007 18:14:18] <Akira00> Type: ProgrammingError
[29-Nov-2007 18:14:18] <Akira00> Value: (1146, "Table 'events.detail' doesn't exist")
[29-Nov-2007 18:14:43] <PerlStalker> Sounds like you have a table name wrong somewhere.
[29-Nov-2007 18:15:06] <Jeremiah-R> when clicking on the properties of an event?
[29-Nov-2007 18:15:13] <Akira00> i get this error when i try to view detailed information about an event
[29-Nov-2007 18:15:19] <Jeremiah-R> hmm on all events?
[29-Nov-2007 18:15:27] <Akira00> ya all events
[29-Nov-2007 18:15:36] <Jeremiah-R> did the MySQL setup go ok when installing?
[29-Nov-2007 18:16:00] <Akira00> at first it didn't.. i didn't have a blank root pw
[29-Nov-2007 18:16:14] <Akira00> i changed the pw, touched the install.py and install went fine
[29-Nov-2007 18:16:26] <Jeremiah-R> hmm I wonder if the table didnt get created for some reason...
[29-Nov-2007 18:16:43] <Akira00> ya, i have the events db
[29-Nov-2007 18:16:50] <Akira00> but no detail table
[29-Nov-2007 18:16:51] <Jeremiah-R> is the details table in that db?
[29-Nov-2007 18:16:53] <Jeremiah-R> hmm
[29-Nov-2007 18:17:08] <Akira00> reinstall?
[29-Nov-2007 18:17:36] <Jeremiah-R> table structure looks pretty simple, maybe you could add it?
[29-Nov-2007 18:18:01] <Akira00> where would i get the sql?
[29-Nov-2007 18:18:12] <Akira00> i can try that...
[29-Nov-2007 18:18:22] <Jeremiah-R> you have phpmyadmin or anything?
[29-Nov-2007 18:18:34] <Akira00> i'm thinking i won't be able to get rid of these events though
[29-Nov-2007 18:18:47] <Akira00> i'm not able to 'acknowledge' them
[29-Nov-2007 18:18:54] <Jeremiah-R> hmm
[29-Nov-2007 18:19:37] <Akira00> i only set it up yesterday so a reinstall isn't a big deal
[29-Nov-2007 18:19:55] <Akira00> what's the best (cleanest) way to remove zenoss?
[29-Nov-2007 18:19:58] <Jeremiah-R> if it was me I would try adding the table but if it is new and doesnt have anything loaded re-install might be a better idea in the long run.
[29-Nov-2007 18:20:16] <Jeremiah-R> not sure, check manual?
[29-Nov-2007 18:24:36] <Akira00> hmm i'll check it out thanks
[29-Nov-2007 18:24:42] <Akira00> otherwise i'll just use rpm -e
[29-Nov-2007 18:25:12] <Jeremiah-R> that should work
[29-Nov-2007 18:25:21] <Akira00> and drop the db
[29-Nov-2007 18:26:03] <Jeremiah-R> yeah
[29-Nov-2007 18:37:07] <progma> yup that should work
[29-Nov-2007 18:39:49] <MoreDakka> can anyone tell me why the command /usr/local/zenoss/libexec/check_ping -H -w100,80% -c500,100% -p20 | sed 's/, RTA =/ RTA=/;s/ loss = / |loss=/' times out? It's only 20 packets but zencommand says it times out but if I run it at the command prompt it runs no problem (takes 20 seconds like it should with 20 pings)
[29-Nov-2007 18:41:00] <Jeremiah-R> host is all 0s so it doesnt work?
[29-Nov-2007 18:41:45] <MoreDakka> Sorry. will = the ip I should be pinging
[29-Nov-2007 18:42:27] <Jeremiah-R> oh, um
[29-Nov-2007 18:44:11] <Jeremiah-R> when you run it at the command line you are running as the same user zenoss is running as?
[29-Nov-2007 18:44:31] <MoreDakka> yep.
[29-Nov-2007 18:44:48] <Jeremiah-R> is your path correct?
[29-Nov-2007 18:44:59] <MoreDakka> If I lower the amount of pings then it runs no problem (example -p5 or -p1).
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:08] <Jeremiah-R> and zCommandPath is correct?
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:19] <MoreDakka> But with -p20 times out.
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:30] <Jeremiah-R> ah
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:45] <MoreDakka> is there a certain amount of time that zencommand will let a command run before timing it out?
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:45] <Jeremiah-R> aha
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:48] <Jeremiah-R> increase zCommandCommandTimeout
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:51] <Jeremiah-R> default is 15
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:51] <MoreDakka> ah
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:56] <MoreDakka> that would make sense.
[29-Nov-2007 18:46:40] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[29-Nov-2007 18:46:49] <MoreDakka> How do I increase the time out?
[29-Nov-2007 18:47:05] <Jeremiah-R> it is under zProperties
[29-Nov-2007 18:47:24] <Jeremiah-R> change for /Device or more specific if you dont want it for all devices
[29-Nov-2007 18:48:21] <MoreDakka> is zCommandCycleTime in seconds or minutes?
[29-Nov-2007 18:48:31] <MoreDakka> I'm assuming seconds since it's 60
[29-Nov-2007 18:48:44] <Jeremiah-R> I think sec but sure on that one.
[29-Nov-2007 18:49:05] <Jeremiah-R> and manual doesnt specify
[29-Nov-2007 18:49:09] <MoreDakka> I'm trying to get zenoss to essentially ping endlessly with that command and give me packet loss reports.
[29-Nov-2007 18:49:39] <Jeremiah-R> hmmm
[29-Nov-2007 18:49:42] <MoreDakka> So with that script I was going to set it to ping 60 times and repeat the command every minute.
[29-Nov-2007 18:50:04] <Jeremiah-R> give it a try, set timeout to 60 and cycle time to 60 and see what happens
[29-Nov-2007 18:51:21] <MoreDakka> I'm going to set the command time out to 70 seconds in case there is one or two packets lost it won't time out the command and still return results
[29-Nov-2007 18:51:52] <Jeremiah-R> yeah see what happens
[29-Nov-2007 18:52:11] <klinstifen> isn't there already at ping-response graph/report out there?
[29-Nov-2007 18:52:16] <klinstifen> i have one running
[29-Nov-2007 18:52:36] <Jeremiah-R> dont think so I had to make mine with check_ping
[29-Nov-2007 18:53:10] <Jeremiah-R> the last I heard I thought that was an upcoming feature
[29-Nov-2007 18:53:34] <klinstifen> wait...cuz i have one..err i made it through some forum posting i think
[29-Nov-2007 18:53:48] <Jeremiah-R> yeah same here
[29-Nov-2007 18:54:11] <klinstifen> oh ok...nm then
[29-Nov-2007 18:54:20] <klinstifen> i thought you were starting completely from scratch
[29-Nov-2007 18:54:45] <Jeremiah-R> I think this is a modification of that code
[29-Nov-2007 18:54:51] <klinstifen> gotcha
[29-Nov-2007 18:56:32] <Jeremiah-R> back to my original question, does anyone else's availability work? mine always shows 100% no matter what.
[29-Nov-2007 18:56:45] <klinstifen> mine works
[29-Nov-2007 18:57:02] <Jeremiah-R> geez it is just me then. heh
[29-Nov-2007 18:57:07] <klinstifen> gota router that says 99.808%
[29-Nov-2007 18:57:41] <klinstifen> what are you tracking the availability of?
[29-Nov-2007 18:58:01] <Jeremiah-R> a few routers, switches, server
[29-Nov-2007 18:58:23] <Jeremiah-R> I can unplug a switch leave it all night, come back in the morning and it says availability 100%
[29-Nov-2007 18:59:16] <klinstifen> does that status change when you unplug it?
[29-Nov-2007 18:59:22] <klinstifen> up to down?
[29-Nov-2007 18:59:28] <Jeremiah-R> yeah
[29-Nov-2007 19:00:37] <Jeremiah-R> I have an event saying it is down, and an event when it comes back up, but the availability never changes from 100%
[29-Nov-2007 19:01:28] <klinstifen> do you have zPingMonitorIgnore set to False? isn't that how availability is tracked?
[29-Nov-2007 19:02:34] <klinstifen> cuz actually i have seen what you are describing...i was tired of getting alerts for a dev box being offline (it was down cuz i wasn't using it) so i set all the monitorignores to True and I remember the device being listed as Up(green) and 100% available
[29-Nov-2007 19:04:02] <Jeremiah-R> hmm I;ll check
[29-Nov-2007 19:05:23] <mot> if my zenoss host is running on say,
[29-Nov-2007 19:05:34] <mot> how can i get it to detect all other clients within 35.9.11.* ?
[29-Nov-2007 19:05:39] <mot> (from the web management interface)
[29-Nov-2007 19:06:01] <klinstifen> go to Networks
[29-Nov-2007 19:06:11] <klinstifen> click on your 35.9.11.x network
[29-Nov-2007 19:06:21] <klinstifen> click the Subnetworks drop down and select Detect Devices
[29-Nov-2007 19:06:26] <mot> well the think is
[29-Nov-2007 19:06:32] <mot> there is no 35.9.11.x network.
[29-Nov-2007 19:06:46] <mot> under networks, the only thing listed is a subnet at
[29-Nov-2007 19:07:01] <mot> which i'm not sure why it shows up, because is just my gateway
[29-Nov-2007 19:07:40] <mot> when it go to 'add network' it just asks for an ID and i'm not sure what to put exactly - an IP?
[29-Nov-2007 19:07:48] <klinstifen> what if you go to your device's os tab and click on the ip address?
[29-Nov-2007 19:08:12] <mot> OS tab?
[29-Nov-2007 19:08:31] <klinstifen> yeah when you are looking at the status of your zenoss host
[29-Nov-2007 19:08:43] <klinstifen> there is a tab at the top next to status that should say OS
[29-Nov-2007 19:08:50] <klinstifen> err wait...have you added any devices?
[29-Nov-2007 19:09:21] <mot> uh...
[29-Nov-2007 19:09:25] <mot> just localhost
[29-Nov-2007 19:09:29] <mot> i'm running on a virtual host
[29-Nov-2007 19:09:36] <mot> i want to add some other virtual hosts for testing purposes...
[29-Nov-2007 19:12:14] <klinstifen> oh ok...well you can still do it the way you have it now you would add a network and for the id you'd enter
[29-Nov-2007 19:12:36] <klinstifen> then after that click on the subnetworks drop down and select Detect Devices
[29-Nov-2007 19:13:03] <klinstifen> is that network your virtual host network?
[29-Nov-2007 19:13:52] <mot> any reason it's /24 not 13?
[29-Nov-2007 19:16:58] <klinstifen> if it's a class C then it should be 24
[29-Nov-2007 19:17:37] <mot> yea
[29-Nov-2007 19:17:52] <mot> sorry, 35.8 is /13 because i'm at a university and we share a class A
[29-Nov-2007 19:17:55] <klinstifen> it probably got that default network from one of your routes
[29-Nov-2007 19:18:01] <klinstifen> oh
[29-Nov-2007 19:18:03] <mot> that's what it did
[29-Nov-2007 19:18:08] <mot> is the gateway.
[29-Nov-2007 19:18:28] <klinstifen> well you def wouldn't want to discover that ny devices
[29-Nov-2007 19:20:53] <klinstifen> so add that network id with the /24 and then detect devices
[29-Nov-2007 19:21:21] <klinstifen> then you should get a screen that'll scroll down through all the attempts/successes of discovery
[29-Nov-2007 19:24:43] <mot> hmmm
[29-Nov-2007 19:24:49] <mot> it just stopped.
[29-Nov-2007 19:24:53] <mot> it started the "discovery"
[29-Nov-2007 19:24:56] <mot> but discovered nothing =\
[29-Nov-2007 19:27:54] <klinstifen> firewalls?
[29-Nov-2007 19:28:05] <klinstifen> blocking port scans and the like?
[29-Nov-2007 19:28:12] <mot> doubtful.
[29-Nov-2007 19:28:59] <mot> i get the "Executing command blah blah"
[29-Nov-2007 19:29:03] <mot> then: 2007-11-29 19:33:06 INFO zen INFO:zen.ZenDisc:discover network ''
[29-Nov-2007 19:31:51] <klinstifen> is your localhost listed under the device tab?
[29-Nov-2007 19:31:57] <klinstifen> err device list?
[29-Nov-2007 19:34:16] <mot> yep
[29-Nov-2007 19:34:30] <mot> lol, status is "down"
[29-Nov-2007 19:34:48] <mot> also there's an event for localhost
[29-Nov-2007 19:34:53] <mot> eventclass: /Status/Ping
[29-Nov-2007 19:34:57] <mot> sendto error Host localhost and localhost.localdomain are both using ip
[29-Nov-2007 19:36:11] <klinstifen> huh
[29-Nov-2007 19:38:05] <mot> hmm new course of action. what's the easiesy way to manually add device? i.e. a single host to monitor
[29-Nov-2007 19:38:41] <klinstifen> click Add Device at bottom left of screen
[29-Nov-2007 19:38:58] <klinstifen> type in IP, set Detection from SNMP to None and click Save
[29-Nov-2007 19:40:39] <mot> excellent.
[29-Nov-2007 19:40:46] <mot> is there any way i can ping the device from the interface?
[29-Nov-2007 19:55:16] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[29-Nov-2007 20:45:38] <Jeremiah-R> Well aha. Figured out the availability. Zenoss only uses of event status Critical to count against a devices availability.
[29-Nov-2007 20:48:15] <Jeremiah-R> good to know
[29-Nov-2007 20:49:10] Spec is now known as x-spec-t
[29-Nov-2007 21:00:57] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[29-Nov-2007 21:03:01] <PerlStalker> Jeremiah-R: Very good to know.
[29-Nov-2007 21:07:01] <Jeremiah-R> heh I was happy to figure it out.
[29-Nov-2007 21:07:07] Jeremiah-R is now known as Jeremiah-R-AFK
[29-Nov-2007 21:22:19] <MoreDakka> Jeremiah-R: Looks like that ping/sec works with the timeout set to 60+ sec ;-) yay
[29-Nov-2007 21:29:04] <jief-> hello
[29-Nov-2007 21:35:10] <jief-> ive configured a remote node on 2.1.1. All services work fine exept for zenwinmodeler, i get the following error: http://pastebin.ca/802029
[29-Nov-2007 21:35:16] <jief-> anyone knows what this is all about?
[29-Nov-2007 21:35:18] <adytum-bot`> Title: general pastebin - Untitled - post number 802029 (at pastebin.ca)
[29-Nov-2007 22:13:21] Jeremiah-R-AFK is now known as Jeremiah-R
[29-Nov-2007 22:13:31] <Jeremiah-R> Glad to hear it Dakka
[29-Nov-2007 22:16:19] <MoreDakka> Do you know if SNMP or WMI can monitor LUNs in Windows 2000 server?
[29-Nov-2007 22:17:15] <Jeremiah-R> hmm dont know. Not as familiar with Windows.
[29-Nov-2007 22:17:47] <MoreDakka> I've never setup a LUN let alone setup remote monitoring for one :-/
[29-Nov-2007 22:18:41] <Jeremiah-R> Is the info on it available to WMI or SNMP if an agent is running?
[29-Nov-2007 22:20:24] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[29-Nov-2007 22:20:34] <Jeremiah-R> that would be the first step, do an local SNMP walk to WMI query and see if you can get the info. If you can then it should be pretty easy to get it into zenoss
[29-Nov-2007 22:27:20] <jief-> if you add the proper MIBs in Zenoss, you should be able to monitor anything that's SNMP-enabled
[29-Nov-2007 22:27:24] <jief-> by creating a template
[29-Nov-2007 22:27:31] <jief-> for performance graphs
[29-Nov-2007 22:32:33] <rchrch> Would anyone like to help me with a question about custom datasources loading in Zope?
[29-Nov-2007 22:32:52] <MoreDakka> Yeah.l We have the SNMP Informant on the servers but I can't seem to find an oid that will match what I'm looking for. If I had a Capacity and Used size oid for the LUNs then I would be ok.
[29-Nov-2007 22:33:23] <jief-> i dont get why we need snmp informant for windows
[29-Nov-2007 22:33:50] <jief-> im pretty sure i could graph ram/page files with cacti with only snmp enabled on a windows box
[29-Nov-2007 22:34:17] <Akira00> say i've added a device to /Groups/ABC and it has an event.. Is the dashboard supposed to show the event in 'Device Issues' and 'Root Ogranizers'?
[29-Nov-2007 22:34:36] <Akira00> right now i'm getting orange in the 'Root Organizer' but nothing in the 'Device Issues'
[29-Nov-2007 22:35:19] <Akira00> and i have a different event that shows red in the 'Device Issues' but the group is green in 'Root Organizers'
[29-Nov-2007 22:43:18] <Jeremiah-R> should show it in any view that contains that device
[29-Nov-2007 22:47:20] <Akira00> that's what i thought
[29-Nov-2007 22:47:55] <Akira00> could it be because the events happened before i added the device to the group?
[29-Nov-2007 22:50:08] <Jeremiah-R> oh yeah they dont move once they come in.
[29-Nov-2007 22:53:51] <Akira00> ya that was it.. got it working now, thanks
[29-Nov-2007 22:58:19] <rchrch> Does anyone have a moment for a Zope + Datasource question?
[29-Nov-2007 23:01:25] <Jeremiah-R> time for a question but I'm not so good with custom datasources.
[29-Nov-2007 23:01:39] <rchrch> This might fall into a general Zope question, not sure where the issue is.
[29-Nov-2007 23:01:59] <rchrch> I have a custom datasource, I can add it, great, that works. I can view the edit page and it correctly shows the default values for the datasource members.
[29-Nov-2007 23:02:05] <rchrch> So far so good.
[29-Nov-2007 23:02:12] <rchrch> But when I click Save, I get this error:
[29-Nov-2007 23:02:17] <rchrch> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. The requested resource does not exist.
[29-Nov-2007 23:02:45] <rchrch> I can't find any significant difference in the skin or in the datasource code. To me it looks as though it may as well be copied verbatim from the examples.
[29-Nov-2007 23:02:49] <rchrch> Any ideas?
[29-Nov-2007 23:04:02] <Jeremiah-R> hmm, nothing coming to mind, a bit outside of what I have done with Zenoss so far...
[29-Nov-2007 23:04:09] <rchrch> Ah, oh well.
[29-Nov-2007 23:04:31] <rchrch> It's the thought that counts ... somewhat
[29-Nov-2007 23:04:52] <Jeremiah-R> hah not so helpful though
[29-Nov-2007 23:05:56] <Jeremiah-R> any other errors around that? give any other info?
[29-Nov-2007 23:06:14] <rchrch> Nope, it's a pretty unhelpful page. It shows the POST variables and values and they're all as expected.
[29-Nov-2007 23:06:35] <rchrch> I was thinking I might expect an error like that if the datasource didn't define a zmanage_editProperties method, but sure enough, it does.
[29-Nov-2007 23:07:02] <rchrch> I tried enabling more verbose logging inside Zope but the logs don't show much
[29-Nov-2007 23:13:48] <rchrch> Basically the GET request for the datasource path succeeds, but when I try to POST back properties to it, I get a 404.
[29-Nov-2007 23:14:17] <Jeremiah-R> hmmm checked the developer's guide?
[29-Nov-2007 23:14:28] <rchrch> Yep, read every doc I can get my hands on ...
[29-Nov-2007 23:21:14] <Jeremiah-R> bleh
[29-Nov-2007 23:21:39] <Jeremiah-R> what kind of datasource are you trying to add?
[29-Nov-2007 23:21:53] <rchrch> It's a simple extension of RRDDataSource.RRDDataSource
[29-Nov-2007 23:22:18] <rchrch> Really not that much different than the example (obviously someone like myself who can't even get this to work wouldn't stray far from the example)
[29-Nov-2007 23:26:12] <Jeremiah-R> hmm, yeah outside of my scope so far. I'll have to play around with that.
[29-Nov-2007 23:40:49] <rchrch> Well thanks J-R
[29-Nov-2007 23:48:31] <Jeremiah-R> wish I could help more
[29-Nov-2007 23:56:03] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[29-Nov-2007 23:58:09] <rchrch> Hmm, just tried raising an exception from within zmanage_editProperties, and it didn't change anything. The method isn't being called at all.
[29-Nov-2007 23:58:42] <Jeremiah-R> heh
[30-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Fri Nov 30 00:00:14 2007]
[30-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Fri Nov 30 00:00:14 2007]
[30-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[30-Nov-2007 00:35:26] <rchrch> Well, I got a stack trace out of Zope ... a problem traversing the object hierarchy, it suddenly can't find my datasource when I POST to it.
[30-Nov-2007 00:41:16] <rchrch> Haha.
[30-Nov-2007 00:41:18] <rchrch> I found the problem.
[30-Nov-2007 00:41:47] <rchrch> Inside: /opt/zenoss/lib/python/ZPublisher/BaseRequest.py I found this helpful comment:
[30-Nov-2007 00:42:10] <rchrch> "# Ensure that the object has a docstring, or that the parent
[30-Nov-2007 00:42:10] <rchrch> # object has a pseudo-docstring for the object. Objects that
[30-Nov-2007 00:42:10] <rchrch> # have an empty or missing docstring are not published.
[30-Nov-2007 00:42:10] <rchrch> "
[30-Nov-2007 00:42:28] <rchrch> So I added a docstring to zmanage_editProperties() and now it works.
[30-Nov-2007 00:43:25] <rchrch> Quite a gotcha.
[30-Nov-2007 00:45:37] <Jeremiah-R> aha also good to know
[30-Nov-2007 01:07:39] <rchrch> Well, this was fun. Have a good night, all.
[30-Nov-2007 03:02:11] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[30-Nov-2007 04:37:18] <Jeremiah-R> So this is odd, anyone ever had trouble installing the HelloWorld zenpack?
[30-Nov-2007 04:46:44] <Jeremiah-R> or more specifically getting this error when doing so?
[30-Nov-2007 04:46:52] <Jeremiah-R> zExceptions.BadRequest: Id limit is invalid or duplicate
[30-Nov-2007 05:03:50] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[30-Nov-2007 05:03:56] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[30-Nov-2007 05:26:06] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[30-Nov-2007 05:26:07] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[30-Nov-2007 08:20:09] _Snoop` is now known as SnoopAway
[30-Nov-2007 08:20:09] SnoopAway is now known as Snoop`
[30-Nov-2007 09:58:49] maxtelecom is now known as Maxtelecom2
[30-Nov-2007 09:58:55] <Maxtelecom2> anybody there ?
[30-Nov-2007 09:59:54] <Maxtelecom2> nobody ???
[30-Nov-2007 10:22:14] <Snoop``> pretty silent today?
[30-Nov-2007 10:22:18] <Snoop``> how come?!
[30-Nov-2007 10:22:25] <Snoop``> anybody alive in mIRC land? :-)
[30-Nov-2007 10:51:17] <Snoop``> Hej - Does anyone know if zenoss supports RMON?
[30-Nov-2007 11:06:51] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[30-Nov-2007 15:04:01] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[30-Nov-2007 16:19:40] * shibby is back (gone 534:14:11)
[30-Nov-2007 17:40:19] <klinstifen> got a quick qest about command data sources
[30-Nov-2007 17:40:33] <klinstifen> when generating the output for a datapoint to grap
[30-Nov-2007 17:40:50] <klinstifen> why do you have to include a pipe (|) before the variable name?
[30-Nov-2007 17:47:35] <klinstifen> i've seen a couple templates where the output has some text preceeding the pipe
[30-Nov-2007 17:47:45] <klinstifen> like "status OK"
[30-Nov-2007 17:48:02] <klinstifen> anyone got a link that explains this syntax
[30-Nov-2007 17:48:03] <klinstifen> ?
[30-Nov-2007 18:04:36] <rchrch> Anyone have a moment for a quick custom datasource question?
[30-Nov-2007 18:07:23] <kgoedtel> it helps to write the question so people can answer it
[30-Nov-2007 18:07:34] <rchrch> Good point.
[30-Nov-2007 18:07:42] <rchrch> From ZenHub.log:
[30-Nov-2007 18:07:45] <rchrch> AttributeError: 'OtmUrlDataSource' object has no attribute '__of__'
[30-Nov-2007 18:08:07] <rchrch> Occurs just after getDataSourceCommands()
[30-Nov-2007 18:08:29] <kgoedtel> what kind of custom data source is it?
[30-Nov-2007 18:08:40] <rchrch> It extends RRDDataSource and implements getCommand
[30-Nov-2007 18:08:44] <rchrch> Should run under ZenCommand
[30-Nov-2007 18:09:09] <rchrch> Very similar to HttpMonitorDataSource
[30-Nov-2007 18:15:33] <rchrch> Full traceback: http://rchrch.pastebin.com/m2e5ec39e
[30-Nov-2007 18:15:41] <adytum-bot`> Title: rchrch private pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at rchrch.pastebin.com)
[30-Nov-2007 18:53:48] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[30-Nov-2007 18:59:58] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[30-Nov-2007 19:06:04] <Akira00> hi got a question.. /Status/Ping says my server is down xxxx.com ip x.x.x.x is down
[30-Nov-2007 19:06:12] <Akira00> but i can ping x.x.x.x fine from the machine zenoss is running on
[30-Nov-2007 19:06:30] <Akira00> 888 count for this event
[30-Nov-2007 19:06:33] <Akira00> any ideas?
[30-Nov-2007 19:37:26] <mot> question guys
[30-Nov-2007 19:37:43] <mot> if i execute snmpwalk -v1 -cpublic a.b.c.d system from zenoss, it says no response.
[30-Nov-2007 19:37:56] <mot> however, if i'm ssh'ed into that actual system and execute snmpwalk -v1 -cpublic localhost system
[30-Nov-2007 19:38:04] <mot> it lists all of the currently effected MIBs..
[30-Nov-2007 19:38:14] <mot> anybody know why it won't work when zenoss does it remotely?
[30-Nov-2007 19:44:34] <Akira00> firewall?
[30-Nov-2007 19:45:17] <mot> none
[30-Nov-2007 19:45:24] <mot> this is all internal testing
[30-Nov-2007 19:46:04] <klinstifen> because you haven't configured snmpd to allow remote connections
[30-Nov-2007 19:46:35] <klinstifen> or if it's a windows box...you haven't granted the public community read access
[30-Nov-2007 19:47:18] <klinstifen> Akira00: can you ping the box from the Zenoss webpage commands?
[30-Nov-2007 19:48:02] <klinstifen> mot: is the system you are trying to walk a linux or windows box?
[30-Nov-2007 19:48:14] <Akira00> ya looks like i can
[30-Nov-2007 19:48:45] <Akira00> PING xxx (xxx) 56(84) bytes of data.
[30-Nov-2007 19:48:45] <Akira00> 64 bytes from xxx: icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=83.0 ms
[30-Nov-2007 19:48:45] <Akira00> 64 bytes from xxx: icmp_seq=2 ttl=48 time=86.6 ms
[30-Nov-2007 19:48:59] <Akira00> 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1000ms
[30-Nov-2007 19:49:48] <Akira00> i have errors like this in my zenping.log
[30-Nov-2007 19:50:01] <Akira00> 2007-11-30 11:30:52 WARNING zen.ZenStatus: device 'localhost' network 'default' not in topology
[30-Nov-2007 19:50:32] <Akira00> 2007-11-30 11:30:52 WARNING zen.ZenStatus: device 'XXX.com' network 'X.X.X.X/29' not in topology
[30-Nov-2007 19:51:08] <mot> klinstifen, linux
[30-Nov-2007 19:51:10] <klinstifen> what if you remove that network?
[30-Nov-2007 19:51:39] <klinstifen> if it's not in the topology...kinda sounds like it is misconfigured
[30-Nov-2007 19:51:46] <Akira00> 2007-11-30 11:30:52 CRITICAL zen.ZenPing: ZenPing 'fulloutsidename.com' not found,ignoring network topology
[30-Nov-2007 19:52:01] <klinstifen> aren't you the guy who had a Class A univ IP that was assigned to the gateway's network?
[30-Nov-2007 19:52:21] <mot> yeep
[30-Nov-2007 19:52:35] <mot> but i'm working off of a development box behind ye olde firewall
[30-Nov-2007 19:52:39] <mot> intranet, not internet.
[30-Nov-2007 19:52:40] <klinstifen> mot, sounds like snmpd.config is missing the section that allows remote connections
[30-Nov-2007 19:53:01] <klinstifen> so localhost works fine (allowed by default)
[30-Nov-2007 19:53:03] <mot> hmm i don't have snmpd.conf setup, i only setup snmptrapd.conf
[30-Nov-2007 19:53:37] <klinstifen> i think you need that...
[30-Nov-2007 19:53:44] <klinstifen> did you run the snmp config?
[30-Nov-2007 19:53:50] <mot> yea, for snmptrapd
[30-Nov-2007 19:55:21] <Akira00> klin: should i browse by networks and remove the subnetworks?
[30-Nov-2007 19:55:40] <klinstifen> right..but, er my undestanding is that snmp traps are separate than the OID's
[30-Nov-2007 19:55:50] <klinstifen> you can configure them to behave different
[30-Nov-2007 19:56:05] <klinstifen> send traps to boxC and give boxA access to OIDs
[30-Nov-2007 19:56:24] <klinstifen> i used this to configure snmp:
[30-Nov-2007 19:56:26] <klinstifen> http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/install-guides/install-on-ubuntu-7.04/
[30-Nov-2007 19:56:40] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Install on Ubuntu 7.04 - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[30-Nov-2007 19:56:45] <klinstifen> Akira00, i would just remove the problematic network
[30-Nov-2007 19:57:03] <klinstifen> it was found during your install, right? it was probably grabbed from one of your routes
[30-Nov-2007 19:57:58] <klinstifen> there is a post in teh forums about clearing networks and rediscovering them based upon the installed NICs
[30-Nov-2007 19:58:02] <klinstifen> lemme see if I can find it
[30-Nov-2007 19:58:52] <klinstifen> mot, so you need to setup snmpd.conf to allow snmpwalks
[30-Nov-2007 19:59:50] <klinstifen> Akira00, here it is:
[30-Nov-2007 19:59:52] <klinstifen> http://community.zenoss.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3758&highlight=discover+interfaces
[30-Nov-2007 20:00:08] <adytum-bot`> Title: Forums :: View topic - Network Lists and IP Routes with Summarization (at community.zenoss.com)
[30-Nov-2007 20:00:22] <mot> klinstifen, how do i do that?
[30-Nov-2007 20:00:31] <klinstifen> maybe that will setup your networks based on the NICs' IP
[30-Nov-2007 20:00:37] <mot> snmpconf is pretty....obscure, to me.
[30-Nov-2007 20:00:40] <klinstifen> go to that link i posted
[30-Nov-2007 20:00:51] <klinstifen> it's for Ubuntu...but it walks through the config of snmp
[30-Nov-2007 20:02:47] <mot> i don't get it.
[30-Nov-2007 20:02:57] <mot> that's showing how to install ssh and stuffin ubuntu
[30-Nov-2007 20:03:06] <klinstifen> oh yeah you're right
[30-Nov-2007 20:03:06] <mot> the only "snmp setup" it talks about is "hey, run snmpconf"
[30-Nov-2007 20:03:07] <klinstifen> my bad
[30-Nov-2007 20:03:09] <mot> heh.
[30-Nov-2007 20:04:40] <Akira00> klin: thanks for the tip! I think that's my problem
[30-Nov-2007 20:04:54] <klinstifen> Akira00, welcome
[30-Nov-2007 20:05:08] <klinstifen> mot, run snmpconf from within /etc/snmp
[30-Nov-2007 20:05:11] <klinstifen> it will walk you through it
[30-Nov-2007 20:05:35] <klinstifen> here's another link:
[30-Nov-2007 20:05:35] <klinstifen> http://community.zenoss.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=6777
[30-Nov-2007 20:07:27] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[30-Nov-2007 20:10:56] <Akira00> klin: have a question about the link you sent me
[30-Nov-2007 20:10:59] <Akira00> it says to You can simply delete all of the networks in
[30-Nov-2007 20:10:59] <Akira00> the Networks screen, then remodel all interfaces first, then all
[30-Nov-2007 20:10:59] <Akira00> routing tables by doing to following:
[30-Nov-2007 20:11:25] <Akira00> how do i "remodel all interfaces" first?
[30-Nov-2007 20:12:12] <Akira00> does it mean to go Dropdown->Manage->Model Device ?
[30-Nov-2007 20:13:19] <klinstifen> nah, it's the actual command that you will run
[30-Nov-2007 20:13:37] <klinstifen> see how it says collect InterfaceMap and then there is a semi-colon and then collect RouteMap
[30-Nov-2007 20:14:10] <klinstifen> that's the "remodel all interfaces" then "routing tables"
[30-Nov-2007 20:14:50] <Akira00> ah gotcha
[30-Nov-2007 20:14:54] <Akira00> thanks
[30-Nov-2007 20:16:17] <klinstifen> np
[30-Nov-2007 21:13:14] <klinstifen> need some help with a command datasource. anyone available?
[30-Nov-2007 21:14:57] <MoreDakka> Can anyone tell me why zencommand isn't processing the command that I've put into a template and have 3 devices that it should be processing?
[30-Nov-2007 21:16:43] <klinstifen> sounds like the problem i am having
[30-Nov-2007 21:16:58] <klinstifen> does yours run if you do a zencommand run -d devicename -v10?
[30-Nov-2007 21:21:44] <klinstifen> MoreDakka, did you make your command or are you using one of the buil-in ones?
[30-Nov-2007 21:23:34] <MoreDakka> made a command
[30-Nov-2007 21:23:44] <klinstifen> ditto
[30-Nov-2007 21:24:02] <MoreDakka> << /opt/zenoss/libexec/check_ping -H ${device/manageIp} -w100,80% -c500,100% -p1 | sed 's/, RTA = / RTA=/;s/ loss = / |loss=/' >>
[30-Nov-2007 21:24:40] <MoreDakka> When I first implemented the command zencommand ran a delete for some reason and it hasn't run since that.
[30-Nov-2007 21:26:01] <klinstifen> did you try restarting zencommand daemon?
[30-Nov-2007 21:32:35] <MoreDakka> Yeah and all of zenoss too.
[30-Nov-2007 21:34:24] <klinstifen> hmm well i think my problem is that my command isn't being listed in the schedule
[30-Nov-2007 21:34:30] <klinstifen> when i open the log for zencommand
[30-Nov-2007 21:34:34] <klinstifen> it says there are 10 commands
[30-Nov-2007 21:34:43] <klinstifen> that number doesn't change when i add my command
[30-Nov-2007 21:35:21] <klinstifen> it changes if i had the WindowsWMIDevice template tho
[30-Nov-2007 21:35:38] <klinstifen> so for some reason my command isn't in the schedule and not running...at least that's what it looks like
[30-Nov-2007 21:36:05] <klinstifen> i can manually run it through zencommand -r -v10 without errors
[30-Nov-2007 21:36:09] <MoreDakka> ^^ Exactly mine as well.
[30-Nov-2007 21:36:18] <klinstifen> odd
[30-Nov-2007 21:36:19] <MoreDakka> except I have 7 commands
[30-Nov-2007 21:36:21] <MoreDakka> ;-)
[30-Nov-2007 21:43:55] <MoreDakka> The odd part is. I have the same command and the same setup in our production box which is v1.1.1 and it runs flawlessly.
[30-Nov-2007 21:45:39] <klinstifen> that is odd
[30-Nov-2007 21:56:04] <klinstifen> MoreDakka, if you find a solution please let me know
[30-Nov-2007 21:56:16] <MoreDakka> Yeah same with you.
[30-Nov-2007 22:36:12] <rchrch> Does anyone know what the __of__() function is used for inside Zope?
[30-Nov-2007 23:22:41] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[30-Nov-2007 23:23:18] <Bulwinkle> anyone here?
[30-Nov-2007 23:58:13] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[01-Nov-2007 00:00:18] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[01-Nov-2007 00:15:52] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[01-Nov-2007 01:47:04] <KeithBilly> evening guys, i've got build problem with the wmi plugin on freebsd 5.4 that i was hoping someone could shed some light on
[01-Nov-2007 01:47:09] <KeithBilly> being that i don't know any c
[01-Nov-2007 01:49:56] <KeithBilly> I keep seeing this when i try and build
[01-Nov-2007 01:49:57] <KeithBilly> http://pastebin.com/m33278f61
[01-Nov-2007 01:50:04] <adytum-bot> Title: C pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)
[01-Nov-2007 04:26:15] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - trac Stats Gathering with Storm - 29 Oct, 11:06PM
[01-Nov-2007 04:26:16] <adytum-bot> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=158
[01-Nov-2007 05:26:18] <mf2ng> keithbilly, seems that your comiling prob originates before that error. That particular err which you pasted is descendent error from topmost...
[01-Nov-2007 05:26:37] <mf2ng> hmph, quitted
[01-Nov-2007 06:06:30] <tessier1> Hello all!
[01-Nov-2007 06:10:01] <tessier1> I am running zenoss 2.0.4 and when I add a new device I get an empty device table on the resulting page and the device never shows up in my device tree
[01-Nov-2007 06:11:41] <tessier1> hmm...I just tried it with discovery protocol "none" and it added. Odd.
[01-Nov-2007 07:07:38] <tessier1> oooh....sounds like I need to upgrade from 2.0.4 to 2.1
[01-Nov-2007 07:07:42] <tessier1> Hope the upgrade is eas
[01-Nov-2007 07:07:43] <tessier1> y
[01-Nov-2007 10:44:15] <atlantan> I've got a specific OID, which is just a counter for phy_errors on an Alvarion AP. walk it, get it, fine, but for whatever reason can't get zenoss to collect and report on it. can't seem to figure it out. tried creating a new template and binding it to a container, and tried to modify the existing (/Device) template, nothing I do seems to work. any direction?
[01-Nov-2007 10:53:06] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[01-Nov-2007 11:33:04] <pablo26> hi all
[01-Nov-2007 11:34:37] <tmcnicho> still hackin at it pablo?
[01-Nov-2007 11:36:26] <pablo26> still trying, for the moment zenoss is winning
[01-Nov-2007 11:36:44] <tmcnicho> did you get your httpmonitor thing fixed?
[01-Nov-2007 11:37:19] <pablo26> no, i need to find a way to debug it faster
[01-Nov-2007 11:37:36] <pablo26> i'm still thinking that no one test it yet
[01-Nov-2007 11:37:57] <tmcnicho> maybe, it almost seems like the warning you get is just information
[01-Nov-2007 11:38:05] <tmcnicho> like what you'd expect to see if the check succeeds
[01-Nov-2007 11:38:19] <pablo26> yes, but with an shoreter uri it worked
[01-Nov-2007 11:38:40] <tmcnicho> uri?
[01-Nov-2007 11:39:03] <pablo26> the part if the url that goes before the .com
[01-Nov-2007 11:39:14] <tmcnicho> ah
[01-Nov-2007 11:39:27] <tmcnicho> are these external or internal devices your monitoring?
[01-Nov-2007 11:39:45] <pablo26> internals, and some externals
[01-Nov-2007 11:40:05] <tmcnicho> ok, you sure DNS is properly configured?
[01-Nov-2007 11:40:25] <tmcnicho> as in, can you ping from the server console to those urls?
[01-Nov-2007 11:40:45] <pablo26> it does not use dns the httmponitor, u send to commands -H with the host and -i with the ip
[01-Nov-2007 11:41:15] <tmcnicho> does it work if you go by IP?
[01-Nov-2007 11:41:47] <pablo26> it works i get a warning with an ok message
[01-Nov-2007 11:42:19] <pablo26> do u know how to debug the commands?
[01-Nov-2007 11:42:45] <tmcnicho> nope
[01-Nov-2007 11:42:53] <tmcnicho> and you get the same thing by host?
[01-Nov-2007 11:43:25] <pablo26> yes
[01-Nov-2007 11:43:36] <pablo26> i've tried by changing them
[01-Nov-2007 11:44:06] <pablo26> yesterday ir worked using a "/" as uri, now i put a bigger one and its not working
[01-Nov-2007 11:49:27] <tmcnicho> try this
[01-Nov-2007 11:49:40] <tmcnicho> go into your /etc/hosts
[01-Nov-2007 11:49:55] <tmcnicho> on the zenoss server, and add one of the hosts in question
[01-Nov-2007 11:49:58] <tmcnicho> see what happens
[01-Nov-2007 12:00:14] <pablo26> the same happens
[01-Nov-2007 12:03:17] <tmcnicho> im confused on how you set up the monitor, how do you "add" it to a device?
[01-Nov-2007 12:04:23] <pablo26> i added a template for /devices/server
[01-Nov-2007 12:07:51] <tmcnicho> ok
[01-Nov-2007 12:08:30] <tmcnicho> hrmm, give me a little bit to try and turn this on here
[01-Nov-2007 12:08:35] <tmcnicho> i'll play with it see what i can figure out
[01-Nov-2007 12:09:06] <pablo26> create a template add a datapoint of type httmonitor and thats it
[01-Nov-2007 12:09:32] <tmcnicho> are there a good bit of options?
[01-Nov-2007 12:09:45] <tmcnicho> or is it only a port 80 monitor?
[01-Nov-2007 12:09:46] <pablo26> yes
[01-Nov-2007 12:10:17] <pablo26> u ca choose port uri user password pattern to match ip host
[01-Nov-2007 12:10:30] <tmcnicho> ok, well as soon as i can get grub to cooperate and boost my host, i'll start messing with it
[01-Nov-2007 12:10:34] <pablo26> and it has 2 datapoins time and data size
[01-Nov-2007 12:10:38] <tmcnicho> ok
[01-Nov-2007 12:11:08] <tmcnicho> and you are then copying this template to each device and setting the URI?
[01-Nov-2007 12:11:40] <pablo26> yes
[01-Nov-2007 12:11:45] <pablo26> and the pattern to match
[01-Nov-2007 12:11:52] <tmcnicho> ok
[01-Nov-2007 12:19:12] <tmcnicho> odd, grub says it installs fine, but still nothing on boot :|
[01-Nov-2007 12:19:19] <tmcnicho> i had a really good set of instructions last time
[01-Nov-2007 12:26:51] <palm101> Hello
[01-Nov-2007 12:26:56] <tmcnicho> hi
[01-Nov-2007 12:27:24] <palm101> I have a graph issue, can I ask?
[01-Nov-2007 12:30:28] <palm101> Just installed Zenoss from rpm on CentOS
[01-Nov-2007 12:30:46] <palm101> Added a device manually
[01-Nov-2007 12:31:02] <palm101> After a few hours, clicked on the perf tab
[01-Nov-2007 12:31:19] <palm101> Couldn't see any graphy
[01-Nov-2007 12:31:43] <palm101> I can see the sections, cpu, load....
[01-Nov-2007 12:40:23] <tmcnicho> anyone good with fixing a bootloader?
[01-Nov-2007 12:48:56] <tmcnicho> ah, found salvation: http://www.twincling.org/node/40
[01-Nov-2007 12:49:07] <adytum-bot> Title: Reinstalling grub on Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) | TWINCLING Society (at www.twincling.org)
[01-Nov-2007 12:56:46] <pablo26> palm101 have u enable snmp monitoring for that server, is it windows or linux?
[01-Nov-2007 12:57:09] <palm101> yes
[01-Nov-2007 12:57:15] <palm101> Its a windows 2003 server
[01-Nov-2007 12:57:40] <pablo26> did u install snmp-informant, and setted up the snmp settings?
[01-Nov-2007 12:57:52] <palm101> zenyes
[01-Nov-2007 12:57:54] <palm101> yes
[01-Nov-2007 12:58:31] <pablo26> have u tested with the command line that snmp is working?
[01-Nov-2007 12:58:45] <palm101> no
[01-Nov-2007 12:59:04] <palm101> what command should I try?
[01-Nov-2007 12:59:23] <pablo26> from the zenoss box do a snmpwalk -c community host , u should see a lot of information
[01-Nov-2007 12:59:44] <palm101> I have tried that
[01-Nov-2007 12:59:53] <palm101> I see a lot of stuff
[01-Nov-2007 13:00:08] <pablo26> have u enabled wmi also on the win 2k3?
[01-Nov-2007 13:00:39] <palm101> How do I check that it is enabled?
[01-Nov-2007 13:01:44] <pablo26> on services, check that is started
[01-Nov-2007 13:01:52] <palm101> it is started
[01-Nov-2007 13:06:05] <palm101> how do I check that the renderserver is working?
[01-Nov-2007 13:40:32] <tmcnicho> Anyone know why Zenoss gets pissy if you try and rename the zenoss server device from localhost.localdomain ?
[01-Nov-2007 14:05:54] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[01-Nov-2007 14:53:50] <tmcnicho> almost there pablo, i had to start from scratch this morning
[01-Nov-2007 14:53:54] <tmcnicho> i think i'm glad i did
[01-Nov-2007 14:55:33] <MoreDakka_> againt?
[01-Nov-2007 15:14:15] <pablo26> i had to start from scrach about 2 days ago
[01-Nov-2007 15:15:36] <pablo26> as an advice dont disable or delete the thresholds that sends unusefull alerts, they will keep sending them
[01-Nov-2007 15:33:44] <tmcnicho> isn't there an easy way to add a zenpack from command line on the VM?
[01-Nov-2007 15:34:10] <tmcnicho> including the downloading part, i thought you could do it with conary
[01-Nov-2007 15:38:14] <tmcnicho> hey pablo, did you upgrade your zenoss or did you start with 2.1?
[01-Nov-2007 15:38:15] <pablo26> from linux u have to use only 2 commands
[01-Nov-2007 15:38:30] <pablo26> i upgrade from 2.0.4
[01-Nov-2007 15:38:47] <tmcnicho> maybe you need to reinstall the httpmonitor, since i'm reading that the zenpacks are build dependent
[01-Nov-2007 15:39:13] <pablo26> i had to reinstall everything to upgrade to 2.1
[01-Nov-2007 15:39:27] <tmcnicho> k
[01-Nov-2007 15:40:03] <tmcnicho> what were the two commands?
[01-Nov-2007 15:40:37] <pablo26> wget to get the file and the zenpack installer
[01-Nov-2007 15:41:08] <tmcnicho> hrmm, yeah i can do it that way, i remember reading a thread that said on the appliance there was a single command to download and install the offical zenpacks
[01-Nov-2007 15:47:22] <tmcnicho> found it
[01-Nov-2007 15:47:24] <tmcnicho> conary update --resolve group-<Name of ZenPack>
[01-Nov-2007 17:03:38] <thefish> for monitoring windows servers, only snmp-informant and snmp service needs to be installed on the windows machine?
[01-Nov-2007 17:04:13] <thefish> i keep getting ERROR_NET_WRITE_FAULT: A write fault occurred on the network. (88)
[01-Nov-2007 17:09:05] <tmcnicho> did you go into the zProperties of /Devices/Servers/Windows and use account info with privileges to check such things?
[01-Nov-2007 17:09:48] <tmcnicho> well hold on, thats more of a general SNMP error, sounds like you used a read-only community
[01-Nov-2007 17:36:33] <thefish> i added the domain admin account for a try, and still get the error, and it should be read only, i dont want to write anything
[01-Nov-2007 18:12:48] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[01-Nov-2007 18:22:20] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[01-Nov-2007 18:35:28] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[01-Nov-2007 19:33:42] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[01-Nov-2007 20:15:13] <tessier_> CPU Utilization threshold of 2 not met: current value 0.00
[01-Nov-2007 20:15:26] <tessier_> Anyone know why two of my servers keep triggering this alert?
[01-Nov-2007 20:18:10] <ChrisS33S> In desperate need of some help. Anyone imported the CISCO-FIREWALL-MIB? on 2.1?
[01-Nov-2007 20:20:41] <ChrisS33S> shibby: line 1: 3705 Segmentation fault smidump -fpython -p "cisco/SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my" -p "cisco/SNMPv2-SMI-V1SMI.my" -p "/srv/zenoss/zenmon/share/mibs/ietf/SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB" -p "/srv/zenoss/zenmon/share/mibs/ietf/SNMPv2-SMI" -p "/srv/zenoss/zenmon/share/mibs/ietf/SNMPv2-TC" -p "/srv/zenoss/zenmon/share/mibs/ietf/SNMPv2-CONF" -p "/srv/zenoss/zenmon/share/mibs/ietf/IF-MIB" -p "/srv/zenoss/zenmon/share/mibs/ietf/SNMPv2-MIB" -p "/srv/zenoss/zenmon/sha
[01-Nov-2007 20:20:41] <ChrisS33S> ERROR:zen.zenmib:Failed to load mib: cisco/CISCO-FIREWALL-MIB-V1SMI.my
[01-Nov-2007 20:20:41] <ChrisS33S> INFO:zen.zenmib:Loaded mib CISCO-SMI
[01-Nov-2007 20:20:41] <ChrisS33S> INFO:zen.zenmib:Loaded mib SNMPv2-SMI-v1
[01-Nov-2007 20:20:43] <ChrisS33S> shibby: line 1: 3711 Segmentation fault smidump -fpython -p "cisco/SNMPv2-SMI-V1SMI.my" "cisco/SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my" 2>/dev/null
[01-Nov-2007 20:21:36] <ChrisS33S> ERROR:zen.zenmib:Failed to load mib: cisco/SNMPv2-TC-V1SMI.my
[01-Nov-2007 20:38:27] <ChrisS33S> anyone read this? sorry, IRC noob
[01-Nov-2007 23:04:30] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[01-Nov-2007 23:13:22] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[02-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Fri Nov 2 00:00:14 2007]
[02-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Fri Nov 2 00:00:14 2007]
[02-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[02-Nov-2007 04:43:25] <uid0complex> Has anyone had any success monitoring Jboss with Zenoss using the JMX Connector?
[02-Nov-2007 05:10:56] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - twitter - 01 Nov, 04:05PM
[02-Nov-2007 05:10:57] <adytum-bot> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=159
[02-Nov-2007 05:10:58] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Calculating molecular weight with ANTLR
[02-Nov-2007 05:10:59] <adytum-bot> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry8636514107887264968
[02-Nov-2007 05:14:48] <uid0complex> for some odd reason, I can't install any zenpacks
[02-Nov-2007 05:14:57] <uid0complex> I keep on getting import errors with python
[02-Nov-2007 05:15:03] <uid0complex> the first one being rrdtool
[02-Nov-2007 05:15:13] <uid0complex> then once that was solved, libart_lgpl_2.so.2
[02-Nov-2007 12:50:10] <fiXXXerMet> 2.1 is stable now eh?
[02-Nov-2007 13:01:18] <hspcd> Howdy folks
[02-Nov-2007 13:19:03] <Bulwinkle> fiXXXerMet: I don't think any of it is stable

[02-Nov-2007 13:19:37] <fiXXXerMet> heh
[02-Nov-2007 13:22:06] <fiXXXerMet> How do I get the networks to link together on the map?
[02-Nov-2007 13:22:12] <fiXXXerMet> er, the locations*
[02-Nov-2007 13:25:06] <hspcd> Folks, I upgraded Zenoss 2.0.4 to 2.1.0 last night via rpm -Uvh and all seemed to go well but after the zenoss restart the zenhub daemon won't run. Would anyone here have time to help me troubleshoot this? I think that this is causing my graphs to stop working as of last night and I'm not sure what else depends on zenhub to work.
[02-Nov-2007 13:28:47] <Bulwinkle> hspcd: try deleting stopping zenoss and deleting your cache files and starting it again
[02-Nov-2007 13:29:46] <Bulwinkle> s/deleting//
[02-Nov-2007 13:30:14] <hspcd> Bulwinkle: I'll try that
[02-Nov-2007 13:30:23] <hspcd> Here's my forum post fyi: http://community.zenoss.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3840
[02-Nov-2007 13:30:56] <Bulwinkle> hspcd: it has worked for me in the past
[02-Nov-2007 13:31:11] <hspcd> where are the cache flies?
[02-Nov-2007 13:31:14] <hspcd> files?
[02-Nov-2007 13:35:18] <Bulwinkle> hspcd: one sec
[02-Nov-2007 13:36:03] <Bulwinkle> hspcd: $ZENHOME/var/*.zec
[02-Nov-2007 13:39:28] <hspcd> I love you Bulwinkle, I always have

[02-Nov-2007 13:39:31] <hspcd> Thanks man!
[02-Nov-2007 13:39:45] <Bulwinkle> hspcd: did it work/
[02-Nov-2007 13:39:51] <hspcd> yes
[02-Nov-2007 13:40:10] <hspcd> Green lights all the way
[02-Nov-2007 13:40:11] <Bulwinkle> excellent
[02-Nov-2007 13:40:12] <hspcd> Thank you
[02-Nov-2007 14:10:11] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[02-Nov-2007 15:56:11] <jalpert> Sorry, REALLY dumb question, I searched the forums... I add a windows service. It's on and it's status is Green. I stop the windows server and the status is still green. How do I get service monitoring for windows to work in that manner?
[02-Nov-2007 15:56:50] <jalpert> I stop the windows service, not server.
[02-Nov-2007 15:57:37] <jalpert> More info. Windows 2k3 server standard, SNMP w/ SNMP Informant.
[02-Nov-2007 15:57:48] <jalpert> Zenoss 2.1 on Ubuntu 7.10
[02-Nov-2007 15:59:49] <jalpert> Any takers?
[02-Nov-2007 16:00:20] <jalpert> The documentation is pretty slim regarding adding a windows service, so that's not help. When the service stops I expect zenoss to change the status....
[02-Nov-2007 16:02:20] <Y0da^> where can I find a good how to for beginning to monitor with zenoss?
[02-Nov-2007 16:03:05] <jalpert> Easiest way I think is to start with the Virtual Machine and quick start guide
[02-Nov-2007 16:03:17] <Y0da^> well I already have it up and running
[02-Nov-2007 16:03:27] <jalpert> What do you need to know maybe I can help
[02-Nov-2007 16:04:12] <Y0da^> how do you configure the autodiscovery, and is there an agent that goes on your windows servers?
[02-Nov-2007 16:05:28] <jalpert> I saw the auto discovery yesterday, but I forgot maybe I can find it, but as far as the agent goes, enable SNMP in the window setup (or probably net-snmp for linux/bsd) and install SNMP informant on windows for more advanced information, snmp/snmp informat is your agent
[02-Nov-2007 16:06:10] <Y0da^> where can I find that quick-start guide?
[02-Nov-2007 16:06:28] <jalpert> For auto discovery look at page 47 in the user manual
[02-Nov-2007 16:06:58] <jalpert> this is a good link
[02-Nov-2007 16:07:00] <jalpert> http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs
[02-Nov-2007 16:07:05] <Y0da^> ty
[02-Nov-2007 16:07:09] <adytum-bot> Title: Zenoss - Documentation - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[02-Nov-2007 16:07:10] <jalpert> np
[02-Nov-2007 16:54:35] jalpert_ is now known as jalpert
[02-Nov-2007 17:06:54] <MoutaPT> Hi guys, I'm new with Zenoss, I got SNMP already running to monitor a test server, can any of you help me how to setup syslog events?
[02-Nov-2007 17:09:53] <MoutaPT> any one here?
[02-Nov-2007 17:20:17] <fiXXXerMet> What's up?
[02-Nov-2007 17:26:24] <MoutaPT> fishstickz can u give any tip how to configure zenoss to process syslog
[02-Nov-2007 17:26:25] <MoutaPT> files
[02-Nov-2007 17:26:41] <MoutaPT> I 've setup snmp already fine
[02-Nov-2007 17:27:06] <MoutaPT> but I don't know yet how to ensure syslog is being processed
[02-Nov-2007 17:34:51] <fiXXXerMet> I've never done that myself
[02-Nov-2007 17:35:01] <fiXXXerMet> Didn't even know it could
[02-Nov-2007 17:40:37] <MoreDakka_> fiXXXerMet, I'm wondering if you can tell me how zenoss monitors services.
[02-Nov-2007 17:40:48] <fiXXXerMet> Windows services?
[02-Nov-2007 17:41:23] <MoreDakka_> If I set, for example /Services/WinService/Dhcp to monitor=true will zenoss scan all the devices for dhcp and start monitoring those?
[02-Nov-2007 17:42:04] <fiXXXerMet> Yes. But I think it uses wmi, so that has to be installed on the windows box, and I also think you need to specify a windows user name and password (z properties)
[02-Nov-2007 17:42:08] <MoreDakka_> bah
[02-Nov-2007 17:42:37] <MoreDakka_> so I will have to set IP services for other port monitoring right?
[02-Nov-2007 17:42:54] <fiXXXerMet> um
[02-Nov-2007 17:43:12] <fiXXXerMet> All I know is that I went to dhcp/dns/exchange/etc, m arked them as true, set a windows user and pass, and it works
[02-Nov-2007 17:43:33] <MoreDakka_> What is the difference between Privileged/Registered under IPServices?
[02-Nov-2007 17:43:39] <MoreDakka_> IPService.
[02-Nov-2007 17:43:52] <MoreDakka_> yeah, our client doesn't want to use WMI so we can't use those

[02-Nov-2007 17:44:17] <fiXXXerMet> Oh. I'm not sure about all of that
[02-Nov-2007 17:45:59] <MoreDakka_> alright, thats cool ;-)
[02-Nov-2007 17:46:23] <jamesbrin1> can anyone point me to instructions on building zenoss on solaris 10
[02-Nov-2007 18:13:57] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[02-Nov-2007 18:15:22] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[02-Nov-2007 19:30:49] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[02-Nov-2007 21:56:30] * shibby is away: ~ Don't Forget Your Towel
[02-Nov-2007 23:22:44] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[03-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sat Nov 3 00:00:14 2007]
[03-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sat Nov 3 00:00:14 2007]
[03-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[03-Nov-2007 02:05:31] <tessier> hmm
[03-Nov-2007 02:09:32] * tessier decides to upgrade to zenoss 2.1
[03-Nov-2007 02:19:25] <tessier> Wow. The zenoss rpm upgraded and migrated the data and everything is working. Nicely done!
[03-Nov-2007 03:02:53] <darkhorse> yea, it works very well
[03-Nov-2007 05:11:26] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - twitter - 01 Nov, 04:05PM
[03-Nov-2007 05:11:27] <adytum-bot> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=159
[03-Nov-2007 06:28:55] <tessier> Is there any way to add a process to monitor to all of my machines in a particular device class?
[03-Nov-2007 06:29:29] <tessier> I just realized all of my linux boxes should be running a few things which didn't get added by the discover. And it's going to be a serious pain to add them all by hand.
[03-Nov-2007 06:37:42] <tessier> Also wondering how to enable ssh for discovery. I don't see it in any of the docs. http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/faqs/faq-english/ says to set zTransportPreference to command but I see no such property
[03-Nov-2007 06:37:57] <adytum-bot> Title: Zenoss - FAQ (English) - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[03-Nov-2007 06:38:19] <tessier> I installed the plugins so I should have ssh plugin but I don't know how to tell if that is being seen.
[04-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sun Nov 4 00:00:14 2007]
[04-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sun Nov 4 00:00:14 2007]
[04-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[04-Nov-2007 00:59:01] <vipp> how do i remove zenoss
[04-Nov-2007 00:59:50] <vipp> i get this /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.75932: line 2: /opt/zenoss/bin/shared-functions.sh: No such file or directory
[04-Nov-2007 00:59:50] <vipp> error: %preun(zenoss-2.1.0-0.i386) scriptlet failed, exit status
[04-Nov-2007 01:00:12] <vipp> i just wont to remove it and start over can that be done
[04-Nov-2007 01:00:39] <vipp> is any one able to help
[04-Nov-2007 01:01:33] <vipp> hello
[04-Nov-2007 05:11:54] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - twitter - 01 Nov, 04:05PM
[04-Nov-2007 05:11:55] <adytum-bot> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=159
[04-Nov-2007 10:21:04] <MrFixit> hi guys, I have some questions about Zenoss, which I can't seem to find answered on the net
[04-Nov-2007 10:21:48] <MrFixit> Can I have the performance RRDs updated by an external program/daemon?
[04-Nov-2007 11:26:05] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[04-Nov-2007 11:46:31] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[04-Nov-2007 12:52:06] <ugenka> hi! i've installed zenoss 2.1.0 - and there is (maybe) bug.. it shows my 1G interfaces on linux servers ans 10M interfaces? And does this acts on something?
[04-Nov-2007 12:53:27] <ugenka> like this: http://gate.mgts.by/zenoss.png
[04-Nov-2007 12:54:50] <ugenka> but:
[04-Nov-2007 12:54:51] <ugenka> deb10:~# ethtool eth1 |grep Speed
[04-Nov-2007 12:54:52] <ugenka> Speed: 1000Mb/s
[04-Nov-2007 13:09:06] <b52laptop> ugenka, hm a curious question ; .by refer to wish country ?
[04-Nov-2007 13:09:46] <ugenka> belarus
[04-Nov-2007 13:10:07] <b52laptop> ugenka, ah ok :d
[04-Nov-2007 13:10:11] <ugenka> :-)
[04-Nov-2007 13:10:39] <ugenka> and .ma - to morocco?

[04-Nov-2007 13:10:59] <b52laptop> ugenka, yeap :d
[04-Nov-2007 13:11:06] <ugenka>

[04-Nov-2007 13:11:27] <ugenka> no idea about 1G links become 10M?

[04-Nov-2007 13:11:40] <b52laptop> ugenka, no sorry

[04-Nov-2007 13:12:56] <ugenka> ok

[04-Nov-2007 15:03:18] <palm101> hello
[04-Nov-2007 15:04:09] <palm101> have an issue binding ethernetcsmacd template to devices
[04-Nov-2007 20:10:18] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[04-Nov-2007 20:10:53] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[04-Nov-2007 23:28:35] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[05-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Mon Nov 5 00:00:14 2007]
[05-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Mon Nov 5 00:00:14 2007]
[05-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[05-Nov-2007 05:12:28] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - twitter - 01 Nov, 04:05PM
[05-Nov-2007 05:12:29] <adytum-bot> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=159
[05-Nov-2007 10:46:29] <xant> hi ... I have a question regarding the logic used when defining an alerting rule ... anyone here with experience on this subject ?
[05-Nov-2007 10:46:53] <xant> actually I see that the interface let you define a filter forcing "OR" as operator between multiple objects of the same type
[05-Nov-2007 10:47:14] <xant> I really have to use a different logic...."ANDING" statements
[05-Nov-2007 10:47:33] <xant> I see that modifying the filter directly on the zodb it works ... so it's just an interface limit
[05-Nov-2007 10:49:31] <xant> anyone here understand what I mean? ... I'm sorry for my poor english but I'd like to talk with one of the developers about this limit
[05-Nov-2007 13:55:05] <mf2ng> umh
[05-Nov-2007 13:55:10] <mf2ng> frustrating
[05-Nov-2007 13:55:19] <mf2ng> i have deleted OS process from prosesses
[05-Nov-2007 13:55:47] <mf2ng> but zenoss is is still sending mails according to process that is not needed to monitor anymore
[05-Nov-2007 18:22:01] x-spec-t is now known as Spec
[05-Nov-2007 18:29:13] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[05-Nov-2007 19:03:08] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[05-Nov-2007 19:03:31] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[05-Nov-2007 19:27:32] <FelipeBare> my zenoss web interfaces works bad with IE
[05-Nov-2007 19:27:43] <FelipeBare> anyone knows something about it ?
[05-Nov-2007 19:40:31] <slagathor> Hey guys, I have an interesting problem I'd like to throw out to you
[05-Nov-2007 19:40:47] <slagathor> When I start zenoss, everything starts ok, but 8080 never opens and I cannot get to the web interface
[05-Nov-2007 19:42:06] <slagathor> anyone have an idea?
[05-Nov-2007 22:20:24] Spec is now known as x-spec-t
[05-Nov-2007 23:08:50] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[05-Nov-2007 23:42:17] Jonathan1 is now known as JonathanD
[06-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Tue Nov 6 00:00:14 2007]
[06-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Tue Nov 6 00:00:14 2007]
[06-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[06-Nov-2007 05:02:52] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[06-Nov-2007 05:03:01] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[06-Nov-2007 05:12:59] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - twitter - 01 Nov, 04:05PM
[06-Nov-2007 05:13:00] <adytum-bot> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=159
[06-Nov-2007 09:00:45] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[06-Nov-2007 16:09:56] bzed_ is now known as bzed
[06-Nov-2007 16:51:36] <dspak> Has anyone had success performing an XML dump of a zenoss database? The zendevicedump utility doesn't grab all of the information I'm looking for in a dump and the instructions located here: http://www.zenoss.com/community/wiki/HowToGetSimpleXMLDumps/ are not working for me.
[06-Nov-2007 16:51:53] <adytum-bot> Title: Zenoss - How to get simple XML dumps - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[06-Nov-2007 16:52:34] <dspak> I realize that's an automated response but that's the page I link to in my first message.
[06-Nov-2007 17:08:41] <inKult> hello
[06-Nov-2007 17:09:19] <bkingx> hi inKult
[06-Nov-2007 17:18:47] <inKult> I don't understand why a device is correctly 'snmpwalk'ed for 'system' but not for 'process', 'filesystem' or 'Perf'
[06-Nov-2007 18:50:23] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[06-Nov-2007 18:52:41] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[06-Nov-2007 18:54:56] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[06-Nov-2007 19:06:11] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[06-Nov-2007 19:12:48] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[06-Nov-2007 20:54:05] <dave__> anyone know how to add a new zproperty ?
[06-Nov-2007 20:54:40] <dave__> found some doc on DeviceClass.py
[06-Nov-2007 20:55:02] <dave__> made the modification but not sure what to do next
[06-Nov-2007 20:55:04] <dave__> ?
[06-Nov-2007 21:44:42] <mf2ng> so, what's the thing with internet explorer. i'm having issues with ie7 and proxy, ie6 won't work at all...
[06-Nov-2007 22:26:02] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[06-Nov-2007 22:26:26] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[06-Nov-2007 22:43:29] Spec is now known as x-spec-t
[06-Nov-2007 23:12:22] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[06-Nov-2007 23:58:30] <Bulwinkle> mf2ng: ie6 isn't supported
[07-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Wed Nov 7 00:00:14 2007]
[07-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Wed Nov 7 00:00:14 2007]
[07-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[07-Nov-2007 02:50:06] <xerophyte> what is the functionality different between the zonescore and Enterprise version other than support form Zenoss ?
[07-Nov-2007 04:41:33] jprodzinski is now known as lunchm3at
[07-Nov-2007 04:46:01] <lunchm3at> can zenoss do bandwidth monitoring similar to what PRTG does? graph out statistics for a given interface?
[07-Nov-2007 05:02:57] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[07-Nov-2007 05:03:02] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[07-Nov-2007 05:13:34] <adytum-bot> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - twitter - 01 Nov, 04:05PM
[07-Nov-2007 05:13:35] <adytum-bot> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=159
[07-Nov-2007 05:30:00] * tessier loves suddenly realizing how things work and saying "ahhhh"
[07-Nov-2007 05:30:09] <tessier> It's like a shot of your favorite narcotic.
[07-Nov-2007 05:30:28] <tessier> That has got to be what keeps me excited about figuring out new technologies year after year.
[07-Nov-2007 05:33:50] <tessier> Sure is quiet in here...
[07-Nov-2007 06:00:05] <tessier> ugh...I change a devices template to monitor with ping only and not try to check performance with snmp and it keeps paging me that snmp is down on the device.
[07-Nov-2007 06:46:24] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[07-Nov-2007 08:33:08] <mf2ng> Bulwinkle: ok.
[07-Nov-2007 09:09:07] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[07-Nov-2007 16:17:32] mzs_ is now known as mzs
[07-Nov-2007 16:20:28] <Sh3lld3r> good afternon jentleman
[07-Nov-2007 16:21:22] <Sh3lld3r> i'm looking for some help. : ) noob questions
[07-Nov-2007 16:23:57] <fiXXXerMet> shoot
[07-Nov-2007 16:24:12] <Sh3lld3r> i've just install zenoss, and started it as service on fedora core 5
[07-Nov-2007 16:25:13] <Sh3lld3r> and now? where do i supose to find the interface, or start it? :/ i´ve found something in localhost:8080/zport .. but it request a user and pw.. :/
[07-Nov-2007 16:25:32] <fiXXXerMet> default is admin:zenoss
[07-Nov-2007 16:25:43] <Sh3lld3r> thx fixxxer =)
[07-Nov-2007 16:28:35] <Sh3lld3r> u help me a lot

[07-Nov-2007 16:29:20] <fiXXXerMet> do I?
[07-Nov-2007 16:29:25] <Sh3lld3r> yeap
[07-Nov-2007 16:29:58] <Sh3lld3r> ill restart my machine, its almost freezing
[07-Nov-2007 16:30:11] <Sh3lld3r> cya
[07-Nov-2007 16:50:05] <fiXXXerMet> Do any of you have a mib for a poweredge 2850?
[07-Nov-2007 17:57:00] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[07-Nov-2007 17:57:56] <Sh3lld3r> i ´ve returned

[07-Nov-2007 18:00:56] <Sh3lld3r> anyone knows if the network mapping just shows my local network, i have a server in other city, how can i view it.. does i have to install zenoss there? or there is some configurantion i can make?

[07-Nov-2007 20:36:54] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know how I can either get rid of the images for the devices or make them much much smaller?
[07-Nov-2007 20:37:01] <MoreDakka_> Well I finally got all my data from v1.1.1 -> 2.1 :-D And with that now I'vegot Devices that have problems (VPN's not setup on this computer) and so I've got a huge list of"Device Issues" and each device has an image accociated with it and they are large images which makes viewing the "Device Issues" quite a bit more difficult.
[07-Nov-2007 20:37:08] <MoreDakka_> Also, should everything be centered? (Example, under Preferences for admin, under the Edit tab the whole right column is centered)
[07-Nov-2007 20:41:53] <MoreDakka_> nvm on both those issues....needed to flush the browser cache.
[07-Nov-2007 22:52:47] <z1pp1ty> Does zenoss automatically associate syslog streams with devices by IP?
[07-Nov-2007 23:18:47] <z1pp1ty> i'm confused about zenwin. is it agentless now?
[07-Nov-2007 23:39:32] <Bulwinkle> z1pp1ty: yes i tis
[07-Nov-2007 23:39:44] <Bulwinkle> z1pp1ty: erum it is
[07-Nov-2007 23:39:48] <z1pp1ty> got it working
[07-Nov-2007 23:39:58] <Bulwinkle> cool
[07-Nov-2007 23:39:59] <z1pp1ty> the docs could spare to be updated :/
[07-Nov-2007 23:40:15] <Bulwinkle> z1pp1ty: yeah... definitely
[08-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Thu Nov 8 00:00:14 2007]
[08-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Thu Nov 8 00:00:14 2007]
[08-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[08-Nov-2007 00:08:42] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[08-Nov-2007 05:08:53] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[08-Nov-2007 09:47:02] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[08-Nov-2007 11:31:35] bzed_ is now known as bzed
[08-Nov-2007 14:35:40] <fiXXXerMet> http://pastebin.ca/765959 halp halp
[08-Nov-2007 14:35:50] <adytum-bot^> Title: general pastebin - Someone - post number 765959 (at pastebin.ca)
[08-Nov-2007 14:36:55] <fiXXXerMet> It's a few lines of an error that I get when running zen2dump.py
[08-Nov-2007 14:42:52] <fiXXXerMet> fixed it
[08-Nov-2007 14:46:17] <fiXXXerMet> Another q.
[08-Nov-2007 14:46:30] <fiXXXerMet> Do you want me to keep your existing database? (Y/n)
[08-Nov-2007 14:46:33] <fiXXXerMet> For upgrading?
[08-Nov-2007 14:53:53] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: For upgrading you would want to keep your existing database.
[08-Nov-2007 14:54:15] <fiXXXerMet> Then it's good that I told it yes.
[08-Nov-2007 14:54:20] <fiXXXerMet> Just asking because it wasn't in the upgrade file.
[08-Nov-2007 15:03:22] <fiXXXerMet> Well, after the upgrade, none of my devices are listed.
[08-Nov-2007 15:12:04] <fiXXXerMet> I might just buy a support contract.
[08-Nov-2007 15:18:32] <fiXXXerMet> Anyone?
[08-Nov-2007 15:19:55] <MoreDakka_> Are you running that as the zenoss use?
[08-Nov-2007 15:19:56] <MoreDakka_> r
[08-Nov-2007 15:20:15] <fiXXXerMet> Running what as the zenoss user?
[08-Nov-2007 15:20:46] <MoreDakka_> Your pastebin halp halp....zen2dump.py
[08-Nov-2007 15:20:54] <fiXXXerMet> Oh

[08-Nov-2007 15:21:00] <MoreDakka_> Oh
[08-Nov-2007 15:21:04] <MoreDakka_> alright.
[08-Nov-2007 15:21:05] <fiXXXerMet> Finished the upgrade and now there aer no devices
[08-Nov-2007 15:21:25] <MoreDakka_> yeash....did you back everything up?
[08-Nov-2007 15:21:33] <fiXXXerMet> Yup
[08-Nov-2007 15:21:42] <MoreDakka_> is this on a production machine?
[08-Nov-2007 15:21:55] <fiXXXerMet> Yup
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:08] <MoreDakka_> What version are you going from>?
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:09] <fiXXXerMet> But I use that word loosely
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:13] <MoreDakka_> haha
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:17] <fiXXXerMet> Ohhh it was whatever was current before 2.1
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:40] <MoreDakka_> ehhh....why are you trying to upgrade from 2.1 -> 2.1?
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:51] <MoreDakka_> oh nevermind
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:52] <MoreDakka_> haha
[08-Nov-2007 15:22:55] <MoreDakka_> early morning.
[08-Nov-2007 15:23:00] <MoreDakka_> so from 2.0.6?
[08-Nov-2007 15:23:20] <fiXXXerMet> sorry, 2.0.5
[08-Nov-2007 15:23:41] <MoreDakka_> You shouldn't have to zen2dump.py/zen2load.py
[08-Nov-2007 15:23:48] <MoreDakka_> just upgrade....I used RPMs though.
[08-Nov-2007 15:24:00] <fiXXXerMet> Ah, so I should restore and then do it again, without that step?
[08-Nov-2007 15:24:14] <MoreDakka_> Did you install via rpm,?
[08-Nov-2007 15:24:18] <fiXXXerMet> Negative.
[08-Nov-2007 15:24:42] <MoreDakka_> You might want to look through this: http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/install-guides/zenoss-upgrade-instructions/
[08-Nov-2007 15:24:55] <adytum-bot^> Title: Zenoss - Zenoss Upgrade Instructions - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[08-Nov-2007 15:25:09] <MoreDakka_> Tells you how to upgrade pretty much however you installed it.
[08-Nov-2007 15:25:15] <MoreDakka_> rpm is nice and easy ;-)
[08-Nov-2007 15:25:37] <MoreDakka_> I like my program installs like I like my women....easy ;-) hehe
[08-Nov-2007 15:25:54] <cluther_> heh..
[08-Nov-2007 15:26:19] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: If your devices are missing there may be something you can do to get them back.
[08-Nov-2007 15:26:19] <fiXXXerMet> heh, thakns for the help
[08-Nov-2007 15:26:40] <fiXXXerMet> cluther_: Like what?
[08-Nov-2007 15:26:56] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: Shut down zenoss entirely, move your $ZENHOME/var/Data* to another safe directory.
[08-Nov-2007 15:27:08] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: Then copy in the Data.fs from pre-upgrade.
[08-Nov-2007 15:27:16] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: Then start ZEO "zeoctl start"
[08-Nov-2007 15:27:25] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: Then run zenmigrate
[08-Nov-2007 15:27:33] <fiXXXerMet> ok
[08-Nov-2007 15:27:38] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: Then start the rest zenoss.
[08-Nov-2007 15:27:44] <MoreDakka_> zenmigrate is a nice program ;-)
[08-Nov-2007 15:28:50] <cluther_> I think we should rename it to "zenfixeverythingandmakemebreakfast"
[08-Nov-2007 15:29:00] <fiXXXerMet> brreakfast huh
[08-Nov-2007 15:29:05] <MoreDakka_> yep....fixed my headaches./
[08-Nov-2007 15:29:23] <MoreDakka_> it would be nice if you typed that in the morning and it would make you breakfast...that would be sweet.
[08-Nov-2007 15:29:33] <cluther_> Maybe for 3.0..
[08-Nov-2007 15:29:35] <cluther_>

[08-Nov-2007 15:29:46] <cluther_> Anyone here going to LISA next week?
[08-Nov-2007 15:30:07] <fiXXXerMet> LISA?
[08-Nov-2007 15:30:25] <cluther_> The Large Installation System Administrators conference in Dallas, TX, USA.
[08-Nov-2007 15:31:04] <cluther_> One of the bigger open source events around. I'm getting to go this year for the first time. I've heard it's a great time.
[08-Nov-2007 15:31:08] <MoreDakka_> If zenmirate can fly me down there...
[08-Nov-2007 15:31:11] <cluther_> hehe
[08-Nov-2007 15:31:13] <MoreDakka_> zenmigrate
[08-Nov-2007 15:31:34] <fiXXXerMet> Well zenmigrate shot out a lot of errors
[08-Nov-2007 15:31:49] <cluther_> pastebin them?
[08-Nov-2007 15:31:54] <MoreDakka_> cluther: thanks again for all your help getting my data from 1.1.1 -> 2.1....what a time saver...
[08-Nov-2007 15:32:51] <fiXXXerMet> http://pastebin.ca/766016
[08-Nov-2007 15:32:58] <adytum-bot^> Title: general pastebin - zenmigrate output - post number 766016 (at pastebin.ca)
[08-Nov-2007 15:40:14] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: ugh, that's bad.
[08-Nov-2007 15:40:25] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: Are you coming from a 1.x version?
[08-Nov-2007 15:40:56] <fiXXXerMet> 2.0.5
[08-Nov-2007 15:42:27] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: If you haven't already tried, start up the rest of zenoss "zenoss start" and see if you can bring up the web interface.
[08-Nov-2007 15:44:43] <fiXXXerMet> curious. Everything is up.
[08-Nov-2007 15:45:05] <fiXXXerMet> And collecting.
[08-Nov-2007 15:46:44] <MoreDakka_> Ha...that's never good when cluther says "ugh, that's bad" :-/ hehe.
[08-Nov-2007 15:46:45] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: curious indeed.. I figured that it might work since the reindex completely without errors after all of those uid errors.
[08-Nov-2007 15:47:03] <fiXXXerMet> hehe
[08-Nov-2007 15:47:05] <cluther_> completely = completed
[08-Nov-2007 15:47:24] <cluther_> So long as you have a backup everything is fine!

[08-Nov-2007 15:47:33] <fiXXXerMet> aye
[08-Nov-2007 15:47:43] <fiXXXerMet> Still looking to buy support anyway.
[08-Nov-2007 15:47:48] <fiXXXerMet> Looks like the have support for $100?
[08-Nov-2007 15:49:40] <cluther_> fiXXXerMet: That $100 is per device per year assuming you don't qualify for any of the discounts. That is also for the silver subscription which gets you access to all of the enterprise functionality too.
[08-Nov-2007 15:50:55] <fiXXXerMet> oh, per device. That's a bit more expensive then

[08-Nov-2007 15:56:56] <monrad_> i did the math for our 1400 devices
[08-Nov-2007 15:57:10] <monrad_> its kinda expensive
[08-Nov-2007 15:57:17] monrad_ is now known as monrad
[08-Nov-2007 16:00:05] <MoreDakka_> ouch..that would be a little expensive.
[08-Nov-2007 16:00:29] <MoreDakka_> 140000/year....
[08-Nov-2007 16:01:04] <monrad> i think we reach 2000 in 3-6 months
[08-Nov-2007 16:01:31] <monrad> but rrdtool is kinda a limiting factor in growth
[08-Nov-2007 16:07:06] <monrad> right now we dont collect port information on our access switches
[08-Nov-2007 16:17:40] <cluther_> monrad: There is a lot that can be done to tune RRD. Check out http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool-trac/wiki/TuningRRD if you haven't already read it.
[08-Nov-2007 16:18:00] <adytum-bot^> Title: TuningRRD - RRDtool Trac - Trac (at oss.oetiker.ch)
[08-Nov-2007 16:18:43] * Bulwinkle pokes cluther_ in the eye... where the heck have you been? Tired of getting jumped on in here?

[08-Nov-2007 16:19:43] <cluther_> Bulwinkle: Hello to you too.

[08-Nov-2007 16:20:11] <cluther_> Bulwinkle: Time management issues and all of that. IRC can be pretty disruptive.
[08-Nov-2007 16:21:02] <Bulwinkle> cluther_: I totally understand... My whole zenoss evaluation is on complete hold until some other things get done.
[08-Nov-2007 16:26:24] <monrad> cluther_: i think we done it most, i am personaly looking forward to rrd 1.4, because right now it takes a lot of ram
[08-Nov-2007 16:27:20] <cluther_> yeah.. setting your RRD fs blocksize really small and using the fadvise patch can definitely help with that though.
[08-Nov-2007 16:28:46] <monrad> sent 56009 OID requests, collected 1010 of 1010 devices in 22.14
[08-Nov-2007 16:29:14] <monrad> we a just pinging a couple of 100's of the boxes
[08-Nov-2007 16:30:49] <sh3lld3r> afternoon gentlemans
[08-Nov-2007 16:30:50] <monrad> but when the datacollector uses a lot of ram we are back to 250-350 seconds
[08-Nov-2007 16:51:11] <sh3lld3r> zenoss turn my pc into a 386
[08-Nov-2007 16:51:30] <sh3lld3r> and i still didn´t extract what i want from it hhihihi =3
[08-Nov-2007 17:15:19] <sh3lld3r> do i have to open smnp port in each machine that i want that zenoss find?

[08-Nov-2007 17:15:50] <cluther> sh3lld3r: yes
[08-Nov-2007 17:17:52] <jlar> I'm trying to figure out how to exempt a class of devices from being monitored for snmp, but i can't find a way to do so
[08-Nov-2007 17:18:09] <MoreDakka_> I'm trying to use the httpmonitor zenpack and creating a graph but I don't get any "Graph Points" selection under the Graph Definition...
[08-Nov-2007 17:18:14] <jlar> is it possible to do this?
[08-Nov-2007 17:18:41] <MoreDakka_> jlar: Under properties for that class change SNMPMonitorIgnore -> True
[08-Nov-2007 17:19:01] <jlar> :-P doh
[08-Nov-2007 17:19:03] <jlar> ty
[08-Nov-2007 17:19:06] <MoreDakka_> np ;-)
[08-Nov-2007 17:23:05] <cluther> MoreDakka_: You should be able to add graph points using any of the data points that were defined for the HttpMonitor like time and size.
[08-Nov-2007 17:25:21] <MoreDakka_> That's what I thought too but there is no selection under the graph definition to select either of the data points that were defined in DataSource.DataPoints (under the DataSource it does show DataPoints "size" and "time")
[08-Nov-2007 17:30:19] MoreDakka_ is now known as MoreDakka
[08-Nov-2007 17:33:28] <jlar> ok, rephrase: I want to turn off monitoring for the IpService snmp for a group of machines that aren't running snmp. Setting SNMPMonitorIgnore to True doesn't seem to have this effect
[08-Nov-2007 17:37:50] <MoreDakka> Has zenoss generated another snmp error in the last 10 minutes (usually on a 20 minute polling cycle)
[08-Nov-2007 17:40:20] <jlar> yes, it's set for 4 minutes for testing, and it's given me the error each time around
[08-Nov-2007 17:43:26] <MoreDakka> Strange. I've got a lot of devices under a class that I have PingMonitorIgnore, SNMPMonitorIgnore, WMIMonitorIgnore and WMIMonitorIgnorer set to True and I don't get any events on those devices at all. (Need to sort them and adjust stuff ...tired of getting errors about them)
[08-Nov-2007 17:46:44] <cluther> jlar: IpServices can be modeled via SNMP, but they are always monitored by actually creating the TCP connection.
[08-Nov-2007 17:47:28] <MoreDakka> Would that then be turned off on the OS tab?
[08-Nov-2007 17:47:59] <cluther> MoreDakka: Yeah.. set the service to not be monitored. Either at the device level from the OS tab, or globally from Services.
[08-Nov-2007 17:48:17] <MoreDakka> But can't set it to a Class then.
[08-Nov-2007 17:48:23] <jlar> ok, so i can do it on a device level or global level, but not class
[08-Nov-2007 17:48:27] <jlar> :-P
[08-Nov-2007 17:48:31] <MoreDakka> <-faster
[08-Nov-2007 17:48:36] <MoreDakka> :-P
[08-Nov-2007 17:51:05] <jlar> which leads me to another question... when i open the OS tab for this device, there is no IpService entry, do i have to create a new ipserver there and set it to not be monitored?
[08-Nov-2007 17:53:01] <jlar> ipservice, that is
[08-Nov-2007 17:53:05] <cluther> jlar: No.. if you don't see it there it won't be monitored.
[08-Nov-2007 17:54:19] <MoreDakka> cluther, is there a suggestion that I can do to get me some datapoints for my graph?
[08-Nov-2007 17:57:35] <jlar> cluther: and yet, i'm still getting 'snmp agent down on device' even though there is no IpService under the OSprocesses tab
[08-Nov-2007 17:58:49] <cluther> snmp agent down on device has nothing to do with IpService monitoring. It is zenperfsnmp complaining that it can't reach the device via snmp. If you already set zSnmpMonitorIgnore to True for the device/device class you could try pushing changes to the device from the device's manage menu.
[08-Nov-2007 17:59:58] <cluther> MoreDakka: When you go to Add DataPoint from the graph points menu none show up?
[08-Nov-2007 18:01:23] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[08-Nov-2007 18:03:03] <MoreDakka> Ehh...I don't have an "add datapoint" menu.
[08-Nov-2007 18:03:42] <MoreDakka> All I have is a drop-down with "Add to ZenPack"
[08-Nov-2007 18:05:04] <jlar> cluther: ok, that makes sense, ty
[08-Nov-2007 18:05:45] <cluther> MoreDakka: On the "Graph Points" menu that is up at the top when you click into a graph definition?
[08-Nov-2007 18:06:03] Spec[x] is now known as Spec
[08-Nov-2007 18:06:50] <MoreDakka> Should there be a drop down menu on the "Graph Points" Titlebar?
[08-Nov-2007 18:07:04] <MoreDakka> Because I don't have one.
[08-Nov-2007 18:07:34] <MoreDakka> Is it time to have zenmigrate come and make breakfast?
[08-Nov-2007 18:09:30] <cluther> I suppose so.
[08-Nov-2007 18:12:57] <MoreDakka> I bet zenmigrate can turn water into wine too.
[08-Nov-2007 18:13:05] <MoreDakka> that got me the drop down menu.
[08-Nov-2007 18:16:48] <MoreDakka> Where can I see the log for the httpmonitor zenpack?
[08-Nov-2007 18:53:21] <MoreDakka> Where can I see the log for the httpmonitor zenpack?
[08-Nov-2007 19:16:39] <zak> Good day!
[08-Nov-2007 19:19:38] <cluther> HttpMonitor logs to zencommand.log
[08-Nov-2007 19:19:49] <cluther> zak: Good day to you too!
[08-Nov-2007 19:19:52] <zak> I'm evaluating Zenoss and I'm wondering if/how it can work with a master server and remote data collectors; we have a bunch of data centers and want to be able to monitor each with a probe local to that center and aggregate the data into a master server.
[08-Nov-2007 19:19:58] <zak> Hiya cluther!

[08-Nov-2007 19:20:38] <cluther> zak: There's a howto up on our site that explains the process.
[08-Nov-2007 19:20:39] <zak> I want to get rid of that damned OpManager crap software but management won't budge unless I can prove Zenoss will do the trick. :}
[08-Nov-2007 19:21:24] <zak> Oh thank you! Mind pasting the URL? I found only one page on the subject and it basically described bypassing a firewall.
[08-Nov-2007 19:21:57] <zak> "Setting up multiple zenperfsnmp collectors across different hosts"
[08-Nov-2007 19:22:19] <cluther> http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/howtos/setting-up-multiple-zenperfsnmp-collectors-across-different-hosts
[08-Nov-2007 19:22:33] <adytum-bot> Title: Zenoss - Setting up multiple zenperfsnmp collectors across different hosts - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[08-Nov-2007 19:22:35] <cluther> heh.. that's the one.
[08-Nov-2007 19:22:58] <zak> Ah! Hey thanks, I saw that one but did not think it applied to, for example availability monitoring.
[08-Nov-2007 19:23:02] <zak> I'll play with it a bit, thank you!
[08-Nov-2007 19:23:34] <cluther> zak: You can distribute the other pieces too, it's just a bit more work because zenping/zenmodeler haven't been ported to the new zenhub architecture.
[08-Nov-2007 19:24:33] <zak> Ah! So it doesn't really work that way YET, as a master/slave or probe/hub type setup...
[08-Nov-2007 19:25:46] <zak> Pretty big learning curve to Zenoss, chatted with a sales dude yesterday and it looks like our #1 choice, but the master/slave support seems quite iffy...
[08-Nov-2007 19:30:43] <zak> I'll give it a shot... if not, Nagios will have to do.
[08-Nov-2007 19:30:43] <cluther> zak: It definitely can work that way.. we have a few customers using it that way.
[08-Nov-2007 19:30:52] <zak> Oh great! OK I'll try it out...
[08-Nov-2007 19:31:24] <zak> It looked like that HOWTO applied to certain perf monitoring only.
[08-Nov-2007 19:31:38] <zak> Thanks, this might actually work after all! :>
[08-Nov-2007 19:31:59] <zak> If I can prove this all works I can get management to spend some money and get rid of OpManager!
[08-Nov-2007 19:32:31] <MoreDakka> cluther, is there a place where I can see the log from the httpmonitor zenpack?
[08-Nov-2007 19:32:54] <cluther> MoreDakka: HttpMonitor just runs COMMAND type data sources under the covers, so it would log to zencommand.log.
[08-Nov-2007 19:34:59] <MoreDakka> thnx :-D
[08-Nov-2007 19:38:45] <zak> Other than that, Zenoss kicks big-time ass! :}
[08-Nov-2007 21:40:47] <fiXXXerMet> How do you "connect" locations, so that they are linked in the network map and on the location map?
[08-Nov-2007 21:41:25] <MoreDakka> routes
[08-Nov-2007 21:42:18] <MoreDakka> If SNMP is enabled on the devices and zenoss is polling them and the devices have networks to eachother then zenoss will automatically create the links between them
[08-Nov-2007 21:42:57] <monrad> its quite ugly when you have more devices on the subnet
[08-Nov-2007 21:49:12] <fiXXXerMet> I know our locations are routed as I can ping and remote desktop and they are listed in dns, but they aren't showing up.
[08-Nov-2007 22:03:11] <fiXXXerMet> I kind of deleted all of the default device paths (/network/, /server/, etc). Can I get them back?
[08-Nov-2007 22:03:54] <MoreDakka> There is a command for it...starts with zen....zen something.....
[08-Nov-2007 22:11:30] <fiXXXerMet> zenyoushouldreadthedocsnow
[08-Nov-2007 22:11:43] <MoreDakka> haha
[08-Nov-2007 22:11:45] <MoreDakka> zenrtfm
[08-Nov-2007 22:12:02] <MoreDakka> zenpebkac
[08-Nov-2007 22:12:13] <MoreDakka> zenid10t
[08-Nov-2007 22:12:16] <MoreDakka> hehe
[08-Nov-2007 22:12:21] <MoreDakka> zen can be used with anything ;-)
[08-Nov-2007 22:20:19] <jlar> how about zenlistentomytemplatechanges!
[08-Nov-2007 22:20:29] <jlar> i've made changes to a template, and i'm still getting events for thresholds i deleted
[08-Nov-2007 22:20:59] <jlar> i tried binding the template again as well as "push changes" to no avail
[08-Nov-2007 22:23:40] <cluther> jlar: I've seen this happen too.. there are a few things you can try.
[08-Nov-2007 22:25:12] <cluther> jlar: The first would be to tell zenoss that the device has indeed had something change about it..
[08-Nov-2007 22:25:24] <cluther> jlar: You can do this by loading up zendmd and running this..
[08-Nov-2007 22:25:32] <cluther> jlar: find("device_id").setLastChange()
[08-Nov-2007 22:25:34] <cluther> jlar: commit)
[08-Nov-2007 22:25:37] <cluther> jlar: er.. commit()
[08-Nov-2007 22:26:03] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[08-Nov-2007 22:26:40] <cluther> jlar: I've been trying to discern exactly what causes this to happen so that we can more intelligently have the system notify itself of all applicable changes.
[08-Nov-2007 22:27:32] <jlar> ok. i'll give that a shot
[08-Nov-2007 22:27:59] <cluther> jlar: If that doesn't work.. restart zenhub.
[08-Nov-2007 22:39:36] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[08-Nov-2007 22:50:40] <MoreDakka> is there a zenpack for postgres?
[08-Nov-2007 22:51:28] <MoreDakka> pgSQL
[08-Nov-2007 23:00:45] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[08-Nov-2007 23:10:47] <MoreDakka> Can httpmonitor work without a fqdn and just off an ip?
[08-Nov-2007 23:21:18] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[08-Nov-2007 23:27:46] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[08-Nov-2007 23:35:28] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[08-Nov-2007 23:37:12] <tessier_> How do most people monitor a bunch of websites in a web farm? They aren't really "devices"
[08-Nov-2007 23:39:54] <tessier_> I know how to use the nagios plugin to monitor with check_http but having to put that in the template seems rather weird.
[08-Nov-2007 23:40:04] <tessier_> Normally a template is something that should apply to a bunch of machines.
[08-Nov-2007 23:40:13] <tessier_> Having an individual template for each web site I want to monitor doesn't seem right.
[08-Nov-2007 23:45:25] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[09-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Fri Nov 9 00:00:14 2007]
[09-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Fri Nov 9 00:00:14 2007]
[09-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[09-Nov-2007 05:03:07] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[09-Nov-2007 05:14:34] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - twitter - 01 Nov, 04:05PM
[09-Nov-2007 05:14:35] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=159
[09-Nov-2007 05:14:36] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Snake Wrangling for Kids
[09-Nov-2007 05:14:37] <adytum-bot`> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry4229308871869825098
[09-Nov-2007 06:08:47] <tessier> I can't believe how quiet it is in here for such a popular program.
[09-Nov-2007 06:08:52] <tessier> Even #nagios has more chatter.

[09-Nov-2007 07:20:32] <tessier> ugh
[09-Nov-2007 07:21:23] <tessier> I am beginning to think that zenoss is every bit as complicated as nagios, if not more so. At the very least it just seems to be moving the complication from a set of text based config files to a byzantine set of templates and devices and zProperties etc.
[09-Nov-2007 07:30:24] <mf2ng> tessier: i concur
[09-Nov-2007 07:30:38] <mf2ng> bit of useless irc-chan mostly
[09-Nov-2007 07:31:35] <mf2ng> but, im not paying anything... so...

[09-Nov-2007 07:32:09] <tessier> Indeed.
[09-Nov-2007 10:43:48] <thefish> hi folks
[09-Nov-2007 10:44:24] <thefish> im getting stuck with monitoring windows machines, can someone help please? In the admin manual, it says have a look at the README.txt file in the ZenWin directory
[09-Nov-2007 10:44:32] <thefish> however, there is no README in that dir
[09-Nov-2007 10:44:47] <thefish> there seems to be conflicting stuff on what to do
[09-Nov-2007 10:45:14] <thefish> install snmp, install snmp-informant, install python and zenwin on the monitored host...
[09-Nov-2007 10:45:36] <thefish> http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/install-guides/zenwin-installation/?searchterm=zenwin
[09-Nov-2007 10:45:45] <thefish> is this a sort of windows agent?
[09-Nov-2007 10:45:53] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - ZenWin Installation - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[09-Nov-2007 11:16:56] <mf2ng> thefish: WindowsWMIDeviceTemplate ZenPack was released just
[09-Nov-2007 11:17:13] <mf2ng> so there should not be need to install snmpinformant agent
[09-Nov-2007 11:17:38] <mf2ng> just trying to get it work, but while it is my first zenpack install it'l take some time it seems =)
[09-Nov-2007 11:18:47] <thefish> cool, mf2ng if you want any help let me know, im interested too!
[09-Nov-2007 11:19:02] <thefish> it seems there are not much docs for windows monitoring, or am i missing something?
[09-Nov-2007 11:19:44] <mf2ng> http://www.zenoss.com/community/projects/zenpacks/windowswmidevicetemplate
[09-Nov-2007 11:19:58] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - ZenPack - WindowsWMIDeviceTemplate - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[09-Nov-2007 11:20:14] <mf2ng> well, windows monitoring seems to be at least mostly the enterprice zenoss applications
[09-Nov-2007 11:21:21] <thefish> mm
[09-Nov-2007 11:21:55] <mf2ng> but the basics are instructed quite reasonably in the zenoss guide
[09-Nov-2007 11:26:39] <thefish> mf2ng, is that the admin guide available from the site?
[09-Nov-2007 11:26:49] <thefish> ive been following that, with instructions to enable snmp etc
[09-Nov-2007 11:26:57] <thefish> but then there is this zenWin
[09-Nov-2007 11:27:05] <thefish> is that an enterprise addon?
[09-Nov-2007 12:23:45] <mf2ng> thefish: yes, that adminguide from the site
[09-Nov-2007 12:24:01] <mf2ng> http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/zenoss-guide/2.1/ch15s01.html
[09-Nov-2007 12:24:15] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Admin Guide - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[09-Nov-2007 12:26:24] <mf2ng> hmm, any1 know why i can't map two unknown events to new class
[09-Nov-2007 12:26:51] <mf2ng> ServeRAID Manager Agent:/Unknown:Logical drive is critical: controller 1, logical drive 3 ("Drive 3").
[09-Nov-2007 12:27:32] <mf2ng> it would be quite nice to have that kind of events to be taken more seriously than "info" =)
[09-Nov-2007 12:28:07] <mf2ng> also, related to this prob... i cannot find any info for the oid
[09-Nov-2007 13:51:29] <jp10558> If I have a template from a Zenpack, how do I bind it to a new subcontainer?
[09-Nov-2007 13:54:08] <FelipeBare> someone monitoring oracle databases with zenoss ?
[09-Nov-2007 14:16:56] <thefish> is there a way to add a MIB as a text file?
[09-Nov-2007 14:27:08] <jp10558> If I reinstall a zenpack, what does that do?
[09-Nov-2007 15:05:50] <mf2ng> thefish: just drop the mibfile to /opt/zenoss/share/mib/site ja run zenmib run /path/to/mib as zenoss user
[09-Nov-2007 15:25:54] <thefish> mf2ng, thanks, all done
[09-Nov-2007 15:26:16] <thefish> it wont recognise old traps, will have to wait for a new one to see if it understands it now
[09-Nov-2007 15:42:11] <mf2ng> yup
[09-Nov-2007 15:42:19] <mf2ng> that's true
[09-Nov-2007 16:11:43] <thefish> mf2ng, should it automatically understand new traps after installing the MIB, or do i have to do something else?
[09-Nov-2007 16:43:31] <thefish> im still getting traps like
[09-Nov-2007 16:43:48] <thefish> actually that doesnt seem to be in the mib anyway...
[09-Nov-2007 17:50:48] <drcode> hi all
[09-Nov-2007 18:26:57] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[09-Nov-2007 19:01:35] <jon3k> So I noticed that NetFlow supposed has a milestone for Zenos-3000
[09-Nov-2007 19:01:43] <jon3k> is there an official ETA for Zenoss-3000?
[09-Nov-2007 19:02:25] <jon3k> And does the name refer have anything to do with Python 3000?
[09-Nov-2007 19:11:15] <jp10558> no, Zenoss - 3000 is as I understand it a placeholder for "it'd be nice, but we have no idea when we'll get to it"
[09-Nov-2007 19:11:36] <jp10558> Does anyone here understand Performance Templates + binding to a class?
[09-Nov-2007 19:30:49] <jon3k> yikes

[09-Nov-2007 23:54:05] Spec is now known as x-spec-texas
[10-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sat Nov 10 00:00:14 2007]
[10-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sat Nov 10 00:00:14 2007]
[10-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[10-Nov-2007 05:03:05] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[10-Nov-2007 05:03:11] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[10-Nov-2007 05:15:05] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[10-Nov-2007 05:15:07] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[10-Nov-2007 07:50:46] Jeremiah-R is now known as Jeremiah-Laptop
[10-Nov-2007 07:50:54] Jeremiah-Laptop is now known as Jeremiah-R
[10-Nov-2007 16:14:46] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[10-Nov-2007 16:29:50] <punkpussy> Hi, I just upgraded zenoss to version 2.1 on my centos server, but all fields are now centered instead of left aligned. Is it actually meant to be this way?
[10-Nov-2007 16:35:39] <monrad> i had to clear firefoxes cache before it looked ok again
[10-Nov-2007 16:40:42] <punkpussy> monrad: oh I see ... didn't even try that...
[10-Nov-2007 16:40:44] <punkpussy> thanks

[10-Nov-2007 16:42:30] <monrad> np
[10-Nov-2007 21:06:51] <Symmetria> lo all
[10-Nov-2007 21:07:05] <Symmetria> hrm, anyone tried to install zenoss under ubuntu gutsy? Im having some issues
[10-Nov-2007 21:07:39] <Symmetria> in the buildlog I see:
[10-Nov-2007 21:07:39] <Symmetria> File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/__init__.py", line 21, in <module>
[10-Nov-2007 21:07:39] <Symmetria> If there is a ZMI add screen it must be called "add" + class name (ie addDevice)and it must be defined at the module level.
[10-Nov-2007 21:07:46] <Symmetria> and then a little lower down I see:
[10-Nov-2007 21:07:47] <Symmetria> AttributeError: 'wrapper_descriptor' object has no attribute 'im_func'
[11-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sun Nov 11 00:00:14 2007]
[11-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sun Nov 11 00:00:14 2007]
[11-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[11-Nov-2007 02:53:42] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[11-Nov-2007 05:02:59] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[11-Nov-2007 05:03:05] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[11-Nov-2007 05:15:36] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[11-Nov-2007 05:15:37] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[11-Nov-2007 05:15:39] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - SAGE: Open Source Mathematics Software
[11-Nov-2007 05:15:40] <adytum-bot`> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry5521298383701540622
[11-Nov-2007 07:02:37] conexcol2 is now known as conexcol
[11-Nov-2007 07:03:19] <conexcol> hi
[11-Nov-2007 07:03:25] <conexcol> anybody awake?
[11-Nov-2007 07:05:14] <conexcol> does anybody know why are so few zenpacks?
[11-Nov-2007 07:05:30] <conexcol> only 9 zenpacks?
[11-Nov-2007 07:06:14] <conexcol> nobody has submited temperature sensors with lm-sensors.. ?!
[11-Nov-2007 08:18:54] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[11-Nov-2007 08:19:04] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[11-Nov-2007 09:25:42] <Symmetria> lo all
[11-Nov-2007 09:25:44] <Symmetria> anyone awake?
[11-Nov-2007 09:28:10] <Jeremiah-R> *waves*
[11-Nov-2007 09:46:28] <Symmetria> hrm
[11-Nov-2007 09:46:40] <Symmetria> Im busy trying to get zenoss to monitor performance on interfaces
[11-Nov-2007 09:46:48] <Symmetria> but when I go to that page it just sits there showing me nothing
[11-Nov-2007 09:47:21] <Jeremiah-R> which page?
[11-Nov-2007 09:49:24] <Symmetria> if you go to a device, then go to OS and it has a list of interfaces
[11-Nov-2007 09:49:27] <Symmetria> click on an interface
[11-Nov-2007 09:49:43] <Symmetria> it says IpInterface with name GigabitEthernet1/24
[11-Nov-2007 09:49:46] <Symmetria> shows the mac etc
[11-Nov-2007 09:49:49] <Symmetria> but no performance data
[11-Nov-2007 09:51:05] <Jeremiah-R> hmmm is it showing graphs at all but blank? or nothing below performance graphs?
[11-Nov-2007 09:51:59] <Symmetria> shows the performance graphs heading, shows throughput with a zoom in and zoom out magnifying glass, but absolutely no data next to it
[11-Nov-2007 09:52:45] <Jeremiah-R> and it has been that way long enough for it to get data? like 3 poll cycles and all?
[11-Nov-2007 09:52:56] <Symmetria> heh yeah its been like that for the last 2 hours
[11-Nov-2007 09:53:00] <Jeremiah-R> hah
[11-Nov-2007 09:53:03] <Jeremiah-R> hmm
[11-Nov-2007 09:53:29] <Jeremiah-R> not to be obtuse but that interface does actually have traffic on it and is up?
[11-Nov-2007 09:54:12] <Symmetria> errr currently pushing 173mbit/second through it

[11-Nov-2007 09:54:27] <Symmetria> according to my netflow systems

[11-Nov-2007 09:54:27] <Jeremiah-R> well that would be some traffic then

[11-Nov-2007 09:54:55] <Jeremiah-R> under the graph does it show nan for the values? or does cur, avg or max have at least some info?
[11-Nov-2007 09:56:20] <Symmetria> graphs dont actually seem to even load, there is nothing where the graphs should be
[11-Nov-2007 09:56:25] <Jeremiah-R> oh
[11-Nov-2007 09:56:38] <Jeremiah-R> well that would be different then
[11-Nov-2007 09:56:50] * Symmetria wonders if its his browser
[11-Nov-2007 09:56:51] <Jeremiah-R> you are pulling the info with the standard templates?
[11-Nov-2007 09:56:56] <Symmetria> heh maybe its firefox screwing up
[11-Nov-2007 09:56:57] <Symmetria> yeah
[11-Nov-2007 09:57:12] <Jeremiah-R> I had that happen... *trying to remember what it was*
[11-Nov-2007 09:58:40] <Jeremiah-R> add any custom thresholds or anything? I botched one of those and it killed my graphs
[11-Nov-2007 09:59:24] <Symmetria> hrm, nope
[11-Nov-2007 09:59:59] <Jeremiah-R> is it doing it on all interfaces on the system or just this interface or device?
[11-Nov-2007 10:00:07] <Symmetria> all of them
[11-Nov-2007 10:00:21] <Jeremiah-R> hmm, are all of the daemons running?
[11-Nov-2007 10:00:21] <Symmetria> heh interesting, internet explorer cant browse to this system *at all* it aborts operation
[11-Nov-2007 10:00:25] <Symmetria> yip they are
[11-Nov-2007 10:00:37] <Symmetria> (was trying i.E just to see if firefox was messing up)
[11-Nov-2007 10:00:42] <Jeremiah-R> yeah
[11-Nov-2007 10:01:51] <Symmetria> hrm, I think something else is screwed since I.E claims there are a ton of errors on the page
[11-Nov-2007 10:02:20] <Jeremiah-R> could be, as I recall bad threshold or daemons not running did it to me before
[11-Nov-2007 10:02:29] <Jeremiah-R> it is doing it for both gig and fa interfaces?
[11-Nov-2007 10:02:38] <Symmetria> I dont have any FA interfaces

[11-Nov-2007 10:02:45] <Symmetria> heh I only have gig and 10gig interfaces
[11-Nov-2007 10:02:54] <Jeremiah-R> hmm
[11-Nov-2007 10:03:31] <Jeremiah-R> I know I had to do some playing with our gig interfaces to get them to graph properly because the 32 bit counters rolled over to fast but I at least had graphs the values were just wrong
[11-Nov-2007 10:05:49] <Symmetria> hehe I wlil play with it see what I can figure out
[11-Nov-2007 10:06:07] <Symmetria> at least I get furhter with zenoss than I got with hyperic, hyperic refused to even see any of the SVI's
[11-Nov-2007 10:06:27] <Jeremiah-R> heh
[11-Nov-2007 10:08:29] <Jeremiah-R> did you try...
[11-Nov-2007 10:08:38] <Jeremiah-R> zenperfsnmp -d device -v10
[11-Nov-2007 10:08:38] <Jeremiah-R> ?
[11-Nov-2007 10:09:51] * Symmetria tries
[11-Nov-2007 10:09:56] <Symmetria> brb
[11-Nov-2007 10:10:39] <Jeremiah-R> oops should have been no space between -d and device
[11-Nov-2007 17:35:56] <punkpussy> Hi
[11-Nov-2007 17:36:48] <punkpussy> I have modeled a bunch of Linux devices. Most of them give the CPU Utilizations Treshold not met error. I disabled this template by setting "monitor" to false.
[11-Nov-2007 17:37:07] <punkpussy> I still keep getting the error messages. Is this change not applied to existing devices?
[11-Nov-2007 19:08:24] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[11-Nov-2007 19:08:44] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[11-Nov-2007 21:45:49] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[11-Nov-2007 21:57:04] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[12-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Mon Nov 12 00:00:14 2007]
[12-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Mon Nov 12 00:00:14 2007]
[12-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[12-Nov-2007 00:03:02] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[12-Nov-2007 05:03:08] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[12-Nov-2007 05:03:15] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[12-Nov-2007 05:16:10] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[12-Nov-2007 05:16:10] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[12-Nov-2007 05:16:11] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - PyCon 2008 Needs YOU!
[12-Nov-2007 05:16:12] <adytum-bot`> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry5847398237398511684
[12-Nov-2007 08:27:06] fulgas474 is now known as fulgas
[12-Nov-2007 11:55:49] <TheNewGuy> hi all
[12-Nov-2007 11:56:11] <TheNewGuy> how is everyone?
[12-Nov-2007 12:41:46] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[12-Nov-2007 15:50:17] <FelipeBare> how to define mibs on windows snmp ?
[12-Nov-2007 18:29:26] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[12-Nov-2007 18:30:25] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[12-Nov-2007 18:41:44] <FelipeBare> anyone uses Zenoss to monitor aplications ? Like MsSql Server? Apache Web Server, etc ?
[12-Nov-2007 19:48:15] <jon3k> quit
[12-Nov-2007 19:59:59] PerlSta1ker is now known as PerlStalker
[12-Nov-2007 20:01:25] <eurowerke> anyone have an idea how to monitor exchange outlook web access?
[12-Nov-2007 20:01:33] <eurowerke> other than just an HttpMonitor setup?
[12-Nov-2007 21:58:08] zaph is now known as zaf
[12-Nov-2007 22:20:12] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[13-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Tue Nov 13 00:00:14 2007]
[13-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Tue Nov 13 00:00:14 2007]
[13-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[13-Nov-2007 00:04:00] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[13-Nov-2007 05:03:08] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[13-Nov-2007 05:03:12] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[13-Nov-2007 05:16:43] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[13-Nov-2007 05:16:44] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[13-Nov-2007 05:16:45] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - One month of Django tips
[13-Nov-2007 05:16:46] <adytum-bot`> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry5831459777377018873
[13-Nov-2007 15:37:45] <MoreDakka> Anyone alive in here this morning?
[13-Nov-2007 15:41:56] <MoreDakka> How do I fix the geocache problem? (can't remember the url to go to delete the geocache)
[13-Nov-2007 16:42:05] <MoreDakka> How do I fix the geocache problem? (can't remember the url to go to delete the geocache)
[13-Nov-2007 17:32:45] <MoreDakka_> How do I fix the geocache problem? (can't remember the url to go to delete the geocache)
[13-Nov-2007 18:19:56] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[13-Nov-2007 18:39:04] <MoreDakka_> ping
[13-Nov-2007 18:39:07] <MoreDakka_> How do I fix the geocache problem? (can't remember the url to go to delete the geocache)
[13-Nov-2007 19:23:03] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[13-Nov-2007 21:14:21] <Hammerhead> Hello all
[13-Nov-2007 21:14:41] <Hammerhead> Were is zendisc? I do not see it in the daemons section
[13-Nov-2007 23:03:14] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[13-Nov-2007 23:03:17] <MoreDakka_> How do I fix the geocache problem? (can't remember the url to go to delete the geocache)
[13-Nov-2007 23:29:15] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[14-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Wed Nov 14 00:00:14 2007]
[14-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Wed Nov 14 00:00:14 2007]
[14-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[14-Nov-2007 01:44:31] <Laurens> hi is anyone here?
[14-Nov-2007 01:44:53] <Laurens> AttributeError: /usr/local/zenoss/bin/python: undefined symbol: netsnmp_get_version
[14-Nov-2007 01:44:56] <Laurens>

[14-Nov-2007 05:03:06] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[14-Nov-2007 05:03:13] _Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[14-Nov-2007 05:17:13] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[14-Nov-2007 05:17:14] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[14-Nov-2007 15:02:38] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[14-Nov-2007 15:02:39] <MoreDakka_> How do I fix the geocache problem? (can't remember the url to go to delete the geocache)
[14-Nov-2007 15:05:47] PerlSta1ker is now known as PerlStalker
[14-Nov-2007 15:06:13] <MoreDakka_> nvm about the gecache, found the linky. the 60% PL is still a question though.
[14-Nov-2007 16:44:08] <GnuWorld> Anybody care the help me out with WMI?
[14-Nov-2007 16:49:05] <GnuWorld> Rather a clarification
[14-Nov-2007 17:19:23] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if windows can send a trap if a user is getting close to filling their quota?
[14-Nov-2007 17:49:29] <GnuWorld> Through SNMP informant you are able to configure that.
[14-Nov-2007 17:49:42] <MoreDakka_> I couldn't find it in the snmp informant.
[14-Nov-2007 17:50:52] <MoreDakka_> Do you know the OID that I can look at?
[14-Nov-2007 17:58:55] <GnuWorld> Hmm let me have a look, just in the midst of working on ZenOSS myself
[14-Nov-2007 18:19:16] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[14-Nov-2007 18:47:24] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[14-Nov-2007 18:47:43] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[14-Nov-2007 19:05:22] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[14-Nov-2007 19:33:19] <Drognan> is there a way to only allow a user to look at particular devies? I assigned a zenuser to a group of devices, but he can still look at everything.
[14-Nov-2007 19:54:29] <MoreDakka_> Dorgnan: No.
[14-Nov-2007 19:55:43] <MoreDakka_> Dorgnan: http://community.zenoss.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3820&highlight=
[14-Nov-2007 19:55:54] <MoreDakka_> Well unless you get Enterprise.
[14-Nov-2007 19:56:01] <adytum-bot`> Title: Forums :: View topic - Limited users (at community.zenoss.com)
[14-Nov-2007 20:02:52] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if windows can send a trap if a user is getting close to filling their quota?
[14-Nov-2007 20:02:57] <MoreDakka_> I couldn't find it in the snmp informant.
[14-Nov-2007 20:03:02] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[14-Nov-2007 20:07:18] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[14-Nov-2007 20:28:23] <MoreDakka_> Is it a holiday or something today?
[14-Nov-2007 20:40:33] <MoreDakka_> kgoedtel: Are you actually here?:
[14-Nov-2007 20:40:45] <MoreDakka_> I'm so lonely in this chat room all by myself

[14-Nov-2007 20:41:23] <dom> I have a question about getting data from command templates
[14-Nov-2007 20:41:45] <dom> how can I get data from standard out that the scripts produce?
[14-Nov-2007 20:42:06] <dom> see, you're not completely alone :-)
[14-Nov-2007 20:42:09] <MoreDakka_> haha
[14-Nov-2007 20:42:14] MoreDakka_ is now known as MoreDakka
[14-Nov-2007 20:42:27] <MoreDakka> I don't know the answer to your question though

[14-Nov-2007 20:42:52] <dom> no problem. I'm going to idle for a while, anyway
[14-Nov-2007 20:42:58] <dom> like everyone else
[14-Nov-2007 20:43:04] <MoreDakka> Do you know if windows can send a trap if a user is getting close to filling their quota? Or if there is SNMP OID for it?
[14-Nov-2007 20:43:52] <dom> I know there's an optional snmp interface to wmi that should provide that
[14-Nov-2007 20:44:01] <dom> but I've never implemented
[14-Nov-2007 20:44:15] <MoreDakka> I've looked through the SNMP-Informant but can't find anything about quotas.
[14-Nov-2007 21:18:08] <z1pp1ty> zenwin isn't modeling one of my servers, is there anyway i can force it to?
[14-Nov-2007 21:26:13] <dom> have you tried the -d option on the command line?
[14-Nov-2007 21:33:58] <z1pp1ty> what is the full command i should
[14-Nov-2007 21:34:11] <z1pp1ty> run?
[14-Nov-2007 21:35:39] <dom> try: zenwin run -d <devicename> -v 10
[14-Nov-2007 21:40:14] <z1pp1ty> i get: /opt/zenoss/bin/zenwin: line 13: /bin/zenfunctions: No such file or directory
[14-Nov-2007 21:40:22] <z1pp1ty> what am i doing wrong?
[14-Nov-2007 21:40:33] <MoreDakka> Make sure u are logged in as the zenoss user
[14-Nov-2007 21:41:09] <dom> yep
[14-Nov-2007 21:43:38] <z1pp1ty> zenwin -d -v 10
[14-Nov-2007 21:43:42] <z1pp1ty> ?
[14-Nov-2007 21:43:53] <z1pp1ty> it doesn't like that
[14-Nov-2007 21:45:36] <dom> I think you have to use the device name that is in zenoss
[14-Nov-2007 21:47:20] <z1pp1ty> it doesn't like the format
[14-Nov-2007 21:47:21] <z1pp1ty> Usage: /opt/zenoss/bin/zenwin {run|start|stop|restart|status|help|genconf} [options]
[14-Nov-2007 21:47:37] <dom> I just thought of something else, check the devices' zProperties, near the bottom you'll see zWinUser and zWinPassword. Try putting in a valid username and password for that box.
[14-Nov-2007 21:47:46] <dom> os, zenwin run -d ...
[14-Nov-2007 21:48:03] <dom> looks like the 'run' was missing
[14-Nov-2007 21:52:48] <z1pp1ty> http://pastebin.com/d2e78373a
[14-Nov-2007 21:52:55] <adytum-bot`> Title: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)
[14-Nov-2007 21:53:02] <z1pp1ty> looks like it did something
[14-Nov-2007 21:53:10] <z1pp1ty> but i still don't see any details in zenoss
[14-Nov-2007 21:53:21] <z1pp1ty> i have other servers in the same domain that are working fine
[14-Nov-2007 21:56:11] <MoreDakka> with zwineventlog does WMI need to be active on the box for it to work?
[14-Nov-2007 22:00:38] <dom> yes, that also relies on wmi, not snmp
[14-Nov-2007 22:02:41] <MoreDakka> bah
[14-Nov-2007 22:07:53] <dom> zip, not sure what that issue is. looks like it's connecting, though. maybe try a wmi browser and see if you can get data at all through wmi. you can also enable wmi logging by going into the properties of WMI Control in computer management.
[14-Nov-2007 22:11:35] <dom> gotta run. hope everything turns out well-
[14-Nov-2007 22:13:54] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[14-Nov-2007 23:27:16] <tessier__> I'm looking at an rrdtool graph for an interface under the os tab on a particular device and there is a Description field which is empty. Anyone know how I can populate this? I would like to add some descriptions to these interfaces.
[15-Nov-2007 00:00:06] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[15-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Thu Nov 15 00:00:14 2007]
[15-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Thu Nov 15 00:00:14 2007]
[15-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[15-Nov-2007 05:03:22] Tinozaure is now known as __Tino
[15-Nov-2007 05:03:27] __Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[15-Nov-2007 05:17:46] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[15-Nov-2007 05:17:47] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[15-Nov-2007 14:30:45] <MoreDakka> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[15-Nov-2007 15:00:42] <MoreDakka> Is there a reason to why when I clear the geocache that the google maps works then I refresh the page a 2nd time and it stops working again>?
[15-Nov-2007 15:05:50] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[15-Nov-2007 15:18:13] <bimble> does anyone have any documentation availalbe for building zenoss on Solaris 10? (sorry, I asked here before checking the site)
[15-Nov-2007 15:19:18] <MoreDakka> http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/install-guides/ Doesn't look like there is any documentation on that. Might want to check the forums.
[15-Nov-2007 15:19:34] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Install Guides - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[15-Nov-2007 15:21:13] <robaman> can I get a more complete list of graphs than those fetched via REST and the /getDefaultGraphs url on the server?
[15-Nov-2007 15:22:09] <bimble> thanks folks
[15-Nov-2007 15:44:06] <mabj> Hi. Is there a Windows client for Zenoss, so i can make it send data from a Windows host, instead of the server pull the information?=
[15-Nov-2007 15:53:05] <MoreDakka> Is there a reason to why when I clear the geocache that the google maps works then I refresh the page a 2nd time and it stops working again>?
[15-Nov-2007 17:16:56] <UbuntuGuy> HI -- I'm looking at Zenoss from a carrier perspective. I need to know what devices are supported out of the box Where can I find this info?
[15-Nov-2007 17:46:01] <progma> UbuntuGuy: look at vendor's snmp
[15-Nov-2007 17:46:30] <progma> UbuntuGuy: basically if your hardware vendor has snmp oids, zenoss can use that info
[15-Nov-2007 17:47:39] <MoreDakka> progma....yay someone else is in this channel.
[15-Nov-2007 17:47:45] <MoreDakka> sooo slow in here the past couple days.
[15-Nov-2007 17:47:48] <MoreDakka> Is there a reason to why when I clear the geocache that the google maps works then I refresh the page a 2nd time and it stops working again>?
[15-Nov-2007 17:48:35] <progma> MoreDakka: um no idea :{
[15-Nov-2007 17:48:48] <MoreDakka> bah

[15-Nov-2007 17:48:50] <progma> i haven't even set that up yet
[15-Nov-2007 17:48:57] <MoreDakka> How about:
[15-Nov-2007 17:49:00] <MoreDakka> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[15-Nov-2007 17:49:11] <MoreDakka> (hehe....typed these before)
[15-Nov-2007 17:51:16] <UbuntuGuy> progma: right, but can it understand the data? Think of ATM switches, voice switches, XYLANs, cisco GSRs etc, etc. Vendors like Marconi, Fujitsu, cisco, etc. All of these support SNMP to one degree or another, but can Zenoss understand what it gets back?
[15-Nov-2007 17:52:04] <progma> UbuntuGuy: it depends on what you want understood; the responses are usually integer values or text descriptions; with integer values you can set min and max thresholds and take action when those thresholds are breached
[15-Nov-2007 17:52:13] <progma> the values can also be graphed
[15-Nov-2007 17:52:33] <progma> so for example a cisco switch, you can graph bandwidth usage and cpu usage over time and keep history
[15-Nov-2007 17:52:51] <progma> and then setup alerting if >80% usage is hit etc
[15-Nov-2007 17:53:51] <progma> i have a sensatronics temp and humidity monitor that i graph temps with; it's just a little embedded device with an ethernet port and some wire probes
[15-Nov-2007 17:54:54] <UbuntuGuy> progma: got it! Thanks
[15-Nov-2007 17:55:36] <progma> UbuntuGuy: no prob; the auto discovery feature is nice so if you already have an snmp infrastructure of sorts setup, you can just have zenoss see what it finds off the bat
[15-Nov-2007 17:56:56] <progma> UbuntuGuy: it's based heavily on snmp and syslog fyi; i use my central syslog-ng server with zenoss
[15-Nov-2007 17:57:23] <progma> so you can setup alerting on standard syslog levels i.e. crit/debug/info
[15-Nov-2007 17:57:39] <eurowerke> dunk
[15-Nov-2007 17:57:47] <MoreDakka> progma: Do you forward all the logs from your syslog-ng -> your zenoss server?
[15-Nov-2007 17:58:09] <MoreDakka> Then zenoss sorts it?
[15-Nov-2007 18:01:09] <UbuntuGuy> progma: Am I right in saying that zenoss is primarily an alarm-generating system? Like Netcool or HPOV or the like?
[15-Nov-2007 18:04:00] <eurowerke> i wouldn't say *primarily*
[15-Nov-2007 18:04:06] <eurowerke> but that is a main function, yes
[15-Nov-2007 18:05:50] <MoreDakka> Zenoss can generate reports and graphs (now maps, and network maps)
[15-Nov-2007 18:06:55] <UbuntuGuy> How well does it scale? Our network has many thousands of switches and routers
[15-Nov-2007 18:07:50] <MoreDakka> heh, I can't relate...only monitoring about 160 devices right now....hasn't even broken a sweat on a 1ghz box.
[15-Nov-2007 18:09:09] <PerlStalker> UbuntuGuy: Zenoss supports using multiple monitors as well
[15-Nov-2007 18:09:38] <UbuntuGuy> is there provision for hot failover to standby systems with geodiversity?
[15-Nov-2007 18:10:08] <eurowerke> wow Dakk, would have thought that would have been a decent load
[15-Nov-2007 18:10:09] <eurowerke> :-P
[15-Nov-2007 18:10:15] <eurowerke> nice to know
[15-Nov-2007 18:10:35] <eurowerke> brb
[15-Nov-2007 18:11:44] <PerlStalker> UbuntuGuy: That I don't know.
[15-Nov-2007 18:12:16] <MoreDakka> UbuntuGuy: Sounds like you want to look into the Enterprise version and contact Zenoss sales.
[15-Nov-2007 18:13:54] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[15-Nov-2007 18:17:17] <Lok1> hi all
[15-Nov-2007 18:17:36] <Lok1> anyone here using zenoss to manage cisco-based network hardware?
[15-Nov-2007 18:17:55] <UbuntuGuy> probably
[15-Nov-2007 18:20:28] <Lok1> can you use zenoss to gather configurations from cisco equipment?
[15-Nov-2007 18:20:32] <PerlStalker> Yes
[15-Nov-2007 18:20:41] <Lok1> zenoss core?
[15-Nov-2007 18:20:59] <PerlStalker> I don't know if it's built in or not.
[15-Nov-2007 18:21:11] <PerlStalker> I know that you can use it to snarf configs.
[15-Nov-2007 18:21:18] <Lok1> can you point me somewhere to learn how to do that?
[15-Nov-2007 18:21:26] <Lok1> I have searched everywhere I can
[15-Nov-2007 18:21:46] <PerlStalker> You can write a command script that downloads the configs from the routers.
[15-Nov-2007 18:21:59] <Lok1> ahhh
[15-Nov-2007 18:27:47] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[15-Nov-2007 21:42:55] <amarin> lo all
[15-Nov-2007 21:43:39] <amarin> I have a question - is there anyone familiar with the new vmware download?
[15-Nov-2007 21:44:26] <amarin> Is there anyone alive here?
[15-Nov-2007 21:49:13] <amarin> I can't login to v 2.1.1 - default password has changed/
[15-Nov-2007 22:00:08] jds2001_ is now known as jds2001
[15-Nov-2007 22:01:02] <amarin> ok - are there any live bots here?
[15-Nov-2007 22:04:46] <amarin> anyone live here that knows anything/
[15-Nov-2007 22:04:48] <amarin> ?
[15-Nov-2007 22:06:20] <amarin> what a waste - this product is basically NOT Supported - pitty
[15-Nov-2007 22:21:45] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[16-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Fri Nov 16 00:00:14 2007]
[16-Nov-2007 00:00:15] [connected at Fri Nov 16 00:00:15 2007]
[16-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[16-Nov-2007 00:36:48] progma_ is now known as progma
[16-Nov-2007 00:41:44] <larspa> Havn probs with 2.1.1 install wrt python...anyone else?
[16-Nov-2007 01:59:44] <larspa> Having problems with 2.1.1 install due to Python API version...anyone else?
[16-Nov-2007 03:36:26] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[16-Nov-2007 03:56:48] <Jeremah-R> does anyone know if the topology created by zenping is involved when the links on the google map or network map are drawn?
[16-Nov-2007 03:59:26] <PerlStalker> Jeremah-R: To my knowledge, the lines are created based on the networks and addresses learned for each device.
[16-Nov-2007 04:00:09] <Jeremah-R> Hmmm, ok, thanks for the info. trying to figure out why the google maps are drawing the lines the way it is...
[16-Nov-2007 04:03:24] <Jeremah-R> Well then related. Does anyone know how the links are drawn? Not the code but the logic behind how they figure out how to map between two points. I know it is based on network other than that, does each location go to the location where the gateway IP is or ... ?
[16-Nov-2007 04:04:04] <PerlStalker> The links go to the address specified for each Location.
[16-Nov-2007 04:05:08] <PerlStalker> So you create a Location for each place where you have equipment then put your Devices in the proper Locations.
[16-Nov-2007 04:05:14] <Jeremah-R> well I mean if you have 2 locations that are in the same subnet a link gets drawn between them. But what if you have three locations in the same subnet? How does it know where to draw the links?
[16-Nov-2007 04:05:32] <PerlStalker> I think it tries to create a complete graph.
[16-Nov-2007 04:05:39] <PerlStalker> All three points are linked.
[16-Nov-2007 04:06:09] <PerlStalker> It would be nice if those links could be setup manually instead.
[16-Nov-2007 04:06:49] <PerlStalker> Especially since, in my case, I want to monitor the bridges between certain of my routers.
[16-Nov-2007 04:06:52] <Jeremah-R> yeah that is what I have been seeing, but it is incorrect based on the routing on the devices so I was wondering what the actual logic behind them is. It would seem logical that it would draw to what ever location contained the gateway IP but it doesnt seem to be doing that.
[16-Nov-2007 04:06:57] <Jeremah-R> yeah same kind of thing here
[16-Nov-2007 05:18:19] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[16-Nov-2007 05:18:20] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[16-Nov-2007 06:09:27] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[16-Nov-2007 14:01:02] <AcidTonic> I'm having issues with autodiscovery. I'm getting the ValueError: Unrecognized type: 5 error
[16-Nov-2007 14:01:23] <AcidTonic> I can pastebin the entire error msg, but it appears people have posted fixes for this issue
[16-Nov-2007 14:03:18] <AcidTonic> Line 161 zenoss/Products/Zenstatus/Ping.py recvPacket and Line 252 in zenoss/lib/python/icmp.py disassemble
[16-Nov-2007 14:06:21] <AcidTonic> Wish I knew if this was already fixed or not. I'm a programmer and if it's not fixed I can submit a patch
[16-Nov-2007 14:10:02] <AcidTonic> alrighty, got a fix. someone speak up if I should submit this patch
[16-Nov-2007 14:18:11] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[16-Nov-2007 14:18:53] <MoreDakka_> Is there a reason to why when I clear the geocache that the google maps works then I refresh the page a 2nd time and it stops working again>?
[16-Nov-2007 15:01:03] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[16-Nov-2007 15:48:24] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[16-Nov-2007 15:48:25] <MoreDakka_> Is there a reason to why when I clear the geocache that the google maps works then I refresh the page a 2nd time and it stops working again>?
[16-Nov-2007 16:43:57] <javachip> has anyone installed zenoss on fedora 8?
[16-Nov-2007 16:45:03] <javachip> How can I get around the Python 2.4.4 requirment in Fedora when it allready has Python 5.6.1?
[16-Nov-2007 17:12:36] <MoreDakka_> Anyone know if Zenoss can be set to error on 60% PL?
[16-Nov-2007 17:12:37] <MoreDakka_> Is there a reason to why when I clear the geocache that the google maps works then I refresh the page a 2nd time and it stops working again>?
[16-Nov-2007 17:34:00] <tessier__> Nobody answers questions on IRC, nobody answers on the mailing list...ugh
[16-Nov-2007 17:37:01] <MoreDakka_> Yeah...it has been quite slow here this week.
[16-Nov-2007 17:42:39] <PerlStalker> MoreDakka_: I don't know about your Google Maps thing but I know that if you can get the data into zenoss, you can generate alerts on it.
[16-Nov-2007 17:43:21] <MoreDakka_> I'm wondering if anyone has built a zenpack for something like that.
[16-Nov-2007 17:43:34] <PerlStalker> Perhaps but I haven't seen one.
[16-Nov-2007 17:43:43] <MoreDakka_> the 60% PL is an auto thing in nagios
[16-Nov-2007 17:43:44] <MoreDakka_>

[16-Nov-2007 18:21:31] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[16-Nov-2007 18:22:23] <jfnormand> Hi, can someone tell me how to add a device with snmpv3 ? (I've try many thing in the zProperties).
[16-Nov-2007 18:24:25] <jfnormand> hello ?
[16-Nov-2007 18:40:13] <javachip> How can I get around the Python 2.4.4 requirment in Fedora when it allready has Python 5.6.1?
[16-Nov-2007 19:58:01] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[16-Nov-2007 20:48:06] <Jeremiah-R> does anyone know if it is possible to store a value pulled by a collector in a custom property of a device?
[16-Nov-2007 21:00:39] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[16-Nov-2007 21:33:21] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[16-Nov-2007 21:57:17] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[16-Nov-2007 21:58:00] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[16-Nov-2007 22:31:02] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[17-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sat Nov 17 00:00:14 2007]
[17-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sat Nov 17 00:00:14 2007]
[17-Nov-2007 00:00:18] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[17-Nov-2007 05:18:50] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[17-Nov-2007 05:18:51] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[17-Nov-2007 10:56:21] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[17-Nov-2007 12:13:58] <conexcol> hi
[17-Nov-2007 12:14:32] <conexcol> does anyone knows where can I find the Zenoss Admin Guide?
[17-Nov-2007 12:14:57] <conexcol> i can't find it anywhere
[17-Nov-2007 12:16:38] <conexcol> only one at the time please
[17-Nov-2007 12:18:28] <conexcol> I'm looking for the section 13.2: "Adding an Additional Performance Server"
[17-Nov-2007 12:18:37] <conexcol> how can I do that?
[17-Nov-2007 12:43:57] <conexcol> you people are nice to talk with... thanks!
[17-Nov-2007 12:44:18] <conexcol> i love you!
[17-Nov-2007 13:01:14] <conexcol> does anyone knows where can I find the Zenoss Admin Guide?
[17-Nov-2007 13:01:18] <conexcol> I'm looking for the section 13.2: "Adding an Additional Performance Server"
[17-Nov-2007 13:01:27] <conexcol> i can't find it anywhere
[17-Nov-2007 13:01:33] <conexcol> how can I do that?
[17-Nov-2007 16:14:39] <conexcol> does anyone knows where can I find the Zenoss Admin Guide?
[17-Nov-2007 18:40:54] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[17-Nov-2007 18:41:28] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[17-Nov-2007 19:31:51] <conexcol> does anyone knows where can I find the Zenoss Admin Guide?
[17-Nov-2007 20:01:14] <conexcol> does anyone knows where can I find the Zenoss Admin Guide?
[17-Nov-2007 20:01:25] <conexcol> good to chat with you people!
[17-Nov-2007 20:01:33] <conexcol> i feel like home
[17-Nov-2007 20:01:53] <monrad> its on their website
[17-Nov-2007 20:01:54] <conexcol> besides I learned a lot with you
[17-Nov-2007 20:02:08] <conexcol> I'm looking for the section 13.2: "Adding an Additional Performance Server"
[17-Nov-2007 20:02:18] <conexcol> is not there
[17-Nov-2007 20:02:58] <monrad> dont know anything about that
[17-Nov-2007 20:03:22] <conexcol> maybe you are refering me to http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs
[17-Nov-2007 20:03:32] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Documentation - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[17-Nov-2007 20:03:57] <conexcol> where you can find only the user guide
[17-Nov-2007 20:07:00] <conexcol> ok, don't worry
[17-Nov-2007 20:08:08] <conexcol> I understand.. you don't want to tell the secrets so you can sell more support susbcriptions
[17-Nov-2007 20:08:20] <conexcol> thanks anyway
[17-Nov-2007 20:08:22] <conexcol> bye
[18-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sun Nov 18 00:00:14 2007]
[18-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sun Nov 18 00:00:14 2007]
[18-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[18-Nov-2007 02:30:31] buldamoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[18-Nov-2007 05:19:19] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[18-Nov-2007 05:19:20] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[18-Nov-2007 21:39:12] <jc> zTransportPreference
[18-Nov-2007 21:40:16] <jc> I
[18-Nov-2007 21:41:00] <jc> I am interested in adding portscan to snmp in the zproperty zTransportPreference, but I don't see ztransportpreference at all. (new user)
[18-Nov-2007 21:57:02] <jc> am I connected?
[18-Nov-2007 22:07:37] jc is now known as jc___
[18-Nov-2007 22:14:23] jc___ is now known as jocman
[18-Nov-2007 22:19:04] <jocman> I am interested in adding portscan to snmp in the zproperty zTransportPreference, but I don't see ztransportpreference at all. (new user)
[19-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Mon Nov 19 00:00:14 2007]
[19-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Mon Nov 19 00:00:14 2007]
[19-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[19-Nov-2007 02:44:27] <jocman> anyone here? I'm looking for pointers on portscanning.
[19-Nov-2007 05:17:28] <r5> ?
[19-Nov-2007 05:17:41] <r5> yoou are getting port scanned or want to port scan
[19-Nov-2007 05:19:54] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[19-Nov-2007 05:19:55] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[19-Nov-2007 06:47:00] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[19-Nov-2007 08:56:58] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[19-Nov-2007 11:28:42] <Grejao> can i monitor my Oracle table spaces with zen oss?
[19-Nov-2007 11:29:03] <Grejao> can zenoss send me sms message on cel phone when occurs some problem?
[19-Nov-2007 13:12:41] <Grejao> can i monitor my Oracle table spaces with zen oss?
[19-Nov-2007 13:12:42] <Grejao> can zenoss send me sms message on cel phone when occurs some problem?
[19-Nov-2007 13:49:05] <b52laptop> Grejao, http://community.zenoss.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=10328 hope that helps !
[19-Nov-2007 13:49:23] <adytum-bot`> Title: Forums :: View topic - Howto: Sending SMS messages (at community.zenoss.com)
[19-Nov-2007 13:49:59] <b52laptop> and for oracle table space ! yay , i think you must do a plugin for that !! ,sorry don't know about this
[19-Nov-2007 13:52:44] <Grejao> thanks

[19-Nov-2007 13:52:58] <Grejao> its difficult to make a plugin for zen oss?
[19-Nov-2007 13:56:39] <b52laptop> Grejao, your are welcome ; well i think not so much , for making the pluging him self, but again i don't have the technical knowledge to answer you , oracle screas me more than zenoss

[19-Nov-2007 15:00:17] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[19-Nov-2007 15:34:49] <Grejao> b52laptop: thanks

[19-Nov-2007 15:48:51] <b52laptop> Grejao, your welcome :d
[19-Nov-2007 17:58:26] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[19-Nov-2007 18:41:26] <Grejao> Hi all

[19-Nov-2007 19:03:45] <Grejao> i'm trying to install zenoss on rhel 5, i see the follow documentation: http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/install-guides/install-on-el5/
[19-Nov-2007 19:04:00] <Grejao> but i have the follow errors: http://pastebin.com/d41f2e509
[19-Nov-2007 19:04:01] <adytum-bot`> Grejao: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
[19-Nov-2007 19:04:08] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Install on EL5 - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[19-Nov-2007 19:04:09] <adytum-bot`> Title: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)
[19-Nov-2007 19:04:45] <Grejao> i'm trying to install zenoss on rhel 5, i see the follow documentation: http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/install-guides/install-on-el5/
[19-Nov-2007 19:04:47] <Grejao> but i have the follow errors: http://pastebin.com/d41f2e509
[19-Nov-2007 19:04:59] <adytum-bot`> Grejao: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
[19-Nov-2007 19:05:06] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Install on EL5 - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[19-Nov-2007 19:05:07] <adytum-bot`> Title: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)
[19-Nov-2007 19:11:47] <kevinrs> Hi, I am having a bit of a migration issue from 1.11 too 2.1.1
[19-Nov-2007 19:12:44] <kevinrs> I got by my first bottle neck by upgrading from 1.11 too 2.06 following a form post, so the 2.0.6 upgrade works great.
[19-Nov-2007 19:13:03] <kevinrs> But when I try to upgrade to 2.1.1 from 2.0.6 I recieve the following error message
[19-Nov-2007 19:13:31] <kevinrs> from zenmigrate,
[19-Nov-2007 19:13:45] <kevinrs> Traceback (most recent call last):
[19-Nov-2007 19:13:51] <kevinrs> File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/migrate/zenmigrate.py", line 21, in ?
[19-Nov-2007 19:13:57] <kevinrs> main()
[19-Nov-2007 19:14:04] <kevinrs> File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/migrate/zenmigrate.py", line 17, in main
[19-Nov-2007 19:14:09] <kevinrs> m = Migrate.Migration()
[19-Nov-2007 19:14:16] <kevinrs> File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/migrate/Migrate.py", line 119, in __init__
[19-Nov-2007 19:14:20] <kevinrs> self.connect()
[19-Nov-2007 19:14:25] <kevinrs> File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/ZenUtils/ZenScriptBase.py", line 52, in connect
[19-Nov-2007 19:14:44] <kevinrs> self.getDataRoot()
[19-Nov-2007 19:14:55] <kevinrs> File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/ZenUtils/ZenScriptBase.py", line 119, in getDataRoot
[19-Nov-2007 19:15:02] <kevinrs> self.dataroot = getObjByPath(self.app, self.options.dataroot)
[19-Nov-2007 19:15:07] <kevinrs> File "/usr/local/zenoss/Products/ZenUtils/Utils.py", line 163, in getObjByPath
[19-Nov-2007 19:15:13] <kevinrs> next = bobo_traverse(REQUEST, name)
[19-Nov-2007 19:15:19] <kevinrs> File "usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/Application.py", line 113, in __bobo_traverse__
[19-Nov-2007 19:15:27] <kevinrs> File "usr/local/zenoss/lib/python/OFS/ObjectManager.py", line 710, in __getitem__
[19-Nov-2007 19:15:31] <kevinrs> AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get'
[19-Nov-2007 19:15:40] <kevinrs> Any ideas on how to solve something like this?
[19-Nov-2007 19:16:15] <kevinrs> I looked all over the forms no luck on similar problems
[19-Nov-2007 19:30:33] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[19-Nov-2007 20:18:25] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[19-Nov-2007 20:48:54] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[19-Nov-2007 22:32:08] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[20-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Tue Nov 20 00:00:14 2007]
[20-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Tue Nov 20 00:00:14 2007]
[20-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[20-Nov-2007 00:07:34] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[20-Nov-2007 05:03:31] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[20-Nov-2007 05:03:41] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[20-Nov-2007 05:20:26] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[20-Nov-2007 05:20:27] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[20-Nov-2007 12:25:23] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[20-Nov-2007 12:25:48] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[20-Nov-2007 14:24:42] progma_ is now known as progma
[20-Nov-2007 14:26:28] <jsm> i think it would be nice if the Software tab showed installed packages for linux systems... the information is available through snmp, at least for red hat systems
[20-Nov-2007 14:28:00] <AcidTonic> Wondering if anyone could point me to a fix for this issue I'm getting during discovery
[20-Nov-2007 14:28:45] <AcidTonic> http://pastebin.ca/790607
[20-Nov-2007 14:28:53] <adytum-bot`> Title: general pastebin - Something - post number 790607 (at pastebin.ca)
[20-Nov-2007 14:29:24] <AcidTonic> I found a ticket which fixes a similar issue inside AsyncPing.py but my problem is in Ping.py
[20-Nov-2007 14:29:42] <AcidTonic> wondering if this was fixed yet or should I fix it and submit a patch?
[20-Nov-2007 14:31:13] <jsm> submit a patch, i'm sure it wouldn't hurt!
[20-Nov-2007 14:32:22] <AcidTonic> any way to find out if someone already fixed this?
[20-Nov-2007 14:32:36] <AcidTonic> I'm a Network Administrator at a pretty large company
[20-Nov-2007 14:33:01] <AcidTonic> trying to put this into production and I'm more interested in just getting things working. I'll fix it if I have to but I'd rather move on
[20-Nov-2007 14:33:18] <jsm> if it were fixed I'm guessing the bug tracker would be closed
[20-Nov-2007 14:33:44] <AcidTonic> Also wondering if anyone knows why autodiscovery on a subnet uses more than 16gb of ram?
[20-Nov-2007 14:34:06] <jsm> jeesh. i don't use auto disc, can't help you there
[20-Nov-2007 14:34:15] <AcidTonic> had to break it up into chunks of /11's to get it to work
[20-Nov-2007 14:34:44] <jsm> AcidTonic: i'm guessing if you paid for the enterprise version, you'd get the support you need
[20-Nov-2007 14:34:58] <AcidTonic> yeah we have a pretty crazy network here. Not exactly designed the best but thats what I'm here to fix
[20-Nov-2007 14:35:14] <AcidTonic> trying to get a grasp on what we have and a general idea of when things change
[20-Nov-2007 14:35:35] <AcidTonic> Actually we are somewhat interested in it
[20-Nov-2007 14:36:00] <jsm> i always find when you are willing to give a company $, the are more willing to fix your problems

[20-Nov-2007 14:36:01] <AcidTonic> but with a base product with all kinds of strange errors I cant prove to my boss that we need it
[20-Nov-2007 14:36:17] <AcidTonic> because i cant get anything imported into the damn thing
[20-Nov-2007 14:36:29] <jsm> AcidTonic: that's something you bring up during license negotiations
[20-Nov-2007 14:36:41] <jsm> saying -- you will fix this if in x days if i buy it
[20-Nov-2007 14:36:59] <AcidTonic> what I'm saying is there will be no negotiations because my boss isnt going to let me buy it
[20-Nov-2007 14:37:00] <jsm> specially if you're a large shop, you have some leverage
[20-Nov-2007 14:37:30] <AcidTonic> because i cant show him anything about it outside of the damn screenshots and demos.
[20-Nov-2007 14:37:54] <jsm> what are you trying to import?
[20-Nov-2007 14:38:07] <AcidTonic> our network here
[20-Nov-2007 14:38:24] <AcidTonic> we have offices in Toronto, Cali, London, Michigan etc
[20-Nov-2007 14:39:06] <AcidTonic> Discovery takes about a good day of chugging just to throw an error msg
[20-Nov-2007 14:39:21] <AcidTonic> while other tools like opennms have somewhat mapped out our network in a day or to
[20-Nov-2007 14:39:22] <AcidTonic> two*
[20-Nov-2007 14:39:31] <AcidTonic> just losing faith in this product
[20-Nov-2007 14:39:50] <jsm> ugh.. opennms is a nightmare
[20-Nov-2007 14:39:56] <AcidTonic> exactly
[20-Nov-2007 14:39:59] <AcidTonic> I want this to work
[20-Nov-2007 14:40:08] <AcidTonic> but it feels like its not ready
[20-Nov-2007 14:40:22] <jsm> how many total devices are you trying to monitor?
[20-Nov-2007 14:40:28] <AcidTonic> spent 2 weeks playing with it
[20-Nov-2007 14:40:44] <AcidTonic> no idea
[20-Nov-2007 14:40:48] <AcidTonic> lots and lots

[20-Nov-2007 14:40:53] <jsm> 1000?
[20-Nov-2007 14:41:04] <AcidTonic> basically this is a large data centric company
[20-Nov-2007 14:41:08] <AcidTonic> easily more than 1000
[20-Nov-2007 14:41:28] <AcidTonic> the team before me messed up the network here pretty bad. I'm the new guy here to fix it
[20-Nov-2007 14:41:33] <jsm> what machine are you serving this on?
[20-Nov-2007 14:42:01] <AcidTonic> Quad Quade core Xeon 3.4ghz with 16Gb Ram and a large 15K SCSI RAID 5
[20-Nov-2007 14:42:10] <AcidTonic> its a dell poweredge 6850
[20-Nov-2007 14:42:24] <AcidTonic> 16 cores total
[20-Nov-2007 14:42:28] <jsm> hmmm
[20-Nov-2007 14:42:33] <jsm> 64 bit linux?
[20-Nov-2007 14:42:37] <AcidTonic> yep
[20-Nov-2007 14:43:03] <AcidTonic> also wish this app was better threaded
[20-Nov-2007 14:43:31] <jsm> well, it's python
[20-Nov-2007 14:43:33] <AcidTonic> built from source a few times, tried the vmware appliance
[20-Nov-2007 14:43:45] <jsm> java app is going to be a better performer
[20-Nov-2007 14:44:06] <AcidTonic> of course
[20-Nov-2007 14:44:08] <AcidTonic> but what?
[20-Nov-2007 14:44:30] <jsm> well, opennms is java.. but it's a bitch to configure
[20-Nov-2007 14:44:33] <AcidTonic> I cant find anything thats worth a damn for asset management, data collection especially snmp
[20-Nov-2007 14:44:54] <AcidTonic> zenoss seems like a one stop shop
[20-Nov-2007 14:44:58] <AcidTonic> which is what I'm after
[20-Nov-2007 14:45:07] <AcidTonic> but it just sucks, pardon my french to get it working
[20-Nov-2007 14:45:09] <jsm> have you tried the mailing list?
[20-Nov-2007 14:45:29] <AcidTonic> i've searched through it for some info but not sent anything
[20-Nov-2007 14:46:03] <AcidTonic> Just sick of wasting time
[20-Nov-2007 14:46:29] <AcidTonic> for the price they want to buy support. It should already be a better product
[20-Nov-2007 14:46:48] <jsm> then i'd say your SOL. look elsewhere
[20-Nov-2007 14:47:12] <AcidTonic> I'm afraid that I can convince the boss to buy it only to have it crash just like the free edition and I'll look like a fool
[20-Nov-2007 14:47:30] <jsm> again, see my above comments
[20-Nov-2007 14:47:46] <AcidTonic> yeah yeah
[20-Nov-2007 14:48:30] <AcidTonic> well I guess back to hand editing the broken source
[20-Nov-2007 14:49:53] <AcidTonic> If this project gets lucky I might submit these changes
[20-Nov-2007 14:50:12] <jsm> that's the open source spirt
[20-Nov-2007 14:50:28] <AcidTonic> wondering if its worth helping them fix something when they only care about the corporate side of things and provide little to no help to the Open Source guys
[20-Nov-2007 14:50:58] <AcidTonic> if all they can say is buy it, instead of helping out the crowd that helps them
[20-Nov-2007 14:51:09] <AcidTonic> then I think I'll keep mine.
[20-Nov-2007 14:51:12] <AcidTonic> cheers
[20-Nov-2007 14:51:30] <jsm> AcidTonic: they do. it's give and take. that's how free software has always been.
[20-Nov-2007 14:51:56] <jsm> dickhead
[20-Nov-2007 15:24:49] <texnofobix2> zenoss is sweet!
[20-Nov-2007 15:31:23] <jsm>

[20-Nov-2007 15:35:17] <texnofobix2> i'm setting it up to monitor the opennic alt-root
[20-Nov-2007 16:02:00] <vedasx`> anyone ever have issues in 2.1 where zenoss forgets Relations data like HW manufactuerer, HW product, OS, etc..?
[20-Nov-2007 16:02:32] <vedasx`> it remembers what Systems, Locations, Groups and Monitor classes i have associated with a given system
[20-Nov-2007 16:02:50] <vedasx`> but not the HW/OS stuff

[20-Nov-2007 16:09:42] <vedasx`> hm, seeing a lot of /Status/Heartbeat errors, too
[20-Nov-2007 16:25:18] <texnofobix2> there is 2.1.1 now
[20-Nov-2007 16:25:31] <texnofobix2> maybe that fixes it but I just started playing with it
[20-Nov-2007 16:27:09] <vedasx`> did you upgrade, or do a fresh install?
[20-Nov-2007 16:27:27] <vedasx`> and does 2.1.1 only add snmp v3 for the enterprise edition, or core as well?
[20-Nov-2007 16:29:39] <vedasx`> hm.. maybe i'll use centos so i can use the rpms
[20-Nov-2007 16:31:27] <jsm> vedasx`: for core as well
[20-Nov-2007 16:31:32] <vedasx`> neat

[20-Nov-2007 16:32:15] <vedasx`> if i can actually get core doing what we need it to do, we might get the enterprise edition
[20-Nov-2007 16:32:33] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[20-Nov-2007 16:33:26] <vedasx`> do you guys compile, or use the packages?
[20-Nov-2007 16:54:24] <jsm> vedasx`: i use the packages
[20-Nov-2007 16:54:34] <jsm> on centos 5 and rhel 5
[20-Nov-2007 17:05:59] <rushinblue_> I am getting errors when trying to connect to a Windows server using zeneventlog & zenwinmodeler - I have modified zProperties to use the correct username and pwrd. I have tried the wbemtest and it worked, but I cant get the events in zenoss. I have looked at several articles in the forums but none seem to have answered my question.
[20-Nov-2007 18:11:12] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[20-Nov-2007 18:31:44] <tikel> anyone alive?
[20-Nov-2007 18:33:17] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[20-Nov-2007 18:33:34] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[20-Nov-2007 18:33:58] texnofobix2_ is now known as texnofobix2
[20-Nov-2007 18:34:21] <tikel> guess not, but I'll ask my question anyway. I'm trying to confine a concise set of reasons to go with zenoss over nagios. Is there some comprehensive feature for feature listing or PR kinda shiz that sells zenoss over nagios?
[20-Nov-2007 18:47:41] <texnofobix2> tikel: well
[20-Nov-2007 18:47:47] <texnofobix2> it is integrated
[20-Nov-2007 18:47:48] <waldo323_> i'm searching, but before i continue i thought i'd bring up the point that you can use nagios plugins
[20-Nov-2007 18:48:05] <texnofobix2> nagios is either reliablity testing
[20-Nov-2007 18:48:20] <texnofobix2> err is only reliability testing
[20-Nov-2007 18:49:44] <texnofobix2> basically zenoss is the capabilies of cacti and nagios
[20-Nov-2007 18:50:24] <tikel> texnofobix2: I know that zenoss has many more features than nagios, but for someone looking to replace a nagios setup, I'm looking for "it does what nagios does, only better, and with lots of other features" but I don't see any blogs or anything like that, just that it's compatible w/ nagios.
[20-Nov-2007 18:51:11] <texnofobix2> http://www.zenoss.com/product
[20-Nov-2007 18:51:15] <texnofobix2> maybe?
[20-Nov-2007 18:51:17] <tikel> I mean, people use nagios as a total network management solution, even if it's just reliability tests...
[20-Nov-2007 18:51:23] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Overview - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[20-Nov-2007 18:53:08] <tikel> is zenoss community a full superset of the features of nagios?
[20-Nov-2007 18:53:18] <texnofobix2> basically yes
[20-Nov-2007 18:53:30] <tikel> basically?
[20-Nov-2007 18:54:54] <texnofobix2> i've never used nagios
[20-Nov-2007 18:54:59] <tikel> also can zenoss use nagios agents that are already configured?
[20-Nov-2007 18:55:08] <tikel> I know it will use the plugin structure...
[20-Nov-2007 18:55:18] <texnofobix2> i did see a presentation of zenoss at the Ohio Linuxfest
[20-Nov-2007 18:55:52] <texnofobix2> http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/howtos/create-modify-nagios-templates
[20-Nov-2007 18:56:06] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Using Nagios Plugins with Zenoss - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[20-Nov-2007 18:56:30] <tikel> ok
[20-Nov-2007 18:56:33] <tikel> I guess that's enough.
[20-Nov-2007 18:56:55] <tikel> I imagine that since zenoss and nagios are both open source and fairly buddy-buddy they don't want to have a "Nagios sucks because..." page
[20-Nov-2007 18:57:07] <tikel> kind of annoying for people trying to justify the switch to the suites.
[20-Nov-2007 18:57:23] <tikel> suits even
[20-Nov-2007 18:57:49] <texnofobix2> i would try both
[20-Nov-2007 18:57:54] <PerlStalker> tikel: One thing that Nagios does well that Zenoss is lacking a bit in is dependancies.
[20-Nov-2007 18:57:56] <texnofobix2> and see which one works better for you

[20-Nov-2007 18:58:10] <tikel> what do you mean dependancies? Like on install?
[20-Nov-2007 18:59:12] <texnofobix2> i'm trying out the VMware demo now
[20-Nov-2007 18:59:33] <texnofobix2> we are using nagios right now for opennic, but i'm testing this out
[20-Nov-2007 19:00:02] <tikel> I've used both, and I've got a lot of reasons to use zenoss over nagios, I was just looking for something comprehensive and/or written by zenoss devs trashing nagios
[20-Nov-2007 19:00:34] <texnofobix2> i doubt they'd trash them
[20-Nov-2007 19:00:58] <tikel> well not outright
[20-Nov-2007 19:01:15] <tikel> but emphasising where zenoss has advantages.
[20-Nov-2007 19:01:44] <texnofobix2> it does by say that it does more than just nagios
[20-Nov-2007 19:01:55] <Bulwinkle> tikel: that would be more of a third party comparison thing to look for
[20-Nov-2007 19:02:12] <tikel> yea I've looked.
[20-Nov-2007 19:02:15] <tikel> ok
[20-Nov-2007 19:02:20] <tikel> well thanks for the help
[20-Nov-2007 19:02:37] <texnofobix2> sorry i cant help you more, i'm not a developer or on the team
[20-Nov-2007 19:03:35] <texnofobix2> heh ^
[20-Nov-2007 19:22:12] <vedasx`> zenoss devs are super smart

[20-Nov-2007 19:22:50] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[20-Nov-2007 19:35:50] <vedasx`> $ zenmigrate
[20-Nov-2007 19:35:50] <vedasx`> INFO:zen.migrate:Installing EvenBettererStandardErrorMessage
[20-Nov-2007 19:35:52] <vedasx`> lol
[20-Nov-2007 19:43:14] <vedasx`> so yeah... is the dashboard supposed to be blank after upgrading from 2.1 to >:(
[20-Nov-2007 20:33:19] <jsm> vedasx`: i had that problem, make sure you stop the zen oss service then start it again
[20-Nov-2007 20:33:23] <jsm> not restart
[20-Nov-2007 20:33:53] <jsm> vedasx`: did you install via rpm?
[20-Nov-2007 20:38:04] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[20-Nov-2007 20:51:51] <texnofobix2> i'm confused on using the DNS zenpack
[20-Nov-2007 21:15:53] <jsm> what's the prob?
[20-Nov-2007 21:17:57] <texnofobix2> i dont get how to use the monitor on it
[20-Nov-2007 21:18:25] <texnofobix2> like i'm one of the opennic members
[20-Nov-2007 21:18:49] <texnofobix2> and i wanted to get the monitors to check to see if the dns servers are resolving
[20-Nov-2007 21:19:02] <texnofobix2> so i installed the zenpack but i'm confused how i'm supposed to configure it
[20-Nov-2007 21:22:15] * PerlStalker hands texnofobix2 a roll of duct tape and a chicken. "Good luck"
[20-Nov-2007 21:22:32] <texnofobix2> a turkey would have made more sense

[20-Nov-2007 21:22:49] <texnofobix2> unless it is a rubber chicken
[20-Nov-2007 21:22:58] <PerlStalker> I didn't have a turkey. You'll have to make do. :-)
[20-Nov-2007 21:23:03] <texnofobix2> haha
[20-Nov-2007 21:23:11] <texnofobix2> i'll have to play around with it some more
[20-Nov-2007 21:23:30] <texnofobix2> it keeps getting cooler. but it seems like i need to enable snmp
[20-Nov-2007 21:24:01] <texnofobix2> i'm not a network guy by trade. I"m really a sysprog
[20-Nov-2007 21:25:06] <PerlStalker> texnofobix2: You may have to set a collector for the device class or on the device itself.
[20-Nov-2007 21:25:11] <PerlStalker> I have not used the DNS ZenPack before so I could be wrong.
[20-Nov-2007 21:25:18] <texnofobix2> i'll see
[20-Nov-2007 21:25:30] <texnofobix2> i just started playing with zenoss last night
[20-Nov-2007 21:25:43] <texnofobix2> I was impressed at the Ohio LinuxFest
[20-Nov-2007 21:28:46] <vedasx`> jsm, nope, i've tried zenoss on 6.06 server and 7.10 server. i had issues upgrading to 2.1 on ubuntu 6.06, but 2.1 (and 2.1.1, for the most part) install/run OK on ubuntu 7.10 server
[20-Nov-2007 21:28:50] <vedasx`> i can't believe they don
[20-Nov-2007 21:28:55] <vedasx`> i can't believe they don't have .debs
[20-Nov-2007 21:29:49] <texnofobix2> if i really was enthusiasic, i would make an ebuild for gentoo
[20-Nov-2007 21:29:50] <jsm> texnofobix2: i'm from ohio originally, columbus
[20-Nov-2007 21:29:56] <texnofobix2> jsm: cool
[20-Nov-2007 21:30:05] <texnofobix2> i'm now in the Cleveland area
[20-Nov-2007 21:30:32] <jsm> texnofobix2: for dns zenpack, you have to setup a template
[20-Nov-2007 21:30:48] <vedasx`> and stopping/starting zenoss doesn't fix my dashboard. sigh. guess i'll just use centos
[20-Nov-2007 21:30:49] <jsm> so go to your device
[20-Nov-2007 21:30:54] <vedasx`> gotta dig up a box that can run it :-/
[20-Nov-2007 21:31:02] <jsm> and go to the arrow,, and select, More ->Templates
[20-Nov-2007 21:31:13] <vedasx`> it needs, what, 700+mb ram to even install?
[20-Nov-2007 21:31:29] <jsm> texnofobix2: then do a new template
[20-Nov-2007 21:32:39] <texnofobix2> jsm: that makes sense
[20-Nov-2007 21:33:12] <jsm> texnofobix2: just call it dns
[20-Nov-2007 21:33:20] <jsm> and then you add a new data source
[20-Nov-2007 21:33:24] <texnofobix2> has any here ever heard about opennic?
[20-Nov-2007 21:34:05] <PerlStalker> texnofobix2: I've heard of it before but have not used it.
[20-Nov-2007 21:34:57] <texnofobix2> yeah we just want to have our own domains without paying for it
[20-Nov-2007 21:35:05] <texnofobix2> and it is a great way to learn dns

[20-Nov-2007 21:38:02] <jsm> texnofobix2: figure the rest of it out?
[20-Nov-2007 21:38:41] <texnofobix2> i think i goofed up the zenpack install, but i'll get it
[20-Nov-2007 21:39:09] <texnofobix2> ok it seems fixed now
[20-Nov-2007 21:59:08] <texnofobix2> l8r all thanks for the help
[20-Nov-2007 22:20:34] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[21-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Wed Nov 21 00:00:14 2007]
[21-Nov-2007 00:00:15] [connected at Wed Nov 21 00:00:15 2007]
[21-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[21-Nov-2007 00:21:50] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[21-Nov-2007 02:59:06] <Yokozuna> Guys, who did this: "select count(*) from events where ipaddress='....'" on EACH host while listing /Networks ?
[21-Nov-2007 02:59:51] <Yokozuna> I just want to look at her eyes, while listing my hundreds of hosts, each one is very verbose for events...

[21-Nov-2007 05:03:29] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[21-Nov-2007 05:03:41] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[21-Nov-2007 05:20:59] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[21-Nov-2007 05:21:00] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[21-Nov-2007 06:06:44] <Yokozuna> Knock-knock.

[21-Nov-2007 07:18:28] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[21-Nov-2007 11:04:31] progma_ is now known as progma
[21-Nov-2007 12:22:45] <Sh3lld3r> gut Nachmittag für alle
[21-Nov-2007 12:22:57] <Sh3lld3r> ich benötige etwas Hilfe bitte
[21-Nov-2007 12:28:56] <Sh3lld3r> so many people online, to even a single line of chat
[21-Nov-2007 15:01:10] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[21-Nov-2007 15:45:38] <jsm> according to the release notes "Added Disk I/O Collector Plug-in/Template to monitor the reads and writes of the various disk segments." anyone figure out how to enable this?
[21-Nov-2007 17:53:16] PerlSta1ker is now known as PerlStalker
[21-Nov-2007 18:55:11] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[21-Nov-2007 19:33:06] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[21-Nov-2007 19:53:42] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[21-Nov-2007 20:05:59] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[21-Nov-2007 20:58:26] daveto1 is now known as DaveTo1
[21-Nov-2007 21:03:52] <daveto1> .
[21-Nov-2007 21:38:17] daveto1 is now known as DaveToo
[21-Nov-2007 22:31:36] _fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[21-Nov-2007 22:31:36] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[22-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Thu Nov 22 00:00:14 2007]
[22-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Thu Nov 22 00:00:14 2007]
[22-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[22-Nov-2007 00:01:02] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[22-Nov-2007 05:03:27] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[22-Nov-2007 05:03:34] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[22-Nov-2007 05:21:31] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[22-Nov-2007 05:21:32] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[22-Nov-2007 10:51:41] <simon_> howdy
[22-Nov-2007 14:47:44] Tinozaure is now known as _Tino
[22-Nov-2007 22:28:14] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[22-Nov-2007 23:20:55] <jief-> hello. im currently testing zenoss and im very impressed so far. im using 2.1.1 and i can't seem to figure out the zenmodeler.conf format. and the .example is empty. anyone could help me with this? id like to pass it the equivalent of the command line options: --collect=portmap,snmp
[22-Nov-2007 23:25:38] <monrad> jief-: tried the adminguide?
[22-Nov-2007 23:26:25] <Aziraphale> hmm... has anyone else ever noticed perf graph data being low by a factor of 10?
[22-Nov-2007 23:26:55] <jief-> monrad: yes, it mentions the zproperties attribute zTransportPreference, but i can't find it anywhere
[22-Nov-2007 23:38:46] <monrad> i think there is a list of the different options to the daemons
[22-Nov-2007 23:39:29] <jief-> ya that's what im playing with
[22-Nov-2007 23:39:39] <jief-> ive added --collect=portmap,snmp to zenmodeler.conf
[22-Nov-2007 23:39:46] <jief-> but it crashes when trying to restart
[22-Nov-2007 23:43:46] buldamoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[22-Nov-2007 23:45:08] <jief-> my main issue is IpServicesMap won't find all services but the portscan will, so id like zenmodeler to use that all the time
[22-Nov-2007 23:45:18] <jief-> if i can manage to figure out how to pass the proper options to it
[22-Nov-2007 23:45:27] <Bulwinkle> hola all... to all you Americans out there, happy thanksgiving
[22-Nov-2007 23:45:58] <jief-> hello
[22-Nov-2007 23:52:03] <jief-> im starting to think im missing a python module
[23-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Fri Nov 23 00:00:14 2007]
[23-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Fri Nov 23 00:00:14 2007]
[23-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[23-Nov-2007 05:08:46] _Tino is now known as Tino
[23-Nov-2007 05:08:57] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[23-Nov-2007 05:22:04] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[23-Nov-2007 05:22:05] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[23-Nov-2007 09:13:53] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[23-Nov-2007 13:18:47] <Grejao> i'm trying to install zenoss on rhel 5, but i'm receceiving the follow messages: http://pastebin.com/dc625cb9 ... someone can help-me to fix it?
[23-Nov-2007 13:18:54] <adytum-bot`> Title: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)
[23-Nov-2007 13:34:59] <Grejao> have someone at this channel??? :s
[23-Nov-2007 15:33:15] <MoreDakka_>
[23-Nov-2007 15:33:20] MoreDakka_ is now known as MoreDakka
[23-Nov-2007 15:36:28] <MoreDakka> So if a device has a link that is not correct (the devices are in the same IP range but aren't linked to eachother in anyway) how can I get rid of the link?
[23-Nov-2007 16:38:10] <MoreDakka> Yay another dead day in the Zenoss chat room.
[23-Nov-2007 17:35:23] buldamoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[23-Nov-2007 18:29:14] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[23-Nov-2007 19:17:31] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[23-Nov-2007 19:26:46] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[23-Nov-2007 19:37:08] <kernel_dead> Has anyone use Zenoss to monitor windows 2003 server?
[23-Nov-2007 20:02:36] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[23-Nov-2007 20:07:49] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[23-Nov-2007 20:09:28] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[23-Nov-2007 20:18:35] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[24-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sat Nov 24 00:00:14 2007]
[24-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sat Nov 24 00:00:14 2007]
[24-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[24-Nov-2007 00:20:30] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[24-Nov-2007 02:31:18] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[24-Nov-2007 05:03:48] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[24-Nov-2007 05:22:34] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[24-Nov-2007 05:22:35] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[24-Nov-2007 05:22:36] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - Mobile Python: Rapid Prototyping of Applications on the Mobile Platform
[24-Nov-2007 05:22:37] <adytum-bot`> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry9131231586271015057
[24-Nov-2007 09:45:16] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[25-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Sun Nov 25 00:00:14 2007]
[25-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Sun Nov 25 00:00:14 2007]
[25-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[25-Nov-2007 01:20:38] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[25-Nov-2007 05:23:11] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[25-Nov-2007 05:23:12] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[25-Nov-2007 13:31:16] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[25-Nov-2007 13:34:55] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[25-Nov-2007 21:49:12] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[26-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Mon Nov 26 00:00:14 2007]
[26-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Mon Nov 26 00:00:14 2007]
[26-Nov-2007 00:00:19] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[26-Nov-2007 03:53:54] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[26-Nov-2007 05:23:40] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[26-Nov-2007 05:23:41] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[26-Nov-2007 10:22:58] <shadeimi> hi at all
[26-Nov-2007 10:23:22] <shadeimi> i need an hand with the zenoss installer can anyone help me?
[26-Nov-2007 14:27:44] <MoreDakka> So if a device has a link that is not correct (the devices are in the same IP range but aren't linked to eachother in anyway) how can I get rid of the link?
[26-Nov-2007 15:19:47] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[26-Nov-2007 16:01:30] <xinity_mbp> hy guys
[26-Nov-2007 16:02:07] <xinity_mbp> just a quick question about alerting rules : how can i make an alerting rule to send an email , only if 2 devices are down at the same time ?
[26-Nov-2007 16:26:16] <MoreDakka> So if a device has a link that is not correct (the devices are in the same IP range but aren't linked to eachother in anyway) how can I get rid of the link?
[26-Nov-2007 17:27:53] <cluther> MoreDakka: You can go to the network and set its zDrawMapLinks property to False.
[26-Nov-2007 18:17:41] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[26-Nov-2007 18:45:10] x-spec-t is now known as Spec
[26-Nov-2007 19:04:54] <Bulwinkle> howdy all
[26-Nov-2007 19:10:32] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[26-Nov-2007 19:28:10] <Bulwinkle> anyone have any suggestions as to why my dashboard would be blank? no windows, no nothing
[26-Nov-2007 19:28:21] <Bulwinkle> just the navigation bar to the left
[26-Nov-2007 20:06:48] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[26-Nov-2007 20:12:47] <MoreDakka> Ha. Thanks cluther for the answer 3 hours ago ;-)
[26-Nov-2007 20:30:19] <MoreDakka> Also, can the "Availability" for a device be reset to 100%?
[26-Nov-2007 20:40:46] <cluther> MoreDakka: Yes.. delete the events that impacted the availability.
[26-Nov-2007 20:40:56] <cluther> Bulwinkle: Guess what.. run zenmigrate.

[26-Nov-2007 20:41:14] <Bulwinkle> bloody hell
[26-Nov-2007 20:41:15] <Bulwinkle>

[26-Nov-2007 20:41:15] <MoreDakka> remember, zenmigrate can make you breakfast too.
[26-Nov-2007 20:41:44] <cluther> Now if it could only do my Christmas shopping for me.
[26-Nov-2007 20:41:51] <MoreDakka> It doesn't do that?
[26-Nov-2007 20:42:01] <MoreDakka> damn....that's what I was counting on.
[26-Nov-2007 20:42:22] <MoreDakka> Thanks again cluther ;-)
[26-Nov-2007 20:42:49] <MoreDakka> Now if you could tell me how to monitor LUNs in Windows via SNMP I would be REALLY happy ;-)
[26-Nov-2007 20:42:49] <Bulwinkle> cluther: that got it

[26-Nov-2007 20:43:23] <Folke> Hi there, anyone out thet use WindowsWMIDeviceTemplate instead of the snmpinformant?
[26-Nov-2007 20:44:32] <Folke> I don't really get how to use the installed ZenPacks instead of the templates that are preinstalled..
[26-Nov-2007 20:45:09] <Folke> Sure I can bidn another template to each host, but that seems sorta wrong

[26-Nov-2007 20:46:10] <cluther> Folke: There are a couple of ways to do it. The first would be to rename the WindowsWMIDeviceTemplate to "Device" so it is used by default for everything under /Server/Windows.
[26-Nov-2007 20:46:30] <cluther> Folke: The other way would be to bind it to the /Server/Windows device class that it would be bound to all windows servers in addition to the Device template.
[26-Nov-2007 20:46:37] <cluther> Folke: The first way is probably better.
[26-Nov-2007 20:48:55] <Folke> cluther: Ah, so if I want to use the HPTempmonitoring too?
[26-Nov-2007 20:50:57] <cluther> Folke: Bind it to the device class where you have all of your HP devices.
[26-Nov-2007 20:52:46] <Folke> cluther: Humm the wmi template was named Device_WMI_SNMP_v2 and is listed under /devices/server/windows
[26-Nov-2007 20:53:58] <Folke> cluther: should it not be shown under the perf tab then?
[26-Nov-2007 20:54:52] <Folke> Ack, hard to be an old nagios user in the new world of Zenoss

[26-Nov-2007 20:56:51] <cluther> Folke: Only at first.. I'm an old Nagios guy myself.
[26-Nov-2007 20:57:01] <cluther> Maybe you've even used some of my add-ons..
[26-Nov-2007 20:57:45] <Folke> Our unstallation was pretty vanills, with server checks.
[26-Nov-2007 20:58:54] <Folke> But with zenoss we have a solution to watch our cisco swithches with autodisc to..
[26-Nov-2007 20:59:09] <Folke> Now I only miss cdp

[26-Nov-2007 21:04:43] <Folke> cluther: What addons did you do to nagios?
[26-Nov-2007 21:07:26] <cluther> nagside was one of them to display hostgroups in a more pleasing tree-like view in the left navigation frame.
[26-Nov-2007 21:09:24] <Folke> Ah, nice.. I looked at a few times. But never really got to implement it,
[26-Nov-2007 21:11:15] <PerlStalker> So what's the best way to get nagios-like dependancy tracking in Zenoss?
[26-Nov-2007 21:27:46] <Snoop> hello everyone
[26-Nov-2007 21:27:49] <Snoop> anybody alive?
[26-Nov-2007 21:34:26] <Folke> Aye

[26-Nov-2007 21:35:06] Snoop is now known as Sn0oP
[26-Nov-2007 21:35:10] Sn0oP is now known as Snoop
[26-Nov-2007 21:35:36] Snoop is now known as Adrian
[26-Nov-2007 21:35:36] Adrian is now known as Addy
[26-Nov-2007 21:40:16] <Snoop`> HEy
[26-Nov-2007 21:40:21] <Snoop`> anyone alive :-)
[26-Nov-2007 21:44:21] <Folke> aye again


[26-Nov-2007 21:45:53] <cluther> I'm still alive.
[26-Nov-2007 21:46:48] <Snoop`> :-))
[26-Nov-2007 21:46:53] <Snoop`> t
[26-Nov-2007 21:47:13] <Snoop`> thought of sending my problem on the main channel maybe someone has gone through this before...
[26-Nov-2007 21:47:21] <Snoop`> I'm trying to install zenoss on debian...
[26-Nov-2007 21:47:22] <Snoop`> I'm @ this step svn co http://dev.zenoss.org/svn/trunk/inst and I'm getting Permission denied... any idea why?
[26-Nov-2007 21:47:36] <adytum-bot`> Title: Revision 7676: /trunk/inst (at dev.zenoss.org)
[26-Nov-2007 21:47:57] <cluther> That's a public repository. Do you have permission to create the inst directory on the local file system?
[26-Nov-2007 21:49:08] <Snoop`> I followed the step by step, but the user that I created zenoss... I don't think so...
[26-Nov-2007 21:49:14] <Snoop`> hmm
[26-Nov-2007 21:49:29] <Snoop`> he is in the sudoers...
[26-Nov-2007 21:49:38] <Snoop`> shouldn't that do the trick?
[26-Nov-2007 21:50:17] <cluther> Snoop`: Try this.. make your /opt/zenoss directory as root, then chown it to zenoss:zenoss. Then switch to your zenoss user, change into the /opt/zenoss directory and run the check out.
[26-Nov-2007 21:50:25] <cluther> Then you'll have /opt/zenoss/inst owned by zenoss.
[26-Nov-2007 21:50:38] <Snoop`> cool, lemme do that and get back to you
[26-Nov-2007 21:50:40] <Snoop`> thanks for your helpo
[26-Nov-2007 21:50:46] <Snoop`> help*
[26-Nov-2007 21:50:57] <cluther> sure thing
[26-Nov-2007 21:52:55] <Snoop`> I'm such a newbie :-) works great! - thanks
[26-Nov-2007 21:53:18] <monrad> cluther: are rrdtool 1.3 in the 2.2 roadmap?
[26-Nov-2007 21:53:46] <cluther> monrad: Not yet, but we're actively testing it.
[26-Nov-2007 21:54:19] <cluther> monrad: It will end up depending on how stable 1.3 is when it comes time to make the 2.2 release.
[26-Nov-2007 21:54:29] <cluther> monrad: The performance enhancements are VERY tempting.
[26-Nov-2007 22:14:15] <kgoedtel> i still dislike the fact that zenoss uses the manage ip to monitor ip services
[26-Nov-2007 22:20:46] Spec is now known as x-spec-t
[26-Nov-2007 22:24:15] <cluther> kgoedtel: See http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/changeset/7231 for an interim fix.
[26-Nov-2007 22:24:22] <adytum-bot`> Title: Changeset 7231 - Zenoss - Trac (at dev.zenoss.org)
[26-Nov-2007 22:27:53] <kgoedtel> yah i was using that but it wasnt perfect for me, ive made further changes
[26-Nov-2007 22:54:01] <monrad> cluther: sorry just got my chinese food

[26-Nov-2007 22:59:20] <monrad> well we would sure like some performance enhancements
[26-Nov-2007 23:04:45] <jief-> hello. ive been testing zenoss for a few days. but i can't seem to figure out how to use the nagios plugins. could someone help me with this?
[26-Nov-2007 23:05:49] <jief-> id like to use check_ldap to monitor our LDAP farm
[26-Nov-2007 23:09:53] <murphyslaw> hi
[26-Nov-2007 23:10:20] <monrad> cluther: if you want to test it in the wild some time i am pretty sure i could find a test server, i would like to monitor all ports on all our 1400 pieces of network equipment
[26-Nov-2007 23:10:48] murphyslaw is now known as murphys_law
[26-Nov-2007 23:12:54] <jief-> if i use a nagios plugin to monitor a service, is it going to show up in the OS tab of a device?
[26-Nov-2007 23:13:33] <murphys_law> cluther: i'm the guy who opened the solaris tickets
[26-Nov-2007 23:14:13] <cluther> murphys_law: Ah ha. Thanks for the fixes!
[26-Nov-2007 23:14:38] <murphys_law> cluther: welcome, i'll probably file more

[26-Nov-2007 23:14:59] <cluther> murphys_law: Honestly, I think we were mirroring each other's work over the weekend.
[26-Nov-2007 23:15:26] <cluther> There's a long way to go to get everything going on Solaris.
[26-Nov-2007 23:15:32] <cluther> Are you running Solaris 10 on sparc?
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:46] <murphys_law> spam alert
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:51] <murphys_law> Traceback (most recent call last):
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:51] <murphys_law> File "/var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/zenmodeler.py", line 30, in ?
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:51] <murphys_law> import SnmpClient
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:51] <murphys_law> File "/var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/SnmpClient.py", line 21, in ?
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:51] <murphys_law> from pynetsnmp.twistedsnmp import snmpprotocol, AgentProxy
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:52] <murphys_law> File "var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/lib/python/pynetsnmp/twistedsnmp.py", line 1, in ?
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:54] <murphys_law> File "var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/lib/python/pynetsnmp/netsnmp.py", line 31, in ?
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:56] <murphys_law> File "/var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/__init__.py", line 325, in __getattr__
[26-Nov-2007 23:25:58] <murphys_law>
[26-Nov-2007 23:26:00] <murphys_law> File "/var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/__init__.py", line 330, in __getitem__
[26-Nov-2007 23:26:02] <murphys_law>
[26-Nov-2007 23:26:04] <murphys_law> AttributeError: ld.so.1: python: fatal: netsnmp_get_version: can't find symbol
[26-Nov-2007 23:26:37] <murphys_law> tried setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH, I'm pretty new to python really so don't really know where to start
[26-Nov-2007 23:26:59] <murphys_law> the symbol is present in ZenModel and pynetsnmp
[26-Nov-2007 23:28:29] <murphys_law> this error is there when i run either zenmodeler or zenprocess
[26-Nov-2007 23:35:51] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[26-Nov-2007 23:41:24] <monrad> i have a problem with zenping, it takes 3-6 min for it to calculate its pingtree
[26-Nov-2007 23:43:38] <jief-> if you have a large network, it might be normal
[26-Nov-2007 23:52:44] <monrad> jief-: we have a large network but its not a good ting to not have zenping going for more that 5 minuts
[26-Nov-2007 23:52:56] <monrad> if i wanted that i would be running nagios
[26-Nov-2007 23:54:42] <jief-> monrad: true
[26-Nov-2007 23:55:09] <jief-> ive been testing afew monitoring solutions in the last few days. zenoss would be perfect if i could manage to use the nagios plugins for a few things
[26-Nov-2007 23:55:30] <monrad> we use nagios plugins
[26-Nov-2007 23:55:40] <jief-> maybe you can help then

[26-Nov-2007 23:56:01] <monrad> maybe its was not we who set it up
[26-Nov-2007 23:56:13] <monrad> but i think i understant what he did

[26-Nov-2007 23:56:20] <jief-> i basically created a device called www.domain.tld
[26-Nov-2007 23:56:43] <jief-> created a local copy of the template, removed the SNMP stuff and created my data source
[26-Nov-2007 23:56:50] <jief-> i run it thru zencommand, its fine
[26-Nov-2007 23:57:04] <jief-> i add my data point, to store the data, run zencommand again, i don't see it storing my data
[26-Nov-2007 23:57:16] <jief-> so my graphs are empty
[26-Nov-2007 23:57:18] <monrad> hmm
[26-Nov-2007 23:57:31] <monrad> could you show the output from the command?
[26-Nov-2007 23:57:42] <jief-> sure
[26-Nov-2007 23:59:36] <jief-> http://pastebin.ca/798742
[26-Nov-2007 23:59:38] <kgoedtel> i just upgraded from 2.0.9 to 2.1, and i like the new features, but it appears the css has gone insane... especially in places like the status tab
[26-Nov-2007 23:59:43] <adytum-bot`> Title: general pastebin - Unnamed - post number 798742 (at pastebin.ca)
[26-Nov-2007 23:59:49] <kgoedtel> anyone experienced something similar? :[
[27-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Tue Nov 27 00:00:14 2007]
[27-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Tue Nov 27 00:00:14 2007]
[27-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[27-Nov-2007 00:02:54] <monrad> kgoedtel: try to purge your browsers cache
[27-Nov-2007 00:03:06] <kgoedtel> tried
[27-Nov-2007 00:03:12] <kgoedtel> that was my first guess
[27-Nov-2007 00:03:13] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[27-Nov-2007 00:03:34] <monrad> it worked for me
[27-Nov-2007 00:03:47] <monrad> jief-: and your datasources are named time and size?
[27-Nov-2007 00:03:55] <jief-> no
[27-Nov-2007 00:04:20] <monrad> i think they should be named the same as the output from the nagios command
[27-Nov-2007 00:04:34] <jief-> monrad: its named check_http
[27-Nov-2007 00:04:44] <jief-> could be a conflict from httpmonitor maybe
[27-Nov-2007 00:05:01] <monrad> just a sec i log in and check my own insted of doing it from memory
[27-Nov-2007 00:05:15] <jief-> monrad: i was following the admin guide
[27-Nov-2007 00:06:25] <monrad> jief-: i was thinking about the datapoints
[27-Nov-2007 00:06:51] <monrad> under the datasource
[27-Nov-2007 00:07:34] <jief-> monrad: changed it to time and size. now i get at least the graph
[27-Nov-2007 00:07:40] <jief-> ill let it run for a minute or two
[27-Nov-2007 00:07:45] <jief-> see if it gets populated or not
[27-Nov-2007 00:08:15] <jief-> so basically, my datapoints need to be what the plugin returns?
[27-Nov-2007 00:08:51] <monrad> jief-: yes
[27-Nov-2007 00:10:05] <jief-> monrad: what is the best approach to use the nagios plugins? let's say i'd want to use check_ldap
[27-Nov-2007 00:10:23] <jief-> would i make a new template in /devices and bind it to my LDAP services which are already monitored by SNMP?
[27-Nov-2007 00:12:36] <monrad> not sure about that
[27-Nov-2007 00:13:15] <monrad> we only use it for one http server and a homemade nagios plugin script to monitor our foundry routers
[27-Nov-2007 00:13:27] <jief-> ah
[27-Nov-2007 00:13:45] <jief-> i like foundry, its less braindead than IOS
[27-Nov-2007 00:14:03] <monrad> i like foundry too, but not their IMR routers
[27-Nov-2007 00:14:27] <monrad> XMR and MLX are nice
[27-Nov-2007 00:14:55] <monrad> Big Irons are cool in a oldschool way

[27-Nov-2007 00:14:55] <jief-> we might get their load-balancers
[27-Nov-2007 00:15:10] <jief-> id go with F5, but its so expensive
[27-Nov-2007 00:15:13] <monrad> never played around with them
[27-Nov-2007 00:15:48] <jief-> i used to work for a search engine, so i have lots of experience with F5 load balancers, a bit with Ciscos (never wanna touch them again hehe)
[27-Nov-2007 00:15:57] <jief-> but im sure the foundries are nice
[27-Nov-2007 00:17:29] <monrad> their routers are pretty decent
[27-Nov-2007 00:17:46] <monrad> but i would like to get access to som juniper equipment some day
[27-Nov-2007 00:18:04] <jief-> a few years ago i was doing benchmarks between a foundry and a cisco GE switch. foundry was so much faster
[27-Nov-2007 00:18:15] <murphys_law> jief: was it the CSM product or the old localdirectors?
[27-Nov-2007 00:19:18] <jief-> murphys_law: the CSS. and we bought the GSS but I left before we received them
[27-Nov-2007 00:19:29] <jief-> such a PITA to configure compared to the F5 BigIP
[27-Nov-2007 00:20:40] <murphys_law> haven't touched the css yet, thought it was more of a SSL endpoint. don't get to play with anyone else's boxes though
[27-Nov-2007 00:20:54] <jief-> oh by the way, is anyone monitoring Cisco ASA 5550s? when i try to model one, i get a python error and no interfaces listed
[27-Nov-2007 00:21:21] <murphys_law> if you can get my python problem fixed, I'll try and monitor one for you

[27-Nov-2007 00:21:32] <jief-> murphys_law: well, i dont see cisco taking over that market anytime soon. the only reason we bought their crap was because they were much cheaper than anyone else.
[27-Nov-2007 00:21:46] <jief-> murphys_law: if i knew python, id work on fixing my problem

[27-Nov-2007 00:21:55] <murphys_law> hehe always thought we were expensive not cheap

[27-Nov-2007 00:22:14] <murphys_law> chucks, nice try though
[27-Nov-2007 00:22:21] <monrad> i never heard cisco been described as cheap
[27-Nov-2007 00:22:32] <monrad> well maybe if you compare to juniper
[27-Nov-2007 00:23:02] <murphys_law> i hate a scripting labguage where you need a special library just for debugging
[27-Nov-2007 00:23:12] <jief-> at the time, our best quote for F5s was 600k$
[27-Nov-2007 00:23:24] <jief-> 3 pairs of Cisco CSS, less than 80k
[27-Nov-2007 00:23:41] <murphys_law> you were looking at the medium end stuff
[27-Nov-2007 00:24:30] <murphys_law> the CSM module of which you need 2 per chassis costs $25k each, so at least $100k + 4 supervisors + 2 25k 6500 chassis
[27-Nov-2007 00:24:51] <jief-> again, we never checked the CSM, only the CSS
[27-Nov-2007 00:25:10] <jief-> the CSS is very cheap
[27-Nov-2007 00:25:11] <murphys_law> right, but it's not for the high end market, you were comparing apples & oranges
[27-Nov-2007 00:25:23] <jief-> i looked at the specs
[27-Nov-2007 00:25:36] <jief-> what traffic i could handle with the CSS and the equivalent model of F5
[27-Nov-2007 00:26:54] <murphys_law> ah well, the specs

[27-Nov-2007 00:27:41] <jief-> cisco has great gear
[27-Nov-2007 00:27:45] <jief-> most of the time hehe
[27-Nov-2007 00:27:50] <murphys_law> we tried the css too, junked em right away
[27-Nov-2007 00:27:55] <murphys_law> use one as a doorstop now
[27-Nov-2007 00:28:00] <jief-> hehe
[27-Nov-2007 00:28:21] <jief-> their IP PBX is great. well, a lot better than that shitty Avaya we use now
[27-Nov-2007 00:32:05] jief- is now known as jief-away
[27-Nov-2007 00:33:39] <jief-away> monrad: thanks a lot for your help. im understanding how to use those plugins now

[27-Nov-2007 00:33:45] <jief-away> too bad they don't show up in OS though
[27-Nov-2007 00:33:47] <jief-away> that'd be nice
[27-Nov-2007 00:34:06] <monrad> jief-away: np
[27-Nov-2007 00:37:57] <Snoop`> Newb q :-) - are the clients affected when zenoss collects data, I mean felt performance reduction?
[27-Nov-2007 00:40:45] <jief-away> Snoop`: very unlikely, SNMP has a very very low memory footprint
[27-Nov-2007 00:41:50] <jief-away> murphys_law: im gonna be back in 20 mins. if you actually get a chance to test a ASA 5550 with zenoss, lemme know if you get a python error or not during modeling
[27-Nov-2007 00:42:54] <murphys_law> jief-away: ok, but it may take me a long time, first have to get zenoss online and that may take time
[27-Nov-2007 00:43:17] <Snoop`> jief-away: thanks
[27-Nov-2007 00:43:25] <jief-away> murphys_law: well, dont go out of your way for me

[27-Nov-2007 00:43:38] <murphys_law> hehe
[27-Nov-2007 00:43:41] <jief-away> my feeling is cisco changed their MIB
[27-Nov-2007 00:43:51] <jief-away> and zenoss is expecting something that's not there anymore
[27-Nov-2007 00:43:56] <murphys_law> the mibs should be available in that case
[27-Nov-2007 00:44:12] <Snoop`> another q :-) - I've added a Windows XP using the auto detect, and got some strange info... for example it shows as Win 2000, and also the Filesystem is uknown... is this common
[27-Nov-2007 00:47:27] <Snoop`> jief-away you've encountered this? or you don't monitor WinXP's?
[27-Nov-2007 00:48:12] <jief-away> Snoop`: sorry was away. you can change it manually by editing your machine
[27-Nov-2007 00:48:31] <jief-away> bbl
[27-Nov-2007 00:51:46] <Snoop`> I don't have a Windows XP option :-)
[27-Nov-2007 00:51:46] <Snoop`> and about the filesystem? and ideas?
[27-Nov-2007 00:59:54] jief-away is now known as jief-
[27-Nov-2007 00:59:56] <jief-> sorry no clue
[27-Nov-2007 01:00:02] <jief-> we're not monitoring XP at work
[27-Nov-2007 01:00:22] <jief-> murphys_law: do you use nagios plugins in your setup? i have a best-practices kind of question
[27-Nov-2007 01:02:57] <jief-> Snoop`: What OS shows up in that screen is not important AFAIK
[27-Nov-2007 01:03:18] <jief-> as long as your SNMP is working properly on your monitored host, you'll get CPU/RAM/disks/etc usage graphs
[27-Nov-2007 01:04:22] <Snoop`> SNMP is working fine still I'm not getting some info like disk usage...
[27-Nov-2007 01:04:54] <jief-> Snoop`: it takes some times, at least 10 minutes
[27-Nov-2007 01:05:06] <jief-> it needs to do 3 polling runs before displaying data
[27-Nov-2007 01:05:21] <Snoop`> ohhh...
[27-Nov-2007 01:05:28] <Snoop`> didn't know that

[27-Nov-2007 01:05:31] <Snoop`> thanks guys
[27-Nov-2007 01:06:01] <Snoop`> having a big meeting tomorrow to showcase zenoss, and I'm staying up late to get my hands on most of the function, to have a proper image in my head :-)
[27-Nov-2007 01:06:15] <jief-> its like that for most monitoring system
[27-Nov-2007 01:06:20] <jief-> especially when using rdd
[27-Nov-2007 01:06:43] <jief-> i mean rrdtools hehe
[27-Nov-2007 01:06:45] <murphys_law> jief: haven't actually got zenoss online yet
[27-Nov-2007 01:06:49] <murphys_law> still have compilation issues
[27-Nov-2007 01:07:16] <jief-> murphys_law: ah ok sorry. i figured you were one of those old gurus hehe. what are you going to run it on?
[27-Nov-2007 01:07:20] <murphys_law> I'm gonna build it on my home linux box now to see if i can get a better idea why it's not loading the python snmpclient stuff
[27-Nov-2007 01:07:39] <murphys_law> i'm trying to get it built on solaris for our work servers
[27-Nov-2007 01:08:00] <jief-> murphys_law: and running it on say centos5 is not an option i assume?
[27-Nov-2007 01:08:09] <murphys_law> we're a solaris-only shop, we have no linux or windows machines so no real way to deploy it in production unless it works on solaris
[27-Nov-2007 01:08:33] <jief-> gotcha
[27-Nov-2007 01:08:35] <murphys_law> if we run this then it becomes a vital part of our setup. and we run everything vital on solaris

[27-Nov-2007 01:08:41] <jief-> just like im stuck with debian and would prefer centos hehe
[27-Nov-2007 01:09:20] <murphys_law> guess i could try and run it on linux on top of solaris in a logical domain, but i don't wanna go that route quite yet
[27-Nov-2007 01:09:27] <jief-> we run everything mission-critical on AS400s
[27-Nov-2007 01:09:54] <murphys_law> hard to get firefox plugins etc for aix

[27-Nov-2007 01:10:04] <murphys_law> we run desktop environments
[27-Nov-2007 01:10:19] <jief-> engineering?
[27-Nov-2007 01:10:24] <murphys_law> customer support
[27-Nov-2007 01:10:35] <jief-> ok
[27-Nov-2007 01:11:13] <murphys_law> but our cs engineers do a lot of engineering work
[27-Nov-2007 01:11:26] <monrad> i just got my hand on a ibm pSeries server to play with

[27-Nov-2007 01:11:34] <monrad> but i dont get aix with it
[27-Nov-2007 01:11:53] <jief-> monrad: we dont run aix on our iSeries either
[27-Nov-2007 01:11:55] <murphys_law> debugging, virtual machines, building, etc. they like having a work environment that's independent of their laptops
[27-Nov-2007 01:12:19] <jief-> murphys_law: we use ESX for virtualization
[27-Nov-2007 01:12:30] <monrad> jief-: i would have like to get just the slightly bigger version so it could do hardware partions
[27-Nov-2007 01:12:41] <monrad> but i cant complain about free hardware

[27-Nov-2007 01:12:45] <murphys_law> yep, that's the right way to use windows: contain it

[27-Nov-2007 01:13:33] <jief-> everything important runs on either linux or the as400. everything else i don't care, i dont support it hehe
[27-Nov-2007 01:13:55] <murphys_law> last time i checked out linux on i/p series i was shocked at how old everything was. gcc 2.92.3, for christ sakes
[27-Nov-2007 01:14:35] <murphys_law> gcc/glibc wouldn't even build, and there no maintainers for them
[27-Nov-2007 01:14:58] <jief-> im sure IBM will get it working for ya, for the right fees hehe
[27-Nov-2007 01:15:43] <murphys_law> hehe, they probably would. but after i started talking about gcc and glibc versions, they stopped sending sales people
[27-Nov-2007 01:16:45] <monrad> hmm i tought you could run stock power kernel and tools on the pSeries i am getting
[27-Nov-2007 01:17:13] <jief-> i used to work for a bank, we had something like 50 zSeries. now that's power hehe
[27-Nov-2007 01:17:18] <murphys_law> well this was 2004 or so
[27-Nov-2007 01:17:41] <murphys_law> wow 50... those babies have nice uptime, too
[27-Nov-2007 01:18:02] <monrad> well and the phone home if anything goes wrong right?
[27-Nov-2007 01:18:07] <murphys_law> have you heard the urban legend about the Y2K bug and os/390?
[27-Nov-2007 01:18:25] <jief-> i remember someone mentioning it to me
[27-Nov-2007 01:18:30] <jief-> but i dont recall the specifics
[27-Nov-2007 01:19:09] <murphys_law> okay, so IBM brings out a patch for Y2K in 93 or so. It gets installed, and everyone's happy.
[27-Nov-2007 01:20:07] <murphys_law> then in 2000 an app stops working. They call IBM and they scratch their heads, because the patch has been installed. Then the IBM customer support guy asks "wait a minute, you have to reboot the box to apply the patch!"
[27-Nov-2007 01:20:25] <jief-> lol
[27-Nov-2007 01:21:37] <jief-> bummer seems to be issues with check_ldaps

[27-Nov-2007 01:36:04] <murphys_law> File "var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/lib/python/pynetsnmp/netsnmp.py", line 31, in ?
[27-Nov-2007 01:36:05] <murphys_law> aha
[27-Nov-2007 01:36:15] <murphys_law> missing / at the beginning
[27-Nov-2007 01:59:32] <jief-> bye
[27-Nov-2007 03:16:41] Snoop is now known as SnoopAway
[27-Nov-2007 05:24:22] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Handwriting on the Sky - The Fear That Haunts My Dreams - 26 Nov, 08:25AM
[27-Nov-2007 05:24:23] <adytum-bot`> http://glyf.livejournal.com/72862.html
[27-Nov-2007 05:24:24] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[27-Nov-2007 05:24:25] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[27-Nov-2007 09:01:41] SnoopAway is now known as Snoop
[27-Nov-2007 09:02:05] Snoop is now known as Snoop`
[27-Nov-2007 09:02:14] <Snoop`> Hello All
[27-Nov-2007 09:10:08] <Snoop`> is anyone around?
[27-Nov-2007 09:51:51] <xinity_mbp> hy all
[27-Nov-2007 09:53:27] <Snoop`> hej xinity_mbp
[27-Nov-2007 09:53:42] <Snoop`> xinity_mbp: can I ask you a quick q?
[27-Nov-2007 09:53:53] <xinity_mbp> Snoop`: sure you can
[27-Nov-2007 09:54:24] <Snoop`> xinity_mbp: Is there a way to autoupdate the devices... I mean, I had a device in a 89.x network and moved it to a 3.x network but the ip remained the same...
[27-Nov-2007 09:54:36] <Snoop`> I had to readd the device to get it to show "up"
[27-Nov-2007 09:54:43] <Snoop`> is there a cleaner way to do this?
[27-Nov-2007 09:56:35] <xinity_mbp> you can model the device
[27-Nov-2007 09:56:55] <xinity_mbp> on wait for the automatic modeling, which comes ever 6 hours as far as i remember
[27-Nov-2007 09:57:02] <Snoop`> ...kind of a very newbie here... how can I accomplish this?
[27-Nov-2007 12:38:38] murphy is now known as murphys_law
[27-Nov-2007 12:51:21] <Snoop`> murphys_law got time for a quick q? :-)
[27-Nov-2007 14:09:20] <Snoop`> Hej cluther
[27-Nov-2007 14:10:25] <cluther> Morning, Snoop`
[27-Nov-2007 14:12:27] <Snoop`> 4u :-)
[27-Nov-2007 14:45:26] <Snoop`> anybody can suggest some alternatives to snmp for Zenoss?
[27-Nov-2007 14:51:02] <Merciless> Bulwinkle
[27-Nov-2007 14:52:19] <Merciless> bit quiet in here today :/
[27-Nov-2007 14:52:40] <Merciless> im utterly confused why snmp looks to be working but the monitoring system is showing the "up" alarm.. not knowing why
[27-Nov-2007 15:09:03] <Bulwinkle> Merciless:
[27-Nov-2007 15:09:09] <Merciless> Good timing
[27-Nov-2007 15:09:10] <Merciless> =)
[27-Nov-2007 15:11:21] <Bulwinkle> heya cluther
[27-Nov-2007 15:12:09] <Merciless> Any ideas?

[27-Nov-2007 15:14:45] <Merciless> and all goes quiet again haha
[27-Nov-2007 15:20:57] <dball> hello.
[27-Nov-2007 15:21:34] <dball> anyone having problems with zenperfsnmp crashing all the time?
[27-Nov-2007 15:21:35] <Snoop`> hej dball
[27-Nov-2007 15:21:43] <Snoop`> nupp
[27-Nov-2007 15:21:53] <dball> guess it's just me.

[27-Nov-2007 15:22:15] <dball> anyone mind trying to help me resolve it?
[27-Nov-2007 15:24:48] <dball> guess so.
[27-Nov-2007 15:25:24] <Snoop`> I'd love to, but i'm kind of a newbie... don't want to get you on the wrong direction...
[27-Nov-2007 15:25:34] <dball> hehe it's cool dude.
[27-Nov-2007 15:25:57] <dball> it would be nice if my logs showed something about why it crashes, it just stops working.
[27-Nov-2007 15:26:14] <dball> might have to do a full reinstall and restore my data. I just don't realy want to b/c I have about 300-400 devices in there.
[27-Nov-2007 15:27:50] <Snoop`> uhhh
[27-Nov-2007 15:27:54] <Snoop`> a lot of rework
[27-Nov-2007 15:28:07] <dball> yeah.
[27-Nov-2007 15:28:30] <dball> wonder what everyone else i this channel is doing....
[27-Nov-2007 15:28:30] <dball> lol.
[27-Nov-2007 15:30:05] <dball> you might be able to answer this question: What software package is pynetsnmp in?
[27-Nov-2007 15:31:28] <Snoop`> no... I couldn't :-)
[27-Nov-2007 15:33:02] <dball> hehe. it's cool boss. So what're you using zenoss for?
[27-Nov-2007 15:33:04] <Bulwinkle> you there cluther?
[27-Nov-2007 15:33:38] <cluther> Just came back.. in and out.
[27-Nov-2007 15:33:59] <cluther> dball: pynetsnmp is a Zenoss created Python wrapper for netsnmp.
[27-Nov-2007 15:34:23] <cluther> dball: What version are you on? There have been two stability fixes for zenperfsnmp somewhat recently.
[27-Nov-2007 15:34:56] <dball> 2.1.1
[27-Nov-2007 15:35:04] <dball> it just started when i upgraded from 2.1.0
[27-Nov-2007 15:35:53] <dball> i upgraded the day that 2.1.1 was released. anything I need to do to apply these fixes?
[27-Nov-2007 15:36:33] <cluther> dball: hmm.. the changes I'm thinking of were in 2.1.1
[27-Nov-2007 15:36:43] <cluther> dball: What installation method did you use? RPM, source?
[27-Nov-2007 15:36:46] <dball> oh ok.
[27-Nov-2007 15:36:48] <dball> from source.
[27-Nov-2007 15:36:54] <dball> on a suse 10.1 machine.
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:02] <cluther> dball: Do you still have your inst directory?
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:24] <dball> i believe so yes.
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:25] <cluther> or zenossinst.. the one that you ran the ./install.sh from?
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:32] <cluther> Try this..
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:39] <dball> I installed it to a vmware image, so if I need to restore my 2.1.0,i can.
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:43] <dball> ok...
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:46] <cluther> go into that inst directory and run an "svn up"
[27-Nov-2007 15:37:59] <cluther> then "mkdir build" and "make pynetsnmp-install"
[27-Nov-2007 15:38:24] <cluther> That'll get you the latest version of pynetsnmp.
[27-Nov-2007 15:39:00] <dball> ok...doing that now.
[27-Nov-2007 15:39:28] <dball> where is "svn" supposed to be? installed, or in that directory?
[27-Nov-2007 15:42:00] <Snoop`> "localhost.localdomain zenwinmodeler heartbeat failure"
[27-Nov-2007 15:42:06] <Snoop`> any ideas what this means?
[27-Nov-2007 15:42:51] <cluther> dball: Oops.. I thought you got inst out of subversion.
[27-Nov-2007 15:43:05] <dball> naa. i didn't.
[27-Nov-2007 15:44:32] <cluther> Snoop`: It could either mean that the zenwinmodeler daemon stopped or that your zenoss server's hostname changed from localhost.localdomain to something else.
[27-Nov-2007 15:45:02] <dball> cluther: is there any other way to make sure i have the lastest version of pynetsnmp?
[27-Nov-2007 15:46:43] <Snoop`> cool thanks
[27-Nov-2007 15:46:52] <cluther> dball: You could get the inst directory out of svn, then make it out of there.
[27-Nov-2007 15:47:13] <Snoop`> by the way, is there a way to assign owners (people) to devices, so if I pull up the info on a device, I get owner = john doe
[27-Nov-2007 15:48:00] <cluther> Snoop`: Go to the device's menu, choose more then administration.
[27-Nov-2007 15:48:09] <cluther> Snoop`: You can assign administrators there..
[27-Nov-2007 15:48:49] <dball> cluther: alright. thanks for the help. you going to be around in case I run into trouble?

[27-Nov-2007 15:53:05] <Bulwinkle> cluther: are you familiar with Zenoss OSS support pricing?
[27-Nov-2007 15:53:12] <cluther> dball: Hopefully. Just remember that you don't want to do a full install from svn. Just the "make pynetsnmp-install"
[27-Nov-2007 15:53:35] <Snoop`> cluther - perfect
[27-Nov-2007 15:53:45] <Snoop`> could I import using cvs or something this info..
[27-Nov-2007 15:53:49] <Snoop`> I have like 1000 users :-)
[27-Nov-2007 15:55:14] <cluther> Snoop`: You could..
[27-Nov-2007 15:55:26] <Snoop`> one more thing...
[27-Nov-2007 15:55:39] <Snoop`> after I add the user to a device...
[27-Nov-2007 15:55:46] <cluther> Snoop`: http://chet.crashed.net/add_users.txt
[27-Nov-2007 15:55:47] <Snoop`> where do i see what user has what device?
[27-Nov-2007 15:55:49] <Snoop`> cool
[27-Nov-2007 15:55:50] <Snoop`> thanks
[27-Nov-2007 15:56:22] <cluther> Snoop`: Go to the user's preferences and look at their administered objects tab.
[27-Nov-2007 15:56:40] <Snoop`> can this be accomplished from the device page
[27-Nov-2007 15:56:43] <Snoop`> ?
[27-Nov-2007 15:57:14] <cluther> Snoop`: You can look at it in two ways. From the device you see who the administrators are. From the user you see what devices they administer.
[27-Nov-2007 15:58:57] <kgoedtel> is there anything i can try other than clearing my browser cache to get the 2.1.1 ui looking properly, im out of ideas
[27-Nov-2007 15:59:40] <kgoedtel> im not getting cached css and there are no javascript errors
[27-Nov-2007 16:00:03] <cluther> kgoedtel: What looks wrong about it?
[27-Nov-2007 16:00:39] <kgoedtel> it's like missing stylesheets, things like the status tab for a device is completely blown out
[27-Nov-2007 16:01:12] <kgoedtel> like the different severities have no style, and are just a column of numbers on the top left
[27-Nov-2007 16:02:06] <Bulwinkle> anyone know how the links between sites works? I've got some sites up and now I'm looking to get the physical links shown
[27-Nov-2007 16:03:44] <Bulwinkle> also my zenperfsnmp daemon says its failed but it seems to be running fine, any ideas why this could be happening?
[27-Nov-2007 16:04:27] <kgoedtel> nothing in the log?
[27-Nov-2007 16:14:02] Snoop` is now known as SnoopAway
[27-Nov-2007 16:30:24] <cluther> kgoedtel: Are you absolutely sure that you aren't getting cached css? If in Firefox could you hold shift down while clicking on the refresh button in the toolbar?
[27-Nov-2007 16:30:38] <cluther> kgoedtel: I've noticed that shift-f5 doesn't seem to actually force a full reload.
[27-Nov-2007 16:32:14] <kgoedtel> yah im positive, also just tried that, ive cleared all my private data in firefox and viewed zenoss from a machine that has never been there before
[27-Nov-2007 16:34:08] <kgoedtel> it was an upgrade from 2.0.9, so im assuming something went wrong in the process
[27-Nov-2007 16:34:21] <kgoedtel> i followed the upgrade directions in docs
[27-Nov-2007 16:35:15] <kgoedtel> it upgraded ok, but one of the daemons didnt start properly, i ran zenmigrate and now it starts up properly as far as i can tell
[27-Nov-2007 16:45:21] <cluther> kgoedtel: Have you customized any of the css in the past from within Zope?
[27-Nov-2007 16:46:26] <kgoedtel> yes
[27-Nov-2007 16:46:41] <kgoedtel> only for a simple dashboard though
[27-Nov-2007 16:48:50] <cluther> kgoedtel: So if you go into /zport/portal_skins/custom there are no css files in there?
[27-Nov-2007 16:51:45] <kgoedtel> ahh, thats it
[27-Nov-2007 16:51:50] <kgoedtel> you are a life saver
[27-Nov-2007 16:52:16] <kgoedtel> i completely forgot about even having that stuff in custom, as i had abandoned it long ago
[27-Nov-2007 16:54:40] <cluther> glad that was it.

[27-Nov-2007 17:29:59] <Bulwinkle> looks like zenoss isn't drawing all of my dots (sites)... it is connecting lines though
[27-Nov-2007 17:30:27] <Bulwinkle> any ideas?
[27-Nov-2007 17:33:34] <Bulwinkle> seems like the whole map is like a box of chocolates... I never know what is going to draw from one moment to the next
[27-Nov-2007 17:34:25] <Bulwinkle> is there a way to manually update the map?
[27-Nov-2007 17:36:47] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[27-Nov-2007 17:37:02] <dball> bulwinkle: i remember reading about disabling all devices contributing to the lines between sites. did you do that?
[27-Nov-2007 17:37:28] <Bulwinkle> dball: nope, where would I find that option?
[27-Nov-2007 17:38:56] <dball> hang on...lemme look it up.
[27-Nov-2007 17:39:03] <dball> i think it's a zproperty in the device class..
[27-Nov-2007 17:41:48] <dball> found it
[27-Nov-2007 17:42:19] <dball> page 35 of the manual....the zDrawMapsLinks property. It's in the zproperties tab on Network.
[27-Nov-2007 17:42:40] <dball> it says set that to "False".
[27-Nov-2007 17:43:09] <dball> it says set it false for /Networks and se it true for the network where you know a location-spanning WAN connection exists.
[27-Nov-2007 17:43:23] <dball> i guess still from /Networks.
[27-Nov-2007 17:43:30] <dball> I haven't done this yet, but I hope that helps.

[27-Nov-2007 17:43:49] <Bulwinkle> dball: it now shows all of my sites... but it doesn't show the links

[27-Nov-2007 17:44:54] <Bulwinkle> cluther: you have any light to shed on the problem?
[27-Nov-2007 17:45:08] <dball> well the /Networks will diable the links.
[27-Nov-2007 17:45:39] <dball> then you need to go to the specific subnets that contain devices that connect your WANS and set Zdrawmapslinks to true. did yu do that part?
[27-Nov-2007 17:47:14] <Bulwinkle> dball: what section of the manual are you in?
[27-Nov-2007 17:47:25] <dball> page 35
[27-Nov-2007 17:47:42] <dball> ection 5.1.4
[27-Nov-2007 17:47:45] <dball> *section
[27-Nov-2007 17:47:53] <dball> specifically.
[27-Nov-2007 17:48:39] <Bulwinkle> the manual I'm looking at has User management for section 5
[27-Nov-2007 17:49:20] <Bulwinkle> .... got it
[27-Nov-2007 17:49:37] <dball> nice. cool. wierd. my manual just says 5.1.4...
[27-Nov-2007 17:49:49] <dball> you using version 2?
[27-Nov-2007 17:50:49] <Bulwinkle> dball: 2.1.1
[27-Nov-2007 17:51:54] <dball> oh ok.
[27-Nov-2007 17:54:20] <Bulwinkle> dball: I think I can get your suggestion to work for me. Thanks!
[27-Nov-2007 17:57:55] <Bulwinkle> Now I have a dilemma... how am I supposed to show connectivity with an MPLS cloud where I don't manage the cloud?
[27-Nov-2007 17:59:13] <dball> nice.
[27-Nov-2007 17:59:14] <dball> hmm..
[27-Nov-2007 17:59:56] <dball> i have no idea.
[27-Nov-2007 17:59:57] <dball> lol.
[27-Nov-2007 18:00:20] <cluther> Bulwinkle:

[27-Nov-2007 18:00:33] <cluther> Seriously though.. you do it like this.
[27-Nov-2007 18:00:42] <dball> i wanna know too
[27-Nov-2007 18:00:47] <Bulwinkle> cluther: so a non managed device and add the networks that connect to it/
[27-Nov-2007 18:01:10] <cluther> Create a device class called /Network/Cloud and set its zSnmpMonitorIgnore to True.
[27-Nov-2007 18:02:02] <cluther> Add your "MPLS Cloud" device to this device class using a discover protocol of none and the IP address set to the local interface of the router on the remote side of the cloud.
[27-Nov-2007 18:02:27] <cluther> Then like you say, manually add IP interfaces to the cloud device that connect it to the locations.
[27-Nov-2007 18:02:42] <cluther> Make sure you lock these manually created interfaces so they don't get deleted by the modeling process.
[27-Nov-2007 18:03:24] <cluther> You can even add a cool little picture of a cloud to the zIcon property of /Network/Cloud so that it looks nifty on the network map.
[27-Nov-2007 18:03:32] <dball> nice.
[27-Nov-2007 18:03:36] <Bulwinkle> cluther: that makes sense.... Thanks. Any ideas why my "locations" map is totally random? I've followed the instructions in Now it looks like it is drawing all of my locations, but the links aren't always working correctly...
[27-Nov-2007 18:03:38] <dball> that might come in handy.
[27-Nov-2007 18:04:00] <cluther> hmm.. have you cleared the geocache?
[27-Nov-2007 18:04:31] <cluther> Sometimes when you're changing addresses/locations the geocache gets funky data in it.
[27-Nov-2007 18:04:36] <Bulwinkle> cluther: *blank stare* where might I do that? (I've really just gotten back in to this since I left it around 2.0.5)
[27-Nov-2007 18:04:50] <cluther> Go to http://yourzenoss:8080/zport/dmd/manage_propertiesForm
[27-Nov-2007 18:05:00] <cluther> At the bottom you'll find the geocache.. clear it out and save the changes.
[27-Nov-2007 18:06:42] <Bulwinkle> cluther: is there any documentation on what that stores?
[27-Nov-2007 18:08:33] <Bulwinkle> cluther: uh oh... now I can't get in to my Locations

[27-Nov-2007 18:10:01] <Bulwinkle> cluther: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/250306 ...
[27-Nov-2007 18:10:08] <adytum-bot`> Title: Mozilla Pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.mozilla.org)
[27-Nov-2007 18:10:29] <cluther> Bulwinkle: Make sure you never gamble!
[27-Nov-2007 18:11:06] <Bulwinkle> cluther: heheh... never thought listening to you was a gamble

[27-Nov-2007 18:11:27] <cluther> Bulwinkle: Just 100% bad?

[27-Nov-2007 18:11:38] <cluther> Bulwinkle: zopectl stop ; rm $ZENHOME/var/zeo1-1.zec ; zopectl start
[27-Nov-2007 18:11:49] <Bulwinkle> cluther: it feels that way sometimes....
[27-Nov-2007 18:11:52] <cluther> Bulwinkle: You're the incarnation of Murphy's Law.
[27-Nov-2007 18:11:59] <Bulwinkle> cluther: I've built a script to do that

[27-Nov-2007 18:14:15] <Bulwinkle> cluther: that got it. Thanks
[27-Nov-2007 18:14:17] <cluther> The geocache is there because it is the most expensive operation to perform against the google maps api. We don't want to have to do it everytime the map is drawn.
[27-Nov-2007 18:14:35] <cluther> Basically it translates the location names into their actual locations.
[27-Nov-2007 18:14:50] <Bulwinkle> cluther: so while I'm adding locations and whatnot I may need to clear it often/
[27-Nov-2007 18:15:35] <cluther> Bulwinkle: Usually, yes.
[27-Nov-2007 18:15:39] <MoreDakka> cluther: Since you are talking about the geocache right now, how come my map works the first time I clear the cache then I reload the page and it's broken again. Clearing the cache fixes it. Checked all the addresses for odd characters and it's just regular addresses... :-./
[27-Nov-2007 18:15:52] <dball> that's good to know. thanks for having the problem...i guess...not to wish ill-will on you.
[27-Nov-2007 18:16:17] <Bulwinkle> dball: just a cluther, if there is going to be a problem I'm going to find it first
[27-Nov-2007 18:17:24] <dball> man, i'm having the hardest time getting subversion INSTALLED! (no cluther, i still haven't gotten pynetsnmp updated. lol)
[27-Nov-2007 18:17:33] <dball> hehe.
[27-Nov-2007 18:17:51] <Bulwinkle> cluther: how well does the mapping scale? I have about 120 locations, would you say that is a little ambitious?
[27-Nov-2007 18:18:03] <Bulwinkle> dball: what distro?
[27-Nov-2007 18:18:13] <dball> suse server 10.1
[27-Nov-2007 18:18:37] <cluther> Bulwinkle: It scales well if you arrange it hierarchically.
[27-Nov-2007 18:19:40] <Bulwinkle> hierarchically? isn't it supposed to do that?

[27-Nov-2007 18:20:35] <cluther> I just mean that if you have lots of sites you'd want to arrange them like
[27-Nov-2007 18:20:43] <cluther> US
[27-Nov-2007 18:20:48] <cluther> US/Texas
[27-Nov-2007 18:20:53] <cluther> US/Texas/Dallas
[27-Nov-2007 18:20:55] <cluther> etc..
[27-Nov-2007 18:21:11] <cluther> Putting addresses just as specific as the location into each one.
[27-Nov-2007 18:21:18] <cluther> This way you can drill down into sub-locations.
[27-Nov-2007 18:21:33] <MoreDakka> If you click on Texas will it bring you to a new map or will it bring you to the status tab of that location?
[27-Nov-2007 18:21:35] <Bulwinkle> cluther: yeah... guess we can do that.....
[27-Nov-2007 18:21:49] <Bulwinkle> MoreDakka: new map
[27-Nov-2007 18:22:47] <Bulwinkle> cluther: we have several divisions... I may just divide it like that
[27-Nov-2007 18:22:52] <MoreDakka> thnx. Any idea on my geocache issue?
[27-Nov-2007 18:23:20] <cluther> hmm..
[27-Nov-2007 18:25:51] <MoreDakka> Odd...now it's working no problem....cluther did you hack my server and fix something? ;-)
[27-Nov-2007 18:26:12] <cluther> You can't prove anything.

[27-Nov-2007 18:26:20] <MoreDakka> haha
[27-Nov-2007 18:26:24] <MoreDakka> thanks anyways ;-)
[27-Nov-2007 18:28:33] <MoreDakka> Is there a zenpack or a way for Zenoss to monitor for Packet Loss?
[27-Nov-2007 18:30:41] <MoreDakka> cluther: If you setup the locations like you mentioned above. If there is a problem in Dallas will the map turn Texas or US red?
[27-Nov-2007 18:33:25] <cluther> It depends what level you're looking at. Do you have international locations?
[27-Nov-2007 18:34:11] <cluther> MoreDakka: Check out http://community.zenoss.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=13442 for packet loss monitoring
[27-Nov-2007 18:39:28] <Bulwinkle> cluther: alrighty I made that MPLS Cloud device group and put all of my links in it to no avail.... no link lines being drawn
[27-Nov-2007 18:47:07] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[27-Nov-2007 18:47:58] <Bulwinkle> cluther: how do I "lock" these MPLS Devices?
[27-Nov-2007 18:48:55] <cluther> Bulwinkle: The easiest way would be to just remove all of the zCollectorPlugins from the device class.
[27-Nov-2007 18:49:59] <Bulwinkle> cluther: done it.... Now, why the heck isn't it drawing my network lines?
[27-Nov-2007 18:51:51] <Bulwinkle> cluther: When I go in to one of the subnets ( for instance) it shows the router side IP address but not the cloud IP
[27-Nov-2007 18:54:06] <MoreDakka> No international locations, just provence wide so it will be focused on one provence then there will be multiple locations and multiple radios per location.
[27-Nov-2007 18:54:25] <Bulwinkle> cluther: do I have to launch another discovery/
[27-Nov-2007 19:06:10] <dball> YAY. i got subversion installed. Had to compile from source instead of using the rpm.
[27-Nov-2007 20:07:28] <Bulwinkle> can anyone help me with zenperfsnmp? it says that is is failed...
[27-Nov-2007 20:13:37] <dball> welcome to the club
[27-Nov-2007 20:13:44] <dball> does it fail repeatedly?
[27-Nov-2007 20:16:53] <Bulwinkle> dball: it has never not failed. It says it is running in the daemons list but it reports as failed in the event list
[27-Nov-2007 20:29:09] <mot> what's the easiest way to get snmp trap monitoring working with zenoss?
[27-Nov-2007 20:34:31] <Bulwinkle> mot: disable the snmpd and load up your MIBS
[27-Nov-2007 20:34:51] <mot> i have no idea how to do that
[27-Nov-2007 20:44:33] <folke> Anyone out there who is monitoring a microsoft cluster, in this cas a 2 node active/active filecluster
[27-Nov-2007 21:19:20] <Bulwinkle> mot: look in the documentation, its all in there
[27-Nov-2007 21:43:28] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[27-Nov-2007 23:58:12] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[28-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Wed Nov 28 00:00:14 2007]
[28-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Wed Nov 28 00:00:14 2007]
[28-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[28-Nov-2007 00:08:04] <murphys_law> anyone here compiled 2.1.1 on linux from source?
[28-Nov-2007 02:50:14] <dan__t> 'evening, guys.
[28-Nov-2007 02:50:36] <dan__t> Are zenpacks backwards compatible, meaning if a zenpack had a requirement for 2.0, they may still work under 2.1?
[28-Nov-2007 02:56:38] <dan__t> I ask because I'm getting a ton of python errors when trying to install the current zenpack RPM for el5
[28-Nov-2007 02:57:02] <dan__t> Well, no, I lied - only for the MysqlMonitor and HelloWorld packs.
[28-Nov-2007 05:03:48] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[28-Nov-2007 05:03:54] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[28-Nov-2007 05:24:53] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[28-Nov-2007 05:24:54] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[28-Nov-2007 09:03:59] SnoopAway is now known as Snoop`
[28-Nov-2007 09:04:12] <Snoop`> Morning All
[28-Nov-2007 09:48:23] Snoop` is now known as SnoopAway
[28-Nov-2007 10:59:05] <punkpussy> Hi
[28-Nov-2007 11:00:24] <punkpussy> I changed my user email settings to "steven@zenoss.mydomain.com" but I still receive the messages at "steven@mydomain.com". I cannot seem to find where exactly I specified this. Any ideas?
[28-Nov-2007 11:05:01] <Merciless> Was Hayes a real person? If so I'd love to go back in time and punch him
[28-Nov-2007 14:05:03] <jsm> this is very odd.. zenoss is sending me alerts that "nano" isn't running on a system.. i was never monitoring this process, so I'm not sure why it's complaining..
[28-Nov-2007 14:19:44] <Bulwinkle> jsm: never seen that one before
[28-Nov-2007 14:32:00] <murphys_law> does zenoss have its own CVS tree outside of sourceforge?
[28-Nov-2007 15:14:57] <Nathandelane> Is the installation and configuration of Zenoss compared to Nagios or OpenNMS simpler, equally complex, or more difficult?
[28-Nov-2007 15:20:51] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[28-Nov-2007 15:23:37] <murphys_law> Nathandelane: tough question
[28-Nov-2007 15:23:54] <murphys_law> what platform, what environment?
[28-Nov-2007 15:24:06] <murphys_law> what are the requirements?
[28-Nov-2007 15:27:41] <Nathandelane> Ubuntu server 7.10/7.04 - Mostly Windows XP/Server 2003 network - We want to monitor HTTP, Exchange, SNMP readable sources, and whether or not specific websites are up - we'd also like to gather performance statistics but that is ancillary to our requirements and we could do without that for an open source system.
[28-Nov-2007 15:30:52] <Nathandelane> I've had problems with configuring the part where we test whether a specific website is up in both OpenNMS and Nagios - it's not very straight forward
[28-Nov-2007 15:47:58] <murphys_law> there are debian pkgs for zenoss, and am sure there are for nagios, so may want to try if those work for you on ubuntu.
[28-Nov-2007 15:49:11] <murphys_law> as for compiling your own, i'm having issues on linux gentoo & solaris right now, so not sure how to proceed, am tempted to run a ubuntu or debian in vmware just to see if that works
[28-Nov-2007 15:49:23] <Nathandelane> Thanks, nagios was perfectly installable and I am positive I can install zenoss - the post install configuration is where I am having trouble (not to be confused with the configure script).
[28-Nov-2007 15:50:21] <murphys_law> differences between the two... well i saw zenoss and groundworks (latter is an enterprise packaging of nagios) and i have to say zenoss looked much more enterprise ready
[28-Nov-2007 15:51:39] <Nathandelane> Would you say then that zenoss is simple to configure/has the ability to check whether a certain webpage is accessible, following redirects, from the zenoss host?
[28-Nov-2007 15:52:28] <murphys_law> zenoss has a tool that allows you to "replay" transactions on http and record timings etc, so you can do end to end monitoring like with Gomez and Nimbus
[28-Nov-2007 15:53:12] <Nathandelane> hmm ok, well thank you murphys_law. I will give zenoss a try.
[28-Nov-2007 15:53:16] <murphys_law> basically both nagios and zenoss should allow you to put anything scriptable in there and time it
[28-Nov-2007 15:53:38] <murphys_law> wish i could get it to run so I could see for myself though

[28-Nov-2007 15:54:02] <Nathandelane> have you been unable to get it installed correctly?
[28-Nov-2007 15:54:30] <murphys_law> that's right, after compilation it won't start on me. i filed a bug but i have no clue if i'm the only one trying to install from source
[28-Nov-2007 15:54:51] <Nathandelane> It's perl-based, right?
[28-Nov-2007 15:54:55] <murphys_law> python
[28-Nov-2007 15:55:14] <murphys_law> and i have very little experience with python
[28-Nov-2007 15:55:27] <Nathandelane> what linux distro are you running?
[28-Nov-2007 15:55:42] <murphys_law> gentoo, it's my home box. at work it's solaris. get same error on both
[28-Nov-2007 15:56:02] <Nathandelane> okay, well I'll have to see how Ubuntu handles it
[28-Nov-2007 15:56:12] <murphys_law> let us know

[28-Nov-2007 15:56:24] <Nathandelane> will do - thanks. bye
[28-Nov-2007 16:11:21] <Bulwinkle> anyone have problems with missing data files? I'm getting it on all of my devices....
[28-Nov-2007 16:50:58] <klinstifen> hello
[28-Nov-2007 16:51:11] <klinstifen> anyone have success implementing the ApacheMonitor zenpack?
[28-Nov-2007 16:56:17] <kgoedtel> yah apache zenpack works just fine for me
[28-Nov-2007 17:00:04] <klinstifen> ok great...are you running EL 4 or 5?
[28-Nov-2007 17:02:53] <kgoedtel> CentOS 5
[28-Nov-2007 17:06:59] <klinstifen> alright, well i'm trying to get it to work but my rrd's aren't being created
[28-Nov-2007 17:07:23] <klinstifen> if i run a zentestcommand i get output which seems to be right
[28-Nov-2007 17:07:29] <klinstifen> however the rrd's wont generate
[28-Nov-2007 17:07:54] <klinstifen> did you have to do anything special after zenpack --install Apachexxx?
[28-Nov-2007 17:09:46] <kgoedtel> well you need to make sure that the server-status page is accessible wherever it is looking, did you do that?
[28-Nov-2007 17:10:11] <klinstifen> yeah
[28-Nov-2007 17:10:33] <klinstifen> i can get there from my zenoss server
[28-Nov-2007 17:11:44] <kgoedtel> what do you see in your perf tab?
[28-Nov-2007 17:11:53] <kgoedtel> blank graphs? or no graphs
[28-Nov-2007 17:11:56] <kgoedtel> ?
[28-Nov-2007 17:12:55] <klinstifen> no graphs for 3 of the apache graphs except cpu utilization....that has a graph because of the threshold, but it says missing data file
[28-Nov-2007 17:13:29] <kgoedtel> im pretty sure your template is configured wrong then
[28-Nov-2007 17:13:40] <klinstifen> ok
[28-Nov-2007 17:13:43] <kgoedtel> either the host doesnt work
[28-Nov-2007 17:13:59] <kgoedtel> or the server-status page cant be found where it is looking
[28-Nov-2007 17:14:57] <kgoedtel> those are really the only 2 important things that need to be addresses to ensure that it works
[28-Nov-2007 17:14:59] <klinstifen> zentestcommand -d mydevice --datasource=apache spits out data that though.. is that independent of the overall template?
[28-Nov-2007 17:17:26] <kgoedtel> yah i dunno, if you have some other problem its something i havent encountered before
[28-Nov-2007 17:17:56] <klinstifen> is there a way to echo back what ${dev/manageIp} is ?
[28-Nov-2007 17:18:16] <klinstifen> maybe that field is incorrect?
[28-Nov-2007 17:18:36] <kgoedtel> you can see it in the device status tab
[28-Nov-2007 17:19:00] <klinstifen> alright that's what i figured it was which is right in this case
[28-Nov-2007 17:19:18] <kgoedtel> for me i had to manually change my host, since i run httpd on a virtual interface
[28-Nov-2007 17:19:38] <kgoedtel> or rather, it is listening on a virtual interface
[28-Nov-2007 17:20:28] <kgoedtel> so if you go to Apache Host+Status URL it works?
[28-Nov-2007 17:20:39] <kgoedtel> im assuming it does since testcommand works
[28-Nov-2007 17:21:50] <klinstifen> yeah...i just have console on the box so i go "elinks serverip/server-status?auto" and i get the page
[28-Nov-2007 17:22:04] <klinstifen> also tried hostname/server-status?auto and that works too
[28-Nov-2007 17:22:19] <kgoedtel> weird
[28-Nov-2007 17:22:24] <klinstifen> yeah
[28-Nov-2007 17:23:50] <kgoedtel> if you go into the apache data source, you see a list of DataPoints?
[28-Nov-2007 17:24:34] <klinstifen> yeah 13 of them
[28-Nov-2007 17:24:43] <klinstifen> bytesPerReq - slotWaiting
[28-Nov-2007 17:25:32] <klinstifen> ls
[28-Nov-2007 17:28:08] <klinstifen> just tried adding the template to a different box
[28-Nov-2007 17:28:15] <klinstifen> we'll see what happens
[28-Nov-2007 17:28:32] <kgoedtel> the only other thing i can think of checking is your logs
[28-Nov-2007 17:29:10] <klinstifen> which ones would have info about this? the zencommand daemon would be the one responsible for actually executing it, right?
[28-Nov-2007 18:10:38] <klinstifen> Ok, that didn't work...still no graphs.
[28-Nov-2007 18:10:54] <AcidTonic> wondering if anyone has came across an error in the python logging module that catches the zenoss exception so the stacktrace contains no zenoss code?
[28-Nov-2007 18:10:57] <klinstifen> very odd...
[28-Nov-2007 18:11:44] <klinstifen> not i
[28-Nov-2007 18:12:35] <AcidTonic> http://pastebin.com/m34207b25
[28-Nov-2007 18:12:42] <adytum-bot`> Title: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)
[28-Nov-2007 18:13:11] <AcidTonic> its happening when I try to run zenmodeler run -v10 --force
[28-Nov-2007 18:13:37] <AcidTonic> after snmp times out I get that error
[28-Nov-2007 18:13:59] <AcidTonic> and I found some info about that issue here
[28-Nov-2007 18:14:00] <AcidTonic> http://www.dbforums.com/archive/index.php/t-1407959.html
[28-Nov-2007 18:14:13] <AcidTonic> appears to be a design issue with the python logging class
[28-Nov-2007 18:14:15] <adytum-bot`> Title: Controlling exception handling of logging module [Archive] - dBforums (at www.dbforums.com)
[28-Nov-2007 18:14:31] <AcidTonic> it eats up the exception so my stack trace tells me nothing about where it came from
[28-Nov-2007 18:15:12] <AcidTonic> except this time it applies to logging within zenoss, and I'm not sure how to proceed to squash this bug
[28-Nov-2007 18:16:44] <AcidTonic> any ideas would be awesome considering I'm trying to roll out zenoss across a fairly large company with around 7000 hosts
[28-Nov-2007 18:17:30] <AcidTonic> klinstifen, were actual humans talking in here before I joined? This place is always dead everytime I've came here
[28-Nov-2007 18:19:14] <klinstifen> Umm yeah, one other guy
[28-Nov-2007 18:19:23] <klinstifen> and it took some time before he replied
[28-Nov-2007 18:19:29] <klinstifen> but yeah, it's pretty quiet in here
[28-Nov-2007 18:19:43] <AcidTonic> yeah this place sucks, pointless to mention on the website that people actually get help here
[28-Nov-2007 18:20:00] <klinstifen> but look at all the people that are in here
[28-Nov-2007 18:20:01] <klinstifen> sigh
[28-Nov-2007 18:20:12] <AcidTonic> I've been eager to help and submit patches, but cant even get a tiny bit of assistance
[28-Nov-2007 18:20:38] <AcidTonic> I've patched every issue I've came across so far. But this one is going to suck because the stacktrace is 100% pointless
[28-Nov-2007 18:20:51] <kgoedtel> this place can be quite helpful
[28-Nov-2007 18:20:57] <kgoedtel> a dev was here yesterday
[28-Nov-2007 18:21:09] <kgoedtel> it's just not 'fast' :]
[28-Nov-2007 18:21:17] <kgoedtel> patience is definitely a virtue
[28-Nov-2007 18:21:29] <AcidTonic> patience = money
[28-Nov-2007 18:21:40] <kgoedtel> money = buy support
[28-Nov-2007 18:21:44] <MoreDakka> haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:21:45] <kgoedtel> take your pick
[28-Nov-2007 18:21:48] <AcidTonic> yeah i knew that was coming
[28-Nov-2007 18:22:07] <AcidTonic> you guys always go right to the pony up response
[28-Nov-2007 18:22:30] <AcidTonic> but many open source projects do provide some support to non paying customers.
[28-Nov-2007 18:22:30] <klinstifen> you mentioned money and two people responded
[28-Nov-2007 18:22:36] <klinstifen> guess that's the trick
[28-Nov-2007 18:22:56] <kgoedtel> hey, i just run zenoss like you guys, i'm just saying
[28-Nov-2007 18:23:10] <kgoedtel> i don't expect stellar free spoon-fed support
[28-Nov-2007 18:23:18] <AcidTonic> just because you profit with a paid version, doesnt mean you need to 100% stop supporting the free version
[28-Nov-2007 18:23:19] <MoreDakka> I think it's the fact that he is looking for an instant response for free.
[28-Nov-2007 18:23:29] <kgoedtel> MoreDakka: right.
[28-Nov-2007 18:23:29] <MoreDakka> omg...hahah
[28-Nov-2007 18:24:07] <MoreDakka> AcidTonic: There is lots of support but the free stuff is quite a lot slower then the paid stuff....for good reason.
[28-Nov-2007 18:24:28] <AcidTonic> whatever, I'll keep those patches to myself. I might submit them in about 6 months.
[28-Nov-2007 18:24:37] <kgoedtel> ...
[28-Nov-2007 18:24:39] <MoreDakka> omg
[28-Nov-2007 18:24:40] <AcidTonic> after all. free patches are slow
[28-Nov-2007 18:24:41] <MoreDakka> wow
[28-Nov-2007 18:24:56] <AcidTonic> yeah wow... ooo you guys dont like that do you
[28-Nov-2007 18:25:04] <MoreDakka> You probably get mad whens someone only does 10 over in the fast lane.
[28-Nov-2007 18:25:28] <AcidTonic> it goes both ways for you, but if you dont pay me I'm still supposed to be fast.....
[28-Nov-2007 18:25:31] <kgoedtel> zenoss devs, and community are 2 quite different things.
[28-Nov-2007 18:26:24] <AcidTonic> yeah and I hate the idea that you wont help us without cash, yet when we mention we might submit patches to help you fuckers make money FOR FREE you still want us to pay to get any kind of direction.
[28-Nov-2007 18:26:24] <kgoedtel> i only get mad when someone goes the same speed in the left lane as the right lane
[28-Nov-2007 18:26:26] <kgoedtel> :]
[28-Nov-2007 18:26:54] <kgoedtel> AcidTonic: you are barking up the wrong tree
[28-Nov-2007 18:26:55] <MoreDakka> So go to a Windows platform then.
[28-Nov-2007 18:26:58] <MoreDakka> no kidding
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:11] <MoreDakka> This.....all around you right now....this is the community.
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:20] <AcidTonic> no
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:21] <MoreDakka> The devs come in sometimes.
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:26] <AcidTonic> its logged and their devs come in
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:39] <kgoedtel> AcidTonic: you obviously don't idle here
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:39] <MoreDakka> Actually the devs come in quite often.
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:47] <MoreDakka> but they aren't here now.
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:57] <kgoedtel> or maybe you are just too young to understand the concept of IRC
[28-Nov-2007 18:27:59] <MoreDakka> I'm sure they'll take your free complaint to heart.
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:04] <AcidTonic> too young
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:05] <AcidTonic> haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:09] <MoreDakka> or too old.
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:18] <kgoedtel> or too senile ?
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:23] <MoreDakka> haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:33] <AcidTonic> I'm getting paid full time to work on zenoss integration for a fortune 500 company
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:46] <AcidTonic> I have done so much in the way of patching its not even funny
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:50] <MoreDakka> Maybe your fortune 500 company can buy support?
[28-Nov-2007 18:28:54] <kgoedtel> and you haven't purchased support. congratulations
[28-Nov-2007 18:29:02] <AcidTonic> I've also diffed and documented everything I've touched
[28-Nov-2007 18:29:28] <MoreDakka> kgoedtel, I don't think we are getting through the thick skull
[28-Nov-2007 18:29:37] <AcidTonic> hell I even wanted to help out. but all you open source as a business model companies are all the same
[28-Nov-2007 18:29:45] <kgoedtel> yah, quite futile it seems
[28-Nov-2007 18:29:53] <AcidTonic> you cripple your free support so people pay for "enterprise" support
[28-Nov-2007 18:29:58] <MoreDakka> It's fun reading his babble though.
[28-Nov-2007 18:30:05] <kgoedtel> quite entertaining!
[28-Nov-2007 18:30:09] <kgoedtel> this made my day
[28-Nov-2007 18:30:18] <MoreDakka> he is like "BLAH BLAH BLAH" to me...hahah
[28-Nov-2007 18:30:45] <AcidTonic> what im saying is that oss projects without "pay" versions seem to be WAY better at free support
[28-Nov-2007 18:30:52] <MoreDakka> "I'm angry cause my fortune 500 company won't purchase monitoring software and I have to wait for free support"....BLAH BLAH BLAH
[28-Nov-2007 18:31:16] <AcidTonic> no I'm getting paid to fix this project and help the community
[28-Nov-2007 18:31:33] <kgoedtel> uhh
[28-Nov-2007 18:31:40] <MoreDakka> heheh
[28-Nov-2007 18:31:42] <kgoedtel> ok, how have you contributed?
[28-Nov-2007 18:31:52] <MoreDakka> By complaining about the free support....duhhh
[28-Nov-2007 18:32:05] <AcidTonic> well I have a patches folder with about 40 diffs
[28-Nov-2007 18:32:14] <kgoedtel> oh right, we need more politics to make zenoss work better... i forgot
[28-Nov-2007 18:32:20] <MoreDakka> haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:32:29] <AcidTonic> your attitude is always pay pay pay
[28-Nov-2007 18:32:34] <MoreDakka> hahah
[28-Nov-2007 18:32:47] <kgoedtel> 40 diffs! incredible. at 3 lines each, thats like half a days work
[28-Nov-2007 18:32:52] <MoreDakka> your attitude is "Give me free support FASTER"
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:02] <kgoedtel> i don't pay and i don't plan to pay
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:09] <kgoedtel> but i also dont plan to bitch
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:11] <AcidTonic> and since I'm not required to submit patches, I figured I'd be nice and do so. but no one here has ever attempted to help
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:22] <AcidTonic> even a tiny bit of help
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:31] <AcidTonic> and I would have submitted all kinds of fixes
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:31] <MoreDakka> Cause you bitch and complain about the lack of free support too much.
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:35] <AcidTonic> no
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:41] <AcidTonic> because no one ever has got around to helping
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:50] <MoreDakka> What are the last 50 lines you wrote in the IRC....bitching and complaining.
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:55] <MoreDakka> Post it in the forums.
[28-Nov-2007 18:33:59] <MoreDakka> seriously.
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:12] <MoreDakka> free != fast
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:22] <AcidTonic> fast should be better than 3 weeks though
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:32] <kgoedtel> have you posted your problem in the forum?
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:35] <kgoedtel> link.
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:42] <MoreDakka> Well I recieved help yesterday...no problems...no bitching.
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:43] <AcidTonic> nope
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:47] <kgoedtel> ok, so go away.
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:56] <MoreDakka> AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREEE.
[28-Nov-2007 18:34:56] <AcidTonic> you list irc as valid support on the site
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:02] <MoreDakka> It is.
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:05] <kgoedtel> *I* do?
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:05] <AcidTonic> appears not
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:06] <MoreDakka> so are the forums.
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:24] <AcidTonic> yeah you guys are all pissy now. well I'm going to keep working on this and my patches will stay with me once again
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:31] <MoreDakka> hahah
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:37] <MoreDakka> <- Community.
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:38] <AcidTonic> cheers, and have fun recreating shit I've fixed

[28-Nov-2007 18:35:40] <AcidTonic> peace
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:42] <MoreDakka> hahahah
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:44] <MoreDakka> omg
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:51] <kgoedtel> hilarity ensues.
[28-Nov-2007 18:35:56] <MoreDakka> hahahahha
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:06] <MoreDakka> have you ever seen him in this chat room before>?
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:10] <kgoedtel> nope
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:13] <MoreDakka> hha
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:15] <kgoedtel> and ive been in here for months
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:19] <MoreDakka> instant support needed NOW.
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:21] <MoreDakka> haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:25] <MoreDakka> free
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:27] <MoreDakka> omg.
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:28] <klinstifen> that was great
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:32] <klinstifen> and this is my first time in here
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:35] <MoreDakka> He hasn't worked with Linux for very long then.
[28-Nov-2007 18:36:41] <kgoedtel> obviously
[28-Nov-2007 18:37:12] <kgoedtel> if you don't want to do a lot of it yourself, don't run it.
[28-Nov-2007 18:37:17] <MoreDakka> yep.
[28-Nov-2007 18:37:28] <MoreDakka> I've been fighting with zenoss since 1.1.1
[28-Nov-2007 18:37:45] <kgoedtel> i mostly just play with it
[28-Nov-2007 18:37:58] <MoreDakka> yeah.....1.1.1 is actually very stable..
[28-Nov-2007 18:38:11] <MoreDakka> with a couple problems...just the zenmodeler
[28-Nov-2007 18:39:36] <MoreDakka> Ha....11:13 he posted his problem. 11:21 his first complaint ;-) haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:39:48] <MoreDakka> 8 minute wait time.
[28-Nov-2007 18:41:12] <kgoedtel> drive-through support
[28-Nov-2007 18:41:17] <MoreDakka> haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:42:34] <MoreDakka> I really liked his comment "I'm getting paid to fix this project and help the community"....haha
[28-Nov-2007 18:42:49] <MoreDakka> Anyways...I'm not going to talk about that anymore....no matter how funny it was.
[28-Nov-2007 18:43:05] <kgoedtel> but he has diffs!
[28-Nov-2007 18:43:11] <kgoedtel> patches for the masses
[28-Nov-2007 18:43:23] <MoreDakka> nice rhyme
[28-Nov-2007 18:54:29] <MoreDakka> Anyone know why when I put a check_ping command into the /Device/device template zencommand issued a "INFO zen.zencommand: Deleting command " on each device it would have applied to?
[28-Nov-2007 18:54:38] <MoreDakka> No, I don't need instant support either ;-)
[28-Nov-2007 18:59:06] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[28-Nov-2007 20:03:09] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[28-Nov-2007 21:30:44] <klinstifen> anyone in here have the ApacheMonitor working successfully?
[28-Nov-2007 21:31:11] <klinstifen> for those that were in here earlier...I dug a little deeper and can actually execute the check_apache.py successfully
[28-Nov-2007 21:31:28] <klinstifen> but rrd files still aren't being created for the device
[28-Nov-2007 21:31:51] <klinstifen> anyone have an idea on how i can actually test the creation of just the rrd file to rule out permission issues and the like?
[28-Nov-2007 21:41:03] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[28-Nov-2007 21:43:46] <MoreDakka> I've tried it but I can't get it working.
[28-Nov-2007 21:44:21] <monrad> is there a way to get events if events "flaps"
[28-Nov-2007 21:44:53] <monrad> like we dont get any an message if a link flaps for ~1 sec
[28-Nov-2007 21:44:54] <MoreDakka> Wait...I lie.
[28-Nov-2007 21:44:58] <MoreDakka> I got it somewhat working.
[28-Nov-2007 21:52:40] Spec is now known as x-spec-t
[28-Nov-2007 22:10:50] <MoreDakka> :-/ Why isn't zenoss 2.1.1 running my template command grrrrr.
[28-Nov-2007 22:11:00] <MoreDakka> Anyone know why when I put a check_ping command into the /Device/device template zencommand issued a "INFO zen.zencommand: Deleting command " on each device it would have applied to?
[28-Nov-2007 22:13:32] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[28-Nov-2007 22:29:35] <murphys_law> about some of the earlier discussion... i *would* pay, if I can get it compiled first so I can show management the nice spiffy graphs

[28-Nov-2007 22:29:59] <MoreDakka> hehe...that was a fun conversation
[28-Nov-2007 22:30:43] <murphys_law> seriously though, 2.1.1 compiles for me now on solaris, but i get the same issue on solaris and linux now
[28-Nov-2007 22:31:26] <MoreDakka> I just wanna know how to get my template freakin' working :-/
[28-Nov-2007 22:31:46] <MoreDakka> Trying to get the Packet Loss RRD graph going.
[28-Nov-2007 22:32:04] <murphys_law> compiled from source? or using an rpm?
[28-Nov-2007 22:32:14] <MoreDakka> for me? rpm on CentOS 5
[28-Nov-2007 22:32:33] <MoreDakka> I'm a Linux newb and I break things if I try to compile from source.
[28-Nov-2007 22:32:37] <murphys_law> well if i ever get it compiled right i can try and help you

[28-Nov-2007 22:32:41] <MoreDakka> hehe
[28-Nov-2007 22:41:48] <darkhorse> it is better to use the RPM anyway as it is build for CentOS / RHEL
[28-Nov-2007 22:41:55] <darkhorse> ~built
[28-Nov-2007 22:58:36] <murphys_law> sure, but i don't have the luxury
[28-Nov-2007 23:00:22] <murphys_law> so when INSTALL.txt says python 2.4, does that mean I can't have python 2.4 ?
[28-Nov-2007 23:01:12] <murphys_law> err i mean can't i have 2.4.4 ?
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:06] <progma> murphys_law: 2.4.4 is fine
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:16] <murphys_law> ok thanks
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:55] <murphys_law> so has anyone here compiled 2.1.1 from source?
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:59] <murphys_law> Traceback (most recent call last):
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:59] <murphys_law> File "/var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/Products/ZenRRD/zenprocess.py", line 33, in ?
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:59] <murphys_law> from pynetsnmp.twistedsnmp import AgentProxy
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:59] <murphys_law> File "var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/lib/python/pynetsnmp/twistedsnmp.py", line 1, in ?
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:59] <murphys_law> File "var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/lib/python/pynetsnmp/netsnmp.py", line 31, in ?
[28-Nov-2007 23:02:59] <murphys_law> File "/var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/Products/ZenRRD/__init__.py", line 325, in __getattr__
[28-Nov-2007 23:03:01] <murphys_law> File "/var/zenoss/2.1.1/zenoss/Products/ZenRRD/__init__.py", line 330, in __getitem__
[28-Nov-2007 23:03:03] <murphys_law> AttributeError: ld.so.1: python: fatal: netsnmp_get_version: can't find symbol
[28-Nov-2007 23:03:06] <murphys_law> that's my error on linux and solaris
[28-Nov-2007 23:03:25] <progma> murphys_law: do you have multiple python installs
[28-Nov-2007 23:04:07] <murphys_law> progma: on linux, no. on solaris, yes. same error
[28-Nov-2007 23:04:09] <progma> i've got a 2.0.6 source install
[28-Nov-2007 23:05:10] <murphys_law> hmm, may be worth trying that one
[28-Nov-2007 23:16:36] <murphys_law> is there a way to access zenoss cvs?
[28-Nov-2007 23:55:06] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[29-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Thu Nov 29 00:00:14 2007]
[29-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Thu Nov 29 00:00:14 2007]
[29-Nov-2007 00:00:17] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[29-Nov-2007 02:53:23] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[29-Nov-2007 02:53:32] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[29-Nov-2007 05:03:47] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[29-Nov-2007 05:03:53] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[29-Nov-2007 05:25:26] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[29-Nov-2007 05:25:27] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[29-Nov-2007 05:25:28] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs) - blameall.py
[29-Nov-2007 05:25:29] <adytum-bot`> http://www.pythonware.com/daily/#entry6710665393929991652
[29-Nov-2007 11:14:46] <incorrect> hello, what python lib does zenoss use to talk snmp?
[29-Nov-2007 13:35:23] <klinstifen> any developers in here?
[29-Nov-2007 14:10:31] <klinstifen> hrmm, anyone ever run into a problem binding templates? i just rebooted zenoss server, after removing some zenpacks, and now all i get is a loading screen when attempting to bind a template
[29-Nov-2007 14:23:27] <klinstifen> fixed it
[29-Nov-2007 14:23:31] <klinstifen> had to delete the cahce
[29-Nov-2007 14:23:33] <klinstifen> *cahce
[29-Nov-2007 14:23:40] <klinstifen> ok, guess i can't spell today
[29-Nov-2007 14:24:06] <klinstifen> anyways, for the records, did the following:
[29-Nov-2007 14:24:14] <klinstifen> zopectl stop
[29-Nov-2007 14:24:24] <klinstifen> rm $ZENHOME/var/zeo1-1.zec
[29-Nov-2007 14:24:29] <klinstifen> zopectl start
[29-Nov-2007 14:24:54] <klinstifen> now I get the list of templates when I try to bind
[29-Nov-2007 14:36:57] <Bulwinkle> klinstifen: what was the problem you had (for my own mental record)/
[29-Nov-2007 14:37:25] <klinstifen> i mentioned it just before you entered the room
[29-Nov-2007 14:37:27] <klinstifen> it was:
[29-Nov-2007 14:37:38] <Snoop`> Hi All
[29-Nov-2007 14:37:39] <klinstifen> "hrmm, anyone ever run into a problem binding templates? i just rebooted zenoss server, after removing some zenpacks, and now all i get is a loading screen when attempting to bind a template"
[29-Nov-2007 14:38:07] <klinstifen> hiya
[29-Nov-2007 14:38:16] <Bulwinkle> I dont understand "binding templates"...
[29-Nov-2007 14:38:51] <klinstifen> when you go to the Device -> More -> Templates
[29-Nov-2007 14:39:10] <klinstifen> then you choose which Performance Template you want by "Bind Template"
[29-Nov-2007 14:40:11] <klinstifen> when i clicked that i would just get a "loading" screen
[29-Nov-2007 14:40:18] <klinstifen> so i cleared the cache and that did the trick
[29-Nov-2007 14:40:23] <klinstifen> now i get my list of templates
[29-Nov-2007 14:41:17] <Bulwinkle> klinstifen: yeah... now I understand. "When in doubt delete the cache" is my coined phrase.
[29-Nov-2007 14:41:53] <klinstifen> yeah..i had to do that before too
[29-Nov-2007 14:41:59] <klinstifen> can't remember why tho
[29-Nov-2007 14:42:09] <klinstifen> now if only i could get this ApacheMonitor to work
[29-Nov-2007 14:46:24] <klinstifen> Bulwinkle: have you used the ApacheMonitor?
[29-Nov-2007 14:46:33] <Bulwinkle> klinstifen: nope....
[29-Nov-2007 14:46:50] <klinstifen> Bulwinkle: sigh. ok
[29-Nov-2007 15:00:31] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[29-Nov-2007 15:47:09] <MoreDakka> Anyone know why when I put a check_ping command into the /Device/device template zencommand issued a "INFO zen.zencommand: Deleting command " on each device it would have applied to?
[29-Nov-2007 16:33:55] x-spec-t is now known as Spec
[29-Nov-2007 17:52:02] <Jeremiah-R> Has anyone had an issue with devices always showing 100% availability even when the device has been down or is currently down?
[29-Nov-2007 17:54:34] <PerlStalker> How can I get zenoss to ignore certain events where the eventClass is not unknown?
[29-Nov-2007 17:55:55] <Jeremiah-R> map it to an event class and set it to discard maybe?
[29-Nov-2007 17:56:08] <PerlStalker> I also cannont find the event mapping.
[29-Nov-2007 17:56:59] <Jeremiah-R> hmm is it an eventClass that zenoss already knows about? the one you want to ignore
[29-Nov-2007 17:57:30] <PerlStalker> Zenoss claims that it is /HW/Network but I don't see a mapping there anywhere.
[29-Nov-2007 17:58:29] <Jeremiah-R> How is the event coming in?
[29-Nov-2007 17:59:15] <PerlStalker> Ahh, looks like it's coming from syslog.
[29-Nov-2007 17:59:20] <Jeremiah-R> hmm
[29-Nov-2007 18:00:32] <Jeremiah-R> if it is syslog and being identified as that class I would think something would have to be classifying it that way. Do the properties of the event give any clues?
[29-Nov-2007 18:01:25] <PerlStalker> The agent is zensyslog so I'm pretty sure I'm seeing a "Real" syslog message.
[29-Nov-2007 18:02:40] <PerlStalker> Is there a way to tell zensyslog to ignore certain messages?
[29-Nov-2007 18:02:50] <Jeremiah-R> what is the eventClassKey?
[29-Nov-2007 18:03:01] <Jeremiah-R> not that I have seen
[29-Nov-2007 18:03:18] <PerlStalker> eventClassKey => kernel
[29-Nov-2007 18:03:48] <Jeremiah-R> There is a kernel mapping in /HW/Network
[29-Nov-2007 18:03:51] <Jeremiah-R> well on mine there is
[29-Nov-2007 18:04:21] <PerlStalker> I'm looking in there but there and I see the kernel mapping
[29-Nov-2007 18:04:56] <Jeremiah-R> if the eventClassKey = Kernel, pretty sure it is going to identify it as /HW/Network
[29-Nov-2007 18:05:03] <Jeremiah-R> I dont see any more specifics given on that mapping.
[29-Nov-2007 18:06:46] <Jeremiah-R> and looks like only 2 mappings for kernel in the system, but the other one has a qualifier
[29-Nov-2007 18:08:33] <PerlStalker> I think I found it.
[29-Nov-2007 18:08:43] <Jeremiah-R> nice
[29-Nov-2007 18:08:55] <PerlStalker> I have to create a new mapping under /Ignore with the same key
[29-Nov-2007 18:09:13] <Jeremiah-R> yeah that should do it
[29-Nov-2007 18:09:27] <PerlStalker> Then change the sequence to it's above the /HW/Network event.
[29-Nov-2007 18:09:46] <Jeremiah-R> or add a more specific qualifier
[29-Nov-2007 18:10:44] <Jeremiah-R> anyone have any ideas or experience with availability always showing as 100% even when a device has been down or is currently down?
[29-Nov-2007 18:10:59] <PerlStalker> I've never seen that.
[29-Nov-2007 18:11:35] <Jeremiah-R> hah, I must be special then

[29-Nov-2007 18:11:47] <PerlStalker> Excellent
[29-Nov-2007 18:12:11] <Jeremiah-R> well not when I know one device is down every night all night
[29-Nov-2007 18:12:54] <Jeremiah-R> I havent seen anything about it in the forum so I'm puzzling over it...
[29-Nov-2007 18:14:18] <Akira00> i'm getting this error
[29-Nov-2007 18:14:18] <Akira00> Type: ProgrammingError
[29-Nov-2007 18:14:18] <Akira00> Value: (1146, "Table 'events.detail' doesn't exist")
[29-Nov-2007 18:14:43] <PerlStalker> Sounds like you have a table name wrong somewhere.
[29-Nov-2007 18:15:06] <Jeremiah-R> when clicking on the properties of an event?
[29-Nov-2007 18:15:13] <Akira00> i get this error when i try to view detailed information about an event
[29-Nov-2007 18:15:19] <Jeremiah-R> hmm on all events?
[29-Nov-2007 18:15:27] <Akira00> ya all events
[29-Nov-2007 18:15:36] <Jeremiah-R> did the MySQL setup go ok when installing?
[29-Nov-2007 18:16:00] <Akira00> at first it didn't.. i didn't have a blank root pw
[29-Nov-2007 18:16:14] <Akira00> i changed the pw, touched the install.py and install went fine
[29-Nov-2007 18:16:26] <Jeremiah-R> hmm I wonder if the table didnt get created for some reason...
[29-Nov-2007 18:16:43] <Akira00> ya, i have the events db
[29-Nov-2007 18:16:50] <Akira00> but no detail table
[29-Nov-2007 18:16:51] <Jeremiah-R> is the details table in that db?
[29-Nov-2007 18:16:53] <Jeremiah-R> hmm
[29-Nov-2007 18:17:08] <Akira00> reinstall?
[29-Nov-2007 18:17:36] <Jeremiah-R> table structure looks pretty simple, maybe you could add it?
[29-Nov-2007 18:18:01] <Akira00> where would i get the sql?
[29-Nov-2007 18:18:12] <Akira00> i can try that...
[29-Nov-2007 18:18:22] <Jeremiah-R> you have phpmyadmin or anything?
[29-Nov-2007 18:18:34] <Akira00> i'm thinking i won't be able to get rid of these events though
[29-Nov-2007 18:18:47] <Akira00> i'm not able to 'acknowledge' them
[29-Nov-2007 18:18:54] <Jeremiah-R> hmm
[29-Nov-2007 18:19:37] <Akira00> i only set it up yesterday so a reinstall isn't a big deal
[29-Nov-2007 18:19:55] <Akira00> what's the best (cleanest) way to remove zenoss?
[29-Nov-2007 18:19:58] <Jeremiah-R> if it was me I would try adding the table but if it is new and doesnt have anything loaded re-install might be a better idea in the long run.
[29-Nov-2007 18:20:16] <Jeremiah-R> not sure, check manual?
[29-Nov-2007 18:24:36] <Akira00> hmm i'll check it out thanks
[29-Nov-2007 18:24:42] <Akira00> otherwise i'll just use rpm -e
[29-Nov-2007 18:25:12] <Jeremiah-R> that should work
[29-Nov-2007 18:25:21] <Akira00> and drop the db
[29-Nov-2007 18:26:03] <Jeremiah-R> yeah
[29-Nov-2007 18:37:07] <progma> yup that should work
[29-Nov-2007 18:39:49] <MoreDakka> can anyone tell me why the command /usr/local/zenoss/libexec/check_ping -H -w100,80% -c500,100% -p20 | sed 's/, RTA =/ RTA=/;s/ loss = / |loss=/' times out? It's only 20 packets but zencommand says it times out but if I run it at the command prompt it runs no problem (takes 20 seconds like it should with 20 pings)
[29-Nov-2007 18:41:00] <Jeremiah-R> host is all 0s so it doesnt work?
[29-Nov-2007 18:41:45] <MoreDakka> Sorry. will = the ip I should be pinging
[29-Nov-2007 18:42:27] <Jeremiah-R> oh, um
[29-Nov-2007 18:44:11] <Jeremiah-R> when you run it at the command line you are running as the same user zenoss is running as?
[29-Nov-2007 18:44:31] <MoreDakka> yep.
[29-Nov-2007 18:44:48] <Jeremiah-R> is your path correct?
[29-Nov-2007 18:44:59] <MoreDakka> If I lower the amount of pings then it runs no problem (example -p5 or -p1).
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:08] <Jeremiah-R> and zCommandPath is correct?
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:19] <MoreDakka> But with -p20 times out.
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:30] <Jeremiah-R> ah
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:45] <MoreDakka> is there a certain amount of time that zencommand will let a command run before timing it out?
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:45] <Jeremiah-R> aha
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:48] <Jeremiah-R> increase zCommandCommandTimeout
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:51] <Jeremiah-R> default is 15
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:51] <MoreDakka> ah
[29-Nov-2007 18:45:56] <MoreDakka> that would make sense.
[29-Nov-2007 18:46:40] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[29-Nov-2007 18:46:49] <MoreDakka> How do I increase the time out?
[29-Nov-2007 18:47:05] <Jeremiah-R> it is under zProperties
[29-Nov-2007 18:47:24] <Jeremiah-R> change for /Device or more specific if you dont want it for all devices
[29-Nov-2007 18:48:21] <MoreDakka> is zCommandCycleTime in seconds or minutes?
[29-Nov-2007 18:48:31] <MoreDakka> I'm assuming seconds since it's 60
[29-Nov-2007 18:48:44] <Jeremiah-R> I think sec but sure on that one.
[29-Nov-2007 18:49:05] <Jeremiah-R> and manual doesnt specify
[29-Nov-2007 18:49:09] <MoreDakka> I'm trying to get zenoss to essentially ping endlessly with that command and give me packet loss reports.
[29-Nov-2007 18:49:39] <Jeremiah-R> hmmm
[29-Nov-2007 18:49:42] <MoreDakka> So with that script I was going to set it to ping 60 times and repeat the command every minute.
[29-Nov-2007 18:50:04] <Jeremiah-R> give it a try, set timeout to 60 and cycle time to 60 and see what happens
[29-Nov-2007 18:51:21] <MoreDakka> I'm going to set the command time out to 70 seconds in case there is one or two packets lost it won't time out the command and still return results
[29-Nov-2007 18:51:52] <Jeremiah-R> yeah see what happens
[29-Nov-2007 18:52:11] <klinstifen> isn't there already at ping-response graph/report out there?
[29-Nov-2007 18:52:16] <klinstifen> i have one running
[29-Nov-2007 18:52:36] <Jeremiah-R> dont think so I had to make mine with check_ping
[29-Nov-2007 18:53:10] <Jeremiah-R> the last I heard I thought that was an upcoming feature
[29-Nov-2007 18:53:34] <klinstifen> wait...cuz i have one..err i made it through some forum posting i think
[29-Nov-2007 18:53:48] <Jeremiah-R> yeah same here
[29-Nov-2007 18:54:11] <klinstifen> oh ok...nm then
[29-Nov-2007 18:54:20] <klinstifen> i thought you were starting completely from scratch
[29-Nov-2007 18:54:45] <Jeremiah-R> I think this is a modification of that code
[29-Nov-2007 18:54:51] <klinstifen> gotcha
[29-Nov-2007 18:56:32] <Jeremiah-R> back to my original question, does anyone else's availability work? mine always shows 100% no matter what.
[29-Nov-2007 18:56:45] <klinstifen> mine works
[29-Nov-2007 18:57:02] <Jeremiah-R> geez it is just me then. heh
[29-Nov-2007 18:57:07] <klinstifen> gota router that says 99.808%
[29-Nov-2007 18:57:41] <klinstifen> what are you tracking the availability of?
[29-Nov-2007 18:58:01] <Jeremiah-R> a few routers, switches, server
[29-Nov-2007 18:58:23] <Jeremiah-R> I can unplug a switch leave it all night, come back in the morning and it says availability 100%
[29-Nov-2007 18:59:16] <klinstifen> does that status change when you unplug it?
[29-Nov-2007 18:59:22] <klinstifen> up to down?
[29-Nov-2007 18:59:28] <Jeremiah-R> yeah
[29-Nov-2007 19:00:37] <Jeremiah-R> I have an event saying it is down, and an event when it comes back up, but the availability never changes from 100%
[29-Nov-2007 19:01:28] <klinstifen> do you have zPingMonitorIgnore set to False? isn't that how availability is tracked?
[29-Nov-2007 19:02:34] <klinstifen> cuz actually i have seen what you are describing...i was tired of getting alerts for a dev box being offline (it was down cuz i wasn't using it) so i set all the monitorignores to True and I remember the device being listed as Up(green) and 100% available
[29-Nov-2007 19:04:02] <Jeremiah-R> hmm I;ll check
[29-Nov-2007 19:05:23] <mot> if my zenoss host is running on say,
[29-Nov-2007 19:05:34] <mot> how can i get it to detect all other clients within 35.9.11.* ?
[29-Nov-2007 19:05:39] <mot> (from the web management interface)
[29-Nov-2007 19:06:01] <klinstifen> go to Networks
[29-Nov-2007 19:06:11] <klinstifen> click on your 35.9.11.x network
[29-Nov-2007 19:06:21] <klinstifen> click the Subnetworks drop down and select Detect Devices
[29-Nov-2007 19:06:26] <mot> well the think is
[29-Nov-2007 19:06:32] <mot> there is no 35.9.11.x network.
[29-Nov-2007 19:06:46] <mot> under networks, the only thing listed is a subnet at
[29-Nov-2007 19:07:01] <mot> which i'm not sure why it shows up, because is just my gateway
[29-Nov-2007 19:07:40] <mot> when it go to 'add network' it just asks for an ID and i'm not sure what to put exactly - an IP?
[29-Nov-2007 19:07:48] <klinstifen> what if you go to your device's os tab and click on the ip address?
[29-Nov-2007 19:08:12] <mot> OS tab?
[29-Nov-2007 19:08:31] <klinstifen> yeah when you are looking at the status of your zenoss host
[29-Nov-2007 19:08:43] <klinstifen> there is a tab at the top next to status that should say OS
[29-Nov-2007 19:08:50] <klinstifen> err wait...have you added any devices?
[29-Nov-2007 19:09:21] <mot> uh...

[29-Nov-2007 19:09:25] <mot> just localhost
[29-Nov-2007 19:09:29] <mot> i'm running on a virtual host
[29-Nov-2007 19:09:36] <mot> i want to add some other virtual hosts for testing purposes...
[29-Nov-2007 19:12:14] <klinstifen> oh ok...well you can still do it the way you have it now you would add a network and for the id you'd enter
[29-Nov-2007 19:12:36] <klinstifen> then after that click on the subnetworks drop down and select Detect Devices
[29-Nov-2007 19:13:03] <klinstifen> is that network your virtual host network?
[29-Nov-2007 19:13:52] <mot> any reason it's /24 not 13?
[29-Nov-2007 19:16:58] <klinstifen> if it's a class C then it should be 24
[29-Nov-2007 19:17:37] <mot> yea
[29-Nov-2007 19:17:52] <mot> sorry, 35.8 is /13 because i'm at a university and we share a class A
[29-Nov-2007 19:17:55] <klinstifen> it probably got that default network from one of your routes
[29-Nov-2007 19:18:01] <klinstifen> oh
[29-Nov-2007 19:18:03] <mot> that's what it did
[29-Nov-2007 19:18:08] <mot> is the gateway.
[29-Nov-2007 19:18:28] <klinstifen> well you def wouldn't want to discover that ny devices
[29-Nov-2007 19:20:53] <klinstifen> so add that network id with the /24 and then detect devices
[29-Nov-2007 19:21:21] <klinstifen> then you should get a screen that'll scroll down through all the attempts/successes of discovery
[29-Nov-2007 19:24:43] <mot> hmmm
[29-Nov-2007 19:24:49] <mot> it just stopped.
[29-Nov-2007 19:24:53] <mot> it started the "discovery"
[29-Nov-2007 19:24:56] <mot> but discovered nothing =\
[29-Nov-2007 19:27:54] <klinstifen> firewalls?
[29-Nov-2007 19:28:05] <klinstifen> blocking port scans and the like?
[29-Nov-2007 19:28:12] <mot> doubtful.
[29-Nov-2007 19:28:59] <mot> i get the "Executing command blah blah"
[29-Nov-2007 19:29:03] <mot> then: 2007-11-29 19:33:06 INFO zen INFO:zen.ZenDisc:discover network ''
[29-Nov-2007 19:31:51] <klinstifen> is your localhost listed under the device tab?
[29-Nov-2007 19:31:57] <klinstifen> err device list?
[29-Nov-2007 19:34:16] <mot> yep
[29-Nov-2007 19:34:30] <mot> lol, status is "down"
[29-Nov-2007 19:34:48] <mot> also there's an event for localhost
[29-Nov-2007 19:34:53] <mot> eventclass: /Status/Ping
[29-Nov-2007 19:34:57] <mot> sendto error Host localhost and localhost.localdomain are both using ip
[29-Nov-2007 19:36:11] <klinstifen> huh
[29-Nov-2007 19:38:05] <mot> hmm new course of action. what's the easiesy way to manually add device? i.e. a single host to monitor
[29-Nov-2007 19:38:41] <klinstifen> click Add Device at bottom left of screen
[29-Nov-2007 19:38:58] <klinstifen> type in IP, set Detection from SNMP to None and click Save
[29-Nov-2007 19:40:39] <mot> excellent.
[29-Nov-2007 19:40:46] <mot> is there any way i can ping the device from the interface?
[29-Nov-2007 19:55:16] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[29-Nov-2007 20:45:38] <Jeremiah-R> Well aha. Figured out the availability. Zenoss only uses of event status Critical to count against a devices availability.
[29-Nov-2007 20:48:15] <Jeremiah-R> good to know
[29-Nov-2007 20:49:10] Spec is now known as x-spec-t
[29-Nov-2007 21:00:57] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[29-Nov-2007 21:03:01] <PerlStalker> Jeremiah-R: Very good to know.
[29-Nov-2007 21:07:01] <Jeremiah-R> heh I was happy to figure it out.
[29-Nov-2007 21:07:07] Jeremiah-R is now known as Jeremiah-R-AFK
[29-Nov-2007 21:22:19] <MoreDakka> Jeremiah-R: Looks like that ping/sec works with the timeout set to 60+ sec ;-) yay
[29-Nov-2007 21:29:04] <jief-> hello
[29-Nov-2007 21:35:10] <jief-> ive configured a remote node on 2.1.1. All services work fine exept for zenwinmodeler, i get the following error: http://pastebin.ca/802029
[29-Nov-2007 21:35:16] <jief-> anyone knows what this is all about?
[29-Nov-2007 21:35:18] <adytum-bot`> Title: general pastebin - Untitled - post number 802029 (at pastebin.ca)
[29-Nov-2007 22:13:21] Jeremiah-R-AFK is now known as Jeremiah-R
[29-Nov-2007 22:13:31] <Jeremiah-R> Glad to hear it Dakka
[29-Nov-2007 22:16:19] <MoreDakka> Do you know if SNMP or WMI can monitor LUNs in Windows 2000 server?
[29-Nov-2007 22:17:15] <Jeremiah-R> hmm dont know. Not as familiar with Windows.
[29-Nov-2007 22:17:47] <MoreDakka> I've never setup a LUN let alone setup remote monitoring for one :-/
[29-Nov-2007 22:18:41] <Jeremiah-R> Is the info on it available to WMI or SNMP if an agent is running?
[29-Nov-2007 22:20:24] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[29-Nov-2007 22:20:34] <Jeremiah-R> that would be the first step, do an local SNMP walk to WMI query and see if you can get the info. If you can then it should be pretty easy to get it into zenoss
[29-Nov-2007 22:27:20] <jief-> if you add the proper MIBs in Zenoss, you should be able to monitor anything that's SNMP-enabled
[29-Nov-2007 22:27:24] <jief-> by creating a template
[29-Nov-2007 22:27:31] <jief-> for performance graphs
[29-Nov-2007 22:32:33] <rchrch> Would anyone like to help me with a question about custom datasources loading in Zope?
[29-Nov-2007 22:32:52] <MoreDakka> Yeah.l We have the SNMP Informant on the servers but I can't seem to find an oid that will match what I'm looking for. If I had a Capacity and Used size oid for the LUNs then I would be ok.
[29-Nov-2007 22:33:23] <jief-> i dont get why we need snmp informant for windows
[29-Nov-2007 22:33:50] <jief-> im pretty sure i could graph ram/page files with cacti with only snmp enabled on a windows box
[29-Nov-2007 22:34:17] <Akira00> say i've added a device to /Groups/ABC and it has an event.. Is the dashboard supposed to show the event in 'Device Issues' and 'Root Ogranizers'?
[29-Nov-2007 22:34:36] <Akira00> right now i'm getting orange in the 'Root Organizer' but nothing in the 'Device Issues'
[29-Nov-2007 22:35:19] <Akira00> and i have a different event that shows red in the 'Device Issues' but the group is green in 'Root Organizers'
[29-Nov-2007 22:43:18] <Jeremiah-R> should show it in any view that contains that device
[29-Nov-2007 22:47:20] <Akira00> that's what i thought
[29-Nov-2007 22:47:55] <Akira00> could it be because the events happened before i added the device to the group?
[29-Nov-2007 22:50:08] <Jeremiah-R> oh yeah they dont move once they come in.
[29-Nov-2007 22:53:51] <Akira00> ya that was it.. got it working now, thanks
[29-Nov-2007 22:58:19] <rchrch> Does anyone have a moment for a Zope + Datasource question?
[29-Nov-2007 23:01:25] <Jeremiah-R> time for a question but I'm not so good with custom datasources.
[29-Nov-2007 23:01:39] <rchrch> This might fall into a general Zope question, not sure where the issue is.
[29-Nov-2007 23:01:59] <rchrch> I have a custom datasource, I can add it, great, that works. I can view the edit page and it correctly shows the default values for the datasource members.
[29-Nov-2007 23:02:05] <rchrch> So far so good.
[29-Nov-2007 23:02:12] <rchrch> But when I click Save, I get this error:
[29-Nov-2007 23:02:17] <rchrch> An error was encountered while publishing this resource. The requested resource does not exist.
[29-Nov-2007 23:02:45] <rchrch> I can't find any significant difference in the skin or in the datasource code. To me it looks as though it may as well be copied verbatim from the examples.
[29-Nov-2007 23:02:49] <rchrch> Any ideas?
[29-Nov-2007 23:04:02] <Jeremiah-R> hmm, nothing coming to mind, a bit outside of what I have done with Zenoss so far...
[29-Nov-2007 23:04:09] <rchrch> Ah, oh well.
[29-Nov-2007 23:04:31] <rchrch> It's the thought that counts ... somewhat

[29-Nov-2007 23:04:52] <Jeremiah-R> hah not so helpful though
[29-Nov-2007 23:05:56] <Jeremiah-R> any other errors around that? give any other info?
[29-Nov-2007 23:06:14] <rchrch> Nope, it's a pretty unhelpful page. It shows the POST variables and values and they're all as expected.
[29-Nov-2007 23:06:35] <rchrch> I was thinking I might expect an error like that if the datasource didn't define a zmanage_editProperties method, but sure enough, it does.
[29-Nov-2007 23:07:02] <rchrch> I tried enabling more verbose logging inside Zope but the logs don't show much
[29-Nov-2007 23:13:48] <rchrch> Basically the GET request for the datasource path succeeds, but when I try to POST back properties to it, I get a 404.
[29-Nov-2007 23:14:17] <Jeremiah-R> hmmm checked the developer's guide?
[29-Nov-2007 23:14:28] <rchrch> Yep, read every doc I can get my hands on ...
[29-Nov-2007 23:21:14] <Jeremiah-R> bleh
[29-Nov-2007 23:21:39] <Jeremiah-R> what kind of datasource are you trying to add?
[29-Nov-2007 23:21:53] <rchrch> It's a simple extension of RRDDataSource.RRDDataSource
[29-Nov-2007 23:22:18] <rchrch> Really not that much different than the example (obviously someone like myself who can't even get this to work wouldn't stray far from the example)
[29-Nov-2007 23:26:12] <Jeremiah-R> hmm, yeah outside of my scope so far. I'll have to play around with that.
[29-Nov-2007 23:40:49] <rchrch> Well thanks J-R
[29-Nov-2007 23:48:31] <Jeremiah-R> wish I could help more
[29-Nov-2007 23:56:03] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[29-Nov-2007 23:58:09] <rchrch> Hmm, just tried raising an exception from within zmanage_editProperties, and it didn't change anything. The method isn't being called at all.
[29-Nov-2007 23:58:42] <Jeremiah-R> heh
[30-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [disconnected at Fri Nov 30 00:00:14 2007]
[30-Nov-2007 00:00:14] [connected at Fri Nov 30 00:00:14 2007]
[30-Nov-2007 00:00:16] [zenoss-logger (logger bot) has joined #zenoss]
[30-Nov-2007 00:35:26] <rchrch> Well, I got a stack trace out of Zope ... a problem traversing the object hierarchy, it suddenly can't find my datasource when I POST to it.
[30-Nov-2007 00:41:16] <rchrch> Haha.
[30-Nov-2007 00:41:18] <rchrch> I found the problem.
[30-Nov-2007 00:41:47] <rchrch> Inside: /opt/zenoss/lib/python/ZPublisher/BaseRequest.py I found this helpful comment:
[30-Nov-2007 00:42:10] <rchrch> "# Ensure that the object has a docstring, or that the parent
[30-Nov-2007 00:42:10] <rchrch> # object has a pseudo-docstring for the object. Objects that
[30-Nov-2007 00:42:10] <rchrch> # have an empty or missing docstring are not published.
[30-Nov-2007 00:42:10] <rchrch> "
[30-Nov-2007 00:42:28] <rchrch> So I added a docstring to zmanage_editProperties() and now it works.
[30-Nov-2007 00:43:25] <rchrch> Quite a gotcha.
[30-Nov-2007 00:45:37] <Jeremiah-R> aha also good to know
[30-Nov-2007 01:07:39] <rchrch> Well, this was fun. Have a good night, all.
[30-Nov-2007 03:02:11] daMoosh is now known as Bulwinkle
[30-Nov-2007 04:37:18] <Jeremiah-R> So this is odd, anyone ever had trouble installing the HelloWorld zenpack?
[30-Nov-2007 04:46:44] <Jeremiah-R> or more specifically getting this error when doing so?
[30-Nov-2007 04:46:52] <Jeremiah-R> zExceptions.BadRequest: Id limit is invalid or duplicate
[30-Nov-2007 05:03:50] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[30-Nov-2007 05:03:56] Tino is now known as Tinozaure
[30-Nov-2007 05:26:06] <adytum-bot`> New Blog/News Feed: Advogato blog for oubiwann - Twisted AJAX/COMET Tutorial Pre-release - 09 Nov, 06:04PM
[30-Nov-2007 05:26:07] <adytum-bot`> http://www.advogato.org/person/oubiwann/diary.html?start=160
[30-Nov-2007 08:20:09] _Snoop` is now known as SnoopAway
[30-Nov-2007 08:20:09] SnoopAway is now known as Snoop`
[30-Nov-2007 09:58:49] maxtelecom is now known as Maxtelecom2
[30-Nov-2007 09:58:55] <Maxtelecom2> anybody there ?
[30-Nov-2007 09:59:54] <Maxtelecom2> nobody ???
[30-Nov-2007 10:22:14] <Snoop``> pretty silent today?
[30-Nov-2007 10:22:18] <Snoop``> how come?!
[30-Nov-2007 10:22:25] <Snoop``> anybody alive in mIRC land? :-)
[30-Nov-2007 10:51:17] <Snoop``> Hej - Does anyone know if zenoss supports RMON?
[30-Nov-2007 11:06:51] Tinozaure is now known as Tino
[30-Nov-2007 15:04:01] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[30-Nov-2007 16:19:40] * shibby is back (gone 534:14:11)
[30-Nov-2007 17:40:19] <klinstifen> got a quick qest about command data sources
[30-Nov-2007 17:40:33] <klinstifen> when generating the output for a datapoint to grap
[30-Nov-2007 17:40:50] <klinstifen> why do you have to include a pipe (|) before the variable name?
[30-Nov-2007 17:47:35] <klinstifen> i've seen a couple templates where the output has some text preceeding the pipe
[30-Nov-2007 17:47:45] <klinstifen> like "status OK"
[30-Nov-2007 17:48:02] <klinstifen> anyone got a link that explains this syntax
[30-Nov-2007 17:48:03] <klinstifen> ?
[30-Nov-2007 18:04:36] <rchrch> Anyone have a moment for a quick custom datasource question?
[30-Nov-2007 18:07:23] <kgoedtel> it helps to write the question so people can answer it
[30-Nov-2007 18:07:34] <rchrch> Good point.
[30-Nov-2007 18:07:42] <rchrch> From ZenHub.log:
[30-Nov-2007 18:07:45] <rchrch> AttributeError: 'OtmUrlDataSource' object has no attribute '__of__'
[30-Nov-2007 18:08:07] <rchrch> Occurs just after getDataSourceCommands()
[30-Nov-2007 18:08:29] <kgoedtel> what kind of custom data source is it?
[30-Nov-2007 18:08:40] <rchrch> It extends RRDDataSource and implements getCommand
[30-Nov-2007 18:08:44] <rchrch> Should run under ZenCommand
[30-Nov-2007 18:09:09] <rchrch> Very similar to HttpMonitorDataSource
[30-Nov-2007 18:15:33] <rchrch> Full traceback: http://rchrch.pastebin.com/m2e5ec39e
[30-Nov-2007 18:15:41] <adytum-bot`> Title: rchrch private pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at rchrch.pastebin.com)
[30-Nov-2007 18:53:48] FuL|OUT is now known as fulgas
[30-Nov-2007 18:59:58] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk
[30-Nov-2007 19:06:04] <Akira00> hi got a question.. /Status/Ping says my server is down xxxx.com ip x.x.x.x is down
[30-Nov-2007 19:06:12] <Akira00> but i can ping x.x.x.x fine from the machine zenoss is running on
[30-Nov-2007 19:06:30] <Akira00> 888 count for this event
[30-Nov-2007 19:06:33] <Akira00> any ideas?
[30-Nov-2007 19:37:26] <mot> question guys
[30-Nov-2007 19:37:43] <mot> if i execute snmpwalk -v1 -cpublic a.b.c.d system from zenoss, it says no response.
[30-Nov-2007 19:37:56] <mot> however, if i'm ssh'ed into that actual system and execute snmpwalk -v1 -cpublic localhost system
[30-Nov-2007 19:38:04] <mot> it lists all of the currently effected MIBs..
[30-Nov-2007 19:38:14] <mot> anybody know why it won't work when zenoss does it remotely?
[30-Nov-2007 19:44:34] <Akira00> firewall?
[30-Nov-2007 19:45:17] <mot> none
[30-Nov-2007 19:45:24] <mot> this is all internal testing
[30-Nov-2007 19:46:04] <klinstifen> because you haven't configured snmpd to allow remote connections
[30-Nov-2007 19:46:35] <klinstifen> or if it's a windows box...you haven't granted the public community read access
[30-Nov-2007 19:47:18] <klinstifen> Akira00: can you ping the box from the Zenoss webpage commands?
[30-Nov-2007 19:48:02] <klinstifen> mot: is the system you are trying to walk a linux or windows box?
[30-Nov-2007 19:48:14] <Akira00> ya looks like i can
[30-Nov-2007 19:48:45] <Akira00> PING xxx (xxx) 56(84) bytes of data.
[30-Nov-2007 19:48:45] <Akira00> 64 bytes from xxx: icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=83.0 ms
[30-Nov-2007 19:48:45] <Akira00> 64 bytes from xxx: icmp_seq=2 ttl=48 time=86.6 ms
[30-Nov-2007 19:48:59] <Akira00> 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1000ms
[30-Nov-2007 19:49:48] <Akira00> i have errors like this in my zenping.log
[30-Nov-2007 19:50:01] <Akira00> 2007-11-30 11:30:52 WARNING zen.ZenStatus: device 'localhost' network 'default' not in topology
[30-Nov-2007 19:50:32] <Akira00> 2007-11-30 11:30:52 WARNING zen.ZenStatus: device 'XXX.com' network 'X.X.X.X/29' not in topology
[30-Nov-2007 19:51:08] <mot> klinstifen, linux
[30-Nov-2007 19:51:10] <klinstifen> what if you remove that network?
[30-Nov-2007 19:51:39] <klinstifen> if it's not in the topology...kinda sounds like it is misconfigured
[30-Nov-2007 19:51:46] <Akira00> 2007-11-30 11:30:52 CRITICAL zen.ZenPing: ZenPing 'fulloutsidename.com' not found,ignoring network topology
[30-Nov-2007 19:52:01] <klinstifen> aren't you the guy who had a Class A univ IP that was assigned to the gateway's network?
[30-Nov-2007 19:52:21] <mot> yeep
[30-Nov-2007 19:52:35] <mot> but i'm working off of a development box behind ye olde firewall
[30-Nov-2007 19:52:39] <mot> intranet, not internet.
[30-Nov-2007 19:52:40] <klinstifen> mot, sounds like snmpd.config is missing the section that allows remote connections
[30-Nov-2007 19:53:01] <klinstifen> so localhost works fine (allowed by default)
[30-Nov-2007 19:53:03] <mot> hmm i don't have snmpd.conf setup, i only setup snmptrapd.conf
[30-Nov-2007 19:53:37] <klinstifen> i think you need that...
[30-Nov-2007 19:53:44] <klinstifen> did you run the snmp config?
[30-Nov-2007 19:53:50] <mot> yea, for snmptrapd
[30-Nov-2007 19:55:21] <Akira00> klin: should i browse by networks and remove the subnetworks?
[30-Nov-2007 19:55:40] <klinstifen> right..but, er my undestanding is that snmp traps are separate than the OID's
[30-Nov-2007 19:55:50] <klinstifen> you can configure them to behave different
[30-Nov-2007 19:56:05] <klinstifen> send traps to boxC and give boxA access to OIDs
[30-Nov-2007 19:56:24] <klinstifen> i used this to configure snmp:
[30-Nov-2007 19:56:26] <klinstifen> http://www.zenoss.com/community/docs/install-guides/install-on-ubuntu-7.04/
[30-Nov-2007 19:56:40] <adytum-bot`> Title: Zenoss - Install on Ubuntu 7.04 - Open Source Application, Server, and Network Management (at www.zenoss.com)
[30-Nov-2007 19:56:45] <klinstifen> Akira00, i would just remove the problematic network
[30-Nov-2007 19:57:03] <klinstifen> it was found during your install, right? it was probably grabbed from one of your routes
[30-Nov-2007 19:57:58] <klinstifen> there is a post in teh forums about clearing networks and rediscovering them based upon the installed NICs
[30-Nov-2007 19:58:02] <klinstifen> lemme see if I can find it
[30-Nov-2007 19:58:52] <klinstifen> mot, so you need to setup snmpd.conf to allow snmpwalks
[30-Nov-2007 19:59:50] <klinstifen> Akira00, here it is:
[30-Nov-2007 19:59:52] <klinstifen> http://community.zenoss.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3758&highlight=discover+interfaces
[30-Nov-2007 20:00:08] <adytum-bot`> Title: Forums :: View topic - Network Lists and IP Routes with Summarization (at community.zenoss.com)
[30-Nov-2007 20:00:22] <mot> klinstifen, how do i do that?
[30-Nov-2007 20:00:31] <klinstifen> maybe that will setup your networks based on the NICs' IP
[30-Nov-2007 20:00:37] <mot> snmpconf is pretty....obscure, to me.
[30-Nov-2007 20:00:40] <klinstifen> go to that link i posted
[30-Nov-2007 20:00:51] <klinstifen> it's for Ubuntu...but it walks through the config of snmp
[30-Nov-2007 20:02:47] <mot> i don't get it.
[30-Nov-2007 20:02:57] <mot> that's showing how to install ssh and stuffin ubuntu
[30-Nov-2007 20:03:06] <klinstifen> oh yeah you're right
[30-Nov-2007 20:03:06] <mot> the only "snmp setup" it talks about is "hey, run snmpconf"
[30-Nov-2007 20:03:07] <klinstifen> my bad
[30-Nov-2007 20:03:09] <mot> heh.
[30-Nov-2007 20:04:40] <Akira00> klin: thanks for the tip! I think that's my problem
[30-Nov-2007 20:04:54] <klinstifen> Akira00, welcome
[30-Nov-2007 20:05:08] <klinstifen> mot, run snmpconf from within /etc/snmp
[30-Nov-2007 20:05:11] <klinstifen> it will walk you through it
[30-Nov-2007 20:05:35] <klinstifen> here's another link:
[30-Nov-2007 20:05:35] <klinstifen> http://community.zenoss.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=6777
[30-Nov-2007 20:07:27] PS-afk is now known as PerlStalker
[30-Nov-2007 20:10:56] <Akira00> klin: have a question about the link you sent me
[30-Nov-2007 20:10:59] <Akira00> it says to You can simply delete all of the networks in
[30-Nov-2007 20:10:59] <Akira00> the Networks screen, then remodel all interfaces first, then all
[30-Nov-2007 20:10:59] <Akira00> routing tables by doing to following:
[30-Nov-2007 20:11:25] <Akira00> how do i "remodel all interfaces" first?
[30-Nov-2007 20:12:12] <Akira00> does it mean to go Dropdown->Manage->Model Device ?
[30-Nov-2007 20:13:19] <klinstifen> nah, it's the actual command that you will run
[30-Nov-2007 20:13:37] <klinstifen> see how it says collect InterfaceMap and then there is a semi-colon and then collect RouteMap
[30-Nov-2007 20:14:10] <klinstifen> that's the "remodel all interfaces" then "routing tables"
[30-Nov-2007 20:14:50] <Akira00> ah gotcha
[30-Nov-2007 20:14:54] <Akira00> thanks
[30-Nov-2007 20:16:17] <klinstifen> np
[30-Nov-2007 21:13:14] <klinstifen> need some help with a command datasource. anyone available?
[30-Nov-2007 21:14:57] <MoreDakka> Can anyone tell me why zencommand isn't processing the command that I've put into a template and have 3 devices that it should be processing?
[30-Nov-2007 21:16:43] <klinstifen> sounds like the problem i am having
[30-Nov-2007 21:16:58] <klinstifen> does yours run if you do a zencommand run -d devicename -v10?
[30-Nov-2007 21:21:44] <klinstifen> MoreDakka, did you make your command or are you using one of the buil-in ones?
[30-Nov-2007 21:23:34] <MoreDakka> made a command
[30-Nov-2007 21:23:44] <klinstifen> ditto
[30-Nov-2007 21:24:02] <MoreDakka> << /opt/zenoss/libexec/check_ping -H ${device/manageIp} -w100,80% -c500,100% -p1 | sed 's/, RTA = / RTA=/;s/ loss = / |loss=/' >>
[30-Nov-2007 21:24:40] <MoreDakka> When I first implemented the command zencommand ran a delete for some reason and it hasn't run since that.
[30-Nov-2007 21:26:01] <klinstifen> did you try restarting zencommand daemon?
[30-Nov-2007 21:32:35] <MoreDakka> Yeah and all of zenoss too.
[30-Nov-2007 21:34:24] <klinstifen> hmm well i think my problem is that my command isn't being listed in the schedule
[30-Nov-2007 21:34:30] <klinstifen> when i open the log for zencommand
[30-Nov-2007 21:34:34] <klinstifen> it says there are 10 commands
[30-Nov-2007 21:34:43] <klinstifen> that number doesn't change when i add my command
[30-Nov-2007 21:35:21] <klinstifen> it changes if i had the WindowsWMIDevice template tho
[30-Nov-2007 21:35:38] <klinstifen> so for some reason my command isn't in the schedule and not running...at least that's what it looks like
[30-Nov-2007 21:36:05] <klinstifen> i can manually run it through zencommand -r -v10 without errors
[30-Nov-2007 21:36:09] <MoreDakka> ^^ Exactly mine as well.
[30-Nov-2007 21:36:18] <klinstifen> odd
[30-Nov-2007 21:36:19] <MoreDakka> except I have 7 commands
[30-Nov-2007 21:36:21] <MoreDakka> ;-)
[30-Nov-2007 21:43:55] <MoreDakka> The odd part is. I have the same command and the same setup in our production box which is v1.1.1 and it runs flawlessly.
[30-Nov-2007 21:45:39] <klinstifen> that is odd
[30-Nov-2007 21:56:04] <klinstifen> MoreDakka, if you find a solution please let me know
[30-Nov-2007 21:56:16] <MoreDakka> Yeah same with you.
[30-Nov-2007 22:36:12] <rchrch> Does anyone know what the __of__() function is used for inside Zope?
[30-Nov-2007 23:22:41] fulgas is now known as FuL|OUT
[30-Nov-2007 23:23:18] <Bulwinkle> anyone here?
[30-Nov-2007 23:58:13] PerlStalker is now known as PS-afk